...J J ' TKt OREGON 3TATE8M ANpgalcitf , "Oregon; Tuealay Morning AuffSsl 231 92f page nine is a Supply Mee Demand hd Ma Satisfied j i 4 1 1 . 1 ! : 1 I i . . I . I i f Statesman Classified Ads Call 910l i Classified Advertising ; Siaile Insertloa per llaeuae Three Insertion per line .......Me Elx Insertions per Uae..SOe One month per Une.'.f l.vO Minimum charge .....tic " Copy for thta W ac cepted until :3o the even ing before publication tor classification. Copy re cetvedV after this time will be run under the heading Too Late to Classify. The Statesman assumes HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Woodcutters with riraaw. May ramp. Start Monday. Bt 7. box 133. garden rosd- . j FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR SALE Bartlett pears, apple and prunes. Phone us for price b for you buy. Phone 48F12 LOOK AND CALL 4033 . 2 Maytar aluminum washers UM new. $110.09 each. ft 1-18X0 Champion at 375.4. 1-Easy Dryer type t H original price. ....- H. B. KOEIILKK 379 North High Street Un,,,-mm .nrir-' "ii-i-r ' " " ' ' FOR SALE Elto outboard motor. 7 horsepower. In good condition. See at pong a poi LYtn RAI.R; shafting, oultoya, bang- ra, Statesman .-uousnins. vw. xrwisjinrix , I.T1H sale: OIJ napera 10c a bun- Typewriters, all make, new and used. Adders and type writers for rent. Typewriter Exchange. 411 Court fat - - - - -UJ ----- '"" 'W'" FOR 8 ALE Men- auita iiv.vw. Greenbaum'a, 344 N. Com'!. FOR SALK Quilting challie lc yd. Greenbaum'a, 340 N. Com'L Canninc peara, Rt . box 181., Near Wallace road. TeL 4F2. J i Improved Elbertas - ready August it i . Towns ad orchards. Piano lor saie. xwu All! cat opa day and night. 15$ S. ; Commercial. ' FurnKurt and ow4 rnr, i and up. Oregon Trading Post. 833 .. Com 1. . c . T C 1 I .... V - MV. 4 year Old. mil Ws 4 gallons, tets .Z. Inonire Ltnooin wtore. J. R- Aiir1. WANTED Miscellaneous aaiawii w-Mw- - -. e i t-v n.,sfAtiA R r a t imftn wan U one copy -Captivity of the Oat man Oirla" Any person haTin ex tra book can eU same by obtaining details from The Statesman. -jn-j-i-Lil.iii-nrir 'II" ' . . i r 1 Mmta tfl X Chang on radios, phonographs, or fur nVturs. H. L Btlff FUntlrore Qjn W WANTED Will pT pound tor ROOU CLEAN COTTON rag. toe pieces at least tH twmnn office. a square yard. M1SCELLAN EOUS Mwww.i.w kiw i i i mwiwi Hem cleaning, re pal ri n g. Suits !.. overcoats SL0 J"f: dresses 76. IX Martin. 1SO0 N. Cap-. nui. w twrr noultrr Salem Poultry Co. at Farmer's Market. j .Miuu i.i - - "." - it- valka. Iwwiwit floors. 1e sn. ft. Pial 55 FOR RENT ROOMS mvvtr - with BrftrasTA UN, reaMtiabl. IS5 N. Sumrn. TeL !. ' : WWMMWW www.. On or two Doaraers in M"". -v elusiv ham. Exonilent meals, health Stftf desired. Box 7iH. Pwtesman. ROOM and BOARD hMrii nan r imirerslty and capltol bldgs. Pleasant ro01 rood board. Reasonable, 11 N. ltn fct-.TeL J27. . ... i nr mentally mrlnmotherTe.. imUy. services, reasonable charges. 7 , UL.t!u-irii-n-i 1 ' MW- . . with runnina ISI1V irwni .w... . - . . i water, board, reasonable rat. 5 Marlon. FOR RENT Apartments Xri "i i" "iii t k..ina rvmrt aot. Close In. Xnqutr 47 MUX TeL a1eljjaaaai m mm ississai w " ' . . " CU Patton'. Book Stom. . Furnished X and I room Apt. Rea- m9000mmm m -w w. - - oname, pta, elec. range and refrlc Strictly Very aitxactlv room moatra Reasonabl: 1 US Center. TeL !. - WELl fumtahed aoom and -fr rent t ttSl Hel ! Tit 4. . . . . . J and 4 room homelik apta. close In. Prlvste bath. Garage. 1041 S. C-mM Tel. 1495. FOR RENT 5 room mod. house, relt furnished. 1ITS Market St.. TeL ISIL . . . A,i.hMi MWkl mom anart ment; everything furnished but gas. private bower- Outstd entrance. 4 rvflon. - FdTTRISJNT HOUSES FOR RKNT Flata for adulta S to f room I JO to 140. AIo house. t& f BECKB A HENDRICKS 18 Nortn tiign wxw POLLY AND HER' PALS S A PRETTV PASS WHEN A J ( "2a K ' . r-OMEST CITIZENS CANT Jw' LH ' ) ? COME AN' GO WTTHOUT i ' . 