' " - ' ' --N ibvllMAit, Lv.&. ittiK SiiitJay jIomuh, 33, H'--,". 4 ,l i "COi'IFESSICiiS OF S It COED" COS I 1"!- 5.v-'- l I 1:1 ! J The first American- college tory authentic In all its details. "Confessions of a Co-Ed," has been brought to the screen by Paramoant and will open a two day showing at, the Elsinore the atre. lUrtlnr Friday . 'Contusions of a Co-Ed", based on the . Intimate facts In tho day-to-day diary ot an anony mous co-ed, whose own highly dramatic, and intensely emotion al experience reflect the thoughts and actions ot all mod ern college youths, deals with one Of tho most vital and Interesting ' phases of present-day life. In It are pictured the Joys, tho rival' ries. the Jealousies and lore at fairs ot young men and beautiful girls, many of them away from borne, "oa their own" for the first time in their lives. Acted by two interesting young college men, Phillips Holmes and Norman Foster, and a young stage star who has risen rapidly to movie prominence, Sylvia Sid ney, in the featured roles, 'Con fesslons of a Co-Ed" is college life as It 1s lived. Sylria Sidney, a freshman. Is rushed by a prom Inent sorority and by -two hand some men. Holmes and Foster, during, her ; first college days. Swept off her feet by Holmes wooing, she fails to notice the jealousy of Claudia Deli, a soror ity sister. She repulses the ad- ranees of Foster. Posing as Sylvia's friend. Claudia seeks to separate Holmesl and Sylria, and at me same time arouse Sylrla's Interest in Foster. After a mad escapade with Claudia, Holmes is ex pelled, and disappears. Sylria, be lieving he has deserted her, yields to Claudia's urging and marries Foster. But Holmes re turns, and an exciting climax follows The drama of this lore affair is carried on in a highly charged at mosphere of Intense emotion, against a colorful background, of gay fraternity life, campus flirta tions, bouse parties. 1GUE OF THE IE' A vivid romance of bold ad venture la the bad lands Is told in "Rogue of tho Rio Grande." the exciting, talkie featuring Myrna Loy, Raymond Hatton and Jose Bohr being presented Friday and Saturday at the Hollywood the atre. It is a warm-blooded ac count of bandits and beauties, ex cellently presented, and mixing ro bust humor, lilting melodies and tingling drama. Jose Bahr, who has appeared in a number. of Spanish Torsions of feature length productions, en acts the title role In "Roeue of the Rio Grande. Opposite him is the charming . Myrna Loy, who sings a few songs effectively, and demonstrates the dancing ability which gare her her start in pic- tures and has made her; one of the most popular young players In Hollywood. The story concerns the adven- tures ot El Malo, the bandit, who has forced the crooked mayor of the town to ' open bis safe and turn orer a urn of money to him. A reward is offered for El ' Malo's capture yet the bold ban dit flaunts danger by appearing r the cantina, unknown to the sheriff. When his identity is fin ally disclosed, he makes his get-. r awav with Carmita, the cafe en tertainer with whom be is in lore. "Rogue of the Rio Grande" is a Cliff Broughton production, re leased by Sono Art-World Wide. The talkie is based on am original . story by Olirer Drake. The di rection is credited to Spencer Cordon Bennet. L.Haberly's Poems Reach Pome People if IE . S1L.VERTOX, Aug. 29 A slender book of poems written by 1 Lloyd Haberly, formerly of Sil $ rerton but now of Long Crendon, ! England, has been received here. The book is published by the American branch ot the Oxford ' CniTersity Press of England. The . Tolume entitled "Poems" is ded icated to the memory of Robert Bridges, once poet laureate of England. " ' Haberly was born in the Waldo hills and , went to school here, later attending Reed unirersity, Portland, where in 1121 he was awarded a ' Rhodes - scholarship. He attended Trinity college, Ox ford, where be played Lacrosse In 1123-34. He took a degree in law and since his graduation has