The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 26, 1931, Page 1, Image 1

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Have The Statesman fol '
low while on your vacation.
Mailed to any add res 25
cents for two weeks. Just
telephone 9101. . , . ,
-Fair today and Uondaj,
bo change fa temperature;
-Bias. Temp. Saturday SS,
MIb. 49, river -2JS feet,
clear, north wind.
Salem, Oregon, Sunday Morning, July 26, 1931
- - . . . - . i MM
y . '
3 .
k. k f
Even Julius' Best Friends
Tell him it Won't do;
Solons Opposed
Futility of. Brief Meeting
Seen Along With Fight
Over Indiana Plan
HA it not -.been-for .the old
faithful the weather together,
with war debtj, "Ma" Kennedy
and Jaltaa.I lleier, the last news
week, would haye been. a. rery
Ilet one ' Indeed. A It wa the
weather, rose gallantly, and .went
over the top of two-rear heat
record, Europe fnssed along each
day renewing Germany's notes,
Mrs. Kennedy alternately sick
ened, amused and disgusted the
public, and Mr. Meier about him
this story is concerned.
Newsmen are learning 'that the
slx-months-In-otflice gorernor has
not staked weekly Friday surprise
sales theso-many years without
discovering that the people like to
see things doing. So it's a poor
week when something lively is not
popping ; at the statehouse: the
governor enjoys it; the press eats
it up and the same lively tempo
jwblch characterizes Portland's
own store prevails where the new
governor, Mr. Hansen, Miss Wal
ton and the other political apothe
caries mix the weekly medicines.
Two Bla Iwe
Are Stirred Up - -'
This week the public's eye was
directed to two big topics. The
first and probably most interest
ing one throughout the state was
the special session: as related to
the problem of tax reduction. The
second, was the buy-in-Oregon con
ference. " i
There Is no doubt that the gov- J
ernor really wanted the special
session. It would enliven a dull
summer. It would give hlnv chance
once again to dictate to 90 sub
servient legislators.' It a
dramatic way to illustrate to the
public that a business man in of
fice can move aa much more rap
idly than an average politician" aa
a cyclone exceeds a summer
xephyr. Until the last few days, it
appeared the governor was going
to have-hls session. Now It is very
doubtful, although. Mr. Meier has
said he would take nearly two
more weeks .to decide, sending
each legislato'r In the meanwhile
a letter to find out his atUtude
on the session, f ' - "
; Few of the legislators want the
Mulnn. Tn Multnomah county
only two of the 21 in the delega-1
thm evinced mncn-interest, rune
of these was ButcheT Bennett
and his Interest scaredMeier be
cause, the governor foresaw that
there would be other questions
than tax - reduction- introduced.
Bennett would want state cur
rency or three and one-half per
cent money for home , owners.
Bennett would not be alfhe. Ben
T. Osborne, state labor leader, in
timated he would be under the big
dome using labor's always potent
strings to hook a liberal unem
ployment relief appropriation Into
the agenda Of the special meeting.
Editors of Single
Mind In Opposing "
Not a single newspaper In the
state warmed to the special session.-
Even the Portland dallies,
which ordinarily .jell the back
page to Meter's store and donate
liberal support in the editorial
column, turned tall and cried halt
at the mention of the special ses
sion. The Oregon Journal, which
Has, oeen piaying tae arums, cor-
n to page 9, cot, a;
SEASIDE, Ore., July 25.
(AP) Charles S. Davis, 45. of
Company A, 7th infantry, station
ed at Vancouver, Wash.; drown
ed in the surf' here today.
. Davis and his daughter, Al
eene. It, were bathing and when
Miss Davis noticed that her fa-
i&d been floating beyond
her reach for aa unusually longi
perior of time summonea neip.
Two other swimmers brought Da
vis ashore and physicians work
ed for more than two-hours try
ing to resuscitate him. . , '
: . ' i .
' v THE DALLES, Ore., July 25
' (AP) Fire fighters today
L brought ander control brush and
grass fires that swept over the
Mill creek orchard arts, last
night. Two old. unoccupied dwell
ings were burned. -
:; PORTLAND, July 25 (AP)
.Two Portland firemen were In
jured and two fire engines were
badly damaged In a collision here
today. The - fire . engines were re
epondlng to a second call to the
fire In the Hawley Pulp and Pa
per company's warehouse.
