'. Salem, Oregon, Wednesday Morning, August 26. 1931 Whei Supply Meets Demand and Marty' M ; f si .1 t i j Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 j 1 1-' Classified! Advertising Blngle Insertion per Hne.lOc Three insertions per , lin ...... .iO BU Insertion per Une..S0c On month per line.. 11.00 Ulnlmum . charge ...... 2 Be Copy tor this page ac cepted until 6:30 the eTen lag - before publication tor classification. Copy re celveoUatter this time will be ran under the heading Too Late to Classify. The Statesman assume HELP WANTED MALE . m r iiifiB ... x m ii vear. 6tS"r work." rttBJB -MAIL . CARRIER S. Common edu cation aufficlent. Paid vacation. , ii coached KRF.K. Write today full particular. Box $, States tnBB. - ' FOR SALE Miscellaneous Imprvred Albert r"- J5.? grown. Plenty tor everybody. OrUv ' PpURiTAV ODER WORKS - WEST SALEM. asswn apple FOR SALK arxi?xx j"-. m M rnp nrun ana pron!i. 7. . . -V. w for you buy. foonm FOR KALE Klto outboanl mcKor. T faMraepower. In aood condition. See cnAn.'a hmt honse. FOR BALK : IMCIWI puueya, era Statesman PuWIahlaa Co. . . FOR SALE Old papers, l&c a boo- i- ci.t.wntn office. nriiirii'B"i" i TrPewrltera. all 1 Jf - - - - - - - - - - - Typewriter Exchange. 2 "rt.g; FOR SALE Mens suits fl0.oe. Oreenbaams. J4 N. CotnL ' FOR SAJ-K wuurs "f"."- -L Greenboum'a, 14 N. Coml Cannta Pr. Rt 1. bos 181. Near fU.U I-SStA. TL lit 3. . fc Piano tor saia. ei. .. Ma .... rmnM. SS and tpf Oregon Trading P. 5 wn n,-fL-irij-i n..' wrsrws - m AH . it A1 Tat COW. 4 nq'HT Lincoln Btore. J. R- AIlry1. ' WANTED Miscellaneous WANTED-Cuatotaer wantTone copy 'Cavity of the 0.t nan Girls." Any lrmoa35,JZ tra book can aell aama by obtaining details from in WANTED Used pianos, ta ehansa oa radios, phenosrapha. or fur Sltu rl H L. 8U Garniture Company TV4NTET Will psr c a pound tor GOOD CLEAN COTTO.N rsgs. u toe place . t least a square yard. 6t!twmn offtfaLl. " MISCELLANEOUS J-.----U-L-J- " " 11 ' " Save Time and Money PflrUand Store fl Works can supply r( with ca to fit all makes of stoves and fur- Homa cleaning. retlrtC, prelnc. dresses T5. D. Martin. 1 0 Is. cap- Mur.-aii Poultry Co. K . at Farmer's Market ' Geaaral eement work, side walks. K. r,vnt floora. lSg eo. ft. tXal FOR RENT ROOMS " "'""V . ,. T dX 1 E?en7 di-health ROOM and BOARD ,ji.i r.rij-ii- wii www Room and boar near txnlvaraity board. Reasonable. 161 I. ltto It. TaL T. ICth 8C joferhrsTstii'T"i WIWW ..I I .... . ..I.. Large front rooms waterT board, reaaonabla rate. 'litrtia. ( ITOR RENT Apartments. i--i-ixri i-ii ii Patten apartments with prtvste bath. ile!y furnlahed. Located In business district. Call ration s Book Divr. apfiA V. and refrTsTstrlcUy . - . . A .III tnodera. i " i-iuuirir. ,, i- --- mm. Very attractive s room mooern apu .li.Ki isis Center. TeL :- WIU. furnlahed reoma abd apta. for rVnT at X2l Hasel Ave. Tel. ?7-,r --'. i i www Z and 4 room homelike apta. close In. Prl-rate bath. Oaras. 1' com- at i . k ma) 9 room ira rt ment: ererythlng furnished but pi Private shower. Outside entrance.- Otvtaion. furntahed spta. one on ground t)R RENT HOUSES awetSLf-- i'w-!!!- i r" FYR RENT Flaia for adult a I to room a to S4S. Alan houaes. etc 1 BECKS KKNDRICXS IIS fiOnn oiiw ilrLrlr-llJ--J w " refJobls. 1555 N. Summer. TaL nr .. it-- " Clean Ixwat-a Owner 111 Columbia. w'wwiWii.i i-i i-1-Lri.r j-ij- Subartan notne. rTO YtV Tc-vr, rooms, $1 mo. Abrama. 411 Masonic Bid. - POLLY AND HER PALS lAVHY DONT THAT t I l THAT OFFICER MUST ) ; ! tl WHV AONE WITH HALF AM 17 (CONFOUNDED CUP 1 BE OUT OF HIS sK EVE CAN SEE THAT PA'S rP j L 1 7 PULL HS FREIGHT 7 MIND, MA' HOW . ) PERFECTLV -. U V i WCT5 HE WANNA Sw-- I COME? J INNOCENT J. VaaTiVM 17 H,M' TS YER J H&t POLLER ME FER? ) . VY r-T I lCJJ) PAFA, POLL f no ' financial responsibility for errors which mtor. ap pear in advertisements pub lished In Its columnu. . and in cases where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement In which the ; typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject ob J ac tion!' advertising. It fur ther reserves the rlftht to classify all advertising un der the proper classifica tion. I FOR RENT HOUSES HOUSES FOR RErr R. A. FORKNER ISIS M. Ottae Fhone. J0S1. ' Clean furnished and unfurnished house. SS.0 to $1. StE T'a. ! 