PAGE NINE 1 Where' SupplyM The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Oregon, -"ridar Morning Angnsf 2f. 1951 Statesman Classified' Ads Call 9101 :. '. Classified AdvertWajt -Blade Insertion per ltae.lie Three insertions per . . . -line . ....... ...... .2I Six Insert kins per le..2e . One month per lint.. 21.00 fcUalmtun chart . . . . .2Se Copy for ' this pace ac cepted until I: the even Ins before publication for elasi-ficatlon. Copy re ceived after thU that, will be ru under the heading Toe Late to Classify. The SUtesman assumes enrr SAT.F Miscellaneous ' . md .f r-nfrln. tml).TL tmm. n ' uUsman P-bltslna Co. FOH SAIJS Oldp--a, 14o a ban al. - lilitenian oCnc. j uxtjl K) u u'lmnmr - - - . Typewriters, all makes, sew end csed. Adder and typrttenitor rent. Typewriter gicna-s. lt Cwift Be. TOR sie Men's suits Greenbaum'a, 24 N. Com'L ,M'.il.l Will. IlKWWWWWIW! FOR SALK Quilting cnalU ifc ureenpaum s it r. "-, , . -! 2e: caeum ber- tomatoe. Phone 7TF5 at noon. 'juirii."."i"i .i.. ..,- rl i. box 121. Near "Wallace road. TeL 4 4 FIT White distilled vinegar for pick line. Keepe pickles crisp. . ' - UravensTeln apples. 25c per boa n dd Kr apple cider aail. Ft'WTAN CIDER WORKS , Improved Elbertas ready August 19. L. Xownwsd orchards. FOR SALE Iron bed, spring and mattress, cheap. 3 a Liberty St. uunnivwwi'i' " . i . -.-w Dat prunes for canning. A. Stet ler. dial lie. TeL 14KZ. U-LTU-U'"UU- ' "" W Wl Itatian r . Tr", 40c-TF1 milee on Wallace road. Mrs. J. M. WHgrit. WANTED Misccllaneoaa WANTED Used prs-os. In -ehang oa radios, phonographs, or fur . Blture. H. L Stiff Fur-lrur Company. WANTED WU! psy Je a pouadfor GOOD CLEAN COTTON raga. Mast be pieces at least a square yard, Httemw offVe. 1L MISCELLANEOUS abafcBaasaaasajatsjsasfaaasaaaaa Home cleaning; repairing presin SulU tl-50. oxercoata pants ic. dresses 75c D. Martin. 1100 N, Cap ltoL ' We buv poultry saiem ruumj at Farmer's Market. General cement worlt. fia basement floors, 10c so. ft. Dial fSS ks. 6. mlna. Ooeral RT'riner. Phone Sil2. FOR RENT ROOMS "ROOM tor rent with esraiee r-asonaUe. 1555 N. faummer. Tel. 2892. jl . . l -L-L-.-L- Sleeping; rom cheap "fit door Montgomery War4 atore, S N. Ub- ertr-. ' ROOM and BOARD -inririi-i ..... !.. Pleasant rooms and good board near university and capltol bid. Rea sonable ratea, 1144 Center bt. TeL - m tw.- ur nnlrersitT Kons ,uu . -- - - - and eaphol bldsa. P.B -jo? rood board. Reasonable. 11 ltn fee TeL 82T. . . ; Board and room from 92 0 to 9 Ja month. Must give references. 207 So. 1st. FOR RENTApartmenU , Fatten apartments wtth private bath, nicely furnished. located In business district. Call Pattoos Book Store. Furnished 2 and 2 room Apt. Rea- onaoie, o. vk m ems-jit rVkAftl sfllf. OT unfurnished - - . ... apta.. Court Apta. lei. tv, alMawieaa.... m m ' apta, elec. range and ref rig. Strictly modem. 670 N. Winter. a,m,1aajsaeae-aBeasea-'--' w. w. - . ai 4,. . I mWA a rwa srtTneTl t fs rrivmte bath. furnc hoat, reasonabU . sr . v Cr Tal R7ll si,i,aes.s-ssSsaeeseaa,1 VlrginU Apta. furnished indT m turn. .-room, modern with bedrooms. Hardwood floors, alec stove, electro kold. beat and water. Reasonable rates, courteous service. Phono asiz. FOR RENT Unfurnished duplex apt, 955. 04 N. Winter. . a r.nt 1 24 g Cbemeketa. WX'M-i ......... mmm Very attractive 2 room modern Apt. Reasonable, isse venter. ir.i rnnm Ant. Well furnished. -Davenport, gaa and wood rane, . bull tins, front and bark porch, haae . ment. garage, etc. . Nice independent ' 5 N' 6th'- -' -"- i r -Lr rL- T, Nice furnished Apt. 50 Union. WELL- famished rooms and .ajjta. for rem at J141 Hasel Xva. TeL TC(4. . . . l. i w . ut , wnm ,nirt TSICery luniiaim vw m .wwv. - - ment: verything furnished but gas. Private shower. Outside entrance. 240 Division. jui ri .......... rrlvate home. Hot water, heat. Near 7teh'we. 25S N. Csetrol Pt. