The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 17, 1931, Page 10, Image 10

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, galea; Oregon, Friday Moralr.?, July 17, 1231
Pb"!S OF I ft
Cliff FiSHEO
Outing at' Oceans'de due to
Approximately 100 Attend
Open July 20, Report
Of Boys' Leader
. At Lincoln .Wednesday;
Horseshoes Popular
:! I- . - L ' . - -
y "Final plant for the T. M. C. A.
isaaer camp at Oceanside. which
begins Monday, July 20, were an
nounced by Dwifcht Adams, dots'
'secretary. Wednesday. Competent
- leaders hare been secured, a com
prehenslTe recreational and edu
cational program has seen organ
ized, and a crew of. young men
are this week netting tip teats.
building a cookhouse and clear
ing the grounds for the coming
on Monday or the boys, wno wm
constitute the first camp period.
- Thirty-two boys were registered
last night. "' ' ' - r-"
Getting - In praetiee for early
rising In camp! they will leare 'the
T. M. C. A. Monday morning at
o'clock, proceeding to the coast
in prlrate cars and a true lc Aa
. ami adrlses all , boys going to
camp to bring their baggage, neat
ly bandied, to tne x. J. J. a. noi
.later than tonight. -
'Boardman, Adams
-irm. Direct Cudd
- Robert Boardman. "Y physl-
l l1rnr mil v Idimi ' Are . the
directors for the - camp. Chief
George Bent, of the Chemawa ln
dian sehool. will Instruct the boys
in camp fire making, teepee build
in and decorating. Wesley Lar
son, also from Chemawa, win si
rect a class In earring and paint
inr totem Doles. "
That building of model air
planes ana guaers wyi se
tnra of th Y" cams actlrtties
class will be In charge of Oscar
Gingrich, Jr.. who Is said to be
one of th-most skillful model
aircraft . workmen In Salem. -Religious
actlTities will be In charge
of William II. Wright, assistant
vastor of the First Presbyterian
church. . Ererett Clark will serre
as assistant to the directors..
Tent leaders for -
period Selected
- The- eight tent leaders will bei
William Wright. William East.
Howard Adams, James Sehon.
Donald Stockwell, Norman Wins-tow,-
Richard Warrington and
Phil BrownelL . - :
BOJI who bits iiiutu uy tu i-
tand this first period of the Ocean-
mAm. mm mv mr mm fnllnWB?
Thomas Blllingsley. 24 1C State
street; Richard Carlton. Boehring
er. 210 West Wilson street: Dan
Clark, 537 Knap p street: George
Clark, route 5, box. 55; Bill Col
lier. .265 West WHon: Billy
Crary, B street;- Morrill
Crary, 16S9 B street; Joe Derere,
Jr.. Market street; Arthur Eaton.
93 1 North Summer; Clair Fehler.
Corrallis; - Thomas B. Gabriel,
1757 South Church; Parker Gles,
240 Fairgrounds - road; B. D.
HolUngsworth. Fifth and Madison,
Corrallis; Bob HolUngsworth,
Fifth and Madison. Corrallis; Da
rid Hoss. 3(2 Jerrls arenue; Dick
Jndson, 1244 Waller street; Rob
ert A. Kronenberg, c-o Thomas B.
Gabriel; Harold Lehnert. Corral
lis. " ' -
Alan MeCalllster, 1710 South
Winter street; Roderick Uresley.
233 ' Lincoln street; Geralold
Newton, Albany: Charles B. Per-.!
rr. let West Washington street;
Bob Pickens, 5 North 17th
street; Robert Ramage, 13 Mar
ket street; Leroy Rickey, 1150
North 17th street; Billy Sehon.
1545 Mission street; Howard Se
hon, 1545 Mission" street; Jimmy
Sehon. 1245 Waller street; James
Etarrett, . 345 South Winter
street; Billy Taylor, 2S South
,ltth- street; Merle .Walts, 1S5
.West Superior street; Charles Wi-
i mw T w w , , , iMr
TURNER, July i5 Surprise
grange met Saturday erening in
their hall In the I. O. O. F. build
ing with a good attendance. After
a abort business session and some
initiation work, a report of -the
'state grange -was giren by the
master, "Arthur Edwards, also by
Mrs. Edwards. They reported a
fine trip, a good state meet with
. The lecturer offered a short
Urogram with a few stunts pat
on for dlrersion. A magazine
raesslng contest was enjoyed. At
the close of the program all : re
paired to the dining room when
Ice cream and cake were serred.
Ariation seems to ret 'em both
young and old. This child, how
ever, probably can lay rightful
claim to being the youngest glider
enthusiast in the world. He's pic
tured In the pilot's seat ef a rbder
at Saint Cyr. France. Just as bisr
as life snd twice as cute. - Judging
from the position he hag taken the
youngster knows what it Is all
about, too. . . ,1
Kenneth. Gunon was seat to the
juvenile, court and Charles Nance
was ordered to sppear In Justice
court Friday for a hesricg when
the two appeared on Thursday to
answer to a charge ot burglary In
a dwelling. ... , ,
The charge grew out of the al
leged taking of clothing, , a trar-
ellng.bag and a dressing case
from rooms Jn the keal T. M. C.
