The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning, Aognst 27, 1921 pagc s"Ve:: Local News Briefs ' . - - . i Hirer Said Not Dan grrotu Complaints that the Willamette river la too contaminated for safe swimming are not really serious, according to Dr. Vernon A. Doug las, county health officer, be cause the condition of the -water, Ten north of the city, is not so bad as to be a definite menace to bata-ers. Swimmers are more li able to ' receive skin. Infection from dirty swimming suits, tow els or even from lying on the beaches, he said. The chief pres ent danger from swimming would be from typhoid, - dysentery or other Intestinal disorders the natatora might contract through inadvertently swallowing the water. ' - Education Authority Cemlag O. H. Nelson, New York - City, head of the educational council of the national Y. M. Cj A., who Is said to be an authority on adult education in the United States, has been secured by the local "Y" lexa all day September S. He will . m a IrnirllMn and ODDOf- tunlty will be titan Interested r citizens to hear this man. "See Buss Smith. Center and Church, for tire bargains. -. Instrnctora' Return Expected- Dwight Adams. Fred Smith and R. R. Boardman. of the Salem T. "M. C- A-. are expected to return here tonight by uto from Seattle, Wash., where they hare beenin--restlzatinr the Y' nd boy scout work, after attending a leaders conference , at SeabecK, rt.... rr Sat. nlxht. Open air paTilion, Stayton. . Property" Pemberton His full share in property owned by Retta J. Pemberton, deceased, was given yesterday by probate cowct order to J. Ray Pemberton, one of her heirs. He stated to the court that an oral agreement was made before the deceased of Retta Pemberton proTidlng that mhould receive" tne propenj. , The agreement was not made in writing. . . . ' - "'j Dance at Hazelgreen FrL 25c. Vagrant Pleads Guilty Verne VernRink who Rave New York City as his residence, pleaded guilty yesterday before Justice of the Peace Hayden to the county of Tagrancy. VernRink. about 20 . ... h, fl(V years 01 sc, w m- -j -lice officers after been seen loi tering about downtown streets for several nights. VernRink pleaded guilty and was sentenced to ten days In the county Jail. 'J. Resigns as GnartlLan Maud J. Haberly has resigned as guardian of the afaflrs of William J. Ha berly, deceased, and the Ladd & Bush Trust company has been ap pointed guardian In ,ner stead. . 1 - tr-naA in uuui v . . probate court here. Homer yon To Wed A mar riage license was Issued Wednes day In Portland to Homer J, Ly ons of Salem and Arleta M. Far rens of lone. Lyons la a former Salem high school and Oregon State college tootball and basket ball player. - Asks Foreclosure Harry Sher man has 'brought suit In circuit court here against Jessie B. Falk and Joseph and Margaret Thiel seeking foreclosure of , a mort gage valued at 11552. together with interest thereon and expen ses of foreclosure. Fraternity Man Visits Joe Blanch ard.. sophomore at Willam ette university has Just lft Sa- i ki. nm t . Rlendale. 1 V Ui tut mAAm " v " ' southern- Oregon,, after spending h first half of the week here visiting- at his fraternity . house, Alpha Pal Delta,- . . license Issued! A marriage li cense was- Issued yesterday; to ; George C. Turner. 128 Brendo. Los Angeles. Calif. He will wed Angela Sundln. 2575 Lee atreet, ' Salem. Tomer, 2s years of age. Is a mertidam and.. Miss Sundln. 21, la a nurse. - . .. . - L. Taiiorea xnaae nui m eJy at Sll-00, $14.75 and $1. 