The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 21, 1931, Page 6, Image 6

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THm OXtECON STATESMAN, Salgnu Oregon, Friday Morning, Arjgnst 21, 1931
Prominent Couple
'Celebrate 60th
The COth wedding anniversary
of Mr. and Mrs. George D. Thorn-'
'as ot Amity was celebrated Wed
' nesday evening when the Amity
Study club and the Social Service
club were Joint hostesses for the
occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
came to Oregon 27 years ago from
Winona. Mian., settling in Amity
where they have since made their
home. Two daughters. Mrs. W. L.
Tuller of SUverton and Mrs. T. B.
Newman of Salem, are the only
children. - "
At t o'clock the wedding party
. . -i . v . . Iil. f tn
jnarcnea . ww -
First Methodist church to the
trams of Mendelssohn's Wed
Atn March. . which was sung y
.Mrs. Prang of ..Salem . and. Miss
v Dy-. Mrs. Lynn Lancef laid " at the
ri plane. Mrs. Gertie Rlchter 6f Am
ity t the organ, and. Miss Lola
Neuzaan on the yiolln. .Rev. Can
! read the Impret-slve single ring
err Ice la the presence of several
hundred guests, which wu-pra-
eded by two vocal solos. I lv
You Truly and "At Dawning,
tun by Mrs. Robert Wyatt of Sa
lem. A duet, number, "wneii
Tour Hair Has Turned to Silver,
iras also sung by Mrs. Wyatt and
t ... pmwn nf Salem.
Little Helen Jean Neuman and
' Mary Elisabeth Thomas of Port
land, as flower girls.
aisle to the altar, decked with a
profusion ot - beautiful summer
flowers, where the bride and
troom again repeated the wedding
" fThe bride was attractive in a
becoming dress of lavender, and
rearing a lovely black Spanish
nantllla. loaned for the occasion
iy ah intimate friend. Miss Letha
Hawley of Mcfclnnvllle. Mrs. W.
. L Puller ot Sllverton attended
aer mother as maid of honor and
Mrs! Edith Jones of McMlnnville
lerved as natron of honor. -P.
C. Chsse of Portland, nephew
' - . . . m Ha at man and
or me grwuiu, . -
Walter Dickey and Scren Soren
son acted, as ushers. .
Following the recessional.
Lohengrin's "Wedding March,
an informal reception was held.
Mr. and Mrs. Them re both
sn Joying the best of healthy and
"e very aetlve in all civic affairs.
Mr. Thomas was at one time en-,
raged In the mercantile business
ind fannlrfg. but during the tost
" ew years has retired from public
:lfe Mrs. Thomas is prominent In
Eastern Star circles. hurch af
alrs and social andAivlc enter
prises. A large nomW of Port
land and out-of-town guests called
luring the day to offer coniz
ations. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
' were presented with many Beau
tiful and useful gifts.
' . . ; . i
Brools Mr. and Mrs. A. (E.
- Harris' and their son and wife.
V Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Harris. enter-j
, tafned a group of their friends,
with a picnic dinner party JfdT
- evening at their home. Dinner
was served on a long -table on the
lawn to the following guests: Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Foulrlch and
children Charlott and Jay of Se
attle. Mr. -and Mrs. Roy Shreeve
and children Janice and Mary
.. . cm f Tpdffird.
Klizaoein ouiw -
Mrs McDonald of Salem. Mr. and
Mrs! John Cornforth of Liberty.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crawford
and children Barbara and Ken
neth Crawford. Miss Dora Foul
rlch. and. Mrs. Mary Hawkins of
Salem. Mlss .Lavonne Harris, . Al
bert Harris. Mr. and Mrs. A. K.
t i r and Mrs. S. A.
rial ii suu .
-Harris.- '..- l - - - J "-
! Monmouth The birthday .an-;
nlversary ot Mrs. G- WBaun in-
eyuca fc o
friends and relatives sunaay. ai
;-.. i-.n.. w(tnl tnvn Mrs.
me x7auu uvw - - - -
-. William- MCCrae -assisted the
sostess in enxerxainmK.-. iuw
enjoying the day together were:
... . tmj4.I1 via. K a t h-
" teen; McCrae, Miss Margaret Mcr
' Crae. Mr. and' Mrs., wimam i,c-
Ct Jar- " mib-
- Mrsi Cor Rlddell and two daugh-
ters. Miss Hasei York. Edwin
- Byrd.. Mrs. Wllda 1 Lewis - Mrs.
' John Fuller; Kenneth-McCrae and
. Wallace' - McCrae.- - Tables ;wre
spread on a large screened porch.
" Vhltlng- and reminiscencing oc
m j a m i nu tr
cupted tne airernoo. . . .-.
Aurora Mrs. John Krans has
-had an Interesting"; house guest
for a few days. Mrs. George M?