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Flats for adulta 6 to ' t room a 9S0 to 940. Also houses, eta W BECKB a HENDRICKS 193 North Hlah Stree KVia)WWwaa. - -- -- -- New nicely furnished apartment, 245 a vTlnter. TeL 6825. .,aS.aa POLLY AND HER PALS I W1SHT IT VAS -1 (OH, YES IT IS ! ; 1..T 1 I (7 f I MAKE YERSELF COMFORTABLE OnT POSSIBLE TKEEP) C UNK HE'S ) "' p! . - Z T THE PORCH PETE POUL2 AJN"T PETE PEST OFFN T AFRAID OF 4 1 I ( O, ' rkr- V ju r DRESSED YBT r OUR PLACE, BUTS q FELINE-S I V ' , vpZ Ll (u 4?y - ri. APPARENTLY J V-T-nf-: f S?J Ti 7 2 1 ' f rX- i ae financial responsibility, : for ' errors - which may ap pear la advertisements pub lished la tta columns, and ; la cases where this paper la at t fault will reprint that part oc aa.adrertUemeat In vMea the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman 'reserves the right to reject objec tlonal advertising, f It fir ther reserves the right to classify all advertising un der the proper claaaitl cation. FOR RENT HOUSES Clean beuaea Owner iti Columbia. Modem fleet room house: well-lo cated: aaraire; two bat brooms. C A Sprasae. HH Court sc. or O. E. Price. , r -------- - i i i-irvMir.-iniiiiiirirtrii"i n.iuuLTin S It. hnuM h Mmr. Tl KKSS. FOR RENT Furnished T room borne, i Attractive yard, rarer, close sponsible tenants. Box 12. Statesman. aaaaaiaajaaaWajWMaawaaa Modern house one mile out on Wal lace read. Phone 1 IlK.-t - - - -i-i i-i iTiVirtnnnnAn rtn. Don't worry . house hunt In e Se Bechtel or Thomason. 241 ate St., room 4. tl to t4; furnished, til to 45. If you wish a home, 'small pay ment down, balance like rent. Why pay rent T t t & r earns. modern, basement and furnace. Rent 2. 251 N. Cottaae. Houne For Rent New modern room house with rarare, on pave ment, either furnished or Unfurnished. Phone 4 erenlnaa Clean furnished and unfurnished house.) 18.0 to 140. 8KB US. I H. Pi GRANT 180 N. Com' I Rot. IS Phone 2330 7 -room fine house close In. Frank Davey. J. X. Liberty. TeL 1441. Modern, well furnished 0 room house, 2 blocks from Capitol around a 40i- N. Winter, TeL 5084. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Beautiful site for modern home, 120x1X5 feet, ceraer Winter and Ox ford streets, covered with large cher ry, pear and apple trees, fine view. No other buildings can ever obstruct view. No hill to climb to eet to It. Call at 745 Rural or phone S3 5 4. WORKING MAN'S CHANCE Immediate possession of a 5 room plastered house with basement, on choice romer lot .4x142 ft., garage. Price $1,400, cash 125, baL 15 per month and interest. 1 acre tract with 2 room house. good well, good location la miles out on good road, electric light, telephone and mall service available. Price 21. 000. cash ti, baL 910 per month and interest . LKO X. CHILDS CO.. Realtors i 320 State St. I Phone C70S Best : buy tn city. 6 -room semi-mod em home, basement, fireplace, lot 120x115. garare. garden, nice shaded lawn, large shade, fruit and nut trees, shrubbery and flowers, nice View, oar ed street, corner Winter and Rural. Bargain price, terms. 7S5 Rural, phone 8854. Homs at 1(95 So. Com'L t EXTRA SPECIAL HOUSE FOR 92.900 9100 down, 925 per month plus In terest will buy a neat 6 room bunga lew wtth beautifully finished floors and decorated waHa. Several fruit trees. Economical home for a owner or Si good investment aa rental prop erty. May have immediate possession. SEE Mrs. Elll with LEO H. CHILDS CO, Realtors 220 State Street : Phone 78 asassasbjsnsevsasamaaBaaassaa i SNAP SNAP SNAP Forced to sell to close an estate. S room house. Completely furnished, small payment down, balance) like rent. Price. 