TKe OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. Taesday Rio mi nr. September 1, 193f pac:: ; i v.: r .Tf " I Local News Briefs little Girl I Iteoovers Patsy '- Lindsay, foar 'ana one-half year ! old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Undaay. 1749 South Hirh street, wno received contusions oa i thehead as the result of a eolll - siomletween two automobiles and two bicycles at the intersection of Mission and 13 th streets Sunday, ; has recovered from her injuries, her mother reported last night Accident reports filed at the JK ' - - lice station Indicate . that Mrs J Lindsay was driving east on Mis : slon street, while A. HJ Miller. Portland, driving north on 13th street, turned east en Mission. The . Miller ear struck the Lindsay ma chine, which in turn ran between two bicycles ridden by Robert El gin : and Charles Slewert. Miller , I claims Mrs. Lindsay was driving ! 40 miles per hour and cut in front of him, hooking his car and pull ing it oyer on Us side. Toung EI-!- gin was injured about the ankle, wrist and hip. The Salvation Army is fa ur l: gent need of fruit jars. Tel.' 43?. Dauer Visits Bremv Dr; C. C. school ' physician, Dauer, county who returned here Saturday with his family from a motor trip to California, reports that he visited 'with Dr. Walter Brown, formerly head of the county child health demonstration, I who is now pro- fessor of hygiene at Stanford uni versity. Dr. Brown left his Salem post in 1927 tdl go to Palo Alto. During their tw6 weeks' vacation, ' the Dauers inspected health "de partment v centers around San Francisco, and at Stockton, where they experienced their only hot weather. At Treka. Calif., they uv Miss Agnec Campbell, former - supervisor i of nurses for te Mar ion county health department, and on the return trip stopped at Crater lake. ; -i' -" ' ' " Griddera Examined Early Seeking to! avoid the rush of the early weeks of school health clin-t incs, Dr. C. C. Dauer, county school physician, has asked all boys who expect to try out for the i local high i school football squad to have their physical examina tion made before the opening of school, September 21. , Examina tions will be made by appointment through either Fred Wolf, high school principal, or, Hollls Hunt ington, football coach. They are .' scheduled for the hours between 9 and 10 a. m. today, 8 and a a. m. and 4 and S p. m. Friday. The check-ups 'will be completed the following week with periods set asi e on Tuesday and Friday. I 1930 Ford coupe, run 50 00 miles, finest condition, priced for jquick salej 1435.00. . See Chas. . VIck at Willys Motors or call 8594 satter C p. m. e ... ' . Sisters Injured Mother Mary Domtnico and SistersEstelle and Theodore, giving their addresses as Portland.wbo were riding with two other sisters in in automobile near Hayesrllle ' -Sunday l after noon, were injured when their " machine taraed oter twice, after a rearl tire had .blown out. The injured were taken to Salem. Gen eral hospital in the Golden am bulance and later In the day -to St.; Vincent's - hospital, Portland, The womenlwere said to,be visit ing from the east and to have Kpent the day: in Salem. . Myers' Head Cut -When the automobile In which he was rid iug early Sunday morning ran into the rear of an oil truck which had stopped at a railroad crossing near, the Valley Packing plant, , William Myers, Salem, received a cut on the. head, according to a report i filed with Sheriff Bower. F. J. E. Menane, driver of the oil truck, said he had stopped at the crossing as required by law when an automobile driven by Max. Bar byte ran into hjs. machine from the rear. - . . - - If. ; ' Dance FrldayjHaiel Green, j Visit Keck4-Ross Anderson, graduate f Willamette universi ty with the class of 1 9 2 6, wasi a weekend guest of Wendell Keck. - Anderson, -who ris - now in Port - land where he is pastor of the Lincoln M. E- church, was a stu dent at Yale Divinity school last - year. Keck -was a student at Tale also last year. ; .;;-. i Flan Xelaon Sesaiows Members of the Y. M. C. A. educational