The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 26, 1931, Page 6, Image 6

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Card en Fete Given
To Compliment
j Freshmen
i . .. - -
One of the loveliest of mid
summer social affairs is the
formal garden fete being ar
ranged for Friday evening from
8 until 10 o'clock. by the mem
bers of Daleth Teth Glmel soror
lty.The beautiful gardens adjoin
ing' the home of Professor and
Mrs. i R. M. ? Gatke on Richmond
avenue hare been opened for the
occasion, which will honor the
Freshmen girls planning to enter
Willamette university at the be
ginning of the fall term.
1 A soft glow reflected from Jap
anese lanterns hung from the
branches of the trees, will add to
the pretty setting for the group.
At one end of the garden, from a
daintily appointed table, punch,
will be served by the- Misses
Edith Glaisyer and Dorothy
A musical program consisting
of vocal solos by Miss Doris
Clarke and Miss Doris Corbin and
a tiolin solo by Misi Ruth Moore,
will be presented for the pleasure
of the guests. Mi Blair Foley
will Introduce to the line which
will Include Mrs. I Carl Gregg
Doney. Mrs. Charles Johnson and
Miss Esther Gerard. The Misses
Helen Ney. Sarah Dark. Naomi
Fleet and Doris Clarke will assist
about the gardens during the
Miss 'Olga Kafoury
Here From California
For the pleasure of Miss Olga
Kafoury of San Francisco. Calif.,
who is the house guest at the
borne of Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Ka
foury on North Summer street, an
informal family dinner has been
arranged for Thursday evening,
to be given at the home of Mr.
And Mrs. Allan Kafoury. f
At the attractively appointed
dining table covers will be placed
for the honer guest, Miss Olga
Kafoury. Mr. and Mrs. N. C- Ka
foury, Miss Helen, Miss Mary Ka-
loury ana iue uun uu "u3""'
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Kafoury.
Miss Kafoury arrived In Salem
during the past week and will
spend the remainder of the week
with relatives. During her s.iy
here Miss Kafoury will he com
plimented with several informal
affairs, Including a motor trl?.
picnic, and an evening of bridge
in the Kafoury home Friday eve
ning. Zonta club members will meet
Thursday noon at the Marlon ho
tel for their regular luncheon
meeting. C. E. Wilson of the
chamber of commerce will be the
guest speaker.
The cape collar has always been
n attractive, feature of child ten's
frocks. In ' some years it " Is
quaintly . Interpreted, as an echo
of Kate. Greenaway 'fashions, but
this -year it Is directly borrowed
from smart, grown-up frocks, and
is more popular than ever. The
cape collar on this frock matches
the : flaring - lines of the skirt,
making a frock suitable tor par
ties If Interpreted in party ma
terials suchVas silk crepe, em-
broidered organdie or georgette,
, and practical for every day if one
i makes It in sturdy cotton print.
mubo or saaniung,. wun d loom era
to match. . -
Obtainable only in sites 4 . 8,
10 and 12. Size 4 reauires . 2 i
yards of 36-inch, material. Yard-
. ace for every size, and imnU
exact instructions are given. No
dressmaking experience. Is mcm.
sary to make this model with our
pattern. .
Sraaanakinc aiierirnra H Mtu-
ataka tafa model vita aar
paucra. Yardaca tnr avary aim, aad
iaiplai exact iaatraetioaa ara fives. ,
fleas' fiftraa cants (or taca pattara.
Writ slamla jonr eaaia. addraaa a ad
sty I aaaiber. Ea aura to auta sisa
VMUi. , - ;, - ,
Ta saw aprlng aod iinnir pit
tra catalac (eatarca leellasl aa
tartBact af aflarnoaj. porta aad
a dreaaaa, liaceHa. pajaaiaa and
fclddica' clothe, sla datishtfol aeca
arj pattaraa. Prica at (atatac fiftaaa
aata. Catalo rwitk pattan. tveaty
fia casta. AdJraaa all auil and or
dara tm 8tataa Pattara HparV
at 1 Weat ITth atraat, Kav Tark
0f- Q 0 A
V i Y
News and Club
Olive M. Doak.
