The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 17, 1931, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OIIEGON STATESMAN. Calem Oroa. FriJay Uarala? Jnly 17.
PAcn rivi:
Local News Briefs
; Statesman Carrier Injured
Howard Lamkln, Statesman paper
carrier, received a broken eollar
bone yesterday afternoon when he
talked In front of a swing at RIt
erdale where he was attending a
picnic of-his Evangelical Sunday
school -data. He was knocked to
the ground by the Impact of the
fcea-ry. swift-moving swing board.
Howard, who delivers papers in
the district hetweea Liberty street
"and the river, and Court and B
streets, is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
I. S. Lamkin of 195 North Fifth
street. He was resting comfortably
last night, although the bone
conld not be set in a cast. Throw
ing papers will probably be outlet
the question for him, for the next
. three weeks.
Word Front Writs From Wil
mington, Dels.. Salem friends
have received post cards from
-Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kirk, stating
that they are visiting at their
old home there, after studying in
Europe last summer and goln to
school in New York City last win
ter. Professor Kirk, instructor
in ancient at Willam
ette university, has been away
the past year on a leave of ab
sence. He win again take up
his duties here next fall.
Bargains on used tents. ; All
slses. Salem Bargain House, MO
N. Com'L ' ; .
n . 1 . A 1 Whan
IKWCVIMI """ " .
SaJem senior os
denU meet In the auditorium next
fall for their first assembly, they
will find a cnsngea nif
direction of George Smalley. head
lanitor. his men have been caia
1 mining the wslls and painting the
watnscote portion.. adding a band
of brown above the old level. The
walls are being finished with the
same cream color as it over the
rest of the building
' Mack's Ready to Wear Store
will be closed all day today, on
recount ofMr. Mack's father's
; f aneraL The funeral will be held
at Scio at 2:80 p m.
Leaves for Ohio George K
BUss of route 8 left Salem by
- train yesterday morning wttn
Rocky River. C as bis destina
tion. Rocky River is near Cleve
land. He was to take the craca
train. Empire r Builder, out - of
Fortland. On his return trip,
probably two months from now.
' he will make stops at Hutchinson
and Florence. Kans.. and then go
througn me oj -----
Mumps. Measles, Most Marion
county, with 15 new cases
mumps and five of measles, had
the most of any county in the
state for the week ending July
11. a report of the state depart
ment of health shows. Only two
other cases of communicable dis
eases were reported for the week:
chickenpox, 1. tuberculosis, 1, at
tuberculosis hospital.
See Buss Smith, Center and
Church for tire bargains.;
Injunction Granted A tempo
rary injunction,, restraining
George M. Reeves from molesting
D L. Cummins and his associates
1.. .. ..-l- . Vnl
wane iney sxe iiui& m j
ram on the defendants property
was grsnted by Circuit Judge Hill
yesterday. The plaintiffs cove
nant, to leave the property of the
defendant unharmed.
Laux Accounting Made- An ac
counting of the estate of Michael
Laux, deceased, was niea in pro
bate court yesterday. rnimv
Wagner is the administrator. He
resorts receiots of S731 and ex
penditures of the same amount,
. t:AA .Aialva1 frnm
apart iruui , v ,.. .
th sale of real property. .
. .Final close out All men's suits
must go. Never in Salem's history
such values! Formerly sold np to
$35.00. all best .makes, now
f 15.00. Fulop's 45 State.
Dennison Accounting ' Made
An accounting of the estate . of
Chsrles K. Dennison, deceased,
was filed 'yesterday in probate
court," Frances L. Dennison .is
administratrix. Moneys received
total $2324 and , moneys spent
amount to tl41. 1 There is S33
on hand. - , - t ' j " i :
' ' Title Qaieied Title to proper
ty owned by Herman Kassler was
quieted yesterday under a ver
dict given In Judge Gall . Hill's
court. Defendants In the actien
who did not appeal laeluded Sol
omen Alberson. et al.
Damage won Damages of
50 and right to hold land
which they claimed were given
H. E. LaBare et al In circuit
court - yesterday. . . Defendants
were M, D. Mayfleld and Levlna
. . Dance every Sat. nlte. Open air
paviUion, Staytoa. : . ;
To Gates MJss Elisabeth Free
man, superintendent ef Hearses at
the Marion ceunty health unit
here. spent yesterday afternoon
at Gates. .-.-
" Van Santen To Mr. and Mrs,
Ilanry Van Beaten of 1030 Third
street. West Salem, a sen. Albert
"Kdawert. bom July 12 at Salem
General hospital. ; .