21.Z50.. If you must rent, see our houses, 910 to 945, furnished to 945. PEE - BECHTEL or THOMASON (241 State St, Room 4 91.320 buys a 4 room bouse on pared street with a double garsge. Price Includes paving paid and can be bought the same as rent Vacant now and ooe session - can be had at once. SEE f ; l W. G. KRUEGER Phone 472 147 N. Coal FOR SALE OR TRADE BY OWNER Clear Idaho property worth 912,000. Town house and farm. Want valley property that I can use. Address, 433 N. High St, Salem. Oregon. For Sale or Trade for car, lot In east Salem. Box as. Statesman. For Sale or Rent modern 7 room house r-los- in. Tel. SM. EXCHANGE Real Estate Wonderful 10 A. California rome. Modern conveniences, miles from Fresno, alfalfa, vines, frutt trees, abundance of water, shade, etc. Clear. Want Improved Oregon ranch. Write owner, Chria Sorensen, Rt. 2, Box 845A. Sanger, Calif. . Fine' 320 acre farm located oa the pavement; owner wants income property, Salem ; will assume any amount If the. equity .will Ju:itify. This ,1s only available for a few daya ! I SHIELDS A BLAKE Oregon UMa;. Tel, 8992 ACREAGE MR. FARMER STOP LOOK LISTEN I Take ad va a tags of these real op portunities for choice investments. Forced to sell, absolute sacrifice, fine farm, 144 A, two sets of bldga.. 65 A. bottom land. baL timber, pasture, sprinar water, good road. : All atocked and- equlpned for 949 per acre. You'll never have a chance like this again. 25 A. FARM 92.650. Large barn, small house. Ideal for general farming: or poultry. DANDY CLOSE-IN 2 A. TRACT Wtli 5 R. house, has elec. lights, water system, bath. Price cut to 92, 840, Was 93.800. Terms. Don't fail to see these. Shewn by appointment. Sea BECHTEL or THOMASON i 941 State. Room 4 .iii. t i '& '" X . ' . ACREAGE WANT SALEM PROPERTT Good 45 acre biabway farm, rood bldra. fruit t A. fat cult. Clobber. $. clear for resldenoa. 12 A grape rln yard in Calif, food Mica, also A farm land. All $&, dear for valley farm, 4 A rlr bot tom garden laad near Salem, for sale or lease. : PERRrSTE a VIARSTKR3 212 Justiee Court Bide. 4 R. house, and rarars wtth one- third acre en pared street, file and very easy terms. Will take lot for equity. A. on paved hltrnway, near coed sehooL e R. house, electric try, bam, chicken house, I A. strawberries. Price- 91 7 SO. This la aa xcepttonaOy rood buy. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Bealtor 17S & Hlch 8t. - sa e -a ----tVrtrV--s-rJTj--iru , LISTKN! If you are interested In a Fair mount Hill home. let ua show you a cozy C room bouse with basement, furnace a fireplace, located oa one of the best view lots on the hUL Should sell for SSSOe. Ones- wfll r. cept S4S0O if sold before Sept 1. This is a reai opportunKy to buy - below value. SEE Mrs. KHIf with LEO N. CHILDS, CO, Realtors 226 State Street . Phone (70. A beautiful IS acres, all tn frufc clear, also five room house, clear, will trade for GOOD farm and assume or pay difference. A1CU1XJ3HKIST f tvTX iN U U lV?i - 209 U. a. Bank 2 Acres 2 mL north on - Pacific highway 1 acre mixed fruit. 7 room plastered bouse, 'basemen. . furnace, fireplace, bath, lights, 'bam. chicken house and garage. 94,500. 9300 down. , 89 Acres, mL from Monitor, 27 cleared, 2 timber, S A. straw berries, 2 A. logana, 4 A. ever green berries. 4 roomed bouse, fireplace, electric lights, bam 2x60. chicken house, land tiled, r an excellent farm. 95,500. Easy terms. 142" Acres. 11 ml. north of Salem. TO A. cultivated, 10 A. timber, t wells, creek. 9 A. logana. 2 houses, electric lights. fenced with woven wire, a good buy at 910,500. Will trade for bouse or smaller acreage. 91,000 to loan at T per cent. MELTIN JOHNSON 910 U. 8. Bank Bldg, Phono 9799 FOR SALE FARMS FARMS LIKE THESE ARK SCARCE . BUY NOW AND LIVE HAPPY 40 A. good sell, good improvements, feed m barn, close to Salem, close to school. 91,500 down will handle. This Is a good ranch and price cut almost one-half. See It and make offer. READ ABOUT THIS ONE 35 A. as good a soil as lays out of doors. Family orchard, 1 A. alfalfa. 