Parker, a sister of Mrs. Kraus. is
: visiting relatives in Aurora and
' Portland, while ' enroute from
Washington to- San ' Francisco
- 'where she will 'joln-her husbandr
' Major George Parker. who has
recently - been -transferred . from
- v. . .uml .faff at ' Washlnrton
ft,U9 5CUVWI - '
; to the Presidio, San. Francisco.
Mri Charles Beck entertained for
"MrV Parker", and' for, Mrs' Alice
- Marvin of Kansas City, las t;Wod
nesdar. "-'. ; 1 -
Mr. and Mrs.' A. S. Kaylor and
son Rex ot Hoodaport, Washlng
. . ton. were weekend visitors at the
home ot Mr. and Mrs. George Gib
son.. An interesting beach trip
was enjoyed by .the group which
took the vlsHors to Newport over
the Roosevelt highway slopping
enroute at Depoe bay and other
polnu of interest. This is : the
first time the. Kaylors have visit
ed in Oregon and are high in their
. praise tor 'the beautiful Oregon
scenery, Mr. and Mrs. Kaylor
and son left Monday morjjing .for
their home in Washington.
The Japanese -Young People's
, league, will meet Sunday evening.
August 23rd. at 7:30 o'clock. ln;
stead of 8 p..m. at the Hayes
: j vllle church,, with ilisa - Hoshle
, Watanabe. as leader: L. XL Mitch-
J the' evening . and' has chosen fot
, r his subject. "Japanese . Art".
j. Mrs'. Mitchell. T Marlon Emmnnil
will give a group j.of violin solos
-.daring", the. evening. ' She. will, be
accompanied ' by .Miss .. Hoshle
-' .Watanabe. The. meeting lor the
following Sunday . will. . be , In
v charge of Seiko Watanabe.
News and Club
Olive M. Doak.
- Friday, August 21
"' . Calvary Baptist Missionary society meeting. 3:80
p. m., Friday, at the home of Mrs. Earl Race, 1771 Mar
ket street. Guild Girls to have charge of program,Mrs.
William Stoddard, in charge of devotlonala.
Calvary Baptist Missionary society meeting 2:80 p.
tn.. at home of Mrs. Earl Race, 1771 Market street. The
Guild Girls in charge of program with Mrs. . William
"Stoddard in charge of devotlonala.
;"j Saturday, August 22 ri ; :
First Spiritualist church circle Saturday, August
22. t home of George H. Stoddard. 1420 North Fourth
street. Mrs. Mary Schwedel ot Portland will assist local
mediums. ; . V ", : : . l . , '
Miss Margaret Longen
Bride of L;Scifert ;
- -- - . . .: -t i :- -. . .;.vi:
At - an - ImpreaalveS nuptial, saass
held . Thursday : morning at . I
o'clock in St. Joseph's . Catholic
church, ' Miss .'Margaret . Longen.
daughter - of Jacob Longen of
Gregory, S. D.. became the bride
of Lawrence Seifert of St. Paul,
Minn. Rev. R. J. Buck read the
mass In the soft light, of the tall
cathedral tapers, before an altar
banked with ; pink . gladioli and
fern. . ; j '
.The bride was lovely in a gown
ot white satin, made in semi
princess style with becoming mod
ish lines. Her long bridal veil was
caught with aa orange blossom
wreath and she carried a shower
bouquet of roses and carnations.
I Her only attendant, Miss Gene
vieve Longen of ML Angel, wore
a smart frock of peach georgette
trimmed in peach satin, with pic
ture hat to match. Sne also car
ried an arm bouquet qt roses and
carnations. ? ' j .
Peter Iten of, St. Paul, Minn..
served as best man. i
Following, the wedding cere
mony a reception and wedding
breakfast were held at the home
ot the bride's aunt. Mrs. Mae Kin-
ser. on South! 13th street, where
covers were placed for 25 guests.
A number of out-of-town guests
attended the wedding. ;
Marion SKafer Bride j
Of Fred Otteniger 1
Perrydal i Marlon Sharer,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. How
ard Shafer of Balls ton became
the bride of j Mr. Fred Otteniger
of Sheridan at: a beautiful wed
ding Sunday.! performed in the
flower gardens ) of Mr. and Mrs.
William Fudge-' . if
. The bride was lovely in white
crepe chiffon 'dress and carried a
bouquet ot mantbretla and "ga
lardia with' ?baby breath. . The
bridesmaid, Mary K. Newell of
Bay City, wore a, derss of orchid
dotted net. j . . G
-The groom's attendant was
Floyd Cummins of Portland.
