The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 27, 1931, Page 4, Image 4

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, galea. Oregon, Thareday Morning; Aeimsi 27, WT
I . rTU"1" i
"No Favor Sways Us; No Fear ShaU Awi"
From First Statesman, March 28, 1551'
Chaxles A. S Prague. Sheldon F. Sackxtt, PublUkr$
Chakixsj A. Spragub - - - - - SdUorJdanagwr
Sheldon F. Sackett Managing Editor
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; Racial Stagnation j
WITH a photographic fallnesa and sharpness of detail
Edmund Wilson has, in an article in September Scrib
ners, sketched the Telief work among the mountain whites
of a certain Kentucky county following the drouth of 1930.
It is truly drawn "from the life with a Red Cross worker
and a county agent shown handling specific cases which had
fallen to their attention. The "mountain whites" have long
been the subject of relief work and missionary activity. De
scendants of pre-revolutionary stock, they have inbred, have
eked out an existence on the stingy soil of . the hills, have
kept themselves isolated from civilization, living with their
feuds, their traditions, their dogs, their corn likker and ter
baccy oblivious to what goes on in the world below.
Oregon has its own hill-billies, and some of them have
come direct from the Blue Ridge country of the south. Their
primitive speech, habits of living, shiftlessnes3 quickly reveal
a relationship. ,It is very doubtful however if there is any
such racial exhaustion as reveals itself in the southern
mountains. As Mr. Wilson uescribes these mountain people
"they are really like nothing human. Their standard
of 11 ring is so low that $3 a week for a family of five, SIS a
month for a family of ton. Is supposed to provide them with
all their necessities, and they are so ignorant that the best
they can do in the way of siting their names to applications
Is to touch one finger to the' end of the pencil. 1 They hare
never needed money for anything bat clothes, and they wear
very few of them They , live proverbially on i meal, meat
and molasses, which, before the drought set In. they raised
for themselves. The meal was made out of corn which
they would get ground up at the mill at every crossroads,
the molasses was made out of sorghum and the meat was al
ways pork. During the hog-killlng season. Miss Dabney
(the Red Cross worker) was obliged to take part In fatty
orgies where the conversation consisted chiefly of "Gimme a
rib!" and "Gimme a hunk off the Jowl!" In other cases,
they ar most unfriendly; they don't want to be bothered,
no matter how badly off they are, and will tell Red Cross
: , workers to get out. Sometimes they insist on eating the
v corn mixture which has been given them for the cows, even
when apparently they don't need to. i
"A good many of them, besides, hare pellagra they
get listless and their skin dries up and they almost cease to
eat. It is said to be caused by their diet, and the Red Cross
gives them canned salmon and tomatoes, which are supposed
to strengthen their gastric tubes. Miss Dabney has learned
the legend that the ancestors of these people were Tories
who took to the hills at the time of the Revolution as well
as the legend that they are the the descendants of the in
dentured whites of the colonies. . At the same time It
sticks In her mind that a sociologist from one of the Ken
tucky colleges has assured her that from the sociological
point of view it would be much better if they were allowed
to die of the drought. And she vaclllatea between an nneasy
feeling that S3 can't possibly be enough for a family of five
to live on and a serious scepticism as to whether it may not
be futile to try to equip them with strong gastric tubes.
It is a grave sociological question about what to do with
these population eddies.! Their own resistance to social rec
lamation makes the problem doubly hard. One cannot but
believe that roads, radio, schools, papers will eventually
shatter their isolation, and emancipate the younger genera
tion at least for more wholesome living and richer contribu
tion to the common weal. PerhapL these friendly touches of
the Red Cross will help to break down some of that mental
insularity which kept the "mountain whites' a race apart
and stagnant. .. .
The 1931 Salmon Run
REPORTS from Astoria indicate that the season's run of
'salmon is the heaviest in several years. The late August
run was the largest in twenty years, the fishing boats Monday
being swamped with fish and the canneries having all they
could handle. The market has been poof &U season, but the
quantity may bring some compensation to the fishermen.
Besides the economic value to the state of this fish crop,
the large run of the year is of some political significance. In
1926 the people voted to suppress fish traps and fish wheels
on the river above tidewater. The claim was advanced that
in the narrow gorge of the river this gear seined the river
so completely of fish that not sufficient numbers were go
ing through to spawn. It was urged that if , the traps and
wheels were done away with there would be a greatly in
creased run of fish into the river and the salmon, fishing in
dustry would thrive instead of slowly die out. ! -
Last winter a hard drive was made to repeal this pro
hibitory legislation. JimMott, who had led the fight in 1926
when a legislator in Clatsop county, fought (the repeal act
on the floor pf the house and it was defeated. It was time
fcowever, that the expected benefits from the 1926 act should
be seen. It is four years now since the 1927 .spawn of fish.
