The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 25, 1931, Page 1, Image 1

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    fr -
! -
- Have The Statesman fol
low while on your Tacation.
Mailed to any address 25
cents for two week Just
telephone- 9101. -
aor change in temperature;
. If ax. Temp. Friday 88, Jlin.
4, river -2.0 feet, dear,
north wind.
a .1 i . ' - . s a f m in t i iiiii is iiiaarii . p r i w a it it v a s s a i . tbslb . a i s a a
" . . . i a av esw tssssasaw r i am a t
DGHTY-tORST YEAR r j -.;.;..: , " : H Salem, Oregon, Satnrday Morning, Joly 25, 1931 1 T . v No. 103
Mil r ii ii ii jel iitc zioo iui tir& o .1 1 iii ir hi i n hi ir- vxavx w. iiiiiir nu .nhi 1111 i-h-ili-iji i in i ii
tl Vf 1 1 ! if Ia -fit U I UU L 1 1 I U UIHL
Huge Dirigible Starts for
Leningrad on Second leg
Of Arctic Journey Early
This Morning " '
Scientific Studies Object of
Cruise; Americans are in
Party; Crowd out to Give
Big Sendoff .
BERLIN, July 25. (Saturday)
(AP) Amidst the. cheers of
nereral hundred early . risers, the
Graf Zeppelin took of lit 3:40
a. m. today (10:40 p. m. Friday.
E. S. T.) from Staaken airdrome
for Leningrad on the second leg
of her flight to the arctic.
.. As . the I hngo : dirigible rose.
members ; of the scientific party
aboard and of the crew crowded
the cabin windows, waring fare
well to Berlin.
Enthusiastic shouts of "Hoeh
and "Gute relse" (good Journey)
accompanied the Zeppelin as she
took off. '
BERLIN. July 24. (AP)
The Graf Zeppelin was at Staaken
airdrome on the outskirts of Ber
lin tonight, prepared to start early
tomorrow morning for Xenlngrad
on her expedition to the arctic.
: The big dirigible was flown to
day from her home port of Fried
richshafen. landing here at 6 p. m
Her commander. Dr. Hugo Ecken-
er. exnects " to depart at 4 a. m.
The ship was welcomed here
by Mayor Hetnrichsam, the Rus
sian ambassador and a group or
other officials.
The American arctic experts.
Lieutenant Commander Edward
H. Smith of the United States
eoast ruard end Lincoln Ells
worth, are among the it men on
the eroedltlon."
Lieutenant Commander Smith
said he beliered the present Zep-
Delin expedition, would e of ralue
to future study of glacial eondl
tious In the Greenland region. He
will be entrusteu with the work of
making Ice and navigation obser
' 'rations. : r -
NEW YORK, July 24 (AP)
The Rer. Joseph Lynch, Ford
ham university seismologist, to
day told how seismologists, who
hare been content with reporting
earthquakes after they . happen,
are seeking to perfect their sci
ence so that some day they may
predict earth movements and
sare countless lives by their prog
nostications. "The Japanese Mn particular
are working toward this end," he
said. -"We have learned that a
gradual tilt in the earth's crust
invariably precedes a Quake. Now
it we can record and chart these
tilts, which are imperceptible to
the eye of man, we will be able
to tell where earthquake iones
are forming."
la Germany, Father Lynch ex
plained to an interviewer, seis
mology is being used in a com
mercial way. Artificial earth
quakes are created by explosives.
-By measurements obtained from
recording Instruments, the min
eral content of the earth at that
Point may be calculated.
Battle Lines Drawn Up
But Shooting i7hrA:e
DURANf. Okla July 24
CAP) As Oklahoma national
f5Vdwme.1nd TexM raisers fac
tonight It appeared that the "war
vIJVi nd,polat- tn lawmaker of
Lt,KHhKTlng acted nll7 to re
establish peace. . . "
aAiv whlcn the lerilators at
" be would remove the
cause of war was passed at Austin
and dispatched to Houston this
lrMfIC '-Surfree
bridge, about which int- T
hostilities haveWceBtered ' Ute
- Meanwhile, all was Wet on the
Convention is Ended
With Li vely Ban quet
Abstractors Elect R. D.
President; Scene of Next Year's
Meeting is not yet Settled;
TTWN-MAKING, an informal
JL and a short, humorous
James Ralph Jewell of Oregon State college last night
uruugnt me convention oi tne
close, after a day of business sessions and addresses on
technical subjects of interest
Hay Derrick Contacts High
Tension j Wire, Seven
Men are Victims
: FREEWATER. Ore., July 24
(AP) One man was killed, two
were burned and four suffered
from shock 1 when the arm of a
hay derrick i they were moving
contacted , a i high tension wire
near here today.
