The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 08, 1931, Page 5, Image 5

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    i u. .t--
'The'OItEGON'STATESaiAN. Salem. Orerir, Saturday SlornJor. Abrust 8. 1931
V,i.-..xv-PAGS. FIVE
Local News Briefs
Repairs Speed up Building re
pair and alteration Jobs about the
city piled - up rapidly the past
two days, -when eight permits tor
-work to cost 1 9 29 were issued at
the building inspector's -office.
The permits were as follows: I.
M. Bloere, repair dwelling, 2041
Center, cost, $45; J. U Gatlltf.
reroof. 995 North Fifth. $110;
Robert P. Bndrow, Teroof, 1970
Talraount. $10; William H.
Tnxmra, reroof. 2 North 14 th,
20; Mrs. C. Stuttaford. alter.
407 South 18th. $200; Mrs. W.
It Dancy, reroof, SIS North Lib
erty,' $40; A. A. - Lee. reroof.
1515 Stare, $215. and George XL
Diets, alter, 119 South - Sum
mer, $50. j --.!
Another big pajama dance at
Turner Sat. Aug I. Music by
Cornhuskers. .r ,
Seattle mJLM Sentenced Pete
Giiio, Seattle, who was arrested
here yesterday along with R.- J.
Roberts and B. Lentnes. oa. in
formation from Albany police, as
robbery . suspects, ' was fined
$12.50 In municipal court on a
charge of being drunk. His two
companions, .held on the same
charge, were released without
l tine. It was at first beliered
( the men had robbed an Albany
citizen, but it dereleped later that
they were inrolred in a drinking
bout in that city. : "When they
were arrested here they were un
der the influence of liquor and
' had some ln their possession.
Karlor Eaf"t,e f 11,833 Es
telle Karloreceesed. left an
estate of $11,832, according to an
appraisal filed yesterday in pro
bate court here. Of the property
$600 consists of sarings in a lo
cal bank and $17(7 is off demand
-deposit In the same bank. , The
rest of the estate consists of per
sonal notes of cltltens In the Sli
rerton district, shares of atock In
industrial and utility concerns
and some -bonds issued by Mason
ic orders. ' . 1
Notice The Hotel Marlon
wishes to announce that the hotel
dining room will be closed all day
on Sundays until further notice.
Due to lack of patronage.
. . Boerdman "Writes Articles A
full page article on "The Crawl
Stroke", written by Robert R.
Boardman. Y. M. C. A. physical
director, with illustrations by the
author, appeared la a recent is
sue of "The Target", rational
Methodist weekly paper for older
boys. Boardman's work will ap
pear in print there again fa the
early faU. with an interrlew
with Clarence W. "Doe Spears,
.football coach at TJnirersIty of
Oregon, on the subject. ' "What
Makes a Football Player?"
Mishap Reported William
Iwan, fireman at the central sta
tion, was Inrolred in an accident
yesterday when his car collided
with that drlTen byr Floyd Bates.
1769 South Church, at the inter
section of Center and Commercial
. streets- Bates claims ta his re
port that Iwan did not hare the
right of way. Cars driren by Mel
Tin York. 1119 South Main and
.. T. O. Welsh. 899. Brers arenas,
collided Thursday on Center
street, York reports.
I See Russ Smith. Center and
Church, for tire bargains. 1
Tax Authority limited Au
thority of the tax superrisory
commission ef Multnomah-county
Is limited to fixing respectlTS
amounts to be leried for rations
actlrlties of the county, but there
is no .prorUlon la the laws which
. glres it the right to make rules
and regulations.. according to an
opinion handed -down by Attor
ney General Van Winkle. The
opinion related to budget expen
ditures of Multaomah county.
McClaln Estate Viewed The
estate of Arthur E. McClaln. de
ceased, was Tiewed and appraised
this week, according to a report
' filed with the probate court yes
terday. The estimated ralue of the
real property belonging to the
estate is $2000. Gash consists of
$48 in a Salem bank The execu
tor of the deceased's will is J. L.
