The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 12, 1931, Page 2, Image 2

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!- !" "I' - .t .11. ! ) .. , . m i.. i ' . I!' ' . I ' .
Letters Written Years . ago
About 130 Delegates due to
Arrive Monday iMorn
For Convention
' i ; C Continued from page 1)
principal speaker at this banquet.
Secretary Fere
To Arrange Plans
Officers of the State Federation
of Labor are: , William Cooper,
streetcar workers union. Port
land. 9 resident; and Ben T, Os
borne; Portland, executive secre
tary. " . "
' Osborne arrived In the city yes
terday to supervise final prepara
tions for the conyentionJ He will ,
meet' Sunday night with members
of; the. exeentlve -board from the
eight state districts.
Members of the local conven
tion committee are: ; M, Clifford
Moynlhan, member of the Journey-1
men barbers' local, cnairman;
Frank Marshall: Clarence Town
send, barbers; Roy Glover, caltn-i
ary workers, and William Entrees,
'engineers. :- - .' - "
. Tno Hotel Senator Is designated
as i the official convention head- i
quarters. : . -
IliilKE llffi IS-
,. , (Continued from pas 1)
i . comprises Yamhill and Polk coun
ties, and served until 127. While
fce was circuit Judge, only one of
;'.tils eases vas reversed by the su
' preme court. :
! Desnite his advanced age. Judge
! Ramsey la still active in the prac-
lice of law and mainUIns regular
Annr. at nla office each day. He
has a remarkable memory and fre
" ejuently regales his friends with
ntories of his career and work,
covering the 3 years of his prac
tice in Oregor, of, which he has
' spent 57 in Yamhill county- He is
' often called in to confer with his
: brother lawyers on the fine rolnts
'of law on which he is well inform
I'ed. On each Christmas day he and
:, his family gathe at the home here
t' where they quietly celebrate his
" birthday anniversao-This Christ
nas Judge Ramsey will have pass-
i ed his 85th birthday anniversary.
Judge Ramsey has been married
twice Trnf first wife died in 182.
irried Julia L. Snyder In
He has five children, two
L. Snyder In
: sons and three daughters.
i oldest son Is CoL P. A. Ramsey
tor the United States marines, of
Washington, D. C., and the other
!1 the. Very Rev. Horace M. Ram
ey, M.A.D.D.. jlean of St Ste
iphen'S pro-Cathedral, Portland.
; , The eldest daughter. Miss Nel
Jile Ramsey, has been, matron of
1 the state hospital here for nearly
MA van init thft TAnnrMt. Miss
-Margaret Ramsey. M.A., it pro-U.
i feasor of mathematics at Albany
l xollege. Another daaghter, Mrs.
Mary E. Crowe, resides at Dos
Tales, Cat. .
I . - (Continued from nags 1)
f tees and consideration of the
r- r Klamath Falls resolution.
J Today's : morniirg and after-
"to discussion ot ways to better
1 .the status of aa reenters of Ore
. gon and to election and installa
tion of olf leers. i
-f w F. H. Allen, Portland carpen-
; ters' local no. lis, is president
: of the state council, otner oin-
. cers are: C. D. Long, Klamath J
Falls No. 180. Tiee-president; I
: Dari Duff, Portland o. n-zsv, j
t secretary-treasurer; and district!
representatives: A.rL.-icndnsxi, j
Portland; L. Peterson, Astoria; j
Edward Kammerer. uorvams; .
D. Long. Klamath Falls: G. H.
Baker, Bend, and Alex Manning,
Pendleton. v 1
.. a number of the state council
delegates will remain over to at
tend the convention next week of
-the state-federation ot labor.
S Osborne Trial
;l Set Wednesday
T r I-""' J. I
if! JbOCcU fOUTX I
' Krerfrtt Oaharna. ll-TMr old
hop field worker held In justice f
court on tho charge of contribut
ur on me cnarge ox coniriDui-
nesday at p. m. Martin Ferrey.
named as counsel by Justice Hay-
den, will defend Osborne. The
latter was unable yesterday to
raise 8750 ball and thus Is being
held In Jail. I
Leo Belegarde, 19-year old In- j
dian lad arrested the name day
near Liberty, waived a prellmln-
ary, hearing after pleading gull-
ty. and was bound orer to. the
.grand i Jury.' - Unahle to tnrnish
bail he. too, is reposing in the
county JalL
Building Total
. Makes Further
Gain on Friday
. i
) the
The building permit total tor
e month was jumped n'n 11375
yesterday, when three nermlta
were Issued r.t the city building
inspector s-oiace.-
The largest Job allowed was for
repairing tho warehouse of the
... Oregon Electric railway located at
Front and Center streets. The cost
was, estimated at 11000.
