The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 22, 1931, Page 6, Image 6

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    The OltEGON STATTMAr. Salim. Oreron. Tednesdar Moral r. July 22. 1S31
I .ill Ol4k
... : I :
' . i
Order of DeMolay
y Will Install ;
Officers -
CfcemekeUi chapter.: Order of
DeMolay, will hold Installation
iertlces Thursday nignt at eight
o'clock. The Installation will be
" open to th Reneral public. Mem
bers of the Sunnyside Chapter of
Portland will 'offlciat.. Follow
ing the aenrlces, a short, program
; will lo presented. Refreshments
will be aenred by members! bf the
Order of Rainbow for Gfrti. - -
DolTia KeMerlrtpBr 1 1 retiring
master councillor t
. Otflcert to be Iiistaltea are:
Philip Htyter. master councillor;
William Gahlsdorf. senior coun
cUtor; Larkla wniUmg, Junior
Councillor; Cleo Soely. senior dea-
eon; George Pointer, Jnnlor dea
con; Delrla Durham, senior atew-
' ard; Abo MalxeU, junior Steward;
f Byron Peyton, chaplain; Ralph
i Stearns, standard bearer; Kenneth
Morris. " almoner; Vernon Mc-
Quild, orater; Fred -Pounder,
:. inarshall; . and Harrison ' Elgin,
Contrary 10 precedent, a sum
mer session wUl bo carried out
this year. A number of erents are
being: planned for the immediate
;. future.' Among these Till be an
. Informal party at the home ot
i Mrs. M. H. Pointer for the newly
- installed officers, and a. canoeing
I party - open " to all members and
their guests. '
' . : (
1 Alpha Phi Alpha to
. Entertain
" Members' of Alpha Phi Alpha
sorority will entertain at break
fast Saturday at the home of
Mlsa Ma'xine Ulrlch on North Fif
teenth street. The breakfast will
be in honor of girls who are en-
- tering -Willamette university this
Honoring the setenth' tlrthday
; of her daughter. Edna. Mrs. D.
. Ponlen " entertained yesterday In
- Woodland park. Those lnTited
were Marian and Lorraine Bell,
Barbara .Jean Lots. "Gertrude.
. Mary Ann-and Josephine Snyder.
Barbara, June Hoi man. '- Virginia
Zane Ponlen and Muriel May of
Portland. -Mrs. Poulen was assist
ed by Mrs. Holman and Mrs. A.
- . . ; "
- W. H. Bates, of McAUen. Tex..
; left recently for his home after an
extended visit .with his sister,
: Mrs. Alice B. Fisher.
Camp Fire Girls ' r
Return;!? Enjoy Outing
i Hubbard. 'I Idaka Camp Fire
C-irls returned Sunda- evening,
sunburnxi hut enthusiastic, from
a three-day earn pi mg trip at Island
park. ' near panby. The girls de
clared the trip was a success In
very detail in that a jolly time
was enjoyed: and many Camp Fire
honors won., - - .
.. Girls earning' the tadpole and
frog emblems in swimming were
Miss Goagadene - BIdgood, Miss
Betty Browh, Miss Helen Clay
pool and iljss Beatrl. Claypool.'
The three latter also -earned the
fish emblem. " All the - girls . won
nature honors by, making smoke
prints of 10 different leares. Camp
honors - wer$ earned by cooking
eggs and bacon on a hot -stone.
and by sleeping xut of doors oyer
the-week end. I .
The Imntsg of chickens aroosed
great Interest among the gtrls and
also other campers. A hole three
feet by foui? feet wide and three
feet deep w dug and lined -with
stones, and f. tiro kept burning In
V pit for two noun, a.ter wnica
the' coals wfero dag out 'and let
tuce leaves! put over the rocks.