McClaln. Appraisers named were
L. E. Gardner. J. A. McClaln and
John Wlllberg.
Kirk Estate Closed - Robert
Emmett Kirk, deceased, left an
estate consisting of personal,
property and a small 'mercantile
. store at St. Paal according to the
report filed yesterday by Hasel
A. Kirk, administratrix. She has
sold out the stock of the store
and yesterday asked the county
court to turn orer all the prop
erty to her, tor she is the sole
heir. - - '
Get your Grarenstein apples
now. 50e and UP- Bring boxes. Rt.
8, box St. Tel. 4F4.
Becke Estate Closed The es
- tate of Charles Becke. Jr., haa
been eloeed according to a final
report filed yesterday in probate
court. Annie Barbara Becke has
: been administratrix.- Bequests' to
' serersl heirs and costs of probat
ing th estate and attending to
the last rites, totalled $2500.
', Cash remaining on hand is $89.
Released to Marshal R. R.
j Knox. U. S. deputy marshal, was
.". glren custody by city poliee yes
terdsy of Earl Thomas. Joe Gab-
bert, W. A. Reese and C. Wilker
son. Oabbert,was arrested on a
charge of possession and sale of
, liquor, Reese and Wflkerson on a
charge of transportation of the
; same. " - - . . .. -
Going to Alaska Miss Edith
' Horton, who has been the guest
of Miss Harriet C Long, state
'librarian, left yesterday for,' Seat
tle. From there she will go to
Victoria, B. C, to Alaska, and
; then to "Winnipeg. . , r
- ' 'i '
To South Dakota J- Mr. and
Mrs. . Carl Peterson left the city
. yesterday headed for South Da
j kota. -
We wish to thank our friends
for the beautiful floral offerings
and kind sympathy extended us
daring our recent sorrow.. Mr.
and Mrs. J. F. Wilcox and family.
Darid In Jail Again Victor
Darid was committed to the coun
ty jail yesterday after a lapse of
months in the payments he had
been making on a $500 fine Im
posed three years ago for the sale
of intoxicating liquor, Darid wai
paroled by the late Gorernor Pat
terson August 25, 1928, on the
condition $20 a month be paid
on the tine. For fire months Da
rid kept up the payments but he
has of late made no tender to the
officers. He has been Urlng near
the municipal airport. In finish
ing out the fine in Jail. Darid
will get credit at the rate of $2
tor each day laid oat in jail. ;
Pemerors Jajurrd When the
car driren! by their son, Henry
Pomeroy, collided with that of
Ed Dorfleur of Shaw on a road in
the .Waldo hills. R. D. Pomeroy
and -Mrs. Pomeroy of Aumsrille
receired aerere Injuries. The ma
chine of John" Gortmaker, route i,
was badly damaged when it col
lided on South Commercial street
Just outside the city limits with
that drlrea by II. L. Carrriet of
Portland, according to reports
made to the sheriff's office. The
Portland car in passing a rural
mall car collided with him head
on, Gortmaker 'claims.' Machines
drlTen by fLee . Jones, , Jefferson,
and M. Benghain, Kansas, collid
ed on Jefferson highway, another
report states.
- When you get an automobile
policy from Standley ft Foley, you
get nationwide serrlce. If you
thare an accident in Tortiana,
Ore., or Portland, Maine, or way
points, we hare an adjustor arall
able. , ji" ' '
Speech Kipert Coming "The
Cause and prevention of Speech
Defects", will be discussed at the
Marlon 1 county health center on
North High street at 2:50 o'clock
Monday afternoon. Dr. John H
Hnyskens of Unlrersity of Mich
igan, the speaker, who led la es
tablishing free clinics In Michi
gan, is la the west to induce phy
sicians to ay as much attention
to speech defects as to other de
tects during clinic treatments.