C M. Roberts was granted per
mission to make alterations on a
dwelling at 815 Shipping street,
costing $250. Mrs. Belle DuRette
?will have a dwelling located at
2041 South Church street reiofed
t a cost of 575.
s -i-i. ,.' f -
lj V
i itTim arif
J xhe above photo was takes upon!
bergh mnd his wife la Janan.
above photo wifht the Japanese
nn mil
witn tne idea of locating a-
permaaent camp site for the Che4
meketans. the local walks com
"ee of the hiker's organization;
J"", "f?i!tln5.i!iil
. , ,1 "i, ?lV;j
October 12. into theMt .Jefferi
In . . . . j
springs win oe used as tne oase
for the exploring. Cora Rand!
will be leader for the trip.; j
The next hike for the CbemekeJ
tans will be to the summit of
High Deck, near, on Sep
tember 20, with W. I. McCloud as;
All Chemeketans and theirj
friends have been invited; to the
Burton Crary home for a social
evening nexi aonaay.
Election of members to the ex-4
ecutlre council is slated for Oeto4
ber K. The nominating ; commit
tee includes CMfferd Benson, J
Burton Crary, Geo. N. Fake, Ra
S3 on s. Cheer; Otto Gronke. Wm
M. Hamilton; Edwin M. Hoffnell,
Elsie Holman, Lelia Johnson. Les
ter L. Laws, Gladys D. Miller, Au
gusta Notdorrt. Cora Randle, Bes
sie C- Smith. Flora Turnbull
Richard Upjohn, Lewis Stanley
and Jessie Starr. II
toll ma m
i (-Continued from page 1)
ing that several hundred were In-
blown down, was cleared berk ha4
Ior DM Of a, company's radio
duties was turned-over to the
colonial government of British
Honduras for solicitation of assis4
tn. tn rllf work. I . ;
It wM not ,,11 late that the
(revised estimate of dead was sent
to Miami headquarters of the Pan
. American airways.
BAN JtJANJ Porto Rico. Septi
11 -(AP) San Juan counted
two dead, another slightly Injur
ed and considerable minor proper-
ty damagetoday as sr result of 4
1 Of -mile ah- hour hurricane that
struck last night. -
Although buildings were flood
ed, trees uprooted and public
...... ALi
" J services! paratysea, in
city escaped! a major disaster such
as occurrea nree years ago wuu
a hurricane caused 8100,000.00$
Supply Company
- )npnc i DKnflV
Wt?JJ i ; tiiay
Rooms Tonight
A new : retail! business
will be
formally opened tonight
to 10 o'clock wKen the Wlllamr
ette Valley Supply company will
open its new display room at 548
Ferry street. Tlio company has
hwn t hnalnera In. Salem for 'the
past five years and spent its' ef-
forts in the wholesale electric flr
; ture and - supply business. ? This
: Ronald .
- cer
I E3h0Q(fl i
i " " - ' 1 " - -. -1- t .
v9 :
' i.
t - x-' Vy ;.;::::;-": ;
. ,..-.r, ;
the arrival of Col. Charles A. Land-
Colonel Lindbergh Is shows ia the J
premier. , : , 1
marks Its first maM towarif th
retail field.
Boh" snntmarflAid. nwnor mna I
manrr or th firm h TTtai
a system hy which he can display Jud Latourette! it was shown by
each light fixture In an Individual I Perts that the-date on the Walt
nanei. ruatas tt would b in thlvflll had been altered. The COn-
home Th ABttKA . utM i rnnm I
has been designed so that It can J
ha RM.ii from thm nt-rtt m -t I
sales room has eliminated the
window displays.
(Continued from page l)
In the cell. The . Police described I
him as follows: weight 148 1
pounds, height, live feet, eight
inches; build medium; complex-
ion. fair; eyes, brown: hair. red;
clothes; dark suit;
In making his getaway.: the I
youth left behind his cap, a pack
age ox razor blades, a pocket-
knife, handkerchiefs and a bar
of soap, which, the police- had I
taxen irom mm and aept in the
uiuce. i
The last break Irom the city 1
i.ii . -. . . ... I
u ir m uniei, f raw mu- i
io cobu rwiieci aat nignt, oc-1
curred about four I years . ago.
want iwo men sawea ineir way.