: Leo La wson, 55, seized the arm
and attempted to free It from the
wire He was killed instantly.
B. F. Smebser was burned and
suffered; a (broken collar borfe
when he and another. grabbed a
chain and attempted to pull the
arm. free. Glen Wilson also was
burned and he and Smelzer were
taken to a Walla Walla hospital.
Lawson Is t survived by two
PENDLETON, Ore., July 24
IAP) A wooden grain elevator
collapsed near here today crush
ing' Alex Mclntyre to death. The
structure was filled with wneai.
iiMi given
.Personal 'judgments of $399
and $111. were awarded Mlno
Mamboram against Ben T. now
and 1104.30 and S6Z6.91 -were
awarded Mamboram against S.
Klkueht i in a decision riled yes
terday Jn the county clerk's of flee
by Judge Gall S. Hill. The awards
rrew out of a ease filed by Mam
boram against Itow, Kikuchl. Roy
K. Fukuda and Labish Meadows
rvierr anion, f The suit attracted
a large! number of celery raisers
when it as tried here ten days
ago. M " ! :
The Judge disallowed all Hens
which the plaintiff asked on crops
of the ; defendants and released
Fukuda and , the Labish Meadows
Celery union without liability.
In disposing of the liens Judge
Hill declared that the description
nt the nronerty on wnicn i,
were placed , was Indefinite as
well : as the! 'claims, which were
for work done Jointly by Filipinos
who had; assigned their claims to
Mamboram. i Hill held that -an
Indirect' argument lntroaucea i
Invalidate the leases held by the
plaintiff audi his claimants was
invalid since i the point was not
introduced in the pleadings and
since Fukuda's original lease was
made prior S to 1923 when the
anti-alien land laws were enacted
in Oregon, jf
Chicago Not so
Bad. Women Say
- i, . -
TCHICAGO, July 24 (AP)--To
America's women: "Ifs saie io
visit Chicago."
Take it from the women- Ben
efit association, wnose u,w
delegates returned to their homes
today after passing a resolution
that Chicago "bad criminal rep
utation is undeserved."
battle front. ! A detachment of 33
Oklahoma national guardsmen
patrolled a small martial law sone
at the Oklahoma end of the Deni
son toll bridge which has been
barricaded by Governor W. H.
Murray who wants the free bridge
opened. - j
Half a mile away, on the other
side of the river, fire bored Texas
ranger guardedt he south end of
the free -bridge, which Governor
Ros S. Sterling ordered kept clos
ed until lifting of a federal in
junction T obtained by the toll
bridge owners against nse of the
free structure. ; i
f Lieut. ! Col; John A. McDonald,
commanding the Oklahoma troops,
was told by ' Adjutant General
Charles F. Barrett to "hold the
fort but keep the costs down." -
McClallen, Enterprise,
banquet at the Marion, hotel,
but pointed address by Dean
ujregon xiue assuciauon to ai
to abstractors.1
O In his talk entitled "Caveat
Emptor, or Let the Buyer Be
ware," 'Dean Jewell declared that
cheating had long been respect
able in the world's business, un
der the disguised title of "bar
gaining." "Honesty in business Is
recent," he said. "I wonder If
modern civilization has not spread
from the guarantee of the abstrac
tor. He helped break down the
idea of caveat emptor by guar
anteeing land.
The delegates were welcomed
to Salem and invited to return,
by Henry It. Crawford, president
of the Salem chamber of com
merce. Scotch songs by Robert
Hutcheon and a piano skit -by V.
P. McNamara were enthusiastical
ly applauded. Jim Johns. Pendleton.-
vice-president of the
(Turn, to page 6, cot 1)
WHITE RIVER, Apache Reser
ration, Ariz., July 24 (AP)
Apparently 1 a f n, . Henrlett
Schmerler, 23, Columbia univer
sity. New -York, student, was
found dead 'in a shallow-ravine
near iuo run Ap&cua 'vemeiery
today. She had been missing
since Saturday. '
The supposed killing was ' a
complete .mystery. The ground
near the body showed evidences
of a struggle but the girl bore no
flesh wounds apparent. She was
here to study Indian life on -a
research grant of the Columbia
anthropology department and had
lived for a month alone in a cab
in at Eastfork, four miles from
Apache reservation headquarters.
