PA. G C -- - Where Sup ply M Tha OIII.C0N STATESMAN, CaIs Oresron, Eond-tr llornlii?, ActcsI 3D. 1931 Statesman Classified Ads Call 910l! Classified Advertlidng Single Insertion per llne,10c Three Insertions per line...... ....tie, Six Insertions per line.. See One month per iln..l.vO Minimum charge .....5e ' Copy for this page'ao eepted until :Sd the even ing before publication tor classification. C o p 7 re ceived after this time will be run, under the heading Too Late to Classify. . The Statesman - assumes IlfeLP WANTED - CHANCE OF LIFETIME Reliable ambitloua una to establish local business. We finance too. Kxper-1-noe unntKssarr. Make $ rJJ ? y. Full or part time. FUBST THOMAS. 416 Third Sc. Dlv. A-4. Oakland. Calif. - u utju -" lfuvwir .-------i---- --.-a Men 18-45. 11700 to $3(H year. Eteady work. POSTOFFICE CLERKS M.UL CARRIERS. Common due; lion ' matt iclent. Fald vacation. 2 coached FREE. Write today sure for fall particulars. Box 60, U States tnan, WANTED Auto anechanfe with wa tnola to work on commission. 1174 Knew ter Hi., West Salem. HELP WANTED FE3JALE " WAKTED-MWdlea'inriaa?rxor housework and car for t children. 208 Fir. Call af tar -.2. .';.: j WANTEDA plesssn congenial . elderly woman for compwr and JtKrit turns work for-tderlT.UdT. Good t.orns with amaU wsges. Write Box tl. fitstf sman. ' - SALESMEN WANTED nr j"u-iKw " w WATER INSTANTLT. Make tally. Pocket-size. Mln'ite demonstrs tion. Pays to '$1."5. No inveatmeat. ' 1-ree offer. Luxco, Elklisxt. lnt MEN Limited number wanted for IMi territory. An opportunity to make -BIO MONET and get a new car ' FREE. Bonus prise contest now on. Writs Dept. D-45 for details. Majestic Paint and Varnish Works, Minneap olis. MiniL. - . rinnArfrrrri" Chflstmaa card salespeople -"t : 14 card assortment. Sells SL Costs your tec Bigrert money maker. Sam ple box on approval. Sensational per sonal card otter doubles profit without extra effort. Craft Kngra vln. 787 Srd Are., San Francisco, Cat Men who are disoouragvd .becatise tt amall earnings will do well to see ts today the product we Jvve to ol fer ka In great demand and a repeater. Build yourself a permanent income without investment : atart today. e telp yo-J. Prefer nn over 4 year . &i age. tay i ouns, n.l -m.M wfiiir fknA TtaHit. Houne to bouse work, bervlce Roofing Hifl Psn Co ! State St. ' SITUATIONS WANTED -.MA4 sHr-i wiHs honneworlc Beat, of references. Address, Box t , Atnttv. ' : FOR SALE Miscellaneous Mountain nucucuriii. ' Ion delivered. L1. call at house. TeL Sat. - ---- w Leaving; city rs ranse for sals or trad for wood range. BVycle. vac uum cleaner also for sale. 28 J- Chems- keta. -- - iinjinrvrr'ii . nir--m krvl. harcaln. 147 So. Com'L Used tents at a bargnln Ssleta.Bar- filn House. SiO N. Commercial. TeL HE hah a . V H- TP A TT-' .1 A OvtT land roadster. Good rubber snd run ning order. Will trade for elec. radio, drculattn heater, furniture r any thing I can use. See Bosell at s. J. Commercial St., Salem. - Hile. and Improved Crswfords. fl.0 per bn. st orchard. At Waoonds on Sa-lem-Champoeg road. Brltt AsplnTilL Johnson elec; washer, cost 1165.00. Reconditioned throughout, tiuaranteed $&.. Halek Electric company or verlngs. S0S N. CoraX L --. ------- - ' - Improved Alberts peaches. Oregon rron. Plenty for evervBody. Orch- 'pURJTAV CTDER WORKS WEST SALEM w . 1 '" FOR BALK: shaftm. tolleys, bans; srs Etatesman Publishing Co. sYkft SALE Old payers. lc a boa- si- statesman office. 1. 1 ii ,-iniviivi mnm . . .it m.1t r. and Xypewriier -- eL Adders and typewriters rent Typewriter Exchange. 4 3 t-urI . Cannrn; pears Rt 1, hox 12 L Near WnllKoe road. Tel S4F5. WANTED Miscellaneous Cash paid Tor wsea rang. ipe. string instrument guns and fools. Oregon Trading Post. ItX N. Pmh majrU L WANTED Will psy Jc a pourid l for COOOCiXAN COTTON ran. Must Ir.uVVt least a square yard. .fjfstewTMn offtee.jMM MISCELLANEOUS i Elderly PH1 re.l P tlcuUr attention given o diets. D..tnv v lsomlne c s r p e n t e i renalr. Phon SSI. wvi - ri f Kjxrusrsr sMSjaysstsjaiiSsiwiiWi''wi11 w 111 mm " m .,v. ' Censrsl cement work, side walks, FOR RENT ROOMS wxiw..,. ... """'J.,. -, 1 time. OOM for rent with garage use, Rl!..i- 15S5 N. Summer. TeL fW)ISVHaV4 - ' - w sits. ' POLLY AND HER PALS no financial, responsibility for errors which may ap ' pear In advertisements pub lished in its columns, and 1b cases where this paper Is " at fault will reprint that part of aa advertisement in - which - the typographical mistake occurs. ' - .')