1 1 t ' 1 4 LITTLE MERCHANTS; AU States mail curlers are charged for all papers they deliver. Please notify office when changing ad ress. THE WEATHER Fair and ' wanner today and Sunday; Max. Temp. Friday 78, -Min. 57, river SJl feet, clear, northwest winds. FOUNJDJ2P 1851 E1G11TY-KIRST YEAR Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning, August 22, 1931 No. 127. npiinn punnnoc UIIUM uiimvii u ' EAST, DECIDED Vote is Unanimous Though - Some Members Cannot : V Leave Their Jobs iir:u o.-i. r.. J iiiii iiuw occk, tu yet ruuu But General Canvass" Is not - Planned - .' After serious and lengthy dls esslon of the matter last night, members 'of Capitol Post NoL 9-American- Legion drum . corps, without a dissenting rote carried a motion that they should go to the national . contention at De troit, Mich., next month to com pete for the championship of the United States. The state cham pionship, which they won earlier in the month, does - not mean much to the crack Salem corps, they said. . At Wednesday night's meet ing the corps members were wor ried orer the- fact that several of their number. probably would sot be able to make the trip, for fi nancial reasons. As a result the decision was postponed until those men would be ready to state whether they would go with the corps. Last night, there was only one 'man lacking of the minimum uuuiutr oi arummen, trumpeters ana supernumeraries neeaed to make up a satisfactory corps. 4itv who h iva nfirtlrinn tat In nrevlona . national contest with the drum corps.. The services of one or more of them - will - be sought to till the single vacancy. General Canvass, j Decided Against ?, , . . No public campaign Is planned In raising the fund of $2,500 needed to match the state Le gion's like appropriation to defer the expenses of the national com petition, . it was : announced last light. Members pi the executive committee of Capital Post No.. 9 vill busy themselves within the text few weeks soliciting local teople for the money. They hope o raise SI, 000 to $1,500 outside f the post. .. The. first drill in preparation 'or- the final march toward the lational goal will be held Sunday , nornmg at o dock on ounger iCIU. UlUCt VI AK LJLCB W III egularly until the corps leaves "or Detroit. Wednesday,. Septem er IS. The grand contest will be itared the following Wednesday ind the local men will return tere probably Monday, the 28th. Invitation was made to the Irum corps last night fo attend i district pow-wow of the Legion vbich is to be held at Stayton iaturday. August 23. They were romIsed for their services a sat sfactory meal and a geheral good time, including a dance. Want Youths to Stay in School, , Aid Employment DES MOINES. Aug. 21 (API Representatives of Iowa uni versities and colleges today pledged their support to efforts to keep students in school as a tep toward relieving the unem ployment situation. Heads of 30 Institutions and representatives of a number of junior colleges attended a confer ence called by Agnes SamuelsOn. state superintendent of public in struction and dratted plans for a state wide drive. PORTLAND, Aug. 21 (AP) Carl G. Brown hasn't been worried about hidden dangers . under his house, but be felt dis tinctly relieved tonight. . Excavating for a basement, he discovered 11 sticks of dyna- : mite which apparently had been cached under bis bouse before he moved In 14 years ago. Po lice, at his .request, carried the explosive away and sank It In a ' VtshVwYW ntlllffinrh. FLAG 13 TO BLAME -. BEND, Aug. 21. (AP) The Pine mountain forest lookout put tied for a long time over the or igin of electricity which sent the needle of the station static meter, an instrument used to detect ap proach of thunder storms, into convulsions when there was no storm coming. . . Today he discovered the cause a large American flag, part wool, which whipped in the breeze above the station. " . , : BLAZE CONTROLLED . . ' . LA GRANDE Aug. .21. (AP) Fire flrhters were being with . drawn" by both ;federal and "state 'authorities today from the Cath erine creek fire east ot Union. The fire was announced as defin itely under eontroL, About 75 of. the 300 fighters were kept on the job. Total forest acreage burned was estimated today at 2000. Thee Millions per Day Fails to Equal Cost of U. S. Over Billion Dollars Annually Spent to Bring 4; Lawless to Justice; Two-Thirds of j , J Total Spent on Prohibition j j 1 WASHINGTON. -Aug-. 