Hit 05CCQK STATESMAN. Baleau Oregon, Sundaj Moraine:. August 25. 193f PAGG TlFTZZll v.- '? Statesman Classified Ads Call ' Classified Advertising Single insertion per Ua.l. Three Insertions per line- ..tft Six Insertions per Une..30e Oh month per Una.. 1 1. Of UUInaa charge e Copy for Vb.1" paga o eepted. nntil :J8 the even lng before publication tor classification. Copy re ceived after tbis time will be ran ander tbe beading Too Late to Classify. The Statesman assumes HELP WANTED MALE drsgitirs May. cmp. Start Monday. aassasaaaeaaasaaaaei a a w w - at - v a stsaA A lHa YT Steady work. PCWTOFFICE CLERKS MAIL. CARRIERS. Comraos educa tion sufficient. Paid vacation. 25 couched HIKE. Write today sure for tunparticwtarn Boa S. Statesman. CHANCK OF LIFETIME ' Reliable ambitious maw to estab lish local business. We flnano. you. ICipertence unnweimiT. ."W, wVr" Sit. day. Full or part time. reRST THOMAS. 4Z ThlTd BU W. A-40. Oakland. Calif. HELP WANTED FEMALE iUiJLni ii-n-ii --'' m WANTED-i-Girl ta do general work In a modern honia tor a young cousie rHh baby. 1 Pr ith room and board. Sundays oft. l$$4 N. ltb tree. Pnone 573. - . . . La4v aa territory aaner. tor wholesale house, good I W- U in quired for supplies. Write box TU fit ate-man. SALESMEN WANTED Uju i im.nrr in - - -- "--''" Christmas Card Salespeople Beau tlful 34 card assortment. Sells for $L Voir- profit 0c bo. Araaaln money vn&ker Sample box aent o approval. Oraft EraVln. 78-Sri Ave, Saa chln. Saves electricity. Abolij k'nka. anarla. Approved by Good . tkeeplng For telephone!, also. 0 profit. Sample furnished. Nav- vrKnat. taw mfcnw, viun rp . . HKAT BOILS -WATER INSTANTLY. Mak. 1$ dally. Pocket-alie. Minute demonatra tiVtk. Paya to 15. No lavement. yr offer L'ikco. Klkhart. Ind. FOR SALE Miscellaneous - n n . . v . .i..riin. MillAVft. Banc era Statesman Pubtlabinc Co. juxn.n-'U'-n-iirii- T ' FOR SALIC Old patera. 1C a bun dle. Stateaman of t tca. . Typewriters, all makea. tiew and B-ed. Adder, and typewrltera for rent. Typewriter Eaeoanca, il Court Bt. cnn a 4 1 I' U.n'i StilSS 110.09. Greeabauma, zv i- -omt. you BALE Quiltlnc cbalUa yd. Oreeobaum'a, N. C1?,!.' 10c WMWW"' - " " ' ' Cannlna peara Rt. L bas ill. Near TTaHaca road. TaL HH urht. natiued vlnecar for plck- Un. Keepa picklea crUp. . Gravanateln applea. 2S Pv x Ad up. Freah appla cliinr daily. PURITAN CIDER WORKS WKST SJlUEM. Improved Klbarua ready Auut 1. L. Towasend orchard. FOR - BALES Iron bed. aprin and aaattreaa. che.n. ml 8. Liberty St. Data prunes for canning. -A. Stet- lar. aiai lit. me ior wmim. w - -..'...' . i i ' '' Ant cafo open day aad nlcbt. ! a. CammerdaL - FumKura and ued rangea, $i and tra. Orason Trading Poat, 112 N. VMMwVWwwWw wsi w w - - A" iVl erv PW1Y tJia Jmrns tuth of ; Salem. X ml t Rosedale, old Jim Mc3Uchrl.t yaara old. mllka 4M, SUona, teata .. Inorlre Lincam etore. J. R- Altred. WANTED MisceIlaneou3 lum-n.nriri-iri- - in cttanca on radios, phonograph a. or tur- itura. ta. nun " " - ' xoiww. . . in- "I '' WANTED Will Py c a pound for GOOD CLEAN COTTON rasa. Must ba ploce; at least a squara yard, fctateaman office. i- im iiva ahara axpensea with mhi drlrtn ta Los Angeles MISCELLANEOUS jjsJhMMfai' Hn cleanlna. repairinc. V? presses t )C u. af ' Itol We buy poultry BBiem -t Farmer's Market. tieneral wnant wav aid aralka. a irni ntTXT ROOMS r v ' annr ii'ir ----- 11 11 rOOM for rent whh caraca use, issi N. Sununer. Tat wmswuasivavB . lHJ-i n n ir " " - - - - - - - w- . - ita ar two TOamrrn an - riiS. heml Excellent weala. health ROOM and BOARD ' Fleaaant rooma and board r,r unlvarslty and caHtoT Wd Re onable ratea 1144 Center bt. ts. Room and board near university andcapltol Wda. Pln ?Tth Zod board. Reasonable. 