The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 26, 1931, Page 6, Image 6

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'The OREGON STATESMAN. Salea. : Orr-ron. Sunday MornLn?. July 5,
Brent Will
Be Married,
In August
AWEDDtNG of more than or
In Salem
-win be that of Miu Dorothy
Brant, daughter of Mr. and Mr.
Charles Brant, v and Lawrence
k Deacon, son of Mr. and Mrs.
.George Deacon. August 8. in the
"First PresbyterUn church wnn
Tev. H. C. Stow ot the Knight
Memorial churth 0"1tcU"n;Bt
Special music will add beanty
to the service. Miss Era Robert!
win bo-aololst and a quartet eom
Joaedt MUs Hilda Amr Ml..
Arbutus Rudle, Miss Myra Glea
Yn and Miss Roberta will vsing.
. n. Rwarts will aecoin-
P Miss Brant will be attended by
her .later. Miss Marjorle Ann
Brants-The best man will be
' HYmed.?yollowinR the wed-
-tin, . reception will ne new
ihVxTe M". Gordon Slmpaon.
-. nrinn will serVC.
--"IKS BranVmes from." old
nr family In Salem. Beth she
ind Mr. Deacon are Winamp
vown They will m .
Some in Adn-Wa,h., where Mr.
Deacon wlll.teaca.
. ..... : ' .; ' i , ."
Gervais Scouts Plan
For Camp Santaly
nervals Members of the Girl
uerTia number.
ibore Mehama. The girL . with
their advisors, Mrs. A. B. AdXis
son. Mrs. C. - -
V 6 Rooster, Mrs. Sumner Stev
Tn. andMisi Carol Mlnaker.wlll
. goto camp. Monday. August 2
Toe GeVrala business men hare
materially aided In financing the
trip wdT Mrs. M. D. Hennlng.
Sr.. Booster. Mr. fteTena. Mr.
Ferguson. Mrs. MeAdoo. Ciyae
Jatsforth nd Dr Adklsson will
furnish transportation.
Girl, who hare btrt4 for
the trip re Miry Adelman. Bet
timv Betty and Iris cuts
rLtl EVn DeJardln. Dorothy.
Thelm J DuRette. Dom
Ithr Mary aad Ruth Ferguson.
rsehweller. Genevieve
jelderks. Anita Jon. .rgtaU
Wilier. Dorothy Mtaaker. Cather
tae Anna ani Zadie
Marian Ntbler. ' . Dore-tby JSSSi
Beth and Cheryl Sypher, Etheloy
iu.eeIone 7 vfta
Mary Vincent, .Ellen and lola
VOgt.' - .J ' ' V'
. ... V . -
Golden Wedding
Day Honored
West Salem A group of rela
tives and friends gathered Friday
IVelng at the W; F. Thomas
Some St 1004 Rage street to . ex
tend congratulations to the aged
Sl. cs their fiftieth weddtn.
Tiura j Thomas, who
air. . "7" hire
were marrie w
Ured ntny j " Mr. and
GUMll P"""- v,v.
Mrs.' Albert Thomas an baby
. . n w tnJ airs.
daughter. ?r. -
Frank Lmb and .sons. VlrK.
5 . - if and Mrs. Tbomas and dangnter
m ran jilikv
Mr. 4 :M"; F.
family now yisiiiu
Monmouth. Sunbeem circle.
K.ietabors of "Woodcraft member.,
wire Teed to entertain at their
Tuesday erening meetir Mrs.
2U:! V rvnnA of salem. district
a.ur .ddress
organizer. il s. Tirrv-
conlrlbnted greatly to the pro
ir' vi rs Mary K. Dornslfe was
Scared by tAZfer from the In
Se?SncI lodge " a new mem
S.r Mrs. Claire Wlnegar. one of
l' dt&tes from Ijoj-yaj
4,. district consent! n t ew
Jitlon of comaUte. compos
ed of Mrs. D. A. Hoag. Mrs. E.
Wlnegar and Mrs. ' C W. Fr'f;
Enusing placards jfig
fortune-telling portents- afforded
Mrs! Jessie Arnold. w.
In Monmouth Friday iU whj
ne went te attend pUy glTen.
by students of, the dmmstie so
ciety of Monmouth Normal scheoL
Sui Harriett Araold. dauchter of
Mrs. Arnold, took part In the play.