21 (AP) A red ink entry ' of .more than $1,000,000,000 was recorded today by the Wickersham committee as but a fragmentary figure for the cost of crime to the American people. ..- . : r Declining even to "guess" at the total toll levied by criminality, the commission nevertheless broke its figures to show a yearly contributing 0 1 1 item of more than $34,000,000. chargeable directly to federal pro hibition enforcement. Seen as , the first detailed, au thoritative comparative analysis of this cost iif dry law history, the report asserted two-thirds of all government funds for crim inal law enforcement were ex pended upon this one law. It was estimated as costing 32 cents per capita annually, and as requiring 1.03 per cent of the annual fed eral expenditures for all pur poses. " . j The bulky, 5 7-page report up on the "cost of crime" addressed to President Hoover, pointed out that despite the page upon page of Impressive statistics assembled it waa "wholly impossible" to reach an accurate total figure. Goldthwaite II. Dorr and Sid ney P. Simpson, New York law yers, who wrote much of the doc ument explained that limitations of , time' and funds had made It Impossible i to obtain totals attri butable to racketeering, bootleg ging, extortion, fraudulent bank ruptcies,' thefts of uninsured property, bucketshops, and all the range of confidence games. Nevertheless, the two experts piled figure upon figure and sta tistical table upon table until the purposely junadded items swept beyond $1,119,000,000. Even this - Incomplete analysis pushed the cost beyond $3,000,000 a day. EX-GITY UnORNEY BEND. Ore., Aug. 21. (AP) Telegraphic warrants for the ar rest of It.; 3. Parsons, until rlx days ago city attorney of Bend, on a larceny charge were sent to day to Los Angeles .and Santa Barbara. Cal., police by Sheriff C. L. McCauley. C. G. Relter, city man :er. sign ed the warran.. Parsons is charg ed with keeping $250 given him to pay A. E. Clark. Portland at torney, for professional services Clark recently assisted the city 01 Bend in a suit to colltct $15,000 from the Title & Trust company of" Portland. . Parsons resigned effective Aug ust 15 and left here before tb-t date: He is also wanted in saiem on charges of issuing checks without sufficient f ui.ds. Youth Drowned In Lewis River LONOVIEW, Wash., Aug. 21. (AP) - Kenneth Scbamake, 19. was drowned In the Lewis river three miles east of Woodland. Wash., this afternoon. The body was recovered soon after death, j The boy had been living with his brother, W. P. ScLamake. on the latter's Lewis river farm. The body was taken to a Vancouver, Wash., undertaking establishment and will be shipped to Grants Pass, Ore. for burial. - OF BU S son Dynamite Beneath House Synthetic Storm Traced Oregon City Woman Hurt License Roundup is Made SEVENTEEN ARRESTED , MEDFORD, Aug. 21.- (AP)- A roundup of motorists driving automobiles with illegal license plates netted police 17 arrests. In the Prospect district near here. Fourteen of the cars had old Ore gon plates and three were trucks with California licenses. BACK THOUGHT BROKEN PORTLAND, Aug. 21 (AP) Possibly fatal Injuries were suf fered by Mrs. Emily Holternberg, 60. Oregon City, in an automobile collision here tonight. Four oth er persons were Injured. Mrs. Holternberg may have a skull fracture and broken back, hospital attendants said. She was driving ; one of the cars, police said. -- ' j ; ' .; , WORKER IS STABBED PENDLETON, Aug. 21 (AP) Angelo Rudo, highway wprker. was severely stabbed here , today during an. altercation with John ny Robinson, negro transient 'Po lice arrested Robinson. Rndd had a deep gash. in his back and 'one finger was nearly severed. FALL PROVES FATAL GRANTS PASS. Aug. 21 (AP) Injuries suffered in, a fall from a horse caused the death ef LaveU Crawford, 20, La Grande, here to day. Crawford hadbeen visiting near Selnuu Grime GER15 DISTRICT IS Town Voters Successful in Opposing Move Though . Outsiders for it GERVATS, Aug. 21 (Special) Dissolution of the Gervals -union high school district was suc cessfully Toted down bj the Ger vals