Wednesday, August 26
Open meeting Wednesday 8 p. m. at T. M. C. A.,
for complete organization of Salem Symphony orches
tra. Election of -officers and board of directors.
"j Thursday, August 27
W. C. T. U. Farm Home meeting Thursday, August
27. 2 p. m., in Jason Lee church. Miss Altia Hocket, di
rector of Farm Home work, in charge of program. t
Reception at Leslie Memorial church honoring
Rev. and Mrs. S. Darlow Johnson, Thursday, 8 p. m.-All
friends Invited. j - ? ,
Ladles Aid of W. R. C. all day meeting. Thursday
at Fairground. 1 "
;! Friday, August 28 j
Barbara Frletchie Tent No. 1, Daughters of the
Union Veterans of the Civil War, regular meeting. Fri
day. 8-p.' m. at Woman's club house on North Cottage
street -..'
Woman's Home Missionary society all day meet
ing, Friday, In First Methodist church parlors. ,
Woman's Press Club
Entertained Tuesday
Members of the Salem Wom
an's Press club enjoyed a pleas
ant afternoon Tuesday at the
country home of Mrs. Don Up
john, on the river road, when
she entertained iiwith a "pajama
picnic" and afternoon of cards on
the lawn adjoining . the Upjohn
home. Just before the guests de
parted for their respective homes,
Mrs. Upjohn presented each lady
with a lovely bouquet of choice
gladioli from the Upjohn gardens.
Those who enjoyed the affair
were Mrs. Dennis Landry, Mrs.
Murry Wade and son Murray. Jr.,
Mrs. A. L. Lindbeck. Mrs. Ralph
Oaa t nt Had phtort Car Ol Til
and Jean. Mrs. C. V. Bernhard
and children. Sally and Jimmy.
fr. w. v. Conner and the host
ess. Mrs. Don Upjohn, and chil
dren, Rowena .Margaret. Flor
ence, Donna. Billy and Barbara.
Vn TTnlohn's nenhew. Bobby Al
bert of Portland, was a special
guest for the occasion.
Tinrlne the late afternoon the
hostess was assisted in serving
by Mrs. Murray ; Wade and Mrs.
C. V. Bernhardt.
Sllverton. Miss Louise Oli
)int nt Portland, whose mar
riage to Francis Wood, son of
Mrs. Daisy Wood of snverion.
vin h an event bf September 12.
ten th. inspiration for a miscel
laneous shower Saturday after
noon at the home or airs.
Alfred here. Joint hostesses were
Mrs. Errol Ross and Mrs. Robert
Barr. r
Miss OHphant was the recipient
of many sifts which were piled
in the center of a luncheon table
under a huge open umbrella. Tiny
paper umbrellas 1 were placed at
each plate .as favors. Colors of
pink- and white were used
throughout the room.
Among the guest of honor
were Miss OHphant's mother.
Mrs. R. C. Oliphant of Portland,
and Mr. Wood's mother and
grandmother. Mrs. Daisy Wood
and Mrs. Esther Grace.
Mrs. Laura Koon .left Salem
Tuesday evening for Des Moines,
la., where she will attend the na
tional encampment of the Grand
Army of the Republic. Mrs. Koon
is also planning ;to visit her sis
ter. Mrs. Fred Holmes, at Rock
well City. Ia.. and friends In oth
er middle western cities before
starting to the Pacific coast. In
California, Mrs. Koon will visit
her brother Elijah Wall at Whit
tier and in Vallejo she will be the
guest of a daughter, Mrs. Harold
Handler, formerly of this city.