Mn. Carl Gregg Doney enter
tained at dinner Friday night Mr.
andlrs. C. a CUrk. MlsOU
Clark andean and Mrs. Frank
EliCkSOn in comiuirui. - ;
' birthday of Dr. Doney. ,
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Homyer ;
and Miss Clara Homyer -were din
ner hosts to ReT. and Mrs. P. W.
Erlksen and son Robert Friday
night. The affair was given as a
farewell dinner before the Erlk
I.... innt 1 to iend a
month in the middle west. ,
Hubbard A delightful 'event
ef the season was the bridge par
ty at the "Waldo F. Brown farm
home Tuesday afternoon with
Mrs. Brown, the i hostess. Miss
Betty Brown and Mrs. Louise
Grimps were awarded prizes. tor
high scores. ;
Mrs. Ethel pair, who with the
late Dr. A. C. Parr, was a former
resident of Salem, arrived here
Thursday night to spend a fort
night before returning te her
home In Seattle, i Mrs. Parr has
been rlsiting ia Illinois . since
April, and is now ea. route from
there to her home.
.Events "'of rLatest1'
I'viVrliifiiiiii-Ti; TUnyriiiiTTr
: h
MISS HELEN RAMSDEN, daughter of Mr. ayxd Mrt. C.
. Rams den, who returned to San Francisco this week
after having spent the past three weeks with her parents.
Kennell-EUis Photo. ' ; V ;:
Bride Ciomplimented
Rrntt Mflla. A m!sellaneous
shower wai girea Tuesday after
BMi at the home of Mrs. James
Cully In honor ef Mrs. Glenn Ma-
gee, nee Susan Stenchtleld, who
was married July IS la Dallas. -yn.
Varee is the daughter of
Mr. and Mr. Fred SteoehfUld of
Mayrllle. Ore., a graduate of the
Southern. Oregon Normal school
t Aahland. i Mr. MaKee is the SOB
of H. E. Magee of Talent, and a
former resident ot crooaea Jrn-
ger. where he has spent most or
his lifer j
vr fceajitifni rifts were re-
eeiTed by the honor gaest, after
which tefreabmenta were" serrea.
Those enjoying the afternoon
were Mrs. Magee, Mrs. John
Plasa, Marie and Casino Plas,
Mrm aaai Smith. Mrs. Amy
Shepherd J Mrs. Eire Land wing.
Mra. Louie Magee. miss vonni
Shepherd, Mis. Margaret Geren.
Mrs. Elta Shepherd. Mrs. Margery
Shepherd, 1 Mrs. Hugh Shepherd.
Mrs. Henry Wellman. the Misses
Emily. Mildred and Marian ma
xttmm niandina Wellman of
Salem, Mrs. A. A. HaU and daugh
ter Lucille and Mrs. Frank Ptatf
of Sllverton, Mrs. Jessie Pendle
ton of Skamania. "Waah Mrs. ver
ity Scott of Sublimity, Mrs. Louis
Loreox and Mrs. Dorotny peaaer
ot Salem and tne noatess, n.
James Cully.
Mr. and Mrs. Magee are making
their home in Salem, where Mr.
Magee is employed.
. .
L '
Jefferson. The Social Hour
club met recently at the country
home ot Mrs. Llllle "Wilson. The
rooms were beautifully decorated
with summer flowers- The after
noon was spent la quilting and
visiting, and te was served late
In the afternoon. Club members
present were Mrs. Minnie Smith.
Mrs. Tessa .Watkins, Mrs. Stora
Weddle. Mrs. Minnie Banks. Mrs.
Mollis Seehale. Mrs. Nettle Hauck,
Mrs. Hazel Kelly. Mrs. Joy Kelly.
Mrs. Ella Johnston. Mrs. Helen
Epley. Mrs. Margaret Kelly and
the hostess, Mrs. Llllle Wilson. In
vited guests were Mrs. Haines ot
Jefferson, iMrs. Anna Serfllng of
Stlo and Mrs. Louise Babcock of
Albany, j . '
Mount Angel Miss Helen' Eb-
erle was hostess at bridge Wed
nesday evening. High - scores
were held by Miss RoseSchwab
and Miss ; Gladys McGeeT Those
present were Rose - Schwab,
GladyaMcGee. Helen Ficker. The
resa Flcker. Maria Ebner. Clara
Keber, Hilda Eberle and Mrs. L.