The run of this season may be some proof of the efficacy of
the 1926 law, although it is much too early to generalize from
one season's run; Salmon have a way of failing to show up
just like a crop of cherries, and again they may be most
abundant. t
The supporters of the 1926 initiative will naturally hail
this run as justification of their contention. The remainder
of theatate will make note of it and observe what happens
in future years. . j -
The people who think that England is about to topple
over the brink might as well quit their worrying. In 1926
France was in the same situation with the franc taking
wins. Now France is gorged with gold. The -U. S. A. is too
for that matter, but back in 1893 we were in the same squeeze
England and Germany are in today. Our gold reserves com
menced to slip away and the foreign interests who at that
time had great investments in this country, got scared and
commenced calling their money home. Then the debtors were
-v A4Cc buvu wiey couia pay tneir debts with fiftv
cent silver dollars. When during the McKinley administration
this country came out of the kinks in its finances the foreign-
.Tr frilh and renewed investments wfh
US. llie World has a had mm n tow, it:!. tA. s-
it ... i-, , v ' t is jrermany
and .then it is England. The one dose of Dr. Hoover's sooth-
Kfil5JU?Ia?e ed matonum was a powerful restorative,
rattle WOre off 100 Qtf ly. The world needj another
'a, OTfrnor'g dog "Alex" got shot for sn ordinary chicken
stealing dog. Instead of the high-bred, stately police dog ajoeared
to be. Could It be he was leading a double life? Humai "smartec,"
are seldom shot, it may be said with regret. i .
t4 .au .. I ' ''t"
k rul waitemaa ow has hi fourth wife He
Eye Strain
By C. a DAUbR, If. D.
Marion Co. Dept. ef Health
child's yei are often abased
In various ways through misun
derstanding as te those things
that contribute
to such condl
tlons, and
through care
lessness oa the
part of parents.
Much is being
done ia the
schools today to
prevent eye
strain by giving
attention t o
such things as
proper lighting,
seating arrange
ment and .typo
of print used In
Dr. O. O. Dsner text books."
One should always read in a
steady, sufficiently bright light.
The light should be of such Inten
sity that the print la clear. While
not often the case at, home. It Is
occasionally found in school that
there is considerable : reflected
light from blackboards. This can
be easily remedied by lowering the
rhades from the top. ; Our homes
could be more efficiently illumin
ated If the shades would be lower
ed six Inches from the top. Re
flected light from a celling Is
much better for the eyes than a
hrtght glare from a window.
Reading should not be done In
the twilight, on moving cars, or
while walking, nor whUe lying
down. All of these put an un
necessary burden on the small
muscles of the eyes which must be
In constant motion to properly see
the print of a book or paper. The
same might be said of sewing.
Publications Improving Type
The sixe and type of print and
also the character of paper are Al
so important factors In overcom
ing or preventing eye strain. Chil
dren's books are not printed with
large type by. accident or to fill
up pages. Large clear characters
take less energy so far as the eye
muscles are concerned. The ideal
type of paper for a child's book Is
not the highly glazed paper but
the kind that does not produce a
Magaxines and newspapers are
becoming .better adapted to read
ing, because of the greater care
given to the character of the type
used but there Is still room for
improvement. One large metro
politan newspaper submitted vari
ous kinds of print to eye special
ists before adopting a certain one.
This certainly Is a step in the
right direction and might well be
copied by others. - j
If eye strain is present and de
mands other treatment than rest.
the eye specialist is best qualified
to treat the condition. He can
with his instruments of precision
properly diagnose and treat the
Wbat besltk problems esve real If
the above ertie'e rmttea sav anaatiaa ia
your mind, write tHel en art ism ent eee
rad it aitW te The Stttma ar the
Marina eonaty" department ef health. The
answer will aepaar la tSia colnma. ya
heold he tlxned. bat will not be used in
the rner. t
New Views
"Do you favor supervisors In
the Salem school system at an
annual cost of $9000?" Tester
day Statesman reporters asked
this question as they worked
about town.