She had been given to lonely ex
ploration of the countryside on
foot. 1 ;
Officials encountered rumors
that Miss Schmerler may have
aroused Jealousy among younger
Indian women by her mingling
with the tribe. There was no con
firmation of this.
. The body was found by Deputy
Sheriff George Woolford, heading
a searching party of 25. Apaches.
The discovery was made a few
hours after Frank D. Fackenthal,
Columbia university secretary,
had asked Got. Hunt of Arizona
to aid the search.
SEATTLE, July 24 (AP)
Two weeks was the time, given
bootlegger, beer parlor, and
Jointiat to quit their business or
go to Jail by Seattle's new chief
of police, wmiam is. Kent, toaay.
At his desk in central head
Quarters the chief amplified his
statement that "graft must ; go".
He said he wouldn't turn the en-
forcement of the dry law over to
the federal prohibition depart
ment In order to concentrate on
stamping out other lawlessness.
"We have a state prohibition
law as well as the federal law."
he said. "And we will strictly
enforce all' the laws, Including
prohibition, but we're not going
to bother the home owner wno
has a Ittle wine or beer tor hla
own use. That ' would ' make 1 a
farce of prohibition, if It. has any
merit at all." ' ;
Rocky Mountain j
Region is Again
. Badly Scorched
TtANSAS CITY. July 24 (AP)
The Rocky Mountain states
r the nrer of scorching tem
peratures again today while the
mid-west refreshed itself with a
cooler breath or two against re
newed blasts of oven-neat prom-t.-A
hv the forecasters.
Utah, Idaho, Wyoming and the
west slope of Colorado bore the
brunt of the sun's sixiung. on
slaught whieb previously had
.nn centra ted against the
plains of Kansas and Oklahoma.
RESCUER DROWNS i - -otfirn.P.
Jnlr 24 (AP)
11 ft.trnn 70. ' drowned tO-
.,' tr, i .va Washington in at
r. A an 11 rear old
rlrl who had waded beyond her
Eiri wuo " Krlstensen. I
JoPt to she wfeTy. - - ,
CTDi r rnp
Leave Barracks Under Tnire
After Soldiers Fire
On Stronghold
TWO Known Dead and Many
. -.. s.-.:
Wounded; Americans
In Vicinity Safe
SANTIAGO, Chile, July 24
(AP) Students who had -been
barricaded In the University of
Chile for two days In protest
against the government, left the
university under a truce late to
day, after soldiers had tired on
their stronghold.
Two were known to have been
killed and many wounded, Includ
ing a number of women In the
streets, in continuous tiring and
sniping during the afternoon, af
ter fighting at the university. Po
lice and students blamed each oth
er for starting the battle.
Troops made three separate at
tacks on the university building.
More than 3000 shots were fired
there and in other parts of the
downtown area. All business was
suspended and stores, offices and
banks put up steel shutters.
Isaae Marcosson, magazine
writer, his wife, and Miss Evelyn
Seeley, New York newspaper
woman, with others escaped In-
Jury when they were caught In
doorway by charging lancer.
They shouted that they were
It was a critical day with Presi
dent Carlos Ibanes replying to the
student . demands that he resign
by saying that he would uphold
his administration, even if it cost
I ng jjfe
CHICAGO, July 24 (AP)
Ralph Capone's appeal from con
viction for Income tax violations
was - denied today, dashing the
hopes of two other "public ene
mies," of escaping penitentiary
terms as well as his own.
The United States circuit court
of appeals affirmed the federal
district court In sentencing the
elder brother of the more no
torious "Scarface" to three year
in Leavenworth penitentiary, and
a fine of $10,000.
The charge was attempting to
defraud the government of taxes,
penalties and Interest amounting
to more than $300,000 on an In
come of $2,000,000 In 1922, 1923.
1924 and 1925. It resulted from
Capone's declaration that he owed
only $5000, that his only assets
were two broken down race horses
and that he was prepared to bor
row $1000 if the government
would settle for that sum.
Frankle Lake and Terry Drug-
gan, former twin millionaires of
he beertrade, had pleaded guilty,
"with reservations." to evading
payment-of income taxes. They
bet their chances on Capone's
winning his appeal. . They.' now
face sentence unless hey appeal
to ut supreme court. - x . .
,-4 T . . '
Keturn ungmai
Mntnr fn Panp
SEATTLE. July 24 (AP)
Reg L. Robblns and Harold S.
