The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 11, 1931, Page 2, Image 2

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i -V
' The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Tuesday Morning, August 11, 1931
FI!!E SI1II! ilS
.'... ,
Revolutionists Surrounded
By Loyal Troops Says
Havana Report
I Com tinned from pass 1)
throughout the whole eeantry. aa
precautloa following the- revolu
tionary movement that broke yee
te3ay. .
Meanwhile it was reported for
mer President Marie G. MeaocaL
opposition leader Who has been
widely sought since he left Hava
la Friday er Saturday, had land
ed at Nipe bay on the aorta coast
t Orieate province.
A manifesto released In Ha ra
ti a purporting to- come from Men
oca! and distributed by bis
friends, called oa Cabana to join
In mrrtktnx oe "blow et strength.
magnitude and swiftaess to nn-
seat the Haehade regime, wnien
was. scathingly denounced ia the
Con tinned from page 1)
aore fighter were said to have
been reeratted la me . nope oi
UMnr the fire during the night.
. T,Hti roar w felt for the safety
of those who lire la the old sold
camp acre. .-
Lata, todar the fire bad swept
-over more than 5000 acres of
land. Livestock! including a
flock of sheep,., was burned to
. fath dnrind the day.
In the Siakiyou National forest
west of Grants Pass a tire wmcn
started Sanday In a miner's cabin
was burning Ticioualy, reports
said. Eighty men had been sent
Into the district.
Another fire in the Chetco
river territory had burned. over
about 8600 acres,vreports said.
Much, of the land was burned
OTer -last year, however.
The Call
Board .
onus n
'. With the dry and low water
season at hand, a large number
of contaminated" wells have beea
disco rered throughout the- coun
ty , by H. C. Sinks, county sani
tary inspector. Community wells
'at St. Phut and Detroit, along
with many private ones, when
tested, received the "e rating,
which means contamination is
present. . -
To forestall typhoid fever and
other diseases which might result
from drinking the bad water, the
supply should either be foiled", or
the .wells, treated every week; or
two with chloride of liai. Dr.
Vernon A. Douglas .county health
officer said yesterday
.The aaanal trouble experi
enced with these- shallow wells
' can and; should be done away
, with, a declared, by drilling
. deep wells to take the- place of
daageroua ones.
BERLIN, Aug. ,10 (AS)
PadlocKs and , extraordinarily
heavy police guards tonight main
tained peace in the Buelow Plats.
Berlin communist center, which
was the scene of a bloody riot last
Earlier today the police claP-
ted a radlock en tno Karl I4e&
necht liaus la the Buelow Plats,
center of Germany's communis
tic activities, and suspended for
tws weeks the com an is t newspa
per Rote Fahae In front of which
last night's rioting occurred.
At suidown a large reserve po
lice force taken Into the
neighborhood. still, la - aa nclr
m 6od, bnt(e tamper of the po-j
lice matehM ' that of the com-
,munlst. . The loss of two popn
. lar ofatfra from their ranks . in
last aiRmt's hooting put them In
,no salad for-pleasantries. ' . - ,
Twenry-frre communists' .wefe
'questioned today ia -eoanection
' with that wrecking of the Basel-
Berlin" exare'4 'Saturday night.
Flve were held. ,::
BerUa as a whole waa eulet up
to hearty midnight. ,
e Todv Charles Farrell
and Zlissa Land! in "Body
and Soul." ,
. Wednesday -Dorothy Mae-
kaill In -Kept Husband,"
Friday- Richard Arlett ia
The Conquering Horde." .
Today Lola Lane in MCoe-
telio Case. -
Wednesday "It's a Wise'.
Child." . -
Friday Jack Oakle ia
"Dude Ranch."
t . . . ' .-. .
Today Barbara Itanwyck
in "Night Narse." -
Wednesday Gorman Fos-
ter and Carole Lombard In
"Up" Pops tbe DeriL" . ,
Friday L e-eP lay
'King. i -.
. i e
. ,
The sensational sequences of
"Night Nurse" the Warner Bros,
prod action starring Barbara Stan
wyck, now showing at the Elal
nore theatre' are laid in a great
city hospital. Here the heroine
comes aa a girt and goes through
training necessary to become a
nurse. The part is a deeply emo
tional one, and affords Miss Stan
wyck her greatest vehicle. Feat
ured la support are Ben Lyon,
Joan Blonde!!, Clerk Gable,
Charles Wlanfager and many oth
er. William Wellman directed.
: (Cbntlnuetl from page 1)
a crowd of cbUdrea had left It.
He maintained; that Oregon needs
a law which will apply to all con
struction, since only the larger
cities hare safety codes to prerent
building disasters.
. The 24 men. comprising a re
presents tire group from the
building industry -of 8alem, under
the leadership ef Carl Armprlest,
newly elected president, discussed
among themseires wsys of en
couraging conutructlon at a time
when costs ar cheap. The con
gress has decided to sponsor an
adrertlsement in an issue of Tbe
Statesman tbi.i week showing
how building costs hare been re
duced and why the present time
Is a favorable, one for construc
tion, f
Thirteen of the men present
signed the metabershlp role of the
organization.! j .. '' -
- I -- .