1 H A. timber, good house, dairy bam and other buildings, 10 cows, 400 bu. oats, "5 bu. wheat, bam full hay, har ness, wagon and all Implements. 83. 500 down payment. Price reduced to 37.500 for all. THIS FINELY IMPROVED PLACE Well Located. Beautiful, Productive 50 A., new plastered house wtth bath, dairy barn. 2 A. bearing wal nuts. 4 A. bearing filberts. 3 A. straw berries. 19 A. corn, nice sightly place in good location, trade for Salem res idence. IMPROVED 20 ACRES 92,500 Trade for good mortgage up to 91,500- as first payment. SEARS A TUCKER. Realtors 132 S. High St. Business Opportunities Grocery and service station on mod road In a well established neighbor hood. Low overhead. Leas 51650. Box r a E 49 . - - MONEY TO LOAN - - - - M--ll-LlLn j-ul injA 'Bells of Harmony' Heard: over KOfN dally ring; out a loan service that la really, really, different. - NO DEDUCTIONS NO FEES KO OTHER CHAROF9 ONLY LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRIVACY QUICK AND COURTEOUS 8ERVICH ON LOANS 910 to 9300 Beneficial Loan Society OF OREGON Room lit New Bllgh Bldg. 2nd Floor 619 State 8t TeL 9-7-4-0. LICENSED BY STATE VYiVs-V"Vfci'",VN PERSONAL LOANS ilADS on furniture, cars, salaries or other rood security. Repayable monthly. When in financial need see ua before closing a loan. GENERAL INVESTMENT 1 CORPORATION First National Bank Bldg. Phone 3553 MOXEY LOANED ON AUTOS - Contract Refinanced Arrange to reduce your payment. You keep th oar. , P. A. EIKER Cor. Liberty St. and Ferry Phone 4732 8alem. Or. CITY AND FARM loan at lowest rates. Beat terms obtainable. Oar Insurance department offers you ex pert advice and service tn all tinea HAWKINS a ROBERTS lnci TeL 4109 20s Oregon Bids. jeanJeja LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE On plain notes, endorsed notes, furniture and pianos. Quick ser vicefair treatment. Easy re payment plan. All transactions strictly confidential. STATE LOAN COMPANY Jll Ore. Bldg. 2nd floor Office hra 18:00 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. Telephone 7783 Licensed -by State LOANS WANTED WANTED Private money to loan on real estate. . ... W. H. GRAHENHOR3T a CO. REALTORS 124 & Liberty BU TL 9449. WANTED 92.600. 3 years on mod em home, present value 1 4,900. Box 70. Statesman. - FOR SALE--WOOD aVMawaaWAASASAJaWWVVVMWVM OLD FIR . any ., length on ground or delivered knot and limbs. Phon 103F2L 19 IN. LARGE' SECOND GROWTH FIR 95.50 (full cord. 6 cords 926. 4 ft. 95 cord. 6 cords 933.59. TeL 3367. "The Hospitable FOR SALE WOOD SSSseSesMMSJMaVMMWMal GUARANTEED DRY Wood coal TeL 6000 Salem Fuel Ca. T9 Trade. 9jr"assssaBsasaasv,aaasa BEST WOOD FOR TUB MONEY at Tracy's Fuel Yard, .Tat, SltC. - Wood of all Undo, 19TX. "a m, aa. m a. m 1 --pp ALL KINDS, any length. Call -9199, DRY -FIR AND OAK WOOD, oal and fuel OIL Call oa ua for prices. Wo giro good measure, good quality aad ARMER TRANSFER a STORAGE xeieoaoao sill For year winter wood at prices, oiai ttt. . FOR SALE Old fir II In, 95.99. yra ur, it, fs.1. Doty old nr. 16 In, 94 00. Doty old fir, 4 ft, 93UO. - i Second growth 16 in., 94.7C Second growth 4 fu94.6S. .Second growth 4 fc Knits split for furnace 95.09. Delivered Telephone 12I-F22. Will take wood payment for re Pairs on your car or truck. Mike Pawek. 275 3. Com'l St. WOOD SAWING aAAAAeAAAeejWAAAAeAA FOR better wood sawlnr. Ph. 6882. LIVE STOCK and POULTRY FOR A A LE Freah e-rvear . ffs- cainncraire IteblDa-on erric aUota FOR SALE USED CARS - ,"---'"-jirVirssri Model 'A Sale Valley Motor Co. 1921 Ptandard Coupe 1930 Standard Coup 1930 Standard Coup .9520 Ellis .9375 .9350 .9350 Mil .9294 it iw Keaoater 1929 Business Coup 1929 Business Coup 1929 Standard Coup 1928 Sport Coupe 1929 Business Coup , 1922 Business Coup - uzi maor tieaan 1928 Tudor Sedan Svervone of th above ears hin had a complete r-servlc and carry our aervlc guarantee. - Trucks 1929 A Pane Delivery 1359 (Jab, wheel base -9376 1929 A A Chassis, lona wheel bas : 9359 1927 Chevrolet ; 2246 1926 Chevrolet 9100 VALLEY MOTOR CO. We give terms and take trade. Lots of other good buy to pick from. Salem Used Car Center CONSOLIDATED ' Valley Motor Co, O. J. Wilson Austin Coup ft7 Buick Sport Coup . 