The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 20, 1931, Page 2, Image 2

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- The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Thursday Morning, Angust 20. 1931
Dense fog Still Prevails
Over Kuriles; hop to
Memuro is Delayed
' (Continued from pas 1) "
sible violation of Japanese avia
tion regulations. iM ir' ex
tremely strict. , '
May bo Delayed
For Another Day
Doubt that the Lindberghs
would be able , to continue their
flight to Nemuro today was grow
ing late today. At a-m.,
tbo Xokusai Mara off Shlmushiru
Island." 15 miles south of where
the Lindberghs ware stranded ra
,MreJ the Ochllshl station that i
dense for orer hung Iturup Island
In the southern Kn riles. The
steamer said the foe was drlftlng-t
in the direction of Ketoi and tnat
visibility was poor throughout the
region. . '
Onee started, however, the
Lindberghs were xpected to com
plete the 410-mlle Xiignt irom
Ketot to Nemuro Jn Blightly more
tha four hours. " "
Forced down -on the Leeward
side of Ketol aftor they had en-,
countered high wall of fog otot
Shimnshira " islastd. the Wna
berghs rode out the night In their
big monoplane apparently -with
out great dlscomlort.
The Call
Board, v
-Members of the Salem Retail
Credit association spent most of
the luncheon session yesterday
etting acqoainted with details of
tho new checking system, worked
out by Roy Waasam and , L
Sohoettler. : president Philip H. Holmes and
other members expressed appror
sl of the new system, declaring It
a great improremeal over the old
methods. The new plan ts simi
lar to that employed by the credit
groups In Walla Walla and La
Grande. -
By', next week the association
plans to i hare the new reporting
method In smooth working order.
Squatter Again
: Arrested, Goes
To Serve Term
PORTLAND. Ore., Aug. 10
,(AP) - Emroy Daria. reteran
squatter en Fish creek desert in
Umpqua National forest, was ar-
I tasted near Rosebnrg today and
will" bo brought here to enre six
months for contempt of court.
" SImvb that Dtrli hsd gone
Back Into the ferest-to squat
again. Federal District - Judge
MeNary Tuesday reToked hta pa
rol and Issued a commitment.
Daris. a pensioned- Spanish
Americas war veteran, has been
In Federal court here fire times
for squatting In forest.
Scarlet Fever
Case Reported
The first esse of scarlet ferer
in the city sine - last Juno was re
ported to ,the county health de
partment yesterday. A f Ire-year-old
girl Is thought to be suffeifpg
from the disease. Since the mal
ady has been less rirulent than
osual In other cases this year. It
is bellered the little tot wfll not
bo seriously 111.
Frro other cases of scarlet ferer
bare been reported in the eity
this year nad no deaths from the
'Today Paul Lnkas and
Kay Francis In "The Vice
Squad.- i -
Friday Richard Dlx In
"The public Defender."
"'-!; r ' ' . '
Today William Powell In
"Ladles' Man." ;
Friday - Lew ' Ayres In
"Iron Man.
i I " ,
" .Tday Loretta Yonng In
-Beau IdcaL
Friday Raoul Walcb's
"The Big TralL"
m 1'SPECTfl '
' The state grain Inspection de
partment, with ' headquarters In
Portland," has dispensed with the
serrlces of 15 employes during
the' past week, according to an
nouncement made by Max Gehl
har, director of the state agricul
tural department. Mr. Gehlhar
has charge of the grain inspec
tion operations.
The redaction In the operating
personnel nas duo to the business
depression, i which has caused
many growers to store their
wheat pending more satisfactory
prices. i
Gehlhar oald that recent In
spections Indicated n healthy ex
port business. He predicted an
Increase tn ' the morement of
wheat through Portland.
aspidus mm
mm visitors
Circus? Indirect
Cause of Blazer
Trees Are Saved
- When the circus mored from
the- city early Wednesday morn
ing, it left aome potential excite
ment behind. Flames from plies
of straw which were being
burned yesterday afternoon, just
outside the Olinger field " feaee.
spread to th surrounding tall
grass and threatened for a time
to enrelop an- orchard north of
the grounds..)
A fire alarm was turned In in
time for central station crew to
beat out the "T blazes ' with wet
sacks: If the alarm , had been
sounded a few1 minutes later, the
fire might hare reached the or
chard, th firemen said.'
