The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 26, 1931, Page 12, Image 12

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A Feature Page -pf
The Statesman
Every Sunday
So Called "Blight" Vill not
Cause Heavy Loss to
' ." Growers . ... I
. The so aalled" hllghr or
"brown stain disease" which has
been- noted In filbert orchards
throughout the state will not
cause a heavy loss and Is not a
disease, according to. J. J- Doer
tier, local authority pa filbert
" culture. ' ' ' : '
, A thorough- Investigation of
the situation is being made by
Prof. C. E.- Schuster of O. .8. C
and P. W. Miller federal Investi
gator Of nut culture and nut dis
eases at the Oregon experiment
ctatinn. Rt far inevstisratlons
have revealed that the trouble Is
not caused by bacteria and autn
orltles are agreed that the eondi
. Itnn la IMIOUL
The same , condition haa ap
peared to a limited extent xonue
past 20 years and It has been
xoted by gToweri that it U much
'-' worse In seasons such a this has
been. .'Tho dry -weather In May.
followed-by heaTy Tains, seems
to have "been' the chief cause of
"tT0UDle. Eartr fn&eTts,,sueh as
. -"Barcelona ' are most - -.affected
: while later -types .such a Du
" Chilly show little eyidenee of the
'damage. " v
The condition appears first as
an exhudation of brown liquid
that appears as tiny drops on the
: side or end of the nut and later
V spreads as a brown stain. The
kernel inside-usually fail to develop-
although investigation
shows that it la not blighted.
The filbert crop this year la an
unusually .-Heary one and al
though, there will be some loss
due to, the' brown stain trouble
' there will nerertbelesa be a very
good crop of fine quality. nuts.
Bulk Handling V
,Ot Grain -Will
Prove Saving
I Corvallis, July 25 Bulk hand
ling ef grain, will save ' farmers
' from 3 s-4 to 4H cents a bushel
In production and .marketing
costs over sack handling', a thorough-study
made In . Oregon,
Washington and Idaho by the ex
periment stations of these states
' cooperating with he federal gov
; ernment, indicates. - r
- Although the preliminary re
port 'of the surrey points out that
' bulk handling Is desirable and
will ultimately be general
. throughout , much of the north
west, it gives two Important fac
tors which will delay the transi
tion. These are the hilly fields
many of which are .not suitable
for : combine harvesting in bulk
with present equipment and the
general lack of. handling: facilities
- at local shipping points. '
The report warns that the
change should be made cautious
ly to make certain of proper
shipping facilities.
V Liberty
o- o
LIBERTY, July 25. The Port
land General Electric company is
extending a branch line down the
Lone Oak road, which will make
It possible for those living there'
to secure electric lighting. Wtt-
.:' 11am Deltzman, P. G. Judd. Clar
ence Holder and Hubert Holder
- will benefit by this action. "
' Rev. and Mrs. E. F. McFarland
of Bend visited at the Henry C.
Gilbert home last week. Monday
. the group went to DeLake. The
visitors returned to their home
-; Mr. and 'Mrs. Charles Krauger
and-daughter Ila and Mr. and
Mrs." Rolland Jory And Louis
spent last week end in Walport
and Tachats.
Mr. and Mrs. John Dasch and
children spent last - weekend va
cationing on the North Santlam
- Mrs. Steve Crocketfand small
- daughter Iris, who have been vis
iting at the Will Olden home,
..have returned to their home In
Mr. and ' Mrs. A. B. Browning
and children Lester and Margar
et vent to Pacific City Sunday to
.visit at the -home of Mr. -and
Mrs.: I. -. Lynch, parents ot Mrs.
Browning. . Lester will . spend - the
, week there.' e : 1 1
William Dletzman is' erecting a
bam upon his-place. " "
- ' Marie and Beatrice Dletzman
are spending a fortnight visiting
r relatives in St, Hens, Ore.
; Dorothy Browning is apending
.a two weeks vacation In Wash
ington. She visited at Elmn end
Seattle. While in Washington she
took a trip to Mt. Rainier.