Elmer D. Cook, attorney: f'l
really cannot express an opinion.
I reside In West Salem and am
only casually acquainted with the
Mrs. Mary Fnlkentoa. count
scnooi superintendent: ?io. , I
have nothing to state on that
matter. My supervision ' does not
extend to Salem. All I do Is ap
prove the accounts; I have noth
ing to do with teaching problems."
, i
Howard Coming, student:
don't see why supervisors aren't
a good , thing, so why cut down
on them". t
Sirs. Eleanor C Boyle, tele,
phone operator: "I think It's a
very good Idea."
er "
- Mrs. P. Ij. Fraxler, housewife:
"I haven't given it a thought."
11,1 "' 1,1
Mrs. James Callahan, house
wife: "I'm not informed about
M. Clifford Moymlhan. axtor.
nejt "If the supervisors will in
crease the efficiency of the local
school system, thereby develop
ing thf child and properly direct
ing his education. I heartily en
dorse the retaining of the Salem
supervisors." j
1- Parka, book salesmen:
"Tea, I surely do, it's no longer
a foolish Idea, it's a necessity and
should be considered such..'
Daily Thought
"No one cat be perfectly free
until all are free; no one can be
perfectly moral till all are moral;
no one can be perfectly happy un
til all are happy." Herbert
Fifty Men Fight
Creswell Blaze;
One Badly Hurt
EUGENE, Ore. . Aug.
(AP) One man wa Injured and
a county bridge and several
fences were destroyed by a fire
which swept over SO acres and
endangered several homes three
miles west of Creswell Tuesday.
The man injured was Habert
Dorsham. He fell 15 feet fronra
tree which he hsd climbed to aid
in putting out the bridge fire. A
spike ran Into his shoulder and he
also suffered a fracture of the
left wrist. .
couver wedding licenses were Is
sued to 'three Sllverton and one
Portland person yesterday. They
were: Jaye Bleakney, 2t. and
Ival Parkhurst. 20. Edward W.
Fees. z, Portland, and Amanda
Feneide, II.
i 4 Jib r4'
teW Wio Aiflvar . Meutose-. ' eA..
Tf. ceoaMMr o S ' - i v
a. Daaf iefl Cootk, fOiAm "f I I -t
oe Te m0i wso ejerter. yr X "W
ill jt t. tiii-wv,.
Tomorrow: Windiest
Minto pass: x
H -
At the Robert Burns memorial
exercises held la Salem i January
25, 1916. Judge William Gallo
way paid the followlasrtrlbute to
one of Oregon's foremost early
"On this the 157th anniversary
of the birth of the great Scotch
poet, Robert Burns, I am asked, to
say something; of another poet.
writer ana uregon pioneer, Hon.
John Minto, who never let the
natal day of "Bobby" Barns pass
without .celebrating the occasion
with song and feast.
"I knew Mr. Minto Intimately
from childhood and can sever
think of him without associating
him with two other noted pion
eers of Oregon born under Brit
ain's flag Dr. John McLongh-
lin, born in Canada, and Hon. F.
X. ; Matthiea, also a native - of
Canada. These ' three pioneers
were bosom friends and colabor-
ers in laying broad and secure
the foundation of our young com
monwealth. Their remains lie on
the banks of the beautiful Wil
lamette they loved so dearly,
and no men more loyal to the
American flag or American Insti
tutions ever breathed the pure
air of heaven.
'Mr. Minto was a native of
England, born in 1822, crossed
the plains to Oregon la. 1844 and
settled near Salem where In 1847
he married Martha Ann Morrison,
a pioneer of 1844. Of this worthy
plorleer woman it can be truly
said she was of the highest stamp
of American womanhood, and waa
no man's Inferior. Of this happy
anion there were eight children
born, three only surviving, being
valued residents of Salem, their
native city. Minto was born of the
common people, lived the lite of
the people he so loved and died
with a last prayer for the su
premacy of the plain people. He
often said: 'We have too many
pauper and too many Idle' rich,
but not enough of the great mass
of the common people who move
the world civilly, morally and fi
nancially. .
"Our constitution written by
oar pioneer fathers Is the most
enlightened and progressive of
any state constitution In the un
ion. Our civil and criminal code,
enacted by our early legislatures
of which Mr. Minto was often a
member snd always a valued ad
viser, has done more to break
down sex distinctions under the
law thsn that of any other Amer
ican state.