. . - . . 1
out. The bars on the Jail ? win
dows are wrought iron, "soft as
putty". Officer Miller said. "He
might hare- been sawing . away
on them all afternoon. ,The
suuna woim not carry inrouga
the thick, waUs between the cell
and front room of the station."
sound would not carry through
Four Killed in
Eastman Kodak
Plant Explosion
ROCHESTER. N. Y.. Sent. 11 1
(AP) An explosion In the ko-1
dak plant ot the Eastman jKodak I superintendent, when parents re
company here today caused "the J quest them. When the youngsters
death of four men and inlurv of I are found capable of doing the
12 others. One of the ininrod I
Is not expected to live. The ex-1
plosion shook the northern sec
tion of the city.
Quick precautions against fire
following the blast; almost cer
tainly avoided an appalling death
list, investigating officials said.
Highly inflamable gases and ma-
terials, it Ignited. : would- have
hampered the ext of 'the 75 -em
ployes who left the building ia a
near panic.
Policeman Kills
One Bandit But
O ther Slays Him
RENO.Ner., Sept. 11 (AP) I
Ross Peterson, SO-year-old po-l
llceman,. shot and ; killed George I
Welch during" an attempted rob
bery of the Reno high school late
last night and was himself slam
by a second robber who escaped
wounded. Peterson had been sta
tioned in the high school in an
ticipation of a burglary.
Welch was Identified late today
as an ex-convict who had serred
time in the Oregon and Colorado
state penitentiaries.
Moa. - Toes.
Another Charlie
Chan Thriller
i lSun.,-
By Deceased Brought
Up as I Evidence ' -
(Continued from page I)
lawyers whom chararterixed as
"liars and thieves." He Indicated
that he was ' extremelr : - monev-
mlnded, thinking continuously of
safeguarding the propertr he had .
accumulated ana. being penurious
I to tne extent of nrotestinsr a 50
cent eharge made for a notary's
At the trial Moore's aged broth
er la an interested onlooker f as
Is the wife of Berry;, tne Insurance
salesman who was name by
Moore, tbreo- month's before the
tatter's death, aa one ot the heirs.
Concerning the lease, the Banner?
Courier at Oregon r-City where
Judge Latourette heard different
aspects last fall, says:
"All the court records in the
cases tried in Oregon City are. In
rsatem. Tnese Inclnded letters
written by Moore to Mrs. Ennis D.
I Walt of Salem in which he. stat
ed that she would Inherit his for
tune. The wills leaving the es
tate to the Waits and to Jack Bar
ry, dapper young insurance agent
ioi rortiana, are! included.
"As there is some S 8 0.0 00 over
which to fight, with considerable
more that is alleged to hare dla-
anneared from ia rar t.nni
trkv in ri.V k.
ing bitterly contested, as were the
,nu .Kn,, is. r-t .
hwssw w vw s av i buiv a. vsa bUUQ gig
the local court.
Shortly after
the death of his
Moore moved to.
I wife George J.
Clackamas county and made his
home at Clackamas, north of: Ore
gon City, for most of the time
until his death.! He made fre
auent trips to Salem and Port
land. In Salem ho came into con
tact with tho Walts, whom he had
j known while . living on the Mi
ion county ranch. In later years
1 he became acquainted with young
Berry m . Portland. After the
I Of . Mooren both tne Walts
and Berry filed bills leaving the
entire estate 4o each
"In a sensatibnal trial before
tentlon was that the will was
drawn some years preriously, and
that the date had, been "erased and
raiJ,ed- In doclslon filed aome
weeks after the trial Judge La
tourette took the view that this
contention was well founded. The
Judge in his-written decision call
ed attention to Walt's nervous
ness while on ' the stand, and up
r "rnl tV ,;i V f
Thls made Berry) the executor of
held the Berry will to this extent.
the will Instead of the Walts, but
the latter filed notice of appeal to
the state supreme court, and all
the necessary acts have been per-
formed to make this legally pes-
sible. 1
"Before this will contest came
to trial in the local court,, the!
two nieces of George J. Moore 11-
led their suit in Salem; There re-1
mains yet to be heard from a .
brother of the late George
Moore living In (Lincoln county,
wno is preparu, w
noTtj wni. airs. fliwuct ul wiasa- I
imu. t whom- horn Moon lired
mvch of his later years, also has
i. llm In fh form of a mBm-
- - -
owner of the contents of a-certain
..fetr denosit box. Before Mrs,
u,iiui. thf. h ft.
or nart of them wera-
removed to a deposit box in Sil-
verton. Mystery surrounds this
box and its-contents.
r vr f i i
ft 1VC-Y ear-UlUS
Am - -r-i
Are lestea ror
School Entrance
Tests to determine the ability
of kiddies slightly under six years
ot age- to do school work this fall
are being conducted by Mrs.