11. Save from 1 to JH by buy ing this week- . Our fall line of overcoats are. now in. Come la and look" them over before yon buy. Taos. Kay Woolen Mill Co., ttO So. 11th St. . . . , Mount al a Scaler Retaraa Harry Bally,, a coming entrant at .Willamette university this fall, returned here Tuesday from Ta eoma. Wash., where he visited with friends after making the as cent of Mt. Rainier with the Chemeketans . party Sunday, August It. Last week of our famous Tail ored Mada Suit Sale. Get yours before the price goea up. t Sale price 1U.00. $14.75 and 111.75. Also see our new fait line of over M.t, Thiu. TCa Woolen Mill Co.. 260 So. 12th St. You Can't Be Happy if Your Feet Hurt Schaefer's Corn Remover Takes Them Off! S,y25c ' Sold Under the Schaefer ; - Guaranty . No Cure No Pay Give Your Feet a Treat , v': - only- at v- - Schaefer's - DRUG STORE , . " , 1 N. Coat! . Dial MOT The Origtaal Yellow Front And Candy Special Store of Salem IfcEwen Released Charles Mc- Ewen, -devil dog" was released from Justice court yesterday on parole after a f 0-day Jail sen tence. because he declared that it was Imperative he be back at Bremerton. Wash., by August 21. McKwen pleaded guilty, after be ing arrested Sunday at SUverton. to idrlvlng. a" car with Improper license plates. Arresting officers were forced to shoot t MeEwen's ear before he would atop. The school season Is approach ing. Gabriella Sboppe of dress making, is specialising In altera tions and remodeling. 532 K. High Street. V -DrnJs Trespass W. Wurgter, 45-year-old Aurora resident, . de nied that he trespassed upon Im proved lands when' he was haled Inte Justice . court yesterday. Lee Marsh, also an Aurora resident, signed a complaint charging Wurster with cutting clover and hay on land he did. not -own. Wurster waa ; released, without bail. His hearing will be held to- morrow at 10 a. m. before Jus tice of the Peace Hayden-. Case Continued The case of the State of Oregon vs. Jack Kolster and Ltxxie Timme. both charged with assault and battery.' was continued In Justice court here yeiterday. The hearing will be held next Friday at 2 p. m. Mrs. At He Little -signed the com plaint against the two. Two Case Today Two cases are! set for hearing at 10 a. m.. this morning in Justice court. . A. E. .Krleger is to have a hearing on a non-support charge. J. T. Nelson is up on charge of lar ceny. : Dane at Haxegreen FrL 25c " Start Foreclosure Foreclosure of a mortgage held by the Port land Mortgage company cn pro perty owned by Georse D. Ader in and Edith Aderin has been be gun In circuit court here. The sum sought is : $1417 together with Interest, taxes and costs.. - ituary 1 Farrar At Rockaway - late Monday, August 24, Mrs. Isabelle C. Far rar, aged. 81. Survived by one daughter. Mrs. R. N. Kellogg of Portland; and one niece. Bertha Foster of Portland. Funeral ser vices Thursday. August 27 from the chapel of W. T. Rigdpn and Sonj Reverend George Swift offi ciating. Interment In the I. O. O. F. cemetery. Robins In thia city August 25. Rever end j William R. Robins, aed 18. Survived by widow, Dora; one daughter.' Ellen; and one son, Bruce. . Funeral services Thurs day,; August 27 at 2:30 o'clock from the- First Baptist church un der the direction of W. T. Rlgdon and Son. , " -1 . . . . Bonea Near Turner Aug. 25, Charlie F. Bones. 19. Survived by moth er, Mrs. China A. Bones, of Tur ner;) sisters and brothers; Martha J. Winkler of Vancouver, Wash., Luemma Standifer of Salem, Mol lle E. Mundlnger of Salem, Cora F. Scott of Salem. James W. of Turner, Archie L. of Turner, Lucy M. Hacelwood of Woodburn and Lester N. of Turner. Funeral ser vices Thursday, August 27 at 10 a. m. from the chapel of W. T. Rlgdon and Son, Reverend W. Earl Cochran and the Elks lodge officiating Graveside services at the Belcrest Memorial park under the r auspices of ' the -Masonic lodger - - I I, j Miua : ' ; In this eltr August If, Claud le Mills, 10. Survived' by pmrenu. Mr. and Mrs. . M. Mills. Funeral announcements later by Clough Barrick company. I Pardo ' At the residence, route two, Sa-, lem,' August 25, Thomas Pardo, aged 9. Survived by widow, Ju lia; two sons. William E. and Jo seph H. both ' of Salem ; two als tersj MrsyRebeeea Rogers of Council Bluffs, Iowa, and Mrs. Lilly Barton ef Evaaa, Colorado; three brothers, Joseph. Samuel and William all of Council Bluffs: and three grandchildren. Funeral announcements later by Clougb Barrick company. f McCurdy In this city August 2. William McCurdy, aged 72. Was recently a resident of Roseburg. Funeral annoancements later by W. T. Rlgdon and Son. CITY VIEW CEMETERY Established 1803 TeL 8052 t t Conveniently Accessible Perpetual