Milk-Fed Poultry Specialties of All Kindi
Special Spring Fryers i
35c lb.
Also three friers (halved) $1.00
155 N. Commercial i I l Phone 9164
( i ,
j More Sacks Needed .. With
digging the' sew channel in Mill
Creek at the 14th street - play
grounds finished yesterday, the
swimming pool will soon be deep
er and safer.- Boys spent part of
yesterday making a dam above
and below the -pool with sacks, of
gravel, one dam to divert the cur
rent. the lower one to make the
water deeper, Harold Hauk. di
rector, says few more sacks are
heeded to complete the dams.
HazeHrood to Cams For two
weeks Ueutnnant W. . A, Hazel
wood will train with U. S. army
fliers at Pearson field under an
order , reeelved by him yesterday
calling for him te report there' by
Sunday. Yesterday was also- the
day for the monthly, meeting of.
the Eyerly Aircraft corporation.
Haielwood was elected secretary.
1 Ladles, th'o Mltzl Gray Is giving
those lovely Tulip OirPermanents
for only 35). Phone 5033 for ap
pointment., t . ..." .
i -' t -.- :' ' - - '
t To ' rmn, , Jump Children at
Lincoln playground will get full
opportunity, to see hew fast they
can -run. how far they can Jump,
how swiftly they can ride a bi
cycle, todsy. The director, Mrs.
Margaret Ellen Nelson, is staging
a 20-event track meet for tho
f kiddies" in which. all ages 'will
pet some chance to participate.
Themeet will start at 2 o'clock,
f l - ' - -" , i-i
I Book Cabinets Two more
rooms .in Rlehmend grade school
building are being fitted with
Urge cabinets for supplies and
books. George Smalley, head
Janitor of Salem public schools,
has two men here this week com
plating the Job.: Except for the
basement, all rooms in the build
ing are now equipped in this man
j Chorus te Sing A chorus of
30 voices led by Prof. 'O. V.
Gould; of the First Methodist
church of Newberg will be fea
tured at Champoeg park in a
promising musical progrsm be
ginning at 2 o'clock. This will
be .followed by a historical pro
gram featuring pioneer ratlroad
building of : Oregon,
s i ; i
Final close out. All men's suits
must go. Never in Salem's history
such values! Formerly sold up to
335.00, all best makes, now
315.00. Fulop's 450 State.
.Road Inspector Hera A road
Inspector from Cascade national
forest, Mr. Lamb, stopped at the
city recorder's, office yesterday
morning. He had received an
overtime parking tag. Judge
Poulsen gave him the visitors'
courtesy, - by taking back j the
I Miss McKearcher Visits MIss
Cecil McKercher. who was in
structor in English and dramatics
at Salem senior hlch school the
year of lfJ-J. came to Salem
yesterday to visit with friends
over,' the weekend. Miss McKer
cher is now on the teaching staff
of Commerce high school in Port
iand. ;: ' ; j ,
I Dance Friday at Hasel Green.
Talat Artuwil TLnnt Tf BrOteCt
the tin roof from next winter's
rains, men on the head Janitor's
staff of Salem school district, are
busy painting it. The old coat
waatnAAlInr harllv. ' TheT Will
probably make the final brush
stroke there today.
; Final lose out Fulon's bank
rupt stock by Bishop's. All men's
suits must go and go quick, isever
such prices. Values to 335.00.
now, $10.00. Fnlop's, 456 State.
Sheriff Gets roan William
Kd irk. . sheriff of Hood River
county, drove to Salem yesterday"
, ,.tn,ii ir nooa
Hirer for trial on a check charge.
Salem ponce eaugnc me man on
a stage here Wednesday night
and held him for Edick. ' '
Visits Parent Mr. and Mrs.
J. C Campbell have as their
guest, their son Jimmy, who will
corne from Seattle for over the
weekend.. Young Campbell at
tended high school in Salem and
later attended the University of
Oregon.; " '
Dr. Louis B. Schoel, dentist, has
otrices in 510-11-12 U. S. Bank
Bldg.; Tel. 5433.
O. E. Officials Stop -E. D. KH
toe,, assistant general manager of
the Oregon Electric railway com
pany, and L. C. Foster, both from
the . general office at ' Portland,
called on friends in Salem yes
terday.' -
Pain ScKool Mestday The
contractors are planning to start
the job of painting the exterior of
Washington grade school next
Monday. -The building will be
painted white, the window sashes
aad fire escape, black. ,
' Final close out Fulop's bank
rupt stock by Bishop's. All men's
suits must go and go quick. Never
such prices. Values to $35.00.
now $10.00. Fulop's. 45t State.