1 Felix Foster who has been ser
- lonely 111. h returned from the
: hospital to the home of his par
ents. His condition Is much im
proved. TURNER. July 25 Mr. and
Mrs. J. F. Thomaton entertained
a member ot their relatives dur
lag the week Including Mrs. John
Gary and children of Salem, Mrs.
Ruth Thomasoa and children Ar
dest and Georgia ot Salem, Mrs.
Belle Zimmerman and children.
Katherine. Maxlne, Donald and
, Kenneth ot Albany, and Mrs. B.
Edmon ot Los Angeles.
ST. runt.v v.-,.
field turnips, a variety is trod need
by the Astoria Experiment sta
tion and which haa become pop
"ular with coast dairymen, have
proved successful in Columbia
county during the past year,
; County Agent George Nelson re
- ports. This year 150 pounds of
this seed was ordered for Colum
bia connty. more than twice as
irtueh as , last year. The supply
"Jims been exhausted, hut inquiries
are still coming la.
Sweet Corn Crop -;
:0n Grand Island
Being Harvested
Several of ; the market
gardeners are . now . busily
engaged in the harvesting
of early sweet corn. : Harold
Tompkins. Worth ! Wiley,
Newton Miller and George
Asher all liave patches of the
Gilden Early Market variety.
From one and a half acres
George Asher picked lOS :
sacks with six dozen ears in
each sack, Sanday la readi
ness for the early Monday
morning market. The load
was taken to Astoria and
other lower Columbia river
markets. - '' I ' 1
Worths Wiley took a load
of corn to Portland Monday
night for the early market
Tuesday morning. The mar
ket gardeners are also feel
ing the effects of low prices,
and unf ortanately - are re
ceiving a very meagre price
for their prod ace.
Corvallis, "July". 25 ProflUble
as ef irrigated Ladlno clover
pastures - tor. summer feed . , for
dairy cattle was again success
fully demonstrated here during
the 1930 season by the Oregon
Experiment station in the second
year of an experiment being con
ducted by the dairy department
on irrigated pastures. .
A savin in feed costs of 29
cents -for every 100 pounds of
milk produced by using the irri
gated pasture Tather than dry
feed was shown last summer dur
ing m. two-week "berlod when the
corns had to he stall fed because
of over-pasturing - of the experi
mental tract. . During the . period
there was le ain in weight per
cow and less production.
The second year a results hore
out the findings of the previous
year, in which j It was Indicated
that high-returns may be expect
ed from such a pasture tract. The
gross returns last year, the cir
cular on 1930 results Just pub
lished" here shows, are larger
than . for the previous year, al
though because of higher pasture
costs, the net returns are slightly
lower than in, 1929. j,
Move Pigs Raised
During Year
Corvallis, July! 25 An Increase
of about 8 per cent In the number
ot pigs raised this year is indi
cated IQ a bulletin issued this
week by L R. Brelthanpt. exten
sion economist, at Oregon State
college. . . I u-
The western j states, especially
the eoast states, sfcowthe great
est increase on .the percentage
basis, but in actual numbers the
corn states are : expected to show
the greatest Increase.
The largest increase In pros
pect, according to Brelthanpt, is
in the fall pig crop, although
there was an Increase in the num
ber of spring pigs.;
MACLEAT. tJulr .25 Havine
la this community is abou com
pleted and harvesting is mow in
progress. I
Ed Coffin expects to begin
threshing here;- the first of the
week, - ; .-I - ' - " .
This section known as the Wal
do Hills used to be entirely a
grain section but now quite an
amount of fruit and berries are
now raised.
t' . i
Control of Brown rot I in
Prunes to be Dem- :
- DALLAS. Jnly . 25 P rune
growers of Po!k county will hare
their first opportunity Tuesday
morning to observe - airplane
dusting of. orchards for. brown,
rot. The demonstration is being
staged by the cooperation of the
Western Aero Dusting : corpora
tion, state college extension --service,
local growers and the of
fice of the county agent. .