LONDON. AOg. 19 (AP)
After a tour today orer England
the Graf Zeppelin tonight started
on her return trip to Friedrich
ehafen. Germany. 5 - -
: Home, of bOl Talkies
O Qcoamaunt Qkttae
" with
Fire Occurs at
i State Hospital
Fire, which was bellered to
hare been of i Incendiary origin,
broke out fn a ward on the third
floor of the Oregon state hospital
building early Wednesday. The
blaze was extinguished by the
hospital fire. ! department. The
damage was less than .ISO. ac
cording to Dr.! R. E. Leo Stein e-r.
LEWISTON. Mont.. Aug. If
(AP) - Byron Hanson. SO.
smothered fn alfalfa seed today
after tbo truck on which ho was
riding upset six! miles from Lew
lston. .. (. :
Brooks Residents Home
From California; Other
Guests Reported t
BROOKS. Aug. 1 Mr. and
Mrs. Fred HUlert of Taeoma were
recent dinner tnests at the homo
of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Aiplawall
snd . tamUy. Mrs. Hlllert and
Mrs. Asplnwall were neignoors
when children and hare not
aarh nthnr.far 11 Tehrs. Mrs.
Ellen Asplnwall was also a guest
at the home of ner son uin at
plawall nd family. -C.mrX
A Til a wall and ' Robert
Hayes hare returned from a mo
tor trip to Wimti. uaui.. wnera
ih. iitAl At the home of As-
pinwall's brother-in-law and sis
ter Mr. and Mrs. rerresi uma
mA familT. As ola wall's mother.
Mrs. Bflen Aaptnwall and his ala-
ter Mrs. Helen BusselU and cau
dren Ted and Clarice, who hare
been guests the past two weeks
at the GInn home, returned home
with Carl Asplnwall.
ip. mnA Mrs. VL W. Colo and
Mrs. Cole's father. Mr. Hubble of
Orrille, Calif., wore guests at the
home of Mrs. J. S. Dunlary Ban
dar and Monday. Rer. and' Mrs.
D. George Colo of Salem were
guests also. Mrs. D. George coie
returned 'to her home In Salem
Mondar ; after spending the past
fortnight at the homo of her
mother Mrs. Dunlary. ! .
Mr. and Mrs. XL H. Bosch and
children Marie and Jack accom
panied by Mr. and Mrs. H. C.
Shields of Salem and Miss s Ger
trade Valentine of White. South
Dakota, spent Sunday at Janzen's
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil V. Ashbaurh
andJVera and Kreta Fae Ashbauch
and Mrs. Maude Smith and son
ntarm Coombs motored to Glad-
Stone Saturday to attend the Ad-
rentlsts camp meeting serrice.
Miss Mario Bosch has had as
her rnest the oast week her cou
sin. Miss Catherine Lyon" of Port
land. Miss Lyon returned to her
homo In Portland Sunday. Mr.
and Mrm. A. R. Harris and Mr.
and Mrs. Sylrester A. Harris and
Miss Laronne Harris attended tne
Rebekah nicnlc at the home of
Mrs. Carl Inrstrom In Salem
Thursday erenlng.
Three Burn to
Death Fighting
Fire at Sonora
SONORA. CaliL. Aug; If -(AP)
Three Mariposa county
young men were burned to death
fighting a fire on the north fork
of the Merced rlrer between
Bagby and Brteeburg today, s
s How the men happened to bo
caught by the flames when com
panions escaped was not known.
It Is bellered they wore orercome
by smoke and heat before the
flames reached them. It is
thought they were unconscious
when flames passed orer them.
burning them badly.
History Called Forth as
Colony Landmark Razed
Grange Makes Plans ;
For Homecoming
MONMOUTH. Aug. 1 To ro
awaken interest in Its personnel,
Monmouth grange will sponsor a
Homecoming day to occur in Oc
tober. Committees hare been ap
pointed to outline general ' ar
rangements, and It Is bellered
that a renewal of interest may
Yes... it's RUPERT HUGHES'
exciting Cosmopolitan maga
sino story ... It you know the
delicious thrill of the climax.