7 PAW - j v ; . : paajsa (strrf? . no flaanclat responsibility tor errors which may ap pear la advertisemento pub lished In Its columns, and In eases where this paper Is -at fault will reprint that part of an adrertlsement In . .which . the - typographical -mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reject objec tions! advertising. It fur ther reserves the right to. classify all advertising un-" der the proper classifica tion. . FOR RENT HOUSES RTa . IK. vnm . mmII.Ia. eated ; garaire ; two bathroom a C. A. npneurt , i- ft. inn, pr vs. e Price, ii Cottaae on creek bank, fireplace. basement. Ideal for two. TeL S773. .New modern S room house, fire place, 2 bath, rooms, double garage. 715 N. Summer. TeL JJOL Four furnished rooms first floor of ror home. Hot water, heat, mvlern. Mrs. White. ri. Capitol St. -rom house. 11 7 Marion St. Nice i small house, 2430 Lee street. For choice rentals.' $25 to $40 oth ers J 1 8 to $25 Some good buys in homes, small payment down, baL . Just like rent. SEK BECHTKL or THOMASON 341 Rt Street i Room 4. FOR RENT FARM FOR LEASE Dandy dairy . proposition. 97 acres new, modern cow barn and milk house, place all In cultivation, closa to Salem on pared road. Party leas ing must have at least 10 good cows, team anl Implements. Will leas for cah. rent or on shares to good party. SEE ! i SEARS & TUCKER 1J1 South High Street 7 room house, modern, close in, $30. t room Louse close in, only $15.00. 4 room house, no bath, fl.OO. t 4 rootn modern bouse, basement and furnace, $2). 0w. 8 ACRES house, barn and hen house, lota of fruit, S miles from down town. Oaly $:2.50. For rentals, SEE : i STEliNER 1 1 275 State Street : FOR l RENT Improved five acres. 3 mile east. TeL 65 S3 or 1890 K. Cot tnee. " WANTED TO RENT Wanted to rent a modern home with three bedrooms. Can iv best of referem-. See BECHTEL or THOMASON S41 Rrt Room 4 FOR SALE Real Estate - - - -1 - i- i- (V-.-r.-rw-irwirwMrvwrMrux Beautiful site for modern horn. 120x135 feet, corner Winter and Ox ford streets, covered with Urge cher ry, pear and apple trees, fin view. No otner bulldtngs can ever obstruct view. No hltl te climb to get to it. Call at 70S Rural cr phone 8S54. ? Best buy In city, S-room semi-mod-era home, basement, fireplace. lot 120x115,1 garage, garden, nlc shaded lawn, large a had, fruit and aut trees. snrutkoerir ana rtowii a, met view, pav ed street, corner Winter and Rural. Bargain - price, terms. 7(5 Rural, phon SS54. , . For Sal or Rent modern T room house. Close In. TeL B$49. t FAIRMOUNT HILL HOME One of the best location on the htn for sale at great sacrifice. large cheerful t rooms, with - basement, fur nace and fireplace. beautiful oak trees, large lot. Can be sold furnished for few i days for only SI. 300. small down payment will handle deal. The rurniatotnga include large upholstered davsnport and chair, walnut dining set. electric range, walnut bed and vanity, one "nrtmons bed and dres ser, rag and other furnishings for a line home. SEE IT TODAT. It's $1,500 ander value. j . SKH Mr Fills with LEO N. CHILD3 CO., Realtor 320 Stat Street Phone (70S Horn at 1(95 So. Com'L i - - - - 'i'i'iTi -irvvvvYirvvvrirvtnVi $1,000 cash buys good small con fac tion ry, lunch room, living quarters. 21 A-. IS under cultivation. 4 A. orchard, timber, running water. Hay In ban, tmptemeata, stock go with place at $4,500. Will consider trad for small hou hi north Salem. 204 A, Polk Co.. 140 under cultiva tion, good tutrber, pasture, run ning water, building, $50 as acre. Trad - fox acreag or house ljv tewn. New bouse. 