-, . ' 1. . : T-re .Statesman; reserves the right to reject oh J ec- tlonal advertising. It fur ther i reserve the right to " classify all advertising un der ; the proper classifica tion.; 1 1 , - ' . FOR RENT ROOMS Comfortable sleeping rooms. Reas onable rent. 74 Ferry street. Mrs. Hansen. 1 ROOM and BOARD Large Team, dose In. Board If. de sired. Reasonable. 48 N. Liberty.. Room 1 and feoard near - university and capitoi bldgs. Pleasant room a. Rood board, Reasonable. 181 N. 12th St. TeL S2T. Large t mat rtomi - with running water, board, reasonable rate. 44& Marion, t - Room I asd beard sccommodatlons for five students r business men. Pri vate hm. Clow tn. TeL 816. FOR RENT Apartments Two front rooms downstatrs, wHh flreprace and garage, fitted up for light housekeeping at $2i.0 a month; alr- a one front room apartment up stairs sat 112 Center street. Downtown sot. unfurnished or Dart- ly furnished. TeL S252. --. New. fur. S or S room ant. 145 S. Winter. Tul. 6821. L WWWWiWWtWWWMMNWWMMMNWWWS'MMWMM Furnished, apartment, coolest ilace in town.' private. S0 Highland. Nice. furnished apt.. 60 Union. -- - - i imi..-. ..,..i'i i i . 1 1 y i )" M. Patton apsrtmenta with private bath, nicely furnished. Located in business district. Call Pstton's Book Stor. i , . . STRATTON APTS. 2 snd S rm. apts. elea range and refrig. Strictly modern. S70 N. Winter. WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Very sttractive t room modern Apt. Reasoosble. IS Center. TeL C24. WELL, furnished rooms and anta for renr at S261 flasel Ave. TeL 7644. . i Apartment : S rooms, private bath. aleeping port-h. furnished or unfur nished. Reasonable rent. 26S North Cottage. ( Furnished S And 4 : room homelike apts, close m.' Private bath. Garage. 1047 8. CWL Tel. 4i. Nicely furnished cool 2 room apart ment : even-thing furnished but gas Private shower. Outside entrance. S40 Division, i 2 furnished apta. one on ground floor, with garages. 681 N. Church. 3 and 2 room fur. or unfurnished apta,. Court apta TeL 7440. - -- - . - . - - --j- p 8-reem- furnished apartment. all modem convenlencea ISO Ii. 21st. TeL 4 3. ' FOR RENT HOUSES Oosy cot- for 2. far til K. Cottage. FOR RENT A delightful bom on South Churcii. dining and living room, kitchen, I bedrooms, garage. Call for Mr. Bell. 71 l. For the wt rentals In town SEE BEfUTKL nr THOMASOV S41 State Street Room 4. 810 to 860. I FOR .RENT Strictly modern - 4 room house and garage, nicely furnished. 827.60. ' 8. U. tlnLr. . Phone T6 224 No. Hlgb House $8 to 833 for rent. h a s-rv vrrirw - 1410 N.I Cottage Phone 8031, WfcyWWMWMMMVMWMWMN Well furnished modem home, cloa to town and school. 87 So. 12th St. 1 rurniahed. 1. unfurnished. TeL 6601. FOR RKNT Fists for adults t to I rooms S20 t 44. Also houses, etc. BF.CKK ft HENDRICKS . 16 North High Street Clean bouses Owner 2S5 Columbia. Suburban bonse. - semi-modern. 4 rooms, 1 16 mo. Abrama, 411 Masonic Bldg. I FOR RENT Modern 7 room bouse close In. TeL 684. 6 room fur. duplex house. 1- block from W. U. campus, 660 Mill St.- Beautiful new 4 room bouse, fur nished. 