The small daughters ot Mr. and
Mrs. J. J. Sechrlst. Aileen find
Helen, sang. fI Love You Truly"
before the ceremony. i
Reverend and Mrs. Fernstra o
Sheridan performed the beautiful
double ring ceremony before one
hundred and; twenty-five friends
and relatives! "j t
Mr. and Mrs,' Ottener left for
Naches, Wash,! ,whefe they will
reside. ;;(-.. '
i . i
An informal affair of the week
was Ihe 7 o'clock dinner party
given Wednesday evening at the
home of Miss Mildred Judson. on
Waller street, complimenting her
house guest. Miss Roxanna Zielle
of Long Beach. Calif..- who has
been a guest in the city for the
past two weeks. -' Those . bidden
for. the dialer .last evening In
cluded, the honor guest, Miss
Roxanna Zlelie,- Mrs. George
Loveall, . Jtllss J Orma - Mclntyre,
Miss Margaret Thompson. Miss
Esther Tibblts and' the hostess.
Miss Mildred Judson. , The- eve
ning was ' spent' informally with
conversation.; ; . . . . '
Miss .Zielie was' a guest at the
home of .Mrs. John Rautenkrani
during the first part of her. stay
J&exev.. 'JLi -) .
- : ;?.?-. : "I
Mr.-end Mrs. James Vohle ef
Olymgia, -WasM., are guests - at
the home ot; Mrs. Vohle's moth
er. Mrs. Stanley coinpton. --Mr.
Vohle Is director, of . vocational
guidance Id the Olympia schools.
-. :. , i -.t ' . - ' :
Sir Cupid" and Dame -Rumor." mittin
f bjVrS?tkMn intres- the
o 1 : 1 o
; .. . v t ?. . . .
: . - i i ' f v . . l
. . i ',----
' ; "1 ' i ' - 1 -
' - -; ( ;
' ,' -
s- -, ' I : . :
-'v-jKitunwr, rauiionaire sportsman, who followed the beautiful
actress aJl over Europe and was f eUow passenger aboard the Aqui
IfJfT r it brought Gloria home-to the u. S. A. Here's the atten
f. MTffincr epuig step with his romance while Gloria and the
"SIS skii! ?on-cJora,mi") ot stroll on deck. Her final decree
free the Marouia de la Falaise is not effective ntn l.t Kenteik
Society Editor
Informal Dinner at m
Emmons Home' : i -
. ; . ; -. "is.. . .. " ' ,
- Dr. and Mrs,-Carl . W.-Emmons
entertained informally, dur
ing the week in their home 'on
North Church street, with a din
ner complimenting Mr. and Mrs.'
L. S. Mitchell (Marlon Emmons)
ef Vermillion, South Oakota, the
occasion being their second wed
ding anniversary. At the prettily
arranged dinner table which was
centered with & low bouquet-of
mixed garden flowers, Covers
wet-e placed for the honor guests,
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Mitchell. Mrs.
W. W. Emmons, Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Emmons and Miss Lulu
Heist and Miss Ann Llndle of
Portland; "I
j .
Jewel Minier Honored
With Birthday Party
Complimenting the 12th birth
day anniversary of her daughter.
Jewel. Mrs. Walter B. Minier, en
tertained In the Minier home, on
Saginaw street," Thursday after
noon with a lawn party of games
and contests. Twelve little play
mates ot the honor guest were
invited to help celebrate the day
and enjoy the large white birth
day cake, adorned with 12 green
and yellow lighted tapers. Toy
balloons tied to each chair mark
ed places for the honor guest.
Jewel Minier. Mary Elisabeth
Siason, Hazel and Carol Cooper,
Leone Spauldlng, Vera Beechler,
Clare Marshall, Anna May Gra
benhwrst. Jere Simmons, Eliza
beth Morehouse, Jean . Pound,
Ruth Jean GarnJobsJ. Flavla
Downs, and Catherine Headrlck.
The hostess was assisted during
the afternoon -By Catherine Head
rlck and Mrs. Gene Grabenhorst.
Honoring her husband on his
birthday anufcrersary, Mrs. Ken
neth Waters has invited friends
Friday for a 7 o'clock dinner and
evening of bridge tn the Waters
home on Breys avenue. ( An ; at
tractive color scheme of pink and
white will be earried out in the
table appointments ; and flower
arrangements. . ' '
A big birthday cake will center
the table, where covers will be
placed for the honor guest. Dr.
Waters, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dun
can, Mr. and Mrs. George Rho
ten, Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Moore
head, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Roth,
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Mudd and
the hostess, Mrs. K. W. Waters.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Glenn ac
companied by their bouse guest.
Miss Margaret Aiken of Coun
cil Bluffs, Iowa, who has been
visiting at . the Glenn home " for
the -past five weeks, will leave
within the next ' few days : for
Bend where they will visit with
Mrs. . Glenn's sister, Mrs. Ralph
Yeaton, for- a short time. Miss
Aiken will go by train , to her
homo In Iowa. , Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn will be accompanied home
from eastern Oregon by their son
Oliver who has .been -vacationing
the-e for the past week. . .