care .provided tor ' Prices Reasonable Phone 6M Uodrrately Triced A Park Cemetery With Perpetual Cafe Just ten minutes from, the heart of town c;"- . Dr. Chan tarn I Chinese Medicine ISO N. Con-merclal U Office burs Z. Tuesday and Satur - - J day . a to S:SO TERWILLIGER'S X rtnrsxix. nzxscrona i rra aimkiu tl sasa Omt hntu is Trio 1 Oar rrleaa Ar BMamaBie 0r Hmh tm M4tn Ob ' Milkhandlers Examined The largest number of mllkhandlers In some time, 24, ware- examined at the clinic for that purpose held at the Marlon county health center this week. The unusual number was due to the fact that milk- handlers formerly under the Jur isdiction of the city of -Portland have been changed to the Salem district by the milk producers co operative association. : and . the mllkhandlers are striving to bring their dairies up 'to the B grade standard requirements. Talllght Obscured H. A. Gueffroy, 205 U. S. National bank building, drove his car Into that of Pearl Ryan, 22 04 North Front street, Tuesday, because the Ryan machine was parked too near the corner, not parrallel to the curb ing and the tail light therefore obscured around the side of the auto trunk, he reported yesterday to the police. . The mishap oc curred at the corner of Front and Pine streets at 9 p.m. j ? Golnar Slowly. Hit She had Just backed her car from the curb and was moving ahead alowly In second gear, when a car driven by Miss MerIe.Dimlck.-720 8outhl2th street,-backed out and struck her machine, on State atreet. between High and Liberty street. Lola Ohmart. route 2, reported to the police yesterday. A fender on the Ohmart machine was cracked, the driver said. - Accident Excuse Made Eu- rene Halterman. Beverly Hills. Calif., motorist who backed his ear Into that driven by Frank R. Kellogg. 129 New Bllgh building. reported to the police yesterday that he did not see Kellogg'a ma chine because of another car pass ing him in the middle ot tne diock. on State street. Keuogg cnargea Halterman with backing out from the curb too fast. ; niinn Riirht of War Aria C. Davis, 435 Fawck avenue, whose car wta struck by that driven oy C. E. Hald, route 9. at Court and Libertv streets Tu.sday . nignt. claims in the accident report, that Hald did not have the rignt or war. H&ld savs he was past tne center of the intersection when Davis cut In ahead of him. KfMlinir la Chanrcd Exceed ing the speed limit i t the city was charged to Andrav Peterson, 1795 McCoy avenue, when he was arrested yesterday by a city, trat fle officer. He Is cited to appear in municipal court today. Attend Game Tom Wood and baseball fans who drove to Port- tant txroAnaaAav nfrht tft attend the Portland-San Francisco base ball game. . rkn7hNr BornMr. and Mrs. v. it. Rlrra are the parents of an eight pound baby girl who was born August 25 at the Henderson maternity home. The baby has been named Lorn a Gay. - Illness Comes Suddenly Mrs. William H. McRae. 1925 North Fourth street, who was taken sud denly ill while she was at work at the Marlon. creamery Tuesday, was reported not much , better. She Is at her home. Canned Heat Drnnk Charged with, becoming drunk on "can ned heat." John Burke, was ar rested yesterday and lodged in the city JaiL Ben LindseyJs , Seriously 111, Doctors Admit LOS ANGELES. Aug. 28. (AP) The condition ot Ben S. Llndsey, noted former Judge of the Denver Juvenile court, who underwent a major operation here last week, has taken a turn for the worse.. ; Back on the Job SALE Every Saturday 10 p.m. I Every Wed. Nite 7:30 p.m. i f STARTING ? This Saturday Afternoon at The F. N. Woodry Auction Market 1610 N. Summer' Consisting of Anything anybody has . for sale. Jnst bring It In on Sat onlay nfternoon OR Wednes day nlte and I will sell it for you and get you the - ' ' ' ; ' 1 ' ' Cash - Yes - Cash Let's make this Saturday a red letter day. Everybody bring In something toelL The buyers will be here and plenty of them. . Auction sales conducted at your home in city or coun try. " i ' I pay cash for used furni ture or will swap, trade or exchange anything with yon. Private sale daily ot new nnd used