Members of the medical and den
tal professions and graduate nurs
es are Inrlted to attend. Dr. Hurs
kem la a brother of Mrs. A. F. Do
Lespinasse of Hubbard, whp is sec
retary of the Marion county pubuc
health association.
To Pay ! Interest Notice, to
bondholders of the Salem Linen
Mills that! funds are now arail
able to pay Interest duo April 1.
1921. is being sent out this week
by the Equitable Trust company
at Portland. Prorlslon for the in
terest was made when the new or
ganisation took orer the Oregon
Linen Mills by whom the bonds
were originally offered. The total
bond issue against the mill now
l aiKS. ess., interest is at 7 Per
cent and no principal payments
are required until 1947.
During August we close Sat. at
pv m. Imperial Furn. Co.
that the compfalnt filed recently
by Verna McCalllster against K.
Tt McCalllster be made more def
inite was filed yesterday in circuit
conn, one iwu uhwiw . vu
husband. In his motion he wants
to know just when it was he
atmek her. as the olalntltf's com
plaint recites, and also when he
met with other parties as tne or
iginal complaint cites.
Pny Gras Fees Fees due the
city for grass and weed cutting
continue to ' be paid in small
amounts. A total of $7.50 alto
gether was remitted yesterday by
R. A. Harris, 701 North Capitol
street; I. C. Beers, Woodburn;
Alice M. iSteiwer, 2445 South
High street. -
Bargains on used tents. All
sixes. Salem Bargain House. 329
N.. ComL j -.
Remain I at Camp Dwlght
Adams, Phil Brownell and Erer
ett Clark,; leaders for the Y. M.
C. A. boys' camps, did not return
.iih tt MHTin eaterdar but
will remain orer today to finish
dismantling tne grounas. mey
are expected to leare for Salem
tonight or Monday.
Goes to Smttle Dick Terpen.
Ing. son of Mrs. H. K. Stockwell,
left Salem" this week for Seattle,
where he will Tislt for sereral
weeks with relatlres.
UUIULUt Eugene 75c
Depot. Bllgh Hotel .
Independent Stage Co.
I Tel. 0121 1 '
Dr. Chan lm
Chinese Medicine '
180 N. Con-merclal
St.. Salim
: Office liMtrs
Twewlay and Satur
day S to 0:30
' Peanut
- Brittle
: - ; i8c , ;
Crisp, golden peanut brit
tle filled with selected
fresh peanuts. A real treat
for the whole family. 16
ounces for 18c
Two lbs. for 35c
i ." ; onlj at m '
183 N. Com! Dial 6197
The original yellow front can
"dy special store of Salem
Finishes mUamette Coarse
Homer Roberts, science major at
Willamette unlrersity, completed
his course yesterday after taking
the eight weeks' summer work,
and ' prepared to leare ' the ctty.
He plans to teaen daring the
coming year, prorided he can se
cure a position. i i
Fiawd tea Dollars O. H. Bar
ton waa fined $10 Friday morn
morning when he appeared in
municipal court on a charge of
being drunk. Dale McDaniei was
fined $2.50 for failing to stop
and one dollar was receired from
a double parka.
Guardian Sustained -. County
Judge Siegmond yesterday orer
ruled objections to Laura John
son as guardian of the estate left
by Florence Drake, deceased. He
ordered ' that she should he con
tinued in her present position, t
Doners on Trip Dr. and Mrs.
Carl O. Doner are on a short ra
cation . trip te British Columbia,
They hare no especial Itinerary.
It is the first time the Doners
hare risited this section of the
northwest. i i
' - ii' " - l , '
Postal Clerk Away Fay Col
lins., clerk at the postal stamp
wladow, left the office yesterdsy
for his two weeks racatloa. 'He
and Mrs. Collins will go te Breit
enbush botsprings - .
.EUU to Preach- Iter. J. -ijjfc.
coin Kills will preach at the Kn
glewood United Brethren church
Sunday morning. His subject will
be. "The Mission of Jesus." :
Hawley Goce To Den rer Con
gressman W. C. Hawley left : by
train yesterday afternoon for Dea
rer, Colo. , ; . j : ..