committee,1 headed by Col. Carle Abrams. chairman, will meet at the local building at 5 o'clock this evening to make plans for the coming of G. H. Nelson, executive of the nationalj "Y" educational ' council, who will spend Thursday - in Salem. : i ... ' . f . Miss Johnson Returns Miss Juanlta. Johnson, Woodburn .dis trict staff nurse for the-" Marion county health department, return ed to work yesterday, aftgjc. spend ing a two weeks vacation with her parents' of : .Wpodburn at f the beaches." . ; "v7;- .j-. ' ;. :. '': : f One License Issued One mar riage license was issueJ yesterday in the county clerk's office. ' At wood Foster. 23, Route four,- Sa lem secured permission to wed Dorothy- lunterkunst. 20, '1351 ; Chemeketa street. Talem. Foster is a ' minister and his wife-to-be ,gave her occupation as domestic. ; PILESCURED Wttaat eperUoD r of ta. i DR. MARSHALL 89 OreCon BII. ! Pbon $509 , GC)C) LIQUID OR TARLETS .- i 'in SO minntes. -'-ecks Cold the Relieves Headache or Neuralgia first day, and checks Malaria -4n three days. : , -1 6G6 Salve for Baby's Cold. roln iT0 PortIaDd 550 UUfiWiTo Eugene 75c - Depot, IUigh Hotel ' Independent Stage Co. . Tel. 9121 'Ward's Successor Coming- Rev. J. Rupert SImonds, success or to Rev. Charles Ward as pastor of the First Congregatlo nal church, Is expected to arrive here within the next day or two. Mrs. Simons, will accompany him. The parsonage, which has been entire ly .redecorated and painted, will be their home. Rev. SImonds has Just completed a pastorate of nine years is Falrbault. Minn. He will preach in the local church for the first time next Sunday morning, i Dance Friday Haxel Green. , ' Answer- Filed Answer was filed by the defendants yesterday in the case; of L. P. Aldrich, trus tee of the estate of Josephine Jerman. deceased, vs. A. M. Jer-, man, -et al. A general acceptance of the facts stated in the com plaint is made. The suit is a friendly one brought to secure the appointment of the Ladd it Bush Trust company, to succeed Mr. Aldrich. ' Estate THvkted Final distri bution of the estate of Henry J. Rfnehart, deceased, was approved yesterday. In probate court. T. A. Rinehart ' : is administrator. . Re ceipts from J the' estate total total 34956. Propertj of the estate Is $1500. t One-fourth shares of the property go to Orrln A. Rine hart, Husum. Wash.. Thomas A. Rinehart, Salem; Stephen E. Rine hart, Portland; EJlis D. Rinehart, Watsonvllle, Calif. C. F. Breithaupt is now locat ed at 4S6 State street with Vib bert and Todd. ; j Currln Visits Hugh Currin of Klamath Falls, a' graduate of Willamette nniversity last : spring was visiting in Salem yesterday with friends. He has also been a guest of Lslie Frewing of Riek reall. Currin , took pre-medica course while; in school here and dating the coming winter expects to attend the University of Ore gon medical college in Portland. ." !.'' ' Rlackfoot Thrives Black foot, in eastern! Idaho, has been less af fected ; by depression than other areas of the state. Miss Ruth Clark reported Sunday upon her return to Salem after a fortnight's vacation. For more-than a week she visited her parents in the eastern Idaho city. She is assist ant in the circulation department of The Statesman. ; v Plan Praised Tentative plans for a general community organi sation to coordinate relief efforts to he conducted in Salem this win ter, met with a general favorable public response yesterday about downtown: Salem.. A meeting of community leaders to effectuate such a plan is expected soon. Ringo If ere A ' visitor yes terday in Salem to attend to legal business at the courthouse was E. R. Ringo, formerly district at torney for" Marlon, county. " Ringo now Uvea in La Grande. . He was busy yesterday trying to transfer the case of Pearson ts. Pearson to Union cobnt. , Mrs. : Reid Back Mrs. Cora Reid, assistant county superinten dent of schools, was back at her desk yesterday after fortnight's vacation.' Mach of the time was spent "with her. daughter in Port land. iShe exprefsed her pleas ure yesterday at being back to the familiar Job. C. F. Breithaupt Is now locat ed at 466 State street with Vib bert and; Todd.1 i .