The dusting of clover and peas
by airplane baa been tried out in
Oregon, and last year the first
dusting to control brown rot was
tried out in Tamhlll county. This
method of -' combating the . boll
weevil ot cotton has been is use
on southern, farms ' for -several
The demonstration will begin
promptly at 5 - o'clock -. Tuesday
morning, since the extremely find
sulphur dust must, be ; applied
when there is the- least wind pos
sible, and so the early, morning
hour wa- thoaea to stare this
demonstration on the Carl. Ger-r
linger orchard, . three miles east
of Dallas on the Hawthorn- high
way. . ' - ; - s '
' In addition to the airplane
dusting, two other methods will
bo shown, by hand machines and
machines driven by gasoline en
gines. Those planning to. attend
are urged to make it a point to be
on time or the dusting will' have
been completed.';- -' j .:.. -.,
SILVERTOK, July 28 Wheat
farmers in the large grain areas
of South Dakota are getting lit
tle for this year's crop, according
to a news item appearing la a
newspaper from Wesslngton,
South Dakota, received here by
Frank J.-Syring, a former resi
dent of the middle west. The item
; "A 15 acre field or what two
and a half miles west of town
was combined. - The total wheat
gleaned was sold at the elevator
for 1108-1 4. The combining .cost
$97.50 and the trucking to town
$S. Subtracting these' items from
the total receipts left a balance
of $3.14 to apply on the seed, the
expense of putting it in and the
rent." . ' ' i '
Thistles Are Killed
By Spray Use
. . . i
ZENA, July 25 Polk county
farmers are beginning to realise
the efficiency of Sodium Chlorate
spray in eradicating toe Canadian
thistle: ' '
Large areas covered with this
pest have been sprayed and al
though some small plants may
come up the third year they are
weak and soon killed. Sodium
ehlorato is being tried out on
hlmalaya and evergreen ' black
berries but no reports have been
Tecelved on this experiment up
to date. :;.-''';.'":"''
Dr. James F. Baldwin, SI, with
17,000 successful abdominal oper
ations to his credit, Is still active
In his duties as dean of the staff
of Grant .hospital at Columbus.
Oblo. - - r ;''':':! .
1 D0STK1G ,
8 pout snbns la thm
newest hre tene esa
llaiatlBsW ' I71ers)belg3vfl3
ssprlr ' 11 y ' m e
Leweat prices) la year C
gncyltonsrancl- His
Clover Bloct KUU
Bended Bests Lena, '
Fine Jersey Cow
23. L. A. Hnlburt lost- oae
of his prise Jersey cows
-few days ago, from clover .
bloat. She was Beaded
Bow's Leaa, a three-year-
old. Her dam. Bended
Bow w Sally, haa a national
prod notion record. - -
The herd bad been tarw
ed into the clover field, to
remain ' an hoar, bnt when
the cattle were taken ot
this oae bad strayed - away
and . waa not missed watll
found dead. -
Scio Cowers Encouraged
By Success of Other
Organizations :
, ;crn Int, it TsteresC'of- nos-
iness men ef Scio in the proposed
organization tI a tjerry-maraeting
assoclaUoa 'hero was manifest .a.
viw A vtit'ii Tnndi 'for fl-
nanclhg,'."preJlmiary stepa were
pledged la a": very few minutes.
A meeting of. SciO merchants
and business -men -was called at
the Odd, Fellow building and most
- fV Knal-naa tinniM of th dtV
were represented.. R. M. Cain pre
sided and stated the purpose i
the meeting, going into compre
hensive detail concerning plans of
procedure, etc
iThe success or stayton, wooa
burn. Lebanon and other berry
centers waa cited. W. J. Turnldge,
who baa-been, working here for
several months in the Interest of
a : marketing association, stated
that he was eonrwent ae acres
of M barrellnr strawberries could
be 'pledged , in the Immediate
elnity ot Scio if he could take tne
field and arranra preliminaries.
"Much more than the. acreage
stated ta tributary $o; scio, . ne
stated, and no doubt would affil
iate with -a wen-directed move
ment calculated to create a collec
tive marketing plan.