made his home in England. At ' Long Crendon he writes, illus trates, prints and binds books. His publishing house has gained him some reknown. The poet has a brother, Karl . Haberly. now living In Waldo hills. His father, Lou Haberly, re cently mored to Portland to make his home. Another brother," Bur nett, is a student a Pacific unl versly. Instructor at Normal Will Leave for East MONMOUTH, Aug. 2 -1 Merle' E. Bonney, an instructor in the department ot education at the Oregon Normal school fir the past . sereral years, will leare next week, accompanied by Mrs. Bon neey, for .New York where he will work toward his doctor's degree at Columbia unirersity. He is a graduate ot Willamette unirer sity; and secured his Master's de gree at, Stanford. - A popular i gure on the Nor mal school campus. Bonney'a de parture is regretted, but he plans to take but one year's leare of absenee, and will return to the Normal, here, in 1122. i - i '' Helen Chandler and Ramon Ing Sunday at the Hollywood tneatre. J . - . " , QUICK MILLIONS' JT Black and Blue Sans Dance Numbers Appearing in Play; Tracy Star Lorera of the softsboe dance. the waits clog and the blackface minstrel turn will see two of their old faroritea in the Fox presen tation of "Quick Millions" coming Sunday. Monday and Tuesday to the Grand theatre in which Black and Blue, in real lite Robert Burns and John Swor, take prom inent roles. ; . , But since "Quick Millions" is a story ot big cities, of suddenly ac quired wealth, and big business power, both Burns and Swor for sake their: old routines; Burns, howerer, taking a comedy role, while Swor appears In a straight part. - Spencer Tracy is starred in this production which was directed by Rowland Brown, author of "Door way to Hell." . T ES Featuring three stars of excep tional ability and boasting a story of unusual merit, "Transgres sion." Radio Pictures' wldejy heralded dramatic hit reaches the screen of the Elsinore theatre Wednesday and Thursday. Beautiful Kay Francis, whose rise to screen stardom has been deserTed and rapid, Ricardo Cor tez, suare i Tillaln of the talkies and Paul Caranagh, notable stage star, play the principal roles. . The story, from Kate Jordan's novel. "The Next Corner", deals with the mental torment of a young women reared In the peace and quiet of an English country- aide who goes to Paris and strug gles against conscience and im pulse when an ardent lorer at tempts to sweep her oft her feet. Herbert i Brenon, director of such screen classics as "Bean Geste", "Sorrel and Son", "The Case of Sergeant Grischa" and Beau Ideal", has handled the production with- notable success, according to adraace Information. Brenon considers it one of his major triumphs. An unusually competent sup porting cast includes such faror- ites as Nance O'Neill, Ruth West on. John St. Polls and Adrienne d'Ambricourt. "A HOLY TERROR TO Outdoor romances., in great number, hare been shown on the screen at. the Grand Theatre, but 'A Holy Terror opening Friday s a rerlation, a real treat in this class of film entertainment. That popular idol of the young er generation, George O'Brien, portrays the leading role and Sally Eilers, Tibrant and beauti ful, enacts the featured feminine role. i 4 The story concerns the thrilling adrentures of a young man about town, who finds his assumed father shot to death and decides to track down the murderer. O'Brien ! performs all sorts of hazardous i feats in an airplane and on horseback, makes a thrill ing escape from a band of men- ll Sunday Monday Tuesday with Salens N M 1KI T El SICIlf! DON Mi GRAND Grand f I with V Firs V Showlna; ; fin' ! S Korarro as aeen In "Daybreak, opea- Kay Francis as she appears In "Transgreattien at thejjtlsinore theatre, Wednesday and Thursday f this week. dacious catlemen and crasbea into a lady's bathroom with his air plane. In the end, he finds his man. only to 'discover he has been trailing his own father and that the man who was killed In