The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 30, 1931, Page 7, Image 7

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    - PAG3 CZVLH
The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon. Sunday Morning. August 30. 1931
Events of -MMest'
in b
Salem Folk Plan
Labor Day
Labor, day, the most eagerly
awaited vacation period of the
year, the time when young and
old alike feel the urge to trarel
and find new surroundings? seek
quiet and secluded places where
the hurry and bustle of the city
throngs may be forgotten and the
quietude enjoyed beside dashing
mountain streams or perhaps some
place of a more llTely nature, the
s'eTer popular, beach resort. Some
of the more athletic minded
youth, of the city are planning In
terestlng trips into the mountains
and . nearby lakes which will In-
elude, a trip arranged by the Ja
son Lee Hiking dub. under the
. direction of Don Douris, who will
take the group Monday, first, to
Jordan Creek, then to a ranch
house fire miles oUtant. where
they will begin their long hard
hike to Indian Prairie Lake,
back into the wooded section of
the surrounding mountains. Those
who will make the trip will be.
Mrs. Gordon Black, who will cha
,perone the group, Mr. Gordon
Black, Eleanor Birth. Naomi
Fleet, Vera Dark, Barbara Rar
nam. . Isobel Leeper, Myrtle
Burke. Larerne Hewitt, Hazel Ma
son, Mary Lois Drlggs, Helen
Marey. Betty Fouke, Harold Leep
er, Gordon Black. Don Douris.
Don Watson, Herman Raefusa.
Myron Fouke, Paul Tennant,. Paul
Carpenter, Edgar Rodgers. Lau
rence Baumgartner, Dewayne
Duncan, and Loren Banjamlne.
Boy Scout Troop No. which
will Include about 15 of -the
younger boys, is arranging a hike
to King Tut's Tomb, an old In
dian gathering ground near Me
hama. This group will be lead by
Bill Towne.
Dr. and Mrs. John Lynch, Mr.
and Mrs. John Stimson. Mr.- and
Mrs. Frank Ross of Portlaad will
be included in a group who will
njoy a fishing party OTer the La
bor day holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wlllett will
be guests at the Dearborn moun
tain cabin oa the McKenrle river
for the weekend.
Breltenbush Springs, a popular
resort will be a favorite with Sa
lem motorists during the vacation
with some groups planning trips
to Wllholt Springs. Silver Creek
Falls and the Oregon beaches
which are always a standby and
favorite vac 'on spot.
Informal Affair
Enjoyed Friday
The regular meeting of the
Mary and Martha Circle of the
First Christian church, was enter
tained Friday at the home pjt Mrs.
B- E. Holllnzswotth .on J, North
Capitol street. , . - . :
The guests for the afternoon
Included, Mrs. C. E. Bowen, Mrs.
A. B. Seeley, Mrs. K. Smith. Mrs
George Gibson and daughter Dor
othy. Miss Anna NIssen, Mrs- E.
J. Leepley. Mrs. D. A. Shoemaker
Mrs. Arthur Flint. Mrs. 'J. D.
Dears, Mrs. O. C. McDowell. Mrs.
J. F. Rautenkranx. Mrs. D. IL
Hickethier, Mrs. W. H. Gardner,
Mrs. C. A- David, of Madison, W is
eonsin. Mrs. D. P. Simpson. Mrs.
E. W. Cooley. Mrs. C. F. Doane.
Mrs. A. D. Wagner, Mrs. C. A
Cole. Mrs. A. Noth. Miss Edith
Carper, Mrs. Bert Macy and the
hostess. Mrs. B. E. Hollingswdrth.
Miss Ruth Tibbits
Guest of Honor
" An Informal affair of the week
was the evening arranged by Mrs.
Ida L. NHes and her daughter.
Miss Gussie Niles. In compliment
to Miss Ruth Tibbits, who will be
one et Salem's most charming
brides of the late summer. The
evening was spent pleasantly with
conversation, after which MUs
TibbiU was presented a lovely
electrical gift from the group.
-Those who enjoyed the evening
were Mrs. F. J- Tooxe. Mrs. J. C.
Tibbits, Miss Annabelle Tooe.
Mrs. Pierre Saucy, Mrs. Carrie
G. Fowle. the Misses Lena and
Mabel Dotson. Eva Walker. Thea
Thompson. Christine Weins. Ag
nes Dick and the hostess. Mrs.