11 N. ltb 8L TaL sssi. POLLY AND HER PALS I . -Brass Buttons" f if ! 4,r 1 I' S SPS ' ID OU SHOULD VwORRViTVIAr AIN'T i MVKwt J sl IF A COP RXLER5 J Th' POiT; V Tv it -w ' ?Jr tP rf ' VE VOJ KhJOW jjL SUSIE r 9101 co j financial responsibility Cor 1 errors which . may ap pear in adrertlsemeata pub lished la its columns, and In cases where this paper is ar fault will reprint that part of aa advertisement In which . tbe- typographical mistake occars. The 'Statesman reserres the right to reject objec tions.! advertising. Ii fur ther 1 reserves the right to ciassifr all advertising un der the proper classifica tion.! t ROOM and BOARD Accomodation for -axed or - mentally infirm or motharleaa family, efficient arrvtcea. nuooabi charsea. 7 IS N. Irni Vront rwvni with mnnlnr water, board, reasonable rat. CIS Marlon. FOR RENT Apartments --"-------i- iri-iwiwwin nnm Patton apartments with private bath, nicely furniabed. Located ia tMtalaaaa district. Call Pattoa'a Book Storm. ! -i"i"i-i-t-i-g-if-ifVM"wnnrKi Furnished I and S room Acts. Rea sonable, i zt S. Cottaca. New nicely furnished, anartment- S4& & Winter. TeL tS2S. i wws m0m0k00000 Ssswl a-as 4ea- e.akId.A. apts., Court Apta. Tel. T444. STARATTON APT3 2 and S rm apta, elec. range aad refrlc Strictly modern. 70 N. Winter. t -" i I-.- ii-ryirwi inn.rtn vlrcioia Aota. rurnlahed and tin. furn. 2-roonv modern with bedrooms. Hardwood rioors, Bic. store, electro koid. beat and water. Reasonable rates, courteous service. Phone 2S12. Apt. for rent 1144 Chemeketa. Very attractive 2 room moA-rn Ant. Reasooabls. lit Center. TeL 0294, WSli furnished rooms ud mntn. for rent at 2201 Hazel Ave. TeL 7l. - - - - -- -- -- - -i-1-, -ii-i-h-.-iciri'i nji.n $ and 4 room homelike apts.. close In. Private bath. Garage. i 1017 S. Com L Tel. S4S. f n - ----.-.--ll-L-- ,- r, -u-u-uiu I room fumlsheAl innrfmi-ntt 140 Union atrfet. 1S and $1C.(9, furnace heat ahd water fumlshd. MATVVOOO INVESTMENT CO. ) Phone 651 Newly done. I room, first floor. furniiihed apt. Quiet elderly woman, man .or couple wanted. (Si N. 17th. " "r "i!-"!-!!- -ii"n"'.Mir-ii'ijij'xrifl Nice furnished Apt. 190 f Union. FOR RENT 5 room mod. houae. well furrtUhed. It75 Market St.. TeL 7IJ1. Nicely furni&Iied cool 2 room apart ment: everything- furnished but g-aa. Private shower. Outaida entrance. 310 Ufviaion.' FOR RENT Cosv anartment In private borne. Hot water, heat. Near FOR RENT HOUSES --- - -i- -i-.-ii-ir--i-.-M-ionfVui.rur-n FOR RKNT Flata fdrv adults. S to t rooma $30 to $40, Also bmises, etc. . BHLaS m IIE.NUK1CKS l North High Siree Clean houses. Owner 385' Columbia. Iiii.- ji ri n i n r'i i' n i. Modern eight room bouse: well-lo cated: garsge; two bathrooms. C A. or ague. tl0 Court st or a R Prtca. i i ----- - -- -i-.-.-.-ii i-r-g-irii-irirvnLrLr R. house by owner. TeL $503. T-roont fine bouse . eloee in. Frank Davey. $50 N. Liberty. Tel. 0444. Modern, well furnished 0 room house. 2 blocks from Capitol arounds. 44 14. winter. TeL itii. $ rm. full basement and furnace. newly decorated throughout. $20. in cluding garage. $43 Columbia St. FOR RENT Houses $10 to $30. large list. Hee . - -rr BBLUTia. or THOMAS Wi $41 State St. Room 4 Cectaare on creek bank. flret!ace. Mmmcnt. Ideal ror two. Tel. S7TI. mmlaHM jmm M MAM hiinnlnw modern, i dose in. SIT Knapp,. phone . . . ; New modern $ room house. flre- Hace. s batn rooms, oouole garage. rii N. Mummer. TeL szei 7 rooms, bath, $71 S. CommerclaL $13.00. . w s waai iirmvr w slab assnvw. wm aaaiv nssvs woodahad. 