Portland Major Here Major
C. A. Robertson of Portland was
a business rlsitor here yesterday.
Checks Reflect
Roads Activity
i ' ' . i
Clerks la the courthouse yes
terdsy were busy sending out 017
checks against the roads and
highways account for goods and
serrices used in July. This totaled
the largest number of checks erer
Issued in one month against this
fund. County and market road
work, together with bridge con
struction actlrity, has been on in
fan swing all during the month.
ScbeU !i
At the residence tour miles
east oa Routs 0, August 8. Leo
pold 8chuls, 72. Surrlred by wid
ow, Johanna: one son. Arthur of
Salem; one daughter. Mrs. Minnie
Helnke of Salem, and five grand
children. Prayer services Satur
day, August S, at 1:30 p. m. from
the W. T. Rigdon and Son mortu
ary. Funeral services from the St.
John's Lutheran church, 14 th and
A streets, at 2, p.ta. Interment
City View cemetery. '
. Collins
In this city August f , Roy ol
11 ns, 49. Survived by two sisters,
Mrs. M. Wooten and Mrs. Ethel
George, both ot Colorado; one
brother. James C Collins ot Colo
rado: four step children, Mrs. A.
Belcher ot Sslem. Mrs. L. Hat
field of McMlnnvllle. Samuel Se
well ot Salt Lake City and How
ard Sewell of Nevada. Funeral
announcement later by Clough
Barrlck company.
At the residence. 490 N. Capi
tol street. August T, i Albert
O'Brien. 72. Survived by widow,
Mrs. Martena O'Brien; two broth
ers. Frank and Charles O'Brien,
both of Salem; and one sister.
Anna ot Salem. Funeral services
from the St. Joseph's Catholic
chnreh this morning at 9:20 with
Requiem mass. Interment St, Bar
bara cemetery under the direc
tion of the Salem Mortuary.
Established 189S TeL 8033
Conveniently Accessible '
Perpetual care provided for
prices Reasonable
FUSaXaT, smoTOii ,
77 s
Oa Surtea is ,T-wiatl
oa num Axa
Oa Rasa Sa SCaSatn
2Jaaaaa hUf
JJeltrtfit isltntoriai
A Park Cemetery !
With Perpetual Care
Just tea anlnatee frees-the
. heart ef town - 7
Cloagh-Bamck Co.
Phone 1S1
Church at Ferry 'St:
A. M. Clough
Dr. L. E. Barrlck
V. T. Golden
if '
Vacuum Cleaners and
Floor Waxen to Rent
Call MIO, Used Fnmltnre
Departaaeat :
151 N. rugii
Ob ltuary
" 1 '" " "
,. it mm
The busiest week in some time
is fa prospect tor doctors and
nurses at the Merlon county
health center oa High street aext
week, when eight different clinics
are scheduled, some te be in Sa
Ism. others to be la nearby coeav
ty towns. The demand for examin
ations of preschool are children
continues to he so henry that par
ents are being required to snake
appointments nearly a month, la
advance. . ..
The week's diale lineup is as
foHows: . . !. '-,
Tuesday- All-day presaheol. at
the health center. 424 North High
street," In charge of Dr. C. C
Wednesday Morning, snilk-haadlers-
health center. Dfe Ver
non A. Doeglas; chest cliale.
Woodburn. Dr. Dauer, Afternoon,
preschool, Hubbard. Dr. Dauer.
. Thursday - Moralaf, pre
school, heanh center. Dr. Jerald
S. Backs trend. Afternoon, pre
school, Gerrats. Dr. Dauee.
Friday - All-day pre-eehoel,
health center. Dr. Dauer. By ap
pointment only. . - -i
' Saturday morning, toxoid and
raccination. health . center, front
1:10 to 10 o'clock. ".