4 rooms and bath, plas tered, basement. North Salenv, $2,700. . T R n plastered bouse, east front. paved trt, $1,000. Take In car as ftrst payment, f Room fully modern hou a In north Salem. Good ' location, close to schools. $8,750. REXTA LS-TR ATVES-IN SUR ANCB J. F. ULR1CH CO. Phon$S73 $35 Stat St. BEACH COTTAGE BARGAIN Nice S room beach cottage all celled, hot and cold water, electricity, fireplace, good paint. basement garagre. shower. Includes all fur . ntehlnga, property In splendid condition. Price for QUICK SALK $1709. $700 rash, bal. terms. Lo cated at Neakowin. If you want a real bargain ACT NOW. W. H, ORABRN'HORST : A CO. REALTORS 134 & Liberty St, Phon (44$. ?NAP : Ont men hom with prac- ucany new , in rea room nouse. He rljity, g; r"e. woodshed. Price $2000. 550. down, balanr monthly. IMMEDIATE POSSES SION. W. II GRABENHORST CO. 134 South Liberty Street FOR SALE REAL ESTATE REAL HOME) BARGAINS f 2100. Fir room bungalow aU plas tered, basement, pared L, wU ' located on Washington Bt. ' near Commercial. $500. cash, baL$rS. per mo, to Include tat. ImmeaUite ' -- IS759. Seven room horn - with large . : grounds, plenty of pic - shad ' tree, paved st- well located on FAIRMOUNT HILL. douM gar. age, term; Immediat pos talon. f 525. New, rady to occupy, mic sev en room home, wrtfa hardwood floors, two hatha double garage, cor. lot. both at a paved, near school and bus, $1000. down will hand la. Immediat possession. . $(S0 buy a mw modtnt 7 room home, all extra large room a ex cept one bedroom, gum wood fin ish la two rooms, bard . wood floor throughout. Attract PetUe bathroom and. shower rm. A complete bom tn vrv - detail, ready to occupy. Located at 185 South Church. $7000 buys a late built modern ( room borne, three rooms finished In ma hogany, a complete home in very way, located on Stat street $4. 000. rash, balance terms. A REAL HOME. ... NOW IS THE TIME TO BUT. W. If., GRABENHORST CO. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Street - Phone (lt( FORCED TO SELL , WHr PAT RENT 7 Let us show you some wonderful buy In homes! $100 Down; Prlc $1350 S R. house completely furnished. -Cozy 4 R. Bungalow $750 The lot alone Is worth th price. Ideal location. See It. . One Aw 4 R. House $1150 Adjoin city limits north. Worth more money.. Choice i 1-3 A. S R. Bunealow $350 down; bal. like rent. IT Ice $:. $00: worth $3800. Has bath, water system, elec lights, fruit, nice gar den, snap. We Only Tal in Ral Bargains BECHTEL-THOMASON 311 State Street Room 4 EXCHANGE Real Estate W liav som xcel.ent trade for your property. Clear stuff In California, eastern Oregon with svme cash. Moving time Ii pot far off. Why not plan to make th change now and get what you are looking for. See u if you hare something to trade, sell, or wish to buy. SHIELDS BLAKE Oregon Bldg. TeL S90S FOR EXCHANGE CO acre timber tract miles out on paved hichway, mostly ia chic first and second growth timber. 1 room cabin. Price $3,750. Will take Salem home. Ford truck to exchange for vacant lot. 320 acres near Berfd. Oregon, value $1,600. Will glv some difference for Salem home. LEO N. CHILD 3 CO., Realtors ' 320 State Street Phon 70$ ----- -i- i,i.,.......'ri i n .oitio. Will trade equity In good 4 R. bung alow fe relectrlc washer or radio. By owner. Writebox 735, Statesman. 200 ACRE stock ranch , near Brownsville, springs, running water, room house, barn and other out buildings. Improvements fair, soma fruit and timber. WH1 trade for Sa lem residence or Income property. Phone 40(3. -I, r "Lru-qxTLT SOME RANCH TRADES 1 acre, 5 R. bouse, bath, toilet, city water and electric lights, double garage, price $2750.00, free of Incum brance. Situated at Lebanon, a good little city. Trade for city property and assume some. 14 ACRES BOTTOM LAND 5 R. house with bath. barn, garage. poultry Louse, 4-A. raspberries, y. A. strawberries. Irrigation system, 4-A. carrots, contracted for nine cents pound. 