A. Zeis, i - r
Mrs. : Kavl 'Beck had- as .her
guest Saturday Mrs. Mao- Brown.
nee. Gretchen. Brown, and Mrs.
Kenneth Bailey of Portland.
1 i i Sunday, July 28
'! Fourth annual reunion of King elan, fairgrounds;
all friends and relatives urged to be present.
'"Degree of Honor picnic. Haxel Green; dinner served
at 11:3 o'clock. ,
! Minnesota picnic, Stayton Legion park, community
dinner at 1 o'clock. 5
: Simpson reunion, all day meeting at state fair
grounds; dinner served at 12; 39 o'clock.
Salem Woman's press club annual. picnic; entertain
husbands and members ot newspaper staffs ot city; Riv
erdale park; luaeheon at 1 o'clock.
Ml- r i Tuesday, July 28 ; .: '; I'
All-day picnic, for united circles of the First Chris
tian churchen.
i Willamette Shrine Number f, K. B. Millard, 181
D street, annual picnic. Bring basket dinners. : '
Business and Proteesional Women, dinner meeting,
Silver Grill room ot Gray Belle; Congressman W. ' C.
Hawley will speak. . - . r ?
? , - j : Wednesday,
Leslie' Can Do class ot
-with Mrs. W. C. Conner, 75
j ' r : ' ' - ' . ' .
Joint Picnic is
Rappy Affair ?
Annual occasions are generally
happy affairs. Time which has In
tervened between each meeting- In
troduces many topics for discus
sion and there are many memor
ies to revive 8uch was the annual
Joint plcnie of the Three Links
club and the Past Noble Grands
club of the Salem Rebekahs Fri
day at the state fairgrounds; Ta
bles stretched into the shape of
a crqss held covers for 74 mem
bers and families ot the two clubs.
Following the dinner hour was
a brief business meeting, -and a
long evening of conversation and
games.. '
. General chairmen for the af
fair were Mrs. John Mills and Mrs.
LaMolne Clark. Assisting were
Mrs. Wright, president of the
Three Links club. Mrs. Josephine
Erlckaon. president of the - Past
Noble Grands club, Mrs. Lenore
KrlsseL Mra. Louise King. Mrs.
Grace - Robertson. Mra. Jessie
Moored. Mrs. Evelyn Naderman.
Mrs. Ida Hoschtter and Mrs. Et
lya Brenner. 1
Bridge Party Enjoyed
By Mt Angel Matrons
Mount Angel The Woman's
Catholic order of Foresters held
their regular meeting Thursday
evening at the home ; of Mrs.
Mary Schwab.:
After th meeting cards were
played.. Winning aceess were held
by Mrs. O. D. Ebner and Mrs. P.
N. Smith. At a lata hoar a de
licious lunch was served, by
Mrs.- Mary Schwab assisted ; by
Dorothy " Schwab.
Those present were: Mrs. F. J.
Schwab, G. D. Ebner: R. T. Eb
ner; P. Bueholz. L. Barr, P. . N.
Smith,! J. Begin, H. Saalfeld J.
Scheacher, A.' P. Miller. F. Mel
dle, M. Dardis. E. Zach. L. Thom
as and the Misses Grace Smith.
Maria Ebner, Mary Blgler, Mary
Wachter, .Theresa Zach, Henriet
ta and Audrey Ebner. i,
( , if.: ..,.!.'
Jefferson.-Mra. Frank Schalts
entertained a group ot children at
her country home about four
miles northeast of town, in honor
of her granddaughter, Olga
Schults of Salem, who has been:
a guest at the SchuTtx home dur
ing the week. After a Jolly after
noon spent ia playing games, ice
cream and wafers were served by
the hostess. Present beside the
honor guest - were .RusselL Lois
and -Doris Miller, Clinton . and
Bryce Page and Clarence -and
Lloyd Page.
e . e . ,
Mn W. C roaner will be host-
Ma tit TnmntMtra af.the Leslie Can
Do class of Leslie Methodist
church Wednesday afternoon at 2
o'clock; - . ' -
July 29 r .
Leslie Methodist chureh.
Rural avenue; 2 o'clock. '
fe Sdciafe Miisical - QiiB Circles
Olive M. Doak,
ity in
JfTIWO delUflitiul events of dignity ana yet aeiiffntiui in
i JL formality hare marked ther past week of aocial comingrs
and troincs of unmmer. The
paid to Mrs. Henry B. Tbielien4on the occasion of her
eightieth birthday s Sunday Dy finenoa irom xar ana nr.