"Those pioneer legislators who
had toiled for six or seven months
crossing the plains with their
wives and children in tneir ox
wagons, had learned the value
and superiority fo tfhe woman
hood, hence under the- laws of
Oregon there is no sex distinction
In the possession of property. A
woman la Oregon can hold una
in her own name, can sue and be
sued, can administer upon the es-.
tate of her deceased husband, and
is the legal guardian of her own
children; she pays taxes and has a
voice In saying how those taxes
shall be expended.
"In Oregon no sex Inequality
or sex inferiority is recognized by
law. and it can be truthfully said
that no man living or dead has
done more to Incorporate those
sacred and Inalienable rights of
the people into our statutes than
our departed and beloved friend.
John Minto.
Minto was a most retiring
man who accepted office and po
sition of public trust as a duty
Imposed upon citizenship. He was
eminently qualified and might
hare filled any office la the girt
of the people of his adopted state.
He preferred his muse and work
ed solely In developing the latent
resources of his state. ,
. . - t
"He was a pathfinder fa search
ing for highways and means of
communication with ; other sec
tions of this great northwest And
the eastern states.
"I believe Mr. Minto would
have preferred the honor of dis
covering an advantageous moun
tain passageway for egress from
and ineress to the Willamette
valley, or the Improvement of
some species of ear domestic ani
mals, than the honors ot a mem
bership la congress, j
- CCW4CC4JM6 A4 KCB-es - -
w e-Aar milk f-roeA eet.v l.
f VLA06- - jf7 .i a m - 4T
Sport on Earth.
"In politics Mr. Mlnte was a
democrat until the Civil, war.
when he associated himself with
the republican party, though he
was never a strict partisan in any
sense. He was a member ot the
Odd Fellows and Elk orders, snd
when he passed away was the
oldest member of those orders In
the state.
"Mr. Minto was a student to
the very last moment of his long
and useful life. He read and
wrote continuously and has left
his Impress upon every page of
Oregon history. He loved the
birds of the air and the beasts of
the forest, yes. everything in na
ture from tho flowers of the val
ley to the snow capped peak ot
Mount Hood. With such .a son!
and heart it is but natural that
the writings of the great Scotch
poet Burns should have held first
place la his literary affections.
Mr. Minto died at the age of 92
years, beloved by all whe knew
him or had ever felt the Inspira
tion of his pen and muse."
That waa a deserved tribute.
John Minto did much in pioneer
days la developing the livestock
industry: and encourazin- the
raising of purebred sheep and
omer aomesiic animals. Mrs.
Minto was known throughout
Oregon forher fearless vindica
tion of what she esteemed the
right she waa called the 'musket-member'
of the woman suff
rage association of this state
when the long battle was being
wared for the rieht of women to
vote; in which struggle Oregon
led the van.
w V
Her mother was furnished
with a rifle to carry and if ne
cessary use la protecting the cov
ered wagon train of 1844 of
which her family were members;
along with the men "able to bear
arms'. The love match of John
Minto and Martha A. Morrison
was matured under such militant
leadership. They were in the same
covered wagon train ; Minto as
the driver of one of the Morrison
ox teams.
The home of the Mia to family
was for a time at what had been
the old miseioa below Salem.
One of the outstanding pieces
of pioneering work by John Min
to was exploring the Cascades for
an east and west- road, when he
became the discoverer of the
Minto pass. There has been a dis
position of late to call that the
Hogg pass, or the antiam pass,
or something else; t
The Bits tnan'lnasong protest
ed and still protests against this.
The rightful name la the Minto
pass, and the new state highway
should bear that name.
V '. ot Salem
Towst Talks free The S4atee-
ef Earlier Days
August 37, SBoe.
"If 'it were left to me there
would be no change whatsoever
la the arrangement of the stars or
stripes on - old glory under any
pretext or excuse,", said Governor
Chemberlala after the perusal of
a communication .from former
Governor William M. Jenkins, of
Oklahoma territory, asking for
his official approval 'to the sug
gestion to rearrange the stars oa
tne national emblem so as to
form one large star on the blue
An unfortunate and regretable
accident occurred upon the re
turn from the funeral of the late
Roy Price yesterday, afternoon
when a carriage containing the
mourners was driven a .little' too
close to the edge of a high em
bankment on the road from the
cemetery, the vehicle upset and
a serious mishap only averted by
the prompt action ot the 'driver
and others who rushed to the as
sistance ef those In distress. One
of the horses became entangled In
the harness and was thrown, oth
erwise a worse mlxup might have
happened, but fortunately all
were rescued from the Inside ot
the closed carriage.
