The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 08, 1931, Page 8, Image 8

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    The OXIEGON STATESMAN. Satea. Qregwn. Satnrday Morala. Ao-rwt g. If T
M 'Mm
; . p i & i r.a i o
Why spend more for that
Portland Gets Early Lead
t Cut Seattle Overcomes
U : It one run at Time
jicino court zxxaxra
W I Pet. - W u
Lot a. SI 13 .610
Ma r. 19 l .76
tU IT IS .531
PortV IT IS j61S
HoUy4 IS IS .600
Ser' It SO .804
CkUa It IS 52lMiio 10 St .tOt
PORTLAND, Ore., August T
(AP) Seattle came from behind
' im. ..arnm TrrtlaTl(V . tWO-run
lead and win the fourth game ot
. . I . .
xne series, io z, er lonnni.
Portland scored twice la the
gond Inning, on two . hits, but
' Seattle tied it up with runs In the
third nd fifth. Another Indian
crossed the plate In the eighths to
break the tie and Holland's homer
la the .last frame put the ram
. . -. R HE
Seattle .......
Page and Cot; . Orwoll ; and
." Fitxpatrick.; " r
- , AOpt tw'-wm.
(AP) Hal Siiwei pucucu -
- Angeles to Its fourth straight -victory
Over" the' Missions here to
iv tn a Th Missions ral-
lied in the ninth, - scoring, three
runs., but falling short of tying
the score. Homer, Summa led the
attack for , ios Anjews,
four hits out of four times at bat.
' - It H . E
Los Angeles .......''
JJ11M1VU .-------
Ktitsel and Schulte: Zahniser
' - And BrenreL
- : - . Timely Hits "Win ' -
1 OAKLAND. August 7 (AP)
Timely hitting by ArtVaughn
and Stelnbaeker scored two Sacra
mento, Senators here tonight in
the tenth inning and . Oakland
went down to a 4 to 3 defeat. The
Oaks scored one of two doubles
in the tenth and had the winning
, 'ran on base when Tom Flynn
fanned Huff t and held Lind to an
outfield f , R H E
Oakland -3
i Flynn and Wlrts; Craghead
and McMullen. i
' SheUenback Loses
;(AP) San Francisco robbed
Shellenback tonight of a tie with
the Pacific Coast league record of
sixteen straight -victories in the
pitching box by defeating Holly
wood f to 3. The Seals got to
Shellenback for four Tuns in the
first Inning and hit him freely
. throughout. Including home runs
' by Frazler, Crosettl and Oana.
Shellenback had won 34 of his.
last 35 starts and up to tonight
had 15 straight victories only
i ene short of the record set in
i 1109 by Frank Browning ot San
! Francisco.
': - R H E
San. Francisco . ... 13 4
Hollywood V.3 -3
UcDougal and Mealey; Shellen-
; back and Bassler. '
- SOUTHAMPTON, N. T., August
'. "T (AP) -George M. Jr., ot
- Philadelphia, at d Clifford Sut-
ter of New Orleans marched Into
- the final round of singles in the
historic Meadow club Invitation
tennis tournament today.
- A large - gallery, which plied
fans Industriously to manufacture
; cooling breezea. saw Lott win
' from the Pacific coast sensation,
f Ellsworth A'Ines, Jr., of Pasa-
- dena. who was . forced ;' through
; Illness to default after four sets
' had left the two players dead
locked. The scores In Lott's favor
were C-4, 2-C, -8, 8-7 and de-
, fault. . , :
A strange incident also marked
Sutter's victory jver Gregory 8.
afangln of Newark, conqueror of
4. the quarter finals. Sutter won by
John Doeg, national champion. In
7-K. If -8. 6-2. The closely fought
matcL turned Into a rout in the
third set when Mangin, fighting
desperately to turn the tide,
rushed .to the net and slipped to
the turf, jammisg himself in the
- stomach with his raquet. He was
"out" .for five minutes and fin
ished th match in a dase.
