The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 01, 1931, Page 6, Image 6

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    f 1
T5e OREGON STATESMAN, Salens. Oregon, Tuesday Morninsr, September 1 1931
Denver: Guests Are
: Here- i
; Many things happen in 24
A&n .' and when friends . meet
ftM that many years there is
mnch of which to speak, so Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. Evans find, who
now hay as their house guests
Mr." and Mrs. F. IL Falrchlld of
" Denver. Colo, Mr. and Mrs. Ev
ans and-Mr,1 and Mrs. Falrchlld
were friends In. Denver years ago.
And Mr. and -Mrs. Falrchlld
find that whlpn guests are enter
tained In the! west there are In
numerable things to do and see.
They hive been taken to view
the wonders of the' Columbia riv
er highway and Multnomah falls,
and have taken many lesser trips
' . in the. Willamette valley.
' ' - Parties- have also entertained
the guests and '-will continue -to
do -so while they are here. Sat
urday night Mr and Mrs. Waiter
Pennington were-hosta for a- two
. table bridge party. Sunday a par
ty of" 1 motored to Silverton
. park waere an enjoyable picnic--was
had with Mr. and Mrs. Falr
chlld s honor guests. o
Tonight Mr. and Mrs. Evans
will entertain with a bridge eve
ning at-their Center street home.
Guests invited to greet Mr. and
Mrs. Falrchlld i will be Mr. and
Mrs. Otto Hoppes, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Pennington. Mr.! and Mrs.
Waldo Mills 'and Mr., and Mrs.
Albert Gragg. j !
i Other things are being planned
for the eastern visitors who will
.remain for. some time yet as
guests at the Evans home. ,
: V; ! : -
Miss Maxine Ulrich
Is Hostess ; j ;
! With the approach of school
days farewell affairs are In order
- for those who go to teach in dis
tant spots as well as those who go
' to colee. One such affair was the
attractive Sunday morning break
fast -for. which Miss Maxine Ulrich
was hostess at her home in com-
; pllment to Miss Henrietta Bishop
'and Curtis French both of whom
will leave soon to go to Qandon
where they win teach this year.
- Guests in 'compliment 'to Miss
? Bishop and Mr. French were Miss
- Bernlce Orwig. Miss June Davies,
Ronald Hnlbeft. ! Alfred French,
Stearns Cashing and Miss Ulrich.
" i Jefferson. -Twenty members
and friends of the Evangelical
Christian Endeavor society en Joy-
" ed a picnic at Green's bridge
Thursday evening. A huge bon-LfnT ia Vr- "erc Koperis ana
w hum ni rntMi winthen the date for the musical
ers and buns were- enjoyed., The'tTnIn' -'ilH b et.! Invitations
time ! was . spent ln swimming,
playing games i and singing old
time songs.
: This model was originated in
wine red 'satin, trimmed with
.Thlnestone buttoms and the: belt
fastened with a matching buckle.
It was exquisite! The graceful
collar softly gathered by the strap
in front, forms a deep collar! that
reaches nearly to the waistline :in
; back, t- The sleeves are j very
smart, and you may reverse the
flared ; cuff ; for . three-quarter if you prefer. A low plac
ed akirt flare does not disturb the
loug slender hip line- so impor-
UJit this season. Pattern 2004 is
lovely made of flat crepe, triple
Keorgette, canton, aatin or chiffon
velvet. ; - - i .. .
Pattern 2004 is obtainable! onlv
in sites 16. 18 20. -34 381 38,
u ana . size is requires 4 3-
yards of 39 loch material. Yard
age for eveiL size, and simpl. ex
act instructions are KlTen. ! Nn
dressmikipg' experience is heces
. sary to makd this model with our
: pattern. f . . . ...