Augast 27, 1021
1 Kara grotto will be Insti
tuted tonight at 8 o'clock at the
Masonic temple by the grand
venerable prophet of the grand
council, Charles E. Menslnger of
"Tko fn DU" By SIDNEY
Blood red rubles. Once they
graced the aaowy neck of a c sar
in a, long since dead and turned
te dust. Nov ther lie In an nnn
gold casket, gleaming darkly in
the lamplight, while Prince Mur-
mov looaa upon them la farewell.
Revolution has awent down at
last upon his Isolated castle. ' A
moo batters at his gates, scream
in? for the rubles sad for hlnnri
But Federoff. Prince Murinoys
trusted agent, will take the gems-
ana mae mem away, in vain he
urges Murinor to flea while ther
Is time. . The prince curtly re-
tuses. n ana nis sons win stay.
Pride means more to them than
life Itself, r. Federoff takes the
Jewels In their casket and slips
out of the castle through a rear
Only once did he pause, to turn
his head suspiciously. A stone
had come rolling down past him
from somewhere above was it a
stone dislodged by. some stealthy
following footstep?
He could s-e nothing. The rush
of the wind and those voices he
was leaving behind were the only
sounds In his ears. After all.
who could be following him? But
Federoff's hand went to his pock
et for the reassuring touch of the
automatic pistol there. He re
sumed his Journey.
Nearly there now. By instinct
rather than sight he had groped
his way to where a great fissure
opened la the - rocky hillside
Through a narrow opening- be
tween huge boulders he passed
into a natural gallery In the rock
that seemed to twist away into
the heart of the hill.
In 1U shelter he lit the lantern.
Within it was curiously still by
COntrsst with th rose nf tha
wind shrieking- past the opening
uw arownea ail sounds of the
world outside.
AS he made his wsv forward
the narrow passage widened out
into a great cavernous hollow
an eerie place In the wavering
shadows of the lantern light
where it waa well to walk warily,
where danger and death might
wait on an unguarded footstep.
The floor of the carem waa
split by a wide, well-like chasm,
dropping down Into a void ot
blackness so deep that If one
tossed a stone over Its brink one
seemed .to wait a long, long time
before any answering sound came
oaicK. ueptns tnat could keep a
secret or guard a treasure!
Familiar Face
Federoff had brought a thin,
tough rope knotted at short reg
ular lnterrSta intA IWna tnr fnl.
holds. A He put down- the lantern.
maae one end of the rope secure
x Nearly 80 leading walnut
growers from all sections of the
Willamette valley met in Salem
Saturday. The walnut industry is
rapidly gaining, in size and Im
portance In Oregon and Is reach
ing such proportions that stand
ardized methods of handling and
Kramng are necessary.
HOT) bnrera aav that ilmMt all
the bona in this nart nf tha wal
ler have been contracted. The
high Drlce was 20 cnts a nonnif
for this year's crop, contracted" by
T. A. Ll res ley and company.
'round a boulder, and began the
The rope swayed dizzily, but
Federoff's nerves were under Iron
control." Cautiously, step by step,
he made his way down the cliff
like face of the chasm, his dis
engaged hand flashing the light
ef a small electric torch, until at
last, fifteen feet down, he. was
Abreast with a deep cleft in the
uneven side of the wall of rock.
Into this opening Federoff thrust
the casket, , . r
And almost as . his hand placed
the Jewels la safety he glanced
up with a start, with a sudden
knowledge that he was not alone.
Fifteen feet above, a face was
revealed In the lantern light,
peering down at him over the
Sly, cunning, - rat-like, the fa
miliar face ot one ot the castle
servants, whY must have played
eavesdropper and followed him
why? . That face alight with
treachery - and avarice answered
the question. The jewels in dan
ger! . -
As Federoff met those down
ward staring eyes, the man gave
a low laugh that sounded very
evil. For a moment the figure
above drew back, then swiftly re
appeared In sight. He was lift
ing a large fragment of stone,
smiling maliciously. Easy for
Federoff to read the meaning of
that smile. His own death would
leave the way clear to that plun
der. - . ; -
Federoff dropped the .torch. He
needed his one free hand for an
other purpose then, and the spsce
or a second might mean all the
difference between Iif and desth
With the extinguishing of the
tore n. the darkness swam by. hid
ing him in an instant from his
enemy's eves above. Pde,rnff
was too far below the level of the
lantern light for its ray to reach
but his - enemy , up . there was
still visible to him. And even in
that breathless second of rfeaAlr
peril , Federoff smiled .to himself
in the darkness.