127$ South l?th street, $10 a month. S room house, two baths, . furnace. douMe garage. 4lf.ee a montn. XATwOOO INVESTMENT CO.. i Phone (il Four furnished rooma first floor of our home. Hot water, heat, modern. Mra wait. s ri. capitol Bt- 6-room bousw. 1174 Marion St. FOR RENT FOR RENT Improved five acres. t miles east. TeL $&$$ or I$I0 N; Cot- tags. RKNT ClMA tn wifurnlsnad aruirt- ment wtth range- $13. Five room fur nished house $20. 4 room unfurnished. $24. $ rosea new $15. 4 room 'flat lunriaiked $iT.e. i F. L. WOOD 341 State WANTED TO RENT - Wanted- to rent a modern home with three bed rooma Caa give best or. reference, ueo RRCHTEL or THOMASON 811 Stato fit. Room 4 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR 8ALK OR "TRADE BT OWNKR Clear Idaho oronertr worth 112.000. Town house and farm. Want valley property that I can use. Address, 433 K. iiiga bL, aaiem, Oregon.. FOR SALE Real Estait ' OeauUrul site for taodern boine, 12SKI1S feet, craer Winter and Oa ford street a. covered wtth lar a cher ry, pear and appls trees, fine view. Ne ether bu (Mines caa ever obstruet view. No bill to chsab to get to It. Call at 7 (t- Rural or phone S si 4. " .,. WORKING MAN'S CHANCH Immediate poaaesslea of a a room plastered house with baseman t. on choice corner tot S4k142 ft, garaga. Prtr $1.4 OS. cash 15, baL 1 per month and latereat. 1 acre tract with room bouse, good well, good location 1 Vfc miles out on good road, electric light, telephone and mall service a rails hi e. Price casb $t&. baL $10 per month aad iaterest. LKO N. CirXLDS CO,- Realtors 320 Stats St. Phone 70 Best buy in city, S-room asm -modem home, basement, fireplace, lot ISOxljt. garage, garden, nice shaded lawn, large shade, fruit aad nut trees, shrubbery aad flowers, nice view, pav ed street, corner Winter and RuraL Bargain . price, terma. TS , Rural, phono 854. . ' . KXTRA SPECIAL . . S3.S0 HOUSE FOR $t,SS $100 down. $2S per nontn plus In terest will buy a neat 6 room bunga low with beautifully finished floors and decorated villi Several fruit trees. conomical noma for a owner or s good investment as rental prop erty. May have immediate poaeessloa. SEK Mrs. Bills with LKO N. CHILOS CO, Realtors $20 State Street Phone 70t For Sale or Trade for car, lot - ia east Ralem. Box S3, Statesman. For Hate or Rent modern T room house. Close In. TeL- $14 . KXTRA SPECIALS HOMK BAROAIN9 ' " $100 Down, price $3,450. modern 4 R. almost new house, good corner lot. both streets paved. A bar . gain. $250 Down, baL $tl per month, good s rm. bouse, newly lurnlshed in side and out.-good lot 73x120,' paved street, good location, price only 41.5SO. $500 Down, balance $27.40 per month. H acre sou wun lw Large bear ing R. A. cherries. - 2 walnuts, flowers aad shrubbery, 4 rm. modern bouse, basement. fur nace, bath, toilet, electric Water system, Joins Salem, on bus line. Price reduced to $4, $50, cut 12, 000 aad what a buy. SEARS A TUCKER. Realtors 132 S. High House bargains. Small house, lights and water, comer lot, $350. Two room house $S00. Ten room house, double phimMnc. Four room nouse, fireplace and furnnce. paved street, you'll like thK 22.00. worth $3,000. Seven room strictly modern wort a j.ovv and $00 will buy U. r . L. WOO LI :il State St. KAIRMOUNT HILI HOME One of the beat locations on the hill for sale at great sacrifice. 