N drMimk1ii( ciricnc U ateea
r l miki this model with i our
ptttcnu. Tardaca (or ry ait.'aad
iny- ct hiitmetioBi ar,
Send f if tecs eentt for each patten
Writ plainly joor a a ma. add real aa4
tjla5 naaaer. Ba (uca to (tata tisa
wanted. . ; .,'.-".-"--.:" i
Tha aw prlii and summer Spat-
tera eatalug feature a axeelienf as
lortment ( aftariioaa, ; sports ; aad
hauaa dressea. linrerio. pajamaa i aad
kiddiea elothea. also delifhtfal aeera
mry patterns. Prica of raulat fifteao
rents. CaUlo cwita. pattern, treaty
fire eeata. Address all aaait and or.
ders im Statesman Pattara Depart,
"ity S4 W,,t 17" lllrst Tork
i ' YT?-"3Y
- j i - i. i h '; V-4o !l
- - - , " '
News and Club
Olive M. Doak.
I i - Tuesday, September 1 ! : r "
! Regular iW. C. T. U. meeting, Tuesday, September 1
l.i 2 p. m. in W. C. T. U. hall on South;. Commercial "
street All members urged to attend. l f l j 1
t Regular meeting of American War Mothers. Tues
day. September 1, at' 2 O'clock at American Lutheran
church. All 'members urged to attend.. i
. Chadwck chapter, order of Eastern;, Star, first
meeting of fall, 8 o'clock, in Masonic temple. , . :
. ;.TrI-county medical-association, no-host dinner par-.;
ty, ;30 o'clock. Green Gate room of spa, followed by in- .
formal evening at -B- -J. Clements home. North ! 14th. ,
street. ..".U. :,n ''J,,--Jv-"'-,4 X. ;' -V,- ; 'i .,.'
. r Liberty; Red Bills grange will meet at Liberty ball.
1 Mrs. Wi W. Chadwick, hosss to Foreign Mission- ;
ary society, Jason Lee church, 2:30 o'clock,1 at her home, :
1390 North Winter street, ' " '
4 : Home Miss Vnary; society,' First Methodist church,' .
la church parlors, 2:30 o'clock business and social meet-
Ladies Aid . society of Leslie. Memorial church par
lors. 2 o'clock. "v
1. 1 Ladies Aid ef the. Knight. Memorial , church; .with :
Mrs. J. 'B.'Ashby, 210 South 19th street. Business and
social meeting. . : ; ! i
Thursday, September 3
. Chapter G, P. E. O. luncheon, Thursday. 1 o'clock
at Elks Temple. Please call number 3444 for reservations.
Vocalist Is Guest
In Salem for
Following an absence of 20
years Marian Stafford who was at
that time" well known In Salem
musical circles as "Mernie" Hug
has returned to renew friendships
for a fortnight. i !
Miss Stafford took vocal work
in Willamette university for two,
years and ; then went to Chicago
where she continued her. sludy.
There she was definitely .- con
nected with musical circles' and
later1 came to Seattle where 'she
has -made her home for the past
six years and has been! connected
with musical circles there.
This ! fall Miss Stafford will
sing thei r6le of. "La j Traviata" in
the opera of that name which a
Seattle company Is presenting un
der the direction of Madame Jean-
aie NorralU. '
Ah Interesting studio evening Is
being 'planned for Miss Stafford
at the jRoberts studio ,for some
evening this week. Prof., and Mrs.
Roberts will arrive from Calif or"-
nla the first of this week In com
will be extended to the former in
timate friends : of Miss Stafford.
Miss Stafford accompanied by
Prof. Roberts and his brother. Dr.
Roberts who is also ! a .musician,
will give the program. .'
MIsa Stafford has been the
guest of. Mrs. F. J. Goodenough
and Mr. and JUrs. Bryan Gooden-
ougb or Salem will visit with Mri
and Mrs. Russell Wilson of Inde
pendence, j . . i
. I a a a :
Wallace Road Mrs. Wil
liam N.' Stoddard gave an enjoy
able party Tuesday for ' her Snn-
aay scnooi class or young boys of
the Calvary Baptist church at her
rural home on the Wallace Road.
The youngsters had; a.-, glorious
time horseback riding and playing
in the woods. Mrs. (Stoddard
served a picnic " lunch out under
the trees. , Those ' present were
Tommy Ron- Jr., Robert Ross.
Chester I Howe. Roy Ostrin. Wil
liam Foster, Orln McDowell. Har
ry Tucker and Robert Smith.
. a .. ... ; . . .