'A letter from George O. Gatlin
ot the state college at Corvallis
was read to the meeting and the
contents were discussed and con
sidered. Gatlin consented, upon,
request, to meet with Interested
parties here and assist in getting
the matter properly started. -
' E. D.. Myers stated tnat repre
sentatives of th Woodburn - ber
ry association had , Informed him
that berries at fire cents per
pound constituted the most prof
itable eron th land was capable
of producing. Another case was
cited, near Scio, m which berry
land paid the owner this year ap
proximately 1200 per ecre
Flmrei from the barretinsr op
erations at Laeomb this season in
dicated that growers in that ter
ritory had made fair profits and
that in addition several thousand
dollars had been paid out to pick
ers. Among those participating in
the meeting and pledging support
were Mylo Bartu, G. F. Bryan,
R. M. Gain, Merle Cyrus, W. II.
Dennison, A. C. Eaatburn, W. T.
GUI, Joe Lytle. N. I. Morrison, E.
D. Myers, Earl Phillips. P. W.
Schrunk and W. J. Turnldge.
TURNER, Jnly 25 Mf. and
Mrs. Raymond Titus entertained
relatives the first of the week in
cluding Mrs. Titus mother, Mrs.
II. A. Richmond of Salem, Mrs.
Catherine Korn of Wilder, Idaho,
Betty Naftiger ot Salem, and Mr,
and Mrs. Mark Wilbur and son
Jack of Salem. . -
i .
All Berry. Growers Invited to
r See Work at Bouffleur
. . . . Farm
DALLAS. July tt For' the
purpose of observing the progress
of irrigation in ioig county iwo
meetlnrs have been arranged for
Wednesday and Thursday -of next
week, . by J.. Jl Beck, bounty
agent. Individuals of the county
have been developing various sys
tems to meet their ...own , crops
needs; and some have been ex
tremely stLccessTul.
' Of intrest to berry growers
will be the visit to ' the Albert
Bouffleur farm near West Salem,
Wednesday - morning ; at nine
o'clock., Mr. Bouffleur Is jumping
from a drilled well for the pur
pose of irrigating evergreen
blackberries. He has an excellent
installation with which he haa
had phenomenal eagood - fortune.
"All neonlo interested in berry ir
rigation r pumping 4rom' a well
Should, attend., this -Wednesdays
meeting., stated Miv. Beckff
irnxated pastures --wu ob-
served : -oa ttho .- to.a. .Thursday
morning, the : first atop, being.-
theJ. A. .CampbeU;-farm wastol
Perrydalo 'arriving there at ' nine
o'clock. From there the J. D. Van
Well - and C . W. Brandstetter
farms will be visited. All three
places are using : the flooding
method for irrigation ot Ladlno
clover pasture.
Crop Balance
Being Changed
Corvallis. Jnlv- 25 More winter
wheat , and corn are ill prospect
but less spring wheat, oats, bar
ley and nay art expected accord
ing to ,a report just Issued by the
Oregon 'State college - extension
servicer. " ? :
. "About an average Output of
late notatoes la expected."., says
the report. "The total potato erop
is likely to be if per cent larger
-; . . - ' -a. - - - ' v . :. .. ; v- ; i
EGO 0 tiEne ETIIJISS'lT . StUlIITS 2i? .
' r.aEN bend" -1T(S)IIJE r.3EE
Just for a few days these suits will be placed on sale. Every one the latest
style, finest tailored and smartest patterns. Out they go! We must make
room for new stock which will soon be here. They are all here in the
finest array, you have ever seen at this great value. Many formerly sold
up 16,535, now-to go at the greatest price ever. Be here early Monday.
iBlzei 85
riaext Pen tZ2u Best make. Cesnlaxiy nU c?
(a f 3. Extra gpedxl - ;
JMendly Five ..
The world's greatest Shoe value.
Every sjev style
than . last year. and somewhat
above average . . The Increase is
accounted for. by early potatoes
already marketed."