250 chickens, good tractor and implements. Take bouse In Salem a part payment. All m cultivation, good dark soiL 5-R. house, bath and fireplace, good garage, barn. 1 4-A. crop, 2 -A. straw berries, s-A. of beavsr dam land. Take boas In Salem or Rosebarr la ex change as part. $5 ACRES S R. house, lars bam, mra. poul try boos. 1H A. tuwber, 1-A. alfal fa. 40 b- oata. T5 1u. wheat, barn mu nay, is cows, an rarra isnpie menta. prlc for aU f 7500.04; trad for small acre. SERVICE STATION Worth $3350.00 and good first mortgage of $2400.0 to trad for ranch not lea than fe-A-. not over $5000.00. Improvements need only be fair. A GOOD LOT NORTH SALEM Worth $345.00: will trad In a rent on a bouse or an apartment house In Salem. SEARS TUCKER. Realtors 133 Smtth HicH ftwt FOR HALE FARMS $750 CA8H W1U handle ST acre dairy farm. Good bldgs. Prlc $7500 with long terms or accept some trade. Owner, 51$ N. Summer street, i j ACREAGE WANT SALEM PROPERTT Good (5 acre highway farm, good bldg. fruit. 10 A. In cult, timber. $5,000 clear for rastdeoe. 13 A grape vineyard tn Calif- good hldga, also 40 A farm land. All $4,000 clear for Taller farm. 40 A rlvr bot tom garden land near Salem, for sal or lease. PBRRINE A MAR9TER9 213 Justice Court Bldg. t A. ml north of Salem, new plastered bouse, bath. , lights, automatic water system, double garage, chicken house. , $3,700. Terms. - -r ' . , 2 A. 3 Vs rnL north oa highway, X A. mixed orchard. T room house, basement, fnrnac fireplace, barn, garage, chicken . house, priced at lass than . coat of im provements. 29 H A. S rat. 8. K. of Woodburn. 27 cultivated, 2 timber. dark loam soil. 2 A. strawberries, 4 A. logans, 4 room house, fireplace, electric lights, barn $0x(0, ga rage, chicken house, $5,500, 1 1, down. 147 A. H ml. Buena VUta. 127 cul tivated, balance paiture and timber, t A. peaches, s family orchard. S roomed house, bath, overflowing well. 2 barns, 2 chicken chouse, granary. ma chin shed, excellent sou. $95 per acre. MELVIN JOHN80N 320 TJ. S. Nat l Bank Bldg. TeL 4794 A beautiful 15 acres, all fa fruit, clear, also five room house, clear, will trade for GOOD farm and assume or pay difference. McGILCHRIST St PENNINGTON 209 U. & Bank 'When Silence laVGoIden ACREAGE 4 R- house, and a-arag with ona- thlrd aero on paved street. $1500 and very easy terms. Will tak lot for equity. - S A. on saved hla-hwar. near road school. 4 R. housa, electricity, bam. cmcaon nouta A. strawoerrlea Prtco $1750. This is an axcenUonallv rood buy. WINNIB PETTTJOHN. Realtor . . 175 S. High St. Bnsinesa Opportunities LUNCH ROOM CONFECTIONERT . Fine- location, .fountain, oak wall cas and mirror, frlgidaire, gas plat, range, ateamcooker, cash register, show-cases, tables and stools, stock, price . cut to $1,200.. for quick sal. term on part. " C. J. JACKSON 147 N. Com'l Phon 3SS9 MONEY TO LOAN $5000 private monev to loan on improved city property. P. H. BelL 204 u. a. imm oiag. ' - 1 -1 - nnrMtnafi mj LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE on plain notes, endorsed notes, fumltur and pianos. Quick ser vice fair treatment. Easy re payment plan. AU transaction strictly confideptlaL STATE LOAN COMPANY 212 Ore. BldJ. 2nd floor - Offic hr. 10:04 a. m. to S:$0 p. m. Telephone T7S Licensed by State MOXET LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced . Arraar to reduce your parmeata Ton keep the car. P. A. EIKER Cor. Liberty St. and Ferry Pbon 4733 Salem. Or. CITT AND FARM loan at lowest rat. Beat terms obtainable. Our Insurance department offer yon ex pert advice and service In, all line HAWKINS ROBERTS (Inc. TeL 4109 205 Oregon Bldg. 'Bells of Harmony Heard - over - KOIN daflv ring out" a loan aervlc that Is really, really, different. "NO DEDTTCTIOKS NO FEES NO OTHER CHARGES ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE ON LOANS $10 to $300 Beneficial Loan Society OF OREGON Room US New Bllgh Bldg. 2nd Floor 61 S Stat Si Tel. 3-7-4-0. LICENSED BT STATE- y"TBJsrVirr jiJvssorrsrrrri PERSONAL LOANS MADE n furniture, cars, salaries er other good security. Reparable monthly. When in financial need so oa before closing a loan. U KEKAL INVl3TMBaVr CORPORATION First National Bank BMt Phone 35S2 LOANS WANTED WANTED Private moay to loan on real estate. W. II. GRABENHORST ft CO. REALTORS 134 8. Llbertr Ft. Tel (4t. FOR SALE WOOD 14 IN. LARGE SECOND GROWTH FIR $5.50 (full cord, i cord $34. 