Turner -Mrs. H.. S. Bond en
tertained for members of her Jun
ior Methodist Sunday school class
Wednesday, afternoon with a lawn
party. After many merry games,
refreshments .were served by the
hostess.! , Those, present were
Lowell Had ley, Marion Parks, Al
vonHotman, Stanford Prather.
Loral ne Barnett. v Florence Wat
kins, Ruth Burgoyne and friends,'
Mrs. E. S.i Prather;. Miss Viola
Hatfield, Mrs. W. S. - Burgoyne
and the hostess, Mrs. H. S. Bond.:
Professor and Mrs. Andrew M.
Vincent of Eugene stopped in. Sa
lem Friday en route j from -Alaska,
where Professor Vincent served
as an art instructor I on, the sum
mer students' cruise which, has
just been ) completed. Ij Professor
and Mrs. 'Vincent- are guests at
the- home of Mr. and Mrs. ' Willis
Vincent 'during, their stay In Sa
lem. . ,.'.:. I , !. --"
Independe n ce -Mrs. A. L.
Thomas ! was t hostess :l for ? two
tabtesof bridge on Tuesday 'after
noon. r High scores i went to -Mrs.
R. M. Walker and Mrs. George
Carbray; Other guests for : the
afternoon were Mrs.; S. B. Walk
er. Mrs. G. G. Walker, Mrs. K. L,
Williams. Mrs.- Z C. (KlmbalI, and
Mrs. Clyde Williams. -
Mr. andlMrs. Oliver C. Locke
accompanied by Mrs. Locke's sis
ter . and brother-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Stuart of Bend have
Just returned, from Ian interesting
motor trip 1 to Bandon - and Gold
Beach where they enjoyed a two
weeks beach outing;
- I l.i j
fMr. and - Mrs.; Chester JV Bib
cock were weekend ! vlsitpfs j In Sa
lem. Mr. Babcock is on the staff
of the.Colfax. Wash, schools. Mrs.
Babcock .was formerly Clare Ap
plegate, daughter of A. M. Apple-gate.-
' : -.;;' .- ;;j
. ', , ' , ' " '
iThe staff of -the -secretary of
state's office will picnic at -Ha-ger's
grove tonight. This is one
crrth happy; events enjoyed, by
this ; office during! the summer
months. i . s i .
. ' ,.- - a. - ' , ; ';-.;'.':'
The regular W. C. Ti U. meet
ing will be held 'fuesday, Septem
ber 1, at 2 p. m. In their hall on
South Commercial street. All
members urged to attend.
'-'. i-..,;.;.:. .':
" Mrs. J. T. Delanev left Fridav
for Fresno; CaL, where bhe will
be the . guest of relatives and
friends for- the next two weeks.
Society Editor
September 2 ' ; i
Mrs. W. Minkiewitz
Returns From East
Mrs. W. J: Mink iewiti and
daughter "Peggy arrived home
Friday after having been visitors
in the east for the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Miaktewitr, Peg
gy and Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Lev
ens left-Salem June 120 for a trip
Into Yellowstone park. After two
weeks . Mif. and Mrs.1 Levens and
Mr. Minkiewitz returned to Salem
and Mrs. Minkiewitz and Peggy
traveled' on to Indiana, where
they visited the father-; of Mrs.
Minkiewitz In Indianapolis and
other friends land relatives In the
state. ; J, .,!.-:'
Later In the summer the trav
elers accompanied j a sister of
Mrs.. Minkiewitz to 'Pennsylvania
where they visited in Harrisburg.
The trip was made by motor and
in returning to Indiana visits
were made at Mt. Vernon, Wash
ington, D. C, Gettysburg. Arling
ton and other points of interest
in the" easC " I
Mrs. Minkiewitz and Peggy re
turned to Oregon by train.j stop
ping at - Salt Lake City for a
short visit en 1 route. While in
Jndlana a .visit was made to
"Limberlost," .home ' of i Jean
Stratton Porter.