section at a special election held yesterday, despite the fact that four of the five other dis tricts involved voted for the meas ure and the fifth was lukewarm on the. subject. The count was 18 against dissolution and 138 for, with Gervals giving 114 of the nays and only 8 of the yeas. A majority in each district as well as in the union of them was re quired to carry the measure. Taxpayers of the outlying dis tricts of the union objected this year, to remaining in the Gervals high school, with the prospect of having to help pay for erection of a new building. Some of them favored sending their children to the Salem high schools. The union district has been in effect for the past 10 years. Last year there were over 100 pupils enrolled. The vote by districts was as follows 1 For .54 .11 .34 .16 .15 . 8 Against ' 7 " 1 7 7 19 14 ' 114 Eldriedge ., Fairfield . . St. Louis . . Parkersville Manning . . Gervals ... Totals ...138 1(8 FOUR MAYORS WILL LOS ANGELES. Aug. 21 (AP) Four American ' mayors will and one won't drink a non alcoholic toast to the president of France tomorrow although May or John C. Porter sent them a bottle of water each. Mayor Porter was a member of the party of American . mayors who toured France recently and walked out on a champagne toast to President Doumer ot France. Returning to the United States Porter expressed bottles of water to various chief executives of large American cities and sug gested they drink it as a toast to France, Mayor James Key of. At lanta scoffingly refused. Mayors B. B. Smith, Kansas City; Victor Miller, St. Louis; R. L. Metcalfe, Omaha, and Porter have decided to drink the toast. But Mayor Key, whom ' Porter said "cared very little for water as a beverage while in France," said he would write Porter a' let ter ot explanation. - PORTLAND. Ore., Aug. 21 (AP) Mayor George L. Baker yesterday said lie "might take a sip of the water" Mayor Porter had sent him for the proposed toast to France. ' Girl Released; I Yates Told He Should Resign NEW YORK. Aug. 21 (AP) Ruth Jayne Cranmer was freed in $7,500 ball In magistrate's court today, to face trial on Sep tember 11 charged with shooting State Senator Roy T. Tates of Paterson, N. J. , , , While attorneys were engaged in a sometimes heated argument to obtain " her ' release pending formal presentation of a ease of felonious assault, Tates, center of a political storm In his home state, was asked to resign by John McCutcheon, state control ler and republican leader. "To save jpolitical embarrassment to his party, his ; friends and him self." ' . i '(-; Cannon's Bank - Accounts Eyed .WASHINGTON, Aug.!. 21 -(AP) The bank records of Blsh- nn T m . rannn will tu.,tMl.. fed by the senate campaign funds committee next week in conclud ing Its Inquiry Into the complaint that the churchman failed to ac count for all the anti-Smith funds entrusted to him in the 1928 pre sidential campaign. ; DR I WITH PORTER DEATH STALKS WUHAN CITIES DUE TO FLOOD Abject Desolation Prevails In Region, Thousands Already Victims . Hopelessness Causes Many To Give up Attempts ; To Reach Safety HANKOW, Aug. 22 (Satur day) ( AP) Native portions - of the Wuhan cities. Hankow, Wu chang and Tanyang, today were places of death, destruction and abject desolation with unknown thousands already gone to watery deaths as a result of the unprece dented floods ot the Yangtse riv er. - More than 400,005 persons were homeless In this district alone, while destitute scores were succumbing daily to dysentery and typnold f ever. Touring the' native section of Hankow In a boat, a representa tive ot the Associated Press saw thousands of one-story houses en tirely submerged by water, which covered the district from ten to 15 feet deep, larger edifices were collapsing hourly, their founda tions washed away by the water. Thousands Taken From Roof Tops Military authorities forcibly re moved thousands of refugees from root tops but there were other thousands remaining, hoist ing a few yards of cloth overhead (Turn to Page 2, Col. 1) guerWIIre I Federals Seize Materials Of Rebels but Latter Still Well Armed HAVANA, Cuba, Aug. 21. (AP) The curtain of censorship over eastern Cuba lifted a bit to day and showed continued guerilla warfare in the moan Ins about Gibara, where