.; . T w.
Gray Tenable te Retmrw The
expected return of R. D.- Gray,
real estate man, to his office yes
terday, was deterred by his con
tinued lllaeee. He msy be able to
be on the Job today. -
, ....
-es. : j .mmmmm
Change in Procram HAiirly
; Worked out at Hth
' Street Center: " ,
- Fourteenth .street playground
children were yesterday directed
under a t new hourly program,
which the committee of supervisors,-
Mrs. Grace Wolgamott. Viv
ian Bartholomew. Harold Hauk
and Esther Arnold decided upon
at a meeting Wednesday evening.
Under this' new schedule, the
children will have a change of
activity at least every hour, with
only one hour of the five in the
afternoons, free .play, undirected.
Thus all the Johnnies and Marys
and . their playmates will have
the opportunity to swim, play, or
ganised games, ' .practice the
skilled sport, take up handwork,
and listen to stories, 'under the
directors' leadership.' ;
Inter-playground . ball games
for boys held at 2 p. m.
on regular days, hereafter. The
seniors,' ages from IS up, will
play on Mondays and Wednes
days; Juniors, 10 to 13, on Tuesdays-
and Thursdays: the small
teams, uader 10, on Fridays.
Hosmr Credits
Will be Awarded . .' .
To teach the children the rules
of good health, and citisenshlp, a
lUt ore 10 honor eradtti hu heD
complfed. Points will be .award
ed, according to accomplishment
and the high scorers for the sum
mer season will be awarded the
playground prises. ; :'
These points will be' siren for
the following: attendance, sports
manship In games, toxin-antitoxin
treatment, vaccination for small
pox, preschool children to be ex
amined before September 4, tak
ing part in dress-up day, , circus
day. girls'" doll-dressing, boys'
boat-building, and championships
in horseshoes, croquet and bean
bag. The new schedule for the 14th
street grounds 1s as follows:
1:00-1:30 p. m. Free play
1 : 3 0-1 : 4 5 Announcements
1:45-2:45 Girls' swim-
f Boys organised
games : ,
Story hour
2:45-3:45 Boys' swim
Girls' games
2:45-3:30 Handwork
Slowly Recovers August Carl,
who recently had an operation and
who Is still confined to the Wil
lamette sanltarlam, Is recovering
sstisfactorlly and will soon be
able to return to his -home, it is
Undergoes Operation Mrs. S.
Darlow Johnson, wife yf Rev. S.
Darlow Johnson, pastor of the
Leslie Memorial church, under
went a major operation, in the
Good Samaritan hospital in Port
land on Wednesday.
" - , . , , j i -.
Tiffany Called Fred E. Tif
fany of Salem. Bllgh hotel mana
ger, is included in a list of Marlon
Minnfv residents called for dnty
on the rrand iury panel in Port
land beginning July 27. '
' Deposition Taken A deposi
tion in the case of Norman Fletch
er against Charles- P. Bishop was
taken in circuit court Thursday by
Judge Gall Hill- C P. Bishop tes
tified. : ,
Boyce Estate i Reported re
ceipts from the estate of May F.
Boyce estate amount to $106 and
exnenditures 3155 accordlnr to a
report made to probate court yes
terday. , v i. .
' Come to the big Psjama Dance.
Turner, Sat. Nlte. Prlxes.
Renew . Acquaintances Former
Salem -residents, : Miss Marjorle
and Kenneth Webb, are guests
In Salem from their homo In
Attending Funeral Today
Lewis DuBuy . was ; called to Eu
gene yesterday by the death of
his mother there. " ' The funeral
will Be held today. I
. . . s- . '' "
Adama ia City Paul C.'Adams
of Portland, stockman of the
Willamette valley, was In Salenj
on business Thursday.
Hopgrower From Sllverton
Fred Sehsr, silverton hopgrower,
was in Salens on business yester
day. ,', , :,.,,. . . J
Goes to 'Monitor Attending
to a real estate deal, A. F. Homy
er went to Monitor, yesterday. ;
Tamer Merle Hoi man.
Turner farmer, spent yesterday
in Salem.. : -. - . ' ;. ... i
Dr. CUa Lm
Chinese - Medicine
180 N, Con mere lal
SU Balm.