PLEASE oen't tell. Let your
neighbor enjoy the surprise
Alao Comedy and News
.-g USE! MA1I
gre?ffr mfrlfr (nTgMPi v l I
- !. i - - ... i l
i I 111 ctidtq nrf-ifTrnfxr II
A Grand Show - ;"" M " V f
with a Great A ;A
A Drama f1 'Sr
Time! pC A j
WtA' t ii.'x ill
ggftv l!i ?) i J y6AgWyAMrt,
AURORA. Aug. It Work of
rasing aa old colony landmark
lauding; oa Main street aUrtod
today. The house built In 1S70.
was the manufacturing and busi
ness center of Aurora. -
The colony itoro which a up
plied, the frugal needs of the col
onists, was situated on the second
floor wing. Below were many
rooms which housed as many
families. Ia the mala building
was a shoo shop, harness shop,
and tailor ahop. ' ' . . '
' At the dlrlsion of colony prop
erty la 1S81 the building was al
io ted to Andrew Gloay Sr., and be
came his prijile residence. Of
the original family only three are
llrlag: Mrs. George Miller. Miss
Catherine Gleer of Aurora and A,
H. Glesy of Portland, 'Furnish
ings accumulated orer a period
of 60 yearn and dlrlded, among
the remaining families, was com
posed of unusual lamps and lan
terns, brass kettles, little wall
cabinets, spfnninr wheels and
hand made carpets. Though there
woro It rooms and two cellars,
they contained relics from attic
to basement. .
In the : construction of the
building there were 48-' double
sash d windows with ST8 window
panes. A modern building- will
erentaaUy bo erected upon the
present alto. The most unusual
colony buildings and spirit are
fast becoming a thing of the past.
Vinneau Breaks
Furniture, Gets
30 Days in Jail
Lloyd Vinneau began' a S 0-day
term in the county Jail yesterday
with adequate opportunity, ac
cording to Justice Miller Haydea.
to sober up. vinneau, after liberal
potions of home brew, went on a.
rampage and la company with
James Matney, smashed erery
piece of furniture In a house o wiv
ed by Lope Sing, hop c orer who
lires east of Independence. Mat
ney denied baring a part m the
actual destruction of furniture
and was fined fit for being
Vinneau. who has been fn Jus
tice court before. In addition to
breaking the furniture, strewed a
sack of flour and another of beans
around Sing's house. '
" Ho was arrested by Deputy
Sheriffs Smith and Hasklns.
Gillettes Here
On Visit From
Nebraska Home
Mr. and Mrs. Alpheos Gffette
and son. four years of ago, ar
rired in Salem last ntght on their
first Tisit to the west In aereral
years. They are residents of Lin
coln, Nebraska, where Mr. Gil
lette has charge of Boy Scout
work tor a large area. Both Mr.
and Mrs. Gillette are well known
in Salem. They graduated from
Willamette university In - the
class of 19 IT. Subsequently both
were teachers tor soma . time la
Salem high school. Mr. Gillette
serred for more than a year as
superintendent of the First Meth
odist church Sunday school here.
He then went oast and was di
rector of religious ed a cation la a
Michigan church. Later ho took
ap supervision work la the Boy
Scout program.
. Whilo in the eity the Gillettes
are guests of Dr.. and Mrs. Fred
Thompson, North Summer street.
Mrs. Thompsoa and Mrs. Gillette
are sisters.
Highway Tunnel .
Is Repaired and
Traffic Resumes
HOOD RIVER,. Ore.. Aug. II
(AP) Lepladnr of timber
ing, burned out of the Mosler
tunnel on the Columbia rlrer
highway fire miles oast of hero
last night, was completed to
night and traffic was resumed.
All wood structure in the bore
was destroyed when a truck and
trailer of the Asbury transporta
tion company crashed into a
rock wall and 3.00ft gallons of
gasoline was ignited.
Slayer Suspect
Takes Own Life
ANN ARBOR. Mich., Aug. IS
(AP) A few hours before he
was to hare been questioned con
cerning human blood found on a
club in his possession, Paul
Keene, fjkoace suspected of last
week's torsh slayings of two
young couples, slashed his throat
tonight In hli cell. His condition
Is serious. j
A group of Salem grocers and
merchants are making a special
offer on a soap deal as outlined
in the advertising columns Of tols
morning's Statesman. Shop the
ads, especially those ia the
Thursday greea they show' you
bargain buying opportunities.
f (Continued from pas 1)
mended by the office of A. FL
Arerill state fire marshal, as a
reserve water supply for fire pro
tection of the plant, valued at
88SS.00S in a recent Inventory,
and tbe $2,000,000 or mors of
llrestock and exhibits which are
brought to the nine-day fair.
-"To create the new Amusement
Zone It was necessary to . tear
dowa three old speed barns,
more one, and build two new and
larger barns " east of the race
track. The zone will bo east of
the agricultural and 4-H exhibit
Gehlhar said the amusements
now hare a space where they
hare mora freedom to arrange
their attractions. And at the same
time not Interfere - la any way
with the dignity of the Fair's ex
hibit buildings grouped around
the central quadrangle, part of
which has been used in past
years for concessions.