federal troops drove the rebels and their "for eign legion" expeditionary rein forcements from the town Wed nesday after hard fightin Twenty or 25 Insurgents who took positions In the .Gibara rail road tunnel held np government troops for many hours, reports here said. The lnsuneetlonlsts re united outside the town. Rebel bands and federal detachments skirmfshed along the short moun tain range near Gibara. Although the federal army seis ed much war material, lncluJlng machine guns, rifles and ammuni tion. In the assault on Gibarr the rebels were reported to be still well equipped. Among them, reportedly, are Germans, French, Japanese and Americans. Estimates of the casualties . In the fighting around Gibara range from 300 to 600. Government sources reported 1'our soldiers dead and eight wounded and to taled rebel casualties at 43. At the height of the fighting 2000 government solders and n estimated 1000 rebels were in action, according to advices here. Admits Slaying Ex-Marine But Claims Defense SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 21j (AP) Pleading- self-defense, Harry Harper, 28. crippled sea man, today confessed to San Fran cisco, police he had beaten Felix Albert Williams, 3. ex-marine eorporaI.and then tied him to a bed In Williams' apartment. The confession was made, police said, before Harper knew Wil liams was dead. The former mar ine's body was found Wednesday night by the apartment house owner. The skull was crushed and the body was tied to the bed In "spread-eagle" fashion. Harper's confession, police said, related how he had struck Wil liams with a vase when he feared Williams would attack him. tied him to the bed, gagged him with a handkerchief, and escaped through a window to the fire escape about dawn. '. " Dempsey Sighs For Reno Fight RENO. Nov., Aug. 21 (AP) Jack Dempsey,: former heavy weight champion, today signed to meet "the best heavyweight ob tainable In a four round exhibi tion bout at the race track arena here Labor day.? Les Kennedy of Long Beach Is being considered as a possible op ponent, according to Matchmaker Frankle Neal. " - 4 " FIRES FLARE CP VANCOUVER, B. C, Aug. 21 - (AP) Serious forest fires biased today in scattered sections of British Columbia, with the worst In the south Okanogan and. the east Kootenay districts. IfJ CUBA LI K Murder Case Jurors Still LackVerdict LOS ANGELES. An r. IlfATM The Jury deliberating the ease vi wuruir against AJevia n. (jiara, former deputy district attorney, was locked np at 10 p. m with out having reached .verdict.. The Jury had been out nearly 11 hours and had deliberated 13 hours and 41 minutes. Clark Is charged also with mur dering Charles Crawford, wealthy politician, shot down May 20 In his office with Spencer. Clark en the. witness stand said he killed them both. Clark claimed he shot la self- defense as Crawford and Spencer tried to attack him. ' ; . . , IN PITH OF BLAZE Placervillc, 'Residents , are Battling Flames but Most Have Fled BOISE. Ida., Aug. 21 (AP) A dog-ged crew of fire fighters battled on the doorsteps of their homes in Placervllle late today, spraying water Into an oncoming forest tire as it crept ever closer fo this third little village In Its path. " t Two towns have been burned and 1,000 acre sand flat In the bottom of the creek basin Is thronged with refugees. Concern was felt In Placervllle for the town of Cenlervllle, seven miles distant. The fire broke out of control late today virtually all around the place. Telephone connections- were burned out. leaving its fate in doubt. It was not known whether avenues of escape were cut for the residents and fire fighters in the area but It wis believed there was consid erable barren space over which the fire would not burn. The telephone operator at Pla cervllle said nearly everyone had left Placervllle, driven out by smoke and flames and the ever Increasing danger that the little pioneer-village will burnl Nearly all household goods were removed last night. The operator said the fire had closed in from three dlrectis. leaving one avenue of escape where the land is barren from placer mining. URGE DAIRY BARN TOTAL FIRE LOSS MONMOUTH. Aug. 21 A fire which is thought to have been started by a dust heat com bustion tonight totally destroyed