The hftautv of friendshin and the adendid inspiration which
icomes from happy meetinjrs
fi.: 1 A U.4..
eplendidly dismified Sunday
Among: the many old friend who came from out ox
town to call on Mra. Thlelsen were: from rortianov ana
Mrs. F. E. Smith, Mrs. L. L. McArthur. Mrs.-W. W. Breth
erton, Miss ; Vivian Bretherton,' Welles Brethertoh, Mra.
James Cook, Mrs. Maurice Crum packer, Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Burns, Mrs. VV; P. Connaway, Mr. nd Mrs. F. J. Herman,
Mrs. Thomas G. Hailey, Misr Elizabeth Hailey, Clarence
Bishop, Roy Bishop; from Eugene, rs. Charley, Gray, Miss
Nancy Thieisen,- Arthur Boardman; Miss Ivan : Putman of
Shaw; Miss Barbara Gearhart, I Seattle: from Astoria, Mrs.
Brenham Van Dusen, Mrs. Walter T."Eaken.,and Mrs. Fred
Fulton; and Mrs. Cecil Hawley. and Miss Annabel! e Hawley
of San Francisco. : - l : . -T'""-.:
A second delightfully informal yet dignified affair of
the week was'the dinner party given by, Judge. and Mrs.
John L. Rand Thursday night. This party also marked the
thirty-sixth wedding anniversary of Judge and Mrs. Rand.
Covers were placed for Chief Justice and Mrs. Henry J.
Bean, Judge and Mrs. Harry H. Belt, Judge and Mrs. J. TJ.
Campbell, Judge and Mrs. Percy R. Kelly, Judge and Mrs.
George Roasman, Mrs. T. A. McBride, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Benson, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Rand of Portland, and the
hosts, Judge and Mrs. Rand. ,
Picnic supper is
Pretty Garden
MR. and Mrs. J. T. Deaaney
entertained with a sapper
and swimming party in
their yard Saturday evening. The
attractive yard was colly arranged
with garden furniture about the
supper table. ' -
Later In the evening bridge was
la play la the guest rooms of the
Delaney home.
The guest list included Mr. and
Mrs. Karl Helnleln. Mr. 4 Mra.
Reed Rowland. Mr. aad Mrs. Ro
ger Wood row, Mr. and Mrs. Vera
Suko. Mrs. Katherlne Hess of Se
attle, Mr. and Mrs. Staatey Bar
gees. Mr. aad Mrs. T. P. Kuans.
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Johnson, and
Mr. and Mrs. Victor MacXentle.
Club Disbands for
Summer Months
Ankeoy Bottom The Ankeny
Women's club met at the oouhtry
home ot Mrs. R. H. Farr Thurs
day afternoon. Large bouquets of
orange glads were placed about
the living rooms. 'A very Inter
esting program was carried out
during the afternoon as foUows:
roU call, birds, animals, wild
flowers, and trees of Oregon. Mrs.
L. B. Smith, gave the -biography
of Helen Keller. ' Panama, the
eountry ot the great ditch, was
glvea by Mrs. J. O. Fair. Enter
tainment was furnished by Mrs.
E. L. Finley, the prise was
awarded Mrs. J. O. Farr. Mrs.
Enda 8 warts became a member ot
the club daring the afternoon.
Dainty refreshments ware
served at the tee, hour -by the
hostess to the foil owing mem
bers: Mrs. C. F. Johnston. Mrs.
E. Jj. Finley, Mrs. J. O. Farr,
Mrs. : Edna ffwartx, Mrs. E. L.
Hampton and daughter Margar
ita. Mrs. Sidney Howard and
daughter Margaret. Mra. G. H.
Marlatt, Mrs. Ben Watts. Mrs.
M. J. Davidson, Mrs. L. B. Smith,
and the hostess. Mrs. R. H. Farr.
Miss Shirley Ana Johnston and
Miss June Moore were guests of
the afternoon.
The next regular meeting ot the
club will be held October the t.
as the club will not hold meet
ings during the next two months.
a, .... ' , .
Ankeny , Bottom Members of
the Ankeny women's club . neia
their annual picnic this week.
The first part of the evening was
spent in swimming followed by
a picnic supper. Those present
were. Mr. and Mrs. G. IL Mar
latt, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wetts
pnd family. Mr. and Mrs. E. L.