765 Bulck Sport Coup , , 495 Buick Coach , ,,. 326 Buick Coach, overhauled 295 Buick Standard Sedan 196 Buick Sport Touring 30 Bulck Touring 96 Chevrolet Coach 196 Chevrolet Sedan 165 Chrysler 68 Sedan . 1.6 Chalmers Coach 66 By 1939 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1927 1924 1927 1936 1924 1922 1925 1926 1927 1!8 1928 19XS 1930 1930 1928 1924 1924 1426 1927 1924 1924 1926 1924 1929 1926 1929 1928 1927 1922 Dodg Coupe . 176 Dodge Roadster Dodg Roadster K3ex Coach , , , Essex Sport Coi 119 285 295 246 40 425 4t S r.ssex oacn Ford Sport Roadster Ford Sport Coup Ford Standard r?ntin TC Ford Standard Roadtr 409 Ford Sedan - 986 Ford Coop 9 Ford Coach 125 Ford Roadster - 45 Ford Touring T6 Ford Sedan , t Ford Pickup 76 Ford Pickup L 65 Hupraobfl Sedan T6 Nash Standard Sedan - . 446 Nash Special Coach 466 whippet Sport Coup . 490 Willy s-Knlght 70S Sedan 616 Star 6 Sport Roter, 176 Packard 6 Enclosed Tour 976 Trucks 1919 Chevrolet 1929 Chevrolet 1614 Ford ZZZZZZ 245 245 526 f.7fC 1929 Ford 1928 1929 1926 Ford, long wheel bas 276 Kora. Panel Delivery 325 Chevrolet Panel Delivery. 200 Salem Used Car Center Marion a Liberty Open Evening and Sundays Phon 7914. ------- - -- -- i- -iinfnnnrinA.rm. 1927 Ford taurine, 'flood eondlMn- 165. Ti. 9724. - - s- , . ..)n yinj1jrtJ VAT QA TV. Alts FYTi 9aAn a.K-aa - - - - VV1M. VV1 eiivy tools, office furniture, 1930 Ford Coup, run 6.004 miles like new i 945 1929 Ford Chassis, good tires, good condition 9 20 Fordaon tractor - rharAtia-hl rhnll also tractor plows at WILLYS MOTORS 515 S . Com'l or phon 8964 evenings' ' .... i-i-r-ii-inrij-LrLnjc Used Car Special For a few days only we are offering- 3 model A Ford coupes at very attractive prices: 1924 Standard coupe tiS 1924 Standard! coup . , , , 2276 1929 Standard coupe 9286 The above cars have real good rub ber, good paint and are In good av erage mechanical condition. 1 McKAY CHEV. CO. Where you get th big dollar's worth" 23 Center - Terms NevVTsorfUraction For County People BRUSH CREEK. An?. 20 Several "parties - have enjoyed an outing at Newport recently. Sun day Mr. and Mrs. O. J. hloen. Or let Moen and Laella Forlsnd drove ont for the day. Friday, Mrs. K Jensen, The a. Annsbelle and Marvin Jensen, Vivian Bun ess and 'Mrs. B. Soderberg; re turned from a trip to Neskowla snd Newport. Mr. Perkil,, FHEfl CULLED m DALXJLS, Aug. 14. Tha Dallas fire . department - snsvrered two calls wlthla' five hours Wednes dsy. The first was aramall blaze st the Conlee apartments,' which did little damage and was prompt ly eztintrnlahed.-; 1 . The second tire was a roof Mate at the Dallas creamery. This was the - second fire there within a week and burned a hole through the root end" damaged the rafters. This wire was In about the same. &pot as the one last week and un doubtedly started froi 1 sparks from, the chimney. August seems te be the month for. fires around Dallas, as there were ' few fires reported la . the earlier months of the summer. In August the department has had six calls, with five of "them being; limited to roof or grass biases. , The only fire of any .conse quence was the burning of the Schneider home on Maple street, where there were definite signs of a firebug's activities. Noble WatJdns, 72, Passes Suddenly; Funeral is Today HUBBARD. ATJO. 20 Noble Walking died of heart failure at the home of his son, E. E. Watklns early Tuesday morning. He was born In. Flatrock, Indiana, 72 years ago and came to Hubbard when he