Niles and Miss Gussie NHes.
Prominent Maids
Tr Sail for New York
Two nromlnent Salem maids
whn ira making extensive prep-
...iinm trt leare Salem within
... fnrtnleht are MUs Jo-
.-r,hin Albert and Miss Rosalind
v- winkle, who will leave Sep
I... for New York city.
where Miss Van Winkle will study
. v,ci- master's degree at Col
umbia university and Miss Albert
ni t,i voice In the Jnlliard
n.tttA of musical art. They
will take an Admiral line steam
er from Portland, and will trans
fer to the Panama-Atlantic liner
o s Virginia at San Francisco.
arriving in New York September
iwt. Miss Albert and Miss Van
Winkle are members of Beta
Chi sorority. A number of social
affairs are being arranged -In
h.i. Y,nnnr' the first to be held
flav evening at the home of
Miss Dorothy Dalk. who will en
tertain f0f the travelers.
ilm urarv Wlnchell spent Sun
t the home of her cousin.
Mrs. Fred Erixon on State street,
from Santa Clara, Calif..
..r. haa been vacationing
r.r thm nast fortnight, lo her
,m in Seattle. Miss Winchell '.
miinnirr aervlnz f or . the
Methodist church. In the Interests
of the Japanese people of Ssattle,
of which she relates some ow
esting experiences.
un yaaie Robertson of Min
neapolls, Minnesota, who has
beea vUiting her many friends
mnA rtiativ here since June, will
: " . . . ., ...-;. -X t
' 4 y I
tK x T " iJni
Miss Roberta Smith, wh vriU leave Sep
tember 5, for Salt Lake City, was guest of hon
or Saturday at a large formal tea. Kennell-EUis.
Bridal Attendants
Announced By
' ; Party
The first of the series of early
fall, weddings will be that of
Miss Dorothy 'Gutekunat and At
wood Foster, which will be sol
emnized Tuesday evening. Sep
tember 1. at 8 o'clock. In the
Evangelistic tabernacle at Thir
teenth and Ferry streets.
Miss Mildred Parsons of Mo
fcerty, l Mo., will attend the bride
as maid of honor, while the
Misses Audrey and Cornelia Con
verse have been chosen as brides
maids. Little Rena Coleen Skags
has .been selected as flower girl.
.Albert Stange of San Francisco
will serve as best man and the
ushers will bo Leonard Foster
and David Converse.
Rev. Charles Weston, pastor at
the tabernacle, will officiate in
the presence of several hundred
Miss Doris Clarke will sing
preceding the ceremony, accom
panied by Miss Hoshle Watanabe
at the piano. Miss Agatha Doran
will play the wedding marenes.
A reception at the noma or me
Dride-elect's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. George Gutekunst, for mem
bers of the bridal party and In
vited friends and relatives win
follow the ceremony.
Mr. I and Mrs. Gutekunst are
entertaining for the bridal party
with a dinner Monday evening at
their home preceding the wed
ding rehearsal at the church. The
dinner will bo the final social
event of a series of affairs hon
oring the attractive bride-elect.
Miss Martha Sprague
Bridge Hostess Friday
One - of the pleasant Informal
affairs of the week was the atter
nono of bridge given Friday at
the home Of Miss Martha Sprague.
when she entertained in compli
ment to a group of her intimate
friends. Following several hours
of bridge the guests were seated
at ai prettily appointed table cen
tered with an attractive bouquet
- . a a M
of neacn-coiorea giaaiou ana gar
den 'greenery, where covers were
marked for the Misses Edna and
Margaret Savage. Rachael and
Ruth Yocuxn. Eleanor and Helen
Prlndle. Margaret Doege. Julia
Johnson and the hostess, Martha
High score for the afternoon
was won by Miss Rachael Yocum
wltl consolation award going to
AM3S Mirjarei uocse.
MABEL S. POWERS teacher of piano
Stedio Opens Sept. lit
i 1254 Court St Phone 712
My course deals with the
fundamental m u s cular
adjustments for playing
octava3, chords, trills,
double thirds, arpeggios
and scales.
; -:ivav
Mrs. Oliver C. Locke
Smart Tea Hostess .
A delightful Informal affair of
tne week waa the tea Saturday
afternoon, given by Mrs. Oliver C.