Barbara Freitchie
Social Club Guest ,
Mrs. W. F. Neptune proved a
charming hostess for the social
meeting of the Barbara FreitcMes
club of the Daughters of Veterans
Thursday at her home on North
Capitol street. The af ir was a
garden party with a 6:30 o'clock
potluck supper to close the happy
afternoon. The yard was softly
flooded with electric lights and
this added a pretty note for the
tables which were placed on the
lawn. -Another sociay meeting Is
being planned for. the middle of
this month, (he place and date not
yet having een decided.' : j ,
Guests of Mrs. Ner tune 1 were
Mrs. E.'E. Bergman, Mrs.. 'W B.
Johnston. Mrs. J. S. Murray,' MM.
Luclnda Enslin, Mrs. Mabel A.
Lockwood, Mrs. Louie Olson. Mrs.
U. S. ; Dotson. Miss Jarrie Stern- ,
berg, Mrs. Mary Lane, Mrs. E.
Waters, Mrs. C. A. David visiting
here from Kansas, Mrs.? Pearl
Ralph, Mrs. G. P. Farmer,' Mrs.
Mary K. Kennedy, Mrs. W. H.
Gardner, Mrs. J. J. Tallman, Mrs.
P. A. Arpke. Mrs. Killian. ;
" Miss Doris Neptune and Miss
Mabel Dotson assL. ted in Serving.
With the receding summer. days
the picnic spirit seems to' quicken
because of the ; nearness of the
time when such 'delightful events
must-stop by .force 'of! weather.
Among the .weekend picnics .was'
that enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. W.
"H. ; Dancy,' Mr. and - Mrs. David
Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Davis.
Miss Eleanor Wright; Miss Eloise
Wright, Ward Davis, and Floyd
Bowers. - Tonight Mr. and Mrs.
Monroe Gilbert will " entertain
with an, informal picnic' at j their
home in compliment, to Mr. and
Mrs. . Chester Cox, Mr. and .Mrs.
Linn Smith, Mr. and Mrs. H. B.
Cillin, Miss Gertrude Walling, and
Leo Spltzbart. ? ,
'; :
Mrs.; Frank W.Rose arrived home
Friday evening from Portland
where she has been visiting at
the home of friends for the past
week.-Mrs. Rose makes her home
while In Salem at the home of
bier daughter, and son-in-law, Mr.
ana Mrs. joaa ouinpiun, :
. . .,
Mr. and Mrs. Lars Bergsvik ar
rived home Friday from Chinook,
Wash., where they; have been the
guests of Mr. Bergsvik's parents
for the paa Week.
ftp a a..
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Hoss and
children have returned borne from
their beach cottage. "Hal's Half
Acre," at Tatt. where they have
been domiciled f of ' the summer
season. ' - -'
as -v K
j 'izS
III ' f
1 . ..-WW .v.
426-27-28 Oregoi Blclg.
Chemeketa Group
. To Begin Fall
Season ' ,
September- hat come and., with
It will come the resumption of
meetings for most of the clubs
and organizations of the city.
During ' the hot summer months
vacation time diverted the minds
of : the - members but now that
time has passed, aad there is
work, and play to be done in the
1 round of fall and ' winter meet
ings. V; -p yr':K-:j
Among the first of the larger
organizations to close the summer
-vacation : Is Chemeketa chapter.
Daughters of the American Rev
olution. The first meeting wilt
be Saturday in the Auditorium
room of the public libiiary.! ;r
A most important board meet
ing Is being called 'by the regent,
Mrs. William Fordyce Fargo, for
2 o'clock. Finance will be one' of
the Important topics' for diacus
sion : and consideration, i The 1 fi
nance committee, Mrs. Uj GJ Boy
er, Mrs. Harry T. Love and Mrs.
R. C. Aiken, met this .past week
and prepared . a budget based on
the $3 dues for this year rather
than the former $5 dues. This
budget will de submitted to the
executive board for consideration.
Another matter of financial im
portance as , well as Important
from the, membership standpoint
is that of 'arranging .for some
type of benefit 'to be given i in
each of the outlying towns where
Chemeketa chapter -.members re
side. These towns Include Dallas,
Woodburn, Jefferson. Silverton,
Independence and Mill City. The
Idea to be discussed is whether
such benefits would be a profit
able undertaking from the stand
point of securing additional fi
nances as well ' as arousing In
terest of those who are elegible
as members and who have not
yet joined the chapter.
