The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 12, 1931, Page 1, Image 1

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    "v i " '"M''''""i"IM'MMM'"W"",'M'''' ' -f -- - i i - ii ii . mi- mi i
f sp : 7070 : (ifeMWll
' - ' Net pid, daily, Sunday C26 - V-i-" i.-r
! ; ; MSMBBX A. B. O. , - , ' ' . I CJ SSfil r3S5-NWxrS T7, I1jb. 42, Hrer feet,
' " KKjHTY-FIRST YEAR : , j r. S Qre StdurdayWerr iNoS
t , . r - f : ii ' -s -f I .1 . ..... " T - "
1 -
About 130 Delegates due to
"Arrive Monday Uom
- For - Convention : -r
Welcome, Entertainment S
; Planned by Local men; ;
Program not set c v
By 10 o'clock Monday morning,
Salem' will hare 130 or more men
from - all - over : tfre.- stata as ; Its
guests for the week, her to 'at
tend the anntfal conyention of the
Oregon State Federation of Labor. H
This gathering, the melting-pot
for any and all problems of or
ganized labor throufhont the
Bfate, -will last from three to f Ira
daya depending upon the amount
of business brought up by dele
gates and the number of resolu
tions Introduced. il f
- In addition to the' official dele
gates, many of their wires and a
number of visitors . from local
unions will be In the city. v
P.J. A. Boehrlnger,: president
of the Salem . trades and . labor
. council, will open the convention
at that hour In the auditorium of
the Masonic temple, where all ses-
; sions will be held. Mayor P. M.
: Gregory and Henry R. Crawford,
: president of the Salem chamber
of c&mmerce, will welcome ' the
delegates "to the city. Business will
get under way with the presenta
tion of delegates' credentials and
reading of the officers report,
which has already been ; prepared.
Following ; the noor. . recess, '4the
group will again meet from 2 un
til 5 o'clock. The evening , hours
will be given- over to entertain
ment features 'and committee
meetings. ' -
Business Docket
Kot Ready Made -
On the succeeding days conven
tion ; Bessiona wilr be held from
9 to 12 o'clock in thq morning
and from 2 to 5 in the afternoon.
No docket of business is laid out
ahead of" time. Insted matters
-will be handled as rf they are
brought upon: the floor.! The con
tention may last for three days,
or again it may run through Fri
day, as was the case at the; an
nual meet at Med ford last year,
according' to Frank Marshall, ex
ecutive secretary of 'the Salem
trades and labor council.
The entertainment, f program
will Include, a special preview at
the Elsinore theatre on one of the
convention nights, a tour of state
liw tutlons. a trip to Silver Creek
falls, if the weather permits, and
Wednesday night at 7 o'clock a
banquet at the Masonic temple.
Judge Peter DArcy will be the
(Turn to page 2, col. 1) ;
. 'i r . -
Another Storm
Moving Toward :
Haiti, Yarning
HAVANA, Sept. 11 .X- CAP )
Father Gutlerres Lanza of Belen
observatory, this afternoon report
ed a tropical disturbance 60 to 70
miles west of Puerto Plata, Haiti,
moving almost directly westward
at 15 miles an hour.
The disturbance should touch
Oriente province, Cuba, early to
morrow morning, he said, al
though its force probably would
i be diminished in passing over the
! mountains in the western part of
Haiti. : ' - ' ,!
Pan-American Airways reported
planes bound north and south? on
the Miami-Porto Rico route were
held over In Port au Prince and.
Sant Domingo because of high
; rt
Ore., Sept. 11 -(AP)
Former City Attorney R. ;B.
