Vv Ha . ! C Jrvu pags six Tfca OREGON CTATCC 'IAN, Catni. Orfon. &nndar MornIn AL'"Tjt 1931 i . ,ven ts of i Mere st II Social - Musical. Mb ireles OUVB 1L Do AX, Society .Editor Nebraska Visitor Complimented -At Bridge m irntL JEAN NEWMAN, of m Hasting. Neb..' was -th guest ot honor at a bridge party slrea by hr motheri Mrs. - jhi shfnn on Thursday after noon. . . : ' - Baskets of pink . minnlas and - gladioli formed a color scheme f pink aad green which waa car ried out In the refreshment serr ed at th tea aour. 1 . - : GaesU of Mrs. Shlpp for the afternoon were the honor guest. - Mrs. Newman, and Mrs. Roy R Umb and Mrs. Jo Wn . Smith ot Corrallls. Mrs. Iran Merchant or Gold Beach and Mtoa ( Alice- Pnt- " nam and Mlaa Nan Putnam, who were additional fuesu..at, the tea - hour.:--.. ' l.'i . i v ; s Miss Alice Putnam aad Mrs. Newman left JTlday. for Seattle where they will or weeks. Mrs. Newman Will return to her-home in Hastings jlurlnf the early part ot September. Mr. and Mrs. Pratt ' Are Dinner Hosfs - Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pratt en- j tertalned at dinner Friday night in hmnr of Miss Charlotte Stakes. I Table appointments were cleverly worked out In. orange ana greea. rit name color acheme was used in the erenlng of bridge follow- in Ihe dinner." Those nresent were the honor m-at vrira charlotte Stokes. Mr .mi mHl G. A. Erlckson, Mr. and Mrs. IL I. Stokes and the hosts. Mr. and Mrs. Pratt. . . ..... .-.... Miss Van Winkle is Hostess at Picnic " MIm Rosalind Viaa "Winkle en tertained group of' her irienas Friday night at Haxel Green t A picnic Miss Tan Winkle's guests r. Mi.. JoMDhiae Albert. Miss trim wlt--Mr " and -Mrs. "Pat Ttrnce Soauldlng. ; Ed SUtter and Victor Rhodes.. ' . Mr ni Mrs. Hal D. Patton and their daughter left yesterday for Agate beach where tney win spena the month of August. Mr. Pat- tan w!U be away for a fortnight. returning to his business here the! middle of the mom. . -, Mr: and Mrs. -Joseph Albert. Kiss Joaenhlne- Albert and Mtoi nnth snasldlas are-among the ' Salsai neoole who are racationlns at Nre 'beach- While there they will occupy the J. N. Smith cot- tage. . " ' ' . r,; . - - :. llr. and Mrs. B. E. SUsoa and family will motor to MeMinnTillo Sunday to attend tea. picnic neia there by former resident ei xu Aa County, Colorado..." . Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Craft of Pasadena, and Mr. and Mrs. -J. Craft of New York City are house guests at the home of Mrs. W. J. Hagedorn. They plan to locate in Salem. ' Recent guests at the home ot Mr. and - Mrs. Will Durkee were Mr. and Mrs. Littlechild of Port land. They left Salem on Friday GUEST FROM SAN FRANCISCO to Mr. and Mrs. James Linn were among Salem people who apent the weekend at Agate Beach. Mr." and Mrs. John Hunter are spending the weekend at Culler City. They will return Monday. . m - m m . Dr. and MrsCatke ana famfly left Saturday for Shedd. . Ore. They will return next Sunday. Among those spending the weekend at Cascadla are Mr. and Mrs. Fred Erlxson. . ' . Dr. and Mrs. Phil Newmrer left recently for the beach. - Mrs. Marlon Curry and family recently returned from Rockaway. EH1 PLOYMETJT FOR mm An areVage of 23 jobs a day were secured in July for workers through the . Y. M. C. A, federal employment office here; of which Sim Phillips U special agent. The month as a whole was a -slack one. In prevlocs " JulysclOftO per sons' a month glren employment has not been a hletfi figure. The total for the past month was only It positions reported filled, out of 1031 men registering and. 730 requests fdr help received. " Agricultural Jobs were " most abundant, irlth 490 persons placed. Other sources of employ ment were: carpenters, I; nurses and attendants. 3; cooks. 10; kitchen workers. 7; matrons aad hotel housekeepers. 