- Mr. and Mrs. Alton Hurley and
daughters Claire and Jean, arriv
ed home Wednesday. from Seattle,
where they hare been the guest ot
relatives and friends for the past
fortnight.' .' ! ' (
i Mrs. C. P. Bishop has as her
house guests Mrs. R. H. Grover
of McMlnnville, who will visit
friends in Salem for the remain
der of the week.? f -
a. kmAm
affair of Gloria Swanson, film star.
Writers League :is
Entertained" at
Nelson Home
; The members of . the . writer's
section of the Salem Arts, league
were entertained Tusday . with a
program of ' original writings, at
the. home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Nelson, which was followed by a
no-host siipper served on the
porch ot the Nelson! home. Mrs.
F. G. Franklin, section - leader,
presided during. the evening for
the- first time this summer which
was spent Jn convalescing from
an automobile accident in which
both Mr. and Mrs. Franklin re
ceived injuries. ., .
The program' opened with two
children's stories written by Mrs.
Blanch Jones., Two other. inter
esting pieces of work incladlag'-a
narrative poem Jar : blank -"verse
written by MrsJ Edna Dalley and
a poem by Mrs. William Fordyce
Fargo which has 'Just ; been, pmb
lished in the "Psychology" aaaga
sine, were. given - ', ;
. A, clever - humorous poem waa
read by Mrs. - Jessie Singleton.
Professor Morton Peck gave an
entertaining resume of hU sum
mer vacation experiences. .
i Mrs. J. M. Clifford read two
poems "Hill Song" and "August
Love" and Mrs. C. A. Lytle read
a story and verse. Two poems
-What Was Better and "He Was
Uncouth, were read by Mrs. J.
C. Nelson
The sixth episode of , his his
torical pageant was read by Per
ry Prescot Relgelman, who re
ceived special commendation on
the Introductory poem. Miss. Edna
Garfield closed the program with
two miscellaneous poems.
Special guests during the even
ing were, Miss Alice Munday of
Seattle and Thomas Nelson. Oth
er members of the writers' section
who were present for the evening
Included Miss Resnka Swart, Mrs.
W. D. Smith, Miss Grace Eliza
beth Smith, Dr. F. G. Franklin.
J. M. Clifford and Mrs. Peck. The
September meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs. Ora Mclntyre.
Mrs. Ed Finley Honors
Laurel Sxcial Club
. Kin r wood A delightful after
noon .was spent at the homo of
Mrs. Ed Finley Tuesday, guests
hetnr members of the Laurel So
cial Hour club. Specially honored
was Mrs. A. L. Applewhite, who
with her family leaves next week
for Neskowin where they expect
tn remain a. Tear. Mrs. B. B.
Flack, Mrs. Albert Beckman and
Mrs. Eugene Krebs. as a commit
tee on entertainment, had ar
ranged an old-tiroe spelling match
and several .educational games.
Mrs. Applewhite resigned her of
fice as secretary-treasurer of the
club and the president appointed
Mrs. Warren B. Baker to complete
her unfinished term. Mrs. Apple
white was .presented with an ap
propriate, parting gift.
Mrs. . Finley, assisted by Mrs.
Eliza Calder, Mrs. J. B. Smith and
Miss Catherine Applewhite served
a dainty two course luncheon.
Members present were Mes
dames J. A. Yantlss, E. W. Em
mett, O. E. Vosburgh, Glenn L.
Adams, Raymond Compton, Ro
bert A. "Blevlns, Warren B. Ba
ker. Eugene Krebs, Bernard Ben
son. A. U Applewhite, J. B. Smith
and the hostess. Mrs. Finley.
Guests were Mrs. Eliza Calder,
Mrs. Ruth Ashford. Miss Barbara
Whipple of Portland, MJss Cath
erine Jane Ashford, Gene- Beck
man. Loren Vosburgh and Billy
Silverton Mrs. Myron C.
Woodward entertained with a
garden bridge Prty Saturday aft
ernoon, ' honoring ' Mrs. James
Jenks of Albany. Mrs. Jenks will
be remembered as Dorothy Hubbs
formerly of here. Among out-of-town
guests were Mrs. -Nelson
Keeler of Oakland, CaL, Mrs. J.
Wetzel, of Seattle, and Mrs. T. B.
Ward of California.' The tables
were arranged in-the lovely gar
dens at the spacious Woodward
home of West Main street.
: Jefferson Miss Clara Theis
sen, daughter of Mr. "and Mrs.
Claus Theissen became the bride
of, Frank Klser. - son of Mr.- and
Mrs. Frank. Zlzer ot Knox Butte,
Saturday, - August 15, at, the
Christian ' church , parsonage, at
Albany.: The ceremony was per-,
formed by the Rev. Rex. Dallas.
