The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 21, 1931, Page 5, Image 5

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Babylonian Gardens in Mid-Air
Feature of 'Radio City9 Project
Velvety Lawns.. .Luxurious Flowers., .Splashing Fountains and Stately
Trees Will Forin Wonder-Gardens Atop Buildings Comprising Twenty- :!
five-Million-Dollar Rockefeller Project in New York
lodging Rebel - Bullets
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Return to Victorian Bustle
Is Fashion's Edict for Autumn
Wasp Waists, Leg-o'-Mutton Sleeves,. Ostrich Plumes and a Modernized
. Version of the Bustle Will Be Notably Featured in the Styles
. - for the Coming Fall. -
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The cameraman risked hia life to take this photograph of Cuban Fed
eral soldiers about to storm an abandoned furniture factory defended
by rebel troops near Havana. The factory has been used by the in-
surrectionists to store arms for use in the uprising: against President
Machado. Shots were beinff exchanged even as this picture was taken.
Two were killed and two wounded in taking the rebel stronghold, j
OUSTififcFFECT bcuu c; Gay HmtTiES , Les or Mutton c-wxwts-
According- t Amoa Parruh, iatersatsoaally (mom tyl expert, lb fakSB tread for the com lag Fe.Il
Hoover Backs Wet
Site ?f Radio Cxtv
A replica of the Haaini Gardens of Bafcyloa in the heart of New York, sixty stories above the ground, is
el the aevel feature of the gigaatic Radio City develeymoat. TKo gardeae will bo traly Be,kylaaiaa
ia typo cemlonaiif to tao Mt-bck mrdutectare. Each of tao terracee. where epac aeraait will kave
it law a, its- flower aad its f euatain and from the aixtyrix
Radio City's higheet
torv tower of
a a s ... . w a a a . a a
DUiiaiof ut rorreonoing groop win iook line one fe mats ot verdnre. The new plane call for saaay
chaagee ta the original specification, chief ameng thorn being the elimiaatioa of the atack crituasod
pUl-lox" baildiag. . Ia it place will ha two low kaildiags of liaee aaoro ia keopiag with tho general
lan. It is believed that theeo two trmcturoswUt bo oeeapied by tho Freach aad British government.
Another aew feararo ia tho plan for tho largest theatro ia tho world, sea tin C.SOQ aaraaaa uJ rMiU
$7,000,000. Tho theatro will ho connected with the other buildings br a series of viadacU high above
the street. This air view of the sate of Radio City shows its magnitude. N
f - '
jwill bo a reversion to tho styles popalar in tho 90'. Already ' "Empress Eugenie bats with their saucy
i trich plumes hare won immense popularity, and a mild form e( anon-ltr sleeves has made it
at r mp wr -a ' appearance, a have tho old-time basque waists. But the modern version of grandma's bustle is tb piecO)
iieW VjrOlt WOnder -eitaace of the feast prepared by fashion creators. This half-century .old dish, cooh- according to,
. tbo modern recipe, will merely suggest tho ample, rigid contraption which kept time - to toe music.
Aerial Starter
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Fastest Liner
- I
John B. Holliater (above), a pro
nounced "wet" and former asso
ciate of Robert and Charles B.
Taft, sons of the late Chief Jus
tice, is likely to secure the ap
proval of the Ohio Republicans as
Congressman, to take the place of
the late Rep. Nicholas Xongwerth,
has been, endorsed I hy- President
Jhretty Mary Webh, exxzais af Mrs.
Boaty Yaliee. ha been named
homorary atmrtvr of the Women's
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music, aei
grandma swayed gracefully tbronsrh tho maze of tho stately mazurka. Tbo now bastl will bo f asbionedl
of ribbons and drapes without stiffening f any kind. Tho new stylee are not intended for street wear, but
will ho "the rage." 'tis said, for evening and formal afternoon gowns. Thus wo find woman, the omnipe-f
tent, once mora roves her power by throwing tho wheels of progress into reverse.
Outto'Score Again pwo Seadogs Visit Old Ship
Charles Kocsis, i.1 g-yeaaseJi . high
scjtooi student or Uetroit: who
Speaker , of tho House. Mr. Hoi- came into the retting world's spot- tcr-'
Later, whose home is In Cincinnati, light when he defeated Tommy Ar- t'ZZ'?
mour, veteran player and recent
winner of the British open title, fat
playoflf for the Michigan Open William W. Reper. famous loot
Golf Championship Kocsis stock hall coach at Princeton University
e-voi M m am k a. auemau4avna.okea . .. ...
c.uiuc " iot. many years, is snown nunc his
Heads Air Merger
Air Derby, which takes oft from Thw gum Itanan liner "Rea, named m Honor of tae ILtnr of ttalr. Is
on Ansnat 1Z. ha'av shoum hare Genoa that woa- s
as ahw wiS appear whan- she a thoasanda of spectatees.