Finley and family. Mr. and Mrs.
81dney Howard and daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hampton and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. O.
Farr. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Thomp
son and soa, Mr. and Mrs. M. J.
Davidson and granddaughter. Mr.
aad Mrs. R, H. Farr and daugh
ter, Mr. aad Mrs. C. F. Johnston;
Mr., and Mrs. William Wleder
kehr and family. Misses Mary Ai
de and Grace Bates, Mlss-Elolse
Mathews. Wllter. Woulf e. Lloyd
Marlatt, and.Loren Watts.
,. e .. :,-. V-.
Among the prominent visitors
in Salem is Mr. and Mrs. Sara
Klerskl of San Francisco, - CaL,
who are guests of Mr.- and Mrs.
Romeo Gouley. When the Klsr
skls return to California they will
be accompanied by Miss Katheryn
Cowley, who will return for fur
ther work in San Mateo Junior
college, beginning August 15.
. . . .
Mrs. Paul Fugate of Aberdeen,
Idaho, will arrive In Salem tonight
to be the guest of her sisters,
Mrs. A. T. Woolpert and Mrs. F.
D. Volght. Mrs. Fugate has visit
ed here before and will be greeted
by numerous acquaintances" from
former Visits.
-, .. .... . . . ..........
;Mls Josephine Albert will en
tertain members of the Beta Chi
sorority pt Willamette university
Monday night. This la one of the
regular monthly meetings of the
sorority. -
. " . .
Arch McDonald,' assistant at
torney general, and family are
spending their vacation with rela
tives in Rltsvllle and Spokane,
Hubbard MUs Anna Knight
left -Saturday morning for Camp;
Namanu, a eamptlre camp near
Bull Run. i
Society Editor e
first ira th beautiful trioute
of these friends at social func-
4Vi eV& Infnrmtl rf
afternoon open house at the
Pre-Nuptial Shower
ForMiss Klein,"
Tilesday Bride
Miss Grace McCoy . and Miss
Gladys Zell entertained' with a
charming pre-nuptlal ihower for
Miss Agnes Klein Friday night at
the heme of Miss ZelL- Miss Klein
will marry Henry Boecner la ' a
Quiet church wedding Tuesday
morning at St. Vincent de Paul,
Rer. Father Keeaen, officiating.
.The- guest rooms were very
lovery with a profusion, of yellow
chrysanthemums and baby breath
arranged about them; The center
pieces far the luaeheon tables
were dainty bouquets of yellow
paneiea. Bridge was In play be
fore the luncheon hour. . Winning
scores , were held br Miss Klein
and Mrs. Harold Berths! ton. Be
fore the luncheon hour. Miss Klein
was presented with some attrac
tive gifts In token of her ap
proaching raarrtagV.
Miss Klein has made her home
la Salem for the past four years.
She graduated with the class of
1924 froa St. Joseph's Mercy
hospital in Sioax City, Iowa.
Mr. Boecher has spent the past
f years in Persia and traveling in
Europe. Following the wedding
Tuesday a visit will be made to
Oregon beaches and then a motor
trip east taking in Yellowstone
park will take the couple te the
home of Miss Klein in Rock Val
ley. Iowa.
Following the wedding trip the
couple expect to make their home
in Australia. . '
Guest, in compliment te Miss
Klein Friday night were Mrs.
Ralph HamUton, Mrs. Paige Ben
son of Centralis, ' Walhlngton,
Mrs. O. E. Prime. Mrs. Irvine
Caplinger. Mrs. Glenn Teager.
Mrs. Helen Goplln. Mrs. Ed Ship
ley. Miss Nell Copplck. Mrs. Harry
Mills, Miss Mildred Carlson. Mrs.
Harold Berthelson, Miss : Helen
Hlller, Miss Grace McCoy and
Miss Gladys ZelL
Berean Class is Guest
In Prihgle
Rev. and Mrs. g. B. Slater of
Prlngle were hosts to members
of the Berean bible class of the
Calvary Baptist church Thursday
night la their home. Rev. Slater
is the teacher of the class.
A plcnie supper wag served
which had been arranged under
the supervision of Mrs. O. E.
Following . the supper hour a
program was given. W. T. Jenks.
superintendent ot the bible
school, gave a brief add-ees.
Readings. songs and amusing
stories made up the balance of
the program. Mrs. Pearl Ralph
had charge of the -program.