617 Knspp St. Corner High- Modern bungalow, 250 a Cottage. ratea : garage , tw Muironnis v. a.. 8 Prague, 425. N. 14th, or O. E. rTTC. TTIo smell twiiw, 24 I-e street. WANTED TO RENT . Lady with radio wants- room in prl vat horn. Will help with work. Box' WANTKD Furnished er partly fur nished house, S -adults. Best of refer ences Tel. 4483. FOR SALE Real Estate passplNrsHas SNAP tlO cash down, balance like rent. Too can move In cozy 6 R. bungalow, has Joeth. electricity, - water system. Hot snd cold water, barn, pared road. Pries reduced to 82SuO from 33800. Just outside city limits. St-own by ap pointment only. Phone 443 or SEE BKC'MTEL. "ST THOMASON 841 State Street Room 4. Home st 146 So. Com'L FOR SALE REAL ESTATE S acre planted to beartng logans sad strawberries, 4 miles out. f lOvO 1-J cash. - To trade. Idaho alfalf ranch, irri gated, for land nesr Salem. Call even ings. 169 a High ST. BARGAINS IN LOTS S22S. Lot la block on N. 4th. 54xS. lot on N. Church In 100 block. 60x120. aome nice treea. 9276. Lot on Hazel Are H. of Higbland, S30. Lot on 12th and Frlckey. 6(12S. 50. All subject to paving, any terms MKL.VLN JOHNSON 32 V. a Bank Bldg. Phoas 76. WWWWSWMWWWWIWMMWWWWMMMMM New four room horns with firenlacs. hwd. floors, garage, wired forr elec., range and water beater. ST1S0 wrth down pott, of $50. This Is your op portunity. . , S WINNIE PRTTTJOHN. Realtor 176 South High Street LOOK KXTRA SPECIAL For $60 down;' you can meve In your own home, balance Just like rent. $20 month. Has 6 rooms, bath, elec tricity, paved street, good location. Pries $1250 ; was $175. This house is completely- furnished. Immediate possession. Shown by appointment only. Phon 696S. SEE BECHTKL THOMASON 241 State Street Room 4. S A. Good hsuss snder construction. Fine soU. soma timber, fruit, elec- trtctty. Close to Salem. 22650. Terms. " 7 A. 6 r. house, woodshed, well, gar- sgs. Some frtiK. .1H ml. Salem. Easy terms. $2200. R. AT FO RICHER ; 1610 N. Cottags Phons SOU. S4500. ( room English type home In 8. Salem -oak floors In living and dining-rooms, bssentent, furnace, fire place, corner lot, east front, nice lawn snd shrubbery, 4 large- cherry . trees, 30 down. ,-; , ... , r; jl' . : , i MELVnf JOHNSON v 820 TJ. a Bank Bldg. - Phon 6704 6 H nlc acres, lots of fruit, S room plastered bouse, basement, running water, very ctoss to Saiem, alec lights, was $6000.00: price bow 88750.00; 1500.00 wlU handle. It acres close to Salem with new C room ' plastered boose; basement, elec lights, prtc $6000 00: cKchang tor larg acreage around sum value. Have several modern houses fn Sa lem to sxebane for cTOse la acreage. 4 room modern bouse In South Sa lem, mortgages of; exchange equity for lot. I bouses In Portland with I1S00.00 encumbrances against both exchange for anything around Salem. a M. EARLK, Realtor 224 No. High Phone. 047. MODERN HOME 4 rooms snd breakfast nooic, fur nace, fireplace, wash-traya, wpaved street, cement walks, garage, built 8 years ago. Price 82600. 820 cash, bal. to suit. Will discount for cash. Va cant September 1. . 147 North Commercial 31260. Fully modern 6 R. home, liv ing r. ana aming r.. narawooa floors. Nook. 8 bedrooms, garage, rav. pL, . shade, lawn, ; shrubs Terms. 12760. Fine 4 R. nearly new home. S bedrooms, lull basement, xurnace, fireDlace. garage. Good terms. Several smaller houses priced ; right and easy terms R A v-ORITVirrt liie N. Cottage Phone 30SL See fine new homes ' on South Church and Rural avenue. Best buy in city. 6-room semi-modern home, base ment, fireplace, corner lot i;exi. nice large laws, nut, cherry and orna mental trees. Bice view, pared street. Bargain price. Sisoo. leas ir new street sseessments are assumed, i T Rural avenue, phon SSS4. 110 A. 70 under- cultivation, mostly rood bottom land, baL rood tim ber, pasture. Fin llv creek thru clace. Good bldgs. An Ideal dairy ranch. Price 810.00. easy terms or will consider some trade. 1 A. 7 ml from Salem on Pacific highway, 6 rm. house, electricity, garsge. 1S40 on easy terms or trade for S acres. Attractive 6 rm. stucco house, base ment, rurnace. fireplace, newly re- decorafed. ' nice lawn, shrubbery. S3Z-5S- Nlce 6 rm. bouse, large lot, big chick en nous m Eugene tor fSooo, clear. ' Trade for small acreage nesr Salem and will sssume. J. F. ULRICH COM PANT Phone $672 i- 8tst Street OUR WEEK END BARGAIN Is a room, modern. English style house, good location, close to schools. several large cherry trees Wonderful bay for 34500 with 8100 down and 840 per month Including Interest. BC.K Sirs lull is witn ' LEO N. CHlIeDS CO Realtors 32 8Uts Street Phon 6 TO 8. REASONABLE PRICED HOMES WITH TERMS LIKE RENT 3100. Good 4 room plastered 'born - with two bedrooms, garage and x woodshed, plumbing and lights, lo cated In Klngwood Park, West Pa tera. 316- down.