7; waitress es, 1; woods laborers, 39,' and watchmen, 15. . Police Fear no ; Great Trouble .Over Milk War That participants in the milk war would not dare to perpetrate - any violent acts In Portland, was th opinion expressed here yes terday by W. C. Blackwell. opera- tire ' for the Portland police bu reau. He declared the heavy hand of the Portland police system would doubtless forestall any ma jor disturbances there.' , Blackwell, who droro to Salem yesterday afternoon to Tisit his sister, Mrs. A. Fields, stopped la at police headquarters to chat t r' e7HiItaac . there. ---;, liH' I f i i 14 ti i ? i fx 1 i h S3 MISS. ANNABEL HAWLEY of San Francisco, who is a guest at the home- of her grandparents-. Congressman ahd Mrs. W. C. Ha,icley..Misf Hawley is visiting hre with her mother, Mrs: WxUis.C Hatoley. Photo by KnneUEUis. Miss Brant is Guest" of Honor at Shower " " - Miss Dorothy Brant, popular bride-elect, was -honored Satur day at a pre-auptial shower at the home of Miss Myra Gleason on Garden road.: Th affair was glr en by Miss Brant's co-workers In the office or the -state board ot oontrot. I " Present for the aftesnooa were the honor guest. Miss Brant. Miss Marjorle - Brant,- -Mrs. Charles Brant. ' Mrs. Carle A brims, - Hiss Juanlta Walling; Miss Willette Taylor Mrs. Mae Simmons, Mrs. Helen Bradley. Miss Ruth Reed, Miss Grace .Breckenrldge. Miss Lola Cochran, Miss Ellen Hods on, Mrs. Robert aCacFarland, Miss Hilda Bartells. Mrs. Gilbert H Reeres and Miss Myra Gleason. Miss Brant's marriage to Law-' rence Deacon will be an erent of Saturday. August 8. Scotts Mills. The R. N. A. club held Its annual picnic in the park Wednesday. About 50 people wee present, .'including club members and their families. ; Dinner was aerred at noon, after which ice -cream was enjoyed. Tne young pedple engaged in swimming In Butte creek f In the afternoon. Monroe-Groshong has rented his building to the club for a club house. The first meeting to be held there - will be on the first Friday la October. - 1 " ' Turner Mr. and Mrs. - H. S, Bond entertained for a . number of guests during the week. Those present, were Mrs. J. c plains who wlrore no - from. Riddel ac companied by Mrs. Leland Bond and two children. Mrs. Las j Sik tn, Mrs. Sarah Coffinler. and Mrs. A. Smith of Hubbaro. sirs. Alrln Bond '. arrlTed from ner home at Chehalis. Wash., Friday erenlnr. - Mrs.; Leland Bond and children will leaye soon ror lm- eago.;-; Turner Mr. and Mrs.. C. S Cllrk entertained at their home Tuesday with a birthday dinner honoring" their , guests, Mrs. Mar cel Bloch and daughter. . covera were laid' for the honor .'guests; Marcel - Bloch Frances Bloch, Paul Bloch. ! Ernest - Robinson. Mrs. Alice Esqultn oi Turner, ana the hosts. Mr. and Mrs. C. . Clark, and family. - " . MrsW. P.' Watkins, president of the local, legtin" auxiliary, has inTtted-all delegates and alter nates to the state conrentlon of the American Legion auxiliary to meet at her hornet; on LeFelie street tomorrow night for a short meeting. All other ladles plan ning to. attend the convention next week are also Invited to be pres ent. . . . ..;. ... : "" .,. Turner The Methodist Episco pal Ladles Aid society met Thurs day at the home of Mrs.- F. G Gunning. Plans were made to con' form with the -new conference year, and to tmprore tn parson age. It was decided t bold an fee cream social Friday afternoon and evening, August 7, in the Gower building. - I " . . " ' - r . 7- . Mr. and Mrs. Mason - Bishop. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Gillette and daughter. Margaret, Mrs. J. A. Bishop, Miss Henrietta . Bishop and Curtis French vlil spend the weekend at i the .Newport and Waport hacHes.' - Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Price and their house J guest. Miss Edith Patterson ot Hastings. Nebraska, m is a cousin ot Mrr Price, are motoring to Crater Lake. . . Officers of the Neighbors . of Woodcraft hare announred that only two meetings will be held in August, on the first and third Fridays. .' -' : - - Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Pierce, and Dr. and Mrs.. Chester Downs' are weekend gneets of Dr. and Mrt. Dartd Ecanert Hill at their cot- Mrs. Myra L. Shank r' Attenas Reunion - ; - Mrs. Myra 1. Shaak fa spend ing today In Albany at the homo of her daughter. Mrs. W. H. Ba con, where members of ner fam ily are holding a reunion. Chil dren erwrs. Shank, who wilt bo present are: Mrs Bacon.. Mrs. J. L. Irrin ef Redlands, Oallfv Mrs. C. W.rFox of .Oakland. Callt. J. V. Shaak of .Albany and - E. . R. Shank of Eugene. Other mem bers of th homecoming party will be J. L. Irria and their soa, James; C. W. Fox: Mrs. E. R. Shank and their daughter, Blllte; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wheeler and baby daughter of Eureka. Calif.; Mrs. J. YT Shank; W. H. Bacon and their sons, Billy and Jack and Mr. James Coates ot Salem. .. ' ! Mr. knd Mrs. C. P. Bishop and Mrs. W. D MacDonald Of Portland who la a guest at their home for several days, will spend the week end at Breitenbush. . :' SOCIAL CALENDAR Sunday,. August, 5; Annual Nebraska ' picnic, Corrallls, city park; all - . . . . l . 1 1 . 1 J A. M ' zormer rNeoraanans or vuuur uvrs msN m iieoo.. - MeAlpine-Jones clan, 'annual reunion to be held In 8IlTerton park; an members Ufged to attend. - ' Annual Nebraska picnic, Coryalli city park: all . former Nebraskans or Tlittors here are aslfed to attend'. - .' MeAlpine-Joneo clan annual reunion to be held In ' Sllverton park; all members are asked to attend. , .. . Tuesday;. August 4 ; ; - r W. C. T. U. meetlnir In W. a t' ITl.halt.. J , 'v .; snaSBBsfiSiS Surprise Shower for Gervais Bride-Elect ' Gerrala Friends bf Miss Hatel Seely,. bride-elect of Charles Gln- ther. gar ". snrpriso' kitchen shower tor her at her homo north of nown Friday erenlng. Miss Seely was inrlted to the homo of friends In Woodburn for dinner and when jthp returned the guests had arrired. The tlmo was spent In social conversation and riew fnr the many useful kitchen nten stls she -received and articles tn her well-filled hope chest. . Miss ' Seely and : Mr. Glnther will be married within tho next few weeks. ? They will make their home at Woodburn where Mr. Glnther is In business. At the close of the evening refreshments were serred to Mrs. A. DeJardln. Mrs. Robert Harper. Mrs. M. D. Hennlng. Mrs. Harold Aspia wall. ' Mrs. A. B. Adklsaon, Mrs. A. B. Mlnaker, Mrs. G. J. Molsan. Mrs. Summer Sterens, Mrs. Sams H. Brown, Mrs. O. T. Wadaworta. ; Mrs. J. . D.' Brehamt. Mrs. S. D. - Manning. Mrs.. Otto Schwab of Bllrerton, Mrs. F. IL Cannard. Mrs. . O. W. Cutsfartb, Mrs. C. B. Ellsworth. Mrs. W. Mrs. X. V. MeAdoo; the MUaeh . Carol KalUk Cad Lola Mnlkey of Woodburn, Monica aid Elenlsa Schwab of Silrerten, and Carol XM maker, Creseentla ' Be lng and the honor -guest. Miss Hasel Seely. , ; Rickey Mrs. F. -C. Peterson was hostess -for a ramrlao nieale party at Hagera grove July ii honorlag her mother, Mrs. S. J. Botts, the oecasfoB being Mrs. Betta .birthday.- . The , ereamg was spenf playing games and ris Itlag by a bonfire. Those present besides the honor guest were S. J. Rotts. Mr. . and Mrs. , H- C Peterson, Mr. and. Mrs. P., S. Do Witt. Mr. and. Mrs. . J. H. Botts, Barbara Botts .Mrs. Julia Blodget, Margery Peterson, Mr.