In all about members ot
the class were present for this
party. . - 1 ... --.--
silrerton Members and guests
of the Imnuauel Guild met Tues
day - afternoon at the country
home ot Mrs. -C E. Jorgeasoa In
the Bethany district. Mrs. Ar
thur. Dahi. Rev. J. M. Jenson.
and, Mrs. J. M. Jenson gave pro
gram HBmbers. During the .short
bualness session Miss Hilda OJ
sen. president, appointed- the fol
lowing: committees: Visiting. Mrs.
Arthur. DahL Mrs. J.' P." Dull urn
and Jdrs.H. B. Jorgenson; fi
nance, .Mrs. Clam Loe. Mrs. J.
Hopflnger and Mrs. Ben Funrue.
An ice cream social will be spon
sored by the Guild August Ivpn
the eburch lawn. It was decided.
Mrs. J. D. Berwick and chUdreo
have left by motor tor Bend in
company with Mrs. Samuel Tyler
and' daughter' who have been
guests of Mrs. W. W. Hill, mother
of Mrs. Tyler. Mrs. Tyler and
daughter are returning to their
home In Bend.
:'; ; ,
' Mrs. Rose Sawyer. Miss "Mar
guerite Farmer and Miss Dorothy
Franks will return this week end
from a vacation trip to San Fran
cisco. Miss Mildred Judson, who
made the boat trip to California-
with the group, will return next
week. . ,
. - . r
the A. O. U. W. lodge tor Monday
night at the Melntyre country
horns eight mUes south" oa - the
Padf le highway. Dinner . wUl be
scrreeT at T o'eleck. ,
liTRS. KATHERINE MYERS HESS, who is here from
jJLTJL Seattle as the guest of
j proving a popular visitor in
Dancing Party .
i- , -
Ti JTR. and Mrs. Verne Orey ea
IV 1 Pertained with a delightful
dancing and late supper
party at their home Saturday
night ia compliment to Miss Ruth
Marr and Edison Burgees, whoss
marriage will be an event of the
early falL -
Guests for the evening were the
honor guests and Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Karsten. Mr. and Mrs.
John Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs. How
ard Ball, Mr. aad Mrs. Alvin
Marr, Mr.' and Mrs. Edward
Horn. Mr. and Mra. James Sims
and Mr. aad Mrs. Verne Orey.
Garden Party Given -For
Past Grands
Independence. Members of the
Past Noble Grands club and their
husbands were entertained with
a garden party at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Woods
Thursday evennlg. Hostesses for
the party were Mesdames Wood.
Robbie. Irvine. Walker and
The garden was beautiful with
flowers, a fish pond, rustic tables
and chairs, an old-fashioned stone
fireplace,- with the old iron tea
Singing aad games provided en
tertainment tor the evening, aad
a plcnie lunch was served.
- Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Hubbard, Mr. and
Mrs. John Bohannon, Mr. and
Mrs. Newton Jones, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert White. Mr. and Mrs. Wll
lard Craven. Mr. and Mrs. Walt
Huntley, Mr. and Mrs. Irvine
Bann. Mesdames Kreamer. May
Hanna, Wunder. Hart, Calbreath,
Damon. and Margaret Hanna.
. Guests from out of town were
Mr. aad Mrs. Chester Henkle and
Mrs. Cynthia Henkle of Dallas and
Mrs. D. E. Fletcher ot Klamath
Perrydale. Miss Marion Sha
rer was the recipient - of many
lovely gifts at a miscellaneous
shower Thursday afternoon at
Ballaton. She will become the
bride of Fred Ottlnger August 1C
ia a pretty garden wedding at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. WUllam
: Am interesting Impromptu pro
gram was given by Mlas Alda Mil
ler, the Sechrist sisters. Miss Glad
ys Nana: a mock weddinr In
which took part Mrs. Sechrist.
Sr.. Mrs. P. Bsrthalmew. Mrs;
Lens, Mra. Knight, Mlas Lucille
Fa cht,- Miss- Frances -Gregg and
Mrs. Casse . Sechrist. As a con
clusion to the evening an attrac
tive luncheon was served.
. V . e . a .. ". .
Rev; and-Mrs. H. C Kramer of
Mombasa. Kenya colony. British
East Africa, are visiting In Oregon
while on furlough. This Is the
first furlough they have had since
1922. They-are at present the
guests of Mrs. M. A. Coe.