tho air fUers on thei way to thai 4 fastest vessel on the Atlantic,
actional air races at Cleveland. .-.--
Captain Frank & Crowley ( above) ,
former TT. fi. anno mmA urmA
pilot, has asked' Lee Gelhach t b. "
r into Us element during- the lauachinr ceremony at h, 0t n-top fht to ; ; ,
ataeaded by Bngr Emmaiurel, tira Qoeen. officials and Athena, Greece Gerlach wove win- .j v
ectatewm. The o0,lr)-tw Uner is expected to be tbV V?T.Ct "Vl ye? a Ameneaa Air ,
. fMtntMi.l .n tv. ihJ - ..Derbst Athena ia oaa at the few G.
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application as a candidate for
councilman in Philadelphia. Roper
already has successfully bucked
the political line and scored two
touchdowns which placed him in
office two times. He's entering the
third "quarter" determined to.
score again.
Movie Gangster?
Two real seadogs are these two veterans, believed to be the only)
surviving members of the crew which manned the gallant old U. SJ
Frigate Constitution in 1877. Paying a visit at Newport, R. I-, to thai
reconditioned "Old Ironsides Johnnie Hood, of Newport, and Fred;
erick Fries, of Readinr, Pa who served on the ship as chief gun-t
ners, talk over all times. . Hood is indicating how Jbey fired the;
, . sruns aome R year ago. j
Derbx. Athona is oaa eX the law P-O. Johnson (above V. of Seattle.
lEurapasa destinations as jet tra WaslL, hxs bees, named presideBt
torched by America's many trans- aewly organized United Air
athaatie fliers.
Paradoxical But True Girls Invade Another Sport
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Paradoxical as it may seem, John Heydler, president of the National
Eareball Lemgrue, is showing T; Philip Peskias, Sritiah smattgr glf
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in iin nr inil a i - '-aMr'-iiiiniiir-niiir iv -"a isair ff f mi nnfiTiii - - '"-'"i 'i sr ilpm iirauatiiammOaauunnunt-'iTnuSi 1 " ' '
Lanes, zormed bv tho menWM m
the National Air TransportBoeinr
Air Transport, Pacific Air Trans-
Krt and the Varnew Air Lluei.
te combined companies operate
22?l Phmev covering some
12,pO,6D9 miles of air travel an
nually and earryias; about 60 per
. cent of the nation's airmail. ;
Imprisoned tiy Mistake ?
Owing to His Facial Hesemblance to the Notorious
I M. nrt k -m
yu.wo-uun" urowley, Patrick O'Brien Is
Serring 20-Year Sentence for Crime He
. Claims Former Committed.
Edward (Spike") O'DocneH
(above), Chicago rsngster, who,
if reports are true, has been of.,
fered $15,000 by aa English tho
atrical company to portray the role
of a Chicago gangster in picture.
"Spike" is reported to have ac
cepted. He holds the distinction
of having dodged more ballets than
any other Eving gangster-.
Beauty's Death Is Mvstferv
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Anather sport once thought safe from fomintne invasion has fallen bo- Mrs. Pauline Hopkins (left) pretty San Francisco divorcee, whose
champion, how one should grip his club when performing- a- bit of I2rBJf nfga tJte . Doyle, who knows what it ia- rrom a mystertons ballet wound caused Imng Kennedy (nght).
green. Heydler took part in the awww whcb vi nnm. miwu uuvrucur preuy s'eggy i, v " " u w bb uwru va a. uuuss o. muncr. n-xn.
Tuarl tar hamefor m!c) ab t.
CarroiL la th art oT half-caasss shot. Peariaanaof
(Countay Clan, Lido Beach, L. L Perkins errtmMed the amateur record , triple tie fofirst place in the first women's pock
. mw aaoounc no couxse ut too , -4r.- r..vv
three yoanr Hopkias died few days after aha was shot ia Kennedy's srwrtcvnit.
ket billiards The radio gtar declared the shooting: was accidental, accordiBs; to Saa
- t . - -srsncuce pouee,
Picked u of tho spoctatars in a court whoro ho had gone to see tbo
trial of a former school chnus and charged with boidiag up a drug store,
Patrick O'Brien, of New York, was sentenced to twenty year in prisoo,
doapMo tho protests of hi mother that ho was ill ia bod with plouHsyi
when tho na was committed. Now Gerald Wood, former crime.
Partner of tho notorious TwGu Crowley, who is awaiting execu
tion for tho m ardor of a usliraman. has confessed that ho and CfI.V
commUtod th criea for which CBriea was eoateoced. OXriea hears
a striking reeomhUaeo t th hiSor and, with hia mothec, is. ploadig
for a 4rfnlag of hi as em the growad that h is th innocent ,
- --.Jictim of mistaken identity,