Mrs. Kiser is a successful school
teacher and will teach the Deter
school, next year. , Mr.. Klzer. Is
employed .with the ; Linn county
bridge ; crew. . They wttl ' make
their home at Seravelhln.- .
. , " 'i ..
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Blinkhorn
accompanied by Mrs. Blinkhorn'
sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. George Emmert aad chil
dren.1 Gertrude - and Kenneth, . of
Molalla, are planning to leave
Saturday for a two weeks' vaca
tion trip to Los Angeles. Califor
nia where they will visit at the
home of Mrs. Bllnkhorn's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Octav " Boget. . The
trip is being made by motor which
will Include the famous Redwood
highway. V'-r "
Miss' Irene Anderson - of Mc
Mlnnville, is the house guest of
her aunt and Uncle Mr. aad Mrs.
William Lilejqulst. Miss Ander
son will return to her home dur
ing the; latter part ot the week.
i Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Downs and
children, Hume, Warren aad
Flavla, left . Tuesday, afternoon
for a' week's vacation at-Brelten-
bosh Springs. -. '
: Mrs. Fred Duncan and small
son. Burke, returned home , Tues
day evening from Portland " where,
she . visited at - the home ef her
parents. . -. ,-, :
-. , - -e e " i
' Overnight - guests at the home
of Jlr. and Mrs. Gordon. . Wilson
were Mr. aad Mrs. - Morris . Hoi
man ot Oregon Citywbo are re
turning from a motor trip to. Cra
ter Lake and Bend.
Bridge Dinner -at
Charlton Home
Smart Affair'
Celebrating Jointly the birth
day, of MA. B. L. Bradley and the
sixth wedding anniversary ot the
host and hostess, Mrs.,. E. C.
Charlton entertained in her home
Wednesday evening with a beau
tifully appointed 7 o'clock din
ner' followed by an evening ' of
bridge. An interesting event of
the dinner was the presentation
of a large pink, and white birth
day cake with lighted tapers,
which shared honor on the table
with 1 a lovely bouquet . of mixed
pastel colored summer flowers.
-. Those .to enjoy the occasion
were. Mr. and' Mrs. B. L. Brad
ley, Mr. and - Mrs. Miles McKey,
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bonesteele,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston. Mr.
and Mrs. James Teed. Miss Ruth
Moore and the host and hostess.
Mr. and Mrs.: E. C Charlton. ..
High honors at cards for the
ladles 'were won by Mrs.' - Jack
Johnston, and high score for the
men-was won by Jack Johnston. .
. - Mrar RuseeU.-. Bonesteele . and
Kra. . Ja m ea 5 Teed assisted- -the
hostess with the servings - .
Berean :Glass Enjoys
- The Loyal Berean class of the
Court street Christian -Bible
school held a successful picnic at
Hager'a grove Tuesday evening.
Games were played and a bounti
ful supper was enjoyed by all
Many of the class were unable
to,attend but those present were
as follows: Mr. and Mrs. L. C.
Prlem and son, Carl; Mr. and
Mrs. Ben Hawkins and daughters,
Susanna, Jean and Elolse; Mrs.
Harvey Beeson and sons, Ray
mond and. Chester; . Mrs. Hazel
Priem and children. Marjorie,
LeRoy and Clair; Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Weller and the twins,
Mary and Martha. and niece. Mur
iel Brown; . Miss Inez FullerXon.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Keithley and
Earl, and Marjorie, Mrs. Ralph
Miller, Glee and Harlan; Mrs.
Hattie Wickenwurder, Irwin and
Josephine, Mrs. Dan Miller and
son. and B. F. Shoemaker.
Out of town guests were Mrs.
Kirk Simpson and son. .David, of
Portland, and Mrs. Merle Price
and daughters, Gloria and Polly
Ann of Colfax, Wash.' Mrs. Price
Is m the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
B. F. Shoemaker and is spending
a taw weeks in Salem. She visit
ed her sister, Mrs. Delbert Dan
iels at The Dalles last week.
Beach Party. Planned
At; Lemmon Cottage
One of the interesting" beach
parties of the coming weekend is
that arranged by .11 r. and , Mrs.
Oral Lemmon who are spending a
two weeks' vacation at Peakata
bay Bay near Waldport.
Those who will motor over
Saturday for the weekend are,
Mr. - and Mrs. James Teed.' Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Leits Mr. and
Mrs. Reed Rowland, Dr. and Mrs.
Burton Myers, My. and Mrs. Lu
ther L. Jensen and Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne Schomaker.
: -
Of Interest, to their many
friends comes the announcement
ot the betrothal ot Miss Claudia
Plank, daughter of Mrs. Edith
Plank of Portland, and Walter
Fuhrer, son of Mr. and Mrs. John
Fuhrer of Salem, which was told
at a forma garden tea, Thursday
afternoon, at the home of bride
elect's aunt, Mrs. William S. Wal
ton on North Summer street. The
marriage of Miss Plank and Mr.