1L P. GRANT IS X. ComL Rni. 12 Phona S330 Modern: eight room house: well-located: carave; two bathrooms C. A. Sprasnte, i 4!i N. HUi. or O. E. Price. I Cottagv on creek bank, fireplace, basements Ideal for two. TeL 9773. -i- -nTrrrrriinnfirh'.viniinnniii'inn. New modern room Iiouse, flre- ?lace, S bath rooms, double garage. 15 N. Bummer. .TeL S2SL - - Four furnished rooms first floor of Our homn. Ho water, heat, modern. Mrs. White. 3SS N. Capitol St. S-roocn housr. lilt Marlon St. Nice smalt lio !43e te strt. Pnf .4a -anU1 lt a lift v - era SIS to $15. Some good buys In homes, email payment- down. baL just like rent. HER RKCHTEL or THOMASON Jllfitat Strer Rnom 4. L FOR RENT FARM FOR UKASE: Dandy dairy, proposition. S7 acres new, modern cow barn and milk house. tJce all In cultivation, close to &alm:on pared road. Party leas ing must have at least IS good cows, team and Implements. Will lease for cash, rent or on shares to good party. SEE SEARS A TUCKER 133 South Hisjh Street 7 room house, modern, close In, $30. i T room bouse close In, only 115.09. i 4 room house, no bath, $8.0. i 4 room modern house, basement and furnace 1 2 s.a. t ACRES bouse, barn and hen house, lots of fruit, t miles from -down town. Only 123.6. For rentals. SEE j STEGN'ER ' 575 Ststa Street WANTED TO RENT Wanted to rent a modern home with three bedrooms. Can alvs best of referen.f'e. Ses BECHTKL. or THOMASOI 341 State St. Room 4 FOR SALE Real Estate One of the fine homes near the capttoL $12.t. clear. Also 5 room modern Lome h N. K Salem, $(I6S, can clear, Both for goM stock farm In Salem territory, about asm value, " 'c. J. JACKSOJT Phona 47X1 147 N. Coml tassaasaOesSfrsSjjsaaMSns rAlRMOUNT HUL- HOME ' One of1 the best locations on the bill for sale at great sacrifice, C larg ebeerfal reoma, with basement, fur nacs and ftrplac4 beautiful - oak trees, large lot. Can- be soid furnished for few days for only $4.20. small down payment will handle deaL The furnishings tBcludo large upholstered davenport and oiiatr, walnut . dlnlns; set, electric range, wain at bed and vanity, esis Simmons bed and dres ser, rugs and ther furnishings for a fine horn. i SEE IT TODAT. It's fl.5 nnder value. i -SEE Mrs. EUls with -i ' LEO N. CH1LDS CO ReaJtsrs $! Stats Street Phone 78 See BBS new homes on i South. Church and Rural avenue. Best buy la city. S-reaos semi-modern home, base ment, fireplace, corner lot 130x135. nice large lawn, nut, cherry and orna mental trees, nice view, -paved street. Bargain price. USA. Less if new street assessments ; are assumed. Tli Rural avenue, phone 3351. ' Home at ! So. Coro'L BEACH COTTAGE BARGAIN Nice 5 room beach cottage all ceiled, hot asjd cold water, electricity, fireplace, good paint, basement garage, shower. Includes all fur nishJa-gs. property in - splendid condition. Price for QUICK SALE tlTS. $T cash, baL terms. Lo cated at Neskowin. If yon want a real bargain ACT NOW. ; "W. H.I GRABKNHORST 4b CO.' f REALTORS 134 8. Liberty- St. Phono CICt. FORCED TO SELL ' WHT PAT RENT! Iet us show you some wonderful buys In homes $m Ion : "pries $1259 6 B. house completely furnished. . Coxy 4 R. Bungalow $7S0 Tlie lot alone is worth the price. Ideal lecaUon. See it. One Acre 4 R. House $135 Adjoins city Unfits north. Worth more money. Choice- 3 1-8 A. 5 R. Bungalow $35 dowi ; bal. like rent. Price $:. 