A third matter , of importance
is the arrangement of plans for
the second district meeting which
will convene for its second an
nual session in - Champoeg Sep
tember 17. Chemeketa chapter
will be hostess, and Mrs. Fargo
as regent of the. chapter will give
the address of welcome. Mrs.'
U. G. Shipley as state chaplain
will give th invocation : . Mrs. Sey
mour Jones as state constitution
day chairman will give a talk on
constitution day, and Mrs. ,C C.
Clark -will have charge of ' Che
Mrs. Homer Goulet is general
chairman fof arrangements. Mrs.
A. E. Austin is chairman of the
committee - in charge of the
grounds; Mrs. Claude Is chair
man of th committee in charge
of the kitchen and dining room
arrangements.- ,.
Mrs. E, C Apperson as presi
dent of .the second district is
sending out the Invitations . this,
week. It is expected , that there
will be at least 150 people, pres-
The district bas one meeting
each year and one chapter acts
as: hostess each time. All the
plans and details for the day
will r have to be arranged by
Chemeketa chapter at the Satur
day meeting and it is desired that
all members who possibly can be
present for the discussions. -
Members of the executive board
are Mrs: Harry T. Love, Mrs. W.
B. Johnston, Mrs. Lewis D. Grif-!
flth, Mrs. C. C. Best, Mrs. F. E- I
Sherwin, Mrs-. Karl Stelwer. Mrs.
Claude Ellison. . Mrs. Stephen L. j
Minard. Mrs. Herbert J. Ostlind. !
Mrs. C C. Clark, Mrs. L W. j
Potter and, Mrs. Fargo as regent, j
i "f
, -Jefferson- A lovely social event
was a surprise party Monday
night g.Iven at the home of ,Mr,
and Mrs. Marcum- east of the de-.
pot, honoring their son, Leonard
on his-13th..blrthday anniversary.
Present beside the honor ' guests
Leonard .Marcus and the other
members of the Marcum family,
were Violet Chain. Calls t a Pratt,
Mary and Blanche Main, Doris- Row
land. Delia Stephenserf and her:
brother, Junior Smith, Delavon
Thomas,- Maurice -Mangis, Emer
son , McClain,' Ralph . Main, Lee,
Wright, Burton Thurston, WiUard
Lake, Clinton Hart and Milo Harr
ris.- -"J - - . -: .
- '.; r ' ". .'"""".
Dr: and Mrs. Burton A. Myers
and daughters, Janice Lea and
Jean Marie, accompanied by Mrs.
Myers parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A.
McElvatn. motored to Neskewln
Friday where they enjoyed r the
day at the coasM . - :
. a
Mr. and Mrs. !f. B. Philbrick of
San Francisco I who have been
house guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. V. E. Kubn since. Wed--4
nesday, left . Saturday for . their
California home.
Mrs., W. Connell Dyer . and
son. Clay bourne, are expected
home Sunday evening from Pen
dleton, where they have been for
the; past few days attending the
Roundup. . ,
Dr, Mary Jane Rochelle of
Portland arrived in Salem Satur
day and will be at home to ' her
friends in the; Royd Court
apartments. : X S p
. a a
. Miss Muriel Rowe who has been
spending .he past week with rela
tlves In San Jose, California, will
return home Sunday evening. , -
Permanent Wave
Genuine "Ringlette" -i.
Phone 1(734;
Informal 'Dancing
Party Honors
' Visitors
Mra.' Ora Mclntyre ? entertained
with a delightfully informal danc
ing party at her borne Saturday
evening in compliment to Miss
Lydia Sibbald of Drvmheller. Al
berta, Canada ; and a weekend
guest. Miss Jean Carrle-of Camas,
Wash.; . , ?r ; .
Dancing was enjoyed In the liv
ing rooms of the home and" re
freshments were ' served in the
garden which was flooded with a
soft eleetrtelight. " Miss Orma Mc
lntyre assisted; her mother .