4 ft. $5 cord, 6 cord $23.50. TeL 3347. . GUARANTEED DRY Wood, coal TL 6000 Salem Fuel Co. 753 Trad. BEST WOOD FOR THE- MONEY at Tracy Fuel Yard. TeL 39IC Wood of all kind. 19F3- ALL BONDS, any length, CaTJ 3731. DRY FIR AND OAK WOOD, oal and fuel oiL Call oa oa for price. We giv good meas -, good quality and good ser-v 1c. Larue a transfer storage Telephone $131 For your winter wood at summer rlce. -dial T477. WOOD SAWING FOR better wood awmg. Ptt 833. LOST and FOUND LOST Ladles handbas, tan with mixed colors, fabric, tnotre lined, shall clasp. Contained nose glasses, toilet articles and personal memos. Reward, Call C. R Smith. 452$ LOST Dark rimmed glass la light case at dinger field. Leave at Statesman. Will party Who picked vp antomo bli carburetor near 22nd and .Trad street return same to Newell Wil liam 336 8. 24th street. Phon $719 for reward. Reward for return of Chevrolet coupe. License number (4940. Kngino number 35(4(94. Call 1090 Jefferson. LOST Ladle black purse. Re ward. Return to Mra Ethel Orbbons, U. O. Shipley Co. or f IS Court St. LOST Rimmed glasses In case. TeL 5959. LOST White kid gloves. Sat. aft ernoon on downtown streets. Leave at Statesman. NOTICE OF HEARING OP OB JECTIONS TO FINAL ACCOUNT Notice hereby is siren that the uaderalg-ned, as administrator of the estste or WARREN C. EI3 ENBRANDT, deceased, has filed In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon County, his final account In said estate; and that September 11, 1131. at tea (10) o'clock A. M. and the court room of said court hare been ap pointed by said court for - the hearing of objections to sueh fin al account and the settlement thereof. CASPER M. EISENBRANDT. ' - As Such Administrator. CARSON 4b CARSON. Salem, Oregon, I Attorneys for Administrator. A- 25-S-1-8-15-22. YEAH MARCH DOWN TO THE POLICE STATION EXPLAIN THAT THEY'RE MISTAKING you FER cLbc; ' J nw-' - - sr - " 1 W Xs ii 'e, J W M ' . - i s . ar mt I FOR SALE USED CARS Model 'A' Sale Valley Motor Co. 1921 Standard Coup . 1931 Standard Coupe lltO Standard Coupe 5IB 524 444 41$ 375 193 Koadater 1939 Business Coup 1919 Standard Coup 193S Sport Coupe If II Business Coup , 192$ Business. Coup 193$ Tudor Sedan 192$ Tudor Sedan 1354 1325 315 290 335 38S 1924 Roadsters, from .$10 to $T5 RrtnroBt of tha ihon cars han had a complete re-ervic and carry our aervic guarantee. Trucks 1939 X Panel Delivery . 1929 A A Cab. ft Body. 131" .$359 .$375 wneet case 192$ A A Chassis, long wheel ha 1957 Chevrolet ft 1924 Chevrolet VALLEY MOTOR CO. We giv term and tak trade. Lots of other good buy to pick. from. Salem Used Car Center CONSOLIDATED By Valley Motor Co, O. 3. Wilson 1927 Bulck Coach $325 1930 Buick Sedan s.1150 1929 Buick Sport Coupe - ,, ,,,, (95 1SS Bulck Master Sport Coupe (95 r2S Buick Standard Sedaa 550 192? Buick Touring $90 1924 Buick Conch, overhauled-.. 295 1925 Buick Sedan 191 1924 Buick Touring- 91 SS5 1S5 235 75 1S5 295 245 40 455 416 (50 385 76 125 55 45 75 w (5 $7.50 40 190 185 4(5 175 40 $95 750 625 400 1(6 1929 Chevrolet Coupe, over hauled 1924 Chevrolet Sedan 1937 Dodge Roadster- 1925 Dodge Touring, '33 plateau ivz ioag coupe 1929 Essex Sport Roadster i;s i-.ssex coach 1928 Essex Sport Coup 1925 Essex Coach 1930 Ford Coupe " 1930 Ford Roadster 1931 Ford. Victoria. 5-P Coupe- iri9 rora Eeaan 1927 Ford Touring with licenaa 1924 Ford Tudor 1924 Ford. Roadster with license 1925 Ford Coach .... 1929 Ford Coupe. 22 platea iz rora ftcicup 1922 Ford Pickup, '33 plates 1924 Ford Sedan 19( "ord Coupe 1924 HupmobUe Sedan 1925 Max-well Sedan. '3.2 platea. :nrysjer twatn 1929 Nash Standard Sedan iz Keo S sedan 1925 Star 4 Sedan 1934 Studebaker Sedan . 1924 Studebaker Sedan . 192$ Willys-Knight 70A Sedaau, 19t9 Whippet ( Sport Coupe ivii nuippn uoacn Trucks iCttvroler 1929 Chevrolet 246 1929 Ford 375 375 300 335 1938 Ford long- wheel base 193$ Chevrolet Panel Delivery.. 