50 : worth $18S. Has bath, , water system, olec lights, fruit, nice gar den, snap. Ws Only TV a! In Ral Bargains BECHTEL-THOMASON , 311 State street Room 4 Phooe SSSS for Appointment' SNAP: One sere home with prac tically new three room house, elei rloity, gnfrage. woodshed. Price $:. S0. down, balance monthly. IMMEDIATE POSSES SION. W. H. ORABENHORST A CO. 134 Soulh Liberty Street f ! i m m-m a, i u w -SK m - r hv-, ijtr j -s SI - 1 i I mi I r rSr . i FOR SALE REAL ESTATE REAL HOME BARGAINS $2300. Five room bungalow all plas tered, baawnent. paved St. well ; located on-Washing ton St. pear Commercial, $i0. cash, baL $25. per mo. to Include Int. Immediate possession. i ' w ' $3750. Seven room boras with larg grounds, plenty of nice ahade trees, paved St., well - located oa FA1RMOUNT HILL, double gnr agp, terms. Immediate possession. 3250. New, ready to occupy, nice sev en room borne. wHh hardwood floors, two baths, double garage, cor. lot. both at a. paved, near school and bus, $1000. down will handle, immediate possession. IS850 buys a new modern 7 room home, all extra large! rooms ex cept one bedroom, gum wood fin ish in . two rooraa, hard wood floors throughout. Attractive tile bathroom and shower room. A complete Lome in every detail, .ready to occupy. Located at 1$C5 South Cliuivh. $7000 buya a late built modern room home, three rooms finisited in ma horany. a complete home In every war, located on State street $, 00. cash, balance terms. A REAL HOME. . NOW IH THE TIME TO Birr. W. H. ORABENHORST . CO. REALTORS . 134 S. Liberty Street Phone' 41 (S - ' 1 - i-ivii'innnAiviiiivifm $1000. X R. bungalow, garage, lawn. vjtooa ais:rict. Terms $2750. Nearly new 3 bedrooms, full basement, - furnace parage. A good buy J -0 down.. $I20V t R. modem home. Hardwood floors, fell basement, furnace. fireplace, garage. Terms. R. A- FORKNER paat 4 years with Melvln Johnson) Now located at 1410 North Cottasje ,- Phon 3031. . EXCHANGE Real Estate FOR EXCHANGE 50 acre tlmler tract 84 miles out on paved highway, mostly In choice first and abound growth timber. 1 room cabin. Price $:,;.'. WIU take Salem 4jome. ' Ford truck to exchange for vacant lot. . . . 320 acres near Bend. Oregon, value $1,600. Will give some difference for SalTii home. LEO N. CHILDS CO., P.!:ors 120 State Street Phone 471 TRADES FOR ACREAGE Strictly modern 6 rooms, attic stairs, on paved street. Beautiful Home and priced right. S2S00, 7 R. basement.' $1600. L. 4t W. Take car. $2000. room, clear. Want 10 A. We have many ethers and can match up your acreage. SEE -E. E. ROBERTS or H. E. BROWN 10 South Commercial zvo auks stock ranch near Brownsville, springs, running water, 4 room bouse, barn, and - other out buildings. Improvements fair, some fruit , and timber. Will trad for Sa lem residence or income property. Phone 443. Look. at this: Fine suburban nroo- erty. $5.00, clear of encumbrance, to exchange for unimproved land. SHIELDS BLAKE Oregon Bldg. - Tel. IMS. SOME RANCH TRADES 1 -acre,. R. bouse, bath, toilet, city water and el ectrts lights, double garage, pries $2750.00. free of Incum brance. Situated at Lebanon, a good little city. Trade for city property and assume some. 2 ACRES BOTTOM LAND I R. house with bath, barn, garage, poultry bouse, -A raspberries, H A. strawberries Irrigation system, 4-A. carrots, contracted for nine cents pound. 35 chickens, good tractor and Implement. Take houae in Salem as part payment. ; i . 11-ACRE3 All In cultivation, good &r)c soil, 5-R. heuae. bath and fireplace, good garage, bam, 1S-A. crop, 3-A., straw berries, 3-A. of beaver dam land. Take house In Salem or Roaeburg In sx Changs as part. 35 ACRES. C R. house, large barn, garsgs, poul try houae. 1H A. Umber, ; 1-A. alfal fa. 4 bu. oats. 75 hu. wheat, barn full hay. 1 cawa, all farm imple ments, price for all $7S.;. trade for small acreage. - SERVICE STATION Worth $235. , and good first mortgage of $: to trade for ranch wot less than S-A not over $ See. 60. Improvements need only be fair. t A GOOD LOT NORTH SALEM Worth $345.: wur trad in as rent on a house or an apartment house in Salem. ' 8 EARS 4e TUCKER, Realtors .131 Kmtth Hlch Street FOR SALE--.FAR31S ; $15 CASH . WIU handle . $7 acre dairy farm. Good bldga Prlca $7tM with long terms or accept some trade. Owner, 515 N. Summer street. ACREAGE WANT SALEM PROPERTY - Good (& acre highway farm, good bldga.