-. . C. P. Spencer, hoseman, suf
fered ' bruises and possible frac
ture of ribs and P. F. Deming
received lacerations of the skull,
cuts on the right elbow and left
hand and bruised him.
C. N. Durkin, driver of one of
.' f . ..
Good Will Envoys Coming Here '-J ;
I With Kansas City'rGreetings
i v.'.-' ' l
Ir.' J. D. Bwk, left, and CoU Baby; D. Garrett of Kansas aty wlU
bring greetings to Governor Julias Meier from Governor "VVoodrlng
of Kaaeae and Governor CnolfleJd of Mlseoori, and to the Salem
chamber of commerce from the Ksnsae City chamber of commerce,
when they alight at the Salem airport August 9. Brock will by that
- time, vnleea some mishap occur, hare flown consecutively 931
days. 1 i ; ' ' ;
Won't lay Down Guide forlXansas
AH but Reveals his
Own I Decalogue
SIMLA. India, July 25 (AP)
Mahatma Gandhi, though he
balked at giving the world a new
decalogue based on modern
needs, .today -outlined the ten
commandments which have guid
ed his own conduct. He called
them "so' many lamp posts guid
ing me through life's pathway."
These are- the rules he gave:
1 -Truth. U
2 Ahmlsi which may be
translated injo English as love.
, 3 c-Brahmacbarra, which may
be inadequately - expressed as
chastity,?" TU '
4 Restraint, of i the palate.
which he elaborates as eating for
the mere sustenance of the body,
abstaining ' from, intoxicating
drinks and drugs such as opium
and tobacco.'
5 Abstain lag from the pos
session of things for themselves.
6 Adherence to life s law that
one's bread i must be earned by
the sweat of one's brow.
7 Swadeshi, the beliaf that
man's primary duty-is to serve
his neighbor.
8 Belef In the equality, of all
mankind. i
9 Belief in the equality of all
the great faiths of the world.
j.v r earieuurss.
Graf Arrives at
Leningrad, Base
For Arctic Trip
- - -1 i ' I.
LENINGRAD, Russia. July 25
(AP) The Riant dirigible Graf
Zeppelin, seeking new world's to
conquer, arrived here late today
from Berlin on the second Up of a
flight to the arctle regions.
The huge ship, which plans to
keep a rendezvous with the Rus
sian ice-breaker Maligln far to
.the north, i appeared over . the
southern horizon In perfect wea
ther soon after 8 p.m. (1 p.m.
eastern : standard time).
I She flew over the city and then
landed safely at theNovaya Der
envla airdrome forty-five minutes
later :
Saldier Drowns in Surf ;
- Firemen Hurt; Collision
J Wasco Blaze ControIIedl
v:: -Fire at Bald Mountain
the trucks, swung the machine
into a building in order to avoid
a more serious accident. The
truck broke a street traffic sig
nal and crushed the front' end of
a parked car before It hit , the
building, j -
25- (AP) A ten per. cent
cut in the wages of all Its em
ployes was announced today
by the Coos Day port commie
slo,t-;; .'i; . . ,
GRANTS PASS. Ore., July 25.
(AP) A major forest fire
was reported today near Bald
mountain la the SUkfyou nation
al forest and 79 experienced fire
fighters were sent to combat It.
Forest service officials estimated
the crew would not reach the fire
until late tonight because of a
long and difficult pack trail.
EUGENE. Ore., July 25 (AP)
Marcus W. Thurman, of Notl.
died from a heart attack this
morning while at. work peeling
Chlttan bark 15 miles northwest
of Mapletoa In the wilds of West
ern Lane county.
Thurman was - born In Lane
county. Feb. IS, 1881. and had
lived in the county all his life.
He is survived by his widow, one
daughter, three sons, .three broth
ers and five slaters.
v . . n
::..-T-, -
City men en Route
West on Extended Trip
To State Capitals!