Parsons of Bend ; was - indicted
by the Deschntes county grand
Jury here today on charges of ob
taining money from the city un
der false pretenses and . larceny
by bailee. . ' " ' t i - . ' '
Parsons resigned his position
recently and, shortly afterward
was sought on a warrant charging
him with retaining money tV
him to pay Attorney A. E.- Clark,
Portland, for legal ervice per
formed for the city. H was ar
rested when fc 1 returned to
Bend. ,i
1 1 (AP) Tbe sdgfa of Ag.
naa - SO. D. R CurneTl wa
berp. He had flagged Jtf"
senger train and prevented It
belag wrecKea t Dir.; p
rocks on the track. ;
Twlw rirnell' faced
years tn the state penitentiary. :
He had eonf eased placlns; the
rocks on the track In the hope
the nlbW enspany wouW.;
reward him for the rescwe.. ,
PORTLAND; Ore.. Sept. 11.
( AP) Indictment h a r g 1 n K
nnnntv Cmnmissioner Fred v.
Opposition to
At Carp
Seventh Annual Convention of State Council is
! Opened Here Friday Seek to Convince t
1 ; Public of X-ack of Benefits '
OPPOSITION td wafee cuts was voiced yesterday bx 19
delegate carrjenters who participated in the first ses
sions; of their i two-day seventh annual convention of the
state council of carpenters which were held in Labor hall. "
This sentiment was expressed first in the objectiye of
this -year's convention:, to convince business people that no
. ' , .. , ,,. . . , - ! : -ohenefit will come from 1 reduc
Over 1 500 Patronize Drum
I : Corps Benefit Dance
and Barbecue !
,It was estimated that at least
1500 1 people attended . the dance
and tree barbecue sponsored by
Salem's . American Legion post
Friday I night at the j airport. The
proceeds from the dance and the
percentage given by j Lee Eyerly
on the ! airplane attractions were
expected to maker rip the funds
needed I to complete j the. budget
for Capital post dnim corps to
1 a to Salem September IS for its
trip back to the national legiorfl
convention in Detroit.
Cooperation marked every plan
made by the Legion for the Fri
day night affair j according to
Tom tDelaney, general chairman
for the benefit. Witson - Town
send," chairman : of the aviation
committee of the fcity council
made possible the ins of the air
port grounds; Le Eyerly gave
every; support possible in turning
over his equipment 1 at the -airport
for the use of ! the legion and
gave the added attractions of
night-flying for the guests; Wil
liam ' Gablsdorf snpplied and
made the coffee for the-barbecue;
and the public bought generous
ly of i the tickets forj the dance.
:v (Turn to page 2, coi; 5 )
Sept. 11.-
(AT) Walter Waxerin and Glenn
O. Freeman, Ibotn or
The Dalles,
Ore., were killed and
Mrs. Wager-
ln waa nrobably fatally Injured In
an automobile crash ion the For
est Grove highway east of Cor
nelias tonight. j
whll attemntins-to pass a car.
in wrrtch W.P. Dyke and Tom Dy-
er. Forest Grofe, were namg, tne
Wagerin machine sldeswlped a
wood truck driven by Trank Ry
an, Portland, officers were told.
The car overturned.
Waeerin was killed instantly
"and Freeman died ip an ambu-
lanco bound for a local nospna.
Mrs. Wagerin was taken to a For
est Grove hospital.
lield out slight hope
for her re-
The Waeerins 'were
on their
wv tn Ranks to take
their seven-
year-old daughter home after a
visit with friends.
AUSTIN. Tex., Sep. 11 (API
4 second blow to supporters of
the Long "no-cotton in 19
t-w w-n. utm rk late today when
Gov. R. S. Sterling indicated he
would not approve the cotton hol
iday bill If. passed by tne iexaa
legislature. , '
- Official is Indicted
Ilero" now Faces' prison .
German Charge Dismissed
Evangelist Seeks Parole
German with manslaughter in
is Lamnert. 78.! was dismissed
4odaylly presiding Cjircult Judge
W. A Ekwaii. .xamperi oiea.w
Injuries suffered wien he was
struck by German's automobile.
Trial of German oh the charge
some j time ago j resulted in a
Jury disagreement.
SAN QUENTIN, Cial Sept. 11
(AP): Herbert Wilson, -former
Oregon evangelist who trad
ed his Bible for an automatic and
went out to ; make his own col
lections," including a million-dollar
item from the llnited States
mails, w 11 1 appear tomorrow
mornina before the
state board
of prison terms and
paroles here
to plead for his" release from San
Quentln prison. 1 ,. v .