Mrs. Koon. expects to be away a
little more than a month.
a :.
ji i
Mrs. Daniel jj Fry, Sr., is re
ceiving recognition for the hy
drangeas grown this year at her
beach cottage at Neskowln. The
flowers, are remarkable for their
size and vivid coloring. Many of
the blooms range in size from 12
to 16 inches In diameter. The
largest one, yet ! green, measures
18 Inches. An : up-state paper
shows a picture of little Priscilla
Walsh of Eugene, granddaughter
of Mrs. Fry holding the largest
blossom. "
i :
Mr. and .Mrs. George W. Rey
nolds. -1810 Center street, and
small son are leaving today on a
short vacation triD which will
take them into southern Oregon
and to Crater Lake. Mr. Rey
nolds is enjoying a fortnight's
vacation from his work witn, ine
General Motors Accounting cor
nn.silnn Ula wlfa Tla I.inhin.
vi.mvui . . . ... w .
formerly taught in ParrisDaniof
high school. I ; .
Mrs. Claudius Thayer, accom
panied by Miss Genevieve Thayer
and Miss Jane Martin of Wash
ington.- D. C, jnho has- been a
house guest at the Thayer home
for the past 10 days, left Wednes
day evening for Los Angeles
where they will remain for a short
time. After enjoying a brief stay
in Los Angeles. Miss Martin will
return to her home In Washing
ton, D. C.
The Leslie ian-Do class will
dispense with its regular meeting
on Wednesday .of tzrfs week to
cooperate with plans for the re;
ception honoring Rev. and Mrs.
S. Darlow Johnson, which will be
held Thursday evening in the
church parlors. I All .Can-do mem
bers are especially urged to at
tend the reception.
The Misses Phoebe and Ruth
McAdams left .Wednesday morn
ing for a motor trip to Grants
Pass, to visit their parents. They
plan to be away from the city a
' I,
Mrs. Helen Hamilton left Wed
nesday for Portland where she
will visit friends and relatives for
several weeks, j
Society Editor
Pretty Dinner! Given
At Schindler Home
One of the delightful informal
affairs of the week was the din
ner given Tuesday , evening by
Mrs. Joseph Schindler, In compli
ment to the birthday anniversary
bf her husband. '
The guests were seated at a
prettily appointed table, which
was centered with a low bowl of
mixed garden flowers in pastel
tints, guarded with rose tapers in
rose colored glass candlesticks,
carrying out the color scheme of
rose and white. Following dinner
a number of relatives and friends
called to extend greetings of - the
dayto the honor guest, Mr. Jo
seph Schindler. !
The guest Hat for the dinner
included, the honor guest. Mr.
Schindler, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Schindler of Corvallis, Mr. and
Mrs. Everett Craven and little
daughter Helen, of Portland, Mr.
and Mrs. Ronald Craven, Mr. and
Mrs. Clifford Parker and small
daughter, Shirley, and the host
ess. Mrs. Joseph Schindler. t
Mrs. Everett Craven assisted
Mrs. Schindler with the serving,
a a
AH music patrons of Salem and
outlying districts are turning
their interests again to the com
ing fall season when music Oc
cupies the major portion of the
winter social events. All inter
ested in the Salem Symphony or
chestra are invited to attend an
open Jkeetlng held at the Y. W.
C. A.', for the purpose of the re
organization and election of of
ficers and naming of board of di
rectors. The meeting Is scheduled
for 8 o'clock and all former mem
bers of the organization are es
pecially urged to attend.
. a
.I .i
Mrs. Josephine Parrlsh Stew
art arrived in Salem Monday
from Crater Lake where she has
been spending the summer, In
the capacity as hostess in the
Crater Lake Lodge. Mrs. Stewart
will be a guest of her son and
daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Slater on Rural avenue,
until the opening of the fall term
at the University Oregon, where
she will again resume her duties
as house-mother' at the Gamma
Phi Beta sorority house.
Mrs. George Rhoten will enter
tain members of her contract
bridge club Thursday in her home
on South 23rd street. Those in
the group will include. Mrs.
Keith Brown, Mrs. Fred Duncan,
Mrs. O. W. Ross. Mrs. Charles
Layport. Mrs. Max Rodgers and
Mrs. George R. K. Moorehead.
Mrs. Ruskin Blatehford will be
a special guest for the afternoon.