Jones, Fort Worth, Texas, fliers,
tonight ' telegraphed to Duncan,
Okla., tor the 425 horsepower
motor with which their plane.
The Fort Worth" was originally
equipped after being forced to
postpone the start of their non
stop refueling flight from Seattle
to Tokyo when they discovered
the motor Just ' installed was
using too much oil.
The motor has been In storage
at Duncan. They said It would
be shipped by express tonight
and. should be In Seattle within I
four day' . They hare allowed
themselves four .mora days for
Installation and testing and said
they expected to be enroute on
the S100 mile hop by August t
or 4. : ' '. ' '
Worker Blinded,
Pjcff7 n 721 nc George Penovich , was arrested
leSUlZ OI DiaSZliM the driver of a car allegedly
SANDY. Ore.; July 14. (AP)
R. L. Davis, a road worker,
suffered -the loss of both eyes, a
broken arm and other injuries
yesterday when be was caught In
an explosion on a road near Cedar
The powder failed to explode
when expected and Dayis .went
back to Investigate.
For Berlin;
Just a Visit
LONDON, July 2 4 (AP) Se
cretary of State Henry L, Btimson i
was on the way to Germany to
night where for two days he will
continue his conversations with
Chancellor Bmenlnr and Foreign
Minister curtius.
inis Yiait is just a trip to one
more -European capital to become
better acquainted with the heads
of the several governments. -
It has nothing to do with fi
nancial matters, he said, and la
not concerned with the work of
.1 lDW seven-power conference wmcn
Just ended.
In' authoritative Quarters It was
said the Germans had abandoned
their intention to present to Mr.
iStlmson their hope for a large
American credit. It is understood
the request, never was ' actually
made of Mr. Stlmson and there
Is a general feeling that such a
matter is a problem for the bank
ers rather than for statesmen.
Kowitz to Call Utilities
Committee Together
Early Next Week
Chris J. Kowitx, back from a
few days' Tacation at Oregon
beach resorts, said late yesterday
that he would call the public
utilities committee on the city
council, Into conference early next
week to consider the Baar &
Cunningham report on various
possible water :. systems tor the
city,' .
"I haven't had time to do more
than glance , through the report,'
Kowitx said, "but I do not believe,
offhand,' that I favor submitting
two separate premosals to the vot
ers as someone has suggested."
Kowitz said he though such
vote would be confusing' and
might result in defeat for a mu
nicipally owned " system. . People
voting "no" on, the one proposal
and "yes", on another would, be
opposed by voters who voted "no '
on both projects with a resulting
majority against both' projects.
Kowitz said.
He said that he was rather In
clined to favor the purchase of
the Oregon-Washington Water
Service company's plant without
regard -to any filter system, or
mountain supply, before having
the city decide what It wanted to
do after the system was purchas
ed. He said the entire matter
would be thoroughly discussed in
committee before any decision was
reported out to the council at Its
next meeting. :
A legal battle to prevent extra
dition of Guy Edward Hudson
from California to Washington to
face a charge of committing big
amy in marrying Mrs. . Minnie
(Ma) Kennedy appeared certain
tonight after a day of conferences
between Hudson, his recent evangelist-wife
and attorneys.'
FrosTbehlnd closed doors to an
attorney's : office where Hudson
was taken after- posting $1500
bail pending action on the bigamy !
warrant wired here -from Cowllts
county. Washington, came the
We have only be-
nn to fight.
I authorities today after the. war
rant-charging him with bigamy ar-
I rived and officials started a hunt
for the man whoso marriage to
Mrs. Kennedy and her successful
annulment proceedings embroiled
him In a series of legal backfires.
I A ball bondsman and an attorney
accompanied Hudson to the sher
iffs office. A few minutes after
the bond had been approved an
other attorney appeared and offer
ed to give bond. He said he had
been retained by Mrs. Kennedy.
y txro Allffi TCkZln.
Of Liquor Taken
By Dry Officers
BEND,. Ore., July 24 (AP)
Two liquor-laden automobiles
were seised by state and county
prohibition - officers here last
carrying a ten gallon keg of
moonshine whiskey and a quan
tity of bottled beer. .
Mr. and Mrs. "William Thomp
son were caught unloading
quarts of beer at their home, the
officers said. Thompson escaped
after he was given permission to
go to the house for his hat. .His
wife Is. being held In. the county
New - Conflagrations Break
Out- as Those Fought
Two Weeks Checked .
National Guards Held Ready
For Call as Blaze at
Cassa Threatens
CHEYENNE, Wyo.. July 24.
