' - - " - : ' ' PAGE-TWO The OREGON STATESMAN. Sale d. Oregon. Sunday Morning. August 30, 193f AUDIT flEl'EALS ODITIOfl Slackness in Records Said Responsible for ?.lany Losses to Salem Hi" (Contiaumt from ps t) booAs. The total - of tnaae two I -funds is 1194,703 with only $107,000 on hand to mast it inu- . mnca as the general fund at the j tid ot th year ot 1929 aaowed ', .OTerdrafU t 5. 000. The teady : OTerexjeadttur of accounts for iha mounting deficit la citj ' tiaandba. Davison, remarks." . J The audit reveals diacrepaneies i.r.-'betweea the amount ot liens and felbonded debt showed oa the books r -of the city and the actual amoant '- tt Hens and bonds outstanding. 'r'i The outstanding Bancroft ''bonds at the time of the audit amounted to f 946.2X1 -while the funds available to meet them eoa-:.- aisled of liens on the bonded Im - prerement docket of 1830.518 and a cash asset of $110. 2S2 in ; "the sinking fnad for bonds, a l large part of which had been ''t "borrowed" to make ap defl- cienclea la the general fund ae ; count. Were. all of the sinking - fan available and were all of the , Hens-oa the bonded debt eollect- ibie la full, there would be a deft-l-Tfcievf of 123.000 between these ' two items and the total of the '-bonds.- ' : " 1 'rT)NrrepBcie Noted - 1st Warrant ewa - : - The renefal fund warrant con trol account In the city's tinan rea showed outstandtas warrants -"December 31. 1930 for 1$4.0$7 - wHb chefck of the warrants "" outstanding revealed only fit.-' 27S due. On the other hand the "Improvement warrant control : account shows warrants outstand t.iag 1 $77,644 December 31. -1J30. and a check ot the unpaid t'iwarranta allows $103,234 out,- atandinK. . . . " - Carelessness In the - formation ' of the 1130 budget by the city ; eouacil la reTealed In the audit. r That year the budget committee . - A AAA - 1 K..tvA " - piacea si. www more u mi . 'thia t reauired for 'Interest '-' and made no provision for $20,-. r .00 la bondsdue within the year. fcf'Bond payments and Interest are 'jfixed and can be correctly budget . -imA"0 tha.atadit.or comments. . nffWraand employees of the - city have treated the auditor "courteously and hare given every reasonable assistance in faralsb r lng records and . information. S -;the auditor comments. "It is ap- parent that thee was little or no system. This accounts for the an ' -parent lack of authority or uper- : vision in establishing accounting 'fj procedure.- Daviaoa says. "I db ' not believe that there Is any jesti .fiable reason for failure to main ;',tain a monthly cash balance since '.March 31. 129." Davison adds. i lxsea SualiKd Throwga 81akn9e K Poor business methods em r ployed iy the city la shown la this : statement . from - the audit: On ', t account of an Inadvertant attl- tude in, one . of the offices, some losses have come to the city. For f" Instance In the month, of June, I-.-' 192f. the sewer fund was over- drawa and on June 22, a sewer warrant" for $9fi was indorsed not paid tor want of funds'. On July 20. 192. funds were again ; ' available and the warrant should "'f have been paid with accrued in- teres t of only $5.00. but the said - v warrant was not called until Feb .v ruarr 27, 1930, with an Interest "accrjal of $39.40. or a loss of $34.40. Other inatanees of like "nature ceuld be cited. - Davlson'a -Tecommendatlons to ' the council are: "Ifis my reeom 1 Emendation that the council re--iQnlre the treasurer td furnish a ' monthly financial'aitatement" like ''tbe one In this report to the coun cllmea: that the recorder be re . quired io furnish In addition to i "- the reports now made to ,the council a' statement of outstand-- Ing warrants on each of the sev- -' eral funds as show on the treas P urer'a report as Of the last day of each month,' that the financial committee ef the council engage Itself tq the task of seeing that : . the records are properly recon - ;. ; died, and that the problems of ; city finance be given the attention . " of your entire body' - ; The financial statement of the city of Salem as of January 1, 193J, shown In the office at the recorder, 'follows: ''ZX' -. . Asseta ' rT CaiH $ 12C.SSS 13.138 -S3nis VaOO.OOO S1.511 S3.0SO . 