The first ease of smallpox la
the ctty sinee last June and the
ninth this year, was discovered by
the- eoanty health department yes
terday in southeast Salem. The
rtetinx, a schoolgirl, has a- light
dose of the disease and is expect
ed te be recerered within a week.
The only contacts found, mem
bers of the family, had already
been Taecinated. '
- This appearance of smallpox
marks an increase of one case
orer the same period last year.
when there were eight. The Jane
-victim, a resident of a West Salem
an to cams-1 who came to the
health center on High street, suf
fering at the- tlrae from a severe
case of smallpox, was -tent to the
Portland isolation, hospital.
Rev. Carl Foss
Is Invited by
Trinity Church
t .
SILVERTON. Aug. 10 An In
Tltatloa has been extended to the
Rer. Carl Fefls of Seattle, to be
come pastor of the Trinity Luth
eran church, here. He Is now con
nected with the Pacific Lutheran
college at f Parkland. ' Wash.
Should he accept here, he would
sueceed his .brother. Rer. H.' !'
Fosa,' who becomes 'president of
the Lutheran churches of the Pa
cific slope January 1. v - '
--- The local .congregation had
previously issued a call to Rer.
O. P. Stenasland of ' Mlnneota,
Mlani. but word was received sev
eral days age that he would be
unable' to accept the local pas
torate, i . .
V - JH V.
yPL- Grn I l HeCrea.
Beeper salad ,UsU er Flah - 1 Potatoes
Vegetables Creed and Butter or RoQs
Fie er Pwlding and Drink j .r -
Mrs. John SUmpson left Salem
Monday afternoon for Roseburg
where she- was called by the
death et her grandfather,' George
Blckel. who ptsted twsy at the
family residence at aclock
Sunday e-entng. ,
The deceased waa a native ef
Peoria, Illinois, coming td Oregon
when a young man and settling In
ROsebprg where : he , has since
made hie home. He has, been
associated with the hotel business
ia and around Roseburg for the
past ten years. Death came as
a result ef a fall about a year
ago at which time he leeeired a
double fracture of the left leg
and from which he never recov
ered. He was 76 years of age at
the time of his death.
He la survived by hie. widow,
Mrs. Anna BlckeU three daugh
ters,' Mrs. Frank Roes of Salem.
Mrs. Iva Custer of Portland and
Mrs. Pat Blake of Walla Walla.
Washington:- one granddaughter,
Mrs. John Stimpsoa of Salem, and
one grandson. Merle ' Custer of
8pokane. Following the services
in Roseburg, the remains will be
forwarded to Portland for final
committment at IB Portland
Cities and towda la the county
which receive apportionment from
the tour and one-half mill road
levy will this week receive checks
for the-last half of the 1929 and
the first half of tbe 1930 levy. A
valuation of 3,2S.211 is used In
determining ,the levy. Stayton,
Woodbirra and Salem do not soar
In the apportionment. TJio total
tax sent out for the 1929 last half
amounts to.S783s and for the
first half of 1930 to.$753. Dis
tribution Is handled by the county
clerk's office. . . ..
Checks covering the first halt
of the 1930 tax being sent to vari
ous cities and towns amount to
the following: Aumsrille, 199.39;
Aaron, $300,87; Donald,
1114.45; Gerrals, 1342.77; Hub
bard, S 45 (.7 8; Jefferson, 1476.42:
ML Angel. 1844.10; Scotts Mills.
1125.03; Silverton, $2649.26; St,
Paul, $106.46; Sublimity,
$140.73; Turner. $354.53; Wood
burn, $1854.68. The cities and
towns receive but 4.4 mills of the
tax, the other one-tenth, or
$957.87 of the total amount being
reserved by the county for cost of
distribution or failure to pay up.
Evans Funeral
Will be Today,
Rigdog Chapel
rinonl urriees far Arehl Ev-
n 14. wW was" killed as the
result of motorcycle wreck be
tween Oregon City and peruana
Saturday, will be held at S o'clock
this afternoon from -the Rigdon
chapel. Interment will be la City
View cemetery.
Herbert Yeeger SO. who- waa
riding tandem with Xvaas receiv
ed eats and braises la the acci
dent. ; t - ' " c ;
S arriving Evans ere Ills snoth
p. afra. Stewart: brothers. Clif
ford ef Salem, William ef St- Hel
ens, and Cody, former motorcycle
race rider of Salem, now of Van
couver, B. C.
. . ,'
Uncle of llacy ;
" Dies; War Vet
Word of the death of William
Robert Macy. 99. aa been re
ceived here by au nephew, Bert
Macy. - The ancle died la Pine
Bluffs. Wyoming. Funeral serv
ices were held la Carleion, Ne
braska, last week. Macy was the
next to . the last, surviving mem
ber of the Civil war veterans of
Carleton. He enlisted July 27,
1862, in Company K. 19th Regi
ment of Iowa Infantry volunteers.