Juniors Series'
For Washington
- Is All Tied Up
SUNNTSIDE, Wash.. Aug. 7
(AP) - ; .The Sunnyslde Junior
baseball team evened the series
wlthlhe Rainier Noble team of
Seattle for the state American Le
gion title today by winning a
tense 11 inning game 10 to 9.
The visitors took the lead In
the. second - Inning with three
: runs but both teams scored there
after and the count was tied In
the seventh. Three hits with one
out In the 11th gave Sunnyslde
the winning run.
Much For Louis
OrI i SO 54 .48 lj Detroit J C7 .36S
CHICAGO. August 7 (AP)
tteo raoer, veteran spltball pitch
er, bested George Blaeholder and
Chad Klmsey in a hurling duel
today and the -White Sox bUnked
St.- Louis, 2 to 0. f - . i :
The score: . . l
Ct, Louis ..000 000 000 0 I I
Chicago ..101 000 00X 2 5 1
Blaeholder, Klmsey and Fer
gfell; Faber and Tate. . ,
; Dmm Sowers, who tm mmiO. to
have been the - "daddy of
American Legion Junior base
ball, was on-hand at Friday's
Same, alone wlUi th mftUoail
Leglom comnuuxler, Ralph
"Dyte" O'Neill. WelL they
both saw a lot of the staff that
baseball Is made of; rmaa, hits :
-and errors. - '
We never aaw ; any prettier
pitching than Susee dished up in
the opening Innings. He was put
ting his body Into the throws and
they come booming across the
corners of- the plate, never
through the middle, not with ,
wide sweeping break, but a tiny,
sharp one that made them . aw
fully hard to hit. i And those East
Side boys nearly, broke all their
ribs trying , to meet those inside
pitches. . Susee. has' the makings
of a great hurler. ; r
.' . But It took Johnny Perrine
to stop ena finally; too late' of.
'course, -but he stopped 'em.
And somehow, jast. looking at,
him as he walked In theije, we
knew Johnny could do It. He'll -haTO
a lot mora confidence
when he goes out there on the
. mound today 'than be
a Yes sir. it wasn't the failure of
those boys to pitch or field or hit
that beat the Marion Juniors Fri
day.' We take all the blame. . We
forgot to go . In . mourning over
picking the first game wrong, and
forgot to put the Jinx on East Side
the second day. The above mourn
ing will; we trust, make amends.
And now for today's : Jinx.- , We
hereby' pick East: Side to win.
Dumb Dulcy took her picnic
. luncheon along t In a box, but
whein she got . to the park and
read a sign "free tables for has.
ket lunches," she went home
and put It in a basket. -
Come along to Corvallls
afternoon and help us root.
Novel Track
Meet Finale
At Oceanside
Track events a la novelty in
which all the campers participat
ed -Thursday eoneiaaea me major
activities of the 59 boys and lead
ers attending the T. M. C. A.
camp there. The features were
50 yard dash, crab, backward,
one-legged and monkey -races.
Leaders serving as officials
were: Phil Bell and Harry Bar
ley, clerks of course; Lee Burns
and Julian Prescott, Judges of
finish; Irving' Hale, announeer,
and ' Donald Slegmund, starter.
Dwight Adams was honorary
Judge and R. RJ Boardman hon
orary starter. )'
- Results of the class A and B
events were as follows:
50 yd. dash Class A.: John
Laughlin. first; Jerry Stone, sec
ond. Charles Wiper, third. Class
B: Robert Waterman, first; Wil
liam Taylor, second; Frank Page,
third. I
Crab race Class A: David
Compton, first; Douglas Cham
bers, second; 'Charles Wiper,
third. Class B: Wallace Steed,
first; Robert Waterman, second;
Charles Collier, third.
Backward race Class A: Mor
rill . Crary, first, Charles Wiper,
second; George Kutekunst, third.
Class. B: Wallace Steed, first;
William Taylor. - second; James
Taylor, third.
One-legged race Class A:
Morrill Crary, first; CharUs Wip
er, second: Jerry Newton and
John Laughlin, 4 tied for third.