-316. pel mo. IM MEDIATE POSSESSION. 8235. Modern 6 room home with ce ment basement, paved St. . nesr school. 86. down: 825. per mo. te Include Int., A WONDERFUL VALUE, 1276. Modern 6 room borne, 1st con struction, full cement basement. furnace, f lrenlace. - rarar. lot . 60x120. In need of some repair. . - - . ... . . - J . J. . - iociim . aown, f.S. per ma. ACT NOW. 35250. New. Just completed seren nlc . rooms, cor. lot. both sts paved. bedrooms.' oek floors, below, fireplace, furnace, double 4-srag. This borne wiU surprise Ton st the above price : giv us an opportun ity to show this bargain. 81000. down will handle. REAL ESTATE 4k FIRE INStTRANCIC W. H. GBABENHOR8T A CO -REALTORS -. 1J4 a Liberty Street ' Phons (4(1. WWfeWMWWkWMWaWAWWIVMMWMWWkWWkWWWkAA. S room Plastered bouse. Prlos 8850. cash 825, baL 812 per mesith. - 4 rm. plastered eottaMce, - plumbing; electric lights, built Ins, two lota. Prtc flU, cash 23r baL 111 par month. . " t . - . . . -4 .rm. shlnsted eottare with fire place, good t-lumblng, hardwood floors m part, garage ana wovaanea, psveii street, close to bus line. Price 11850, cssn ss, dsl s:z per month, i To buy your home. SEE LRO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors' 82 Stste Street Phon 4708 FOR SALE OR RENT: Good fir room bungalow located st 37 E. Washington St. Price $230. terras or win rent for 1 1 1.50 per no. I in mediate poe session. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 South Liberty Street FOR SALE Real Estate s,3essaassssss STOP TALKING HARD TIMES , Do Something Invest Your Money Later It WiU Com Back With Interest ' 6-acre snsuk good 4-R. booas. new barn, double garsge, good well, close- to school, 3 miles of Salem; price re traced t 12500.00; :o. down. BiL 316 per month. ANOTHER OOOD ONE- I s-srres. almost new 8 R. house. woodshed, fruit bouse, poultry house. good dark soil. miles at Salem. 650. 00 down. Price 8200 00. - RIVER BOTTOM-RANCH 21-acre. loam solL 4 R. bottse. 16-A. cultivation, a good buy for 83000.0. SEARS 4k TUCKER 1I2 Hirh Street EXCHANGE Real Estate - - -i-i-i-, i i-irr-i-wiii-f-wtnfirnrinrii-iri -inn Los Anselea Calif . 1 lot. 2 housea. 1 lot. one house, price 38500.00; mort gages 8i08.0t want ranch near Sa lem or Silverton. Owners only. . Bush man. 831 1 A lie SL. Los Angeles, CaL Fine 10 A. farm near Halsev. all flas black solL good bldgs. fruit, elec tive lights, fia home, 810 per acrs. Take good acreage for port, long time oa baL Oood 120 A. Polic Co. farm to i chsng for eastern Washington or Idaho farm. Pries 310.000 clear. riSKKlNl& 4k MARSTKR3 SIS Justice Court Bldg. '--- --- 1 ---irmr.iAnujuxi . . FOR EXCHANGE- ' WANTED A good lot as nart nar. ment on a S room cottage located on paved street near bus line. Immediate possess ton. Price 3160. LJflO N.- CHILDS CO., Realtors 12 Stat Street Phone 678. READ THIS AND - PUT ON YOUR THINKING CAP 25 acres good soil, part river bottom, river oa the east line. 22 acres in crop, 3-A. pasture and timber; has pears, peaches, . apples, - grapes, prunes, all bearing, also. 3-A. strawberries snd 2 A. raspberrtas, 2-A. beams. 6-A. corn, good barn full of bay, R. house la good repair, fruit bouse and pump house, concrete floor, double garage, A. rood gresa house, for raisins; plants, poultry house; only 4 H mil of Ss lem.4 Prloe reduced to. (5000; will trade. Take a house In Salem up to $3000.0. Better look this over. SEARS A TUCKER, Realtor I S3 KowH Hlrh Street FOR SALE FARMS . --- -- -------i -i r-n-wn.o.ruxs SNAP IN GOOD FARM: 44 acrs farm located on mala Pacific highway north of Salem, all la cultivation, six room house, beam snd out buildings Price for QUICK SALE $100.. 1380. cash; baL terms at S Int. ACT NOW U you want a real bargain. . 