Mrs. George Alden. ' Mrs. Lois
Latimer. Miss Leila Johnson and
Dean and Mrs. Roy . Hewitt are
enjoying their oriental tonr. ac
cording to reports which are
reaching Salem. They are now In
Japan. ,
. . .
Miss Marjorle Vandegrlft of Mt.
Home. Idaho, is visiting Miss Car
eyl Braden,.en route to British
Columbia and a tour of Yellow
stone park for her summer vaca
tion from work in. the University
of Moscow.
MUs Edith Flndley was given
a pretty surprise party Thursday
evening at her home with - Miss
Pauline Flndley as hostess and a
group ot Miss Fladley's Delta Phi
sorority sisters s guests.
- - "--
Miss Marjorle and Miss Max
lne fichomaker, twin daughters of
Mr. and Mrs. Dean. Sc ho maker
were compUmented with a Jolly
birthday party at Rlverdale park ;
Mrs. Vern Suko. Mrs. Hess
Salem. KenneU-EUHs Photo.'
Miss Thelma Crandall
Will Wed Soon
Silverton The marriage of
Miss Thelma .Crandall, daughter
of Mrs. H, N. Crandall of The
Dalles, to Edward Schenk of Eu
gene, will take place August 11.
It was announced at a bridge sup
per given In The Dalles recently.
Mlas Crandall taught English
and history In the Silverton high
school last year. -
The hews of the wedding was
told , by means 'of pictures of the
bride-elect and Mr. Schenk placed
on tally cards, with the wedding
date printed below the , pictures.
The bride motif was carried out
In the decorations.
Miss Crandall is a graduate ot
The Dalles high school and the
University, ot Oregon, where she
was an honor student. When she
graduated from high school she
received the Business and Profes
sional Women's club cup for the
beet all-around girl student. At
the university she is a member
of Phi Beta Kappa, and Alpha
Delta Pi aorority.
Mr. Schenk recently completed
work on his masters', degree cn
geology at the university. His
home is in Gresham. This fall
they will Teside at Berkeley. Cali
fornia, where Mr. Schenk will
study for his . doctor of science
degree at the University of Cali
fornia. B. & P. W. Club Will
Meet Tuesday -
. Business and Professional Wom
en of the local group will meet
for the-, regular meeting Tuesday
night and at this time business of
importance wUl be transacted, as
well as an important speaker will
address the members in the pro
gram hour. .
- Congressman W. C. Hawley
wUl be the speaker for the hour
and he will apeak on the subject
of the debt moratorium. In the
business meeting additional com
mittees wUl. be announced and
plans for the year's work will be
discussed and brought nearer to
completion. --
Miss Merle Dtmmick Is presi
dent . ef the organisation this
year. . - " . -,
... e e e I
A dinner party was given Sat
urday In compliment to a group
of novitiates ef the Sisters of the
Holy Name at Marylhurst at Sa
cred. Heart academy. Sister
Mary Rose of Lima, among the
first graduates . ot Sacred Heart,
aad who will celebrate .her , dia
mond Jubilee in the Sisters of the
Holy Name August 5 was a spe
cial guest. H
e ' e .e '
Mr. . aad' Mrs. "- Rex . Sanford,
formerly of ' Salem but who are
now making their home in Eugene-
are - spending the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. James Humph
reys, .-Informal tea for which for
mer friends ot Mrs.. Sanford
called were given by Mrs. Humph
reys Friday and Saturday.
Dr. and Mrs. Luther Berg and
family, and Dr. and Mrs. W. -B.
Lima' and family of Montevideo.
Minn.,' and Miss Inger Berg of
Minneapolis, hare been the guests
of Rer. and Mrs. P. W. Erlksen
this past week. . 1
Shock Advertising
We operate our own Caffdy and Ice Cream plant and manu
facture a wonderful line of candies and Ice cream.
"Old timers" know this. We want "New Comers" to know
it also. To do this we offer dally from I to f o'clock a bar
gain menu. " v
The bargains will "shock you."1 We are hocked" ourselves.
Garden Breakfast
y Is Colorful
THE cool spread of a lovely
garden formed the setting
for one of the prominent af
fairs of aunyner university cir
cles Saturday morning when Miss
Maxlne TJlrich entertained with
a group of her Alpha Phi Alpha
sorority sisters with a breakfast
in compliment to a group of Sa
lem -maids who will enter-Willamette
university this fall.