The Marlon county court, by
formal order yesterdar determ
ined that certain road a won Id ha
surrered and located narmanaAtr-
ly on. the road map of the county.
The Fern Ridge road above
Stayton was relocated and estab
lished in districts 22 and 2$. tak
ing the place ot the existing mar
ket road 82.
The court decided'' te hare
rlewed and surveyed a road to
the Champoeg cemetery peti
tioned by Edward JfOTrak, et aL
A f Q-oet right-of-way is desired
for a quarter of a mile. ,
The court agreed. te hare sur-
reyed and rlewed a 30-feot road
peUUoned tor by Weasel Xahut,
O DSL twem a Unu Tosacco Cow
: '
et al, la district eight near Woed-
eursu - v - .
By resolution the court ordered
the alteration and establishment
of a $ 0-foot read from Salem to
The eeurf centfnaed the matter
of a 0-root road la the Sponga
isnaing district. L. A. VarbeL et
al, is petitioner. . "
MONMOUTH. Aug. 7. - A B.
Cbberly died earlr Fridar mars-
lag at his home la Monmouth at
is age ot years. His passing
IS mourned -br mu rrinnda "hm
had nsade daring the past year lav
woauiouia, .
Mr. Ceherir waa fcorsVin In't.
aha December 2. XI TS and eame
te OreKoa tn. 1 Iftl- lni aiaa tkar
time, he had Ured, In and about
Ih 1201 Mr. Coherly waa mar.
rled to Emma C. Hullett of SU
rerton and -wntil a year ego he
Ured on a farm near, Silrertoa.
Last year he left hla farm and
mored to Menmeath; Mr. Coberly
had been" engaged in tanning
nracticaUy ail his Ufa
in addition te the widow. Em
ma C, he la aarrirsd by one
daughter, Franeeo E., a student at
Oregon Normal at- Monmouth:
mother, Mrs.. Jamea -Coberly of
DeMotte, Ind.: three brothers.
Fred of DeMotte. George of Mis
souri and Ernest of Bruatield.
I1L; and one sister, Mrs. Ira Em
ory of Danville. III.
Funeral arrangements will be
made later by the Jack Ekman
funeral parlors f Sllverton.
Douglas Smith
Is Hit By Auto
Ddroglar Smith, 2 year old son
ot Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Smith,
former Salem residents, now lo
cated fa Portland, was serloualy
injured a few days ago when he
was atruek by an automobile and
knocked to the pavement, Buffer
ing a double fracture ot the left
leg.. Word receired later in the
week stated that the injury, while
painful. Is mending satisfactorily
bat will be In a cast tor sereral
As - e shock te - many Salem
friends came the sudden death of
Albeit O'Brien. 72. who passed
away at hla residence. 41$ North
Capitol street, at 12:20 a. m.
Mr. "O'Brien was born in Bel
fast; Iowa, la 1 Sit and Ured
there until 1872 when .he. came
to' Woodburn. Oregon, accompan
ied by his parents.. brothers, and
sister. Serea years later the
family mored to a- farm located
ia Polk: county north ot Indepen
dence ' : ' ,
. On June 2s. 1J. Mr. O'Brien
waa - married - to Blast tin a Man
ning O'Brien. About 2S years
ago he retired from the farm and
with, other members ef the O'Bri
en fkmliy took up residence In
Salem and alace then they . hare
continuously resided here.
; Mr. O'Brien- Is survived by his
Widow. Mrs. . BUntlna O'Brien:
twov brothers, Charles of 494 N.
Capitol street, and Frank of
State afreet; one sister. Miss Ann
O'Brien ot 4t N. Capitol street;
and halt brother. W. B. Lawlor
et Portland. ;
Funeral services will be held
at St. Joseph's Catholic church
Saturday, August , at :1 a. m.
Two fires, starting In the house
and garage on the William Mo
Gilchrist. Jr.. nlace a omrttr.
mile east of Tonr Cornn nn tha
Pen road Thursday, resulted In
the dwelling being burned and the
garage, full of furniture and fix
tures rescued from the first, being
consumed by the second blase.