Wilson is . serving a 1 If e sen
tence i for the murder of" one of
his "confpanlonsi while in Loi An
geles t county JafJ. awaiting .trial
in-l2i. Postal Inspectors hafe
endorsed his petition -for parole.
PORTLAND. Ore..! Sept. 11.
( AP) Pre-convention slons
war f Aoened - here today-by a
group of board members of the
P E. O. aisternooa, fne av.iu ua
Hnnii biennial meeting, of which
win otxn here Tnesday. Special
fMint hoar in r convention oeio-
due Tuesday morning,
XT -
- 79
tions in wages because this ac
tion wUl destroy the craftsmen's
haying power. , it .was -given fur
ther emphasis In the terras of a
resolution: which , th carpenters
passed, yesterday. The Klamath
Falls delegate requested, and Ve
ceived in resolution form, the
backing of . the sUt council in
urging crVle authorities of that
euy, to atop their practice "of not
paying prevailing wages on civic
projects, t v 1 ;i y
At the opening sessions, of the
carpenters' meet yesterday morn
ing Mayor P. M. . Gregory wel
comed the delegates to the city
and Frank Marshall
mem on behalf of
Trades and Labor
the! Salem
council, of
waicii he la executive seeretarv
Chief business of Ihe day includ
ed examination of 'delegates' cre
dentials, appointment of eommit-
- (Turn to page J, coL 1)
Letters Written Years ago
By Deceased Brought
. Up as Evidence
The legal battle being waged
in Judge Gall s. Hill's court here
over rse.OOO to. 100,000 worth
of property left by the late George
J.- Moore dragged oh through Fri
day with little indication-the tes
timony would all be In for several
days. The plaintiffs case has not
been ended and the defense has
not said how long its testimony
would take. Grace Rebecca Tay
lor of Brooklyn, New York, con
tinued on the stand throughout
yesterday,, lawyers for the plain
tiffs succeeding in getting her to
Identify a number of letters
Moore had written '.her -many
years ago concerning , property
they each owned, j j
The plaintiffs i contend that
Moore had an agreement with his
wife that after the death of the
two of them, the property would
go to the three nieces. Instead
when Moore's will was probated
in Clackamas county last fall, Mr.
and Mrs. Ennls D. Wait of Salem
and Jack Berry, a Portland Insur
ance agent, claimed the property
was left to them Under a will
signed by Moore. I,
In the hearing yesterday, .sever
al of Moore's letters referred to
, (Turn to page 2, col. 4)
MINEOLA, N. T., Sept, 11
(AP) Minute study of clews,
hours of patient questioning and
painful reenactment of a tragic
scene on board the yatcht Pen
guin failed . to bring a ; solution
today of the Long Island pirate
mystery in which Benjamin P.
Collins, wealthy Stamford, Conn.,
man, is missing, k
The day, brought acceptance of
the story told by his wife, Mrs.
Lillian Collins; and announce
ment from District Attorney Elvln
N. Edwards of Nassau ; county
that, "fantastic as it seems," he
believed It. :---v".i:
Late in the day, after Mrs. Col
lins had been grilled for, nearly
eight hours,, Edwards issued ' a
long . statement outlining again
the story Mrs. Collins had told.
' "I am inclined to believe that
murder was committed,", he said.
Gregory Agrees
To Sign Health
Fund Warrants
Mayor P. M. Gregory yesterday
afternoon reversed; his position, of
Tuesday night and. said he would
this year sign - warrants : to the
total of $8000 for, Marion county
health work as authorised in the
19 SI city bod get. The mayor said
he made his decision after read
ing a formal opinion given by City
Attorney-Trtndle Which said the
mayor had no authority to with
hold the payment since the coun
cil had approved , the budget in a
legal manner, i.' i
The mayor said he had not read
the letter until , Thursday j of this
week although It was dated 'Aug-
ust zo. Triudie saia tne opinion
was at his office waiting for the
mayor for several : -weekaJ Greg
ory said he did not know the 4t
ter existed until Thursday.
of curs JAIL
James Murphy, 17, Escapes
Despite General Call
! To Join in Search
First Break , in Years From
Municipal Bast He; -
T Bepds Iron Bars
-; - 1r.