(AP) New fires broke out today
in Wyoming a few - hours after
forest officials said other flames.
some of them burning for two
weeks and threatening valuable
ranch property, were checked.
National guard troops were re
quested to fight a fire that broke
out anew today near Cassa, 30
miles north of Wheatland, after
smouldering since Monday. Volun
teers were organized at Wheat
land and pending developments
the troops were not sent.
Another new fire occurred In
the Toltee region near Laramie
outside the Medicine Bow nation
al forest. About 1000 acres was
quickly burned and aid was re
quested from Denver. The flames
were out of control.
Dnde Ranch Guests
Aiding la Battle '
"A crew of several huadred be
grimed and tired dude ranch
guests had aided forest officials
and other volunteers In checking
flames on Jockey's Fork in the
scenic Dubois country that threat
ened several dude ranches. The
C. M..dude ranch was in the path
of the flames until the wind shift
ed and today officials said .they
believed there was no immediate
danger that ranch property would
be burned. .
Fires in Yellowstone - national
park. Grand Teton national for
est and in the Blaek hills of north
eastern Wyoming" were checked.
at least temporarily. -
Plans for. bringing 1000 tire
fighters to Yellowstone park were
abandoned as the fires diminished
and the present crew of 558 men
will be augmented by 100 tomor
Enforcement by city .police of
the law glvinr pedestrians at
street crossings the right of way
brought Russell Berg of Dallas
to a hurried stop here yesterday
at the command of the siren of
George Edwards, city traffic of
ficer. Edwards reported that
Berg, driving at excessive speed
along Commercial street forced
at least three pedestrians to Jump
backward to keep from being run
down .by Berg's car.
Frank Mlnto, chief of police.
has ordered his downtown men
the past week to alternate every
day or two from checking over
time parking to watching inter-J
sections to catch the drivers who
have been forcing pedestrians ei
ther to run : for their lives or to
wait several minutes at' each In
tersection for a gap In the pass
ing line of ears.
Edwards state yesterday .he
believed the campaign was prov
ing well worth the effort.
The Dallas driver is to answer
the speeding charge before Alfred
Mundt, acting police Judge, to
day.- .- . . ;
Henry P. Fletcher will retire
September If from his post as
chairman of the tariff commis
Quarter Million Chinese j
Gird for New Civil War
SHANGHAI. July 24. (AP)
Midsummer again finds armies
throughout north China totalling
at least a quarter million girding
for civil war, while probably an
other quarter million of doubtful
allegiance look on ready to take
a hand If opportunity offers. i
Official Brbnouncements at
both Pelplng and Nanking tonight
discarded prerolus pretences that
peace reigned and sounded a call
to arms to suppress the rebel
General Shin Yu-San.
In PeinlntT. Shang Hsueh-Li-
ang, governor of Manmuchia and
ally of the nationalist government
at Nanking, issued a manifesto
branding Sblh Yu-San as "con
demned and ostracized In the eyes
of the nation." Chang announced
that Manchurian forces, support
ing Nanking and' national unity,
would destroy him. -
His Manehuriana. said Chang,
hitherto had.refraiaed from jtak-
ing the offensive, hoping Shin Yu-
if m i i' m
Inmates of Home Conducteby Little Sisters oRhe Poor
' Suffocate; Heroism Exhibited by Nuns and .Volunteers,
Some of Whom are Trapped Along With; Inmates;
Six Alarm Blaze Fought fu" 1
Mother Superior Rescues ftjjany of Helpless Wards, has
To be Prevented by ForcV From Entering After Blaze
. Makes Entry Dangerous; Hospitals are Filled and Ac
: curate Check on Fatalitie Impossible '
PITTSBURGH, July 24 f (AP) Thirty persons were
known to be dead, 20 missing;, and more than 100 were
in hospitals after fire had destroyed the home for the aged1
of the Little Sisters of the Popr here tonight. :
Most of the dead were ged inmates of the home, lo
cated at the corner of South &iken and Penn avenues in the
east end district. Efforts to make a check on the number
which might have been trapped in the home, which housed
numerous cripples, was impossible because the rescued were
at various hospitals and ini a nearby school and ; private
homes. - . , .
. The fire was not detected by persons at the home but
was first sighted by neighbors who turned in an alarm. Six
alarms were sounded" in rapid succession as soon as the ser-
PORTLAND. Ore., July 24
(AP) Betty Jean Forslund. 11
months-old baby kidnaped from
her foster parents, Mr. and -Mrs
Axel Forslund, here July 11, will
be retained in a nursery home
and the search for her parents will
be continued.