8EE. -W. H. GRABENHORST A CO REALTORS - - 124 R Liberty St. Phone . ACREAGE 350. down. 816 per mo. 6 seres close to Salem, small house and good well. Pric $1600. 2 acres, ml of Salem, new f room house, bath. lights, electric pump. double garsge, chicken house, $2,- 450. 1 seres about m ml from Salem, all cultivated, 4 room house, good well, soft water, electric lights fruit house, chicken house, good barn. mL to school. Price $4500. 155 seres. 60 In cultivation, good 8 room bouse, large barn and other bldgs 30 acres pasture. Price $5. , 600. Will rent. UlT.viv Trkmuortxr 320 TJ. a Bank Bldg. Phone (796 A benntlfnl IS . it i - " - i uu, clear, also five room house, clear, will trade for GOOD farm and sssume or pay aurerence. McGILCHRIST A PENNINGTON f ' : U. a Bank tIsl ilAwr. wA 4tSB a w sasss ., sr(- IIIUUIII (FUTBJ 1A sae-saea Ina tws C.l 1.- - - . ws ava gicss oaicuk ojBA'rr-c? corn, soma Improvemenu ; pric $2.- Aft A - ... , J - u , wwucr iu Keep corn . crop ana reduce pric $10. This plsc will make money for someone. RWTTPT.T a TT inn Oregon Bldg. TeL 808. " " ' - .- ,-T---i i in,ji CIX)SE IN GOINO CONCERN 25 A. 4 ml. of iJalem all trultlvated. fine, dark soil. 4 A. bearing peaches, 2 A- ttM Hnr walnnta 1 A .i - - .v. ries, 1 A, raspberries, 4 room house, barn, new chicken house, for 400 hens, year around creek. Prie Is right and will take soma trade, small acreage or city. There Is some stock and equip- uviit, im.-iuuntv vv puiiers ready t start laying which go with place r not, according to deal. SEE E. E. ROBERTS or H. E. BROWN 1 S. ' Commercial ' WANTED REAL ESTATE " isJrJsfrujTiuu-trg REAL ESTATE WANTED Attention small - acreage owners. Newcomer to the state has CASH for Of it 4 to 8 acres Improved, near BA LK M. for about $?S00.00. If CASH means anything to TOU see us THIS WEEK. Daniels, witli HOMER D. FOSTER REALTTCO. 370 H State Street ' Phone 75;t Business Opportunities s-ssssssfcss si.siws.sww...a -.j VOH RlT.V AtitA K.ssi itMv porttinltr tor a tnan who can 6 his awn 8a lit A skr f w4r as - Tss-w lleeLm. e " " wf sb-. t si a.i,tvgej jj. SLUT money needed. 176 South High St. . RICH L REIMANN, Realtor j-none s:f. -...... . - - - - nn n nnji FOR SALE Restaurant snd foun Uln Seating 6, doing good, st 6-A chamber of commerce bldg.. 4th and 8tarke, Portland or will trade for camp ground. liooo.o r . . . IQntlrsly new business enterprise without competition producing v prod uct of universal demand, requiring ap proxlmateiw 8S00 Investment with ex cellent possibilities of returning $100 per month. Only an aggressiv person with executive ability will be consid ered, nepiy biatesman box It a. 863. ------ - - -- ri i . . For sale r trade nle little gro cery stock, good location, small over head. TeL 177. . SerTk ' StStton. rarsss snA-tvwif-. tfonery.v Oood corner location. Reas onabl rent. Must sell on account ef other Interests. Writs Box 87. Statesman. ' -ww,eeww wtMNwww,jMwvru-LrLrui ATTTO CAMP BARGAIN Beautiful 6-A grove on Pacific highway north of fcalem, 1 cabins, large store room snd- confectionery with living rooms overhead, gasoline pump and repair shop. The owner un able to care for the business and has cut $3. from original cost. Will trad city property up to $2500.00 as payment. SEE Mr. Collins at . SEARS 4fc TUCKER -132 South High Street . :: -MONEY TO LOAN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLB Oa plain notes, endorsed notes, furniture and pianoa Quick ser- . vice fair treatment. Easy re payment plan. All transactions Strictly confidential. STATE IX)AN COMPANY . . SIS Ore. Bldg. Snd floor ' Office hrs 10: a. nv, to :2 p. m. Telephon 773 Lloe&sed by State : 'Bells of Harmony' ' Heard ever KOIN dally ring out a loan service that Is really, really, different. ' ', NO DEDUCTIONS - i 1 NO FEES , KO OTHER CHARGES ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE ON LOANS $10 to $100' Beneficia Loan Society ; OF OREOOH. ' Room 118 New Bllgb Bldg 2nd. Floor 518 State St.