The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 05, 1931, Page 3, Image 3

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    The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Ore proa, Wednesday Morning Atu?ust 5, 1931
Descendants of Pioneers of
'65 in Estacada Reunion
Held Last Sunday
HUBBARD. Aug. 4. The 13th
annual reunion of the descendants
of Philip Una met Sunday at
DInty Moore's park at Currena
Yille near Estacada.' This park is
part of the land- bought by Philip
Linn after crossing the plains In
1865. The original party of 33
consisted of the family of Philip
Linn and the . families of six,. of
his children. Of this original party
six are still Hying. Two sons, Phil
ip E. Linn - and Granville Linn,
lire at Estacada. GranTllle Linn
Is president and Matthew Linn, is
secretary of " the clan.' Matthew
Lonsberry was also one of the. or
iginal party. lie lost both his
mother and father en route to
' Oregon.' His mother, Martha Linn
.Lonsberry, died near American
- Falls on the Snake rirer in Ida
ho; and his father, Jonathan
. Lonsberry, at Bake Oren station
In eastern Oregon. - - -
Matthew Lonsberry ran a gen
eral store In Hubbard and plan tad
a hickory tree there in 1887 which
Is known. as the "mystery tree.!
Mrs. Waldo F." Brown and her
sister, Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding
of Salem, are great granddaugh
ters of Philip Linn.
The Woukes threshing outfit con
cluded the operation ol tall grain
threshing last Monday at the Ev
erett Milne farm. They will hare
a short run. of spring grain and
clover hulling later.
Ida May Summers and Cella
Jefferson left;- last Mon
day, for Camp Santaly near De
troit where they will spend . a
week with the Girl Scout troop of
Genrais under the direction of
Mrs. Adkisson.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Wiesner and
two- children returned last Wed
nesday from a long motor trip in
southern Oregon. They visited the
Oregon cares. Crater lake, Klam
ath Falls and enoyed the Redwood
highway from . Grants Pass to
Crescent City, Calif.
Choice Gladioli
Bulbs To Be Seen
At Silverton,Now
two-day ' exhibition of choice
gladioli blooms from the gardens
of Harvey Hallett, local fancier.
will be made Friday.-and Satur
day In the windows of the Stsrr
Hardware company here. This
will be the third annual display.
One blossom Hallett hopes to
have on display Is the Mother
McChree, a smoky colored vari
ety, considered very rare.
The Portland gladioli show;
August 14-15, will find many of
Halletfs blossoms entered. Last
year he won three first prizes,1
three third places, and two sec
ond ribbons. His gardens 310
Brook street. Geiser " Addition.
are now "ablate" with about 200
of the bright red Dr. Bennets
Grain Prospect
Good ; Silverton
Threshing of grain began in the
. Silverton Hills yesterday. While
It Is too early to know what the
yield will be, farmers were of the
onlnion last week that the grain
WOUla turn OUl Deiier man uau
been expected some time ago.
would turn out better than had
Threshlna- in this community us
ually begins a week or ten days
later than in some oi me lower-
lylng regions about suverton
: O
Betty Fox. 23. former University
of Michigan co-ed. is shown de
scending from a -Battle Creek,
: Midi, ' flagpole after perching
there until she had established a
new record of '126 hours. After
setting the new mark" she went to
aleep in a shew window of a main
street store in front of a large
crowd of spectators who cheered
lustily every tim" she- opened her
eyes -and-promptly went tQ aleep
K ... . ,,
T. .
Conferring in an effort to snare the
tion for Philadelphia, Senator Simeon D. Fess, of Ohio (left), chair
man of the G. O. P. National Committee; Mayor H. A, Hackey of
Philadelphia (center), and Senator James J. Davis of Pennsylvania,
were photographed in the City of Brotherly Love. If Philadelphia is
selected, added interest will be created due to the battle expected be-;
tween factions representing President Hoover and Governor Gilford
-I ' j Pinchot f Pennsylvania. i !;:
j ! . ' - ; ,
Then Real Identity of Warrior Reveals; Itself
. PERRYDALE, August 4 This
community comes in for its share
of excitement ' during the milk
war. A truck load was dumped at
the S. Van Staavern farm Sunday
evening, j
Everyone was on edge Saturday
night when the roads were full of
cars of men looking and waiting
for the Brande's truck.
