The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 28, 1931, Page 1, Image 1

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.. t
t XITo Tbe Statesman fol
low whilo on "your Vacation.
Mailed-to -any address 25
eents for two weeks. Jut
telephoae 101.
: toe weather: ;
- - Fair today and Wednes
day, no 'change In tempera
' tare; - 5 fax. Temp. Monday
S3. Mia. 40, river .8 feet,
orthorly wiads.
Saicm, Oregon, Tuesday Mornlngr, July 28, 1931
No. 1C3
- . . - ' ' '..'- ' i ' '
I ;
Third - President in " About
' 24 Hours; Ibahez Flees,
Opazo Takes up Reins and
Then. Resigns Quickly
Second Change Said due to
; Senate Opposition; new
Executive Popular With
Public, may Succeed
SANTIAGO, Chile. July 27.
(AP) Juan-Estsben Montero.
who waa chosen premier of Chile's
new cabinet yesterday, became the
third man to head the country's
rorernment within a space of
about '2 4 hours when lie assumed
tbe presidency this afternoon. His
accession followed upon the resig
nation of Pedro Opaco, who was
named acting- president after the
, regisnatlon of President Ibanes
last night. , . I
.In the- meantime; President
Ibanes had crossed the border into
Argentina with Senora Ibanes and
a ktoud of intimate friends. He
made the Journey on a special
train, manned by officials of the
Trans-Andean railway and accom
panied by a eoachful of soldiers.
:v The resignation of Senor Opazo
as . rice-president . was banded In
at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Senor
Montero, who. as premier, imme
diately assumed the rice-presidency
and, according )to the Chil
ean constitution, the acting presi
dency, had been chosen last night
' by Acting President Opazo to lorm
.' a -cabinet. .; -
Senate Hostility .
Causes Resignation
The resignation of Senor Opaxoi
was said to hare. been due to a
hostile attitude on the part of the
senate, because of his being a
relatlTe of the wife of President
Ibanex and also because of a be
lief that the publle at large would
not . ihow him the proper co
operation.' -
Beginning about noon various
demonstrations of public feeling
began against Vice-President
Opazo. He called the cabinet Into
conference and later Issued a de
cree turning the authority OTer to
Senor Esteben Montero. He then
issued a manifesto to the nation
explaining his action.1,
Montero Is popular with the
publle and it was expected his as
suming the authority wouia nave
a beneficial
the country.
Orderly crowds
tilled the
downtown streets tonight, cheer
ing for Esteban Montero and
Blanquler.. i
A new cabinet was formed
shortly after Vice-President Este
ban Montero took tbe oath of of
fice. -.-.. ; .
The cabinet was sworn In Im
mediately and the new gore ra
in en t began functioning.
Two Are Killed
As Car Plunges
200-Foot Cliff
GRANTS PASS. Ore , July 27
(AP) An unidentified' man
and woman were killed In an au
tomobile accident between here
and Crescent' City, Calif., late to
day, motorists arriving here re
ported. The rictlms were bettered
to be from Long Beach, Calif.
The automobile In which the
two were riding .was said to hare
sldeswlped another 'car and plun
ged orer a 200-foot cliff. -'
-j The motorists who brought the
report here said the body of the
man was pinned, under the auto
mobile -which landed In a stream
In an almost inaccessible place. '
Tbe Lindberghs tonight had set
oat on their latest adventure.
Off for a racation flight to Ja
pan and China, their first hop
today brought Col. and Mrs. Lind
bergh from New fork to Wash
ington. .
The famous flier immediately
began conferences with acting Se
cretary Castle of the state depart
ment and other officials conver
sant with ' conditions in the Ori
ent.. . - --
Late tomorrow or Wednesday,
dependant epos completion of a
few details, they will take off for
North Haren, Maine, there to say
goodbye to their son and Mrs.
Lindbergh's parents. Senator and
Mrs. Dwight Morrow.
From then until their . trim,
stream-lined black plane Is settled
on the harbor at Tokyo, they will
be flying mostly across barren
'wasteland and deserted Vaters.
' . Colonel Lindbergh said his Itin
erary after completing the visit to,
Haven For Aged and Helpless is j ; i
Changed Into Inferno bf Death
AboTe, flreraen removing bodies of
tlie Poor home for the aged at Pittsburgh while flames swept the
building.' Below, general picture of the blaring building- Twenty
even persons lost their lire in the fire and several others hare
died In hospitals from barns and ahock since the fire.