6 large cheerful rooms, witn basement, rur nace and fireplace, beautiful oak trees, large lot. Can be sold furnished for few days for only $4,200. rmall down payment will handle dl. The furnishings tnclule large upholstered davenport and chair, walnut dining set, electric range, waimit bed and vanity, one Srmmoos bed and dres ser, rugs and other furnishings for a fine home. SEK IT TODAY. It s $1,500 tinder value. SEK Mrs. E1H with LEO N. CHILDS CO, Realtors 30 State Street Phone S70S BELIEA'K IT OR NOT Tou can not duplicate these bar gains any where in the valley for the money. 14 S A. fine rarm an stocked and equipped, 2 sets of bldga.. for $4$ per acre. It you are from Missouri, we win snow you tne rarm. Down, balance $20 month, com pletely . furnished, has 6 rtna, bath. not far on state bt. iTlce Buyer assume $100 street assessment. Why pay rent? Either place snown or appointment only. Phone 4C3 or see Hr.CHTr.Li or IHUMASUN $41 State St. Room 4 Home at n eo. uobtl -y-ii -,-i-.-i-i-.-.-.-B-ir--r-ir'-Mi.-vwrnooi-Mi $1,000 cash buys good small confec tionery, luncn room. living Quarters. It A. 14 tmder cuIUvatton, 4 A, orchard, -timber, running water. Hay In barn. Implements, stock go -with place at $4,400. WU1 consider trade tor small bouse In north Halesn. 100 A Polk Cow 144 under cultiva tion, good timber, pasture, run ning water, buildings. $50 an acre. Trade ror acreage or house to .town. 1 New house. 4 rooms and bath, plas tered, basement. North Salem $2,700. T Room plastered bouse, east front, paved street. $2,000, Take tn car as first payment. Room fully modern bouse in north Salem. Oood location. rioee to scnoois. - i.tv. , RENTALS-TRADES-INSURANCE J. F. ULRICH CO, Phone $473 32$ State St EXCHANGE Ileal Estate Ws bare soma excellent trades for your property. Clear stuff in California, eastern Oregon with some cash. Moving- time is not far off. Why not plan to make the change now and get what you are, looking for. Bee us if you have sometlring; te trader sell. or wian to ouy. SHIELDS A BLAKE Oregon Bldg. - Tel. $902 Trade. Two good houses wall locat ed for large close-in house or apart' ment house. Seven room bouse with basement and furnace, for smaller house or acreage. Close in residence or business lot - with largo abade trees, for house equity or acreage. Cloes-ln tract suitable for park or camp alts for stock mdaa, or what have yon. Dairy ranch on the coast for bouse. $4 acres good land. $1,344, take truck or livestock. 40 acre farm with stock for small tract. 4 acre good Improve ments for house. $10,04 to loan on farms. . . F. L WOOD . 341 State St. FOR EXCHANGE (0 acre timber tract $tt miles out on paved highway, mostly tn choice first and second growth limber, 1 room cabin. Price $2,764. WU1 take Salem home. Ford truck to exchang for vacant lot. 320 seres near Bend, Oregon, value $LC00. Will give some difference for Salem home. LKO N. CHILDS CO Realtors 324 State Street Phone 474$ EXCHANGE Real Estate Will trade eouity In rood 4 K. bun- alow f o relectrtc washer or radio. J&y owner, vrnio sm T. 200 ACRJB stock ranch - near BrownsvtHo. apringa.' running water, 4 room house, bam and other out buildings.' - iaaprovementa fair, some fruit and timber. WrH trade for Sa lens residence or Income property. Pboao 4043. . ACREAGE WANT 8ALKM PROPERTY Good 45 acre highway (arm. good btdge, fruit, 40 A. in curt, timber. $$.004 clear for residence. IS A grape vtoeyard in Calif, good bldga also 4S A farm land. Ail $4,000 clear for valley farm. 40 A river bot tom garden land near Salem, for sals or lease. PBRRINE 4V- MARSTRR9 "" - 3 14 Justice Court Bldg. . 4 R. bouse, aad garage with one third acre on paved street. $1504 aad very easy terms. Will take lot - for equity. 