An amusing incident happened
Saturday night between a -dairyman
and hi .helper. At the, eve
ning meal they discussed the milk
dumping and damage being, done
ana decided to protect meir prop
erty. The hired man was to keep
HUBBARD, August 4 Rev.
and Mrs. D- George Cole of Salem
accompanied ; by'. Mrs.. C. D. Nay
lor.'and'danghteV Mrs. J. S. Dun
lavy. motored-, to .Portland and
were dinner guests at the -home
of Mrs. Baylor's sister, Mrs. M. E.
Karten and daughter. Miss Stella
They al
so viaited at the home
of Mrs. Maggie ' Craigmlles and
her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Katb-
erlaw Cralgmlle and children
Barbara land Leslie Cralgmlle.
Will Bower of Pleasant Hill. Il
linois was also a guest 'at the
Karten home. Mr. Bower Is
spending t the summer with his
sister. Mrs. Maggie Cralgmlle in
Mrs. Rollan Hazsard and Miss
Myrtle Hazzard of Stevenson.
Wash.; and Cordon Miller and
Eugene Fox of Brownsville were
guests the past week of Mrs. Hax-
zard's cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Grant
Bixler, and daughter, Mrs. Helen
Sargent. They all spent the week
end at Rockaway. Other guests
at the Bixler home were: Mrs.
Harry DeSanno and daughter.
Maxlne and son Geraldlne DeSan-
no an oi .uc.innnniie, .r. uui i r s" e
Mrs. Gilbert Mansfield. Mr. a&Annial trlCniCJt
no all of McMinnville. Mr. and
Mrs. Roscoe Edward and three
children all of Crescent City.
Calif. !
Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester A. Har
ris and daughter. Miss Lavonne
Harris and son. Albert Harris ac
companied by Mr. and Mrs. Emil
Cramer spent the weekend on a
fishing trip on the Abiqu'a river
above Scotts Mills.
Richard Hess who was serious
ly injured 'in an automobile acci
dent near Brooks a week ago
and -was In the Deaconess hospit
al has been brought home and Is
Improving very satisfactorily,
Mrs. Mary Hawkins of Salem.
is visiting old friends and neigh
bors here after an absence of sev
eral years. Mrs. Hawkins was a
former resident of Brooks.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hayes and
daughter, -Mrs. Carl Aspinwall
and daughters. Bessie and Hattie
Aspinwall,: were called- to THla -
mook Sunday," when they, received
thead news of the death of Mrs.
Hayee grandson, Infant son of Mr.
, and Mrs. Charles Fleck who pass
ed away Sunday morning.
Last Rites-Said t
Mrs Uppendahl;
Hubbard Church
HUBBARD. Aug. 4 Mrs. Her
man Uppendahl was burled from
the Catholic . church at Hubbard
at 10 a. m. Monday. Father Jonas
officiated. Interment was in the
Hubbard cemetery.
'She had been ill for several
years and passed away July 10
at 8 a. m. .
She leavee to mourn - her loss
her husband, Henry Uppendahl,
a sister, Priscilla RJdgly and sev
eral nieces and nephews. ,
LYONS, ' August 4 Mrs. Ella I
Lyons of Corvallls has been visit
ing- relatives and friends here
and at Stayton " the ' past two
weeks.' Mrs. Lyons and family
resided at Lyons for a number of
years before' moving to Corvallls
about four years ago. ' Sever -.1
social affairs were tendered Mrs.
Lyons during her brief stay, here.
- v -4 A
next Republican Party conven-
watch so he drove down the road.
The owner and wife left' a little
later to spend the evening away.
When they drove a short distance
they saw a car without lights
drive to their home so they turned
out their lights and returned.
There was no car In Bight so the
owner decided to -look-around 'and
on his way to the barn he saw
someone hiding behind a shrub.
The hired man and owner are hav
ing a good laugh as they did not
recognize each other for a mom-
ent. , !
It was milk from this commun
ity that was destroyed at New
berg Saturday night. ; ",
Hubbard Girl
Enjoys Week
ai r ire ixiiiip
HUBBARD. August 4 Anna
Knight returned Saturday ahrht
from Cajmp Kamanu, the camp at
Bull Run for. Camp Fire girls of
Oregon. One hundred and fifty
Kir)s were there and 35 counsel
lors. Each girl has a major and a
minor project. Anna took nature
study for her major project and
first aid for her minor project.