-fruit, 5 A. In cull, timber. $5.00 clesr for residence. - 12 A grape vineyard In Calif., good bldgs also 4 A farm land. All $.0 clear for valley farm. 4 A river bot tom garden land near Salem, for sal or lease. PERRINE A MARSTER3 313 Justice .Court. Bldg. - 2H -A. Si nrL north of Salem, ntw plastered : house. bath. Ilg-hta, automatic water system, double garage, chicken bouse, $2,74. Terms - ' ..... 1 A. IH -ml north on highway. 1 fA. mixed orchard. 7 room house, ' basecnent. Ijnnc, fireplace, barn, garage, chicken house, priced st less than cost of Im provements. 2tt A. ml. 8. E. of Woodburn. cultivated. 1H timber. dark loam soil. 2 A. atrawberrleo. 4 A. logans, 4 room house, fireplace, electric lights,- barn 30iC. ga rage, chicken house, $6,60, $1, down. 147 A. H ml. Buena VIsts, 127 cul tivated, balance pasture and timber, 3 A. peaches, family orchard. 3 roomed house, bath, ev erf owing weU, 2 bams, 3 chicken houses, granary, ma chine abed, excellent soil. $( per a-re. UFIA1V JOHVfiOV S3 17. & Nan Bank Bldg. TeL 474 sswsSssSaSssesjsassasssaSsSjaaasss " A besutlful 15 acres, all In trait, clear, also fire room house, dear, will trade for GOOD farm and a sen mo or pay different. McQILCHRIST PENNINGTON 2 U. & Bank ''Actions Speak Louder Than Words" ACREAGE ----- - - -I-,---, -L--u-.-uu-ij-Lrui 4 R. houae, and gsrag with one third acre on paved street. $L50 and very easy terms. Will take lot for equity. I A. on paved high war. near good school. 4 R. house, electricity, barn, chicken house, 3 A. strawberries, Price . $1750. This Is an exceptioually good buy. WINNIE PETTTJOHN. Realtor 175 & High St. . Business Opportunities 4bssasaam-a saa a-sa s-!"! w--j-w-VJ-J r MONEY TO 6 AN $S0 privat money to - loan on Improved city property. P. H. Bell, 204 U. S. Bank bldg. . - ...r -i-,-.-,ri,i-r,rtrulj LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE On plain notes, endorsed notes, furniture and pianos. Quick ser vicefair treatment. Ea ay re payment plan. All transactions Strictly confidential. . -STATE IXAN COMPANT 313 Or. Bide. Sad floor Office lira. 19:0 a, m. to 4:1 p. m. Telephone 77(3 Licensed by Stat MONET LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced . Arrange to reduce your payments, " Ton keep the car. P. A. EIKER Cor. Liberty 6u and Ferry Phono 4733- Salem. Or. CITT AND FARM loans at lowest rata. Best . terms obtainable. Our Insurance 1rpsrtment offers yon ex pert ad rice and service In all tines. HAWKINS ROBERTS (Inc. TeL 4103 2s Cn-egon Bide ssaaasasisssawsssjsiasjsjsayass 'Bells of Harmony' Heard over KOIN datlr ring out a loan service that Is really, re ally, different. NO DEDUCTIONS NO FEES NO OTHER CHARGES ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACT QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE ON LOANS f l t $300 Beneficial Loan Society OF OREGON Room 113 New Bllgh Bldg. 2nd Floor 61$ State Si TeL $-7-4-0. LICENSED BT STATE PERSONAL. LOANS MADE on furniture, cars, salaries r other good security. Repayable monthly. When In financial need see us before closing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT CORPORATION FJrstffjjrtonaJankildjjb LOANS WANTED . WANTED Privat money to loan oa real estste, . W. H. ORABENHORST a CO. REALTORS 134 8. f.neTTy St. TeL 4t. FOR SALE WOOD Old fir, IS.5J cd. TeL 6 $13. 14 IN. LARGE SECOND GROWTH FIR $5.5 (full- cord. C cords $14. 4 ft. as cerd. 6 cords $33.4. TeL 337. GUARANTEED DRT Wood coal Tel. 500 Salem Fuel Co. 752 Trade. BEST WOOD FOR THE MONET at Tracy's Fuel Tard. TeL 3144. Wood of all kinds. If FX "ALL KINDS, any length. Call 7S. DRT FIR AND OAK WOOD, oal and fuel olL Call on us for prices. Ws aivs good measure, good quality and good service. , LaRM&R TRANSFER A STORAGE .TeUmhona. till For your winter, wood at summer price m, trial in. , WOOD SAWING FOR hetrer wood sawing. Ph. f.3. LOST and FOUND. LOST White Idd glovs. Sat. . sft rnoa on downtown streets. Lear at Statesman. LOST Ladies gold wrist watch on road west of KIngwood. Reward, Re tam to Statesman. FOR SALE USED CARS Model 4A' Sale Valley Motor Co. 1331 Standard Coup , 131 Standard Coups 13 Standard Coup 13M Roadster L . 