5 A. on paved blghwsy, nesr good school. 4 St. howssv electricity, barn, ehlcken ' bouse, 3 A. strawberries. Price $17S0. This Is aa exceptionally good buy. WIN ME PETTTJOHN. Realtor 17S 8. High St. A beautiful 15 acres, all ta frolt. clear, also five room house, clear, wilt trade for GOOD farm and assume or pay difference. McQILCHRIST St PENNINGTON 30 U. & Bank . FARM BARQAINS 314 acres, mostly pasture and tim ber, $04 A, under woven land Irrigat ed by small river. Price reduced, to $2,500, give good terma 13 acres good soil, $ A Umber, running water, on " one of our best paved roads. 30 mln. ride from Salem, price reduced to $1,250. 14 acres ail ia cultivation, U mile city limits, paved road, only 1 1,100, give terma - SEARS A TUCKER, Realtors 133 8. -High St. SUBURBAN HOMES $ Acres . dandy home with ' modern conveniences, 2Vk A large bearing filberts, loaded with nuta Family orchard, 2 H miles of Salem, good location : trade for 1 te 3 acres or good house In Salem. S Acres, good bungalow, 4-yr old electric light and water system. food bam, close to Salem: price 2,450. $500 down payment or trade for good house In Salem. SEARS A TUCKKR, Realtors 133 a High St. 3V4 A. 4 rni. north of Salem, new plastered house, . Data, lights, automatic water system, double garage, chicken house, $2,740. Terma -I A. 3 ml north on highway. 1 . A mixed orchard, 7 room bouse, basement, f Mraace, fireplace, barn, garage, , chicken bouse, priced at less than cost of im provements. :9Vfc A 5 mi. a R. of Woodburn, 27 cultivated, Zft timber, , oaric loam soli, S A. strawberries, 4 A logans, 4 room house, fireplace, electric Iteata, barn 30xC. ga rage, chicken house, $5,600, $1( down. 117 A. H mL Buena Vista. 117 cul tivated, balance pasture and timber, 2 A peaches, - family orchard. $ roomed house, bath, overflowing well, I barns, t chicken houses, granary, ma chine shed, excellent sod. $5 per sere. MKLVIN JOHNSON 32 7J. S. Xat'l Bank Bldg. TeL 4794 Business Opportunities LUNCH ROOM ft CONFECTIONERY Fine location, fountain, oak wall case and mirror, frlgldalre, gaa plate. range, stearacooaer, casn register, show-cases, tables and stools.- stock, price cut to $1,204 for quick' sale. terms on part. 147 N. Cora l Phone 34 FOR SALE Restaurant. Shoe sltop. Second Hand store. Furniture store. Grocery stock. Gas station, prune crop to harvest on sharea F. Ll wood 311 State St. MONEY TO LOAN LO ANS TO S ALARIED rEOPLK un piam note, enoorsea notes, furniture and pianos. Quick ser vicefair treatment. Easy re payment plan. All transactions strictly ronfldentlaL - STATE LOAN COMPANY IIS Ore. Bldg. . 2nd floor Office hra 14:40 a, m. to 0:34 p. m. Teleplione 7743 Licensed by State I i i ITni il Ll"Uljln MONEY LOANED ON AUTOS contracts Rcnnsnced Arrsnce to reduce your paymeata Yon keep the car. P. A FIXER Cor. Liberty St. and ferry Phone 473 - Salem, Ore; CITY AND FARM loans at lowest rates. Best terms obtainable. Our Insurance department off era yott ex pert novice ana service tn ail lines. HAWKINS 4 ROBERTS Onc TsL 4144 344 Oregon Bids. 'Bells of Harmony Heard over COIN dally rtng out a loan osrvtos that te really. roaily. tUfferent. NO DHTTJCTTO?JS NO FEBS NO OTHER CHARGES ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE . ON LOANS $10 t $30 Beneficial Loan Society OF OREGON Room 11 New BligTb BtfSL Ind Floor 115 State Bt. Tel. 1-7-4-0. LICENSED BT STATE PERSONAL La-IAMS MADS on rnrnlture. cars, salaries or other good security. Repayable monthly, when In financial need see us oerore closing a loan. GENERAL INVKSTMSNT CORPORATION Elrvf Naffonal Rank BldK. Phone f5S$ LOANS WANTED WANTED Private money to loan on real estate. W. H. CRABENHOR3T CO. REALTORS l$l & Lfberty fit. TsL $44$. FOR SALE WOOD 14 m. LA ROB 8KCONTX O SO WTH RIR $4.44 . (.toll cord. 4 cords $24. 