The chiekens. wrapped . In lettuce
lerree. were placed in the pit
along with potatoes, then more
lettuce leatea -were placed on top
and the whole catered with wet
sacks on which were piled the hot
sand and earth from around the
fire. The- meat' of the chickens
was . so tender aad Juicy after
cooking abo&t two hours, that It
fell front .he bones. The chickens
were donated ; for the experiment
by Mrs. Waldo I. Brown, mother
of Miss Betty Brown.
Once more the g .Is found the
"Whoopee" Struck at their service,
through the, hearty cooperation of
Ed Ericksonj ot the Hubbard feed
milL f j i '
Because of conflicting activities
a rew of the members could not
go on th3 camping trip. Those
who were pfesect were Miss Doro
thy McKey, jMrsi Marjorie Wolfer,
Miss Betty ! Brown. -. Miss Helen
Claypool. Miss Beatrice wlay.iool
and Miss pungadene : Bldgood.
guardian. , ; . j ; : . .
The - Polk county Pomona
grange and Kour-H clubs will hold
their combined 'picnics at Helmle
park Saturday, I July 25. Milton
Miller ot Portltnd will be the
principal speaker.'
Additional Society
on Page 10 I
l :.
v ." -Friday; July U
Woman's Guild, picnic. Mrs. Percy F. Freeman
home. MoilaJa road.
. Sunday, July 26
. . Fourth annual reunion of King din, fairgrounds;
-. all friends and relatives urged to be present.
: ;- " -. -, - - ;. . (I .. j '
Gilbraiths Leave
Friday For
Trip East ;
. Among tbe Salem travelers .who
are enjoying trips to the east will
be Mr. and Mrs. F.- J. Gllbralth,
who leate Friday for New York.
Mr. Gllbralth, was recently elected
vice-president and general mana
ger of the Salem Linen Mills, and
is going east on business. They
expect to make short trips to Bos
ton. Niagara Falls. ' Washington.
D. C. and other Interesting locali
ties. From Nev Tork. they will
travel by water to New Orleans.
They will return to Salem In six
e e 7 . ; !
Store Employes Enjoy
ricnic Monday;
Employes of Director's and the-
Metropolitan stores were guests
at a delightful outing at Riv-er-
dalo park Moada evening. After
the evening! entertainment, con
sisting of swimming, baseball and
games, dainty refreshments were
served. -
Motoring out to Riverdale were
Mr. and: Mrs. SImou Director.
Juno Director, Ruth Director, Ar-
lene Director, Mr. tijd Mr. Darld
liolxman. Jean Hoi man. Zollie
Volchok. , Ralph Weber. Lottie
Ray. ' Shirley. Cohen. - Maybelle
Broncushlo. . Rocky , Broneushlo.
Martha Floer, C. R. Vox, Morris
Saf f ron; Mr.- and Mrs. ; C. French,
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Burnsldes.
Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Smith. Saul
Polln. Mr. and Mrs. T. I Miller.
Charles Wright, Mrs. A. E. Bat
tles. - Doris Battles. Edna Battles.
Miss Helen droves. Miss Geraldlne
Cross. Miss Hazel Shepard, Doro
thy Shepard. Dale Shepard, Mr.
and "Mrs, Xxrens Schnuelle. : M.
White and T. A. Jette.
Pearson Reunion is
Sunday Event
An . Interesting and . pleasant
etent of Sunday was a famly re
union at . the home of Mr. and
Mrs. D. S. Pearson. : Over 6 0 rel
atives were present. - Mr. Pear
son's sister. Mrs. Louie Sheridan,
of Boieman, Montana, was the
guest ot honor. Mrs. Sheridan
has been TlslUng in California,
and Is now on her way home.
Present during the. day were
Shurl Pearson. Mr. and Mrs. Hurl
Pearson and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Pearson, Mr. and Mrs. I. A.
Bates and son, Floyd and family.
and Mr. and Mrs. Or. Fowler
and family- Mr. and . Mrs. Cliff
Pearson of Salem. Mrs. Alice
Newby, Mrs. Clair' Blair, and Ros-
cbe Stroud ot Portlands-Mr. and
Mrs. Will Boulin and family. Mr.
and Mrs. R. S. Newby and family.