Anna received a national honor
for her major activity, which Js a
seeker honor. Seeker Is the first
honor In . nature study. ' Besides
her national honor she won an
honor for good camper and good
service. : i ,
A rather odd Incident of Anna's
stay happened while the girls
were returning from a first aid
lesson on how to carry a patient
with broken bones. One of, the
girls turned her ankle and broke
two bones, the first tlm there
has ever been any major injuries
at Camp Namanu. Anna nd an
other? girl Immediately applied
what' they had Just learned and
carried the In lured 1rl to thr
housed! health.
White's District
Held On Sunday
HUBBARD, August ; 4 The
White's district held Its annual
picnle at - Colvins Park : Sunday.
About . 125 were present. - The
guests Included former residents
of the White's school district now
residing at .St. Helens. Portland.
and Woodburn. i
The' picnic was sponsored by
the community - circle of which
Mrs. George Pardy is president.
She was assisted by a committee
composed of Mrs. Lillian Schnie
der, Miss Llllle Iry, and Airs.
Charlotte Taylor. .
A bountiful picnle dinner, was
served at noon and -water sports
and baseball were en joyed, la the
I afternoon.
LIBERTY. August 4 Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Williams motored to Che-
halls, Wash., for the weekend to
attend the annual. meeting of a
club to which the Williams have
belonged for 10. years. They will
be accompanied home by their
son, Joe, Jr. who has spent the
past two weeks in Cheballs.
life T vetcoimyoii
tjhz HOTEL
;i OUMEUIiil
75 Attend Jones-McAIpine
Gathering, Silvertonr
. Morley new Leader
SILVERTOX. August 4 Seventy-five
descendants of the Jones
and McAlpine families met in the
city park here - Sunday for the
third annual reunion.. Lewis
Jones crossed the plains in 1852.
first settling oa the Albany prair
ie. Of the three children of his.
still living. Miss Sally Jones of
Salem was present. ? .
The Jones-MeAlplne clan included-
the well-known Morley
and Hicks families of here and
Salem. After a . picnic dinner, a
program was enjoyed. Lois A.
Jones- of - Portland . exhibited a
number of his wood carvings.
.Roy ' Morley, prominent hop
grower here, was - elected presi
dent, and Miss Julia Johnson, Sac
lem, secretary, , Due to the con
flict with other clan reunions, it
was decided, to hold-the annual
4 gathering the last Sunday' In July
Instead of the first Sabbath day
In August.
Young people of the Friends
church . closed their conference
Sunday with 4 record attendance.
The sacred concert conducted
by William Murphy of Idaho Sun
day afternoon was well given by
chorus and soloists.
.Outstanding events during the
conference were: ' two messages
by Prof. Bennett. M. A., of Chi
cago, president of the American
Science foundation. His subjects
were "America at the Cross
roads' and "Spiritual Science".
A message was given by Everett
Cottell of Ohio , on "The Three
Demenslons of Christian Life".
Offerings for the improvement of
the grounds were liberal.
Delegations from Highland,
Marlon. Rosedale. South Salem.
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Although the yacht Lismore, entered in the race from Newport; XL I.,"
to Plymouth, England, was disabled by a severe storm in mid-Atlantic,
Mrs. William Roos, wife of the owner and perhaps the only Social Reg-,
Uterite sailor on the Seven Seas, refused to leave the crippled craft
. and board a liner which came alongside to render assistance. Mrs.
Roos is shown at the helm of the yacht which she is sticking with
until it reaches its goaL - . . .
and Scotts Mills churches were
present. .
Miss Genevieve Beckett is dls-.
trict superintendent of young peo
ple's work for Salem.
- - - - . .
AURORA, Aug.' 4 Mrs. Ches
ter Gllbreath and little daughter.
Joan, left for Portland Tuesday
where- Joan will visit a .little
friend while her mother attends
a bridge , party at the home of
Mrs. Clark Moody, -Vancouver,
.Wash., given in honor of .Mrs.
Lee Hoskins, a recent bride of
Longview, Wash., who with her
husband Is summering at ML.
Hood. Mrs. Gllbreath and . Mrs.
Hoskins will be overnight guests
at the Moody home. .
If customers, get what
3 , : so -m
AeyTl stick!
' It's no accident : that Chesterfield wins
and holds its smokers. "
kiper, milder, sweeter-tasting tohac-
cos , and purer cigarette paper cant-be
bought. ' '
. . And Chesterfield cigarettes are made
right. Each type of tobacco used in the
SM O It E D " DY-M
Trade Made For
' 260-Acre Ranch
By Hersberger
HUBBARD. August 4 Jake
Hersberger, well known business
man of Hubbard, and proprietor
of the Hubbard garage, traded
100 acres of his 260-acre ranch
south of Needy for the honse and
lot and garage of Mr. Berkey of
Woodburn. Berkey will take pos
session of his place .at once.
. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Kaufman, who
have until recently been residing
on the Jake Hersberger farm,
have moved to Hubbard and will
be In charge of another place be
longing to . Mr. .Hersberger.
s e e
you what
they want .
61 1 0
its ai picnic
Many Relatives and Friends
Who Live - on Lansing
Road Entertained
ENGLEWOOD, Aug. . 4. The
annual . neighborhood picnic of
Lansing road was held at Silver
ton park Sunday, August 2. The
dmner was served at 1 o'clock.
After dinner the young folks and
children went - in swimming. At
2:30 Ice- cream ; and cake was
served. ", . "":
The following neighbors and
friends were . present: Mr. " and
Mrs. D L. Spalding, Earl Spald
ing, Miss Louisa Poujade, Mr. and
Mrs. E. E. Bengs. Miss Mildred
LBengs, Mr. ; and " Mrs. J. P. Ler-
man, Mrs. pete Lerman, Mr. ana
Mrs. Ed Kitchen,' Billy Kitchen,
Zelma - Kitchen, Agnes Peterson,
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Tasto, Mr.
and Mrs. Ernest Soelle and little
daughter. Mr. and Mrs. E. I; By
ram, .Miss v Frances. Byram.. . Mr
and Mrs. Bert Hulst and son Rob
ert and daughters,. Cornelia and
Jeanette, Mrs. Nellie Banta and
daughter Catherine and Miss Ol
ive Winslow.
Miss KJtchea Goes North
Miss Ruth Kitchen left Satur
day for Calgara. Alta to spend
two weeks with her uncle. - -
Mrs. Mae Calne of Sallna, Kan..
spent few days, recently at the
home of Mr. and Mrs.- D. L. Spald
ing. Mrs. Calne is a cousin of Mrs.
Miss Bernice Bengs Is spending
the summer with her aunt, Mrs.
A. A. Mllgaard of Prosser, Wash.
Larmer Transfer &
P&one 3E32
We Also Handle Fuel OO and Coal
AiYouri sup.vicg;
lj 00(2) CJ Ojin the asjLi ;
rhqlcc your chopping
y. A--.. A; y& v r-'f -'-r i,. .v . . v'-'-"
; a-pioacuros
QoYinn or fookfnrj whether
your purchase U lorgocr mcIU
the ch"T at tha ounterJ ;iv -you
iho seme cordicl end cour- -teous
treatment. She's gfad to
y o a c n d cl way f t n te re stc d
helping you Gve
-o imllo'next time.
you want
f A 4ffrM . A
Jj v?? : . AA - ;
Chesterfield blend must pass rigid labo
ratory tests for mildness, flavor and aroma.
No purer cigarette can be made!
Try them. Youll find every Chesterfield
like every other. In taste, evenness.of burn,
ing, smoothness and coolness.' '
. Milder? PUntj milder ! And that goes for
the "nightcap". Chesterfield as well as the
morning ye-openerlN- " : . '
Miss Bengs expects to return
home when school starts.
Will Parks of Portland Is doing
carpenter work at Mrs. C. P. Lan
sing's home. J
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bengs and
daughter Mildred motored to Su
blimity on Friday and spent the
day with Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Schaffer and family. On their, re
turn trip they visited Mr, and
J. R. Hobbs of Marion. Mr. and
Mrs. Bengs were former residents
of Marlon.
William Kostenborder, who has
been ill for some time, is very
much improved in health.
LIBERTY,- Aug. 4 S. R. Pru
Itt - who has been seriously ill
was taken to the Salem hospital ;
last week. -
Miss Winona Williams is spend
ing a two weeks vacation in Se- ,
attle. Miss Williams is employed
at the state library.
Sympathy is being extended to
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Holder on
the death of their infant son who
passed away Sunday at the age of
four days.' - '.: -
Dale Dasch left Sunday , for
Med ford where he will be .em
ployed In a large pear orchard.
Mrs. Anna V. Robblns is hav
ing a serious time with one of
her eyes.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Stacey had
as their guests over the weekend
Mr. and Mrs. Murl Lancaster of
Halfway, Oregon, where Mr. Lan
caster is an Instructor in - the
high school. The Lancasters audi
Mrs. Stacey were college friends.
t -
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