.Adding 1 another day's consecu
tive flight to his world's record of
31 days. Dr. John D. Brock,
wealthy Kansas City business man
and sportsman' pilot, accompan
ied by CoL Ruby D. Garrett, gen
eral counsel for the Chamber of
Commerce of Kansas City, Mis
souri and a member of -the city
council, will arrive here August 9
at the municipal airport at 11:30
a.m. enroute to all the state cap
itals In the United States and the
principal municipalities along the
route of travel. They will be In
Salem Sunday afternoon and
night, leaving for Portland l Mon
day morning.
Dr. Brock ' and Colonel Garrett
carry with them ; the personal
greetings to . Governor Julius L.
Meier and to the governor, of each
state from Governor Harry H.
Woodrlng of Kansas, Governor
Henry 8. Caulfield of Missouri,
and Conrad H. Mann, president of
the Chamber of : Commerce of
Kansas City, Missouri. It is also
one of their special missions while
in Salem to deliver a goodwill mes
sage from the Chamber of Com
merce of Kansas City Missouri to
ths Chamber of Commerce offc
clsls of Salem.- - -
The flight Is being made for
several reasons, first to carry by
air a goodwill message from the
heart of America, the Kansas City,
Missouri chamber of commerce,
and the states of Kansas and Mis
souri to. all sections of the United
States, and to stimulate an inter
est In aviation and to secure prop
erly marked airways and advo
cate more emergency landing
(Turn to page 3, coL 7)
Federal spending agencies to
day searched their financial ac
counts anew for the savings ask
ed by President Hoover to reduce
a possible billion dollar .deficit
for this fiscal year. . -
Cabinet officials - have ' passed
oh to bureau , "heads ' the presi
dent's letter calling attention to
declining treasury receipts and
"the consequent large deficit in
dicated for 1932. . ' ,
Bureau chiefs were preparing
the special statement of "con
templated ultimate savings" that
Mr. Hoover directed be supplied
the9 budget bureau by August 17.
The president's letter said "the
situation Is a serious one and de
mands that we all make the most
earnest efforts to eliminate t or
postpone all activities sueh as
may be so treated without serious
detriment to the public welfare."
Broussard Says
- Long is Worst
Governor Ever
(AP) United State Senator Ed
win S. Broussard charged today
In a public statement that Husy
P. Long was violating the law by
serving as governor and that he
was the worst governor Louis
iana ever had.
The senator declared that when
Governor Long filed his creden
tials of election with ths United
States senate he became a senator
on last March 4 and forfeited his
right to -serve as governor. 1 He
also charged that Governor Long
was not content to be governor,
senator and a, member, of the
state and democratic national
committees all at the same time,
but now was attempting to name
a full slate of state officers' to be
dominated by Long from Wash
ington. s -s
Yu-San Army. Supported by
Canton Government
. Opens Warfare
Failure of Chiang to Make
Headway in Campaign
On Bandits Cause
' SHANGHAI, 'July 25 (AP)
With complete control in only
three of the score of provinces
la China, the nationalist govern
ment at Nanking -was-confronted
today with', one of .the most ser
ious of the several rebellions that
have plagned - its four, years of
turbulent existence. '..-.z
- ', Commissioned by the Canton
Insurgent government which has
ruled Kwangtung and Kwangsl
provinces since late April. General
Shlh Yu-San,. northern war lord,
has begun hostilities sgalnst the
Manehurlan allies of the nation
alist government. ....
' Thus the nationalist govern
ment, with power centered on the
Taagtse river of middle China,
has been placed between two rev
olutionary forces. Even in this
central area, the government
finds Itself menaced by organized
armies of Reds and bandits, rav
aging, towns and countryside.
For two months President Chl
any Kai-Shek devoted hts atten
tion "to military acUvlty against
outlawry la ' devastated Kiangsi
Province, taking up headquarters
at Nanchang. Its capital, to com
mand the 200,000 soldiers he as
serted were being thrown against
the brigands.
But little has been accomplish
ed In this campaign, and Chung's
enemies at Canton have taunted
him with charges of little intent
to suppress banditry, while se
cretly preparing to launch an of
fensive against Canton Insurg
ency. With dissension stilled within
their ranks and Independent mili
tary southern leaders pledging al
legiance, the Cantonese have an
nounced their intention of taking
the offensive agaist Nanking to
end the asserted dictatorship of
Chiang and his purpose of found
ing a "dynasty." They demand
increased share of government
and propose to establish strong
rule -instead of the weak and in
effective regime they charge is
unable to curb lawlessness.