Mary Fulkerson. county school
work. Mrs. ruiKerson is aomic
ting the students to first grades
In rural- schools In the county.
The children however must reach
their sixth birthday by . February
1. 1932. else Mrs. Fulkerson will
not permit them to enroll. Strict
ly interpreted, the state law; does
not permit youngsters to tsft'to
school until six years ot age.; Mrs
Fulkerson announced yesterday
that parents should maker -ap
pointments at her office for the
admnstraton of tne tests, j ..
PARIS. Sept. 11. (Alt )The
airplane Hyphen II. which took
oft from LeBourget airdrome at
dawn today In the direction of
Tokyo, seeking to establish a new
non - stop distance record,, was last
reported over .Moscow and headed
for Kazan.
Home of 25 C Talkies
Continnons Performance
a to ii p. m.
With Louise Faxenda , .
Edna May OUver, Mitrl Gi-een
t, . - and, Jackie Searl - i
r .- W.
A general Tiew of th erowd which
wppo their arrival. Their: low
(Continued from page 1
All told when- the" drum corps
goes east, as it now seems as-
""rx ii wui, w wm. go wun iae
I cooperative support of . Salem.
Purchased fpr the barbecne which
was in charge of Fod Maison,
Brazier small and Harry Levy
with-the assistance of Cy Bing
ham who did tne barbecuing
and Harry Plant who cut the
meat. At" 9:30 o'clock .people
were stui oetng served food at
the long tables which had been
arranged for the occasion.
Dancing in tne Hangar with &
18 piece orchestra; from Albany,
music from the state legion offi
cial band of Albany, demonstra
tion given by the drum corps
all added up for a successful
benefit to complete the fund
which will make it possible tor
the drum corps to give Oregon
another bit ot advertisement in
the east. t
Smith Revives
Lafiar Action;
Files New-Suit
George Smith renewed his suit
against G. W. Lafiar, both of Sa
lens, here yesterday when he filed
a new- action in circuit court ask-
,n of mis from Laf-
la Thft mttiait -POW out Af
. .Mf n.1
hlgnway Nevember 27. 1929.
elth lms h( reclTed brokei;
U,v. . . A ...
.t" V-.V-.V
He- holds Lafiar. who. wan the
w at .
i t Af
tho BCCident are on the circuit
rTrVg VtAw-f MlAnfli T SS
mumA .... BJ.
COurt reversed the! lower court
verdict and opened Jhe case for a
now trial
f nno'.VD di
t i i i i i i
Your Money . T
'.W 9 M '- U
j I H .wtucn you 'nave woricea nara ior, n i n
and saved for old age safe? II 0
A Livinp; Trust .will provide safe in- ; ' ' -- And thr&vofours? -j;, , ; . I 1 -
vestment and transfer the burden' of 1;v. f -. r;Sj- ". j; . ' - . k ' ;J
responsibUity to us, yet is revocable ' - -', "-j 'f-H" - I ' . !
at your pleasure. j ,. ' '::'-'y"-'' ''' -1- lM'f'
Lacy & Bush Trust Company KEME
I II i-----; III II h i
ill : : . . II I ill ,.
Richard Arlea, PegsT: Shannon, "The Secret Call" ; If-
. rom Sawyer loves Becky!" w
Tomorrow - ' ' ! ''; ''
. tM M 'i
I Hi n ft tLmo J.,iAr . r I i II r
r i V rnnV i v WrmTTM I
n 'V Mitzi Jackie - I
t y;;,-,Jf . GREEJf . SEARL ; ,
- "1" Eugene PALLETTE I
! n " - featured by - I
I II : (J TV It I 1 n XI I III!- WV ' '
linedt tb shores of femOro hay,
winged uoaopuuM maybe seesi 1m
The Call
Board w-
N Today Richard Arlen and
r Peggy Shannon- fn "The
' Secret Call.' r
Today- Lbretta i Young
-. Ronald Colmanr in
Devil to Pay."