1133 Business Coup 132 Standard Coup rets 153 115 375 35 335 J18 ts 335 135 lt:i sport Ooupo 12 Business Coups . 132 S Business Coups If il Tudor sedan 121 Tudor Sedan 1I Roadsters, from - $4 to S75 Everyone f the shore cara have had a complete re-service and carry our service guarantee. Trucks 12 A Panel Dellverr 12 A A Cab- at Body. 131' -33J wheel bass , ! $375 132S A A Chassis. Ions: wheal bass 1127 Chevrolet , $ 112 ChevroW i 35 245 VALLEY MOTOR CO. We give terms and tax trade. Lots of other good bays to pick from. .. " .n. ii'ir im Ford T snodel truck, win trade for wood or wheat. Oregon Trading Post. 332 N. ComL . , 127 Ford tourtnsr. Oood oondltlon. $44. TeL S731. Girl Questioned , Concerning Fire MEDFORD. Ore.. Aug, 14 (AP) Owetliolra Rete, 2S, bsld her oa had check charges, was questloaed today (or several boors by both state and city fir Investigators about a fir la her FOR SALE USED CARS Salem Used Car Center rr-xrarr iHK a Tim By 1327 13 i: 192 i: 127 1924 135 124 191 , Svv,iA4s4Aaba Valley Motor Co, O. J. Wilson" . Bulck Cosch ' $325 Birfck Sedan .115 Buick Pport Coupe ; 5 Buick Master Sport - Coups Buick Standard .Sedan 5 4SS tna rsuiCK i otring Bu tea: Coach, overhauled 235 nuKs oeoan - ltt Touring ' , , Si CheTrolet - Coupe. var- nauiea . 333 145 135 1924 1927 1925 192 193 If? i:s 192 193 193 1921 192 1927 192 1926 1925 192 lfiS 1923 124 1924 1921 1925 192 1939 1924 192S 193 192 1923 1929 1923 Chevrolet - Sedan idge Roadster Doox Touring. 'SI plates- Dodge. Coupe . 1st Essex Sport Roadster 34 Esse si Coach i - Ii Essex port Coupe . Hi Essex Coach " " - Ford .Coups . 415 Ford Roadster 415 Ford. Victoria 5-P Coupe 45 Ford Sedan r X85 Ford Touring .with license 75 Ford Tudor- . 135 Ford, Roadster with license 5 Ford Coach - ti F'ord Coupe. 33 plates .76 Ford PV kup . ss Ford Pickiip. 33 plates . ti Ford i Sedan - . Ford Coupe ; 37.59 HupnK'hlle Sedan 4 Mat well Sedan, l plate. 19 Chrysler (3 Sedan - 1SS Nash Standard Sedan aasSS Rco C Sedan . 175 Btar Sedan '. . - 4 Studebaker Sedan , 893 Studebnker Sedan 76 WiUys-Knlght ISA SeUn 325 Whippet Kport Couie 49 Whippet 4 Cosch ; 145 Trucks 129 Chevrolet 1929 Chevrolet $ 345 . 245 176 192 Ford 1928 Ford long wheel base 375 192 Chevrolet Panel Delivery. 30 1929 Ford Panel 335 Salem Used Car Center Marlon - A Liberty Open Evenings snd Sundays Phons.791. SU3X3IOXS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Marion County. The Union. Central Life Insur ance Company, a corporation, plaintiff, ts. Olive M. Doak. -Florence Tarnell. William Yarnell and W. C. Wlnslow, Defendants. To Florence Tarnell and Wil liam Tarnell. Defendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON you are hereby com manded and required to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiff filed against yon in the above entitled court and cause, on or ' before the expiration of four weeks from the. date of the first publication of this summons and if you fail to so appear, and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff wlll'gpply to the above entitled court for the relief pray ed for in Its complaint herein, to wlt. for Judgment against the defendant Oliv- M. Doak for th following sums of money, to-wit: $126. : with Interest at 10 from December 1. im; $140.72 with Interest at 19 from. June- 1, 1931; I13S.C2 with Interest at 10 from July 13.1931: $1419.82 with Interest at 7 from Jane 1, IfSlr and the plaintiffs attorney fees in the amount of $250.00 and plaintiff's costs herein; and for a further decree herein foreclosing the plaintiffs mortgage described In th plaintiffs complaint and that the plaintiff, under Its said mortgage.' has a first and prior lien on th following described real property situated In' Marion County. State of Oregon, to-wit: - Commencing at "a point 3"th South line 'of Court. Street and within the corporate limits of the City of, Salem, at a point two hun dred ,'twelr