- and Mrs. F. C. Peterson and Mrs. Kirk ot Corpus Christ!. Texas. Mrs. Kirk and Mrs. DeWitt are sisters of the honor guest; . . . '. -. . Rickey Ths members of the Good Luck club enjoyed a picnic dinner and swimming party on the A. Hlnsel farm Friday: The dab membership of this club Is com posed ot upper gradeu grammar school girls. DeMolaysrG'i.y e OF Interest to members of tbo yeunger set .was' the enjoy- able no host, canoeing .party glren last night by a group of Do Molaya. After' canoeing' on the WUlimette, river, the, group en joyed a huge boniiro and refresh ments at a, late hour. ; . Hosts for the affair were Wal do Mills. Cleo Seely, Harrison El gin, Lewis Melson, '.Vernon Mc Quald, George Pointer, Lawrence Brown, Olrin Bowe . and - Lynn Heise. . - Mrs. George Pointer ' enter tained a group of DeMolays and their guests Thursday evening at her home. ' After dancing and ttrldge. refreshments were serred on the lawnot the Pointer home. - - Present were . Miss Joyce Phelps, Miss f Frances Reed, Miss Jane Robinson. Miss Helen Bon ner. Miss Harriett Pointer.. Miss Virginia Wassam. George Pointer, Dclrla NefderbUer, Vernon Mc QualdT Lawrence Brown. Billy Skewls. Fred .Pointer. Harrison Elgin. 4;ieo -Sealy. XArkln Wfl- Mams and Lbwls Melson. . Mrs.. Barton Entertains Group ;bf 'Friends 1 Mrs. Raymond Barton was host ess te a grova ol girts at her hems on South Rhrerstds drivs Wednes day sreat. Mrs. Barton was as- sUtod by Miss Theresa Albiictt la i ': ft t J , ..." .t '- . 4 i4 i MRS. GILBERT WRENNt here for th summer visiting her . parents, Mr. and Mrs. JV. LaRaut, 755 Ninth Church street. ' Mr; Wrenn is to receive his doctor's degree next year At' Stanford university. Mrs.Wrenn.is a soloist in the Stanford 'memorial church choir-rPhoto by KenneU- serrlng- a dainty picnic lunch on the lawn, .-j" , . Thoso present were Miss Mary Heenan, M lea Mard etta , Heeaaa, Miss Leah Suing. Miss KUdrod Su ing, Miss Anna Karat and Miss Jo sephine Barr. - : Zona. Mrs. "X. C. Hlgglns eo tertalned at her home Sunday la' honor ot her husband. Those pres ent were Mrs. Ltxzie Smith. Mrs. Lorena Thompson. . Miss ' Helen May-Thompson, Mr-, and. Mrs. John Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Hlg glns. "' ..- ' - ' - : . f.. . ... . 4 ; . ..; ... Mrs. .Frederick . Arpte and daughter Diana of Grants Pass are rUIting Mr. and Mrs. C A, Arpte. Mr. Arpte . Is attending the sum mer session of the University of Oregon. .. Quiet Home Weddfne Event of Friday j; A eult wedding occured at the homo of Mrs. Daisy, Mclntyrw on Friday'whea her son: Lloyd 8. MO Intyre was -united InMnarrlage to Mrs. Edith Jermaa. ; daughter ot tho late W. A. Taylor. . - The coaplo win make their homo at Macleay for the present and Mr. Mclatyre will continue his work with ths Portland General Electric company. - . . - - -. . ' -: ' MtesAlma Pohle aad Miss Amy Martin, retnrned hems FHdir. hartnar attsad4 th. nnmr sloa at tho TJnlrerslty of Oregon. C a r o y 1 Braden Honors Guest At Bridge MISS- MARJORrE VANDER GRIFT of MounUIn Home. - , ; ."Idaho, who Is a house guesVat the home of Miss Caroyl Braden. was complimented at a delightful , evening of bridge at the Braden home Friday evening. MUs Margaret Drager and Mrs. Walter Spauldlng assisted Miss Braden In tervlng refreshments. Miss Ellen Heminway and Miss Josephine- McGIlchrlst received bridge prises, and a gnest prize was presented to Miss Vande grlft. . - t : . Members of - the hfgh school and college set who were present at the- affair were Miss Vande grift, 3IIss Margaret Drager, Miss Helen Olsen. Miss Margaret Wag ner, Miss Ellen Hemingway, Miss Wllda Fleener. Ill AlMa nifin Miss . Virginia Holt, Miss Esther wood. Miss Maxlne Myers, Miss Rathlda Hoffnell, Miss Dorothy White- Miss Afrrrm H1t. Tlco 5w sephine MeGilchtist, Miss Kath- ryn forey, Mrs. Gordon Bennett, Miss Katherlne Laughiidge. Miss Dorothy More. Miss Eleanor Wright and the hostess Miss Bra- aen. - -; Dinner Honors Guests From Oklahoma BetheL Rer. and Mrs. S. Ham- rick entertained at dinner Wed nesday evening for Mr. and Mrs. T. C Bentley and ' Mr. and Mrs. R.bert Seaman of Mara. nam. in honor of their house guests from Oklahoma The house guests. Eure e Ham- rick.- Arlle Marvel and James Lonrmlre ef Oklahoma City mo tored through the desert and through Calif oral la eomlnr .to Oregon. They left Thursday on . their return . trip, driring to Se attle, whence) they will cross the Canadian -border and go through Calgary, Mosoejaw and Winnipeg. . .... ; , tf Liberty. Mrs. Willis R. "Dallas was pleasantly - surprised Thurs day - when a number of friends called In honor ot her birthday. These -enjoying- the af tern son were Mrs. C. W. Slay. Mrs. Ste- reas, Mrs. eJha Daseh. Mrs. Har old Zosel. Mrs. F. E. Wilson, Mrs. Henry Gilbert. Mrs. Emma Smith, Miss Catherine Dallas and Mrs. Dallas. v 3 HDdDMTr EyflE that is Nitiowlng value hunters I.M -1 ... u jv;,;; gpll ATVvTXAl Th KrhrimMtor few inrlmd . mff priced from $17130, J. o.'b. Jmciory, up woord. Any fi of thma swy;st pw rhmmti thm K DitCm Mmnthly Budget Flmti Is the refrigsratar maoufartured by a reliable company with proper experience in the electric refrigera tion field? llasitr4eotyottoodandsbetfspace? Is the cabinet itself well designed, sturdily buOtaod properly insula ted? Is there provisaoa for the freezing of a adequate supply of ice cubes? (Quantity of ice rather than number oc cubes, which nsy be of large or small size. ahouLi.be taken into can atderation). - - . , .. Will the refrigerator ponstantly .1 maifllltil m rr&mB I rifmi Wnm . wrrr Am nkfim a.i . - . . iw ULiuiii i roa jjjtc r thejreervutafrood? ' r lWtoknowinadTmaee e,c?,Sj . with .absolate'ceWi : , , . . . - Ca taw extra freezing speed fo . tauitT . Wllich electric ios cubes be had without affecting - f . m , . .11 .. : the temperatm e on the food sherres? i. refrigerator WlU tme f (Too low a temperature oo the yobest and longest? j tgEi&iA . WiU you trust the Stand-1 th.. swm, tk frosted - ' " v V . ' r ' m i foods or extra ice cubes indefinitely " ard Hating Scale ; and j at a Ulam freexinr tcorperature) 1 - t . t ' iArd these venous- temperatures'- r JOUT Own good judg- (. ertra fast freezing; b. Umt free- tocnl to;teH you? Then Ji. COmC in. UHUT Or tO- J l",lu,(' amommtemty BBawtaiaea ' r ' morrovr, and pply the i' rn?-i . li i uaauuuc kcsis iorrune 1 -340 Court wiOtout my mOenlionfnm the owner? XXxstherefrigeratrngviNt operate often or infrequentiy? (The fewer "stops" and ''tart the longer the aiitwullastsssdthelessiteosUtorua.) 1 low kwg will Uw cooling unit coo tinue to cool the refrigerstor even- Stratum help youmake , fngwatkn abould continue for 10 or a choice yon will nerer : ."can tiTuck parts of si shelves. : : even the lowest, be reached without knrrling or Sftting down? -4 Has provision beea made for keep- iug vesetablea freh and crisr? ; Can the refrigerator top be used . " to "set things down for, a, moment? - ' while the content of the cabinet are being teutanged? - u ill the mrirerator add to the attractiveness of the kUcuen? lias the experictire'of users orerh long period of years proved ths re frigerator long-lived and dependable? nc-niVs that the Scale f urnuhes. Let this sound dexnon- pegret. Sensational Bargains Shown at the OF THE STOCK OF mm P7r3Tl T7 1(S JT are attracting ladies from every quarter and especially many who are interested in the better class of DRESSES, SUITS, COATS and HATS. Since this stock consists of. exclusive styles of higher grade merchandise, than is shown elsewhere, at NOTE THE PRICES TAKEN AT RANDOM FROM STOCK Keeular: and J15.00 ft ' d DRESSES . O.ei) ; w on aQ j (id i MMMH DRESSES. - Y DRESSES are now. 6.85 3'- .. , Reffulat $15.00 to $29.50 DRESSES are"novr 7.g Dreises Ensembles J jmv2j Jjl; -A are -now - . .. . t Kcffalar $24.75 to $330 V DRESSES v -- . - are now;. ,i :.. fJXo One Group Hats Choice $1.00 Rtgnlar $290 to M9-50 "If) CSV - DRESSES ' ' SJ&).fc) are now Regular $390 to $590 l Q f" f, rUK$mVi DRESSES are now -Regular 19d to $59 JO 'vfV ra r: :COATSr jj - '- are now $5.00 to Regular $390 to SS.95 r Q Fr WINTER COATS . are now $145 to 1 10 Fr-Trisiinecl Coats fj jjj Valnes to $225 - $450 for" WoWvJ HATS Regular $4.95 to $14.50 $1.95 ,.$4.95 are now One Group IQddies Hats, 25 c and 50c