" Guests hi compliment to Miss
Sibbald and Miss Currie were Miss
Grace Holman,,; Miss ". ' Pauline
Scott; Miss Jean Wilson, Miss Ora
Mclntyre. "Marshall v ! Hartley,
Charles, Simpson; Kenneth Klein,
Walter ; Mackey;; Sam Bowe, and
Norman Scott. i' ' "i - :
Girl Reserve Camp 4 ' j
Girls Complimented
Asslstants in the Girl Reserve
camp at Santaly this summer. were
entertained Monday night by Mrs.
Elizabeth Gallaher. secretary of
the Y. W. C. A. with an "international-dinner.
The idea wa car
ried over from' the theme of camp
life this summvf and "Scotch.'
Spanish. Chinese, and American
dishes formed the menu.
Following the dinner discus
sion was had as to the work for
the coming season in Girl Reserve
circles aad some plans were form
ulated.' -Music and informal con
versation completed the evening.
The Invited guest list included
Miss Helen Breithaupt, Miss Helen
Cochran, Miss Gladys Taylor, Miss
Eileen Moore, ft Mrs. Jennie Vin
cent. Miss Fayei Cornutt, Miss Dor
is Clarke, Mrs; M. B. Wagstaff,
Miss Gwen Gallaher.
Every day
.which is
brown kid,
Jt MR. C, O. ROSS ' a n : j, XK Vtt3i3LAX
. Expert Repair Map v f i (irppodist;
'.-J ; kinds of fine work : V
I I". T-'fS- j "--!' -"Vfl::! : :'. I . ' ' :" . ;-
rdr 1 " n'l'W'Vlg'. ' '"" -"g-fl m ' ... H . - -
: Mrs. Trevor Kincald and chil
dren, Marshall aad- Peter; ? ' of
Portland;! are guests. for the week
at the home.,of Mrs. Marshall
brother and'" sister-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs.i Willard Marshall. Mrs.
Marshall will be remembered as
Marie Marshall. Mr. Klncaid will
arrive in Salem. Saturday to spend
the remainder of the weekend at
the Marshall home, j
Salem IGlrl Weks
Jn Moscow, Idaho
- - .i- i 'M i -J.- i; i
From 'Moscow, Idaho, comes
news of Ithe marriage of Miss
Mildred Hansen, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. iA. B. Hansen of Salem,
to Chester; R.; Kerr of Moscow.
August 23. The marriage was sol-
emnixed ' at the
home lot
Belle Sweet. -
. ; For this i past "two
Kerr had charge of the loan desk
in the University of Idaho library.
She graduated .from Salem! high
school, , attended Willamette uni
versity and later graduated; from'
the University of Oregon: In i 1927,
She was Affiliated with Alpha Xl
Delta-; sorority. , Mr. IKerrj U;fa
graduate of the University of
Idaho, where he Is affiliated with
the Kappa Sigma fraternity i :
; -.;: &:iS-
' Mrs. Ej Bryant of " Vancouver.
B. C-, is visiting at the home of
Mr. and MrssLW. H. Henderson on
Madison street. Mrs. i Bryant - air-'
rived In Salem Thursday; evening
to attend the wedding of her sou.
Fred Bryant and Miss I Edith
Brotherton, which was an ! event
of Friday.;
Miss La Verne Proctor, who hia
bad a serious : ear, infection ; for
the past six weeks, attributed to
swimming early in the season, al-
though gradually I. proving. )s
still unable to be up and about.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Donnelly - are
expected home Sunday! evening
from a. Week's ; vacation trip,
spent af Marshfield and Bandon,
.... -.Fiiic
we are rieceiving large shipments "of new itTall shoes
them at the new low prices.
We are showing a very high styled!
! - . 1 S"i
very prominent this season,
patent leather is also vry Igood ihiglfrade shoM
Ladies' Shoes
Most Styles
t0 $
1 - - r 1 .
f 1 j Complete
for both Men
i - -!.
i i u r i
1 I,
I , E .. I - . - - "Mh 1
Birthday! nave a ' cycle Tifsl
they are. wanted, then people, like
to forget them, and then at? tp
end of a long! life they are again
popular anct events in which Pfde
may be taken. Such was th blrtb
day celebration of f Mrs.- Esther
Armstrong who observed her fist
birthday Monday with r ,o?pni
house' at the home of Mrs. Arura
Williams bet ween.; the hours tiCJZ
and 5 o'clock. Assisting v durirfg
the afternoon were Mrs.,
McNamar of Dallas and ; Htf-l
Florence Boyd I of; Salem, I fkbth
daughters of Mrs Armstrong.