- J i ' j ' ; i Long Answer; i Filed A 3 if page answer was filed In circuit court yesterday in the case of Lea, Jermarv and E. D. Jerman vs. Merce O.i "Nelson. The latter seU up a counter claim in defense to the litigation over property be gtm by the plaintiffs. t I ! Building'' Being ? Remodeled The front of 'he building on State street occupied by Kay's Suit and press shop, is being remodeled at ah estimated cost of $700, by Pe ter D'Arcy, the owner, according to a building permit Issued yester day. " '! .. : : Work Starts Today Graveling starts today on the three and one half mile stretch of market road from Haxel Green to the pavement oa the Silvertoa road. Roadmaster Frank Johnson reported yester day. . ''.- Grace ? Taylor Leaves M las Grace Taylor, staff nurse for the Marion county health department, left yesterday for a two weeks va cation. She was to go to Vancou ver, Wash., then to, the coast. Usher Retnrna C. ' W. Usher returned .Sunday from a week's trip to San Francisco. He went south by boat and returned by train. ! ' ? i .- -k .". ' ---' i - i rrnwford to Portland H. P. Crawford,: president of the Salem chamber of commerce, went to Portland yesterday afternoon c n general business. 1 I W .Jll UrM4 run t """T'VVi MtmUM bull. Mllll uns V . tot r-Jfe t. Reliit. nwy fiow I SOU IT PSSGQ273 EVX3VrBSr vr. tnaa uim ! Chinese Meaictne 1180 N. Con'merclal es Office Unr C I Tusdy and Satur . I dai 2 t 5:30 Invalid Chairs to Rent. Call 0610, t'sed Fnrnitorc Department 151 North High Four Accidents Reported Tour accidents were reported over the weekend, as follows: The ma chine' belonging tor Bert Cothrin, Stayton, was struck by an 1 un known auto, while it was parked on State street Sunday "sometime between 9 o'clock and midnight, While his car was halted at a through street; Ferry and Com mercial, F. V. Edwards reports that a machine driven by J. W. Morrey struck it - Marshall - Pow ell, Silverton, reports that his car was 'Struck by one - driven ; by Floyd DeHarport at 2 : 4 S a. m. Sundar when1 the. latter 'driver "cut In on ' turn and bumped and marred the right rear fen der; Powell says DeHarport cut in on the wrong side of a curve. When Thortoa Coffey, TP 5 Acad emy street, ? Started I to the .machine driven by J. R. Cunon, Fisher- apartments,' at- the In tersection of Oak and Commer cial streets Saturday, Cunon put out his' hand and eat in tron't of Coffey before the latter could aver a collision, he reports, i N teant Thonght Smoke For the n-th time, firemen were call ed to the Panics Brothers pack ing -plant Sunday evening to ex tinguish the fire which waa. caus ing "smoke" to pourf-'from under the boardwalk near the millraee. It was discovered .the ''smoke" was only steam coming from, the plant's exhaust pipe which la lo cated by the walk. Queried as to whether he was sure the "smoke" was smoke, the man who turned in the alarm maintained his cer tainty, of the steam's being smoke, A small chimney lit re ported at 1S8- South Cottage street yesterday morning was the only other fire reported over the weekend. It was soon extinguish ed; with three gallons of chemi cals. -!,' y.'' :.! ,; L Idaho ns Eager to Swim Res idents of Idaho took the greatest Interest in the Red' Cross learn-to-swim campaign of any north western state,? Charles Gill. Willamette- university football man and Red Cross and Y. M. C. A. Ufesavmg instructor, who return ed to Salem last weekend, stated yesterday. He spent the summer months in Idaho teaching people to swim and Instructing them in lifesaving methods. He attributes this unusual Interest in swimming to the facti that Idaho has f the largest I canal mileage In the United States: and also has the dangerous Snake river which are threats-to the lives of nan-swim mers. Russ Smith, Center and Church, tor tire bargains.., Fined, Wrong Plates When Kenneth Sundry, Zumbrota. Minn, motorist, was arraigned In mu nicipal court' yesterday . on a charge v of having "witched