A series of winning: reci- I
. pes submitted in a contest
I sponsored by the I (
j Clip and paste them in
"Bread Crumb
with Dressing
z cups pulverized white Snow-
flake Bread crumbs
1 cup. flour
t 1 teaspoon salt
well beaten errs
2 tablespoons cold water
DrMttnf 1 Ann ni.t.M
. white Snowflake Bread I
crnmbi. I
I Sufficient butter to brown.
Ata, a. a a
Iain me oreaa crumbs, flour ,
and salt Into mixing bowl. Add I
tha v at . ft V . , , . 1
iw iu wen oeaien
eggs and combine with crumbs I
will be very dry. Roll out thin, I
cut fine and let dry for at least '
an hour. Cook for fire minutes
In boiling salted water and
drain. Brown the " coarser
crumbs in the butter tor the
dressing and alternate a layer
of noodles with a layer of
crumbs in serving dish. This
serves eight people.
Prize Recipe
Sma r Luncheon
Arranged For
One of the smart .social affairs
of. the week was the one o'clock
bridge luncheon given Tuesday
afternoon by Miss Ola Clark, in
her home on Marion street, com
plimenting her- house guest. Miss
Hazel Paden, of Muskagee, Mich
igan. .'
The luncheon table was especi
ally attractive In Chinese appoint
ments with an artistically arrang
ed centerpiece ' In the form of a
miniature Chinese garden with
its tiny pagoda : and Oriental
bridge on which stood . a small
Mandarin lady in brightly color
ed native dress. The card and
table accessories were cleverly
combined to carry out the Orien
tal Idea.
Covers were t placed for the
honor guest. Miss Paden, Miss
Berl. Holt, Mias Mary Eyre, . Miss
Marjorle Chrlstenson, Miss Mil
dren Chrlstenson, Mrs. Ellen Fish
er, Mrs. Brazier Small and the
hostess. Miss Clark. A guest prise
was given Miss Clark, with first
and second prizes going to Mrs.
Brazier Small and Miss Berl Holt.
Miss Paden is well known in
Salem having made this her home
for several years. During her
stay here, Miss Paden was a
member of the teaching staff of
the Salem schools in the art de
She left Tuesday evening for
Newport after which she will re
turn to Salem to bid. adieu to
friends before leaving Thursday
for her home in Michigan.
Hubbard Julius Spagle of
Parkplace was the Incentive for a
delightful birthday party Sunday
at his beautiful home. A deli
cious basket lunch was served at
noon. The day was spent in visit
ing, taking pictures, and playing
Those enjoying the celebration
were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wise of
Barlow, Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Mill
er, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Barrett and
sons Lester and Marvin. Mrs. W.
H. Barrett and daughter, Orva,
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Spagle and
son Maurice and William Walfer
of Hubbard: Mr. and Mrs. L. P.
Spagle and son Johnnie. Mr. and
Mrs. John Yoder. Mr. Fred Mobr.
and Mr. Philip Mohr of Ntedy;
Mr. and Mrs. C. Rlchter and chil
dren Mary, Ernest and Marvin of
Beaver Creek; Mr. Charles Spa
gle and Mr. Ross Hlllard of Port
land and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Spa
gle of Parkplace.
a a a
Sllverton Miss Hannah Olsen
entertained a small group of
friends last Wednesday afternoon
for the pelasure of her brother's
wife, Mrs. A. C. Olsen, who is a
recent bride.
Among those present were the
Misses Cfarissa Brager. Blanch
Hubbs. Rosella Richardson and
her house guest, Mrs. Wetzel,
Miss Margaret Humberg of Mil
waukie, Miss Olga Johnson, Miss
Muriel Bentson, Mrs. Lee Alfred,
Mrs. Errol Ross, Mrs. Vlad Ben
nett, and Miss Laura Boye of
Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Needham
have returned from a month's vis
It with Mr. Needham's relatives in
California. They visited In Oak
land, Berkeley, San Francisco and
Los Angeles, going as far south
as the Mexican border. They were
also among the Salem people mo
toring to Portland Monday eve-
HEN you cot a
as mine, you got to be awful careful how you shave
m. If you don't do like Daddy does and soak 'em
in hot water, youH scrape yourself awful.-I guess
I'm such a jrood shaver 'cause I use lots of hot water."