Mrs. J. F. Billiter and Mra. Wf
liams, granddaughters of , Mr.:
Armstrong presided at the-.tipa
table.;! tfMlt -
Elaborate flower; decora'tIji
and , many remembrances mad(ja
final note of beauty to thei ifet
lightf ul afternoon: ; Many . friends
called j to wish the. best of hapii
ness to the honor guest. t I !
, Mrt A rMitrntl rfiii nttwr . matlea
her home with her daughter, iits.
David McNamar In Dallas,
lea Aid
. The Ladles Aid-society of tac
Leslie Memorial church will mtH
in the church parlors Wednesday
afternoon at 2 o'clock, There wi)I
be a business meeting followed fcbr
a silver tea," Thei executive bo Ad
composed of Mrs. W. J. Lindfoot;
Mrs. Jay , ijHewitt;i Mrs. Ralph
Thompson, iwlll j be : the hostess
committee for the : tea. Ii
,.t, rl--.-ji:.,7f;f-: ;: m
A group iof prominent Salehi
matrons -who nfotored to Portland
Thursday to spend the day shopv.
ping were Mrs. T;.:-; A. i Roberts!
Airs. v. MC-Mecnan, airs. a. ift
Malson and Mrs. Clifford Farmert
Mrs.! E. J. Stlmpson of Port;
land has been 'thei house guest to
the past wek 'at thei home of he
son and'daughterf-ih.iaw, Mr. an
"Mrs. John StimpsOn.;
Is Complimented
line includin g Black and Jfrro wn
' ! . . J (I I, r! . ! ! i luff i I ' "
Pin:Seal black arid combinations iof
!' '1 i Iv -' " 1 .-: : i ' "Il I 1
r-; ; ,r . v;'o ' Jjy'j (
i; ,r -IkostSti -kl -
; -ill
! ' n i ' r -jtLj1- 'Lai: ;'
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h Mr. and JMrs. T. II." ralrchild
pf Denver i Colorado, are house
guests at thfr home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. IL Evans on Center street
A number f linformal affairs are
being arranged In compliment to
Mrs. Falrchlld daring her stay in
Salem; " ' -i
. v i
SundayjPinner Party
Pretty Eyent
- Mr. and Slllra.1 John Cornthrty
entertained ?at their home on Pa
cific highways Sun day with tn at-
tractive dinner, party. The table
wa delightfully' arranged with
gladiolus, ahd tthe mepu featured
Oregon farm products, f
Covers wferel pa'cedj for Aman
da Matthew lot Shaw, and her
house guesf. Dr. ' Elizabeth
Matthews of Sorrento, Italy, and
Miss Helen i Coolidge of Bostonj
Mass., and J Mr. and t Mrs. Corn
forth. ' , : j .:; i
; - ' ; ', ar -' ?
Mrs. Cliffdrd Farmer Is spend
ing the we4k,end In Portland as
the guest of i her slater, Mrs.
George Haac. t Mr. .Farmer will
drive to Portland Saturday eve
ning to Join the group and will
return with Mrs. ' Farmer Sunday
evening. ; ir - l,.r
of Salem recently tpent a few
days in Wai&ington, D. C. They
" w in; iivu( luitn mine
.here, f -. " ..I I '
V ' v'l -i':..e; 1
Mr. ;and hfn. iTed Paulus arr
vived home Saturday evening from
4 i two weeKs motor trip which
Included a number of the Oregon
iW-r'V'frt- : .
' Mr. and! Mrs. William Mcfiil.
Christ, Sr., IeftvMonday for New
'llort where jtheyj will
spend sev-
:rai weeas. i m
Miss I Leota;f Jones
will spend,
the Labor div "holidays in Seattle
as the guestlotf ber aunt. Miss
Leota Sulllvap. I
and v e
j ! air. !;
!lf j . 'T'.: i f "
; finery. nq
'-J It U
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