was 21 years of age, with the Fred Palmer family. Fred Palmer was his brother-in-law. Funeral services will be held at 1 o'clock Friday afternoon at the Congregational church. Rev. J. L. Green, the minister who preached the funeral sermon for his wife 24 years ago and his T Business AMUSEMENTS a.1eaa rvT a fBnf1Uff abftntf- -WlfUl wia -- sb as - - tal . Tl .. mm V ari 4 -,! t. ways larr- Kreom. Fni TlrO. 8and4tyai in a nouaaya. BATTERY ELECTRICIAN R. D. Barton Batteries Starter and generator work. Texaco station, cor ner Court and Church, BICYCLE REPAIRING LLOYD EL RAMSDEN Colombia Bicycles and repairing. 937 Court. The beat tn W cycles and repairing. H. W. Scott. 147 8. Com'L TeL 4514. BUILDING SUPPUES Royal Roofing C.. wood, shingles, tar. gravel. Work guaranteed. Prices rle-ht. 1020 Trade. CHIMNEY SWEEP; Telephon 4460. R. BL Northnee CHIROPRACTORS Dr. Ottbart, Ore, Bldg. TeL 1451, Dr. O. L SCOTT, PSC Chiropractor. 254 N. High. TeL Re. 8572. DRS. SCOFIELD. Palmer Chlroprae tora X-ray and N. C M. New Baok Bldit. ; CLEANING SERVICE 1 ; Center Bt Valeterla Tel. 682. ELECTRICIANS HALIK ELECTRIC CO. New loca tion. 937 Court St. TeL 4064. E. L. Welch electrw shop. Wiring, fixtures and sop pile. Get our price. 1016 a Com'l. Tel. 9212. FLORISTS FLOWERS FOR ALL occasions Olson's. Ceurt and High St. TeL 7166. ALL kinds of floral work. Lots Flor ist. 16th a Market. TeL 9592. CUT Flowers. wadding bouquets faneral wreaths, decoratlona C F. Breithaapt. florist, 613 Stat Street. Tel. 64. ; HEMSTITCHING NEEDLEWORK. Margaret's -hop, 416 Oonrt. GARBAGE Salem 8eavew-er. Tel. 4920 or 7600. INSURANCE . BECKS a HENDRICKS 199 N. High - TeL 4947 WILtMETTE INS. AGENCY . Wax Blivea, Mgr. Exclusive ButtavtU Agent 219 Mas le Bidg. - TeL 7404 LAUNDRIES THH NEf SALEM . LAUNDRY -THE WELDER - LAUNDRY ' 242 a High . TeL 4116 CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY "We Wash Everything In Lax" Telethon 3141 . 1244 Broadway S i TI ,IS TO DATE daughter Kate it years ago, will preach the funeral, sermon, -' Interment wtll be by the side of his wife andvdanghter In Rock Creek cemetery east of Hubbard. -Surviving Mr. Watklns are his son. - B. . K. Watkbuf of Hubba'W and a daughter, Mrs, Weecett of Eugene; - three ' grandchildren, Leonard and Richard - Watklns aad Norma Wescott; three broth ers Thomas,' Bigots, and Frank Watklns of Texas and a sister la Texas. Young Ronaldl Swan Sheds TcjtKache; Then Hit by Rock " MILL CITY, Aug. 1 Master Ronald Swan, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Swan, had a hectic day Wed nesday. Early In the day he, was suffering- with a. toothache and found relief only after a visit to the dentist. Later In the . day while playing- with some other youngsters,- and enjoying the sport of throwing- stones, he accidentally- stepped la the wajr of a stone which was thrown by one of his playmates and received a. gash In his forehead. .Mrs. John Berry is reported as being; able to he around her home again after an illness of several Marvin Bailey, son of Mrs. Ar thur C." Bates, was brought home from Tillamook the fore parti of this - week with a fractured arm. which he received while attempt ing to ride a horse. Marvin had been enjoying a vacation at the home of his grandparents at Tilla mook. GUESTS OF FUXRClis EVANS VALLEY, Aug. 2. Mr. and Mrs. Jelmer Ellison, of Portland were guests at the home of Mrs. IC Fun rue over the week end. Mrs. Ellison la a daughter of Mrs. Fnnrue and often visits with relatives here. - . T Directory MATTRESSES Mattresses from factory t home. Ask about our wot mattressea Reno at era and furalgatore. Capital City Bed-din- Co. Tel. S9. SftS North Can MUSIC STORES GEO. C. WILL Piano. Phono graphs, sewing macbtnea. sheet musio. and . piano studies. Repairing phono graphs and sewing machlnea 433 Rte Street. Pslem. PLUMBING and HEATING PLUMBING and general repair work. Graber Bros, 146 So. Liberty. Tel 6594. PAPER HANGING Paper hanging and painting: Nou- man s paint store. 