"I haven't changed my mind a
bit.- Mayor P. M. Gregory declar
ed last night when asked what he
would do with the exclusive fran
chise for handling garbage, which
was last -Monday voted by the
council to the Sanitary Service
company of this city. Oregory
said he would veto the ordinance
and place it in the city recorder's
hands before his 10 days time was
up. which is next Thursday.
A two-thirds vote of the coun
cilman will be necessary to over
ride the mayoral rete.
The exclusive feature of the
measure is objectionable to him,
the mayor stated at the council
meeting Monday. In the ordin
ance, rates for gagbage disposal
are set which the company Is not
allowed to exceed, and responsi
bility for the care and operation
of the city incinerator is to be as
sumed by the service company,
without cost to the city.
Representatives from 11 com
munities along the east aide pa
cific highway between Salem and
Portland are expected here tomor
row night for a conference with
Salem chamber of commerce
members on the proposed widen
ing of the highway between the
state capital and the metropolis.
Henry R. Crawford, president of
the chamber, has called the meet
ing; J. N. Chambers la chairman
of the committee representing
the local chamber.
The representatives are expect
ed to send a delegation to the
state highway commission meet
ing here Thursday. July 30, urg
ing that the commission expend
sufficient money within the next
few years to Increase the width
of the road. Figures compiled
by the state highway department
reveal that the heaviest traffic
in the state la on the Portland
Salem road.; ' -
' r : y
GasWaron ,
In Earnest Now
SAN. FRANCISCO. July 25. -(AP)
More than 40 Independent
service stations around San Fran
cisco sold 13-cent gasoline today
as the "war" that has been
smouldering for several days gain
ed in Intensity. Many other filling
stations cut their prices from 16
to 14 cents.
I - ' 1
Alfalfa Bill
On Job With
Horse Pistol
.-r DURANTE Okla.. July 25 .
(AP) Governor W. H. (Alfalfa
Bill) Murray, an ancient horse
pistol In his valise, arrived . here
tonight from Oklahoma City and
took personal command of Okla
homa national guardsmen engag
ed in the Red River bridge war.
i The governor, accompanied by
Adjutant General Charles F. Bar
rett and a newly appointed colon
el. A. R. Losh. chief highway de
partment engineer, ate a supper of
liver and onions with a group -of
buck privates.
! Shortly afterward, one of his
aides, LleuL-CoL John A. MacDon
ald, gave verbal notice to Joe W.
Bailey, attorney for the Red River
Bridge Co., that he would defy a
federal court order handed; down
today-at Muskogee. .' Okla., re
straining maintenance of "a barri
cade erected by Oklahoma at the
approach to ' the -Deniaon-Dnrant
tall bridge, : ; . - y: . :
' Governor Murray left the state
eapltol late today to take personal
command of operations In a mar
tial law sons he had ordered at
the Oklahoma end of the bridge.
The south end of the structure Is
in Texas.
Assistant Postmaster Says
Job Well Done, Local
Men to be Hired
' Complaint by Salem paint firms
that the contractor for reflnishlng
the interior of the postofflce
building was not being mads - to
follow the original specifications
which were given to bidders, and
that local workmen were not be
ing employed where possible, was
quashed yesterday by Arthur Gib
bard, assistant pCstmaster. He re
ported that specifications are be
ing followed In a manner satis
factory to postal offllcals, and
that at least eight Salem laborers
will be employed beginning Mon
day. ., '
The questioning of the Danville,
la., contractor's work apparently
grew out of the wide variation be
tween his bid and that of the
three Salem firms which sought
the job. The difference between
the lowest local bid and that of
the midwest firm was about
$2000. Local painters have declar
ed the building could 'not be re
finished according to . specifica
tions for the sum of the Iowa
man's bid.
It is reported that when . the
work of removing the ' varnish
from the woodwork in the building
was begun over a week ago. a
postal inspector found the " old
finish was not being removed as
called for In specifications, but
was only being dulled. According
to the word of the proprietor of
a local paint firm, the inspector
ordered C. R. Phleger, superin
tendent for the contractor, to re
move the varnish entirely.