Norel Fireworks
Display Planned
The tree attractions .. of 'the
Amusement Zone will bo held on
Monkey Island,- where they will
be visible - to spectators on all
sides. Gehlhar said Paul SeiSert,
veteran Portland manufacturer of
fireworks, has been engaged to
set off fireworks from the Island
erery night, Selbert will exhibit
his new aquatic fireworks, which
do not go above the surface of
the water, but which are de
scribed as novel and entertaining.
The only concession which will
not bo required to pitch in . the
new Amusement Zone is an anat
omical exhibit of life-like morlng
wax figures. They will be housed
indoors blecause they are sensi-
tira to the moisture of the canal,
Gehlhar said.
Among the concessionaires for
this year will bo Browning Broth
ers of Salem, A. J. Johanns of
Portland, and sereral others. Mrs.
Ella S. Wilson aaid the boat-ride
concession has . not yet been
awarded. There are sererajl bid
ders. : . -
Hill pot's, Salem working men's
store,-was sold yesterday , at 10
a.m. at sheriffs ale here, D. Sam
uels and D. ' Caplan, both of Sa
lem, being high bidders. Eight
different parties made bids at the
sale which was held at the store
on South Commercial street.
Samuels and Caplan got the stock.
inTOntorying at S32C6 plus fix
tures at $1000.
They announced yesterday af
ternoon that they would bo busy
preparing for a sale tor the next
two days. .The stock , will be
thrown open to the public Satur
day.' Samuels said his partner
and he did not intend staying In
business In the Hlllpot location.
The Hfllpots more than a year
ago ran a store on State street,
but met with, financial reverses
and were closed .out. The sale
yesterday -was brought on through
the Adjustment Credit Bureau of
Portland... .
AKRON. Aug. It (AP)
Goodyear-Zeppelin, officials said
today . that the navy's xeppelln,
Akron, will stick its nose part of
the way out of its dock for the
first time at 4 p. m., Monday and
the first flight will come a few
days later unless unforsaen diffi
culties intervene.
piso dsfiAfls it mi,
, it
Just-ten as your needs and
your time limitations and wo
promise to negotiate your
loan to your entire satisfac
tion. Straight or MssttUy rayssesit.
res okxgon building-pnoxx tin
Final Argument
Is Not Finished
. In- Clark Trial
(AP) The motives behind the
killing of Charles .Crawford,
wealthy politician, and Herbert
Spencer, political writer, neTer
uavo been told, Joseph Ford, spe
cial prosecutor told a Jury of
seren women and fire men today
In the murder trial of David H
Clark. v
Aa court adjourned for the
day. Ford was in the midst of
his final argument and it was
expected that the case ,would not
to to the Jury until nooa tomorrow.
A Home-Owned Theatre
I J.J,
ami mom
04 - .
Urn, m .
1 no
wmMrd stations Inc.,
these pictures you will find all of them useful to you.
'Standard service is more than "gas and oil it takes
complete, care of your carousing Standard. Oil reliable
products. i
It's a greateconomy and a great convenience to rely on
the many special "services at Standard Stations Inc., and
Red "White and Blue Dealers everywhere.
Light glebes desoBS el accessaries
t Scaadard Statioaa, Ish. sod Red
White ft Bine Dealers.
A valaabU sew errire R a T
Radiater Rast Rrtaarer ft Rast Pi.
veatirc applied at 'Standard".
Joat the right tire pcessnre recent,
mended by me msarafacturer of
year car quick tire efcangee, tee!
Standard LabricatieB serrice 1 1.00
p takes systematic care of mil
partsof year car eediaglnbritatisau
r - ;la
OreoJte ITsady Oil for i
faa. Staadard Oil saakas special
prSdtts far eack lubricatUa
Tires -tabes as aaaay as 100 oseter.
iag ralaee at Standard Statieas,
Ine, aad Red WUte ft Bias Dealers.
Haadreds ettkeasaadi ore buying f . AihJLs V DnCMIUKf QUALITY AT
-Staadard" gsUe-4hs fio w f'i UlrrrTvvTTtlCJr - Jv JLlm
bar. enr predaeed withaot Ethyt f II f f I H t NO INCRBASE IN PSUC2
Fee aaly ILS0 the oew ZereleiM
Valre Oiler is Jastalled with a fall
iaart ef special ZereUsw Valre Oil I
. , . . , i r . . 1