The Blerins fsmilr. ocennants
of the house. left shortly before
the morning fire broke out. Em
ployes of the Portland General
Electric company, working near
by, discorered the blase and
changed electrical connections to
the water pump so the garage
could be aared. H. W. Harland.
local realtor, and others rescued
the furnishings, including eren
o o
It doesn't "just happen" that Chesterfield holds
its smokers. Milder You never get that "over
smoked" feeling.
Always cool and comfortable. They're made that
way And they keep on tasting better! The last
Chesterfield of the day is as mild and smooth as
the first.
No purer, better-tasting cigarette can be made !
. 15 .
the doors, and fjored tfcaxa la the
garage. . -i- .... -
Th second blase was dlacover
ed ia the evening la the garage.
The building and. Its contents
were destroyed, although a buck
et ' brigade saved . the barn and
pumphouse. k
.The loss oa tie house Is esti
mated at $2000. with' $2000 In-'
surance. ...
Petition Out To
Commence Utility
District In Lane
Preliminary iMHnn tnr
creation ot what wonld b knnn
as the Triangle Lake Utility dls-
incx, was rued In the offices of
the gtSte b7drO-ltrio Mm n. I
slon here Frldsy. The petlUon was
signea by h. A. Rust and approxi
mately 20 other persons living in
the proposed district. -
The district proposes to devel
op power on Lake creek and the
lower end of TrUncie - Ink, tnr
com marc is I purposes.
The proposed district is located
in'Lane eouaty -and Includes ap
Droxlmatelr 12.9 o rM Th.
cost of development was not set
m a a.e .
oni m me preliminary petition.
$950 Fine Money
In Last Month Is
Alexander Report
Operatives of the state nrnhl.
bitlon department participated in
149 arrests during the month of
July, according to a report pre
pared l Friday by George Alexan
der, atate prohibition director.
The report was tiled with Gover
nor Meier. .
-Fines imposed In the serersl
eases aggregated $9850, with Jail
sentences totaling 2086 days. The
officers destroyed 1601 gallons of
mash and 2058 gallons of liquor.
Ten stills were seized and nine
automobiles ware confiscated.
- Young Ching-
TazaTntEHTS .
Pat. Jaaa T. 131
far traataaak
ckilblaiac. -aara T.
kick taoda aaS.taat.
Ktnu, at. mask
traablaa. caaear and
all kiaSs af Siaaasaa.
S31 1-8 State Straat
, - -.. - -
; IWTHf U.S.A.
"stick to their euro-
no matter whet I
I . . T . ..."
The) first letter of the
fwlwsraphra cod ta
rLfor Loyalty. Many
Ihros have boon sovod
by tho operator's last
stand. YouVo proud
to know folks who
look at duty Cko thatt
a '
An Injunction which would re- -strain
H. L. Moore and Walter
E. Wengenroth from any further
cutting of timber on a 12$ acre
tract la this eouaty. was sought
yesterdsy In a circuit court suit
tiled by the CrOon Central Life
Insurance company.
The complaint alleges that .the
first and second mortrirH ' on
the property, prortdes 11 that ,sa .!
A. SL ' . . . . -
umoer can .oe aoid without the
proceeds golnr directfy te retire ',
the mortgage. Instead 09 cords
of wood hare been frit anjf anlt
tor $1800 and an additional 400 '
cords are now cut and oa- the
land, ready for delirery.
Specific damaees of 21006 am '
sought by the plaintiff la addi
tion to the injunction:
The original mortgage, giren
la 1922. was for scaee rt ta now '
slightly less thaa $5800.
931S Value
Left with ns for sale
' No Better Piano in Salem
First customer la our store
beys this wonderful bargain
at ... . S120
557 Court Street
Salem, Bet. HJjrn-Cnerrfe St.
' -.V.