Mance Is Freed; McMahan
Holds Prison Term is
Hard !to Live Down
Declaring' that a penitentiary
sentence was a stigma against a
youth and that, the spending of
any time In! a prison made it al
most Impossible for a young man
to ancceed when released. Judge
L.. H. McMaban .late yesterday
suspended sentence- which loomed
for Charles Mance, 18, who plead
ed guilty to being a partner in
the theft of 1 a suit of elothes,
other wearing apparel and some
miscellaneous personal articles
from a groan of magazine work
ers in Salem a fortnight ago.
Mance with Kenneth D. Ganion,
17, was apprehended in Yakima,
Wash., and returned here for
trial. i ;
Gunlon pleaded guilty In JuTe-
nile court and was also given a
suspended sentence.
Claim Thef ta Due
To Fit of Anger
The , boys elalmed the offense
was. their first, one. Mance saia
there had .been a dispute about
wages due ;hlm- and- his partner
for work and In a fit of . anger,
the two youth rifled the rooms of
their associates and left. town. -
Mance's brother, manager of a
large business concern In the Ar
gentine, sent' him 1250 to pay
costs in the case, to restore the
stolen goods and to pay his fare
back to Mason CItr. Iowa, the
boy'a home.' The youth Is said to
be a good student and to hare se
cured a scholarship in a nniTer-
slty. , ' ; ,-. . ' .'
Jndre McMahan . warned me
lad that he was escaping serious
punishment 'and must restore tne
moneys s paid i him. ."It's . up to
you to make good." the Judge
said :? ;..
Venture on
Orient Flight
the Orient Was vague but he ex
pected to fly back by a different
routes- l ;
Tonight they were' guests at
dinner of acting Secretary Castle.
Cruising slowly from New York
directly across . country, despite
the pontoons which have supplant
ed landing wheels' on the plane,
the couple was greeted at Ana
costla naval station by Captain W.
O. Child, the commanding offi
cer. . . : i -; ' ' I
-The plane "was completely
equipped, with luggsge and other
paraphernalia for tbe trail. Includ
ing . blankets and emergency ra
tions should a forced landing bo
made in any wild ; spaces over
which they will fly.
Only the checking of a few In
struments and re-fueling remain
ed to bo done, tn addition to ob
taining a visa from the Japanese
embassy, before they are ready to
take to the air again.
Colonel Lindbergh said the trip
. (Turn to page 2, coU .4).
rlctlins from the Little Sisters of
Takes Governor's Place as
Latter out of State;
Boosts While Away
Julius L. Meier was an ex-governor
yesterday and will not be
governor again . until bis train
reaches Oregon again sometime
today. In his stead, ruled Gover
nor Wlllard Marks of Albany,
who took office technically the
moment Governor Meier crossed
the line Into the southern state.
Actually he was in command
Monday when he signed several
notary commissions and did other
routine work at the executive
chambers at the state capital. It
was the first time Marks had
served as governor during Meier's
. Under the state constitution
"the president of the senate shall
become governor until tbe dis
ability be removed", the constitu
tion providing -that absenee from
the state Is a disability in dis
charging the duties .of the office.
Enjoys Temporary ' .
Executive Position . . , .
Governor. Marks said yesterday
that - be . enjoyed his temporary
Job which was a relief from a ra
. (Turn to page 2, col. 7) ,
: Mayor P. M. Gregory, will not
veto the ordinance, granting an
exclusive franchise tor : garbage
disposal to the Sanitary Service
company after all. Instead, , be
yesterday returned the? document
to the city recorder's kfflee with
the statement It was Illegal, ac
cording to an opinion he had re
ceived from William H. Trlndle,
city attorney.
"An ordinance granting a fran
chise to a corporation which does
not exist Is void, according to tbe
laws." Gregory said he had learn
ed from ; Trlndle. He further
stated he had made an Investiga
tion and found there was no such
corporation as the Sanitary Ser
vice company and that therefore
no action on the measure was ne
cessary on his part.
Before receiving the opinion
from Trlndle, Mayor Gregory said
Saturday that he would veto the
ordinance because he was opposed
to granting an exclusive franchise.
Money Delivered '
Pronto by Plane
BOSTON, July 27 (AP)
Tom Groco Is a commercial pilot
at the east .Boston airport. His
wife called on the phone today
and said she needed t IS Immedi
ately. Groce hopped into a plane,
flew over his home and dropped
the money, rolled In a handker
chief, to Mrs. Groce who waa
standing Jn Jer yard, . ;
- ' - v ?
Crew of 600 Gaining Upper
-Hand oh 7000-Acre
For Creek Blaze
More men . Sent to Combat
.Metoiius Btaze; Many .
f Others are Fought i-v
. PORTLAND, Ore., July 27.
(AP) Fire gnawed steadily into
valuable timber in many' sections
of Oregon tonight - while : from
other fronts came reports that the
flames had been checked. .
Six hundred men were expected
to gain the upper hand tonight in
their battle with a 7000-aere fire
in the Fox creek area near Lake
view. Forest service officials, who
said they bad no estimate of the
amount of Umber destroyed In the
fire, received reports the tempera
ture had dropped 10 degrees In
Fox creek region and that prob
ably the fire would be controlled
tonight. J "
At Leneve. near Marshfleld.
fire was burning rapidly in stand
ing timber with 60 men trying to
check it.
Two fires, both of which were
small, were reported under con
trol In the vicinity of Medtord.
Large crews of -men were kept on
patrol, however.
. Additional men and supplies
were sent to the Hetolius fire
near Bend. The fire was said to
have covered about 1000 acres.
Another fire on the Warm Springs
Indian reservation was being held
on the south and west sides, re
ports said. Five other small fires
in that region were under controL
27. (AP) Reports here late to
day said 00 men gradually were
gaining control of a 7000-aere fire
in the Fox creek area near Lake
view. The weather was 10 degrees
cooler today than Sunday and for
est officials expected the fire
might be under complete control
- No estimate of the amount of
timber destroyed -by. the fire yes
terday and today was available
here but it waa known ' It had
burned over some valuable stands.
MARSHFIELD, Ore., July 27.
(AP) A forest fire was eating
Its way into standing timber on
the Moore Mill Jb Lumber com
pany holdings at Leneve today,
with 50 men trying to put it under
Two months ago fire destroyed
the company's plant. It was plan
ned to resume operating next
SPOKANE, July 27. (AP)
Armies of ; fighters from Idaho
and Montana tonight were con
(Twm to page 2, col. S)
Weaving of linen at the plant
of the Salem Linen Mill here will
being about September 1, accord
ing to announcement yesterday of
John B. Meek, secretary-treasurer
of the newly organised com
pany. A' number of looms In the
mill have already , been recondi
tioned and additional new looms
are expected here by- September
1. F. J. Gllbralth, general man
ager of the plant, is now In the
east ordering the new machinery.
Meek said yesterday that 60,
000 pounds of flax fibre have
been purchased from the state
by the new mill and that the last
10,0 Of pounds of the order was
delivered yesterday. Yarns and
twines are now. being produced at
the mill and woven products such
as towels and crashes are to be
manufactured beginning Septem
ber 1. .
, More than 400 men and women
are now on the payroll of the Sa
lem Linen Mills. ,
Late Sports
PORTLAND, Ore., July 27
(AP) Ray- McQuillen. Portland
negro, knocked ut Pete Meyers.
San Francisco,' In the seventh
round of a scheduled ten-round
fight here tonight. They are
McQuillen, who weighed 15S.
dropper Meyers, 162, for a count
of nine with two sweeping lefts
and when Meyers got to his feet
McQuillen nailed him with an
other hard left and Meyers took
the full count.
Pierre Pothler, 130. Klamath
Falls, won on a foul from Benny
Pels. 134. Portland. In the eighth
of another scheduled ten round
er. Pels was ahead until he
struck low.
NEW YORK, July 27 (AP)
Young Harry Wills, San Diego
negro, knocked out Tony Ross,
New York middleweight, in the
first round of an eight round
bout at Starlight park tonight.
Wills floored his man for a count
of six and then knocked him out
after 1 minute, 12 seconds of
ghtinc - 2E14a weighed 146;
Contract Let on
Hewberg to Sclent X
Series cf Dike
- PORTLAND," Orew, : July
27.- (AP) The Gilpin
Construction company, on a
bid, of i 91202.03, loday
waa awarded contract' to
btrtld 2S30 -linear: feet 'of
dikes on ' the) . Willamette .
river between Newberg and
Salem for the United States
Other bids laclded: Tbo
Parker Bdurnm company,
1264.10; Portland Dredg-
lag company, 912730,
and A. Gnthrle Cow, 1S,
231.80. . "
t .
WHI Alkiht on Water for
Exchanges of Letters
With Ice Breaker
many, July 27 (AP) The diri
gible Graf Zeppelin, bearing a par
ty of scientists into the arctic
reached Frans Josef . Land at
11:45 p.m. tonight (6:45 p.m.
E. S. T.) according to word reach
ing the seppelin works here.
The report Indicated the dirigi
ble was within striking distance
of the Russian ice-breaker Mall-
gin, which awaited her near Cape
Flora, Frans Josef Land. .
When he sighted the Mallgln.
Dr. Hugo Eckener, In command of
the Graf, planned to lower his
ship and alight on the water for
the purpose of exchanging mall
with the Russian vessel. Before
leaving Friedrlchshaf en the new
equipment for water landing; was
tried out and found to be working
perfectly. - - - - - -
. In ease anything went wrong.
Dr. Eckener intended to make the
contact with the Malagln by rope
and basket.
The exchange of letters was an
import feature in financing the
dirigible's trip, as stamp collectors
will value the cancelled stamps
The Graf Is expected to be In
the arctic about five more days,
daring which the scientific, party
aboard will collect data on meteo
rological conditions, wind direc
tions, current tendencies, and o ti
er matters. .
. Eleven-year-old James Earl
Cadden's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
E. Cadden, 590 Summer street,
have lost him. Police and the
parents have been looking for
Jamea since he disappeared from
his home early Saturday. "
Last night the police reported
they had not found a single clue
to the lad's whereabouts.
James was last seen about 2:30
p.m. Saturday near the swim
ming beach at the auto camp on
river at West Salem. He had told
his mother he was going to play In
the yard.
It is not believed he could have
drowned because he waa a good
swimmer and there were a number
of people near where he was last
seen who could have rescued him
had he gone in the water and got
into difficulties.
The father Is not Inclined to
believe anything serious has hap
pened to the boy.
Anyone seeing a barefoot, hat-
less lad .about 11 years old. who
might possibly be tbe missing one
is requested by Mr and..-Mrs.
Cadden to telephone them at
4424. ' "
Death Toll For
Pittsburgh Fire
Now Reaches 42
. . - - . j
The death toll reached 42 to
night with two persona still un
accounted for, . in the disastrous
tire at the home for the aged of
the Little Sisters of the Poor on
Friday night.
Six bodies were unidentified. -A
further check of the ruins
was made today by Coroner W. J.
McGregor : who announced there
were no more bodies "among the
debris and ashes. Police and fire
department officials and attaches
of the home were at a loss to ac
count for the two missing per
sons. ;"
Body of Worn an
Found, Signs of
Foul Play Seen
, ' i
PORTLAND, Ore., July 27
f API Anna. Morris, about 40.
was found desd in her apartment
here late tonight, a bruise over
one eye. Her elothes had been
stripped from her body and torn
to shreds. . , '
Tha fcndv was found after Cllve
Hamilton. 40. had called police J
He told police, tney saia, ne mo
been living with the woman about
five years. -
HAVANA. JnlY 17. (AP)
Kid Chocolate. Cuban boxer, was
arrested today on a charge of at
tacking a 17-year-old fix, -
Farmers ' National - Co-op is
Leasing . and Buying :
' More' Bevators . 'I'-
Twelve " Million Bushels , of
; Wheat Bought -Since ?"
' Harvest Started
CHICAGO, July 27.-- (AP)
Coping with a surplus' from other
years and an Incoming tide of
new wheat, the Farmers National
Grain corporation has. multiplied
its storage facilities to keep from
glutting congested grain markets.
Checking over its bins today
shortly after wheat had reached
a new low for all time on the Chi
cago board of -trade, the government-sponsored
cooperative cor
poration announced that addition
al elevators had been bought or
leased for storage of 55,000,000
- The amount of wheat held was
not made known, but It was said
that 12.000.000 bushels had been
bought since the golden grain be
gan to pile up from July harvests
causing the cereal o drop as low
as zs cents a-bushel in Kansas
fields. A few weeks ago the gov
ernment agencies held some 225,
000,000 bushels of wheat, but
some of this has been sold, both
for cash and by selling short in
hedging operations similar to
those used by private elevator
Elevator Program
About Completed .
George S. Mllnor, general man
ager of the. National Cooperative
Marketing agency, said the ter
minal elevator program for 1931
had been practically completed. .
. Journeyman and boss" barbers
met In separate sessions last night
to consider the situation" which
baa arisen from cuts made last
Wednesday by certain employers
In the price of children's haircuts.
and plain shampoos and massages.
They were still in their respective
conferences at a late hour.
Representatives of the journey
men, who had left before the end
of . the meetings reported no ac
tion had been taken in the early
part of the evening. .
Saturday, the Journeymen had
H. C Plckering,.of Tacoma, eighth
vice president of the International
Barbers union and traveling or
ganiser for the western division,
here conferring with members of
the Salem local.ln an effort to as
certain what should be done about
the price cuts unauthorised by the
unions. 'It waa reported that the
offending employers might be re
lieved of their union cards, as the
least possible punishment. ,
Rumors of Gas
War Not Heard
Here, Declared
Downtown 'service station op
erators have heard of no gas war
rumors; resulting, from or accom
panyiag the renewal of the motor
fuel feud In California cities re
cently, according to a check made
last night; ' The. general opinion
was that local gasoline prices
would go no lower for the present.
One operator even reported his
company had raised the wholesale
price to new accounts.
"RENO. Ner July 27 (AP)
Jack Dempsey announced here to
day that because of failure to
make a suitable match he would
not stage' a fight here on Labor
day,' -. V .V, :
Local Taxation Increase
In Oregan Rapid, Shown
PORTLAND, Ore.. July 27.
f AP) in the 10-year period be
tween 1920 and 1930 local taxa
tion in Oregon Increased 44.4 per
cent, says an analysis of the Ore
gon tax situation prepared by
I B. Smith, secretary and coun
sel for the Greater Oregon associ
ation. The analysis shows bonded
Indebtedness of the local tax-lery-ing
units Increased 87.2 per cent
during the same period.
Th snrvev draws the conclu
sion that the bulk of the growing
tax load was self-imposed by the
residents of local units in the
state who have approved bond is
sues and special levies tor various
purposes. Local taxing bodies, un
der the "home rule" provision of
the constitution, have added to
the total. -
In his analysis Smith traces the
efforts of the legislature to curb
expenditures by local subdivisions
and concludes the legislators are
handicapped by the debt and tax
limitations in the constitution and
by the tendency of the courts to
uphold the right of the people to
impose taxes on themselves as pp-
Needs of Traffic and Safety Between Salem and Orescn
1 v City Brought out at Meeting of Representatives Frcn
: 1 1 Communities tre;;Grbup' Selected toTiace PJdi -Before
Highway Commission ! ' ;
Double Advantage of.; Providing Employment in Winter
jand Adding Convenience and Safety is. Stressed When
Meeting is Held at; Chamber of Commerce; Hope for
Acceptance is Expressed
A FOUR-LANE safety highway up and down the Willam
ette valley between Portland, the metropolis, and Salem,
the state capital, is long .overdue and the state highway
commission should tarry no longer in affording such a road.
To bring the matter squarely before the commission, several
scores of earnest citizens from 11 communities up and down
the present road will see to it that the wider highway pro
ject is presented at the July meeting of the commission here
next Thursday. !
. J Such was the unanimous decision of 35 men represent
ing the middle valley communities which met at the cham
ber bf commerce here last night. " President Henry R. Craw
ford; who presided at the gathering, was elected as spokes
man for the meeting Thursday and each community was
" ; : - ' '- ' O asked to send a delegation with
' 1. .-; : - m- -
One car Demolished, Other
Greatly Damaged; one
: j Womari in Hospital - V
: Oae of the most spectacular ac
cidents here in recent months oc
curred - at North ' Summer; and
Center streets at 4:15 p. ml yes
terday, when two large cars col
lided and overturned. . Although
one machine was practically de
molished and the- other badly
damaged, none of, the occupants
of - either ear were critically in
jured. - . i
The larger of the two machines.
a ' new Lincoln seaan, was going
south on North Summer street,
driven by Frances Clewieu, Paw
huska, Okla.. when it was hit in
the side by-a Nash roadster driv
en by C. H. Lake. 172 S Market
;(Turn to page 2, col. 2)
i t - f -
BOSTON. July 27 (AP) Th
sighting of forty icebergs In one
day was reported in a communica
tion received from Lieutenant
Commander N." Q. Rlcketts,! com
mander of : the coast guard's
oceanograpbie expedition In nor
thern latitudes. - The purpose of
the expedition Is to obtain data
through which' the annual! inva
sion of the- steamer lanes by Ice
bergs may bo forecast. -
: The expedition la operating In
northern Laborador waters, far
above the trans-Atlantic steamer
lanes. After an earlier cruise In
the region of the Grand Banks.
Commander Rlcketts commented
upon the scarcity of bergs In the
steamer lanes this year. :
The scientific work- is 4 being
conducted by about 20 officers
and men on the 125 foot 'patrol
boat. General Greene, which left
1 Boston this spring.
posed-to the power of the legisla
ture to control those privileges.
'It the people would themselves
recognize in a practical manner
their, superior power of lawmak
ing and regulation, and would rol
untarily refrain from the creation
of excessive indebtedness. With Its
consequent . expensive refunding
taxes, until -the localities could
catch np a little, other economies
might be Initiated, and,! while
progress would be temporarily
halted, the result would be on the
whole beneficial." the surrey says.
During the period of time In
question the property assessments
In Oregon Increased only 8.1 per
cent' and the population of the
state only 21.8 per cent, the sur
vey shows.
The total value of the taxable
property in the state, the report
shows, amounted to' fl.040.839.
024 In 1920 and had increased
124,221.858 to a total of $1,123,
100,892 in 1930. In the same per
iod, taxes levied Increased from
831.081.008 to 848.782,729. an
increase of 814.077.724. j Local
ITura jq page 2. coL IX
one spokesman from each town to
reinforce the talk Crawford
makes to the commission. J. N.
Chambers, president of the roads
and highway, -committee of the
Salem, chamber, will prepare the
salient facts in the mid-vallev'a
case which will be presented to
the commission.
Decision to demand a four-Use
highway to replaee the narrow
highway, now 'use. came after a.
motion made by Dr. Gerald Smith -of
Woodburn, who said the state '
was five years-behind In Its road
program compared to the modern
roads California " Is - building." "
Other speakers through the dis
cussion carried, on for an hour,
emphasised the' danger in the
present road,, its inadequacy In
handling the heavy daily traffic"
and the Inequity in highway
building which has left the val
ley with a ribbon of road to car
ry, the heaviest stream of auto
and buses in - the state.
Portland Asked to
Aid in Movement
: The delegation which met here
last night win ask the Portland
chamber of emmerce and the
East Side chamber In , Portia ad
to send representatives to the -meeting
Thursday to urge the
widening of the road. The group Y
decided that it. would not oppose
the Champoeg i shortcut sitper
highway but . rather concentrate
all efforts on the widening of the
present road.
Use of hand labor In so far as
possible to enable the employ
ment of as "many married men a,
can be hired this winter waa de
cided by the group without de
bate as the policy to be jurged ee
the commission.
. Adam Knight of Aurora, said -the
count of highway traffic lneV '
cated clearly the need of a wider,
safer highway. He said the move
ment for the new highway shoald
be started at once. "
"Ralph Zimmerman of Aurora
pointed out the' smaller cost ef
widening the present . highway
than the building o a new eee
between Portland and Salem. He
urged the shonlders of the high
way also be Improved.
Moneys paid for auto licenses
have been well spent because the
motorist has paid so much leas
money for the upkeep of his car
than he formerly did. "Garfield
Yoget of Hubbard told the dele
gation. : .
Oregon City aid '
To Effort Pledged
: O. R. Eby of Oregon City told
some facts about the wider road
being buUt there from Portland
and pledged his city to buppert- .
ling a wider road as far south
as Salem.
"I'm heartfly for this move
ment." . declared Ray Glatt of
Woodburn. "The commission is i
widening the roads everywhere; I
see little work done on the road
between Oregon City and Salem.
I really believe the commission
has the widening of this road
in mind.' . '" .
J. V. McAdoo. editor of the
Gervais Star, told the men he be
lieved the wider road could be
secured and said he believed tbe
highway commission already has
In mind the idea -of a super
highway. McAdoo thinks no more
roadbed will ,be needed for the
new road.
: The Waplnltia cutoff road,
fine aa It Is. is principally a road
to. let a few Jackrabbits through
and to get some California tour
ists Into Portland 15 to 20 min
utes ahead of time, said Joseph
Keber of Mt. AngeL He urged
the .expenditure of road funds
where the majority of people re
side. Keber said, he had doubts
If another road Into central Ore-
(ton was needed He praised the
Salem chamber of commereat for .
taking - the lead ' In the wide.
(Turn to page 2, coL 1).