Class B: William Taylor, first;
Frank Page, second; Leland Ryer,
third. -
Monkey : race -Class A: David
Compton. first;! John Laughllng.'
second; James Leslie, third. Class
B: Robert Waterman, first;
Frank Pare. second: Bill Crary
and- George Arbuekle, ; tied : for
TWO CALIFflllffi
TO ffi I Fffll
- - - ' t n . i f fi I '. -
KELLER CLUB. St Paul. Aug.
7. (AP) ' California. Here I
Come" was the theme song of the
national publie links golf cham
pionship tonight. - ;
When the divots stopped flying
on the rain-drenched Keller club
course late today the only con
tenders left for the big crown of
fee course golf In America were
two sons ot California, Joe Nich
ols, 15-year-old high school soph-1
omore from . Long Beach, and
Charlie, Perrara, . steel' worker
from Saa Francisco. '
The two will : fight It out to
morrow for the title Bob Wlagats
of Jacksonville, Fla dropped by
falling to qualify over the fa
hole route, insuring' the cham
pionship tor California for the
first time since the hoys who play
gou alter working hours started
their national tournament;
HUBBARD, 1 August - 7 -The
board of directors of White's
school district meet Monday even
ing and accepted the resignation
of the chairman, Mr. R. Beauny.
Ihey recommended Mr. A. Bell
to the county school superinten
dent. Mrs. Fulkerson, to fill his
place. , i
Two Helens and Mrs. Harp
er win, one More Victory j
-Will Clinch Series
Forest Hills, N. - Y., Aug. 7.
(AP) Due to two sensational
finishes. . the first of . which saw
Helen - Jacobs prevail over Betty
Nuthall. blonde English favorite,
the United States put the British
Wlghtman cup team .to route to
day by sweeping the first three
singles; matches of the ; Interna
tional women's tennis series.- . ...
. The California- "triple threat"
of the American forces proved en
tirely too much for the. Invaders
as Helen --Wills - Moody,- - the
acknowledged world Queen of the
courts, and Mrs. Anna llcCone
Harper, the No . 1 national rank
ing star, helped Miss Jacobs carry
the day with the loss ot only one
set. - . -
Miss Jacobs' furnished the chief
thrills tor a sweltering gallery ef
nearly 6000 spectators by coming
back, after the loss of the first
four, games, to take the measure
of Miss Nuthall. holder ef the
American singles championship,
by 8-6, 6-4 In a match that lasted,
one hour and 15 minutes, - ;
Mrs. Moody Has ' ' :
Little Trouble
; Mrs. Moody, with a character
istic display ot polished and ef
fective stroking power, scored the
most decisive victory of the dsy as
she disposed of Phyllis Mudtord,
6-1, "6-4 in the opening match
lasting only 38 minutes.
Mrs. 'Harper, after being five
times within a point of defeat in
the final set. staged a courageous
finish to heat Dorothy Round In a
marathon match that eonsumea
one hour and 45 minutes. The
scores were 6-3, 4-6, 9-7. .- .
' The United States requires only
one more : victory to clinch the
cp, which England won last year
by a 4-3 margin and which each
nation-has held four times since
it was put into competition In
1923 by Hazel Hatchkiss Wight
man of Boston, the captain of this
year's American team.
Not a run Scored Against
St Louis Go-Getters;
Pitts Even Red Score :
W I, Pe. W 1 Trt!
St. 1a, 67 19 .92iBot4n SI St .500
Chlco 58 4S .SSfilPitttb'B 48 53 .475
N. Y. 6 47 .5441 PhiU. 43 S3 .400
Brook's 68 60 .332iCioeia. SS 68 .358
ST. LOUIS. August 7 (AP)
The St. Louis Cardinals obtained
an early lead while Burleigh
Grimes held the Chicago Cubs to
seven hits here today to win 8 to
0. George Watkins hit a home run
in the second with Adams on "base.
Chicago ..000 000.00.0 0 7 0
St. Louis 421 000 10X 8 11
M alone.. May, Teachout, Warn
eke and Hartnett; Grimes and J.
Wilson. .