C. D. Inman. the contractor. Is
expected tb arrive in the city this
week to confer with his superin
tendent. PAPER HOUSE
PORTLAND, Ore., July 25.
(AP) Fire1 of undetermined or
igin gutted the Hawley Pulp it
Paper company's warehouse here
today and destroyed or damaged
4000 tons of newsprint. Damage
was estimated by Acting Fire
Chief Johnson'at $250,000.
: The fire started ' in - the base
ment and spread quickly to other
parts of the-building." More than
100 firefighters, comprising 20
companies and two flreboat crews,
fought the flames for hours.
The paper , burned - included
stocks for local papers and to
supply the deficiency the com
pany's plant at Oregon City, which
had been shut down lor the week
end,' was started up again this af
ternoon. - -
Mountain to be j
Leveled in Big
Dynamite Blast
The middle of next weekv.Jake
RIsley, dynamiter for the county
court, will press a little lever
and as Graham McNamee would
say, "another little mountain will
bite the dust." The blowup will
oeoar at Victor Point, 15 miles
mmmt it Raima, when 12.000 to
$15,000 yards of " rock will be
iBAunlii nn w d-rnamita to 'Ber-
mlt Its being crushed by the-eoun-
ty in plants now operating,
.Risiey ana nis crew mtw
worked for weeks preparatory, to
tfc Miit Two nits, each 24 feet
in depth, have been dug and from
each pit tour cunneis nave owu
ran into the solid rock for a, dis
tance of 20 feet. In each tunnel
1500. pounds of dynamite will be
placed, then the tunnels will be
filled with rock, the wells will be
filled and when the lines running
to the dynamite and fnses have
been hooked to a switch, the
blast will be set off. ' .
Four in Hospitals dierom
Burns and Shock; Many
Dead Unidentified
Mop Soaked With oil Found
Possible Cause; Probe
. Of Fire Started
Bereft bt the home .that, was
transformed by fire from a. mer
ciful shelter r. to . an inferno - of
death . and- terror," scores ' of old.
men -and women- were la. hospit
als here tonight and . the -bodies
of 'S3 -others lay In the county
morgue.- . - " - ;
The flames left In ruins the
little sisters of the poor home
for the aged, a charitable haven
for 230 Inform persons, none of
them ander 00 years of age.
.: Two hundred and thirteen men
and women were In hospitals.
Many of them were racked by
memory or a night of horror In
the fire-swept four story brick
building. Some of them were val
iant volunteer rescuers, police
men and firemen who labored to
save the helpless inmates.
Four Victims la
Hospitals Swecojnb
The number of dead rose to 33
when four victims succumbed in
hospitals. Some of the Inmates of
the home were close to 89 years
old and suffered from shock and
exposure la addition to barns.
- Seventeen of the dead were not
even partially identified. Al
though some were burned badly,
making identification difficult, it
was believed all mere inmates of
the Institution ides the 230
aged men ancf men, the home
housed Iff -nun attendants. All
had retired to rest when the
alarm was sounded late last
Fire Chief Richard L. Smith,
who estimated the property dam
age at between 145,000 and $50,
000, said the cause of the fire had
not been, established. He said the
floors were oiled and polished
yesterday and that, a . mop, pos
sibly soaked with oil, had been
left on the first floor, and may
have caused spontaneous combus
tion. Four Investigations were start
ed by city and county authorities
and representatives of the Fire
Underwriters association. Chief
Smith said much of the loss of
life and damage would have been
averted if there had been proper
safeguards in the old building.
PENDLETON, Ore., July 25
(AP) Umatilla county taxpayers
met here today and perfected a
county tax organisation. An exe
cutive . -committee representing
five districts of the county . was
Mae Hoke, Pendleton, was nam
ed president of the organization.
M. L. Watts. Athena, vice presi
dent: and B.-B. Richards,-Athena,
secretary. -
Resolutions favoring, lower tax
levies in this county, were adopt
ed. ' A proposal of a special legis
lative session was not discussed.
Leslie Scott, state tax league of
ficial, spoke on taxation problems
and discussed future work of the
state organization.
WARREN. Pa., July 25.