A 17-year old boy, James Mur
phy, arrested at the stage termin
al here yesterday morning on a
charge of being drunk and posses
sing intoxicating liquor, escaped
from the city Jail sometime be
tween 8 and 10 o'clock last night
by sawing through and bending
two three-quarter inch wrought
iron bars. This was the first, break
made from the city's little prison
in at least four .years.
The whole night force of police
men was ' immediately set ' to
searching the city: for the fleeing
youth' but no trace of, him had
been discovered early this morn
ing. All outgoing freight trains
were thoroughly combed to pre
vent his possible escape In that
way. ; r
Although it was believed he
might make his get-away in a
stolen automobile, no machine
had been reported missing.
The youth, whose home ad
dress: was not known, was arrest
ed at 10:05 o'clock in the morn
ing, and taken to ttfe Jail. At 8
o'clock last night Officer M. W.
Miller took charge of the desk at
headquarters and saw young
Murpny in his individual ceil,
the one nearest the office. When
Miller again went into the Jail
hall on a random inspection at'
10:30, he discovered a pane in
Murphy's - cell window broken.
the two bars cut and bent." and
the heavy iron window screen
pushed outward. The youth had
escaped Into the narrow space
between the south wall of tho
city hall and the store building
next door. ;
Was Fingerprinted
Jnst Before Escape ,
MurpUy was fingerprinted just
an nour Dei ore ne was last seen
(Turn to page 2, col. 3)
PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 11
-(AP) Indictmment charging set
ting a if o rest fire was returned
against Ernest W. Weaver, John
Day valley resident, by a federal
district court - grand Jury here
todays The fire cited in the in
dictment burned over 12.000
acres of timber and grazing land
In the John Day country, includ
ing 000 acres of timber in Mal
heur National forest.
Officers said they believed
Weaver set the fire to obtain
work for himself and his neigh
bors. He was arrested by state
Another of the 41 indictments
returned formally charged Berger
Bugge, clerk in the foreign ex
change department of the First
National bank here, with embet
tUngi 17 drafts totaling
365.64. He was- arrested last
week' after bank examiners had
uncovered, the losses alleged in
the Indictment.
The condition of Ted Parker,;
son of Rev; and Mrs. B.- Earle
Parker, was said to be some im
proved over, his condition Thurs
day by his attending physician.
though his condition is still criti
cal. A second blood transfusion
yesterday, the blood being provid
ed br Jim Nutterj a fraternity bro
ther, was given to assist Ted In
his fight against blood infection
originating from heart trouble
which bothered him most of the
summer, v V f
Ted was a popular and out
standing student, and a leader in
student activities last year in Wil
lamette university. -"
' Mri Parker, Ted's father, had
his blood tested for a transfusion
but it was found tor be inadequate
for Ted's needs. About fifteen of
Ted's! schoolmates have offered to
assist in blood transfusions if ne
cessary. . - 1 v-r. .
I, . 4 ' . '-.i:''
Freshman Hurt
By Hazers May
! , Die, is Report
MENOMmiE, Wis., Sept. 11. V
(AP) Lloyd Aune,- freshman at
Stout: Institute, was reported to
day by physicians as : near death
from injuries received last "Bight
when he was ' allegedly hated by
upper classmen, -s.v" " t
School officials, said Aune was
met by a group of upper classmen
near the campus. " There was a
fight and Aune was thrown to the
street. He was injured at the base
of the neck,' causing paralysis. -
i JONESBORO, Ark., Sept.,11 r
(AP)r--The Rev. -Joe Jetfers.