Small .tables were set in the
garden and each table was cen
tered with brilliant nasturtiums
Mrs. Allee Fisher presided at the
hostess table Those who assist
ed with the serving, were Miss
Carol Johnson. Miss Roberta
Johnson, and Miss Margaret Gil
lette. " ." -
Covers were placed , for 30
guests. Srority sisters who were
assistant hostesses with Miss Ci
rich were Miss Grace Henderson
Miss Henrietta Blhop. Miss Doro
the Shepherd. Miss Harriett
Adams. Miss Loretta Yarley, Miss
Roberta Varley. Miss Marjorle
Drorbangh, Miss Dorothy Taylor
Miss Edwyna Broadbent. Miss
Barbara Tiarham vie ir..i..i.
CDeH.'Mlss Bernice Rlchlln, Miss
neneuui .awards. Miss i Rnth
Scbreiber. "Miss Helen Kafonrr,
Miss Mary Kafoury, and Mis
Dorothy Eastrid:e.
Travelers Soon Will
Return to America
Word from Prof, and Mrs. A.
I. Kewlin is to the effect that
they will sail from London Au
gust 15 for the United States.
Mrs. Newlin will be remembered
as Miss Eva Miles, daughter ot
Mr. and Mrs. B. C Miles.
Prof. Newlin has been study
ing at Geneva. Switzerland, doing
work ea Jhjs master's degree ia
political science. Just nnr Tia f.
doing research work In London.
Visits are also being made to Ire
land, Scotland and Wales while
they are on the British Isles.
Mrs. Newlin left Salem three
I ears ago. and about two years
go became the bride of Prof.
Newlin. Prof.- nd Mrs. Newlin
wUl go directly to Gilford, North
Carolina, upon their arrival la
the United States. Here Prof.
Newlin will teach In Gilford col
lege this year. They expect to
visit in Salem this coming sum
mer. ' - .'
Salem People Travel
To East
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fabry,
whose wedding was an event or
early last week, have left for the
east with, Mr. Fabry's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Fabry, Sr.
They plan to be gone for two
months or longer" before return
ing home, and will rlsit Yellow
stone national park, then on te
Ohio, West Virginia and Pennsyl
vania, visiting relative, there.
They will return home by way
of the southern route.
Popular Maid Will
Marry August 2
'August 2 has been sat as the
date for her marriage by Miss
Grace Welborn. On that date
she wUl,. become the bride of
Walter .Mrse of Grants Pass in
a quiet" ceremony at the Welbora
home at 2 o'clock.- .
Miss Edith Welborn will be
the only attendant and MnreU
Inman of . Eugene will be best
man. Rev. W. C. Kantner will
read the service and Miss Lena
Dotson will play the recessional
and processional. Miss Annie
Morse of Hoaulam, Wash., will be
Tne; young people will make
their home in Grants Pass where'
Mr. Mora. Is affiliated with the
Smith-Hushes work.
. .
Grand island The Mother's
Circle held an all day picnic Wed
nesday. A bountiful picnic dinner
was enjoyed at the noon hour
and in the afternoon the group
refreshed themselves by swim
ming. Present were Mrs. Roy E.
Will aad children. Sarella. Mil
dred and ' Cecil, Mrs. Mauds
Tompkins, Mrs. Harold Tomp
kins, Mrs. Ernest Douglas and
two sons, Leslie aad George, Mrs.
Pauline Fowler, Mrs. Dan Tomp
kins and baby, Mrs.vMercy Tomp
kins, Mrs, Anna Umbanhour and
two mue people wno are wring
with her at present. Mrs. Hoigue
and three grandchildren. Mrs.
Grace WUey and three children,
Mrs. Hattle Lefley and two girls.
Pearl Berger, " Ellen and Elolse
Badger, Margaret Swanson'from
Bay Ocean. Leonard and Louise
WUL and Elvln and Lois Asher.
. .
Monmouth. MUs Mable John
son left Tuesday evening for San
Francisco. She will join her sis
ter, Mrs. Yelms Plerson. who has
been attending the University or
California's summer session, and
after a two weeks visit In the city
they will motor north together.
Miss Johnson is an instructor of
music in Portland high schools.
and Mrs. Plerson teaches in Mill
City. They are. daughters of Mr.
and Mrs. P. H. Johnson.
i - ..... j