. OTTice bera
Tnesday and Satnr
day 9 to 5: SO
Sch&eferVak&in Feature
these Terr popular creamy
candies, tantalizing' with
fresh peppermint. '
j 22c pound 7
2 lbs. for 40c
:-" only at--
T . r-:-:-:. '; : i
135 N. Coml. ' Dial 5197
The original yellow front can
dy special store of Salem
Under the
Dome le'o
portation .rate expert of Se
attle,' was a visitor In Salem
yesterday. . He is a former mem
ber of the Oregon Public Service
commission. He said that the re
eent recall or Mayor ! Edwards la
Seattle has given that city a-bad
name, and that the political ac
tivities there did not belp the city
one bit. ..I
' Ainsee Seanple M cPbereon. ie
no longer titan-haired, but now
la a blonde. She would almost ;
be eligible te work In one of the -state
offices. A casual survey
of office clerks and stenogrn- .
phcrs Indicate that the major.
lty are blondes at ' least they
are' blond en now. This farther ,
'signifies. tnaS titeret are nsar,
. gentlemen tn the official family.
Toe education r department
which has blondes, brunettes and
red-haired members on Its staff,
was yester Introducing a hew of-
fTIciaLV'R. J. Maaske, new super
visor of rural education, arrived
from ' Portland as ' a bachelor.
What effect his environment will
have in the next few years
3:45-4:15 Girls swim. Mon.,
Thurs.;- Sat., .
Boys' tumbling,
stunts,! wrestling,
games t '
4:15-4:45 Boys' swim ! v
Girls' folk dancing
Stunts or tumbling
4 : 46-5 : 3 0 Horseshoe and cro
quet tournaments
5:30-0:00 Free play.
- Depression is ended if the rush
for marriage licenses yesterday in
the circuit court's office is an
augur of prosperity. Four-couples
stepped up to U. Boyer and
asked permission to 'plight their
troth. Not one was refused.
Licenses were granted as fol
lows: ' h ' J i
Ben H. Bese.' 23, Dallas, labor
er, to Esther Viola Martens.' 17.
440 Division street, housekeeper.
Walter G. Sample, 35. route 3.
Salem, laborer, to Flossie Leona
Long, It, Donald, housewife.
LeRoy Albee, 31, 2330 : Fair
grounds road, Salem,' service sta
tion operator, to Pearl Mevey. 29,
1125 Norway street, housekeeper.
William K. Stolk. 22, route S.
Salem, baker, to Elisabeth L.
Cook. 18. 742 North
street, student.
Kingwood Has
Manz fiuests
KINOWOOD, July It Mr. and
Mrs. G. E. Vosbargh have, as
house guests, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
George and son Theo of St. Cloud,
Florida, who arrived; Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Benson
hare sold their home .on Cascade
Drive to Mr. and Mrs. C. A. God-
eiian of Salem who will take pos
session August 1. The Benson's
expect to locate on a 'farm. '
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Beck man
and son Gene have moved from
West Salem to the little house on
Cascade Drive belonging to Mr.
and Mrs.; Warren B. Baker.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl P. Mobley
and son Billy of Parkway with
their house guest, i Mrs."! Clara
Sheldon of Colorado Springs and
Mrs." Motley's mother. Mrs. Wil
liam Wechter; ofSalem have re
turned from 1 a visit ' of several
days to Neskowln. Mrs. Sheldon
will return to Colorado by way
of San Francisco. : .
Mr. and Mrs. Avery L. Apple-
?3tltttet jatmorfol
Phorts ,
9651 I
A Park Cemetery
With Perpetual Care
Just ten miaates- front the
heart of town
Established ISM " 1 Tel. 8S3
Conveniently Accessible
Perpetual care provided for
Prices Reasonable
Jl rewnxix. grsmoreag
Oss htow At
QonjL45arrick Co.
Phono 1151
. Charch at Ferry St, .
A. M. Clough " i . '' '" v
5 Dr. L. JB. Barrkk . c
,'t. .- V.. X. Golden".
S Pianos to Rent
Call 0010, Used Furniture
. -- Department
151 N. High I
Occurrences and Gosai?
at it; center ct Orerca'g
state 'ejoTernment
mains to be seeh
: While Oregon Is ontesnplatw
Ing n special eeaaion of the leg.
islatnre, tho state of OklaJkotn.
- Is going ono better. Instead of
Jus asking n state legislative
session to afford relief of one
kind or another, it is. going to'
request : President Hoover to
'call n special session of con.
greet. This time the SLaemploy
anent. condition was gtvenas .