.Summer shaves can be just as smooth as you wish,
if you have plenty of hot water to slosh around.
But somehow, heating water in teakettles or run
ning to the basement to light obsolete heaters isn't"
much better than using cold water. Let us show,
you bow- the Electric Water Heater can give you
instant hot water throughout the summer and all
the rest of the year. It's a comfort that's nearly a
necessity and electricity costing so little, the price
is amazingly low. Call us 'today. r
IIcJquTttr$ for Hot point Electric .Wtr Hesters
Off tea la Portland. Sabot, Hillaboro, Oregon Cry, GraaKaaa,
3k. Halms am! Sil vert on, Oragoa Vancwvag, Waahingtoai
Prominent Maids
Complimenting Jointly 'the Miss
es Henrietta Bishop and Pauline
Flndley. who are to leave Salem
during the early part of Septem
ber for their respective teaching
positions. Miss Dorothy Bon-
hard and Miss Gertrude Oehler
entertained Monday evening, at
the home of . the latter, with an
Informal .evening of bridge. .
. Flowers In pastel hues were
arranged In an artistic manner
about- the living rooms of the
Oehler home where cards were In
play, at the places arranged for,
the honor guests, Henrietta Bl
shop, Pauline Findley. Bva Find-
ley, Bertha ; Babeock, - Marion
Bret z, Elizabeth Clement.:? Mil
dred Miller, Dorothy Eastridge.
Benita Edwards, .Mrs. Margaret
Morehouse I Kaufman and- the
hostesses, Dorothy "Bosshard and
Gertrude .Ootiler. High score for
the evening was won by Miss
Henrietta Bishop:
Miss Findiey will leave Sep
tember fifth . for. Moxie City,
Washington, to teach lor the year
and Miss Bishop will leave Sep
tember third for Bandon, Oregon,
where she has accepted a teach
ing position In the Bandon 'City
schools. :
a a
- Clear Lake The Woman's
Missionary society . met at the
home of Mrs. D. D. Gorsllne
Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Har
old gave a report of the recent
annual W. M. S. convention. The
lesson study was conducted: by
the president,' Mrs. . Massey. Those
present were Mrs. J. C. McFar
lane. Mrs. L. J. Massey,' Mrs. C.
L. Beckner. Mrs. Alex Harold,
Mrs. Roy Smith. Mrs. Amos Smith.
Mrs, C. A. Baker, Mrs. Eck Du
toit and Mrs. Theodore Stolk and
the hostess, Mrs. D. D. Gorsllne.
gNverton Hills Mrs. H. A.
Hartley entertained Thursday
afternoon at her home In the Sll
verton Hills in honor of her
daughter, Mrs. Martin Doerfler.
Invited guests Included neighbors
and friends from the Brush Creek
district. As Miss Jessie Hartley,
Mrs. Doerfler taught the Brush
Creek school for several years.
After an afternoon of visiting the
guestsnumbering flftyflve, were
served with a delicious lunch at
a long table set under the trees
in the yard.
a a
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Howland of
Long Beach, Cal., were called to
Salem about two weeks ago by
the serious illness of Mrs. S. M.
Smalley. Mrs. Smalley'a condition
is somewhat improved and the
California relatives have returned
to their " home. While In Salem
they were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. William Goode of Yew park
and other relatives in and pear
Mr. and Mrs. E. W.- Proctor
of Portland were Sunday guests
at the home of Mrs. E. D. Proctor
of this city. They made a special
trip to Salem to visit with Mhw
LaVerne Proctor, who has been'
confined . to her bed Tor several
weeks . with a foot infection. Miss
Proctor suffered a relapse a few
days ago and it is believed will
not be up and about tor several
more weeks.
Mrs. Arthur Gibbard, who has
been confined to a local hospital
for the past few weeks, where
she submitted to a major opera
tion, is convalescing sufficiently
to motor to her beach cottage at
Neskowin, where she has been
spending a part of the summer
lot of whiskers as tough
K. IJbeHy, Salem
Family Reunion
At Flake Home
Brooks Mr. and Mrs. X. B.