1.935 45.309 92.203 34.615 .16.000 138 40,000 2,128.622 . .899.000 69.996 -1 TRAGEDY FOLLOWS WEDDING' I o o J layested funds . . . : Airport . Bonded Improvement V-.' Ilea docket ....... Bridges. '..., ' Marion county . treasurer ...... . City Hall Office equipment . . . . Fire department i '? - equipment " . . ; ... . mproreraent" lien . -' docket . .' ...... . . ? ", Bancroft bond interest V; Improvement district j construction costs . .',' Impreveraeat Hen " ';" docket Interest ' ; Incinerator: V- Street paving and ''t f Improvements ...... L- Sewer system-......,.. Appropriation ledger , ToUl assets . .$4.8?8,S52 IJabiUtles Bancroft Improvement' r . Bonds .$ 964,229 General obligation bonds ....... .. 966.500 City ot Salem 2.768.74 Certificates of i - ' Va? X -i "",:' i ''v.. sV. AC: a: :-V:v J.;..f!4a GOORDIOIITIOU: OFlRKPUlf Chamber of Commerce may Take Lead; Meeting of Leaders Proposed cottaMiMMd from eae t dupIicatloB f effort Insofar as possible would bo ajreed npon. The f tate. county and city tor- ernmesta are all to be called oa this winter t f aralah as mack employment aa possible. Chief of Police-Mlato has already Indi cated his willingness to tarn a part of the city hall Hato tempor ary sleeping quarters. The Salva tion Army has lad Its first fall meeting to discuss work for the coming winter. Associated Char ities la already giving food - and clothea to the needy. Mrs. Nona M. White, relief worker with the county-court,' has begun the col lection of clothes at the court house to be dispensed to the needy. It will be .the aim of the conference when called- te syn chronise these efforts and to pre vent duplication. ; V" I-Iras ptUhrd photo of Ueuieaant Commander aad .Mrs, .George take, together at their wedding in aoathera California Just fir wjeks, before Sirs. Fric mysteriooaly fell four stories to her - death la a' Han Francisco hoteL A naval laqulry Into-the party preceding tlw fall lias beesi under way. : pisniiise Ofl LARCENY COUNT . (CorojeJ from page 1) demanded the release of the car. Parsons was then Informed of the warrant issued for his arrest in Bend on tt.e count of larceny of city funds. Bond for Parson3. set at $1400. had not been furnished at a late hour Friday. The presumption here yesterday was that the ' charge here would not be pressed until the Cnd case was disposed of. Justice of the Peace Harden does not hold court Saturday afternoon and could not be reached wheu news of Par sons, arrest came here. 01 KILLED Mil INJURED 1 PJLEUP MEDFORDj Ore.. Aug. 29. (AP) John Maxwell, 47, Weed. Cal., was killed and seven other persons were; Injured., one seri- ously, when four automobiles piled up on the Crater lake highway east of here tonight. . Aside from ! Maxwell, the most seriously injured person was Es- tlll J. Collier J Medford. who suf fered a spinal fracture.' Others Injured, all receiving cuts and bruises, were: Chris Larsen, C. A. Boeder and C.C.. Clark, all or Seattle; and Mf. and Mrs. ObU Biistow- and their three-year-old child. Shady Cove. Ore. ) j As the accident. was reported to- officers, the automobile driv en .by Iarsen struck - a parked car . ownedby W. .W. Me In tyre. Medford. The wreck was rit In turn by Bristow and Xee Adding- ton. Trail. Ore. r Pair Sentenced When Extortion Plot Is Traced ROSEBURG. Ore., Aug. 29 (AP) Arrested here today on charge of attempting to extort money from a prominent. Rose burg busraess . man, J. Glenn Pais t, 36, grocer,? was sentenced te IS months, and Mrs. Yerda Bice. 19. mother of a 3-year-old girl, to one year in the state pen itentiary. Both- pleaded guilty whea arraigned In circuit court. Palat was the" man. Sheriff V. T. Jacksoa said, wXo escaped la a" volley ef shots August If when officers laid a; trap for him' where J he wen Id-be extortionists letters tad demanded $1,000 be placed. EARLY HOP CROP'S IT IS E HflRVES 0 f Continued from pas 1) "kick- about tha alight cut tn picking prices. In some yards 45 cents a box has been paid this season, and at this figure the ave rage picker makes around $2.50 a day. The crack pickers can earn a little better than $5 a day at this rate. Pickers seem to be accepting the slight cut from a dollar a hundred as in keeping with the times, and say that at the present price their earnings go farther than the cent or cent and a quar ter that they have received the past few years. In some yards the equivalent of 80 and 85 ceos a hundred prevails. ; v The University of Alabama football team will meet nine foes this year, eight of whiflS are with in the southern conference. FREE BOOKS ILL . - : ' PROVE IEJT (foatlauad from page 1) The -response of parents to calls for donation of ; their children' discarded texts, ended this apprehension--at least for the preseat year. ...