Baptist-Evangelist and ; center -Qf
dissension - that ... has ; split " t the
ranks of the First . Baptist church
here,- held, out the : olive :"braincl).
ot peace in . opening j his sermon
tonight, while - national guards
men with machine guns, and: fixed
bayonets surrounded, his .tent, ta
bernacle occupied by some '7000
persons. - , .. s - r .'
Mr. Jeffers asserted "we : are
here to worship God, and we .want
to .tell the people of Jonesboro,
the state of Arkansas and the peo
ple of the United' States that we
are peaceful, law abiding .cltl-
sens." .....
After the preliminary talk, the
collection baskets . were . passed
and Mr. Jeffers exhorted the peo
ple to give liberally,: explaining
that last nlghj only 179 was, tak
en in., .,!.. ".- -..':-- ..!. , --.V'- :V.
Guardsmen were .; on . duty
around the tent tabernacle td take
up visible guns but no guns were
seen. No one was searched. t .
AH but one of Pupils now
v Attending it; Board to
Face Charges .
EUGENE, Ore.,' Sept. 11
(AP) While only one child was
attending . the regular school, in
Union district, "eight miles west
of Junction; City, today, the : re
maining 29 pupils went to an un
official school conducted by a: re
cently ousted teacher, and a num
ber of parents filed suit in cir
cuit court here against two school
directors charging malfeasance in
office. M . i
The suit also named county
school Superintendent E. ; J.
Moore as . failing to prosecute
charges of -malfeasance against
the two directors. T! directors
named are Mrs. Ruth Wright,
chairman, and Mrs. Myrta Me
Fadden. - : " , 4 : '
First rumblings of the district
disturbance were heard August
10 when the' school board dis
charged the teacher, Mrs. Maud
Frady, charging her with miscon
duct which, the directors said, in
cluded drinking. . ' r
Moore later upheld the direct
ors' action but recommended that
Mrs.' Wright and Mrs. McFadden
resign. In the Interest of district
harmony, h: t ;
Parents of all but one of the
children, took Mrs. Fradrs side.
That! one is the daughter of the
chairman and. the lonely pupil in
the school now being conducted
by .Mrs. Frady's successor, Mrs.
Lena Parks;
One allegation in the complaint
Is that Mrs. Frady drank liquor
in Mrs. Wright's home under the
latter's command as chairman of
the board. This, the complaint
says, happened , before the con
tract between teacher and board
was signed.
(AP) Both republican and dem
acratie opposition roared forth
today against, the movement for
tax revision inaugurated by some
administration republicans. j
On the White House steps Sen
ator Watson, of Indiana, the re
publican leader, pronounced the
proposals for new and higher
taxes at this time a mistake."
Through the Democratic Na
tional committee, Senator Harri
son, of Mississippi, the ranking
democrat on the finance commit
tee, tonight asserted ''"of all times
this Is the Worst for men in high
places to . talk about - increasing
burdens upon the American pub
lic" ..
President ii Hoover was silent
meanwhile ! on the recommenda
tions of! Senator Reed, of Penn
sylvania, for a sales tax, and up
on the ; plan of Representative
Bacharach. i of New Jersey, for
higher rates on Incomes over
Spider Almost
Kills Old Chief
CLOVIS. CaU Sept.' 11 (AP)
Chief Bill Wilson of the Mono
Indians, who during his .102
years has survived many hostile
arrows and ' bullets, : nearly aiea
here today of a spider .bite., i
The chief,; who is now a grape
picker, is ; expected to , recover
after treatment in Clovis hos
pital. , , " - j
Injured , i, Marts -: I
I Condition Same
- ic , Ward Butler, Independence
Insurance man who was brought
to the! Salem hospital Thursday
following an automobile accident
near Mill Cityi Is reported to still
be in critical condition with not
much change since brought to; the
hosnitaL A fractured skull and
a nnmctnred" left temple have
caused' much question over possi
bllltlesi of his recovery.