Fuhrer will be solemnized, Satur
day evening September 12th, at 8
o'clock, in the First Presbyterian
church, with Rev. Grover C. BirN
chett officiating. .
Miss Plank has been a member
of the Salem high school faculty
in. the history department' for the
past thfee years. -She was gradu
ated from Oregon State college
where she was A member of PI
Beta Phi sorority, v r -, .
Mr. Fuhrer attended both Ore
gon State college and Willamette
university, having been graduated
at the latter in the department of
law. He was affiliated with Sig
ma phi Epalion fraternity at Cor-
vallls and a member of the' .-local'
law fraternity at Willamette university.-
j...--- " .; .
A number of pre-nuptlal affalrs.
are being arranged in compliment
to. Miss Plank - before , her mar
riage.,. . ;, ,
..- ".-', ; .
Monmouth Guests at the H.
D. Ross heme' this week. are. Mrs,
Clara M. Hofer of Redlands. Cal..
and Mr. and Mrs. Paul MeBrlde
and two sons from Oakland. Cal.
Mrs. Hofer is a sister of Mr. Ross.
There are five sisters in this fam
ily, the other four being Mrs. El
mer Nash-and Mrs. Lucy Kava-J
naugn of . Salem. Mrs;-Lena -West
of -'Manzanita, .and i, Mrs. Eva
Hayes ot Portland, and this is the
first time they have all. been' in
one "state at the same time. -- A
family . reunion is r being planned
at Manzanita, for Sunday, .that
the five may celebrate together. -
Mr. and Mrs." Reuben P. Boise
entertained Informally at dinner
Wednesday - evening at "Ellen
dale", their country home on the
Dallas highway. Those chosen- to
make up the guest list were. Mr;
and Mrs. Homer Smith, Mr. "and
Mrs. ' Henry tCornoyer, Mr., and
Mrs. Breyman " Boise, Mrs. '.Mar
garet LeFurgy and , Mrs. Frank
Snedecor. . ' -
: 9 " '?
, Mill City A delightful family
dinner was enjoyed at the Ellis
Hilt home Sunday when the birth
days of Mrs. Frank Potter . and
Mr. Hill were celebrated, their
birthday, occurring on the same
day, Monday. ' Those seated at
the the table at a 4 o'clock din
ner were Mr. and Mrs. Lafe -Potter,
and children, lyde Hill. Mrs.
Mary 01111. Mrs. Frank Potter,
Donna Tealer.-and Mr. and Mrs.
Eiiia Hin. -
- Miss Muriel Rowe left Thurs
day evening for. San Jose, Cali
fornia, where she will visit at the
home of her .aunt. -Airs. Robert
Cameron for a short time.' Miss.
Rowe will also visit with friends
In Marysville on the return' trip
Dakota Clan Picnic ' "
Held in Eugene -
Approximately 200 former Da
kotans - assembled', at Rlverview
park at Eugene Sunday, August 9.
for their annual state picnic A
bounteous dinner was served, fol
lowed by a program in charge ot
Dr.' Hunt, consisting-: of group
singing, speeches, readings, tocaT
and violin solos. X
A short business session waa
held, with President Svararaude
ot Eugene presiding.
Officers for next year were
elected as follows: President. H.
I. Standley, Salem- vice-president,
Mr. Chamberlain, Corvallls; - secretary-treasurer,
J. Burton Crary.
Salem. -
Several members 'of the Salem
Dakota club motor' to Eugene to
attend this meeting. The Dakota
State Picnic Association, of Ore-,
gon will hold Its annual meeting
la Salem next year. - .
y' - . . . e e
Bridge Dinner at
Vehrs Home .
..." ;...--''- . ' '
Dr.- aad .Mrs. . -George Vehrs
were Interesting host, and host
ess Thursday., evening ' .In their
home, on .Stewart street, with, a
eharmlag " appointed' 7' o'clock
dinner, followed by an - evening
of bridge.-An nnnsnal and effec
tive color schem of blaek - and
yellow was artistically carried
-out In the table appointments and
card accessories.
The guest list for the evening
Included Mr. - and Mrs. George
King. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hunt
er, Mr. -and Mrs. C. A. Sprague,
Mr. and Mrs: Grover - Hlllman.
Walter T. Molloy and Hal D. Pat
ton. Club Sponsors Picnic
Wednesday Evening
Another enjoyable picnic of the
season was sponsored Wednesday
evening at Hager'a grove when a.
merry group met for a no-host
picnic and Informal evening- ot
conversation and fun In general.