Eternal Grave
For the barest moment the man
abore paused on the brink of the
wide cavernous opening witb the
fragment of stone poised;. that
sudden sponglng-out from sight
of the fglure below had discon
certed him, made' hinyuncertaln
of his aim. And that moment of
hesitation saved Federoff.
The man In the lantern Hzht at
least made a good target. There
was a swift, sharp report, a tiny
flame stabbed the darkness, a
wild scream. The fragment f
stone dropped from the nerveless
hands, but with its direction de
flected It barely graced Federoff.
And almost in the smn hraith
the suddenly crumpling' figure
ren rorward over the brink with
out-flung arms, almost as though
the lifeless hands were trvlnr to
clutch him still, drag him off the
ladder, as the dead man hurled
down past him.
Federoff waa trembUn? all oy
er." At first he could not nerve
himself to Attempt the ascent or
even move. , . - ,
He climbed, back at last, still
unnerved and shaken. He ' un
fastened the end of the rope lad
der, let it slip down over the edge
to .where that dead man would
sleep for all time. He made his
way out with a sobbing breath of
relief to where the wind on the
hillside met his face, leaving the
A Carefree
Neither tKe safety of principal nor cer
tainty of income need be worried about
in a prime first mortgage, j
' - ;' r -- .-.V;'-v.- ' --
Our appraisal of the property assures
the value behind the mortgage, and we
collect-the interest for you and look
after all other details. j
If you cannot call, phone 4109.
vr nu it jjkwx.
Jewels behind him. deep down,
their fires quenched la the dark.
Oa the top of the hill it was as
though an Immense beacon fire
lJAd been kindled; flames break
ing out from the windows of the
castle, where Incendiary madness
had swept from room to room.
.An In the courtyard Prince Ma
rinov and his sons lying dead
--;.e .
federoff leaned forward in the
sleigh and pointed, a flush of
eager excitement In .the thia.
wasted face.
"There there!"
The Journey's end la sight at
last, for him and the Englishman.
Frank Severn, by his side,, of that
long Journey south over the- vast
Immensities cf what for ten years
had been Soviet Russia.
Three days bad been "spent in
the maddeningly alow, rattling
train, on what had become the
craziest railway system in the
world, that had carried them
from Moscow to a station some
fifty versts from Castle Murinov.
The rest of the Journey had to
be made in a troika, drawn by
half-starved horses; mile after
mile over the Hat. bleak, treeless
steppes, with only the line of tel
egraph poles to mark their road.
And now at last Federoff, with a
poignant thrill, had caught the
first glimpse of the blackened
ruins of the castle, gaunt and
stark against the eastern twi
light. .. V
Ten years bad- passed since he
had seen it aflame like a blazing
pyre--ten years that had been
like a long night of . unrelieved
heavy shadow. Ten years that
had changed, him from one la the
prime of life to a broken, pre
maturely old man.
Part of those years had been -spent
in a Soviet prison. It was.
thought that he might know
where the Czarfna rubles were ;
hidden the priceless Jewels that
Pri Murinov. before he was
sht in. his own courtyard, had
told his executioners contemptu
ously were far beyond their reach.
But prison rnd torture had failed
to make Federoff reveal his se
cret. Then at last he had been
set at 'liberty if such a thing ss
liberty was to be found in Red
Federoff knew what sort of lib
erty revolution had brought to his
country; the .very-word had the
flavor of a bitter .Jest, A land "
where terror walked, and where
men vanished suddenly without a
sign from the ken of all their
friends and were heard of no
more, where one dared not trust
one's neighbor, who might bo a
secret Red agent waiting for the
unguarded word.
u Faith Kept"
Ten long years, when this man
had - sometimes wondered if the
struggle to keep body and soul
together was worth while. The
revolution that was to ave
brought plenty for all had
brought-want, semi-starvation to
aU except the favored few. And
through all those years the Mur
inov jewels had lain untouched in
their dark hiding. There were
men la . Moscow, men in official
positions, who would have paid
him well for his secret but Fed
eroffs honor happened not to be
for sale. He could starve, but
he could not betray his trust,
Of his late master's daughter,
and of her child, who, if she
(Continued on'page.T)