tilBEE fflllilT
Seven and a Half Million
: -Bushels to be Shipped' -
! - -. By Farm Board
Payment: is Guaranteed
uovemmeni; is , i niro
y Major Grain Sale I
The farm . board i today, complet
ed its thin grain deal with for
eign countries sincwMily 1 by sell
ing? German interests 7,500,000
bushels of wheat. 1 : : i
The sale was ; ; to the Deutsche
Getrelde Handelsgesellschaf t,
which corresponds ; to the - board s
grain stabilization corporation,
but the German government guar
anteed payment for the grain. -
Ambassador Ton Prlttwlts 1 of
Germany Dr. Axel Schindler and
other representatives of German
agricultural interests worked put
the details of the deal today with
members of the board. - i -1 '
Current market ! quotations of
September 10. fixed at 49 4 Cents
a bushel, will be paid for; the
grain, though some variation Is
allowed for its quality, variety.
and location. Notes given - for it
bearing 4 per cent interest come
due on December 31, 1934. )
Preference Given i r a- .
American Ships U: ; jl ;
Delivery will be maae at aver
age of 883,333 bushels per month.
but the grain may be shipped
more rapidly if Germany desires.
Preference Is to be given Ameri
can ships In hauling ;at leasts half
the wheat. . ' ' ;i :
The German sale brought board
wheat sold to foreirn - countries
since July 1 to 4'7,500,Q00 bushels.
This includes 25,000,000 bushels
exchanged with the Brazilian gov
ernment for 1.050,000 bags of cof
fee and 15,000,000 bushels Isold
outright to China. There has been
no official statement or ; the
amount : still held by the board,
although it. has been estimated at
only a . little below 200,000,000
bushels. :.-:
PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 11
(AP.) Christened the Rlckreall
with a. bottle of water from the
stream of that name,-the new 17.
SJ army engineers tender I was
launched today at the Rainier
plant of Erlckson and Knapp.
Miss Geraldlne Hlckson, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. R. 13. Hlckson,
was sponsor of the craft.
: The tender will i be" used in
work on .the upper . Willamette
river channel project. . ,
: The craft has a double tunnel
hull and will he driven by. two
gasoline , engines of the Sterling
type, each , of 375 1 horsepower.
Her-length Is 45 feet, beam 12
feet land ner draft Is to be About
two feet. .. :."'':( .; .
Accommodations " are provided
aboard for several persons, I with
galley and washroom facilities,
as well as berths. The Rlckreall
has roomy deck space In anticipa
tion tot being utilized by survey
parties t and f or : other work In-
ciuamg ngni towing.
(AP): A suggestion that all city
employees salaries be slashed 10
er-cent to. provide funds fori the
unemployed was ignored today as
the supervisors unemployment
relief committee held Its j final
conference. ir - ! -
Judge William Ramsey
Is Honored at,
Judge William Marion Ramsey,
dean of the Oregon bar and ' pio
neer Oregonlaa, was honored last
night at a banquet held in' Mc
Minnville and attended br Judges
and lawyers from many parts of
the state. The majority of mem
bers of the state supreme court
went from here to attend j; the
event. . - ' ..-I '
judge Ramsey, one timeM su
preme court Judge! here. Is ! well
known' in "Salem due to the sfact
that in 1884 he founded the Wil
lamette university law school and
was fer four years Its dean. In
1887 and 1888; he was for 15
months mayor of Salem, resign
ing in 1888 when he also resigned
as dean', of the law school ; and
went to Pendleton where for three
years-he practiced "law and later
to LaGrande where he .practiced
fi nlnik vears. h:-.VyK'':;
I The- program given last night
in Halph's banquet room at
under the sponsorship of Attor
neys Frank Holmes. Eart Nott and
L e. Lange of McMinnvillei In
cluded addresses f by Supreme
Court Justices Hehry J. Bean,
Harry H. Belt, Geotge M. Brown,
John L. Rand, James U. Camp
bell, Percy- R. Kelley and G eorge
Rossman. and by Bert B. Haney.
prominent Portland attorney and
- i- r 1 .. ',1: t Til
American Citizens .