a fair fight, kidnapped the hero when he was a child. O'Brien, it is declared, excels all his previous efforts in this pic ture, even the roles he so success fully played in "Lone Star Rang er" and "Last of The Duanes." The cast supporting the prin cipals includes such faroritea as Rita La Roy. Humphrey Bogart, James Kirkwood, Stanley Fields. Robert Warwick and Richard Tucker. " The picture was directed by Irring Cummings and the story is based on Max , Brand's outdoor thriller, "TrailinV ': Lutherans Will go To Euerene ToJav For State Ralljrl SILVERTON. Aug. 2t Many Lutherans from this vicinity will go to Eugene Sunday to attend the state-wide rally of the Luther an Sunset home. Two ministers from here, the Rev. J. M. Jenson. pastor of the Immanuel Lutheran church, and the Rev. H. L. Foss, pastor ot the Trinity - Lutheran congregation, are to deliver the principal sermons on the morn ing program. Rev. H. Rogen ot Monitor will glre the address of welcome. t . Mr. and Mrs. Elmer O'Kane ot Monterey Park. Cal., were Sll- rerton visitors Wednesday, renew ing old , acquaintances. The O'Kanes, who formerly lived here, were returning from a week'a vis it in Canada en route home. Mrs. Murdock, 70, Has Eye Operation; Oldtimers in Picnic MONMOUTH, Aug. 25 Mrs. J. L. Murdock underwent - a cri tical eye operation Thursday at a Salem hospital, and Is reported to be resting comfortably. Mrs. Murdock is about 70 years 'ot age, and has been suffering Intensely from eye affections and impair ed vision for some time. . A group ot old time friends en Joyed a picnic together Wednes day evening at Helmick state park, with a bonfire that 'lasted until late in the evening to enliren reminiscence. Those enjoying the affair were Misses Florence and Jo Heffly, Mabel Johnson, and Helen De Armond, and Mrs. Carl Irerson, Mrs. Velma Pierson. Mrs. Cora Riddell. Mrs. T. M. Roth and Mrs. Velma Smith. j , k ti it A J. - iAtJ'" f v Spencer Tracy ' . SaDy Eilers Marguerite Churchill tf H lVr"'V-- r 1 v Manelce Cberalier In "The Sunday, Monday and Tuesday at The Gall Board Br OUVE SLDOAK GRAM) Today Spencer Tracy In "Quick Millions". Wednesday Mary Aster and Robert. Ames In "Behind Office Doprs." Friday Sally Eilers and George O'Brien in. "A Holy Terror." ELSIXORJB Today Maurice Cheralier in "The Smiling Lieutepant." Wednesday Kay Francis and Ricardo Cortes in "Trana- gresslon." Friday Sylria Sidney and Phillips Holmes in "Confes- sions of a Co-Ed." HOLLYWOOD Today Ramon Novarro la "Daybreak". ? Wednesday Lupe . Veles and Lewis Ayres la "East is West." Friday Myraa Loy and Raymond Hatton la "Rogue "of the Rio Grande." Churches to Hold Union Services as Usual; Start Today MONMOUTH. Aug. 21. Fol lowing a traditional custom, members of the various church congregations in Monmouth will hold union serrices in the sereral places ot worship tor the four Sundays ot school vacation. Be ginning August SO a service will be held in the Evangelical church with Rev. Virtor P. Morris ot the Christian church delirering the message. September ( the Baptist church will be the meeting place, with Rev. A. L. Lonsberry of the Ev angelical church in the pulpit. September IS Rev. F. C. Stan nard ot the Baptist church will preach at the Christian church. The final Sunday service has not been scheduled to date. ROUXDS UP THIEVES INDEPENDENCE. Aug. 2 Louis Probst made his second roundup of thieves In his potato field Tuesday night, about one mile south of town when R. E. Mllllgan and H. L. Marshall were brought to town and arraigned before the justice of the peace, and admitted their guilt. WUXDER Hi HOME INDEPENDENCE. : Aug. 21 Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wander and daughter, Marjorle, arrived home Thursday from Los Angeles, where they attended the national convention of the rural mall car riers. Mr. Wunder carries mall over route one out of Indepen dence, and has been in this ser vice for about 15 years. Cob tin aou Perf ornuuic TaI A m tsb ma Today, Monday and Tuesday The Screen Most Popular Lover Ramon Novarro HELEX CHANDLER JEAN HERSHOLT a AUBREY SMITH Also Comedy, News and Cartoon P. t?" 