his Minnesota license plates to a car acquired by ' trade at Portland. Judge Poulsen fined him $10 and ordered him to purchase Oregon plates for ; the machine. Obert Swee, companion of Sundry, who Sunday night 1 was held for in vestigation waa released from the citv jail yesterday. . -1 i. ; : : - Earl's Father 111 Learning I that his father 'was seriously ill In San Franclaco, William G. Earl, Salem barber, left here Sun day on a hurry trip to the par ent's bedside.: Mrs.' Earl, their son, and Mr: and Mrs. Ross Hill motored with him.' They are ex pected to return hero Thursday. Breltenbnsh Wreck Reported Harold Goheen, 654 Belmont street, reported to Salem police yesterday that his car, on the Breitenbush highway, was struck by a Willamette Grocery company machine. The other car was ; .on the wrong side of the road and going too fast, he says. ') Fictitious Checks Cashed H. A. Kroske. Portland, was arrest ed yesterday- on a charge of cash ing a fictitious check, and. Russ Crossan; arrested Sunday on a like charge, was released yester day and cited to appear in court September 4. "f ' a: . j On Vacation Miss Laura Ro kos, secretary In the W G. Krue ger realty office, wilt be away this next two. weeks, on her vacation. Miss Agnes Huffman is substitut ing for Miss Rokos. , Reckless Driver Fined Ar rested Sundar. an a charge of reckless driving, Alford Ambrose, 485 South Commercial street, was fined five dollars yesterday. Schaefer'g Corn Remedy j This is without doubt the strongest guaranteed Corn Re mover oa the market o i- i .-f i - . - We are so confident in the worth and ef flea city of this, corn remedy that we fare In-' vltlag " every-body ; bothered with corns .callouses, or bun Ions to try this remedy at our risk.'. Vl-V . NO CURE NO PAY , This means absolutely what it says; if not satisfied bring, the empty bottle back and your money will ; be1 cheerfully , -re funded. : ' ;j , : . : 25c per Bottle II DRUG STORE 1 1 !t. ComT, r i Bial 8107 The Original Y9II0W Front Candy Special Store of alem Soup or Salad - Meat or Fish : Potatoes Vegetables Bread and Butter of Rons ' ii pie or Pudding and Drtnk ; PATIEFJTS EXP EK LAW DEEMED Statehouse Attorneys Hold No Doubt but Opinion Is Stii! Awaited Legislation enacted la 1331 re quiring - cooniiee to pay $20 monthly for non-violent patients In the-state hospitals Is constitu tional without any "doubt, attor neys at the statehouse said after giving the act careful considera tion. The opinion, however, was not official, thev law still being before the attorney general for consideration. j ? . : The question now has been raised as to how the counties are to pay for the support of these non-violent Insane patients when no provision was made In the- cur rent budgets for this expenditure. The state laws provide specifically that , counties shall aot expend funds other than those provided In the budgets and approved by the county courts. .As far as can be determined none of the coun ties made provision; In their ItSl budgets to pay the state tor .. the support of the Insane, i - - -. - , As a result of the uncertain sit uation the Marlon county court Patient - Improve Miss La Verne Proctor, who has been suf fering from a serious sinus infec tion for the past six weeks. Is re ported to be Improving satisfac torily. . ; i. To Long Bench Planning to enter the Long Beach junior col lege for their freshman year.Rol lin Rapine. Perry Andrews and Bernard White will leave today for that California city. , Go to Roundup Among Salem citizens to attend the roundup at Pendleton last weekend were Mer rill Ohling and Dr. W. W. Baum. The .two men motored up Friday night and returned Sunday. . Bliss Doak Back Miss Olive Doak was back at her desk at The Statesman after an illness of five weeks. Part of the time of recup eration was spent at the home of her parents in McMlnnville. " r i - - , ; . !