. I Killed and Injured :
. lit Belize Disaster :
; (By iiLss
' Toll of ith hnrrican at ;
Belize, British Hondnras: -v
Dead estimated at between :
800 nd 400. i ' .;'.
' 150 bodies recovered. '
. Victims still burled la the:
wreckagei!".fHHf li:' V'-j-- -i--':!
'' very , house .In' the city"
'daafjed.iHifV:IH' i -
.All churches demolished, '
eight .-or.; ' more ; American
Roman Catholic priests' kill-.
ed. Eighteen college boys '
killed in dormitory. , f
Loss- to Americans about '
$250,000, total damage more i
than $2,000,000. r l
Eleven ;LJstect Among Dead
At :i B elizeM IS Including
ST. LOUIS, 1 Sept. 11 r(AP)
Eleven members of the Missouri
provincevof the Society of Jesus,
two of thetn native St. Louisans,
and all former students of St.
Louis university here, were killed
today in - the hurricane which de
stroyed St John's college, a' Jes
uit institution, a Belize, British
Honduras, r. '-.i..1'Vvf-.i. " ;
' The death' list twaa 'telegraphed
to: St. Louis iinivetsiry tonight .T y
Bishop Joseph tMurry, Si J., who
is in charge, of Catholic ' work in
British Hondurailjit'fl , ;
The dead I included slx priests
of the order, four scholastics,
not yet ordained, priests, and one.
Jesuit brother." : They were listed
as. follows: f 'lji:,t: .' -' : l-:.;:!
1 The iRsr.? Willlami Tracy,l St
Louis; the Rev. Bernard A. New,
Buffalo,; K. Y. ; the Rev.4 William
Ferris, native of Ireland; the
Rev. Leo Rooney,! Superior. Wis.;
the s Rev. Charles iPalacIoJ Valen
cia, j Spain,: an "American citizen;
the Rev. Franci$ Kemphues, Cin
cinnati; Richard Koch, University
City, a St. Louis suburb ; Richard
Smith, Racine,' Wis.;- Alfred Bau
meister, Cleveland, Ohio; land
Dato Burns, British Honduras, all
scholastics ; and I John Rodgers,
Reading, Pa.', brother.' '
- The dispatch from Bishop Mur
phy f to St. Loulslunlversity offi
cials here said that while news
paper lists did : not include the
name of scholasiic Burns,lhe was
among the dead.
Cozad Chkrged
With Stealing
From Employe
PORTLANDi Ore.. Sept. 11.
(AP) James Cozad, &5, was
charged here today with" assault
and robbery by ; j force and vio
lence lnjthe alleged theft of $1;
400 from-"Mrs. Anna Hederman.
66,1 his housekeeper. SI --J.
Officers said he had told three
different i , storie in - the long
questioning which 'followfed Mrs.
Hederman's' complaint yesterday
that a masked man bed beaten,
bound and robbed,, her 1. of. her
life's .savings.' . XL I
t She said she caught a glimpse
of enough of the assailant's face
to be sure he was Cozad. -'
i Cozad's bail was set at $5600
- !
former Lafayette resident, and
county attorneys. Mr. Holmes pre
sided. ,: ' ; ,
; It was Ion September 9, 1868.
that William M. Ramsey, who was
born in Monroe county; Iowa, De
cember 26, ,1846,1 and who came
to Oregon with his parents when
he 'was ai year old, was admitted
to the Oregon" bar... the youngest
of a class: of 17, all of whom hare
since passed away. In that mem
orable class' were: James, McCain,
prominent McMtnnvIlle I lawyer;
Hartwell JHurleyil formerly Yam
hill county and circuit Judge; J. Ii
Butler of Fblkrcounty, Judge JS. B.