At the table which was set under
the trees near the creek were,
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Endicott, Mr.
and Mrs. L. Adolphson. Miss Ma
bel Searle ofButte, Montana, Mr.
and Mrs. L. C. Mitchell of Ver
million, S. D., Dr. and Mrs. Carl
Emmons, Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Waters and Dr. and Mrs. Estil
Brunk. -'
Mrs. C. P. Bishop, accompanied
by Mrs. Lenore Roberts ot Port
land, returned home Wednesday
evening from Washougal. Wash
ington, where she spent Tuesday
visiting with Robert and Charles
Bishop who are employed for the
summer vation in the Kay Wool
en Mills. Mrs. Bishop made an
over night visit ' in Portland at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clar
ence Bishop.
Mrs. Frank Ross returned
home Wednesday evening from
Roseburg where she was called
by the death of her father,
George Bickel. Mrs. Ross makes
her home while In Salem, with
her daughter, Mrs.: John St imp
son. - 1 . - -
Miss Virginia Cross, daughter
ot Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Cross, is
spending the week at Agate Beach
at the guest of Miss Jeanne Pat
ton. Mrs. Ray Yocum is spending
the week in Eugene-where she
was called by the serious lllnees
of Mr. Yocum's mother, Mrs. J.
L." Yocum.
, Mr. and Mrs.-W. E. Long have
returned to their home after hav
ing spent the past two we$ks as
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. A.
Roberts at Neskowin.
Mrs. Lewis Griffith and chil
dren, Laura Kate and Johnny, re
turned Wednesday from Newport
where they hare been spending
the nummer season. - .
,-v '. -. .. '
Mrs. F. L. Waters and. Miss
Julia Webster motored- to Taft
the early part of ihe week where
they will enjoy a beach outing.
Miss. Sylvia GoocK -j
Accepts Job With
Eugene Drug Store
MILL CITY, Aug. 20 Mrs. O.
C. Hutchens was a - Salem .: busi
ness visitor Tuesday, making the
trip with Mr. and .Mrs. Floyd
Fleetwood and children.
; Mtss Sylvia Gooch has gone to
Eugene where she has - accepted
a' position with the ; Stevenson,
Inc., druggists of that city.' Miss
Gooch . has been the pharmacist
at the Hammond company store
for the past five years. -j -
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lacey and
family motored to Wrenn, Mon
day, where they, will remain , for
several, days oa a visit. : - r'
. Tom -Booth has resumed" -hjs
duties at. the local meat market
after a .short vacation,- part ot
which he spent on the 1 huckle
berry paeh.- John. Dawes, who is
also In" the -market,. Is enjoying
his vacation this week. " - , ;
Eugene Gregory and . a little
M.Naughton lad were treated at
the local hospital daring the past
week.' botfi having their ton.sils
removed. - :"" , .-' -v - ;
Juel Moen, Former ,
' Brush Creek Man,
Passes jn Dakoli
1 BRUSH CREEK. 1 A'ug. - 20
Word - was received by - relatives
here Monday ot the death In Pier
pont, 8. Datk., ot Juel O. Moen.
For the greater part of the past
nine years, Mr. ' Moen had ' made
his home here with a son, O. J.
Moen.- In February of this, year he
went to -Pierpontaad'.waa Irving
with a daughter, Jrs. O." P Hau
gee, at the time ot.hli death. He
had been in poor -health for. some
time.' Had he lived until Septem
ber he would have been 82 years
old. . - - f- ' : i. - .' -
-: Funeral services ' were heldj..ln
Plerpont but none of the Oregon
relatives were- present.. Besides
his. daughter, .Mrs. Haugen and
son, Ole. he la Survived by two
other, sons.- Alfred and Carl, of
Portland. Ore.: by 18 grandchil
dren and six great rrandehlWren.
SILVERTON, Aug. 20 Mr.
and Mrs. C. A. Hande, Jr., and
baby son. are settled in their new
home at S02 West Main street.
The Han dee recently moved here
from Woodburn. He is associated
with his father. In the Hande Va
riety stores here and in Wood-barn.-
The Misses Lois Zimmerman
and Letha Cavender. who are
spending a week's vacation - at
Cascadia, have as their guests
for the " remainder of the-week,
Mrs. .Robert Ren wick and two
children. . - They will all return
here. Sanday. -
Mr. and Mrs. Rudd Bents on
and daughter, Muriel, and daughter-in-law,
Mrs. ; Rolph. Bentson.
left yesterday for a few days va
cation at Rockaway. Rolph Bent
ton will manage the Bentson gro
cery during his parents absence.
.Mrs. D.. Hopper. and daugh
ter, Margery, both of. Seattle are
visiting at the. A. .W.KIeeb home
here. . , Mrs. - Hopper - -and Mrs.