the large well equipped dairy, bam of A. H. Cedargreen, located on the highway about one mile south of town. Men were milking his 40 head of cows at the time the fire started and herded them to safety. Ce dargreen'a son reports that he heard a muffled report In the bay mow shortly before the fire was noticed and it is thought that the sound was made by theeom bustion. The barn equipped with milking machines, water .fountains, and electricity along with an adjacent milkroom and its contents, which was destroyed, were partially covered by insurance. About 75 tons of hay were also burned. Had It not been for the help ot the Monmouth fire department and heroic work of men of the community the large family home and machine shops would have been-destroyed. Conditions were such that a brisk wind would have made It impossible to. save any of the buildings. - Gambling in Big Stakes Noted in Fujimura's Case NEW YORK, Aug. 21 (AP) Authorities Investigating the mysterious disappearance of Hisashi Fujlmura. from the liner Belgenland, tonight learned the millionaire Japanese Importer engaged In high stakes poker games aboard the vessel. Further Information . will be sought tomorrow In view of . the fact three men Identified by offi cials of the line as professional shipboard gamblers . joined the cruiser at Halifax. s Members of a . musical trio aboard the vessel reportedly spoke of seeing Fujlmuaa gam bling for big sums. J. Edward Lombard, assistant district at torney. Indicated he would . at tempt: to communicate with the musicians tomorrow.. Exr University ..; Employe Weds " LOS ANGELES. CaL, Aug; ' 21 (AP) Gertrude ' Stephenson, former assistant registrar of the University of Oregon, will be married to Superior .Judge Carl A. Stutsman, Los Angeles, next Wednesday, the latter said today. The marriage will take place at Riverside, CaL. v ' THIRD IDAHO TOII U1YS FINALLY FLY NG TOWARD JAPANESE CITY Take off ;f or Nemuro After - Lengthy Delay due to Carburetor, fog Had Covered" One-Third of Distance at Report . This Afternoon TOKYO, Aug. 22 (Saturday) (AP) The department ot Smmunlcatlona reported recelv g a radio from Colonel and MrV Charles A. Lindbergh.-' in which theygave their position at 2:30 p.m. (1:30 a.m., EST) as south west of Itump Island, about one third the distance between Maro ton bay - and their destination. NemurC. . ' They were traveling at a speed of approximately 100 miles an hour., the message said, at an al titude of 2000 feet. . Some fog was encountered. KEMURO, Japan, Aug. 22 (Saturday) (AP) Colonel and Mrs. Lindbergh took off from Muroton bay on Sbimushlro isl and In the Kuriles at 2:10 p.m., Saturday (3:10 p.m. PCT Friday) for . a flight of about 400 miles to Nemuro. Weather reports received by the Ochllshl radio station here in dicated favorable conditions at Ithnrup island on their southward flight to Neruro. However dense fogs were reported at the south ern end ot Kunashiri Island, which Is that body of land direct ly north of here. It was assum ed here that Col. ,' Lindbergh may fly to the north of Kunashiri. following Yetorof strait and thence to Nemuro. The weather here was clear. PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 21 (AP) The Portland milk district Is to have an arbiter who will be to the milk Industry what Judge Kenisaw Mountain Land Is Is to baseball and Will Hayes is to the r:ovies. Responsibility of nam ing the czar was placed on Dr. W. J. Kerr, president of Oregon State college, . today. The action was taken at a meeting of representatives of pro ducers and distributors over which Dr. Kerr presided. Kerr said he would make his decision soon. In municipal court today. In definite continuance ot cases, in which selling mis-labeled milk is charged against managers of seven milk distributing concerns, was denied by Judge Stadter. Rabbi Henry J. Berkowitz and O. M. Plummer, members ot the mayor's commission which helped end the recent milk war. spoke in favor of the continuance. ! Murder Charge List in Harlan Trouble Grows i - HARLAN. Ky., Aug. 21 (AP) To the list of 102 murder charges previously returned as a result of labor disorders In the Harlan county coal fields, the grand jury today added nine more. Today's murder Indictments name three men on three