1939 Ford Panel Salem Used Car Center Marlon A Liberty Open Evening and Sundays Phon 7914. : Good-Will Used Cars SOLD WITH A GUARANTY 192$ Pontlae Sedan, wire VhMIl 1(75 lirSO 19ft Pnntlul Plain. 1927 Pontlae Sedan. 1235 585 13X5 192S Buick Coup 1927 Oakland Sedan . 192S Chevrolet Coach 1(37 Star 4 Coup -$!45 .$335 193S smz Sedan A few others to choose from. Wood -Wheaton Motor Company Oakland Phone' 95 89 Pontlae USED CAR DEPARTMENT 644 Chemeketa Street Stop, Look and Listen! W ar offering on of th beat as sortments of used car to select from ever experienced In Salem before. The price ar right and th car ar ab solutely reconditioned. 1934 Modal Dodge (just a few mlles 7J5 1130 Char. Sedan ('31 lie.) 425 1930 Chev. Coupe ('31 lie.) C31 lie.) 6Z5 -ora Uoupe ( ii lie) 475 1939 Essex Coach ('31 lie.) 376 Ws hav just a dandy Chrysler coupe with '21 license, only $275. McKay Chev. Co. "Where you get th big dollar's i " worth" 1 33$ Center Terms-Trad i i --""" -, -ii-M-irvvvrvv'Mirvv'wrijixrtfiji . Guaranteed as Represented '24 FRANKLIN SEDAN. Ron leas than $0,004. '29 HUDSON 6 8TD. SEDAN. Finish In side and out like new. $4 days service. '34 DeSOTO SEDAN. Karl - Keen trunk, 4 new tires, finish good. '24 ESSEX BUSWES3 COUPS. Run lea than 10,000 miles and looks like new. '2$ STUDEBAKER COMMANDER SEDAN, new tiro, paint and up holstery perfect. '27 CHRYSLER FINER T4 SEDAN. Can b had for much less than It is worth. . '2 2nd 8ERIE3 ESSEX SEDAN. Motor rebuilt: T6 per. cent Urea, trunk and lots of extras. '21 HUDSON BROUGHAM. - Over hauled a needed. New 4-ply Fire stone tires, trunk and many other ertra. -'24 STUDEBAKER 8PEC. 4 SEDAN. Many mile of transportation for a small amount of monev. ': NASH SPECIAL COUPS. A food looking and serviceabl car for half Its worth. 3T ESSEX COACH. 2nd SERIES. Overhauled from stem to stern. An extra good on. '24 ESSEX COACH. '25 FORD SEDAN. '25 FORD COUPE. '31 ESSEX COACH ;DKlt Pre wheeling. Will giv big discount on tbi one. I STATE MOTORS, INC. S26 Chemeketa. I Open evenings oa t m c ii ji . - s i I is-xv r a a mm FOR SALE- USEf) CARS 'ri-,-i"."iiuiruiruiriUTrotaji wood or wheat. Oregon Trading Peat. ' - --ii rii i i rul- . 191T Ford touring. Good.- condition. $((. TeL $724. "77 SOIMOXS ' la the Circuit Court of the 8tate -of Oregon for Marlon County.' 7. IL Hieber. and Bertha Hleber, his iriie, plaintiff, - TI. ' Th Unknown Heirs of G dorse Shirts. Mary Davla. William M. Davis, and all other persons or parties ' unknown , claiming any right.' title, estate. Hen. or Inter est in the real estate described In the complaint " herein, defen dants. In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against yon In he above entitled Court and cans on or before tha expiration of f our weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons; It yon fail eo to appear and answer plaintiffs for want thereof win apply to the above entitled court for the relief prayed for In their con.plaint. to-wit: To determine a claim made by said defendants adversely to the plaintiff, in and to that certain part and parcel of land situated in the County of Marion, State of Oregon, and bounded and described as fol lows, to-wit: Beginning at a point 24.3 S chains South and 1S.24 chains North 58 degrees 30 min utes East from the Northeast cor ner of the Donation Land Claim of Israel Cbamness and . wife in Township 9 South Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian In Marlon County,1 Oregon; thence South 19.50 chains; thence South 0 degrees 50 minutes East 1S.94 chains: thence East to the mean der line of the Santiam river; thence Northeasterly following the Meander line of said river to the - legal sub-division line run ning North and South . through the center of Section 26, In Town ship 9 South Range z West; thence North following said legal subdivision line to a point-S.6 4 chains South from the center of Section 2; thence South 58 de grees 30 