and. fire tenths (212.5) feet East of th Intersec tion of said Booth line with, th East lin of Eighteenth Street (181a St.,); thence East along the South line of .said Court street Thirty-aevsa and ttr tenths (37.5) feet; thence South paral lel with the East - line of said Eighteenth Street (llth SL.) Oh hundred fifty (ISO) feet; these West parallel with, the South 11ns of said Court Street Thlrty-seTen and tire tenths (37.S) feet; theae North parallel. with the East lin of said Eighteenth Street (18th St..) On hundred and fifty (150) feet to the plae of Jbeginnlnc.. to satisfy the payment ' of the aforesaid 'sums of money;, that said treal property be sold ls th manner' provided by law and th procedure of said court to satisfy th payment of th aforesaid sums of money and that th defendants aboT named and each, of them he foreclosed and barred of all right, title and interest In and to the said mortgaged premises and ev ery part thereof.' This summons is served Upon yon by publication thereof one each week Ior a period of tour suceessfre weeks In Th Oregon Statesman, a . daily and weekly newspaper, printed and publish ed in Salea. Oregon, pursuant to the order of the Hon. L. H. Mc Biahaa. Judge of the above, en titled court, ' which order bears dat July 28th. 1931. C. I WHEALDON. Attorney for Plaintiff P. O. Address: 405 Piatt Bldg.. Portland, Oregon. Date of first publication: July 29, 1931. Dat of last publication: August 26. 1921. J 29 A 5-12-19-20 apartment here last ..Thursday, little damage was, done . by the bias.. Officers said they believed th tire had been set. No charge had been filed against her in con , section w.Ua the case. - IFEVERI SEBsJ A MAN WITH WRIT ALL OVER PElfJ ElOf OF GOOD WILL Verdun Hero Will Bring to Yorktown Celebration . French Message By ADELAINE KERR (Copyright 1921 by the; Associated Press) PARIS. Ang. .26 (AP) Mar shal Henri Petatn, who stemmed the tide of defeat at Verdun, broke his policy of never seeing an Interviewer - today and talked about his coming rlsit to the United States for the Yorktbwn celebrations. In his secluded office la the Inralides", surrounded by soldiers who clicked to salute, the former commander-in-chief of the French armies, a stocky, 75-year-old war rior, chatted as easily as though he were at a tea. 1 Dressed, in civilian clothes, he leaned forward on the edge of his chair and fired his rapid French, wflh machine gun preci sion.' "I hare a mission to America, he said, discussing his visit in Oc tober to attend the ceremonies commemorating the battl of Yorktown 150 years ago. "My mission la to express -the gratitude of the French for America's wonderful aid . In the world war. I doubt, whether the war could have been won without it. - "America did for Frence during the world war just what the French under Lafayette had done for the United States helped preserve her liberty. Asked what things he was most interested in exploring. .In the United States,' the marshal said: "Iesprit Amerlcain the Am erican spirit. It's one of the most wonderful in the world, ev en more enthusiastic than th NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Final Account OF U. O. HOLT, as Executor of th Estate of ELEANOR HUDELSON, . De ceased, has been . filed e-Jn the Oannty Court of MaJrfotfUounty. Stat of Oregon, and that -the 24th day of September. 1931.' at the hour of -ten o'clock a. m..- 'has been duly appointed by ancb Court for the hearing of objec tions to such Final Account and the . settlement thereof, at - which time . any .person interested In such Estate may appear and die objections thereto in 'writing and contest the same. Dated this 2th,day of August, 1931. ' , ' U. G. HOLT. Executor of the Estate of Eleanor Hudelson. Deceased. " JAS. G. HELTZEU Attorney for Estate, -Salem. Oregoa. Date of First Publication: Aug- .ust 21. 1931. , Dat of Last' Publication: . Sep tember 23, 1931.. A 2 O S 2-9-10-23. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT ' ' Notice is hereby given that Lola C Own bey. executrix of the estate of J. . E, Ownbey. deceased, has tiled her . final account as each executrix In the County Court of the Stat of Oregon, for the Coun ty of Marlon, and that Saturday; the 22nd day of August. 1931. at th hour of ton o'clock In th tors noon of. said day. at the Costrt Room et said Court In the County Courthous. In Salem, Marion County. Oregon, has been appoint ed by the said Court as the time and place for the hearing of ob jections to the said final account and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published July 29. 1931. 'LOLA.C OWNBKT. Executrix ot the Estate of J. E. Ownbey, Deceased. B. K. PIASECKL Attorney. J 29 A 5-12-19-20. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE OF AP 1 TOINTMEXT . Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly, ap pointed by th County Court of th Stat ' ot Oregon, for the County et Marlon, as executor of the last will and testament and estate of Mary E. Hallejr. de ceased, and 'that he has duly qualified as such executor; all persons having elalme against the est: e ot said decedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to me, at the office of Ronald C Glover, my attorney, 203 Oregon Building, Salem, Mar Ion County, Oregon, within six months from the date ot this notice., f Dated . at Salem, Oregon, this 6th day of August. 1931. LON WALN. Executor of th last will and tes tament and estate et Mary E. Halley. deceased. RONALD C. GLOVER. Attorney for Executor, Salem. Oregon. - A-5-12-19-2SS2 By CUFF STERRETT GUILT s 1 VISITOR f jr 71 t r 'ti- : 1 . . Marshal Petaln, one of the most famous of France's wax heroes, whose visit to the U. S. in October will be given the importance of an official mission by the French Gov ernment. The marshal will be ac companied by naval and military aides when he attends the sesqui centennial of the battl of York ' .. town. - ; -, . .. . French. I am not so interested in the gigantic tilings of America the skyscrapers. Niagara Falls and such. It Is that wonderful Ameri can spirit I want t6 see." - '" "When tae Yorktown ceremon ies are finished I am going on to WashlngtonXo pay my respects to" President Hoover and then ta Newport to pay tribute-at the graves'" of the French who died in the revolutionary war. Just as the American mothers have been visiting their sons" graves " in France. . As the interviewer rose to go. the marshal guided her from the great office, filled with red Tel vet and gilded chairs, down the long corridor of the . building whieh shelters Napoleon's tomb. There was one more' question. Why did the man whose command "They shall not pass" - was credited with turning tire tide at Verdun, .often refuse to wear his military decorations. . The marshal shrugged and smiled, "Mademoiselle, I wouldn't mind wearing them on my night shirt but I don't believe In par ading them around1 by day." he said. . ALLGOODS AT COAST DALLAS. Aug. 25 Mrs. J. R. Ailgood and sons, Robert . and Jimmie returned -from Newport Sunday evening where they have been for the past two weeks. Mr. AllgooiL drove to Newport Satur day evening to bring them home. Business AMUSEMENTS - Salsm Golf CearseS miles sooth n River Drlva. is he)e waterei fair ways, larse STrert"- Tic 8nadars T brtlM.ra Si . - BATTERY "ELECTRICIAN" generator work. Tevaco station, cor- rr' urmn nun ijnmrn. I BICYCLE REPAIRING LLOYD AV RAMSOEN Colombia Blcjrclea and repairing. 1ST Court. Th best - ta Merries ano' repairlr-f. H. W. Soott. 14T-a CoraL TeL 451. BUILDING SUPPLIES Royal KoofTne Oa wood. ahtntea, tar, grarri. - Work snaranteed. Price rlcht. 12 Tra4. ' CHIMIN ET SWEEP Te!enNne $. ft. at Northwees CHIROPRACTORS Dr. Gilbert, Or. Bids. TaL Uii. Dr. O. L-SCOTT. PSC. Chiropractor. Ii iLJllgit. TeL Rea 15? 2. DP.a. SCOFIKLD, Palmer Cairoprae tors. X-ray an rC C U. New Bank Bid:. - " CLEANING SERVICE Centr 8t VmWerta. Tel t2. ELECTRICLVNS HALTS ELECTRIC CO. Kew Iocs Uon, Court &L TeL . C L Welch electric shop. - vTlrlns. Cstures and auppll. Oet ocr price. 