Reriee Evened Up x
Pittsburgh evened the count with
Cincinnati today; winning the sec
ond game of the series 9 to S. It
was Kremer's fourth win over the
Reds this season. '
Cincinnati ..010 000 0023 11 2
Pittsburgh .71 100 OOX 9 16 1
Lucas, Carroll, Wysong and
Sukeforth; Kremer and Phillips.
Phillies Beat Giants
Clarence Mitchell's wlldness en
abled the Phillies to score five
runs in the first inning today and
they went on to make It - two
straight over the New York Giants
13 to 5. Chuck Klein hit two
home runs.
New York ..200 000 0215 16 2
Phllad'hla 510 103 SOX 13 11 1
Mitchell. Parmalee, Berly.Hub
bel and Hogan, Healy; Collins
and Davis. , j
t mmmm ,'
. Rally In Oth Wins j -
BOSTON, August 7 (AP)
The Braves rallied for three runs
off Thurston, and. Qulna In the
ninth Inning today and defeated
Brooklyn S to S. Urbanskl's dou
ble with the bases full drove in
the tying sjid winning runs. .
. : ,' s r H e
Brooklyn ..000 001 0102 10 1
Boston .....000 00 003 3 0
Thurston. Quina - and Lopez;
Zachary and Spohrer.
MONMOUTH, August 7 The
final session of summer school
at the Oregon Normal opened this
week with an attendance report
ed of over 400.-The opening ses
sion featured a . registration ef
777, which fell to something over
600 at close ot the special two
weeks session. ' 'Authorities of
the school feel , rery . much grati
fied 'that the closing- weeks
should be marked by such a good
attendance. -. : :
RICKREALL, Aug. 7 A little
son was born to Mr. and Mrs. J.
L. West on August 4 at the Dal
las hospital. The young man has
been named Joseph Leslie. He Is
the' couples first child.
" ' '
ST. LOUIS. August 7 (AP)-i-President
Sam Breadon of the St.
Louis Cardinals announced to
night that Charles IV (Gabby)
Street would manage the team
again next year.
vr a w ii' ill ' 1 1 ja. r . j v
aY w
offered at this low price.
Beach overall styles in pay
colors and ; CA
prlnta . -;, -. DUC.
Another , group of printed,
plain and one piece. Paj&m-.
as are to clear at rTQe
the Yery low. price of i y C . ;
' AT ?1.79 style . reduced to
an unbeUevable price! One "
and two piece, tub fast, In
prints, polka Cl Ytfl
:dot; or ' plain P 1 U U
extra summer dress you
have been wanting-. Here is
an outstanding: value that
you cannot afford to miss.
Dressy tub silks in dainty
pastel. shades; Regular vaK
Qes up to $4.95 are include
rl I : SI Odea ranee.
uay nuw .
and save at
these unusu
al prices.
Beautiful filet net panels that
are a credit -to .every living
room. In extra long length and
tp to and including the 38
Inch width. Colors of cream
and ecru.
Fretty valance
curtain sets
f o r y o u r
kltehen or
bedroom. A
real value In
a full length
of 2 U yards.
AH metal con
struction. Of
the double
size and has
a coil spring,
e o r e r, and
Toasts two large slices of
bread at the same time. Nickel .
plated and most attractively
designed with ornamental
piercings fn top and sides.
Makes delicious toast . . .
crisp,' erunchy, and evenly
browned ... right at the ta
. hie. Complete with standard -length
cord and plug.
" wsssavBSBav.
f CD
w FIT t
' -S- 1
$20 Down, $5.00 Monthly
Small Carrying Charge
The Windsor's . new. washing
feature . , , the Tri-vane agi
tator gets every trace of dirt .
oulckly. No after rubbing Is
seeded on the dfrtlest- of
clothes. When you remove the
clothes from the glistening
porcelain tnb ; i . simply run
them through the attached
Lovell wringer and they ' are
ready for the Use. See It dem
onstrated. FREE I With each
washer purchased, we will in
clude six boxes ot White King
Washing Machine Powder.
r n
2 i?iiiis(gi2 unvni
Enjoy the luxurious comfort of this beautiful pillow back
Davenport and Chair. So strictly modern In its beauty
and so attractively priced we know this suite Is sure to
win your admiration. And just think what this low
price buys ; . . upholstering; in beautiful shades of green
tapestry ... Web construction throughout . . . deep
spring filled cushions . . . fancy carved base rail and arm
fronts . i . all contributing to the beauty and service
ability of the suite.