Watson of rtoseburg and his broth
er,. Lowrey-- Watson, lawyer, at
Coos" Bay. ;f --M'-'-fU
When Mr. Ramsey was 23 years
old, he was elected judge of Yam
hill county. I Previously ie had
been admitted to ' the bar, walk
ing to Salem to take the examina
tions." ry-l;? A.::i sr, f
' In 1813 Judge Ramsey was ap
pointed to the supreme court of
the state Where he served for twe
years. - ml less than-' a year and
seven months, . while on! the su
preme bench, he wrote; 170 opin
ions of that tribunaL ',' k 4
In 1925 he was elected circuit
Judge! of district No. Iti which
(Turxi to page 1, celi)," ,s
IS! -11
Terrific West Indian
Wmds hit British
Honduras City
of Hurre
Catastronhd is Sent
Out Over Radio
i MIAMI ii Fla..: Sent.
About 400 persons were killed.
-c.ciai nanurea were injured and
half the homes . of la nnn -rt-
dents of Belize. British Hoadurav
eoBTMaiea by west Indies
hurricane: that swent irrn that
cityUate yesterday, said radio -
messages received bv Pan Amn- -
can Airways here late today, j
Meager; information l nt tt,
death-dealing wind came in scat
tereijl messages from the flrine
company's airport at Bell,
wheren auxilary radio power unit
was rfgged up last night, i
Winds bf hurricane I
struck the city at 2$30 p.m., con
tinuing until 3:30 ip.m., with a
lull of 30' minutes. :
Relief Supplies , " !
Sent by Airplane i " ir
One pan - American plane,
bound from San Salvador t Be
lize, dropped medical and other
supplies into the fharbor 0f f the
stricken city after picking up the
relief shipment at Cosurael. NT-
Two other planes, were held In
readiness here for a relief flight
to Belize should ahy American
agency defeire to send one or both
of them. , ; :.. -: - .
First messages 'from the Pan
American? airport at Belize said
the city as devastated, with ?0O
dead and f great destruction ; of
property. A second' message, tell
Jured and about half of the city
(Turn-to page 2, col. 2)
' GENEVA, Sept. 11 (AP)
Aristlde Brland, veteran foreign
minister of France .assured te
assembly of the League of Na
tions toddy the international sit
uation lg not nearly so black as
It 'looks. 'I' - I"
Progress toward? permanent
peace has been made, he said, and
as soon ai tbe question of secur
ity has been settled' the way will
have been cleared for a large re
duction iu armaments.
But securlty.the lack of which
Is "like a blot on the covenant,
must be provided, he added.
Establishment of this security,
the giving - of guarantees which
will make war impossible, he
said, is the great responsibility
that will .rest on participants in
the disarmament conference next
February. ;-. . j
World disarmament never can
be realized so long "as the United.
States and Russia ' remain aloof
from "international guarantees
of security," Salvador de Madarf
aga, Spanish Ambassador to the
United States, told the assembly.
HOUGHTON; Mich., Sept. 11
(AP) A: forest fife burning out
of control near-Aura, a farm set
tlement eJght miies north of
LAnse, .Mich., had burned over
three farms tonight, destroying
houses and outbuildings and res
ldents of': 50 other farms in the
danger area were retreating te
the shores of Lake Superior.
Andther fire, said by wardens
to be of 1 1ncendiary origin, de
stroyed seven summer cottages
la the colony of Silver City, neat
Ontonagoii and was defying ef
forts of poo fire 'fighters te .
bring it under control tonight ,
The village of An ra was com
pletely evacuated early tonight;
occupants ; of Its 100 houses hav
ing removed their! furniture, lire,
stock and:' oilier possessions.
The firs was all around the
town - bat ; men were kept la the
Tillage to try to save the home..
Santikm highway
i Msfy be Changed
BEND, Ore., Sept; 11 (AP) -Relocation
of the summit sectlen - ,
of the Santiam highway Is- belli 2
considered, lt; was learned today .
when a bureau of f public roads
surveying party . passed through
here. The group was on its way
to Hogs Butte where a base camp
will be established.! ;
The suireyors have; been a
work : on j the Wniamette TaaV
highway. The relocation is p5a
ned to eliminate curves and avit4 ,
areas where snow drifts high," itw
was sald.5, , - -