---, These donations will forestall tbo heavy drain oa. school funds for about two years, or when the present books wear out. Hug points out. However, It la possible a sinking fund can be established to relieve the strain on tha school budget "whea the need tor, new texts does come. Although the-law does not re quire that books be furnished the high school students.' a rental sys tem has been created in the Eng lish departments, under the di rection of Mrs. Ellen Fisher In the senior high, and Miss L. May Rauch in the junior hlgba. This system has proven successful enough that Superintendent Hug believes it could be applied to oth er departments of the secondary schools. Such a rental system would eliminate much of the waste entailed when students buy all new books at every change of class and discard them after that use. Donations of texts still will be gladly received by the school of ficials, since the more books they get without expense, the more funds there will be for Inevitable replacements. v .EfeBethlHpaer, 90, is ; iS : : Surprised on Anniversary . PLEASANT VIEW, Aug. 29. A aumber of relative gathered Thursday at tha home of Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Broughea, in Salem, to honor Elflabeth Hosier of Mt. Angel, oa her 90 th birthday, the party being a complete surprise to her. Mrs. Hosier, with her husband, came across the plains by ox team I B1865 and has lived la the vicin ity of Mt. Angel since that time. Sao is very actlvo and takes a lceea interest la everything about her. , - - . She makes her home with her son William aad daughter Jaaie Chrlstmaa. - i Those present were: the honor gueat K. Hosier, Mrs. Fraak Cook, aa only sister-living at Turner, F. Cook aad daughter Ieone, Turn er. Mr. and Mrs. Fennando Shanks, Mrs. Guy Livingston and daughter Verdine, Salem, Gale Smith, Addle Smith, Scotts Mills. Janle Christmas aad soa Elwya, William Hosier. Mt, AageL, the STUDENT AT MKl MONMOUTH. -Aug. 29 - Joe Rogers, Jr., youngest son of Mr. and -Mrs. Joe Rogers -f the Oak Point section, and a senior at the Oregon Normal school, is at Cra ter Lake this week, where he and three other Oregon yaung people are enjoying a -vacation - trip awarded them for outstanding 4-H dab work. . .They are guests of R, M. Price, manager of Cra ter xake Lodge. . Wheat vow. think of LIFE INSURANCE Think of -Charlto McEIhinny THE WIDOWS' FRIEND TTcsU T0 -' First NaU Bank Blig. Misses Eugenia 8 hanks and Borga Zamkeller, Dallas. 'Ada Baum gsrdner, Mrs. I. Edlund and datfghter Aloha Lee. Monitor. Mr. aad -Mrs. Earl E. Cook, Turner, and the hosts Mr, and Mrs. A..H. Brougher. Academy Opening Date Is Sept. 21 . Sacred . Heart academy an noaaces that Its registration day tor opening will be Monday, Sep tember XI. Operated as a fully accredited day school for girls and boys, it has departments ia elementary and four years' high school work. A 'Commercial de partment has been added this year. The music department gives iaatructien la .piano, violin, harp, 'cello and voice. .- 1 A groapdf husky sophomores and 10 lettermea" hold the hopes ef the University of Miami for a strong football team this season. A new trophy will be offered at the annual field trials ef the South Carolina for hunters association. October 1J-15. AN INVITATION You are invited to attend an interesting and instructive MEAL PLANNING DEMONSTRATION which wUl be conducted Tuesday afternoon, between two and four at the display room of the ' K Portland General Electric Co. 275 North Liberty Street West Salem News "WEST . SALEM, Aug. 29. The foundation is being laid for a five room cottage Just east of the I. W. Thomas home on Edgewater street. The new house will be the home-of Mr. and Mrs. Lyla Thom as. Mr. Thomas was school princi pal last year and will fill the same position the coming year. Mrs. Thomas was . Miss Ruth Rees of Salem prior to her marriage a few months ago. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Brown and family have spent several recent weekends at the home of Mrs. Brown's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Tatom at Sheridan. The Tatoms are building a new home and Brown, who is a carpenter. Is overseeing the work: . Clifford and Bob Lloyd, small sens ef Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Hill, will go Sunday to Gladstone, where they will be guests for awhile before school opens, ot their grandmother. Mrs. Laura Moss. ... - , Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kolln of the Klngwood apartments ars parents of a seven ponnd baby boy, Milton. -Jr., bora Wednesday, August 26. . i Mr. Yin In r of Tillamook was a Thursday visitor at the G. C Larkin home. The vlninga are proprietors of the Todd hotel la that city and report their hostelry full to overf Wiring with visitors to the Tfnamook county fair. Recent house guests of Mr. snd Mrs. C R: Brown were Mr. and Mrs. J. C Hutchlns and sons. Clifford, Gerald and Harry of Trinidad, Calif.- The Hutchlns family -expect to remala. in. 'Ore gon until late'f alL ' . f Mrs. L. tu Sloper . and "Mier first of the week tor California, where they will enjoy a three weeks' vacation. They will be guests of Mrs. Slopers brother la San Francisco aad of another brother and other relatives la Fresno. Miss Naomi Alsop has gone to Tillamook where she will remain through the winter, and attend high school. - t Albert Varnes and mother, late ly from California, are living la the little house adjoining the Cap ital Tourist auto camp. New tea ants from a distance occupying cottages at the camp ground are Joha Hearne of American Falls, Ida., Albert Scott of Astoria, Mr, and Mrs. J. Fegule of . Los An geles; . Charles Jackson, 'Charles ton, West Va; James W. Nettle ton, Murphy, Ida.; and Mr. aad Mrs. Purdy, Long Branch, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Newgentnd family have been enjoying the ocean breezes since Tuesday. They are expected home Sunday. Mrs. C. L. Newton and chil dren."' Wlnnlf red and Constance, returned home this week from Oregon City where they had been visiting Mrs. Newton's brother, Frank Poole and family. James Bohlo has gone to Olym pia after a visit with" his father. William Bonis. West Salem bar ber. Ho came here from Palo Alto. Calif., where ho had been attend ing summer classes at Stanford, university sad will be an Instruct or the coming year at the Wash ington State, university at Olym pla. - . .. V . ' .A recent guest for several -days at the H. Wei d meter home' on Third tree was Mrs. Harriet daughter, Bern Ice. will start -the piath of Portland. delinquency..:...'.-.' 540 Interest on fire bond. , V sinking fund ..... . 1.547 Outstanding general fund warrants .. ... , 34.067 Outstanding improve ment warrants .... 77,544 Oaks addition ....... 823 Street improvement dis trict 20 fund .... 24,139 Total liabilities ..-..$4,838,852 Too Late to Classify . i - - - -i- - i-i-i-irv-i-iir.-.wwv-ionnn(-inn Vaa Oradel - apartment, aafuralsbed PC S largw rooma, strictly modern. Tatephone tJZa. Quedity MacMARR MARKETS Service For the convenience of the Hop Pickers and others who wercun able to take ad vantage 'of our weeknoV specials we are quoting: the following prices for " Monday, TuesHay, Wednesday, Aug. 31, Sept. 1 and 2 I Beef Roasts Cut from choice young beef Hamburger or-Sausage Meat 2.2V2C nib. Made from good fresh meats. I No cereal added. ': H ' Bacon " .' Half or whole side, sugar cured. . Well streaked with lean. ; V i Boneless Picnics Bone removed no waste. 2ILG Bib. Lamb' Chops or Shoulder Lamb Steak.;;l..i:; H2J0 14 N. COMMERCIAL ST. , STATE & COMMERCIAL STS. - i ' 1990 N. CAPITOL ST. ; Mew Fall Styles New Low . Prices ' Every day we are receiving large shipments of new Fall shoes and we ar$ marking. them at the new low prices. " , tWe are showing a very high styled line Including black and b'rown sued .which is very prominent this season, Pin-Seal black and combinations of brown kid, patent leather; is also jery good in high-grade shoes. o O - Ladies Shoes J - Most Styles 0 g.5o t0 $10-QP Men's Shoes Most Styles $9.00 10 $i2 s . ' Complete lines of lRESHEBr and AR0HPRESERVER8 for both Men and Women X 1 ROLLINS RUNSTOP GUARANTEED HOSE TO MATCH Everv SK09 ir: c. o. ross v - Expert Repair Man tlU kinds pt fine worH DR. lu J. WTTJTAMB .Chiropodist and Foot SpefiialQst in attendant v -