(AP) Fire tonight destroyed five
2500-barreI storage tanks, of the
United Refinery - company here,
and was controlled only after fire
departments had fought It for
more-than tour hours'
Journeyman Barbers to
Oppose Price Cut Move
Kickback from the action of a
majority of Salem "boss" barbers
in their price catting action, as
announced last Wednesday, Is ex
pected to take the form of severe
penalties, when the Salem Bar
bers' anion holds a joint meeting
with the employers Monday night
In Labor hall. Presence of aa
international anion executive
here yesterday and at the Monday
meeting. Is believed to mean that
the Journeymen barbers are ser
ious and determined la their ob
jections to the lowered prices. " -
nrk. t rvansltv for the re
ly ol tin g amployers will be Is not
eertain, but the rumor was
lent yesterday that their anion
cards would almost surely be re
roked. There was also hint-that
the proHinlon rules group might
also resort to underselling the
revoltera. as well as taking their
cards away from them. - j
H. C Pickering, of Taeoma.
eighth vice-president of the In
ternational Barbers anion and
traveling organizer for the west
ern division, came here yesterday
to confer with the union object
ors to cutting children's hair for
2 5 . cents and giving plain sham
CoHisoIidate Forces
Skidder Rigger
Seriously . Hurt
I In Canyon Fall
SILVERTON, Jury 25 Matt
Holkk. second rigger oh a skidder
of Camp 17 -of the Silver Falls
Timber Co.,- is In the Silverton
hospital suffering from a broken
rip, a broken leg and possibly . a
fracture of the skull as the result
of a .50-foot fall today to the bot
tom of a canyon..: .
.Holkk was ".carrying - a - line
across a canyon on a windfall log
when he slipped, and -feu to the
rim-rock below,. He was rushed
to the highway on a speeder and
then to the hospital in an ambu
lance. He is doing well and his
recovery is expected.
Arrow Travels 466 Yards;
Uses Homemade bow, :
r At Tournament "
PORTLAND. Ore.. July 15
(AP) -Homer Prouty, Portland.
fitted a homemade arrow to a
homemade bow at the western
archery association's tournament
here today and sent the missile
singing through the air more
than 4Cf yards more than a
quarter of. a mile and a new
world's flight record,'
" Pronty's feat was the outstand
ing event of the second day of
the. tournament. His snot beat
by more than 42 yards the pre
vious world s record of. 42 4 yards
jet at Chicago last summer by L.
L. Daller. Eugene. Ore. " : t
; Dr. George Cathey,' Portland,
placed second 'In the flight Trtth
42 yards. - - :
' Mrs. Homer Prouty contributed
to the family laurels by breaking
the women's western", flight rec
ord when she shot an arrow 330
yards, one yard better than the
old mark.
The tournament will be con
cluded -tomorrow.
i .The summary:
i Flight Shoot . (Men) Homer
Prouty. Portland, first, 460 yards,
10 H Inches; Dr. George Cathey,
second. 42 S yds., 2 ft., 1 in.;
Dr. P. L. Tawney, Portland, third.
411 yds., 1 ft., i5 In. (New
world's v record).
Flight Shoot (Women) Mrs.
Homer Prouty. Portland, first,
331 yds., 1 ft, 5 In.: Mrs. George
Eckles,, Oakland, 317. yds., 2 ft
IK la.; Mrs. Earl Partlow, Mon
mouth, 2 9 2 yds.. 2 ft, 10 in.
(New western record).
Flight Shoot f Junior) Jack
Dalley. Eugene, first. 342 yds.,
1 ft, 1.H in.
Second National Round (Wom
en) Miss Alta Armstrong, Los
Angeles, SIC, (04 hits) first;
Mrs. I. N. Stants, Seattle, 31
(2 hits) second; Mrs. H. B.
Clark. San Meandro, 279, third.