minutes West 35.75 chains to the place of beginning and containing 8$ acres of land, more or less. Save and except from the abore described parcel of. land that -rtion thereof which was deeded by plaintiffs to Carlos A. Hleber and wife, which is described In Volume 14 C of Deeds, at Page 258, Marion Coun ty Records. To compel the said defendants to produce their title, if any they have, to sald premises, and that the same, and the pretended claim, right, title, interest and estate of said defendants, and each of them, in and to said premises, and every part thereof may be adjudged ind decreed in valid and void; that the said de fendants, and each of them, may be barred of and from all right, title, interest and estate In and to said premises, and every part thereof, that the said plaintiff title may b -adjudged . and" de creed to be a good and valid one ss against the ssid defendants and each of them, ind all persons claiming under the aald defen dants, and each of them, and for such other and further ' relief as shall be just and equitable, as the nature of the case may re quire, as will more fully appear by the eomplaint on file herein, to which reference is here made. This summons is served on yon by publication thereof, by order of the Honorable Gale 3. Hill, Judge of the above entitled court, made and entered on this 21st days of July, 193C directing that such publication may be made In the Oregon Statesman not less than once each week for four consecutive weeks from the date of first publication thereof. Date of first publication July 28. 1931. Date of last publication August 25. 1931. . C. W. KIRK A SIDNEY L. HAYES. Attorneys for .Plaintiffs. 925 Yeon Building, Portland, Oregon. J2SA4-11-18-26 TO 1M6E STORE R. J. . Brumbaugh of Oakland, Calif., yesterday assumed the management of the Metropolitan Chain Stores, Inc. of Delaware, In their 8tate street store here. He succeeds W. W. Collier, who came here from Spokane te open the store two years ago. Mr. Col lier will be with the store here for a temporary time. His plans for the future were not' an nounced yesterday. ' Brumbaugh said that as soon as he became .better acquainted with the Salem situation he would announce the addition of new de partments to the store and other improvements In service offered th public He has been with the chain of stores In California and By CLIFF STERRETT MW0M8 T AS AllMY TRIED TTO SINK SHIP edu: 9. " v. "4 4 , i .5.c ;i;--;,: - . ,V , - ; r ... -v rr- t "s PAN 3 f ' These three pictures tell the story of the bombing of the transport Mt. Shasta by ten U. S. Army bombing planes from Langley Field Va. The Army fliers, although they scored two direct hits, failedT to sink the craft while the Navy is reported, to have snickered and the. Coast Guard actually sank the transport by gunfire. . Top picture shows Bomber Charles F. Clemens at the sights ready to drop 100 pounds of destruction on the Mt. Shasta. Center picture shows a bomb as It fell toward its mark far below. Bottom photo depicts the same bomb falling wide of its mark. The aerial attack took place - eff the Virgfhia Capes. PUDELPi B IS Oregon is a great state. Greater still when one. born here, has been away, and comes back home Jor a visit. This' Is the .view -jf Ernest A. Richter, news, editor on before that time in Philadelphia, Pa. His wife and family are there now and will probably not remove to Oregon until after the holidays. D. D. Chaffer, manager of the Tacoma, Wash.. . Metropolitan store and supervisor of the stores in Longview, and Vancouver, Waslu. and in Salem,-- was here yesterday with Mr. Brambaaga to help him get started with his new work. O Business AMUSEMENTS Salem Ootf Our X tnflea south on River Drive. 