Kleeb are sister-ln-laws. : The Se
attle folk wilt vlait In Portland
before : returning home. . ,
- Mrs. 8. A. Pitney; wife ef Con
sUble Pitney, is in Portland this
week visiting with friends and
relatives. . Mr. and. Mrs. Pitney
and son and wife. Mr. and Mrs.
Dej Barber, all of Silverton, and
Mr. and Mrs. -John Peterson of
Portland, spent the weekend at
Breltenbush. '
LYONS. Aug. 20 Making
their third visit in Oregon, Mr.
and Mrs. J. F. Berry and son Roy
and her father, T. Dove, of Rose
vine, Calif., arrived for a 10-day
visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
A. L. Cornforth. Mr. Dove hopes
to locate In Oregon. They re
turned south Tuesday. -
The annual reunion of a group
of old acquaintances .was held
here Sunday, with E. W. Corn
forth and Mr. and Mrs. A- L. Corn
forth and children as hosts. ' In
the afternoon a lively game of
baseball was played between the
women and the men; the former
Present for the gathering were,
besides the hosts, the following:
Will Stlenberg of Long Beach.
Calif.. T.H. Dove and son Jim of
San Francisco, Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Berry -and son Roy of Roseville.
Calif., Mrs. Sylvia v.'Shreve and
daughters. Mary Elizabeth and
Janice ot Medford, Mr. and Mrs.
John Cornforth, Mr. and Mrs.
Lem Llckle, Mr. and Mrs. Lon
Clearwater, Mrs. Bliss and Mrs.
Hattie B. Cameron, all of Salem.
SILVERTON. Aug. 20 Mr.
Millions of Young Home-Makers
Greet f heir Husbands in the Smart
. - , - "" .
t - w.. -. 3L '. . n ... 4 ".
.. - - ' " . '
.... - - - 1 v -
. , f ; v i'-.A-vv- . ..,- :. '- -
: ' ' - , -
. . . I f ; '
" - . .. . - .'
r ' ' - "
-- : - - :
. - J A
... one's had so many things
to do this busy day. Marketing.
Shopping. Visiting. And yet she
Is spry ond happy at dinner time
-.ready to serve her goodies
and then go some place. Her per
fect fiMing ENNA JETTICK Shoes
have'served her comfortably
and smartly all through the day.'
It is a great xtravagance to pay r?iore than the featured
Enna Jettick price of. $5 and $6 to be fitted accurately.
Yowoof com fori qstwnd by our Iranntxk Scientific Ftxtt-Fiitinu System
V CaMMi Jottictc MeletHee NIC
fccefc wp (OU adt-
and Mrs. Roy Jones ef Monmouth
and daughter Gladys, of Salem,
were visiting here TesterifaT re
newing , old acquaintances. The
jones made their home here for
20 years prior to moving to the
normal school city.
ROSEDALE. Aug. 20 Mem
bers ot-the Bates tasailtes had a
reunion and picnic at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bates
Sunday afternoon. Those present
were Clinton Bates and family of
Tillamook. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Bates. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bates
and son of Hubbard,. Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Bates and four children
also ot Hubbard, but soen leaving
" jauiaes, . xowa. Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Dyer, Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Bates and Barbara Ellea of
Salem, and Mr. aad Mrs. Albert
Bates. - r ..
- Mr. MA. J.- Haldr 5eaJoTed s
visit from her rather and othei
relatives of PoLland Wednesday
Bernard Mott, who will receive
his M. A. degree from U. of O.
this fall, will leave-with his fam
ily in a few daysIor Haviland.
Kan., where he has a teaching
position. -
Mrs. M.' Cammack and two
daughters visited relatives at
Turner Thursday.
The Hadley family came up
from Portland Tuesday and will
stay to take care of their prune
crop. Several will begin prune
picking Monday.
Teacher Plans Two
Trips-for Children
group of school children accom
panied Miss Catherine Gentle,
training -school supervisor, on a
motor trip to Silverton Saturday
where swimming was enjoyed in
the municipal park.- Returning
home via Salem, they stopped at
Tyler's Beach to eat their picnic
lunch and frolic among the va
rious entertainment features of
fered there. Tuesday, Miss Gen
tle took another group of young
sters to Salem to attend the cir
cus. ; i
Monmouth Publisher
On Coast Auto Trip
MONMOUTH, Aug. 20 Mr.
and Mrs. R. B. Swenson are on a
vacation trin in the coast section.
They motored to Crescent City.
Cal.. where they were Joined1 by
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Swenson- or
Phoenix. Ariz. The men are
brothers; and the Arizona S wen
sons are on a honeymoon jaunt.
The group plan to proceed north
ward in a leisurely tour of north
ern California and on through
Oregon. R. B. Swenson Is pub
lisher of the Monmouth Herald.
you tizzo
Sizes 1 to 12
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AwwW GcU MM fer f
riority is JTt!ia tit Hw ,
. Sedaty mt Art etM) Ufters.