(' : Mother Passes Away Harry M. Wolf, Insurance agent in the Pettyjohn office, 175 Southi High street, was called to Brownsville Sunday- by the sudden death of his mother. " , ' Bates i ' - At the residence, 360 South 14 th street, August 30, Elmer E. Bates, aged 69. Survived by wi dow, Lamyra; one son. Dr. C. E. Bates; of Salem; one daughter. Mrs. Naomi Cornell, of San Fran Cisco; two brothers, W. W.,Wot Omaha, Nebr.; and A, E., of Per ry, Kans. Funeral services Tues day. September i, at 1:J0 p. m, from the chapel of W. T. Rigdon and son, Rev. w. C. Kanter effl- ciatlng. Private interment at the City View cemetery. Johnson In this1 city August 29, Orsa C. Johnson; 41. Husband of Myr tle; father of Dorothy. Shirley. Lyle and Eloise, "all of Salem; brother of Ina of Provo, Utah; Albert Johnson of Ogden, UtaTi, apd Eugene Johnson of Portland. Friends are invited -to attend fun eral services today. Tuesday, September 1, at 2 p. m., from the TerwilUger funeral parlors, 776 Chemeketa street. Rev. Bates of Mill City, officiating. Concluding services City View cemetery, nn der auspices, of American Legion. dough-Barnck Co. MORTUARY A. M. Clough . . Dr. L. E. Barrlck V. T. Golden Phone 5111 Church at Ferry St TERWILLIGER'S JL romssju. pxxectoes T70 Cbtmakn Trt. S2t , 0r inki is JFotmmI 1 (Oar rrtea Arc liwutli H U Ho4wn : . .. . . CITY VIEW CEMETERY Established 1893 TeL SVSS j- Conveniently Accessible Perpetual care provided for prices Reasonaou 1 elcret itltmoria? Phone Moderately S6S1 Priced A Park Cemetery With Perpetual Care Just ten minutes from the' heart of town VALID Obituary n-jgja',j5J- T EyeriyDevi ce Thrills of Real Flying; U musemenf; Use Forecast Patents covering features of probably the most unusual amuse ment machine ever seen around Salem are sow being sought by in jcyeriy Aircraft oornoration. It's the next best thing to flying your own airplane, maninnla tin r this contraption which looks like an airplane whose growth was stunted and "Hies" oa Its mount ing in a manner to give any man, other than a stunt pilot, a great thrilL . ,- la addition to offering i oppor tunities for unique amusement to laymen,!, the machine serves as an orlentator. for training. Airplane pUota. It fills a real need in a pi lot's instruction, accordinr to Lea U. Eyerly, the designer and build er, tor it gives the novice in flying a safe opportunity to get the feet of banking properly on turns, maintaining airplane ... la even flight, diving, looping, rolling and flying Bl&Ide down. Students at the Eyerly school now. make several-flights- in the machine, get- has instructed the district attor ney to confer with Attorney Gen eral van Winkle to - determine whether the 1931 law Is constitu tional, and if so, what funds shall be used: In t reimbursing the state for the care of theaon-violent in sane patients, Multnomah eounty already .has received an opinion from its t legal denartment that the 1931 act is eonstlutlonal. Similar to One In j Neighbor :states 1 Officials declared Saturday that laws similar to the one now In operation In Oregon had been In effect In the states of Washington and California for several years. Both ef these acts were said to be constitutional, and have operated very satisfactorily. Returns from the law In Washington were said to have been larger than anticipa ted at the time the act was first considered by the legislature. A somewhat similar situation has developed in the state of Califor nia. Ben Wing, who Is in charge of administering the law In Oregon, has estimated that paymenta In this stata will exceed 3200,000 an nually. This money will be credited to the general fund of the state and will be used for the payment of current expenses. Ia addition to providing for the support of the non-violent Insane, the law also provides that estates and relatives of patients in the state tuberculosis hospitals shall pay no to exceed $15 per week for the support -of these charges. Provision Is made In the law that in caaea where relatives and estates cannot pay the maximum amount, lesser payments may be. received and approved. There also is a provision in the act author izing the state to collect a maxi mum of if 29 per month for the support ftl persons confined in