14 bole watered fair war, largo green a Fee T6c Sunday ind holiday. $1.04. BATTERY ELECTRICIAN x rk Rirtm Ratturtoa Starter and generator work. Texaco station, . cor ner Court and cnurcn. BICYCLE REPAIRING LLOTTJ XL RAMSDEN Colombia Bicycles and repairing.. SIT Court. Th best tn bicycles ani repatrtng. U. V. BOOW.11I - tn. tin. BUILDING SUPPLIES P.nl Rnnrbic Cm wivwl. shrnaMes. tsr, gravel. Work guaranteed. Prices riht. 101S Trd. ' CHIilNEY SWEEP Telephon 4(S. R. B. Noethne CHIROPRACTORS Dr. aUbart. - Or. Bldg. TL (4 S3. Dr. a L SCOTT, PSC. Chiropractor. 254 N. High. TeL Rea 4573. DRS. SCOFT LD, Palsir Chiroprac tor. X-ray and N. C at New - Bank BMt. - CLEANING SERVICE Center St. Vleer1. Tet ( ELECTRICIANS HA UK ELECTRIC CO. New loca Uon. 337 Court 8C TL 4044. E. U- Welch elcrr1e hop.. Wiring, future and supplies. Get our price 1(14 8. Com'L TeL 3333. FLORISTS FLOWERS FOR ALX - occasions Oisoa s, Court and lilgn SL TeL 7144. ALL kind of floral work. Lots Flor ist. If tn A Market. TeL . Si3. CTJT Flowers, wedding bouquets funeral wraatba, decoration . C F. Brelthaapt. florist, , ill Bute 8tret. TeL 44. - - ' ' HEMSTITCHING NEEDLE WORK. IsrgartS , CThop. 41 S Cwirt GARBAGE Pslem venyer. Tet 43 or TW. INSURANCE BECKH A HKKDRICKS IIS N High TeL 4441 WILLAMETTE INS. AGENCT Wm, Bltven, sr.; ' Kxcluslv Buttsvtll Agent 114 Misftntc Bide TeL T(4 LAUNDRIES THE NEW ffXLEM LALTNDRT THE WElDEa LAUNDRT lit B. jls TeL lli CAPITAL CITT LAUNDRT "W Wash ETrrythiKg In Lor" Telephone 314 J . 12S4 Broadway EDITOR VISITOR 1 ! - I - -T" v -si itr rtn i The Philadelphia Inquirer who was In Salem .over the weekend for a visit with his sister, Mrs. K. B. Gabriel. Richter is a Univer sity of Oregon man, served sn ap- , prenticeship on the Morning Reg- ister at Eugene and then went east after additional work on San Francisco newspaeprs. - : Now in Philadelphia is head of the copy desk and is responsible for. page one makeup on the pa per. The Inquirer has a dally cir culation of more than 400.009 copies. It is one of the Curtis Martin newspaper properties. Bunny Brief, former American; association outfielder, is manag ing a popular Independent ' nine at Traverse City, Mich., f esort town. Indiana's new state boxing commission plans elimination tourneys to determine state champioas in the various classes. . O Directory MATTRESSES Uattraase frera Cactory to bomo. Ask about oar wool mattresses Renovat er and funttgator. Capital City Bed rtT Co Tel ( 30S North Ca MUSIC STORES GEO. C WILL Pianos, Phono graph, sewing machines, sheet maic. and piano studies. Repairing phono, graphs and sewing machlaea . 433 Ftntn Ptreet. Slem. PLUMBING and HEATING PL PMBrHQ and general reoalr work. Grabor Bros, 144 So. Liberty. Tel 4S4. PAPER HANGING Paoer hanrtna and oatntlne Neo- man's Paint Stor. 1S3 N. Com'L PHONE GLENN ADAMS for house dectoratlng. paper hanging, tinting, etc ReHsWe workman. PRINTING FOR STATIONER T, cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind of firtntlng, call Th Statesman Print ng Department. SIS 8. CcmmerciaL TelephTwis lt. RADIO FOR every purpose, for every tot All standard stse of Radio Tubes. EOF7- ELECTRICAL SHOP. 847 Court St. TeL 4114. ' For guaranteed radio repairing, pbon er call st SALEM RADIO SERVICE Tel. 4M R4 Ferrv Pt STOVES STOV1C3 and stove repairing. Stove for sale, rebuilt and repaired. All kind of woven wtr fence, fancy and plain, hop baskets, hooks, logan hooks Salem Fence and Stov Works. 14?. Chemeketa. Tel 4TT4. R R F)en TAILORS IX H. MOTHER Taflor for men and women. 474 CfHirt St. TRANSFER CAPITAL CITT Transfer Ce. tt State St. TeL 7773. Distiiboting. foe warding and atorr aur arw.if. Get our rates. FOR local or distant transfer stor age, call 3111. Lanner Transfer CO Truck to Portland daily. ' O Q Real Estate Directory BECK- HENDRICKS MS N. Hlrt T.l TeL 4f . a M. EARLE 334 N. High St. TeL (7 J. LINCOLN ELLIS 443 Stat TeL 3(7l SOCOLOrSKT 4t SON 304-4 First Nat B. Bldg. TeL Il(. J. P. TJLRJCH 334 Stat Street TeL (47f F. U WOOD 441 State St. TeL Til HOMER Q. FOSTER REAI.TT Ct 3744 Stat St. ' TeL TSf i , Z It . W U. GRABENHORST dCO. 134 8. Liberty St. TeL 44