furniture. What you save at Woodry's you can lay away for old .age. . F. Nl Woodry Auctioneer - Phone 5-1-1-0 -- Established 1016 : The Woodry Ton All Know TlTo Portland 75c UuAwLJxa Engene f 1.10 Depot, Bllgh Hotel Independent Stage Co. 4 TeL al21 - - Auction TRIO KILLED IN O ; : i ;:'"h T Six persona two policemen, two bandits, a baby girl and a taxi cab driver" were killed and eleven others wounded in New York when fleeing payroll bandits were chased by 209 police amid a hail of bullets through coma of the city's busiest streets. This picture of the riddled taxicab in which the holdup taen tried to escape shows graphic airna at the terrific bombardment of lead which cops poured Into it. The body of the cab's driver .can be seen at right. , E E Two Individual contribution. one for S300 and- one for $50, have given Capital Post legion naires a nearly impetus in their campaign to raise 12500 locally as Salem's ahara. In sendlnr th drum corps to Detroit. The receipt or inese donations was announced yesterday but donors preferred their names be withheld. The post is attempting Insofar as possible to raise $1500 from within Its own membermhln Th two Initial gifts were from outside me omciai organization. Mem bers are being .asked to contrib ute S5 to S10. indlrlduallv hut where this Is impossible sums aa smau as tone dollar are to be taken. The balance needed between $2500 and the sum raised, will tb secured. If possible, by a big pub lic dance. Plana discussed yester day called for holding this dance at the airnorL The larra floor there can be surfaced.' it was PILES CURED wuaset pcrsUon r tots f hsm.' DR. MARSHALL S2 Oresoa Bid.- Fk S50S Buyers Homes, Schools, Colleges, Churches, Frat Howaes, Dance Halls. Mnsie Tencher JUg Warehouse Full Here and Portland . .Greatest Bargain , Buys on Pacific H Coast ' -' - LI-- See Us .We Have What Yon Ct Want, end You W1Q ''save BIO MONEY Most1 Every Make KDfBAIJL 8TE3NWAY . CHICKEKIXG , HJ1S05 HAMUX KXAiiK-wnrrxEY - STKTFP HAIXES BROS. WOULITZER riRAmOCH ' , . STRATJBE - CITJJItAXSKX v SEVERAL OTHERS Easy Terms to All . UPRIGHT BARGAINS . Priced Double Elsewhere $35 - $50 - $65 - $75 $100 Buya Finest Tone .Quality ' In Pacific Northwest TERMS SI PER WEEK Big Factory Warehouse S57 Court Bet. -Church i High F. M. REED, Factory Rep.'. - tt Hospital Beds to Rent" Call 910, Used Furniture Department ' ... ist k. rng PROGRESS MAD DRUM CORPS DRV Baby per Montli Buya a J Thia h S300 Style $295 M RIDDLED CAB I ; , . : o I. 4 r- V s pointed ont, and the hangar also converted Into a temporary floor. The goal of the legion would bo to ell one thousand tickets at one dollar each. (Black, JpIresIruu, am every ffofcocc 7 . S , S-. vC' f ..-... : Si X s .v.v.-.-. . TUNB f N Tk rr Party Orcfca f. a. c i elf Le9 Sfih 111 Stk Amm T. C. ..-..v.-...-:';..-.....'.-.-.....v.-.'.'...-.....-.-;...:.... .- - . s- - y.-.-.V..rSS? Tho iinost to- ssV -- v-' : v bacco quality I - A - , A' I plus throat' J v " protection V 'N J j 1 . .x U IS TO Three false alarms were rung In at the central fire station yes terday. At the first "brrrr"- of the strident gong, which may be heard half a block -away, firemen scurried from all directions to their positions at the trucks, 6aly to find someone had either dialed the wrong number or. had called the department en the wrong phone. Bat unlike the- shepherds In the well, known "wolf? story, the city's fire guards have to take every Harm call seriously. . Three-one-tour-four should be dialed only to give the alarm ot a fire,: Harry Hutton. fire chief re iterated for the hundred -and-steenth time yesterday. . Thia 'phone rlngs the general . tire alarm, hence using -it for routine calls- to the station ' reeulta - In needless confusion at - any time and In great- Inconvenience to firemen when they ' are routed oat from, bed on the night shift. , If you want to ask for. a fire permit, talk to one of the firemen or .make any other, communica tion with the station, other than giving an alarm, the number to dial Is 5445. , ; . . Judge Belt And Putnam Report Fishing Is Good . Two well-known Salem fishermen,- Judge Harry' J. Belt and George B. Putnam, returned home Wednesday from an Interesting fishing trip up Into the famous MISTAKES "TTOMIFQ pE)flp ASH 4 pvaitm biting, harsh irritant chemicals) ..v.