152 N. Com'L PHONE GLENN ADAMS for ho- oectca-auns;. paper hanging, tinting, eta. ReMsMe workman. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY, card-, pampb Uta, programs, books or any kind f printing, cau Tb statasmaa Print ing Department, 311 8, Ccmerc. Telephone 4141. RADIO FOR every purpose, for every pnrse All standard site of Radl Tuba. EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP. 947 Court St TeL 9119. For uarantaed radio renal rln . phone or call at SALEM RADIO KVTtVmV. Tel. 4M9 643 Ferrv St. STOVES STOVES and St ova ranalrlna. Stave for sal, rebuilt aad repaired. All graas 01 woven wire renao, fancy aad plain, nop baskets, hooks, logan hooka Salem Fence and Stove Works, tct Cbemeketa. TeL 4774. R B Flemln-. TAILORS IX H, MOB HER Tailor for men and women. 4T court Bt. TRANSFER CAPITAL Cm Transfer Ca Stat St TeL 7773. Distributing, for- waramg ana torg our specialty. Get our ratea FOR local or distant transfer .stor aga, call S13L Larmer Transfyr Co. iwu to raniina a iy. o . . Real Estate Directory BECK-, a BENDRICTT 9 199 N. High , Tal 447 a M. E1ARLB 224 N. High St ' TeL 9479 J. LINCOLN ELLIS 442 Stat . TL S4T1 SOCOLOFSKY a SON 384-5 First Nat. Bk. Bide TeL T367 J. F. . TJLRICH 325 Stat Street TeL 3979. " . t VI IUUU - I 441 8UU St . . .. TeL 7144 HOMER IX . FOSTER REALTY CO. 370 Stat Bt TeL T633 W. IL GRABENHORST COl 134 a Liberty St. TL 444k By CLIFF STERRETT Oil ffll START CO-OPERSTIVE Hi! Labish Growers Appointed Committee to Plan for . Contracts - LABISH CENTER, Aug-. 2. That the onion growers of . this district could more profitably market their produce through or ganisation was the consensus of opinion of praetlcaUy all ef - the growers present at a mass r-.eet-ingvlteld at the Labish Center schoolhouse Tuesday evening-. So favorable seemed the atti tude toward organization that a committee of 11 was appointed to meet Friday .evening at the school house to consider terms tor a con tract. The committee Includes A. F. Hayes, D. R. Degrosa, W C Bishop. - Ronald Jones, H. E. Boehr. 0. G. McClaegary, W. F. Klampe, E. Is. Hornschuch. W. A. Starker. IL M. Bibby and Harry Bennett,. -- Tuesday's meeting', which had an excellent attendance, was pre sided over by Ronald Jones, who has had much experience with or ganization in connection with the Labish celery growers. Three growers from the Sherwood onion district were also present,- 1 Repeated attempts at some form of organization within a per iod of several years hare not ma terialized, but growers are now beginning to feel, keenly the need for some such service. V. C. Bish op, a local grower, has figured prominently la trying -to brtngr about organization.' - - Funeral Rites for- Pioneer Instructor .Today ; Are Private SILVERTON, Aug:. 20 Private funeral services for Miss Mary Virginia Keene, 75, retired pio neer school teacher who died at the Emanuel hospital In Portland Wednesday night, will be held to morrow afternoon at the Portland crematorium. Miss Keene was well known In Marlon county, being the daugh ter of the late Rev. O. M. Keene. pioneer of 1847. She had spent considerable time here. She was a graduate, of Pacific university, class of 1880. For many years she taught in the public schools of Clatsop county, later teaching in the vicinity of Caldwell, Idaho." She Is survived by three brothers, E. L. Keene, Pittsburg. Pa.: Dr. J. M. Keene. Medford, and Dr. C V. Keene, Silverton. Child Arrive on Birthday of Nurse, Doctor and Hoover RICKEY, Aug. 20. Word has been received by relatives here of the arrival of a son at the home of J. W. J-agee at Scotts Mills Goss - Word Puzzle ' BT ELfGENB SHEFFER ji:ii:z ILI!1 S-l!l Il!lIt p II38I-1" lIIiI 1 1 1 M 11 1 b HORIZONTAL. 