Locke In her home on North
Church street, complimenting a
group of Intimate friends. The
smartly appointed tea table was
centered with a lovely bouquet of
marigolds and sinaias with har
monizing tapers in pewter hold
ers, from which the Misses Doro
thy Damon, of Portland, Edna
Mathls of Salem served lea to the
following ladles, Mrs. Harry
Craln. Mrs. George Nelson. Mrs.
David Bennett Hill. Mrs. Foster
Cone, Mrs. H. O. White, Mrs. Ray
Hartman, Mrs. A. S. Hussey, Mrs.
Mrs. R. L Edwards. Mrs. S. O.
Matthis, Mrs. Roy Hurst,' Miss
Loretta Matthis, Mrs. X. D. Wood-
manseo and her house guests Mrs.
George Humberstone of Portland,
who was a special guest for the
afternoon. -
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Prantl and
family of Gerrais. Mate Hermlle
and children. Margaret and Tom,
and Andy Hilger of Woodburn,
motored to Portland" recently
where they were Joined by Mr.
and Mrs. August Nerrlck, Lynn
Sorenson and Ardoth and Arlene
Graham of Portland for a trip
around Mt. Hood Loop. The
party returped to thel rres pec tire
homes after a most enjoyable trip
around the mountain.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Young who
make their homo at 2155 Center
street, 'were happily surprised
Tuesday evening when theix son
Elmer, came home for a few
weeks vacation. Mr. Elmer
Young has been an Instructor In
the University of Minneapolis for
he past sine years. -
e ;i
Mrs. Richard Newman (Jean
Shlpp) left Saturday evening for
Hastings, Neb., where she and
Mr. Newman will make their
home. Mr. Newman is well known
in athletic circles, having been
affiliated with Oregon State col
lege in that capacity for a num
ber of years.
Mr .and Mrs. Charles T. Howe
and young son Tommy, will leave
late Sunday evening for their
home in Hood River, after having
spent the weekend at the home
of Mrs. Howe's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. G. A. Wood.
I Additional Society !
I on Page 9
Dear Mrs. Powers:
Your summer's work with
me has been most (ratifying.
Tour musical understanding
and capacity for dean analysis
make you a valuable member
of the teaching profession.
Most sincerely yours.
Abby WhiUslds
215 X. 73th. New tork City.
Permanent Wave
Genuine "Ringlette"
OllYK 1L Doak,
Sylvia Thompson
Bride of
Com Ins as a surprise to their
many friends is the . announce
ment of the .wedding: Sunday
morning; of .Miss Sylvia Thompson
and Arthur W. Knox, which will
be solemnized at o'clock In the
First Presbyterian church. Rev.
Grover T. Blrfchet will read the
Impressive single ring service . In I
me presence ox me immediate
members of the families of the
bride and groom.
Miss Thompson has chosen for
her wed dint modish fall ensem
ble of dirk blue wool crepe with!
white trim, and close fitting: hat
oC French felt, to match." Her ae-K
eessories are of white and .to com-,
plete her costume will wear a
shoulder corsage of white garden
ia. : . . '
Immediately following the wed
ding: ceremony the young couple
will leave by motor for a trip
through southern Oregon, includ
ing Crater Lake and the Oregon
caves before returning to Salem
In a fortnight, where they will be
"at home" after September IS, at
981 North ISth street.
Both Miss .Thompson - and Mr.
Kaoz are well known In Salem,
having lived here for a number of
years. They are both employed at
the United States National bank.
During her stay In Salem Miss
Thompson has made her home
with her brother-in-law and sis
ter, Mrs. Ralph Thompson, on
South Commercial stfeet.
Josephine Rodgers
Com plimented
Another youthful local musici
an who Is leaving Salem soon for
New York City to take advanced
work In piano study, is Miss Jose
phine Rodgers. daughter of Dr.
Emma Rodgers. 2345 North
Church street. Miss Rodgers will
leave Monday evening; for New
York where she will attend the
Courtland University of Music,
specialising la advanced methods
of piano interpretation. Miss
Rodgers will accompany her aunt.
Miss Harrlette Rodgers, who haa
been spending the summer in Sa
lem at the Rodgers home.
Honoring Miss Josephine Rod
gers, Miss Esther Black enter
tained Saturday evening at the
home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Black on North Sum
mer street, with a surprise fare
well party. The evening was .spent
Informally at cards after which
the hostess served a late supper.