- TeL 3-7-4-0. LICENSED B7 STATE .. MONEY LOANED ON " AUTOS Contrscts Refinanced x Arrange to reduc your payments, v You keep the car. . P. A. EIKER Cor. IJberty St. and Ferry f Phon 4733 Salem. Or. CITY AND FARM loans at lowest ratea Beat terms sbtalnsble. Our Insurance depsrtmaat offers you -expert advice and service in git lines. HAWKINS A ROBERTS (lacf TeL 4108 . 20s fsregon Bldg. ' PERSONAL LOANS i MADE on furniture, cars, salaries er other good security. , RepyablLt monthly. Wheo in financial seed as 1 1 s beror crosmg a loan- ' r - GENERAL- INVESTMfiNT I CORPORATION Flr-f Notional Baik- Rids. PhoneiKS LOANS WANTED WANTED Private money te loan oa real estate. . W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. REALTORS 134 a Liberty St. Tel. 44. FOR SALE WOOD MWiMWWWMWWee A A Old fir, $5.6 cd. TeL 6883. ' 1 IN. LARGE SECOND GROWTH FIR $5.6 (full cord. 6 cords $26. 4 ft. $6 cord. 6 cords 823.5. TeL 337. GUARANTEED DRY Wood cost TeL 6000 Salem Fuel Co. T5S Trade. BEST WOOD FOR THE MONEY at Tracy's Fuel Yard. TL 3986. ALL KINDS, any length. Call 3789. DRY FIR AND OAK WOOD. , oal and fuel olL Call oa us for prices. W give good measure, good Quality and good service. LaRMER TRANSFER A STORAGE Teltwhone 8131 For your winter wood at summer prices dial 777. WOOD SAWING FOR better wood sawing. Ph. 6883. Wood Rtwlnc Reasonable. Tel. ?. PERSONAL jMwyJ"wwwwyM Aee a s Lonesom widower would like to make sctruslntanc of a lonesoms wi dow. Middle sged or under. Box; 02, 5 Statexman. FOR SALE USED CARS BELL OR TRADE 1S Durant, 614 delux sedan. Run 400 miles. ' Will tak car In trade. Phon OS. Model 4A Sale Valley Motor Co 192 Tudor Sedan 1931 Standard Coup 192 Standard Coup -8145 .252 .8440 12 Roadster 416 1929 Business Coup , 1929 Standard Coup 1928 Sport Coupe 1928 Bualness Coup 1928 Business Coup . 1928 Fordor Sedsn -. 1926 Tudor Sedan 250 kss 335 316 29 1325 .$386 1926 Roadsters, from 86 to 876 Everyone of the above car have had a complets re-service and carry our Berries guarantee. Trucks-. 1929 A Panel Delivery 1225 12 A A Cab. A Body. 281" wrieel base -8376 1926 A A Chsssis, long wheel " ivi S0 193T Chevrolet . .935 .$345 124 Chevrolet .$! VALLEY MOTOR CO. ' W give terms and taks trad. Lots f other good buys to pick from. ea-wwwwwwwwwWwwwwwww-----A Moving Time Here WE ' MUST MOVE OUR TTSETJ CARS REGARDLESS. NO. REASON ABLE OFFER REFUSED. , ' 2 9 HUDSON RTD. SEDAN 3 DeTO SEDAN 2 8TCDK 8-4 TON DELIVERY. 3 ESSEX. RUM BUS COUPE 2 TYPE HUDSON VICTORIA '28 STUDE COMMANDER SEDAN 27 CHRYSLER FINER 7 SEDAN 2 8 ESSEX SEDAN 24 HUDSON BROUGHAM 24 STUDE SPECUL SIX SEDAN '24 NASH SPECIAL COUPIi . - '27 ESSEX COACH - '2 STUDE -COUPE. , tt KSSKX 4 TOUTttNO . ' - " -. " . . 24 ESSEX TOACH "28 FORD SEDAN , . . ' , MOST OP THE ABOVK LISTED CARS HAVT! BEEIf RECONDITION EDANI CARRY SO-DAY SERVICE AND GUARANTEE. STATE MOTORS, INC. ' . . . .. HUDSON, ESSEX snd KTLTl'KTt AKTTR HIGH A CHEMEKETA OPEN ITV'ENIXGS WANTED: Model A Ford In exchange for Falrmour.t Hill lot. 60xlv. located on unimproved at. Wj IL GRABENHORST A CO. ; lii -toutn- --loeny Dtreec FOR SALE USED CARS Salem Used Car Center CONSOLIDATED 13 Buick Sedan 11 Buick Hoc Coupe $1169.00 695.00 05.00 610.00 325.00 25.0 15.00 200.00 385.00 165.00 18S.00 115.04 225.00 26.0 84 5.0 35.00 475.00 415 00 835.00 385.00 75.04 125.00 .75.00 .65.00 25.00 40.00 60.00 165.00 485.00 175.00 1828 Buick Master pt. Coupe 1828 Buick Standard riedan, 1117 Buick Standard Coach 1024 Buick Standard Coach 136 Buick Standard Sedan 117 Buick Master Tour las; -It! Chevrolet Coupe ,L 12 Chevrolet Sedan - - 124 Chrysler 68 Sedan 12$ Dod 4 Coupe 1)2 Essex Spt, Roadster 128 Essex Spt, Coach , 12 Essex Spt. Coupe , . 124 Essex Coach 11 Ford Standard Coup lfjo trorn standard ltd a. 182 Ford standard Coupe M 128 Ford Standard Sedan . 187 Ford Touring , 1926 Ford Coach 124 Ford Pickup. -. 125 Ford Coach .' . - 124 Ford Pickup. '32 plates 124 Ford Touring. '33 pistes. 124 Hvpmobile Stdan 115 Maxwell Coupe 1S2 Nash Standard Sedan Keo e tsedan Trucks 1926 129 1927 110 191 1929 134 12S 12 12 129 1929 1928 1929 1928 2919 Willys-Knight 70' A Se- dan 62S.