tne state home for the feeble minded. W EVER I I. y your Gives All ting at least an hour's! practice in it. before handling the controls of a real airplane. This orlentator is a radical de- parture from the usual design. Its controls, which have been made simple ia action, are identical with those of an airplane. It has the "stick? and the conventional foot- controlled rudder. This orlentator is constructed with fuselage and cockpit of fabric-covered steel tubing, tn appearance like that of an airplane. For- maneuvering. It has two flippers which serve s ailerons, and elevators and rud der on the tail, v j"i3vT"rv"' i The pilot of the machine not only gets the feel of thir maneuv ering but from the IS horsepower motor driven propeller receives the sensation of wind I blast. The propeller blast also serves to give me eontTQis their action and the feel of the force upon! which the controia act. -v.j..- -; The mounting ' of which flies andi files i this 'plane and never rets anvwnerAi mm r. steel uprights which support the erosspleces to which the fuselage Is welded. It revolves 3 10 degrees on a round base on a steel frame work on 'wheels to give the ma chine its lateral axis, j The erossplece fitted into the uprights revolve 360 degrees to give the 'plane! its vertical axis, and the fuselage with jthe control surfaces also;, revolves 360 de grees around on a stationary part containing the motor to give the longitudinal axis. The motor Is hung on a sliding base so that it may be moved forward or back ward to balance the weight of the personin the cockpit. m Pilots from! all over! the north west have become interested tn the machine, many of them hop ping to the Salem airport to, try it out for themselves. Inquiries as to Its cost have come from as far away as the airport at Vancouver, As a result of the success of this first machine, Eyerly la al ready planning the construction of a second Orlentator,! with de fects In the present one remedied. Its simplicity of design makes it far more economical to build than are other orlentators,. accord ing to Eyerly. j ' - -ih : -j Meal Planning uemonstrauon To Be Offered The Portland General Electric company is. announcing - "meal p 1 a n'n i n g i demonstration" for housewives whieh will be held in me aispiay rooms oz. the company today from two to four p. m. Those In charge 'will be Mrs. Ida H. Cornforth j of ' the home econ omics department of (the Kellogg company, and Mrs. Effie Wleser. boms service director 1 for the company. - i H T i ' pi' :. r , m BRING SO . - i f I 1 ' r - ' v ;' ; The emergency ouen tions FREE BRAKE When :wc drive your car on our Cow drey Dynamic Tester you see the braking abilitv on each wheel measured scientific- f tur iu snow uow quick you can stop I nr'-ni,. ' t. i car at any given speed. The j complete inspection of your en- j tire braking system on this ma- j chine takes but a few minutes. ! , ... V 1 : COMPLETE FIRESTOKE ONE-STOP; SERVICE t Invite Va ! te Tour Nest Dlowout Cctatcr? & Li&ci?tsr GtSa Points (Jut Savinf ipossible v :iu niyii ouiiuuf j i uuui; I ' Systems Outlined ! " : . ' ' ' li'j'1 " The 1911 lejlslatlre set provid ing .for district ownership of text books lapcliea only toeiementary" schools, according t announce ment made by. C.i'rMi Howard, state superintendent of; public in struction. High school istudents trill continue to purchase their own' books. . f i j Mr. i Howard is ! urging the or ganization of book exchanges and the introduction of a 'rental sys tenji as a means of redacing the high school textbook i expense, v f Many of your j students jwill find It difficult to secure the ne cessary textbooks i when i school open thU fall." Howard said In a letter to high: school principals. ' i f Any plan: y can j irork out for lightening the burden in this connection! will be appreciated by the; parent and by oar: students. I suggestthe: setttagljju of book exchanges : - In : yourii t schools through which studehjts) may buy and sell used textbookej I AIIKmonM fnta ! iM-l't !' "i s Possible Are- Urged.jrf ! 