Those in the group included, the
honor guest. Miss Josephine
Rodgers. MUs Harrlette Rodgers.
Wllma Dodsey. Betty Fouke, Hal
lie Chamberlain. Gatha Breesler,
Thelma Hewitt, Eleanor Barth.
Mary Lola Drlggs. Myron Fouke,
Stanley "Wllkersoa, Harold Leep
er, Paul Carpenter. Paul Tennant.
Donald Collls. Ezra Rodgers.
Donald Courts, Victor Barth.
Gerald ' Mia ton. and the hostess.
Miss Esther Black.
Dr. and Mrs. Vernon Douglas
left Friday for a two weeks' vaca
tion trip which included a day at
Lthe round-up in Pendleton and
other interesting eastern Oregon
points. They also plan to go to
Bend and to Klamath Falls and If
time will permit, continue south
by way of the Redwood highway
to San Francisco, where they will
visit friends.
The American War Mothers
will meet Tuesday, September 1.
for their first fall meeting, which
will be held in the parlors of the
American Lutheran cnurcn on
North Church street. The meeting
will begin promptly at 2 o'clock
and all members of the. organisa
tion are urged to attend.
A series of winning reel- I
. a A.
pes submitted in a contest
sponsored by the
J Clip
and paste them
your recipe book
No. S
"Quick Cinnamon
Mrs. R. A. Meyer
loaf (day old) Snowflake I
tablespoons melted butter I
cup sugar. i
I 1 teaspoon cinnamon '
Slice outside crusts from the
. bread and cut S or 4 length- .
1 wise slices. On each spread I
i melted butter, sprinkle on cln-. i
' namon and sugar mixed. Roll JJ
j up tightly the long way. Cutj
in two-incn rous, nip enas in
melted butter. Place in mod
, erate oren for 20 minutes
Prize Recipe I
Society Editor
r - J
Miss Barbara Whipp of Portland, house
guest at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Dean Ad
ams.Kennell Ellis. .
Pauline Y ou n g
Bride of
L. White
Am attractvle home wedding
took place Saturday evening, at 8
o'clock at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Olenn Lengren. when Mrs.
Lengren's sister. Miss Pauline
Young, became the bride of La
rerne White. The ceremony; sim
ple though Impressive, was read
by Rev. H. C. Stover of Knight
Memorial church in the presence
of immediate relatives and inti
mate friends of the couple. Early
fall flowers were combined and
used in profusion about the rooms
of the Lengren home.
Hurry Mothers! Not Many More Days
in the Free Photographic Contest
t . -
Free Photographic Contest
- r . ..
These are the facts: THE KENNELL-ELLIS Studios and THE STATES
MAN are cooperatively staging this contest to detennine the most attrac
tive children in this section of the valley. You'll want to enter your child.
Photograpmronly by; appointment. There is no charge for a sitting.
i u
tit A, )L - ' fC
I ; X - MS
m J M
' - Y la
i- . r. 4 si
f-v '. ' - ' "
fit.w' v-.v '- " -'
i? mat'
Miliers Department Store
Buster Brown Shoe Co.
Imperial Furniture Co.
Producers Milk Co.
429 Oregon Building. State, and High Streets
The bride waa charming la a
modish gown of browa satin with
harmonising hat and accessories
and corsage of roses. Both, she
and Mr. White were unattended.
Following a very lnfonnalrecep
tion. Mr. and Mrs. White left for
Portland where they will spend
the weekend. They hare post
poned their wedding trip until a
later date when a two weeks tour
of the Oregon beaches will be en
joyed. They will make their home
at 340 North Liberty street.
Mrs. Young is the daughter of
Mrs. A. D. Smith and Mr. White,
the son of Mr. and Mrs. George
White. They both attended Salem
hirh school. Mr. White has been
emnlaved for several rears at
Hunt Brothers.
Three Beautiful
to Winners of
Babies orer 5 Months and Under
12 Months.
Girls From 1 to 5 Years.
Boys From 1 to 5 Years.
Entry D
Twins Under 5 Years.
District Meeting
Of Missionary
Society .:
The Salem, district meeting of
the Woman's Home Missionary
society of the Methodist ennrch
was held in the parlors of the
First Methodist church of Salem
August 27 from 10 a. m. until
4 p. m. "
Three of the local churches.