Flake entertained with a picnic
and - family reunion , Sunday at
Mr. and Mrs. William Kosten
border of Salem.
Four generations were present.
Mrs. William . Kostenborder,
great grandmother, Mrs. George
Miles, grandmother, Mrs. Hattie
Croshaw, mother and baby, Irene
Croshaw. t
A pot lock dinner was served to
the following guests: Mr. and
Mrs. William Kostenborder, of
Salem; Mr. .and Mrs.. . George
Miles and children, Claude, Eu
gene, and Edwin Miles, Mr. and
Mrs, Allie Kostenborder and chil
dren, Ruth, Mary 'Mae, and Bill
Kostenborder, Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Jaynes and son. David, of Salem;
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. , Croshaw,
Mrs. Hattie Croshaw and daugh
ter, Irene Mae; Mr.- and Mrs. Ar
thur Patterson and son. Lloyd,
Mr. . and Mrs. Impeneoven of
Woodburn; Mr. and Mrs. David
Patterson and children, Ethylen.
Lyle, Rax, Arthur. Eugene ana
Alden Patterson of Gervals, Mr.
and Mrs. Beckwlth and Mrs.
Katherlne Karner of Idaho, . Mr.
and Mrs. George Stanley and
children. Patsy, Pauline and Mar
alyn Stanley of Salem; - George
Pickens, Kenneth Flake, and Mrs.
Ohler of Salem; George Miles,
Jr., of Sllverton; - Mrs.' Gleason
and children, Myra, and Miner
Gleasen, Charlie -Naftiger and
daughter, Betty of Salem; Miss
Arleta Sturgis. W. E. Miles. A
G. Streeter, Mr. and Mrs. E. B.
Flake and children Ernestine,
Alvln and Vernon Flake.
Mr. and Mrs. Garland Simpson
returned to Salem ' Monday even
ing from Lewiston. Idaho, where
they have made their home for
the past year and a half. Mr. and
Mrs. Simpson will again be "at
home" in Salem where Mr. Simp
son will resume his position with
the Bishop clothing store. . Mr.
and Mrs. Simpson are guests at
the home of Dr. and Mrs. Dale X.
Beechler for a few days.
Mrs. E. E. Bergman, state pre
sident of the Daughters of Union
Veterans of the Civil War. was a
special guest at the luncheon and
tea given in Portland compliment
ing Mrs. Lowell Fletcher Hobart,
national president for the Daugh
ters of the American Revolution
Miss Ada Jo-- accompanied by
her - cousin. Miss Lola Baldwin,
left Tuesday morning for a two
weeks vacation at Newport. They
will occupy the Ed Jory cottage
during their sojourn at the beach.
The Barbara Frletchie Tent No.
2, Daughters of the Union Veter
ans of the Civil War will meet
for their regular session, Friday,
8 p. m. in the Woman's club
house on North Cottage street.
Mr. W. H. Dancy and Mr. and
Mrs. Milton Meyers have returned
from Seal Rocks where they spent
the weekend as the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. William Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. .Bake, and
Mr. and Mrs.- Edwin Baker are
again at home after enjoying the
past month at their' beach cottage
at Seal Rocks.
The Woman's Home Missionary"
society of " the First Methodist
church will meet Friday for an
all-day session to be held in the
church parlors.
1M .
Travel Crepes
' I of
tax the
New Fall Styles
Dress or Ensembles
- Others SJS and 12.45
Quality Merchaadise
Popular Prices
o o
- - - . V
v. & t - s r 1
- v
- 'I -w 1
I ; . u ::
s i - -
Mrs J. Woodall Greene (above).
beautiful New York matron, was
dririnr in Baltimore with IL Wal
lace Kolb, wealthy baking com
pany executive, . when the . latter
was shot, according to stories told
the police, by a man who leaped
from ambush en the rnnningr board
of the antoraobile. Mrs. Greene
is the estranged wife 'of a New
York realtor and a niece of J. Rus
sell Lamar, former Supreme Court
Justice.. v
. . 2 V
Maxine Smalley ;
Celebrates Birthday.