'J I i iir Vi Smiling Lieutenant" which show the Elsinore theatre. "BEHIND OFFICE 1! D At last the private secretary gets a break! This much-abused, hard-work ed queen of the otice can't say now that she is completely orer looked in the scheme of life, for Radio Pictures' "Behind Office Doors" opening Wednesday at the Grand Theatre, is a romantic film woven out of her every-day ex periences. Without excessire gloss, Mary Astor portrays vividly the role ot a private secretary who falls hope lessly In love with her boss onlr te discover that he regards her merely as an office worker. J The ' atory is laid in a typical American ofice where numerous typewriters clatter la a noisy in dustry -that- is familiar to more than half of the country's popula Uon. There girls who have fam ilies to support live and work girls drowning out personal trag edies, secret love affairs and Joys in a constant, -unceasing flow- of work. Into this familiar, human back ground, Director Melville Brown haa Interlaced a beautiful ro mance which will awaken an in terest in the heart of every work ing gill who sometime or other has fallen captive to . the good looks and kindness ot her boss The result is an Intimate drama of a private secretary, seen through the eyes of those actively engaged in the work. The film features an unusually strong cast in addition to Miss Astor, including Robert Ames. Ricardo Cortex. Catherine Dale Owen and Edna Murphy. Family's New Washer Ends Wartz'Life WACONDA. Aug. 29. But for a certain idiosyncracy. Warts would have doubtless, been alive today. He developed; a fondness ror wasning macnines'in nis tnird year of life and now -Donald Nu lomi little green frog, a most nnusual pet is no more. He was such a friendly .little fellow and obliging he ! hopped about so cunningly when poked with stick. Immediately after the new ma chine was installed Warts took up his abode inside. During the winter he lived In some secluded spot, perhaps un der the porch. Anyway, he always sought the coolness of the sink in warm weather. The lid was always left open a little for his convenience. Mr. Nu som was explaining and demon strating the merits ot an electric washer to a. friend one evening; the curernt was turned on. The frog was killed. HOLLYWOOD Sill 25C Talkie. CaV Home of WC Talkie A HOME OWNED THEATRE i 1 n A - V.i :, S it ma I 7L-: . t .. v . Robert Ames and 3Iary Astor In a' scene from "Behind Office Doers' which opens Wednesday at the Grand. Maurice Chevalier as v "Smiling The screen's most unique stell ar personality, loved the world over for himself, his songs, his vivacity comes te the Elsinore theatre today, Monday and Tues day next inr his new starring pic ture, "The Smiling Lieutenant.' directed by Ernest Lubitsch. mak er of "The Love Parade" and -The Patriot." He is Maurice Chevalier, the smiling French entertainer whose love-making and love-singing have made .him the Idol ot two continents. "The Smiling Lieutenant" is a rollicking romance, with all the lore and song appeal of his first moving picture, "Innocents of pans"; with ail the luxury of set ting and story of "The Love Pa rade"; with the star of "The Big Pond." Claudette Colbert, in one of the leading feminine roles; with another bright screen light. EAST IS WEST" TO Announcement Is made by the Hollywood Theatre that Univer- sal's all-talking screen version of the successful stage play, '"East is West." featuring LLupe Veles, Lewis Ayres and Edward O. Rob inson, has been obtained Wed nesday as the opening atraction at the Hollywood Theatre. Originally' produced .In New Tork with Fay Bainter in the leading role, "East 1 West" prov ed one ot the most popular plays of recent years, enjoying a , run of three years on Broadway. The atory deals with the love affair of Ming Toy and Billy