4 ft-$$ cord. 4 oorte $13.54. TeL, $$4T, GUARANTEED DRT Wood osi. TsL $444 Salesa Feel Ce. 752 Trade, $svsssssksaMssabisssa BEST WOOD FOR TIIX MONET at Tracyn Feel Tard. TaL 3$ 44. Wood of alt kinds. HFS. - ALL KINDS, any length. Call 3T34. DRT FIR AND -OAK WOOD, eel and tool oils CaM on as for prices. We give good measure, good quality, and good service. . LARlLER TRANSFER STORAGE Tekmhone 3131 For. yeur -winter -prices. dwi TtTT. wood at summer WOOD SAWING FOR better w4d sawing. Ph. SB83. LOST and FOUND LOST Ladies handba4C-- tan wtth mixed colors, fabric, moire lined, sholl clasp. Contained nose glasses, toilet articles and personal memo. Reward. Call C R Smith, 4523 - LOST Dark rimmed - classes . tn light ease at-Ollnger field. Leave at star Will arty who nicked uo automo bile carburetor near 32nd and Trade streets return same to Newell . 'Wil liams 234 a 24th -street. Phone 4714 for reward. FOR SALE USED CARS Model Sale Valley Motor Co. till Standard Coupe 1421 Standard .Coupe 124 Standard Coupe 130 Roadster l2f Business Coupe 124 Standard Coupe i I IIS Jsport Coupe-. 192$ Business Coupe If il Business Coupe ,. 124 Tudor Sedsn 12 Tudor Sedan .$385 12 Roadsters, from $40 to $7$ Kveryone of the above cars hare had a complete re-service and carry our service guarantee.. Trucks 11 A Panel Delivery 12 A A Cab. A Body. 131" -$3$4 .$$75 $150 .$345 JlOO heel base 128 A A Chassis, long wheel base , i. 127 Chevrolet 2 Chevrolet .... VALLEY MOTOR CO. .We give terms and take trade. Lots of other good buys to pick iron. Salem Used Car Center CONSOLIDATED By Viney- Motor Co.. O. J. Wilson 127 Bulck Coach $324' 1930 Bulck Sedan 115 12 Hoick Sport Coupe 55 192S Bulck Master Sport Coupe 45 192S Bulck Htandard Sedan 650 1937 Buick Touring- j 300 1924 Bulck Coach, overhauled 35 1925 Hulck Sedan 194 1924 Bulck Touring 45 1929 Chevrolet Coupe, over hauled 3 5S 145 235 75 155 354 295 $15 . 4C 452 415 450 385 75 325 6i 45 75 &5 35 42 $7.60 44 12 Chevrolet Sedan 1917 Dodire Roadster 124 Dot! ire Touring. 33 platen. 1924 Dodge Coupe : . 192 Essex 8 port Roadster . 12$ Eaiex Coach 1: Essex Sport Coupe , 1: Esaex Coach ,. 1434 Kord Coupe . 1934 Ford -Roadatea 1931 Ford. Victoria 6-P Coupe jis trora eoaa ,.. 192T Ford Touring wtth license 1924 Ford Tudor Jl. 1924 Ford. Roadster with license 1915 Ford comcb - 192 Ford Coupe. '3$ plates 1926 Ford Pickup , 123 Ford Pickup, '33 plates 124 Ford Sedan , 1924 Ford Couoe 1924 Hupmobtle - Sedan l2i Maxwell . Sedan. '31 platen. 13 Chrysler 4 Sedan - -146 1Z9 Nash Standard Sedan 4S5 1924 Reo 4 Sedan - ,. 175 115 Star 4 Sedan 44 13 Ktude baker Sedan. . $5 192Studebaker Sedan . 75 1: Willys-Knight 74A Sedan- $25 192 Whippet 4 Sport Coupe. 444 12$ Whippet Coach ,. , 145 Trucks i2T!!!evroiet" 192 Chevrolet . 146 12 Ford . 3T6 . ST6 12S Ford tone wheel base . 12$ Chevrolet Panel Delivery. 12 Ford Panel 30 $35 Salem Used Car Center Marion Liberty Open, tvenings and Sundays Phone 71. - Good.WH! Used Cars SOLD WITH A OTJARANTT 199 PontUe Sedan, wire wnee .44T6 .$36 .426 .3544 .$32$ .$345 .4245 .$33$ 12 PontlaO Coupo 192T Pontlac Sedan . 1924 Bulck Coupe 12T Oakland Sedan 12 Chevrolet Coach , , 127 Star 4 Coupe - 12$ Kssex Sedan A few, others to choose from. Wood -Wheaton Motor Company Oakland Phone 95$$ - Pontlao - USEO CAR DRPARTSCENT 619 -Chemeketa Street. wMawweawMwn Stop, Look and Listen! We are offering ona of the best as sortments of used ears to select from ever experienced, ta Salem before. The prices are right and the cars are ab solutely reconditioned. 