charg es each in connection with a clash last May at Evarts in which four men were slain. Those accused are Bill Hudson. Jack Smith and Happy -Jack Goodwin, alias Otto Mills. Hudson already Is In jail, Goodwin is on bond and Smith had not been apprehended. MILK CZAR SOUGHT IH PORTLAND FUSS Linus Pauling, Honored Scientist, Word that Dr. Linus Pauling, 30-year-old associate professor of chemistry at the California Insti tute of Technology, had been chosen "the outstanding young chemist of America" was received with much Interest here yesterday since Pauling was married . here nine years ago to a local girL He is to receive a $1000 prize at the annual convention of the Ameri can Chemical society September Mr, and Mrs. Pauling plighted their, troth here nine years ago at the home of Mrs. Walter Spaulding who is the sister of Ava Helen- Miller who became Pauling's wife. Mrs. J. U. Camp bell, wife of Justice Campbell of the state supreme court. Is an aunt of Pauling. . . , Mrs. Pauling , was graduated from Salem high school in 1911 and was valedictorian of her class. .She is a gifted pianist and studied music, under Mrs, Paul Petri at Corvallls and later stud led In Germany. Her first music teacher was Professor 'Franklin Leaner who is now visiting In Salem from Christian college, Co lumbia, Mo., where he la a fac ulty member. - lore Jystpders iy Gangster 'Alter Payro Trio of Youths Held in Eugene For Theft Here ' EUGENE. Ore., Aug. 21 (AP) Notified today that an automo bile had been stolen in Salem from C. H. Kane, police here arrested William. Plrtle. 24, Dan Murray. 17. and Frank Rose. 17, as they entered town assertedly2- In the stolen machine. - ' ? C. H. Kane, 7I Norway street. reported to Salem police head quarters yesterday that his auto mobile bad been stolen sometime between 11 and 12 e 'clock from Trade and Commercial -streets. Sergeant Asa Fisher and Offi cer Don Nicholson returned the youths to Salem last night. FROM FIRE PERIL W. U. Registrar Throws his Son out Window When Flames Surround W. H. Tennant. registrar of Willamette university, and his son 8. were near victims to a fire which broke out about 3:30 Friday morning in an eight room house on Crolsan creek into which they had Just moved their household effects from a town residence. " Awakening In the early morn ing the pair found themselves nearly surrounded by flames from the burning, house. Ten nant had only time to throw the youngster through he downstairs bedroom window and grab a suit of clothes before he was forced to flee. A trunk from the kitchen was the only oher property saved. All of the other house hold goods, personal effects of a lifetime, and . valued mementos were destroyed.- - Had Mr. Tennant acted on the suggestion, of his son that they sleep in a bed upstairs tbeir nar row escape might have become a tragedy. . They slept downstairs (Turn to Page 2, CoL-1) ONE FIRE FIGHTER E ORIFINO, Ida., Aug. 21 (AP) One man was killed and three dangerously Jiurt tonight when a motor stage carrying 20 forest, fire fighters plunged over the Oro Grand creek grade near here while en route to a forest fire front. The report received here said the dead man was J. Kane, hired here today to fight the French creek, fire. Names of the Injured were not learned. The stage was In charge of Wallace McClosky, Orofino, driver for the Gaffney Transportation company. The injured and the dead man were being returned here, and were expected early to morrow morning. LOTTERIES ARE OCT WASHINGTON, Aug. 21 (AP) The post office, depart ment has been assured by the As sociated Press, the United Press and the International News Serv ice that they will not distribute news matter relating to sweep stake lotteries. , Known Here , The award Pauling . is to re ceive goes - to ' the person who Is adjudged to have done the' "most outstanding research in pure chemistry conducted by a scien tist -who is on the threshold of his career "and not over 30 years of age- A committee of seven of the world's most distinguished chem ists selected the recipient of the honor, and in view of the fact that the prize is being-awarded for the first .time, the work ef every outstanding young chemist In the country was investigated before Dr. Pauling was selected. The research for