1 i -: i ' tl am .confident stiatJ textbook expense fee high school students can; be reduced materially by a rental! plan and I earnestly sug gest that the organization of such a system be inaugurated at the earliest opportune tlpie. In the beginning, such a systom ' need not cover ;all the boo si in use in thei hih schools. If itt were to in clude only one . bookt J! for each grade.; such as mathematics, civics and American hlstorill j it would save a cbnsiderabiej ! amount of money to the parents ief your high school students. "' f ill i"; "I am sure that thei high school principals of Oregon, scan be de pended upon to carefully study every feature of the i administra tion -of the schools lender their charge! loOking not only to the eliminatloitjof everyptem of un necessary expenditure; pot public tunda but to possible! , reductions tn student expenditures ; as well.' Rihletee Fot and ltah. tteli - 4 5 I ' 1 . 4 1 - i - . WTy wntUr from the! iQueer ekfa atsea1 eaaaiasr mtw:!' nehiar- toe and rt,cracklnjr.lpUng ekln. a. Rl iltc French Foot or Crotch when you can! avoid n- fetien and Quickly hl your skin with Dr. Hlaon's Nlxo4mT BasoA &n ih. .nutn. Rnrllih Hoanltal for mal. eieeovrd' 6y I- oderm ot with amaalnR pd. o eause desimed for this particular akin disease. Klzederm is guaraa teed. It most stop Itch mtid qwlekly heal your skin or the small cost will be ratwadoA. .. j i f i I PERRYtS I I DRUG STORE 115 s. Commercial CAE! mM ;-!' . I Hi- i e fOSOMEFAMILVi BECAUSE1 OF ! MUlY;BilCES danger ia always present if driring fwith faulty brakes. Think of the possible consequences if you faced th .:. Doesn't the thought impress you witthe vital im portance of driving in jtio w for a. thor inspection ana necessary to! give you the utmost braking efficiency? ,.. m t j; ,r 5 ! ' . M L 1 .IU! I1 1: pEitMlliTlbW If adjtistments dr re lining pf your brake! is necessary to insure safe driving, our sci entific service assures positiye satisfactionl All ouir brake work is iullyMuaranteedl You will find our prices are thj lowest! obtainajbfe anywhere! consistent with: the quality 9? the work performed. ; i i .H i 1 1 !1 ' 1, ( 1 m mm mi MM; PEicno mi ' 1 ViSi ; m' mi Hfl: m jDescriptions or the book ex change system in use at Wood burn and the rental plan now op erated; In the Newberg schools have been sent to all high school principals, j SllEifSTOISSUE mm is pl:;: ) Ians are being worked out by Hal E- Hoss. secretary of state, whereby motor vehicle . owners will1 Receive their license plates from the sheriffs of the various counties instead of through . the Salens automobile department. Hoss said such a plan would eliminate delays and the cost would be no greater, than under the- present system. Other labor saving innovation also are being con&lfered by the secretary of state . .; ; Material reductions In the op erating personnel of the state motor vehlele department will be announced within the next two weeks, Hoss said. There are now approximately 100 persons em ployed in the motor vehicle divi sion. '. J. V :- " Doable this number of Oersons are! employed during the. peak of the -motor vehicle license rush. mm WED. NIGHT 7:30 P. M. at K N. WoodryV Auction Market t610 NJ Summer St Lpright Piano Mahogany case. Walnut dining table. 6 Walnut dining chairs top seats. Large Buffett. Orange and Black! Breakfast Table and! 4 fiddle back chairs to match. Columbia Phono graph and records. 11a by Crib. ! Heavy steel bed. Coil spring. a good nsed mat ' trte. a . bnrner ' electric plate. Two 0x13 nsed rags Several scatter rags. Li brary table. ' Sewing ma chine.1 Sanitary-couch and pad day, lounge and pad.! 4 nsed rockers. Ivory vanity, dresser, and bench.. Book case and books. Large fluff rag. i Hmall Ice box. No. 8, i d-hole cook stove, Coleman lantern and lamp. ' Heavy frame bicycle. S burner oil jrtove. Set dishee, wtenalla, Qollta, blankets, pillows, etc. Linoleum rem nants, i Cash Paid for Used Furnitjrre Phone 5110 you arc vety correc - ':. V 944 i l' I 1 '-i "V: !..- 1. 1 ' 'f I'll.;' (HI - S ,' - ' V . - ! f