13 Model Dodge "4" (Just a few miles) ; f7rs 193 Cbev. Sedan C$1 t- , , 46 134 Cbev. Coupe '$1 lie.) -, " 416 13 Ford Coupe (31 lie.) 4T6 iaa j-vh g'tt 1 l tc Wo have Just a dandy Chrysler coupe with 'Jl license, only $2TC McKay Che v. Co. "Where you get the big dollar's worth" 83$ Center Terms-Trade T SPEED PILOTS TUNE CRAFT FOR CLASSIC O . ' -7 ; ' O . . f . J -...?.?..x'! s ...-v----..Vi.- 1 i mnw- ? - - -.- -. -s;- sv.: ---r ?,--x i .-.-"-s'-. . -:. -. s - .."---. n .; v'cli'.W' - j ';'-'-:5-!'iS!iiii:.H6J,f ' - -a ' . . ; . . - . - . -jl ...-;., ..w ' - ' . . . ...; . . .... : -:r - -.. , -.1'M'?ll"liaWt- :-:Vj;V: : . " v, v - ' -.' ' . ' I OCOTIY ' s r.:;, Z . j ;r"'."".-t " i 1 .J, ::&;Y ;v... . ir- ';lgaiiife; ..' ..... i---WrS3 The Bis; Guns of motorboaiing. Gold Cap drivers, are busily tuning: up their fleet rraft for the blue ribbon competition of racinr. which win be held at MonUulc Point, I L Auf. 115. This speedy classic 'is strictly a. race far the wealthy The Gold Cup beats, limited to 625 cubic Inches piston displacement.' cost from $20,000 np. Mostly up. Yes, it for the 'wealthy. Upper right WHERE . f 1 t it Kreck of the Cincinnati-Atlanta air liner, ta which f three motors with which the ship was equipped cast four passengers and two airmen crashed to death I a propellor and the ensuing vibration shook thi on the Little Miami River shortly after taking off I motor from its mounting, wrecking the plane. Ai trorn the Luntea Airport, Cincinnati. Oaa af the I ' though the pilot made a brave effort he lost to dean FOR SALE USED CARS Guaranteed as Represented 24 FRANKLIN- SED.VV. Run less tln 34,004.1. '$ HUDSON 4 8TD. SEDAN. Finish teal demand out like new. $4 days service. $ DeSOTO SEDAN. Karl - Keen trunk. 4 new tires, finish gnod. 30 ESSEX BUSINESS COUPE. Run leas than l,4v0 xnllee and - looks like new. . - STUDKBAXER COMMANDER SEDAN, new tires, paint and up holstery nerfect. i'St 'IT CHHYSLKR FINER TO SEDAN. can be bad. ror mucn less tnaa tt Is wo r tit 'St 2nd SERIES KSSEX SEDAN. Motor rebuilt : T6 per cent tires, trunk and lots of extras. . '24 HUDSON ' BROUGHAM. Over hauled as needed. New 6-pIy Fire Stone tires, trunk 'and many other '2$ STUDKBAKER SPEC 4 SEDAN. Many miles of transportation for a small amount of money. '14 NASH SPECIAL COUPE. A ood looking ana sernceaoie car lor half its worth. - 'IT KSSEX 'COACH Sad SERIES. Overhauled from stem to stern. - An extra good one, 24 ESSEX COACH. 25 FORD EEDAN.. 2 FORD COUPE. 21 ESSEX COACH DT3L .Free wheeling-. Will give big discount on tola one.-' STATE MOTORS, INC. $25 Chemeketa. Open evenings Ford T model truck, will trade for wood or wbeat. Oregon Trading Post. 333 24, Coral. 127 Ford touring. Good condition. $45. Tel. 4724. Changes Delay Akron's Flight AKRON. Oblo. Ans- 22 CAP) Delay (of several dsys of tbe first flight of tbe navy's new dir igible Akron was announced to night by the Goodyear-Zeppelln Corp.. becanse of need for minor changes to give greater "localized strength. By CLIFF STERRETT tbe spectacular Is Victor Kliesrath, who. in HoLsy-Totsy, will defend the Gold Cup for SIX DIED IN LINER I Business AMUSEMENTS Salem Oelf Course t miles south i River Drive, 14 hole watered fair ways, large green a Fees 1 5c Sundays sad nouaays. !.?. BATTERY . ELECTRICIAN R ft Barton Batteries Starter and generator work. Teraco station, cor ner court sna waurcn. BICYCLE REPAIRING LLOTD K. RAM SO EN Columbia Bicycles end repairing. $$T Court. The best tn bicycles an repairing. H. W. BCOtt. 