Judge C. H. GUbert, " of the
court of public relations, gave thatr
declsion after a hearing of thei
child's case here today. If. afterq
a reasonable time,- Judge Gilbert
ruled, the child s parents have notN
been, found, any responsible per
son may ask to adopt Betty Jean.
William F. Chalk, who police
said admitted kidnaping the baby;
is In Jail here on a larceny charge!
m. i j z
the child's father but later he de-.
nled this. ' .
Mrs. Forslund said the baby
was given her last ran by a win
man employed In .a hopfleld near
Independence, Ore.
- . - t
- .
HT v w if - A 2 JJ -
i o Banaiis;,ar
Used in Holdup
The first time he ever left his
car . unlocked, a pair of bandits
drove it' away to ' escape, from sa
holdup they had Just made. Dr. &.
G. Hummel reported when he re
turned here late Thursday from a
Tacation trip to Vancouver, B. Ci
When Dr. Hummel left his car
while making a purchase in 5 a
Vancouver shop, the two bandits
appropriated -the machine, aftfr
they had held up an accountant
in an Ice . cream manufacturing
plant. Vancouver police fouad
the car undamaged parked In an
alley late in the afternoon. Z
San 1 might see the error of "his
ways and'repledge loyalty to Nan
king. However, Shin Yu-San Mon
day occupied the important rail
way Junction at Shihchlanehuan5r,
ISO miles south of Pelplng. there
by irevocarbly stamping himself
an enemy of the state. f .
"A Mukdeaite' communique - is
sued at Pelplng tonight said 0
Manchurian airplanes '' bombed
Shih Yu-San's forces at Chenig
tlngfu nearby, causing 3000 cas
ualties, i'
The planes came from Paotlsg-
fu, 75 miles north, where te
Manchurlans were forming a base
to withstand ' rebel armies ad
vancing northward and eastward.
Several. Shansi province divlsJors
were reported pouring through
mountain passes to attack. Pae-
tlngfa, which may force the Man
churlans to fall back upon tha
city from Wanrtu. 20 miles
southward. Althoughxwell equip
ped, the Manchurlans : were sal J
to have Uttle desire tor fight, -g
SSi fSSk ,
lousness or . me situation was
were called from all parts of the
city. " .-.;.
The flames quickly spread t
all parts of the home and many
aged persons could be seen stand
ing at windows screaming for'
help. - -Nuns and brothers of a.
religious order aided firemen in
the work of rescue.
Mother Superior
Exhibits Heroism
The mother superior of the In
stitution was among those most
active in assisting the elderly
men and women from the build?
ing. After the fire had spread so
that it was dangerous for anyone
to enter, she had to be detained
forcibly from further attempts at
Ambulances, taxi cabs and pri
vate automobiles were utilized te .
take the victims to hospitals.
Most of the hospital cases were
persons overcome by smoke or
. (Turn to page 5, coL. 1)
(AP) Two men. each of. whom
had. slain a victim in a holdap,
were hanged today, one at San
Quentln, the other at Folsota
prison. -
At San Quentln, Edward La-
verne, 25, went serenely to njs
death. The hangman sprung the
trap quickly, but Laverne lived
for 10 minutes. "
At- Folsom. Wilbur McCabe
shouted "Goodbye, boys, as -be
was taken from his cell.- McCabe
shot and killed a night clerk at
the University club in Los Angeles
In a holdup.- Laverne killed Mar
cello Lagorio In an Oakland gro
cery store holdup. Lagorio's two
brothers-in-law witnessed J-a-
verne's execution.
Eruption Caused
By Main Feature,
; Oi Park Opening
Calif.. July 24- (AP) Dense
clouds of smoke will billow from
Mount Lassen and red fire ' will
flow down the sides' of the peak
tomorrow in an artificial eruption
at the opening of this national
park to the public
The man-made eruption, ar
ranged by use of many tons ef
powder and chemicals, will be a
spectacular feature. The dedica
tion speech formally opening the
park will be mad by secretary ef
the Interior, Ray Lyman Wilbur
and Governor James Rolph, Jr.,
also will speak.
Brush Fire at :.
Dalles Fought
THE DALLES, Ore., July 24
(AP) A brush fire was burning
over a wide area in in win
Creek district near here tonight.
Ranchers, fearing - damage to
homes and orchards, appealed to
the city for aid and .crews f
men were rushed to the fire.
Unes.' -