&0 400.00 185 00 876.00 758 0 EiO.O 40.00 75.00 375.0 435.00 325.00 245.0 875.00 355. 300.04 .$ 346 . 245 . 376 . 375 Whtppet 4 Spt. Coupe Whippet Coupe 32 plates Studebaker Sedan . Studebaker Sedan , , , Pontlac Sedan ' Studebaker Pidtttp Dodge Touring. 82 plates Ford Ford Chevrolet . -- Chevrolet - Foud long wheel base Ford Pickup '32 plates Chevrolet Panel del Every Chevrolet . , - " I j , , Chevrolet J. ,...,. 1929 929 Ford 1928 Ford long wheel bass 128 1989 Chevrolet Panel Delivery, 30 rra Aanei 885 Salem Used Car Center Marlon A r Liberty Open Evenings and Sundays Phon 791. -WMWWWWWWWMWW-WWMWMNWMMMMMM Theresa Secret I Ws have found the secret of selling su in .usea cars tnst ws csa trsoe for.- If you will read what ws bar to say, you will know the secret too. First If the car is one of those kind that won't stay fixed it goes to the wrecker. Second If the car ts a good look er, we give it a general overhaul, new rubber and a first class paint job with duco. Hera's a few of 'em. - 1911 Hudson Sedan (He) $1076. 1919 Graham-PaigO) (llc 626. 1931 Chev. Coach (400 mL. lie and trunk) - 695. 13 Chev. Sedan 595. 1929 Chev. Truck (S on hand) 475. A Model Fords from 825 to 45. McKay Chev. Co. "Where You Get the Big Dollar's Worth- v 822 Center Trade Terms AUTOMOBILES WWa Our complete stock of used motor cycles reduced. Hsrley Davidson. l In $ TS. Harley Davidson, bis; twins 85.0 Rebuilt late twin, repainted 175.90 20 others to choose- from. HARRY W. SCOTT - The Cycle Man" 147 a Cool St. XOTICB The Gopher. Mole and Grey digger squirrel bounty is nearly exhauyted, and It not being auth orlsed by lsw to overdraw- said fund, it will be .necessarly upon depletion of this fund to discon tinue the payment of said boon ties until more money Is raised by taxation. Notice will be given in the offi cial papers of tho county when therefwlll be money on Sand to resume payment of the above bounties. However, so bounty will be paid then on rodeats ' caught during the balance of this year. ' This notice ordered , publlsb&l by the County . Court of Marion County. ; V. O. BOTER, County Clerk. A-30. H- EU)RIKDGE. Aug. 29. Fol lowing the regular session. of lesson study at Eldriedfe Sunday the 18 members of Mis. Gladys Brown's dally vacation Bible school were presented la a Pro gram and demonstration. .Among the visitors present Was Fred DeVries, tmperintendent" of Marion county' Sunday schools, who -commended Miss Brown for the excellent work accomplished in 12 days.. Two high school girls of this community. Miss Stella Banyard and- Miss Esta Ttmni have also given their efforts to make the school a success. - Diplomas were presented the following; Beulah Fuller, Nellie Banyard. Elinor Brown. Shirley Bell. Brown. Arlie Parks. ; Anna May Martin, Evelyn Hall, Rose mary Nnson. Cora Marie Parks, Lorraine tahli. Evelyn Aspinwali, Dorothy Sharif, Dorothy Sahll, Leala Runeorn,- Best is Banyard. Frances Wood, Is'tna Fuller, and Mabel Fuller. " BAKEIt IX XrXTT TURNER, Aug. S9. E. C Baker with his daughter Mrs. Barbara Synder .of Portland, and son-in-law, Gerald Garver of Newberg. Wednesday-.stopping in ere to greet old friends. They were VenIhg dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. TJ. S Talbot, a tier which they drove on to Portland. They visited the old borne inace la Stayton before coming here. VACH SCHOOL DIPLOMAS GlVETi Cross -Word Puzzle Br KUUENU M I2 la lw I5 6 17 lB HA'W 18 719 20 21 22 35 36 37 38 3f HO Wa57 W wA' 1 wA 1 1 1 te HORIZONTAL. 1 tuberous ; root of . several Mexican . plants . . 6 strikes with a Cat , surface 11-s-6-D.tiquated dance - resembling the jif; ' 12 put out oi joint - 14 month in the Jewish calendar 15 Irish poet - and . dramatist IT periods ef time 18 cutting tool -0 mixtures of sand and clay f 2 insect 23 Greek god ef war 23 female . relative 11 symbol for cerium 28 tubercu . lous disease .' 