1 quantity, of stalks bound together S bishops ef Rome " 11 having four leaves v to the sheet 12 exhibit 14 force: onward 15 one of the caneni eal hours : 7 exclama tion ' possessive pronoun 19 frozen SOtwice 1 Egyptian deity -, 22 genus ef old. world carnivores 23 liquefy by heat . 24 elimina tion ef vrasta - from te . . bleed 2 city oa the Rhine tT Britiah Arctie -." explorer ' gad -Ucvigate- -S4V-lMTters 29 flatUaed Vr' shaped SI omen . 84 preposi- " tion tIta-aa poet 24 birthplace .ef Abraham 37 eea eagle 28 rods . 29 to and -'40 therefore 41 tropical . . . disease 42 abstain -from food 4 3 muscular 45 fabled -. - diminutive creatures : 47 rising and falling ef the ocean's surface 48 having ears Herewith is the solution te yea terday's puzzle. " - i 1 M!m t KL 1 Arjyn dAg is toa ODpK TIE joc August 10. He not only arrived on the birthday of his aunt, Mrs. Hugh Magee, who was the attend ing nurse, but also on the birth day of the physician. Dr. J. 12. Webb of ML Angel, and that ef President Hoover. When W. Magee. was a rmall boy he, with his parents, lived on a farm purchased from Dr. J. Mia- thora, an uncle of Herbert Hoov er. Mr Hoover at one time lived on this farm with his ancle. . Mr. Magee is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Magee and Mrs. Magee wm be remembered as Edith Kel- log, a Marlon county teacher. Blantons Commence Buulding: New Horns , On Labish Property LABISH CENTER, Aug. 20 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Blanton, Sr., have commenced building op erations on. their new house on their property here. The Blan ton's house, a modern dwelling scarcely two years old. was de stroyed by fire last spring. The D. R. Degross onion house, which also burned the same day, has been replaced by a large up-to-date building with a capacity of about twice that of the form er building. Work on this has been finished with the exception of a small amount of interior work. Davis Says Verrier Place Not Touched By Blaze in Fields r Arthur B. Davis of Silverton, star route, aaya report of a slash ing fire on his place August IT was erroneous. Of the fire hs says: "The fire did not touch ths Verrier ranch, nor was there a stubble fire any place. It burned a 'little dry grass, - about two acres, on the Mlnary place. Four of ns and the fire warden fought the fire and held It. The thresh ing crew and others who ap peared came around for curiosity. There was no serious damage to any adjoining ranches." NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned by an order of the County Court of Marion County. State of Oregon, duly made and entered on the 22nd day of July. 1931, was appointed administra trix of the estate of Frank Land graf and that she has duly qual ified as such. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified as required by-law, at the offices of Kowiti & Cook, la the City of Salem, Marlon County, Oregon, withia six months from the date of thU notice, to-wit July 24. 1931. L IRMA GORTON, Administrator of the estate ot Frank 'Landgraf. kowitz a COOK 401 Guardian Bldg. Salem, Oregon. J. 24-31-A-7-14-21. VERTICAL. - 1 additional customs duty 2 ugly old women 8 before 4 preposition -. 5 instigates jur7 dis tinguished' . I from grand jury 7 Roman poet 8 pointed ' piece of wire for fastening 9 printer's measure 10 formal division in the churcn 11 24 sheets of paper Unmakes Iff on the sheltered side 19 alluvial i matter ea the sur face ef land 20 purse 22 projecting; '' angle formed by meeting ei two vaults 25 strong point 25 hum loftli 36 email . tumors ea the skin 28 slavery - 29 search 50 eradicate 51 pulsate violently 22 cared for teiu'eriy 23 wrs 1 6 natives of Denmark 28 clever 85 notoriety 41 few ani mals in a gren7 42 oa beiixLf 44 the small. est state (a.fer.l IS-ysnbal f . sei n -. . i i i i - t U! KM L