Pastures and ranges are re
ported in very poor condition
over the country. This is having
an effect on dairy production and
the condition ot livestock. With a
short crop of hay tn prospect and
perhaps no more than an average
supply of feed grains, dairy pro
duction may not be aa large as
would result -from the S per cent
Increase In' the milk cows In the
country. ..- . -; .
Concerning the world produc
tion of wheat, the-college state
ment aays that the crop promises
to be- materially below the large
crop ot last year. The world car
ryover - outside - ot the .United
States is not particularly burden
some. However, the new wneat
crop in this country is. expected
to be as large as last year and
well above the average. Stocks ot
old "wheat are .-also unusually
. .MONMOUTH. ; July. 15 The
hrst'"practlce-Judging day of the
fjeason'f.or:-alI. 4-H clubs of Polk
county; was held July 18 at the
Hogg -farm 'near Eola. Among, the
various' duns .'represented were:.
Elkins Jersey, calf club. Indepen
dence' Jersey calf club, Monmouth
Purebred sheep club, Monmouth
Angora goat dub, and Peedee
Angora goat club. J. R. Beck,
county agent, was In charge of
Judging. .
Immediately following the
practice Judging, the two Mon
mouth clubs and the Peedee club
held a short meeting In collabor- r
atlon, with Eunice Powell, vice
president ef the Monmouth goat
club presiding. Plans were dis
cussed for the picnic July 25 at
Helmlck park, when all 4-H clubs
ot the county will enjoy a get-together.
The two Monmouth dubs
plan to present a ' demonstration
during tno day at- the park.
-Miss Kathleen McCrae la pres
ident of the Monmouth; sheep
dub: and Mrs. Cleve Powell -is
president of the Monmouth goat
club. ' '
0 50
- -
Ahrays the Newest Styles
- At Better Takes
Open Till 9
EC -
Storage Space v for Canned
Fruit Being Built-by Ray
' ' Brown Company . ..
WOODBURN, July 25Work
on a' large wareliuse for 'canned
fruit was started at the Ray-
Brown cannery in Woodburn this
weekf About 20 men, all employ
ees -Of the cannery, are being em
ployed in the construction of the
building, whlch will be built as
a separate structure south of the
present warehouse. -
"The building," said Superin
tendent D.- O. Ray, "will be 90
feet by 150 in sixe and will cost
between 12.500 and 14,000. The
building will , hare a concrete
floor, but the rest of the building
will be wooden. " We expect to
have the building completed - la
about' two weeks, or before the
beginning -of the pear packing
season." A concrete walk will be
built from -the main warehouse to
the new building. Rigdon Broth
era have charge-of ihe building of
the concrete floor.-, - . t .. ....
Work of -packing pears at the
cannery will - start about lAngumtA
19 or. ll, according to Ray.-
A graceful, modern' design
that enhances ' feminine
charm and loveliness. Tour
looks wQ be improved by
properly fitted, glasses.
Fine Quality. New Sliades.
Special :
j -.
S "
i if- ' - -' -"" -1
p. cu Saturday
News. of Markets -Crops
- Livestock
and a
4-H Club Activity
LYONS," July 25 Lyons folks '
were quite excited late Wednes
day night when a fire was noticed
near the Oscar Nau home in the
west part of town. It proved to
be the fruit bouse which was
close to the dwelling. It apparent
ly -burned from inside first and
the' room being locked, no con
tents were saved. It was reported
that Mrs.. Nau did not know the
house had a lock on It and of
course didn't have a key to get
the door open in time to rescue;
her fruit and other : contents
which were quite a loss. '
I Your "
v. Teeth.
. age
of ray
1 llrml
. . .At .Special Low Prices
Without Sacrifice of Quality
TwPtteSd(J-i C
Century - JLOe
Plate ,
S " t DeatXfbUl
Special Trubyte Plate
-A$25:ioorjn ca
value for v 1 V
DR. c. a;
S03 State St.
TeL 8S58
Look f or the
Bine Slga -
EVERY them in Our
Valaea to $2. Extra
.... ,
a Suit
- s
Te close eat SaSscs and Soft
Sfraws, Talaee te fa. Extra spe
cial i . -