30 flat rope ' secured to . - a yardarra S2 Arabian ehleftaia 24 ripped X 25"--made the noise of sheep 53 English - - coins 41 Egyptian - -sun. god 42 srirrendersi 44 -small, ' retired - valley 45- Jettcr of . - the Greek alphabet 47 ard 'fat . about the loins in beef (pL) 49 man'a nam 60 Greek goddess'ef - discord 52 gauze-like -Material 54 symbol fox selenium 55 enlarge . upon Herewith is Saturday's puxzle. raifeFiArTMSri lrJFfTlsmf mm roRMg-iruTlP?-.. IT Caarns-t. 1S2L. fOs I Buslness A3IUSEMENTS Salem Oolf Csuise 8 miles south on River Drive. 18 hols watered fair ways, targe greens Fees Ic Suadays sad holidays. $1.00. BATTERY ELECTRICIAN R. D. Barton Batteries Starter and generator work. Texaco station, cor ner Court and Church. BICYCLE REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAMS DEN Columbia Bicycles and repairing. 8S7 Court. The best tn bicycles and repairing. H. W. Scott. 147 & Coml. TeL 481 A BUILDING SUPPLIES Royal Roofing Co-, wood, shingles, tar, graveL Work guaranteed. Prices rt;M. t; Trarto. - - CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4 4 SO. R. Nerthness CHIROPRACTORS Dr. Gilbert. Ors. Bldg. TeL 84.2. Dr. a L. SCOTT. PSC CMroprsctor. Zi K. High. TeL Res 8572. DRS. SCO FIELD. Palmer CtJroprac tora. X-ray and N. C. M New Bank Bid. CLEANING SERVICE Center St VsWerla. Tri f82. ELECTRICIANS HA UK ELECTRIC CO. New loca tion. T Court 8t TeL 4054. E. L. Welch electric shop. Wiring, fixtures snd supplies Get our pric a. 1P1S H Com'L Tel. 88S1 FLORISTS FLOWERS FOR ALL occasions OIsob's, Court snd High Su TeL Ii4. ALL kinds of floral work. Lots Flor ist. Hlh & Marke-. TeL -. CUT Flowers, wedding bouquets funeral wreaths, decorations C. F. Brelthaupt. florist. 61S State Street. TeL 6K4. HEMSTITCHING - NEEDLEWORK. Margaret's Shop. 4IS Co-r. SMKFFER 67 American short story- writer 63 Scotch Americas , . -philan-. thropist CO sober VERTICAL. 1 very lartje stork Z indefiiiits 1 article ; S binding - custom 4 scarlet coating of seeds of 5 marking post in an aerodrome 6 lenient 7 symbol for lutecium 8 chopping tool . 9 estuary " of . - the. AmaxoB -Puver . - 10- postare - 11 junto 13 natural . fat 1C raised platform ID 7-w4gwan 21 spoon shaped instrumeiit . 24-shrub 2G? made a mistake 29 locations 31 dctrine 33 automatic f valve for ' reducing pressure . 35 breed 86 highest kind of worship 37 horned . . mammal 8 t"e r m f cated - ' 40 man's name 43 short distances 45 is affected with pain 48 blemish 51 posed for a portrait 53 subdivi- t sion of geologic J time - , 56 preposi- - tion 58 note of the musical scale the solution to Vtslaiw Bra-m- Iss, Directory i MUSIC STORES GEO. C WILL Pianos, Phono graphs, sewing ma chiiea, sheet music, and piano studies. Repairing phono graphs and sewing machine a 4:2 State St-eet. : Plem. PLUMBING and HEATING 1 PLUMBING and general repair work. Grab-r Bros, 144 So. Lftertjr. Tel .-4 PAPER HANGING Paper hanging M pamtras. Neo mao'i Paint Store. Hi K. Coml. PHONE GLENN ADAMS for house dectorsUng. paper hanging, tinting, etc. Reliable workman. . PRINTING i FOaT STATIONERY, cards pai.iph lets. programs, books or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Print ing Department. 21S S. Crtur.ercliL Teiephoao tlL i ROOFING El Rev Slate ureas. &'Sfn1 T us giv you s free esttmat on your wi. ny i i . ureal., ir uesirei. tvh. VICE ROOFING- AND PAINT CO, 1828 Stategt. TEL. 480. RADIO FOB every purpose, for every pnrse . All standsrd sHses of Radio Tubes. EOFF- EI-ECTRICAL SHOP. , 44 1 Court St, TeL 11. For guaranteed radio repairing, pbooe or call at -- Salem radio service - TeL 44 - ' (.48 Ferry St. STOVES STOVE3 -and store repalrlsg. S:oves for sale, rebuilt and repaired. Ait kinds of woven wire fence, fancy and plain, hop baskets hooks, loean hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works lf Chemeketa. TeL 4774. R. B. Fleralng. TAILORS O. H. MOSFTER TaHor for men ad women. 44 Court U. TRANSFER r t PTT T PITT TMfi.f., fM. - Stats 6L TeL 7I7A DUtrihutleE, for- waruuig sou scorags our specsaity. un our rstra FOR l--t ai l.f rt n e- ,a. see. call 8I3L Isrmer T -ansfez Co. Real Estate Z Director' BECKS. S HENDRICKS 18 N. High TeL 4J4T