Today Mltxl Green, Edna
May Oliver in "Forbidden
Democrats Will
Be Invited For 1
Mrs. Ross Talk
August' Huekesteln, central
mttteeman of the democratic
pwrty in Oregon, and William
DelzelL erstwhile and prospect
ive candidate for the democratic
nomination tor congress, were
busy yesterday afternoon check
ing registration rolls ot demo
crats ia the county, preparatory
to sending invitations to the ral
ly to be held here September 23
when Mrs. Nellie Ross, former
governor of Wyoming, comes to
Salem. -
The two men said that while
the affair was 1 ! primarily -. for
women, a number of . men were
expected to attend and the public
would be admitted to the party
conclave. The meeting will be
held Wednesday night in Nelson
hall. Preceding the gathering an
Informal dinner will" bo held. ?
creased 118 per cent in Montana f .
in the two decades from 1910 toil If
mm a . 11 If --
Japan, to welcome the Undberglts
the ioreground of tho picture. Tby
Intrepid Hunter
Aged Nine is on
! i Trip to States
. ANCHORAGE, Alaska, Sept. 11
i (AP) Moose- and the feared
Alaskan brown -bear hold no ter
ror for, the mighty hunter, nine-year-old
Harry H. Webb, son of
James Watson j Webb, nationally
known American -polo player.. ;
. The boy. sailed tor "the States"
with his family today- after set
ting a boy's record in this region
tor bagging big game. He is-credited
with jtLef season's largest
moose, two bears 'and one moun
tain, ram while; on, hunng ex
pedition in the Lake Tnatmena
district of Kenal peninsula.- . - M
- 4 ; .If.
E-Ball Player f
TakesiOwh Life
VALDOSTA, Ga4 Sept. 11.
(AP C. V. Sittonj of Brunswick.
Ca., former major league baseball
pitcher; was found; shot through
the heart near here, today. A cor
oner's jury said it was suicide, it
SItton, who 15 years ago pitch
ed for Cleveland,- Cincinnati and
St. Louis, was found dead near
the grandstand! at? the old fair
grounds here by a searching party.
111 : ir
In these closinj; days of the free photograph
contest (which this studio has conducted,- we
needj your help !ln returning proofs of the
boys 1 and-girls to the studio. - i
We've been very well pleased with your co
operation . . t and the children, they're love
ly but I to get the pictures all finished and
id the judge's hands by State F&ir time; I .tf
-well, it's a big job and we need your helpf '
So j please -at
. J . 4? $ - i . i't
And thanlcsr-of -course. S
429 Oregon Building i j
4 5
wish our!
a nappy
; If
will be closed for business Sat
urday and Sunday, i :
' t
Hi Steinbock
4 -
Capitol Bargain" House
145 Center Street 1
Boon or Salad : I Meat or Fish ' potatoes
- VeseUbles. Bread end Butter or .Rolls f
" . , Pis or Puddlmjr and Drink
- " ' 1
SEWARD, Alaska. Sept. 11.
(AP) Captain H. Hanson of the
passenger steamer Alaska, here
from Seattle, said today he heard
the motor of ah eastward bound
plane- over his -ship at 11 p. m.
Tuesday about t30 miles offshore
near Litnya ' hay, southeastern
Alaska.-' ; :: .- .- t. l .
. The plane In which Don Moyle
and Cecil Allen were attempting
non-stop, flight : from Samushlro;
Japan, to Seattle would hare been
In that region at that time.
The . captain s statement was
confirmed by, others on the ship.
It was dark and misty' 'and the
sea was fairly ; calm ; when they
said they heard the hum of a plane
overhead. It wis considered im
probable. any Alaskan commercial
plane or other plane was In the
Vicinity at that time. J i !
Tne : report, ; regarded:; as . the
mostu authentic since the fliers
were sighted at Point: Erlmo,
Hokkaido Island, 70 minutes after
their takeoff -from Samushlro
beach at 12:21 p. m. (Pacific
time) Monday, raised hopes that
the" aviators ma, be safe some- ,
where alodg the; coast west ot Ju
neau. They had. no radio.
Melon WatchMr
Loses Gun But
, - Thieves Caught
A - Polk county farmer living
near Wert Salera. lay In, wait last .
night with a shotgun watching
foi; watermelon thieves Who have
been active fn his patch recently. ;
and as a result he was piled upon '
by a' group of five fellows . who
took r his gun away. Later ! the
young men were cornered by
Jehks Simpson,1rWe6t Salem con
stable. - ft s-r.
Two of the men who -were over
21 were lodged In the Dallas jail
and the other three, residents of
Salem, were cited to appear In
court at Dallai today, ;, and : al
lowed to go home after the offi
cers had consulted with John
Carson, Marion county district
attorney. - I "J l!l - I
BOSTON, Sept 11. CAP)
Charles Ponil. i get - rich - quick
schemer of more than a: decade,
ago. must stay - in state's prison
until 1934, the state board of par
ole voted today. I iki
once bring or sen4
III ', m ' I'!,
Sphone 7o30
friends and patrons
and prosperous fMetv
;4 '
3 '-
I f