-.w.'.sfl.-.- Your Frailer river and Mountain Goat country- In British1 Columbia. A part of the distance covering SO miles, was made by pack horse where ."soma of the finest fishing ever to be wanted was experien ced we . even - had to : throw .'em tack remarked Judge Belt yes terday. The' country was beauti ful, the weather ideal, the fish biting good and the company "ok" and all in all the trip was a com plete success. They were accom panied by. John Orf," prominent Medford banker, who.- accustomed to "good fishing" In the Rogue river., still admitted the . fishing of the best. The fishermen were absent from their ffffieial duties for a period of 10 days. O- - - " o I Births I Wllteey To Mr. and Mrs. Steve Wlltsey. roate one. Gervals. a son. weight 8 - pounds, born August 25 at the Jackson matern ity home. Tharp To Mr. and Mrs. I E. Tharp. route 8. a boy, Lloyd Ice land, born August' 21 at the resi dence. - OlaastaV-To Mr. - and Mrs. Louis Henry 01msted. roate . a boy,-' Lawrence Fredrick. -. born August 22 at the residence. - Ledtke To Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ledtke, 972 Tonng street. Wood burn, girl, Dolores Virginia, born August 17 at the Bungalow maternity home. - - LOXIXJX TRIES AUTOMATS -LONDON, .(AP) The London public is having Its first experi ence with mechanical food ser vice. An automatic buffett. has opened for business In one of the most populous districts of the Strand. - &3 Evry LUCKY STRIICE is made of tlie finest tobacco leaves the world can offer the Unest from. Turkey the finest from ICentucky, Tennessee, Vlixinia Georgia snd the C&rolhizs the Cream of many Crops throughout the world. Bat all tobacco leaves, regardless of pries and kind, as nnriire produces them, contain harsh Irritants. LUCKY STRIKED exclusive "TOAST INGW Process-a process that mellows, that puri fies, that includes the use of the modern Ultra Violet Ray expels certain harsh irritants natu rally present in every tobacco leaf. We sell these expelled irritants to manufacturersof chemical compounds, who use them as a case m maKtnj sheepdip, as well as a powerful spraying solu tion for trees, flowers and shrubs enough to permit the daily dipping of over 50,000 sheep or the daily spraying of many thousands of trees. Thus, you are sure these irritants, naturally pres ent in all tobacco leaves, are not in your LUCKY STRIKE. They're out so they can't be inV No wonder LUCSUEB arc always hind to your throat - U. S. Dept.' of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal V Industry, Order No. 210 . z1. 1 1 fnduding the use of Ultra Violet Rays - Sunxhino Mellows Hect Purifies Throat Protection cfralrtst Irritctlon or? c? nst ccl 3 W 9 TllEE TROT t!EATS EUGENE, Ore.. Aug. 26 (AP; Matey MeKInney.' owned by S. M. Busch. Salem, and driven by Daniels, took, three straight heats In mixed 2:25 pace and 2:20 trot on today's .opening race program at the Lane county fair. Maxey McKlnney Is a. pacer. In the three-eighths mile run ning event, Proctor, owned i by Andy Charley and with Rufus up, took first. J. K. Greer's, combus tion, with Perry bp. won the four and a half furlong event. Behind Maxey Busch, these en tries finished in this order in all threa heats: Alto Mack. owned and driven by J. W. Merrill, G res nam; Madam Queen, owned by Anna Hutchinson and driven by Hutchinson; Galley Vernon, owned by Merrill and driven by Milan. Harry Barrett " Operated Upon For 7th Time . Harry E.- Barrett, -205 South. 2lrd atreet, underwent his sev enth serious operation within the past few months, at St. Vincent's hospital . in ' Portland yesterday morning. His daughter. Miss Hel en Barrett,' said last night that when she left her father at two o'clock he waa quite ill. suffering from shock but recovering aa well as could be expected. Mrs. Barrett is staying at her husband's bed side. Deoi? M" SMI USE 1 nn mm