11 ft.- Cora L TeL SSSL FLORISTS rLOWERS FOR ALL occasions Olaoa'a, Coart and His St Tel.- Tilt ALL kinds of flral work. Lots Flor ist. Hta a Market. TeL s;tr CUT Flowers, wedding bouquets funeral wreatha, decorationa C r. Brdthaopt. tlortst. 'ill State Street. TeL PM4. . - HEMSTITCHING KEEDLCWOUK. sCargaret's Shop, IS CetJrt. - " GARBAGE Salem 8erenrr. TeL ? or 7. INSURANCE BECKE'i HENDRICKS ISt H. Hlsh Tel. T TTTLLAML't'l h! CCS. AQEMCT wnv Bllven, sisr. KzeJoalve BattavUle -Arnt LAUNDRIES THH NEW BALSM LACNDRT i THE TOPEa LAUNDRY tSS a Hlcb TeL tlSS CAPITAL CITT LAONDRT "TtVa Waafa Enrrtliliit In i I, - -1 .UJ I., mil M I'll -I- I III Credit Men Hold JSalt Lake Meet SALT LAKE CITY, Aug. 25 (AP) C. P. King of Seattle was named chairman of a resolutions committee -of western credit men In their convention here today. "With J. B. McKelvey of Denver and O. H. Walker of San Fran-. Cisco, other members of the com mittee, no will report tomorrow. David Turtledove of Portland presided today. False Teeth To Go Into Discard . ; WENATCHEE Wash !.. ?5 (AP) After wearing fals teem ror 50 years Mrs. r Mary E. Ketchum. S3. Wenatrh niw pioneer, today- pTsnnej to throw way me plates. The first tooth of her third set. which started t make an annearanre thrtw. mVi ago. Is fully developed ATTEND PARTY. BRUSH CRETTTC. Auff- a number of Brush Creek people were present at- a party give Thursday afternoon la honor of Mrs. Martin Doerflr hr j-.r mother. Mrs. H. A. Hartley. ' Among mose wno attended were: . Mr.; and Mrs. Dan Hiilmsn ami Margery. Mr. and Mrs. John Mo and Juanlta. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kru?. Mrs. Alvln Krug and Don- na.iMrs- O. J. Moea and nr'Pt Miss Luella Forland. Mrs. J. c'. uopierud. Mrs. T. Grace and Kl mer, Grace. . T DUKE'S HEIR t James Wellir-gton (above), wan dering printer, learned in the com posing; room of the Araarilio, Texas, Kews-Globe that his father, Ormsley Augustus Wellington. Jiad died, leaving- him heir te the orig inal estate of the Duk ef Well ington, hero of Waterloo, of when he is a direct descendant. He's sailing soon to assume his new role. Director o MATTRESSES Mattresses from factory to hoTna. Aak about nr woe tsattressee Benorat era and fornicators. Capital City Bed-dlne- Co TH Slyo f rth Caa. MUSIC STORES OEa C. WILL Planes, Phone Srsphs, sewlac machines, sheet ouaia, and place studies. Repeirtae- rhone- -m-v-t uo hwidi oiacmaea 4 IX PLUMBING and HEATING PLUM3LNQ and ceaereJ repair work. Grsbe- Bros, Ui Sa. Liberty. Te S4. - PAPER HANGING Paper har.glns and ra!nt!n. Keu man's Paint Store. ISi i. ComL PHOXE GLEXK ADAMS for rocs dectarnrfce. nan- . hinn, t-i.. ec. B!'Mnnrlnit!; ' - PRINTING FOB STATIONER T. cards, esuph leta, proarama, books or any kl-.d ot print Inc. call The Sratasman Print inw ' Department. IIS S. Cotnmerclai. RADIO imn Its r nr imn All sVr1i-4 at!A D i t a.w. ZZ"Z ' ' mim STX JVtArwJ A EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP, lit Court St TeL n. For anararaeed radio repairing, phone or m!l at . . SALEM RADIO SERV7CE Tel 44 K4S F t St. STOVES 8TOTE3 and stove rep Mrs. Stores for sale, rebollt and repaired. AJI kinds of woven wire feaca, faacv and" plain, nop baaketa, hooka, lora.n hocka. Balem f ence and tore Works, :cs Chrrefceta. TeL 4T?4. R. R Flrrlr.. TAILORS D. H. MOSHER THoe tor men and wim.n. 4 T 4 Oimrt Pt TRANSFER CAPITAL CITT Transfer Co. 2 S3 8tate 8L Tel TTTX. DUtrlboUrc. foe wardlnc end "Storvje ear srectalijr. Get oar rates FOR toenJ or distant transfer stor age, call till. Larmer Transfer Co. Trucks ts Portland dally. Real Estate Directory RFTTITB. a fTwniinpo tlf N. Hlgn TeL 4J1T tU N. Rln Et. TeL (7f ... r J. LINCOLN ELXI3 4tS Stat v TeL till S4-t Firs Nat. Bk.' Bids. TeL f ST . J s. ttt nirri tSS Stst Street TeL ICTt. - F WOOD 41 SaU St. TeL tlt HOMER D. FOSTER REALTY COt IIH State St. ... TeL T6H ' Vk - - - V; - ' " ' v-. V -... g ..... . J v"t : . -Vty. -N-jy -1 V -it;.-" . T .f Tatochan S1CS 12tl Broadway ISi B. Liberty 1 TeL litL