Jason Lee, Leslie and 'First
church, acted as hosts to the vis
iting group of women.
Mrs. Ores St ration of First
Church, who is district president.
presided throughout the day. Mrs.
R. L. Reed , of Portland, w&o is
state president: Mrs. E. J. Maple
of Forest Grove, conference" cor
responding; secretary;. Miss Mabel
L." Keech, superintendent of the
Helen Manley center of Portland;
Mrs. D. G. Wilson of Portland,
president of the society of. the
Rose City Park church, and Mrs.
H. Peterson of Portland, corres-H
ponding secretary, were among
the visiting members present.
Devotlonals at the opening oi
both the morning and afternoon
sessions were led by Mrs. Cath
erine Smylie and Mrs. B. Earle
Parker. Interspersed with the re
ports of Mrs. A. F. Mack, P. J.
Voth, Mason -Bishop and E. C
Miller were musical numbers fur
nished by Miss Marjorle O'Dell
and Mrs. Gilbert Wrenn, accom
plished vocalists, and by Miss Eu
genia Savage and Miss Mabel
Keech, with instrumental music
of a high order. The program was
closed by a round-table discus
sion led by Mrs. E. J. Maple and
Mrs. H. Peterson.
Luncheon was served to 135 la
dies and the banquet- room was
decked in fall blossoms-with zin
nias predominating.
The address of the president
and that of Miss Mabel Keech on
"Our Plans at the Helen Manley
Community Center" were the out
standing numbers on the day's
e e . e -
.Mr. and Mrs. Jim TIghtner left
Friday by motor for Seattle.
Washington, where they will
visit friends for a short time.
Hmmt rrasaat. TRoral
Aeadeay of Katie, Basspeit
Ensemble, Chamber Music, Coaching
Salem Studio, 254 K. Church St.
Prizes Given
Each Entry
mm iti,..vmii.
Atlas Book Store
The Spa
Central Pharmacy
C. J.Breier Co.
Martha Dixon
Bride of
H. Adams
A pretty wedding at the home
of Rer. and Mrs. E- E. Long took
place-recently when Miss Martha
Jean Dixon, daughter of Mr. and,
Mrs. J. T. Dixon of "Portland, be-,
came the bride of William Huph
Adams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
Adams of Salem. Rev. Long offi
ciated at the ceremony and Men
delssohn's "Wedding March" was
played by Miss Lita Waters.
The bride was attractive la a
smart,, tailored suit of Imported
tweed with stone martin necle
piece, and accessories to match..
She was attended by Mrs. Carolyn
Carroll. - The groom was attend
ed by his brother. Dwight Adams.
-Large baskets of flowers; In
pastel tints and a . bouquet of
white Japanese wind flowers on
the. mantel formed an attractive.
background for the bridal group.
Following the ceremony a recep
tion was held at which refresh
ments were served by Helen Dix
on., sister of the bride. MU
Esther Long and Miss Berntce
The guests, who were the im
mediate families and a few close
friends of the bride and groom,
were Mr. J. T. Dixon, Helyn Dix
on, Wilbur Dixon. Ralston Dixon,
Mrs. L. W. Pantall, Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn Adams. Dwight Adams",
Howard Adams.- Dr. and Mrs.
John Henry Wells. Mr. and Mrs.
M. M. Bailey, Miss Bernlce Bier
ins, Mrs. Carolyn Carroll. Miss
Lita Waters. Mr: Martin Reddins,
Mr. Charles Hageman, Miss Esth
er Long and Mrs. S. E. Long.
Immediately following the
ceremony , Mr. and Mrs. Adams
left for a wedding trip. After
September 10 they will be at
home at the Haseldorf Apart
ments. .
Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Calllson
will motor to Portland Sunday to
spent the day with friends at
Jantsen Beach, They will be ac
companied home by their daugh
ter, - Lora. who is spending the
weekend with friends.
Teseaer of priis iriaaiaf soloist I
Phone 6040
- xj - .v - i in v. .
Phone 7830
h. lAavtnr Salem for Van-
420-27-28 Oregon Bid. . . . TeL 57S
Mnr B. C and other Cana
at., nnind. She expects to
turn to her home in Minneapolis
late In the fall. ,
; ; : : . - . ,
- ' i : "..;. if ; i . . . - -