$2.50 Down
Same suite upholstered in henna damask.
ifln I7s)tJ Klealltilln
A special event, lasting a few days only, permits us to re
duce our regular $4.98 Foothealth shoe to this unusually
- - - ui .wyuu uiu uiacK are
AbavwAu nuu- wc ucueve mat 1 r
bxua is one ox uie ouisianaing
events of the season. What
more could you want in a shoe
. . . narrow heel . . . built in
arch ... perfect tread . . .
Goodyear welt construction . .
an for - "
9x12 RUG
An Axmlnster is always tirst
for service, durability, and all
round satisfaction. A wealth of
charm and color are woven
Into the beautiful pattern ef
this rug.'
A well con
structed un
finished table.
Top ot heavy
S ply xenecr..
A 25 ft.
length of
moulded red
rubber garden
hose. Just the
right size for
a small space.
A handy portable model equip
ped for gas. Ideal for the laun
dry room or can be used in the
place of one of the larger mod
els. Open burner top, heavy,
durable construction. All cast
iron. A bargain that none can
afford to miss. !
Saturday! Last Day!
Out. entire; stock of children's
beach sandals; have been re-'
dueed to , this low price for
clearance.' Now Is' the time to
save on sandals and also be in
time to Chlsh ' up the season
In MtU
Strong Uaea
upper section 5 gf7 J
with thick J
crepe rubber I 1
soles. Practi-
cally all slses.
Same as above described in
Women's ; a Cq
Saadals . . . 3 laOil
WASH STJITS Onr entire
stock of wash suits have been
reduced for this last. day's sell-,
ing. Colors are sun and tub
fast. And the price is within
the reach
of all
......... 89c
ns. that cannot 'be equaled.
Ward's offer a fine run-resist
unionsult in all the . men's
sises at the lowest price JQ
in a generation. ..... . 7C
- Boys' Corduroy Pants :
An assortment of eream
colored cords. Heavy material.'
Sixes C to oq
11 years ..,...,. v'm
Why pay more? A walnut-
finished, open end
magazine rack offered at
tne lowest price In years.
Sturdily constructed and
' with an at- & nr
tractive design d)0
Tour choice- of either
plain or fancy. top In a
walnut finished End Ta
ble. Legs and stretchers
are ot hardwood. Top is
of select gum
finished walnut..... )i
rXXXr STOOLS A pretty"
upholstered stool that
will match In with any;
color scheme. Frame is
; of hardwood and top is
covered with Jacouard '
relour. Buy and save at
this low 01
price ............ 1
Beveled or chipped,
edge glass set In a wal
nut base. Useful on a -'
chest ot drawers or In
any occasional spot. Size "
Inches , ,....V$2.49
Quality Swiss ribbed athletic
shirt of tine combed cotton.
Soft and comfortable. The cot
ton broadcloth shorts are in
f a n e y p a t-
err wwwebbIllr on
I 1 -hips. All
3 J men's sixes.
for Each
garm. - J7C
inally reduced from $2.18.
Fine crepe-de-chine lingerie at
a price that will appeal to all.
ramies,, Tests,
step-ins .......
latest style In hosiery. The new
mesh hose at a speciaj price
for this last day only. Wear
them- on the street, - at the
or tor evening. ... Tt3C pr.
Xf omen's Rayon Pajamas
Soft, 000 V rayon, 1 piece Pa
Jamas. Pants are tied with, a
wide rayon - f t
band . . i . ... . .'. . "- V 1 U U
Gold finish wrought iron
stand with two pull chain
socket. Height of 60 inches
and shade is of parchment'
with French printed design.
Modern design with plated
standbase ornament and
arm. 57 inches high with
round parchment shadei
Attractive design in print
- - - . -. . 1
IM m if m i rs r W& o ;
PHONE 8774
Friendliest Store in Town
. 1