Mr; and Mrs. W. E Croser and
family, Margaret Nordyke. and
Myrtle Newby, of Newberg
, e e
Mrs. T. W. Creech Is a guest at
the Roy Mills cottage, at Neeko
wln this week.
I! !
Awe si d o u r F ri g i d a i r e J u b i I e el
to Visitors
Sec our dramatic demonstration of. Frigidaire features
ki 1
- f , Ni
0 1$
During A Jmhllet ut will m
atal FrigifLur m yomr bmmtjw
- 1
ii -
cial Jubilee
, Be oar guest at the Jubilee celebration"
of Frigidaire's fifteen, years of achieremeatt
.See oar special demonstration how the
jCold Control makes possible a wide Tariety
of delicious, frozen desserts how the:
(Quickube Ice Tray enables you to remore ice
cubes one at a time or a whole trayrul how
Frigidaire's one-way,' steel-rail shelres make
it easy to put food icr and take if oat without
slopping or spilling - : '
And st4 os demonstrate the enduring
Qualities of Frigidaire Lifetime Porcelain
jYou'U be amazed by the dramatic tests which
.show how this glass-smooth finish withstands
! hard knocks, scratches, dirt, grease, heat
-eren fire itself, Gifts for adult ybitors
" -4
If ti II & 0 11
347 Court
Phone 9119
i Tune in on Frigidaire's radio prograni eTcryvTucsday' fron 10:50 to 11:10 A.-M. "oTcr
. . KFL KGW. KOMO Kr.n.vnA .4 trrcn
" W " -"F vf) awvjs wf BB M-M.M. kJas --,.-
W& ft. "
With only a few days left before we move to our new second floor apparel shops, we
- alteration sale with the expectation of selling every, garment . before next Saturday nigh
,quaiuy,ana pnee comDinea arc an incentive, we predict a run ana complete clearance.
enter this
ight. And, if
- , Salem, women are cordially inviteid to attend' this sale with view to getting extra measure of valuel
. k-oir enure stocics or .oats, ouits ana stresses 51 0 to 5y.DU.
- 21 Dresses !
' : : - . E
-Crepei,. Chiffons,
! Print, TaffeUi i
' - I ' .
Sizes 14 and 16
- 23 Dresses
Silk Shaittang?, Flat
(iepes, Chiffons, Sat-
la Crepes.' ?
Sizes 14, 16, 18 -
IS Dresses' .
Printed Crepes, Plain
Sizes 14 1-2 to 201-2
42 Dresses
... . "
Prints, Crepes, Geor-
settes, Chiffons.
- i
Sizes 14 1-2 lo 441-2
$ 385
32 Dresses
Sport weares, Crepes,
Chiffons, Prints,
Shantang. .
Sizes 16 to 38
, ' "
30 Dresses
Velvets, Chiffons,
Georjettes, Faille
Sizes 16 to 44
H If
yarel Section
Alteration Sale of Suits
Knitted Saits, pas
tels' and white.
Knitted Suits, light
and dark patterns.
) "5
Knitted Sate of
the better ttszlitj.
A Iteration Sale of Coats
Every. Summer Coat will be sold at Half Price!
: . '.: $17i50 regularly, now $ 8.75 -
. . i - - - - .
? $25.00 regularly, now $12.50
1 " : -. . Up to $49.50 at one-half.
Alteration Sale of Enna Jettick Shoes
All Summer Styles in Blonde, Odd and Discontinued Black and Brown
j . . r f '.- .
Sun tans and Blondes, :
1 Pumps and Oxfords
Regular ?6r
' -';BlacW and Brown" Kid-
-"" ti mmiw mwA Tim
Regular $5
Black Kid -Pnmps
and Oxfords
Regular $6.
' c .-f j --7 -:-r st, i
- f T i-mw ,