Ben Wing, "feeble minded"
clerk will have new offices on the
first floor of the capitol building
all to himself. He haa had his
desk with the state purchasing de
partment. The room formerly
occupied by-Seymour . Jones, state
market agent, was ordered prepar
ed for Wing, r
Miss Joy Locke, Associated
Press Teletype operator, left for
Portland yesterday where she will
spend - her two weeks'.-, vacation.
During her absence Delia Locke,
her sister, wilt operate the news
sending machines at The States
man and Capital Journal offices.
wkHe and daughter Catherine left
this morning for their cottage at
Neskewla where ?&ey will remain
until Saturday.
Earwig Lure is v
Newest Method
To Combat Pest
Although the Salem camp of
this summer's crop of earwigs
seems well entrenched, ft is now
under threat from a new menace,
the "Earwig Lure", a Salem pro
duct which . is claimed to be a
deadly enemy to the pest.: Ed
Rostein, originator of the idea and
the formula, enlisted ' the assist
ance of Dan J. Fry Jr. to work
out the product for the market.
The bait Is an oily substance,
which is poured on surface of
cans of water, set about in 'shrub
bery, or wherever the earwigs may
collect .
Maaske Arrives
To Start Work
R. J. Maaske. who has been
director' of 4-H tinh w,v t
Portland, arrived, here Thursday
to take over his dnti
school supervisor In the state de
partment of education. He suc-
ceeas j. w. Crltes. deceased.
Core Hoturs Git. O:
f 4Zinc-Ite" Paint
Ne Paint as Good as Ziao
Ite Regardless of the Price
1 Gallon
.Paints anywhere
near this quality
cost 31 more. It
goes further.'
Golf Clubs
Every dab in stock
Every club' re
duced to half
price for Clear
ance. - Al Kspi.
asisi, Harn.
thona, and Harry
Tardona. . 1
Resxlation Balls
It's a Real Bargain to Find
Teaai Ball at This Price t
- - for
Remarkable , val
ue! Preasurre
packed' balls.
Red.j or white
felt covering.
Limit 4 to a
275 N. Libert j
s . . .... . - . .-
for ihchehs fiy
WANTED Jobs for school
teachers.. ' - ' (.-..-.
If the Marion county school su
perintendent's office thought such
sn ad would do any good it would
be placed locally, for demand for
teaching positions ' was never
greater. -. : .fl ,
"We have about five applicants
a day, I should judge. - seeking
work.- Mrs. Cora Reld. aasistsnt
la the oflfce, laid yesterday. The
turnover among teachers has been
low this rear. Tirtuallv tot-v 1aH
in the eounty Is filled and .teach
ers, once elected are hanging on
to their, employment without the
customary summer resignations.
Mrs. Held stated. Sh lnliat
there were also .some chances for
last-minute resignations. i
A file of applicants Is f being
kept at the office so teachers ean
ne nounea. promptly if vacancies
occur, .v - i
-1 .1
Hill: to Decide
Argument Soon
Judge Gall S. Hill has uniil next
Teesdsy morning to scratch , his
head over the case of Scott; vs.
Dun agin. . under . a self-imposed
limit which followed a hearing of
the case in equity court here yee
terday. Scott and DunagJn : live
about three miles out. of; Seotts
Mills and have long disputed a
certain 10-foof roadway ' running
40 rods on the land of Scott. Un
able to settle the matter amicably,
they resorted yesterday to a court
hearing and brought several at
torneys and a score of witnesses
and observers along. I -
A similar dispute over a road
will be heard Monday in) Judge
MeMahaa's court in the ease of
Jones vs. Fukuda. -
New Directors
Are Elected
Fraternus Club
At last 'night's meeting of Fra
ternus club, one of the best at
tended of the summer, the new
president, J. A. "Jack" Johnston
presided and the group elected a
new board 'of directors., j Seven
teen members of the young busi
ness . men's organization were
present. "
The new directors, "unanimous
ly elected, are: Walter Fuhrer,
retiring president; J. A.! John
ston, . W. . J. Braun. Ed Stadter
L Kid Gloves
Soft kid gloves to complete
your outfit. Pull-on or wrist
styles in . fc 1 iQ Q
black or tan ... OlJQ
Rayon Voile,L ,'.
Sheer and eool for summer
frocks.. Printed floral pat
terns. Width ' - PA
2f inches..