Ben son, son of a wealthy San Fran ciscan, who rescues the little Chinese girl from a "love boat" in China. Miss Velez. -whoje career as 'a film celebrity ' started with ber Portrayal of the mountain girl In Douglas Fairbanks' "The Gaucho" ia said to hare been most admlr. ably cast as Ming Toy and in this role she makes her debut as a screen singer with her rendition ot the famous "Chinese Lullaby." Lewis Ayres. who leaped to fame overnight as Paul Baumer in All -Quiet on the Western Front." plays his first romantic role as Billy Benson. - f BE MIDWEEK SHOW TODAY y 1 The Coolest Theatre in The Prince of Personality . singing, winking bis way in a plain Princess . . . then blossom into a warm-blooded under the care ot his own sweetheart! Ernst Lubitsch again trlumpe 'with this clever and beautinlly made production of love and romance. It Will Gladden Your Heart ! . Naggus at the Races and Sport Slants W. B. News Lieutenant .5? Returns to Elsinore gorgeous Miriam Hopkins, in an equally leading role, and .with Charlie Rugbies, lovable comedian in an Important supporting part. The story deals with the de licious romance ot a young lieu tenant ot the guards, whose smile gets him Involred with two wo men, one, a ' cabaret performer whom he loves and wants to marry; the other an old-fashioned princess who loves him and whom he is forced to marry How this marriage turns his life topsy turvy, and how the unwanted wife turns the table on her rival. Is the amusing topic of the romance. Helpful Hints for Healthful Living: - , 105 State J. H. Fotr v Coats V in MAURICE :-:- MIL imevauQ(BD Oregon . . and out of T seeing her beanry . dancing-girl NY IKBOEMf C0i.iES TO THE IIOLLYIVOOD Ramon Novarro in Amusing Comedy; Role Differs From Wonted Type The manager ot the Hollywood theatre announces the first run Sunday of Ramon Novarro's latest production, "Daybreak." In his latest Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer starring Tehicle, Dr. Ar thur Scbnltxler's amusing- and so phisticated "Daybreak." Ramoa Novarro makes an abrupt switch from the Spanish characterisa tions he has done in his last two productions, "In Gay Madrid" and "Call of the Flesh." Instead of broad-brimmed tats. and long black capes with scarlet borders, Novarro appears la' the tight-fitting gold-laced uniform of an officer of the Austrian Royal Guard, before the war. And his hair is elosely clipped to conform to Teutonic military regulations. - Willi Kasda, demonair younsf lieutenant. Is the same sort of gar love adventurer that Schnitzler presented in the person of Max. . the hero of his first play, "The Affairs of Anatol." , To Kasda an interlude with Laura is Just another love- affair, but a twist given the story bv Sehnitxler carries the Sale to the very gates of tragedy. The eminent French artist and director. Jacques Feyder, was as signed the work of preserving in tact the, unique continental at mosphere of this production. Metro-Goldwvn-Mayer surround ed the star with an exceptionally capable " cast, including Helen Chandler, the brilliant: hcrninn rr "Outward Bound"; Jean Hersholt, AUDrey Smith. William Bake well, Karen Morley, Kent Doug lass, Glenn Tryon and Clyde Cook. Capital invested in prim If i r in the United States totals $60- eo.oot, or 50 per cent more thaa that invested in manufacturing. SAW ft KA fin if f A far coat to be worn on a day like Friday or Saturday -would be decidedly out of place as well as very uncomfortable. Still there are many more foolish ..'things done . every day. Things which mean much to one's health and even sometimes which might lead to their serious illness. Take every precaution possible aboat your health and when you cannot figure ont your trouble consult your physician. Play safe. -WewlU be glad to fill his pre scription promptly and accurate ly. . , - Our Prescription Service' is the Hrt Service We Render WiUett Phone 3118 ; ! ( -.., CLAUDETTE COLDEdf MIRIAM HOPKINS . nv Hi . -ST y i t: