: AUTOMOTIVE SECTION'"j jll PUXPOOR NEWS The OREGON STATESMAN. Salssu Ore?on, Seaday Elcrnlsr, Jcfr 23. 1931 PAGE WIND YOUrJB PEOPLE IHHU PO . SERM OF PICulCS I j GETTING READY FOR THE OPEN ROAD NEW DURAin HAS DISTINCTIVE APPEARANCE I Or- : - " ' ' ' . 1 T .. ..... .... W EET v i ; ! j n i t I a ; 11 i I -. ; it : i , Program Announced- for Annual Meeting' -at Jennings . Lodge MIDDLE GROVE. July Hi 5. The annual convention of the Oregon conference Wi&s list young people's union will meet at Jennings Lodge. July SI and Aug. 1 with the president, Carl Earnst In charge. Tbe program la as follows: Friday, July 81 . , ; 1:20 Devotionela. , ; 1:50 Preliminary remarks.' . RolV call -; reports. 2: 45 Report of 'nominating committee and election. 5:20 Banquet program and . rally. . . 7:30 Serrlce trader auperrl aion of Miss Edna Frewing. chair man or department of fellowship - and recreation. Six tire minute talks by young people - 1. What do young people think . of revival In the church? 1. Are young people looking 'for spirituality or entertainment ' la the church? . X. Is home influence loosing out? 4. Why should young people attend- ekarch worship serrlce? 5 . Should any adults attend young 'people's meetings I t. What are the greatest dan gers of. young people today? . Address by Jlnvmy Henderson, president of Oregon C. E. Saturday, August 1 S:8 Devotional. 9:20 Two alternating group discussions oa serrlce. , 10:20 Rev. Fred Durdle -the work of the Mapieleat Evaagell "cat church. ; 10;S0 Five three m 1 n u t e talks by young people oa ' the Evangelical church and missions. 11:00 Group discussions on recreation.- - 1:30 Derotlonals, Rer. L. A. ! Meade. 1:50 Business. Installation serrlce-. T;S0 Address by Carl Hein . miller "Youth Takes up the Mantel." Covenant service. ' iJ GROUP ' ET1J0YS PICNIC TURNER, July 25 The mis sionary society composed of the ladles of the Christian church had an unusually pleasant meeting Thursday . 4 at the Tabernacle grounds on 1 a scenic spot on the banks of Mill Creek which bor ders the back side of the grounds. MISSID Improved Free Wheeling Synchro Silent Gear Shift ' Four Speed Transmission Oversize Hydraulic Brakes Safety Plate Glass ' . Rubber Shackles Dotted Body Joints Fully Insulated Bodies. . Roller Mounted Steering Adjustable Seats and Pedals These are only a few of the 54 reasons why Graham cars are distinctly BETTER carti Let o show you. stM, $785 p etahta. OrteM m9vA tr WWlnfl 3S ertre la eey eieM, iMitfdlsfl Ike new, rnr Mil car will ml m Mk Smm pmymum t Loder 445 Center Graham Sales Marion and fSrd ageiast overlooking setae mtpertaat Item ef camping M tke eacsti tnp, tie practice ef by Mar upb ei tke WatUra r . . i About 20 ladies enjoyed . their noon iunen, togetner, alter wnien the usual f program was glren, with the president, Mrs. E. J. Gtlstrap, presiding. : The lesson study was en Thib et. A different country Is studied each meath Mrs. J. M. Bones will entertain for the next meeting, on the fourth. Thursday afternoon la August, with Mrs. F. C. Delzell and Mrs. Howard Baker as joint hostesses. Mrs. Susan Girardln wQl hare charge of the program with the subject of Japan for the day's study. Friends are always welcome. , Minnesota Group Picnic Planned - STATTON, July 25 The Min nesota club, will meet at the Stay ton Legion park on Sunday for a good .time and general program. A community dinner at 1 p. m. to be followed by a social hour and the opportunity to renew old acquaintances and , to make new friends- .-- . ..The. music will be furnished by the Start on orchestra and the Stayton Quartette, with other fea tures of interest. The address of he day will be glren by William A. Delzell of Salem; - .. All former ' Minnesotans - are urged to bring a well filled bas ket. Coffee i will be serred free at the park. . low priced Prosperity Sla rebly take tk p?ce wy wMm Bros. Street, Salem and Service for Polk Counties " '""y i' - : - :- "':;" ' .... t, - t- setting up mad ckeckia rer tke osseae U tke yrd k recsaea Aate Sr4y BIG ADVERTI SINS The Standard OH company of California, long one of the larg est users or newspaper adrert la in; In this section of the country, but which has been somewhat dormant as an "advertiser the pa& year or two, is back with largo schedules again and la now laun ching Its -third and largest cam paign of. the year. using? The Statesman and other papers In Its territory, reaching a combined circulation of orer J. 500. 000. In this year of depression and price wars this rigorous drlre of a major oil company is signifi cant. It shows that the executives of this great concern hare decid ed that now Is the 'time to strike"; and according to the tests made on their first two campaigns this year, they hare found that "it pays". As J. H. Eastman, of MeCann-Erlekson, handling their copy, writes: In other words, ' the Standard Oil company meets the depression problem with a strong weapon, ADVERTISING." ' GT7EST AT TURNER TURNER. Jnlr 25 H. P. Jaii. sen and children Albert and El eanor hare had as their guest for tn week, little Alma Jensen, of Portland, who has always made STANDARD RESUMES h 1 I r-J very truck operator in this town One of the Greatest Achievements In ill FREE! ToV : Patrons of These Salem Merchants: ?.:.- t' Miller's, Imperial Furni ture," Miller's , Beauty Par lor, Steuslof Fs, Cross Mar . ket and Bailey's Grocery GET TOUR PABKINO " J TICKET O.KD BT THEIR j . . CLERK : : . . I I- . . PARKISO . RATES ' I S Hrs....l0e IS Hrs....20e LOW RATE BT THE MONTH Day & Niles Annex 230 N. Liberty TeL 61H - MAIN STATION Chemeketa and High TeL 192 ) U ' ri ;;.:--:.1::;:,::v;: - M I OUR . PRICES ARE I V7 coiviPETrraVE - ; K CS j -WITH MAIL ORDER - ! : ' : ' PRICES - onwlpsnsat la tke karry U get started Ikelrjawlj her homo with her aunt, Mrs. A. Wolfe, as her mother, Mrs. H. P. Jeasen died when she was amalL Alma made the trip last Not em ber to Denmark with her unci and aunt and delighted her. el der by her clever use of their native language. . . Thelma Delzell GoestoCorvallis TURNER, July li Miss Thel ma Delseir has Just received her contract for a position- in the Corvallls grade schools for the coming year. Miss DeUell Is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Delzell, She began her teaching a few years ago at Belle Passl school district No. 34 near Woodburn, after which she did work la the grade school mt Tur ner, Then two years were spent in California where private tutoring was taken up. Miss Delzell spent the past winter at Oregon State college where she took a special course Including art. GRAIN IN SHOCK BETHEL. July 25 The grain is nearly all In shock in Bethel district. The yield will be an ave rage crop.. Threshing is going oa now. Hay baling is finished. The latest, improvements are a 'fine new roof on the R. A. Darr house, and a new barn roof and painting of buildings on the George Bahn sen farm. should know about the Record Breaking U. S. Peerless HEAVY 30x5 32x6 - DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE RICKRBALU , July . 25 A group - of fUckreall famine en joyed ' the day . among the tall trees and the ' cool breeces at Sil ver .Creek , Falls on Sunday ac companied 'by a bountiful picnic lunch about one' o'clock. . This was -the first of a Series of picnics to be held within the next few weeks- and sponsored by the members of the ladles aid." -' Those driving to Silver Creek Falls were Mrs.' Charles Lrskln. and sons Claud and Lloyd Larkin, Mr. and ' Mrs. . John. .Winn and Betty June, Mr. and' Mrs. V. A. Fox, June and Hal Fox, Mrs. Mary Buret, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Burch, . Harold Burch, Leo BehL Mrs. and Mrs. L A. Dempsey, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Vaughn. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Price, Katharine, Mir iam, and Helea PxicB, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Dempsey, . Mrs. Proc tor. Arthur " Dempsey, Mr. - and Mrs. E. A. Stenson, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. IL M. Walt, son Kenneth, Mr. and Mrs. Charles ' Walt and Dean, and Barbara -Walt. 'Cascadia has been suggested as the scene of the next Jaunt, and a very ' pleasant trip Is anticipated.: fU CLUB GIRLS IE EOHTD JEFFERSON. July 11 The OirU', 4-H cooking dub of . the Parrish Gap district under the leadership of Mrs. Mack .Hamby, held their meeting and social at the home of C. IL Miller Wednes day evening. ' . Mrs. Mack Hamby presided ever the business session. Lois Miller and Edna Lyons gave a demonstration on the art of mak ing angel food. cake. A social hour followed the business meet ing. - after which refreshments were served by members of the club. Present were: Mrs. Mack Ham by, Donna June Powell, Edna Ly ons, Lois Miller, Mrs. Elmer Red mond, and. daughter Jean, Mrs. William :kelton. and . children. Betty and Jack; Jean McKee, Mrs. Paul McKee, Mrs. Art Page and Mrs. Miller. VOTE IS LIGHT GERVAIS. July 2S The elec tion held' Monday night to vote on the : Question of whether school district No. 7 should sell the school property to Union high School District No. 1 seemed not to be of much Interest to the school patrons. Only St votes were cast. Nine were for selling the property and 12 were against. One blank ballot was cast. SERVICE - 8 Ply 10 Ply EpG I PARKING ANNEX 240 N. Liberty . Tel. 6192 Sble riew of tn nev XuraBt. mtMel e19v showteic lew atrvialinrs. An entirely new saotlf In radiator de--ulgn glvee this model a strkla asppearwavce, and ssggeste av costlier car. The girls are Fanchoa Jt 31r co Sunklst Beauties. Orchard Heights f y : : o ORCHARD HEIGHTS. July 2S Mr. and Mrs. Charles Elferle, their daughters, ' Jean and Flor ence, and son, -Charles .of Oak land.. Calif., were guests-at the Cash Roberts home. Thursday. They came here from Newport where they bad visited an aunt. Mrs. M. A; Goodspeed.- and went from here to Eugene oa their way back to California. Mrs. Elferle-and Mrs. Roberts are con sins. . Small Donald . Edgar who is staying with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Edgar, Is suffering from ear trouble fol lowing a recent attack of scarlet fever. Chester Fisher went to Port land Sunday where he joined his aunt. Mrs. C A. Tommaseene and his grandmother. Mrs. John Blng ner. The trio are starting on a motor trip through California. They will visit relatives in Santa Cms. . 1 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adams. Delmar Sumpter of Marshtield. and Irvla - Simmons left Friday for a fishing trip to Marlon lake. They will return. Sunday. A guest at the C. S. Matthews home Is J. T. Matthews, a broth er of his host whose home Is at El Reno, Oklahoma.. He will re PhtteeT tastaSed at 4at aoH. Bte Wkssl baker Free piss site aili Comer Chemeketa c i r Builder of Champions . . Pioneer .. ? main In Oregon until October. . Miss Mildred .Simmons Is home from a visit with her friend. Miss Jessie Wilson of Forest, . Wash ington. - - ' - - Mrs. Ammon Grlce and small daughter, Irene, Larkin Grlce and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Castle of Wallace road were Sunday din ner guests of Mr. and - Mrs. S. Page at their home In Salem. Both Mrs. Grice and Mrs. Castle are nieces of Page. - "Plcale Kajoyed . Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Gibson of Salem who are camping this sum mer on their farm here,' were pleasantly surprised Sunday by the arrival of a group of friends with well filled baskets prepared for a plenie dinner. The day was pleasantly spent by Mr. and Mrs. Burnham South wick, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McDowell and sons. Ar mon and James Herman. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Schneller, Miss Mary Walt, Mrs. Marlon Putnam of Sa lem. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gibson of West Salem, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Frlnk of Falls City were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cask Rob erts. - Ammon Adams, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adams. -is TlstUng at the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Cannoy at Elklns. taker slits ' IfosLW adapted , M"0 CAR can hold its public by with . - Holding what the public demands . . . that's why fifteen cars have already fol lowed Studebaker to Free Wheeling . . . and other cars are on the eve of adopting if j '.. . . . . ; . ' . In 1 2 short months,' Studebaker Free Wheeling has been approved in every, state of the union and every state of; weather. Its economy and safety : are established as a public benefaction. Free Wheeling in its finest form with post' tive gear control is built into every Stude baker at the factory. Brakes, generator all chassis details are engineered for the most efficient operation of Free Wheeling. And, in every Free Wheeling Studebaker, you get these additional btudebaker advantages: TFnJJ t i hmt f in i mi i in i- ijnziwn tort cc!sl rtW tfttt C3 cao4eb 5 TrbIbf 70 to 122 horsepower Ond-Proflt prfoc8-4S to $2SS0 at tht factory Swire wheela withotxt High' i mi. - f - V Missionary to Speak Sunday WOODBURN. July 25 Miss Irene Forsythe, : a missionary from Woodburn wbe has just re turned home after spending three years in country villages in Shan tung. China, will speak Sunday morning at the Woodburn' Pres- brterlan . ehnreh. Alt her manv friends are cordially invited to attend the services, which begin at 11 o'clock. At noon a plenie will be held in Maupin's grove on the highway. Miss Forsythe. and Rev. and Mrs. Achor of Ore gon City will be present. Rev. Achor was formerly pas tor of the Woodburn church. Be ginning at S o'clock in the evening,-Miss Forsythe will speak at the Bethel church. Miss Forsythe, daughter of Mrs. Almle Forsythe of Woodburn, has had many in teresting experiences during her stay in the, Orient and her speech es are expected to be very inter esting. Miss Forsythe has virtual ly lived the. Ufa of the Chinese while there, dressing In native costume and eating native food. Miss Forsythe is a graduate of Woodburn high school and the Moody Bible institute and Mus kingum college. Ohio. t 7kt w r : Mctri fra&&aal ooacnorau ;sl fUCA turracnoocrn icw gj bsil-bearini spncj 'JiltU T&rift, oOdafly proreti under ABKH2SHM pivmw extra cnarga . Telephoni 84CC of Free Wheeling Vj