Ho was seriously wounded dur
ing the Battle of Prairie Grove,
Arkansas. Seven children survive
Mr. Macy. ;
Sarah O. Baker,
Former Resid ent
: Ol County Dies
. Mrs. Sarah Olive Baker, a former-
resident of Marion county,
died at her home in Portland
Sanday morning," at the age of
75 years. Mrs. Baker cam from
Wichita. Kansas, in the early
days , with her husband, Klljaa O.
Baker .who still survives her.
They settled in Stayton where
they resided for about 2t years
and later moved te Turner where
they ran the Turner hotel for a
number ef years. Recently they
moved te Portland where they
have been making their heme.
Mrt. Baker Is survived by her
husband and seven children. Fu
neral services will be held in the
Baptist church at Stayton at 1:80
p. m. Tuesday, with Interment ia
the Stayton eemetery.
Pudding River
Bridge in Use
The lnter-county bridge over
Pudding river near Hubbard Is
nearly completed and traffic' la
now using the aew structure
Roadmaster . Frank Johnson re
ported ' yesterday.- James Cappa
ban. contractor. Is finlshlifg with
filling work on both approaches.
Marlon county has had charge of
construction of the bridge. The
costs will be borne Jointly by
Clackamas and Marlon counties.
Home of CDC Talkies
Special added attraction
personal appearance on
the stage.
The Royal Hawaiian
Norvelty Entertainers
with -QLOAir thai fa
mous Hola dancer front
the Sooth Sea Ialands,
appearing- 733 and
p. m. -
Crase'e New HH
Directed by
picnic is success
BltVERTON," Aug. 10 J. . A.
Hart wick of. Portland, state dep
uty for - Modern Woodmen, - waa
the fpeexer et tae eay at tae
1ltk annual " nieaL ef the Four-
Ceanty Plenle assoclatlesi of Mod
el- Woodmen and Royal Neigh
bor lodges, here la the city park
Saturday. . The association Is
comprised et lodges in Marion,
Han. Bentoa and Polk, counties.
About 190 were la attendance.
" For the' past 16 years the ple
nle has-beea held annually" at
Bryant's park la Albany, and has
proved very popular to lodge people-
in tho four counties. ' Follow
ing the- plenle dinner, a program
ot short stunts and musical eetee
tloaa waa offered.. Each camp la
to four counties presented sis
short number. Opening tbe pro
gram, however, wss aa address
ot welcome by lajor .L. C East
man .of SHvertonr ' The Yellow
Jacrets'orticstra furnished mu
sic. ; . .
A program of water and land
sports planned with Clyde Rama
by of Silverton la charge. These
will be open to picnickers of ail
agea. The two Silverton lodges
worked aa a committee of the
whole to' nuke the event the best
ever. Pete Smith headed a com
mittee in charge of traffic.
IP Tilffll IE
: (Continued from page 1)
the migration of game fish in the
Clackamas river. Ho said he
would have a report ready for the
commission as soon as he can fin
ish his investigation.
OLM.iatyuw warn
! ' Last limes Todar
Barbara Stanvcyck in "NIGHT NURSE"
Modern marriag
- 1 :: i '.t
with a husband la !
the r kitchen on an
allowance ot love! 1
" -.: i
' This sparkling, up-!
: to-date - young - wife j
trlee It and learns .
the truth about the'
meeker sexl Youll
" 1 V UvKh r at you'll ;
I V cry too! '
in ns
' f .'
The brilliant. Intimate
modern marriage ex
pose Broadway play
goers - roared at . and
loved last season!.
froaa tive pop alar play
by Albert Hackert '
ami Frances Goodrich
Directed by
A. Edward Satberlaa d
r with ' -
. x Skeets Gallagher .
5 Stuart Erwin
- Carola Lombard
I with BENNY RUBIN -and
Warner Bros. News
-- 1 ' " ' ..I .-..i'iii r . ii.i..u.iuii m mi " " in Ti rr.i,i ,t mmm mmmm
: (Giv.ei to ' iy, mi &k .
y) Jii jLa iw) 11 A .Li vU ... V J
' ".:" ' '5 ' " . ' j . . f. -' " A jk-
T.j. V : ' , '" V'.'' . .' ' . - . i '."." (':. 's'-' . . . ' - vi .
-.; -?- . Shows at : . 'vs .- . s - . ,
Every boy and girl under 16 years of age can go. Simply get one
friend to subscribe for Tbe Oregon Statesman, have the order belowr
signed, mail or bring the blank to the office of The Oregon Statesman,
and you will be given a ticket adm itting you to the Big Show. If you
don't live in Salem, mail tbe order and as soon as it has been verified
your ticket "will be mailed you. - .; .
All ' Orders Must be Verified. Verification Takes' Two Days
Tickets Will be Good at Any Town Where the Circus Plays
HtlRRY - send your orders in at OMCE
f 7
. All "Mail Suijscriptions Must be Paid ia Advance
I Want' Ta Go To The Circus Yoar Sabscription Will Take Me
" , - 9 i -- : ; . .. . . ... - - .-
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