Print Pongee
i -
Printed an silk pongee for
: dressesv lingerte, curtains,
etc. Width SS fci flf
inches. . . .2 yards 31AU
CHfToa Hoso " V
FnU fashioned all aflk chif
fon hose rn 'all shades. Reg-
.ralees. . . .2 pair $1.00
Boy's.'vGolf-Suit -1
Outfit includes smart play
suits.' golf, club, ball and
tees. Ass't'd eolors.- OO
sfse ito ,r.v.::. oUC
Sine 81 1 P 1
"The Friendliest Store in Tcvm"
' Phone 8774 'f. ,
and H H. Thompson Commit
teas appointed by the president
were: social - otert--t- f
Dr. K. XL Waters, ehalrman.
xieryi Meyers, whhaui bi
Victor. Rhodes and Reed Row
land; membership Dan Apper-
son. chairman. Conneil Ward and
Harold Tomiinson. . J-
- - - - - ; - . a
Uusic Features j
Lions? Meeting;
. i
The popular "Lions sweetheart
trio". Miss Beneitta Edwards,
Miss Harriett Adams and Miss
Myra Gleeson, pinch-hit ; on the
entertainment program at the
luncheon club's noon meeting yes
terday. Their crooned melodies
brought applause and request for
more. For . the club' singing.
Lioness Betty Bedford played the
piano. - " : " ;
Since no definite program had
been planned, the idea of "sur
prise' speeches carried ont, with
the , humorous, remarks flying
back and forth in an atmosphere
et Jollity.-. Newell Williams. new?
ly. elected secretary made an )n?
formal report of he state conven
tion. - which 'he attended' at La
Grande two weeks ago, : 1 -
Local Magazine
Dealers to Bid
On School Sale
' ;; :'' - 1'
With Salem magazine dealers
informed by the school board that
they still have time to make bids
for supplying the school system
demand, two bookstore proprie
tors have announced their inten
tion of putting In bids. . A. repre
sentative " from the superinten
dent's office reported yesterday
that the dealers show scant inter
est in the contract because of the
small profit which it entails.
Bids .for supplying the maga
zines for the coming school year
will be accepted until July 29. ac
cording to word given oat at the
superintendent's office. :- 1
See This Bix Value
$49 j
Worth Doable
The Price i
Asked, Pay !
SI Per Week
Big: Warehouse Sale - j
Closing All Oregon Stores
657 Court St. Open. Evenings
to 0:30 P. M
Ward's Radio
Daily Except ' Sundays Orn
NBCNetwork Through Station
KGW 9:15 A.M.
Also tune in on -' Station
KEX - at 5 : 5 p. m., for
Other Special Announce
ments.' Daily except Sunday.
Pioneer : Overalls
The biggest and best over- ,
all we've ever offered, made
of sturdy 2:20 Denim. All
strain points double seamed.
High and low back.
Men's Work Shirt
Beet Shirt We Ever Offered
at This . Low Price! ,
Stock rp! '
Medium weight
blne- chambray!
Coat style, triple
Mechanic Socks
X -
Heavy two thread cotton
New Low Trice!
Made for Ward's
exeluatvely. Soft
foot enshionlng.
Highly absorb-)
ent; Full slsed. -
mj sSg i2sw
Pequot Pillow 1
Cases at 20c ca.
Salem,. Oregon
Dnmnfrt Sntirht 1
w w -
Result of Auto 5
Crash Year Ago
Salt for 110,000 general dam
ages and 2250. special damages
was " begun yesterday in circuit
court here by Cora May Squires.
She names as defendant W. E.
Barges and charges that he vs
the operator of an antomobiU
which struck the ear in which shj
was ridinar on the Columbia h.irhm
way May JO. 1$30. :
The slalatlff alleres she was
critical It lnisred. recelTls- Wt
hurts which may liad to cancer.
The accident oecured en the nninn
viaduct between The Dalles and
Arlington and was caused by
Bargee improper driving, the com
plaint aeciares. - .
condnt ,
n't" t ft ,f .
Vcff-y3cff - ViciT
These coats" are unbeliev
able barirains at off the
marked price. The ever
popular white " coat for
sport and dress. Wool
-crepes and novelty weaves.
Frocks for every occasion
Sport frocks of flat crepe
in prints and pastels. Love
ly chiffons for afternoon
and evening. All at 1-2, 1-3,
l- off the regular price.
Everyrhat tremendously
reduced. One hat is not
enough for a summery yoii
must have three or four.
You will find! smart, lacy
straws, and popular novel
ty straws. .
275 N. Liberty
Phone 8774
- i