Little Maxine Smalley, ; was
complimented at' the home'Of her
parents,' Mr. and Mrs. G. W.
Smalley on Norway street, Fri
day afternoon, .the occasion being
her fifth birthday anniversary. ;
The small guests were enter
tained with intormal games until
refreshments were served at small
tables decorated in pink and blue,
arranged in a square which was
centered with a large white birth
day cake adorned with fiye light
ed candles. The-young guests who
enjoyed the afternoon were the
hontfr gnest. Maxine -Smalley,
Lois and 'June Gregson. Dan and
O'Deaa ' Gerber. Eunice and Ver
non Johnson, Josephine Sexton.
Burton and. Douglas Smalley,
Lorraine Edgar. Marvin .Willis.
Lela Gnrne, Delores -Wits and
Harold Gardner.
Liberty- The Wagner family
held a reunion at Riverdale park
Sunday: those enjoying .the day
were: , Mr. . and Mrs. George Wag
ner of Hermlston, Oregon, Mr.
and Mrs. Vern Wagner of Salem,
Mr. and Mrs. John Douglas and
family of Salem Heights, Mr. and
Mrs. John Croisan,- Mrs. D. M.
Wagner. Miss Edith Safford and
Miss Ethel" Grant of San -Francisco
and Mr. and Mrs.- Clarence
Holder. The Misses Grant , and
Safford have been spending the
past -week as guests- at the Clar
ence Holder home.
Another Shipment of New'
UEDES, kids, doeskins . . . pull-ons, flar
1 ing cuffs, and French-Iookine novelty
euiia . . . all included in
popular shades for fall.
. 'The Store For Ladies"
Michi?an Guests
At Waldo Mills Home
Mrs. C. J. Sweetland and chil
dren, Monroe, Ada Louise and
George, of Constantlne, Mich., are
leaving Thursday morning by mo
tor for their home in the east,
after, having been guests for the
past two weeks at the home of
Mr. andMrs. Waldo Mills m
North Winter street. A number of
delightful Informal affairs have
honored Mrs. Sweetland. during
her stay here, including courtesies
extended by. Professor and Mrs.
M. E. Peck. Mrs. A. A. Siewert
and Miss Beryl Holt. ,
Several Interesting motor trips
were arranged In compliment to
the eastern travelers, Inclnding a
trip to southern Oregon and Cra
ter lake, the Mt. Hood loop, and
.a tour of. the Oregon beaches.
Mrs. Sweetland and children
came to Salem, by way of the
southern route and have chosen
the northern route for their re
turn trip.
Margaret, arrived - home Monday
afternoon from Agate beach,
where they have been guests of
Mrs. R. M. Hofer tor the past
The Ladies Aid of the W. R. C.
will have an all day meeting
Thursday at the fairgrounds. All
organisation. members and
friends are requested to attend.
Mrs." Isabelle C. Farrar. SI
years of age, and a pioneer of the
lS6Ts died at Rockaway late
Monday, Mrs. Farrar I3 the widow
of Squire Farrar, Salem post
master from. 1907 to 1915 and a
relative of John H. Farrar pres
ent postmaster of Salem.
iirs. Farrar. born In Ohio De
cember 30. 1849, came to Salem
about 1864. She resided here
while her husband servedas post
master -until his term ended un
der the Wilson administration. In
1915 - they moved to Portland
where Mr. Farrar died two years
later. Since th death of her hus
band she has lived In Portland
and at the beach.
She is surrlred by her daugh
ter, Mrs. R. N. Kellogg of Port
land and one niecei Bertha Fos
ter also of Portland.
Funeral services will . be held
from the ehatel of W. T. Rigdon
and Son Thursday at 1:30 o'clock
with Rev. George Swift ef the
EpiscopaL church officiating. In
terment will be in the I. O.'O. F.
- " v f j -j- v a i ? a v. ui Biuo v a
her husband.
LYONS. ! August ?5 Frank L.
Cook of Eugene was a Lyons bus-
working in the interests of - the
Weshem Christian ; Homes, and
called at several homes in this vi
cinity. Received
this special shipment. In