which the lo cal scientist has been honored lies In the field of quantum me chanics (the. study of -the -movement of the smallest particles of matter), and the nature of the chemical "bonds . (the invisible forces which ; bind " elements to-' gether). ' " ' ' : -' . . -He has found that electrons do not move about the .nuclei of atoms in the way Newton sup posed," but that- when movements in molecules . (smallest . divisible parts of compounds) are studied. the motion more nearly approach ea the Newtonian Idea, s TMM S KILLED IN PLlliJG It Melt I! But This Time Trio of Bandits Killed in Running Battle 2 Policemen die'' and Four are Among - Wounded 7 NEW YORK. Aug. 21 (API- Two policemen and three gang sters were shot to death in a run ning pistol battle which followed a J4000 payroll robbery in uptown New York late today. . When the smoke had cleared. 10 persons caught it the splashes ot crossfire, including Gloria Lo- pex, four-year-old daughter of a fireman, lay wounded, some of them seriously. -,.-- , Three ot the wouaded were po lice officers who had taken np tht, chase In the Bronx, across town to a point In Inwood, far up on Man hattan Island. It was the third time in recent weeks that bystanders had been shot down in the hail of gunfire between gunmen or in police ef forts to capture crinrl-iL. The fighting broke out in five places nearly all in quiet residential dis tricts. The holdup occurred in an al- eyway off East 133d street, the Bronx, where the robbers had been lying in wai for the 34916 pay roll. Payroll is Carried With Police Guard Lloyd Fomhoff, manager of the Mendoza Fur . & Dyeing works. drove into the alley with the mon ey At his side sat Policeman Wal ter J. Webb, 39. The holdup men sprang out ot concealment and opened fire. One of the first' bullet3 fired bored tbroughWebb's metal shield and into his chest. Tb.9 gunmen snatched the payroll from Foa hrff and fled in a taxicab. Webb' died in a few minutes on the way to a hospital. Westward across the Bronx the holdup band fled. Emergency' police squads set out, sirens screaming. At East 169th street and Boston road -ue fugitives spied Policeman Edwin V. Church ill overtaking them on a motor cycle. They opened fire. Churchill catapulted from his machine, ser iously wounded. He died tonight. Truck Stops Wild Career of Death Next a traffic policeman an four.passersby crumpled before a volley. '' Then the killers came to the end of their wild career. A. big truck rolled across in the path of their car and brought1 it to aa abrupt halt. Eight detectives -pened fire at close range and the driver of the cab, Herbert Haese. 27, fell dead. Another burst of shots and the two passengers slumped to the floor of the cab. They were taken to a hospital but were dead upon arrival. One of the slain gunmen was identified as John Brecht, 25. of the Bronx. His compan on was not 'immediately identified. In the taxicab were - re revo'v- ers, a large amount of ammuni tion and the stolen payroll. Butler Request Fdr Retirement To be Granted WASHINGTON, Aug. 21 . (AP) Major General S medley D. Butler's application Tor retire ment from the marine corps baa' President Hoover's approval .with the understanding that his serv ices, will be readily available in case they are needed. "I assume that if General But ler wishes to retire the authori ties will approve," the president said today. "The general Is a very distinguished and gallant of ficer and I have no doubt that tf the. country has need it can al ways secure his services. The 50-year-old veteran applied yesterday for retirement October 1 after ? 2 years of spectacular service In Cuban waters, the Phi lippines, China, Panama, Nica ragua, Mexico, Haiti and France At present he Is commanding the Quantico, Va marine post. Prices For Oil Begin to Climb Toward Dollar OKLAHOMA CITY. Aug. 21 (AP) Petroleum began to climb the price ladder today, mounting well toward dollar oil and appar ently avguriag -higher prices for gasoline in the'near future. ' As the Texas company, impor tant mid continent .buyer, -posted , Increases in four states. Gov. WU' Ham H. Murray said he believed major purchers would agree by Monday to $1 a barrel the top at which he will permit the open ing of his state's monster pro t-..