Miller Opposes W
, j Special Session
. A special session of the legisla
ture would be , "expensive and
useless for it can't accomplish
anything. in the opinion of Sena
tor Edwin A. Miller of -Grants
Pass. Miller presided here yes
terday at Pie joint meeting of the
Isaak Walton league and the
game protective- association. He
said he would come to Salem if
the session ' was called but was
emphatic In his' opposition to' the
session. "."-- . . " j-
poos and massages at reduced
rates. . - -"
A number of the Journeymen
work on a guarantee and com
mission . basis, so that reduced
prices means lower wages for
them. Other union barbers de
clared yesterday that they could
not give the best quality haircut
for 25 cents, that cutting chil
dren's hair was. more difficult
than cutting that of adults, and
that they had 'as much" business
as -they could handle now. On
the other hand, there were anion
men who declared that no barber
would object even to having chil
dren standing la line waiting for
The difficulties began last
Tuesday night,' when - a group of
the "boss" - barbers Invited all
the proprietors of anion shops to
attend a meeting to discuss the
question, of reducing rates for
children." .They declared - their
purpose for to help relieve fami
lies . suffering from the depres
sion In unemployment ; Although
three' of the proprietors refused
to attend the meeting, the other
"bosses"- decided to advertise the
reduced rates on the following
morning. -
- - , -
; . - i
Executive Committee
Of 15 and Larger
Group to act
Izaak Walton League,
. Game Protective
: : Society Elect r ;
' Formation of an executive com-.
mittee of five members to be aug-1
mented by general council ef 2 ;
members picked from representa
tive sportsmen throughout the
state to represent the Isaak Wal
ton League and the Oregon Game
Protective association in matters -of
policy coming before the state
game commission - was decided;
upon at a state-wide council of
the two organisations held here
yesterday in the chamber j of
Commerce. 1
Under a resolution adopted af
ter warm debate by the sportsmen,
members of the executive com
mittee will consist of the presi
dent of the Ixaak Walton league. .
the president ef the Game Protec
tive association. Senator Edwin A.
Miller, - retiring- president of the
Izaak Walton league and two oth
er members selected at large from
throughout the state.
The new organization of execu
tive , committee and statewide
council will be supplemented by
another committee consistinr of.
"TO members, one being chosen by
eacn ot me 70 sportsmen's organ
izations In the state. Marshall
Dana, chairman of the state game
commission urged In an address
before the conference, that sports- -men
present a united front -ln;
presenting their needs to the com
mission and the . new merged
council resulted in the succeeding
business meeting.
Policies of Game
Commission: Backed
Resolutions approving the pol
icy of the present ' state game
commission were adopted by the
members of the two organizations
which were in annual joint session
here Saturday. The groups al?0
voted their approval of the forma
tion of legislation to be proposed
In 19 33s to restrict the governor
from remoTinr members of the
state' game board with - specific
"We've been troubled for 21
(Turn to page 3, col. 4)
1 1
WHIT RIVER, Apache Res
ervation, Ariz., July 25 (AP)
Five young Apache bucks, de- ..
scendants of tribesmen who once '
terrorized the southwest with i
their raids on Indian and white '.
man-alike, were arrested today as ;
three sgencies of the law moved, 1
swiftly to solve the brutal killing,
ot Henrietta Sehmerler.
- The arrests were made among
a small but lawless group of In- ;
dians who live with their more
peaceful kin of the Apache reser
vation here. The names of the :
suspects were not disclosed. An-
other was hunted.
. Announcement of the arrests .
was made after a coroner's jury
had listened to testimony from
officials Indicating that the young
woman, a 23-year-old research
worker in anthropology from Co
lumbia university. New York, had
been" attacked and slain.
" - Death' probably- resulted from-,
knife wounds. She was stabbed'
in the throat .and cut abont tbe:
head and shoulders.
SINAIA. Rumania, July 25 ;
(AP) Flurries of snow and rain"
today provided an unusual subs--
mer background for the colorfsl
latt-mlnnta preparations for ti3-
weddlna of Princess Ileana an3
Archduke Anton of Austria wklei;
is to take place here tomorrow.
Slnala was alive with excite-.
meat Flags flaw from every win-
dow" and thousands of peasants,; .
resplendent la national costumes,'
watched the preliminary arrange
ments. - ' 1
The only complaints against the;
weather cam from the numerous;
news and film photographers.:
Special . arrangements for them
were cancelled at the . last mo
meat, hut Archduke Aston smil
ingly promised," however, he and
his bride would pose for them to
morrow to their hearts content
The visit here yesterday of Mi-
ron Christen, patriarch of the Ru
manian orthodox church, It wzs
explained today, was merely to
rive Princess Ileana the ehurcrrs
blessing bef, she leaves It for
the Roman Cathoile fold.