147 tt. COtTJ U ItU !. BUILDING SUPPLIES Royat Roofhig Co, wood, shingles. tar. gravel, work guaranteed. Prices rlsrht. 142 Trade. CHIMNEY SWEEP Te?eTone 4454. R. g. yorthnesa CnmOPRACTORS Dr. GUlberV Ore, Bids. Tel. $453. r Dr. O. L. SCOTT. PSC Chiropractor. 254 N. High. -TeL Bea.'$5t2. DRS. SCOFIKLD. Palmer CUroprac tora. X-ray and N C aL Kw Bank B!d. " CLEANING SERVICE Center Bt. Vwlete-la. Tef SS31 ELECTRICIANS HALIK ELECTRIC CO. New loca tion. $ ST Court St. TeL 4054. E. L. Welch electric shop. Wiring, fixtures and "supplies. Get. our " prices. 1 M 5 R Co-n'L Tet S '-1 FLORISTS FLOWERS - FOR ALL occasions Olson's, Court and High St. TeL Iia ALL kinds of floral work. Lots Flor ist. 14tb A.alarket. TeL i CUT Flowers, wedding bouquets funeral wreaths, decorations. C F. Bretthsapt. florist. 412 Stats Street. Tel. 564. HEMSTITCHING NEEDLEWORK. 415 CVv.:rt sfargareta Sbop, GARBAGE- Sslem Scavenger. Tel ie or T4"S. INSURANCE BECKS a. 14$ N. High HENDRICKS Tea, 494T WTLL-KMETTE INS. AOENCT Wra. Bilven. Sfgr. Exclcsivw ButtevCIe Arent 14 Mtnf Bld. Tel, T4 LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAU.VDRT THE WE1DER LAUNDRT (S3 a High TeL 4124 capital crrr lacndrt "We Wash ETerytbtng In . Lur" Telsphone $145 t 164 BroaiSway - .'M:' ' .vV J""- , ' J$ ki- - the Montana- Yacht Club. How ever, hell be opposed by craft which will give him a great run for the trophy. Numbered among these are Louisa. Scotty, which has been entirely revamped and is considered a real contender, and Calif ornian, which hit 63 ssiles per hour in but yesr 's race before trouble developed. CRASH I -O Directory i o MATTRESSES aCattrosses from factory to home. Ask about our wool snattresaea Renovst- ers and fumigatora. Capital City Bed- an l v -rei. oii iNorrn fao. MUStC STORES GEO. C ! WILL Pianos, Phono graphs, sowing machines, sheet musta. ana piano stuaiea. ttepainng ptione graohs and; sewing marhlnea 421 fHfe RteeetJ Salem. PLUMBING and BEATING ' PLCM3INC1 aai general repair work. Grader Bros. 1(4 So. Liberty. Tel 454 PAPER HANGING Paper hangfng and pa'ntlng. Nt man's Paint i Store. 152 N. ComL PHONE OLENN ADAMS for roues dectoratlng. paper hanging, tlr.il.-.g, ec. Re'lae r'inin. PRINTING FOR STATION KRT, cards, pamph lets, programs, books or any kind of printing, call The Statesman Print ing Department. 215 S. Commercial. Tlepne 1S1. RADIO FOR every purpose, far erery nnr All standard sses oC Rsdie Tubes. EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP. 44T Court St. TeL 411. For guaranteed radio reps! rice; phone or call at SALEM RADIO SKRYICK Tel. ' f4S Ke-rv Rrj STOVES STOVET3 and stove repairing. Stores for sale, rebuilt and repaired All ktr.ds of wovea wire fesco, faocy ar.4 plain, bop baskets, hooks, iotraa hooka. Salem Cesce end Store Works 1(4 Oemeketa. TeL 474. R B Fl-Tlne. TAILORS Bt H. MOSHER T Dor for mra ad woTve. 4T4 Cocrt Rt. TRANSFER CAPITAL Cm Transfer Co. tS4) State St TeL TTT3. DistriMjtlrg. for warding and storage our srtx'aity. Get our rate a . FOR ly-al or distant tmaefer str age, call -813L Lsmner Transfer Co. Trucks to Portland daily. Real Estate Directory . HENDRICKS TeL 4I1T It K. High 8. - 2d. 224 N. H!ga St. CARLE TeL 44TS J. LINCOLN ELLIS ($: Stats TeL 3$7X ' SOCOLOFSKT SON 344-$ First Nat. Bk. Bids. TeL TS4T J. F. ULRICH $2$ State Street TeL 4573. - ! F. L WOOD 441 State St. TeL T1I4 HOMER XX FOSTER REAI.TT CO. 370)4 BUte St. TeL T52$ r W. H. GRABENHORST SCO. 1S4 a Liberty SL TeL 414$.