A. The two with their compan
ion! were working .Salem In sn
attempt to get magazine subscrip
tions and told the story that they
were trying to secure a " college
scholarship, j .
According to . the complaint
Gunon and Nance took the prop
erty mentioned, ralued at $250,
from . their companion's room.
The boys were apprehended at
Yakima, Wash. They were re
turned : here by the - authorities
there and spent last night in the
county jail. They are said to hare
confessed to the theft. of goods
from their companions when the
group was working In Salem.
A three-day program1 which
will bring - outstanding speakers
to Salem has been arranged - for
September 24. 25 and 25 under,
the auspices of the- Allied Cam
paigners. , Law enforcement and
prohibition . will be the : themes
discussed at the ' twlce-a-day
meetings! which- will be held In
the Salem armory. : ! ' .
A number; of local churches
will cooperate In ' the morement.
W. L. Sibley, adrance represen
tatire for the meeting, left Salem
late '-yesterday - after spending
three days here making arrange
ments. .j1' . : ,
Among. the speakers will be Dr.
Daniel A.' Poling, of New Tork.
Raymond Robins of Chicago. Dr
Ira Landrithl and Olirer Wayne'
Stewart of Chicago.
O. W. Emmons, ! attorney, is
secretary of the local organization
which: has been organized to han
dle details. of -the meeting. '
Portland Sends
Large Partv to
View Industries
. The Portland chamber of com
merce, plans to' send a sizeable
good-will excursion committee to
Ytsit Salem canneries, nanermllls
aad business Thursday, : July . 30.
accoramg 10 aarices receired here
yesterday. The tour is one of a
amber the Portland chamber
members axe making this year, A
water trip will be made to Astoria
aad at the time of the' round-up
a number of Portland - chamber
temhri will ark tn Trtf4lAt An
' t Members of the Portland cham
ber's excursion committee are:
Ray Alexander, Wesley An
drews. O. B. Buek, R. W. Chllds.
. C C. Colt, Henry J. Frank. Don
Henderson, Joseph Hill, W. Ar
nelt, W. R. Lake, George Law
rence. Robert R. McKean, L. C
Newlands. Clarence Porter, Henry
Wesslnger. E. R. Wiggins, C. F.
Wright, E. N. Welnbaum.
dls , Egan left v early Sunday
morning for San Jose, CaL, after
spending 'three weeks here with
bis parents.. Mr. and Mrs. F. M.
Egan. While here he substituted
at thm Jnllna Aim itnu I n rn...
- M " itt OilVOI"
ton. haj cmnlATmcnt i v
- w J . fcUV
southern city as foreman in a
ritinr .pun; na, wm attend
school there again next year. -
Many ! poultry .raisers are as
yet not complying with the newly
enacted poultry law which,
the "gasoline cowboy' law, makes
it a requirement of law that the
poultry raisers when transporting
ten or more fowls, secure a poul
try sale tag from the sheriff. This
tag, obtained without cost, must
be displayed on the poultryman's
rehlcle when on the highway or
attached i to he coop when the
poultry Is sold..
Oscar D. Bower, local sheriff,
reports that many poultrymen do
not understand - the new law.
Failure to comply with It makes
them subject to a fine. .
Neighboring states are said to
hare been .impressed, .with the
set-rice Oregon is .- affording In
prerenting thefts of. livestock and
poultry and,' hare held meetings
with the sheriffs seeking to .ae-
relop a similar, system. - -
1 ,
bVv; 1
Hare a scientific '
measurement cf
'your sisht-Our '
j scientific ' optom-
etry assures cor
Irect lenses. "
l.wiiihout ' charge
t or obligation. 1
I ; -
One hundred boys and ' girls
came to the Lincoln school sum
mer playground Wednesday .to
swing, slide, play ball or cro
quet, or listen to the stories the
director. Mrs. Msrgaret ' -Ellen
Nelson - told - them in -the.' 'after
noon. , - '-. ' ' :
The hoys' took to horseshoes In
earn est, playing' off a tourna
ment. .The winning., team was
Delbert Anderson and Bob Mason.
Other children are taking a spirit
ed part in a bean bar contest.
with the honors 'warmly dis
puted. " " : ;
The story hour, which begins
at 2: SO In the afternoon found
the. schdol : steps as crowded as
the' first day of school, as the
children listened raptly while
Mrs.- Nelson -told them the last
episode . of "The Blacksmith - of
Vilno" and began a new: tale.
that of one "Slim Jim", a cow
boy. More of "Slim" will - be
heard at the same time today.
Playgrounds captalxuB. for the
week, who assist the director, are
Mildred Mason and Delbert- An
derson. .:'.!- '
' Children , who registered at the
Lincoln1 grounds Wednesdays
were: . . . - '
Shirley McKay. Abigail Miller,
Lois Gilllngs, Frankie . Rlchter,
Jean Rlchter, Ethel Ray, Margry
Greenwood. Bunny Mason, Jun
ior , Mason. vlrrll Mason. Daryl
Mason. Mildred Mason, Bob Ma
son, Alda.Speer, Virginia Mason,
Jack Lunsford, Wilbur Tragllo,
Byron Ray, Dean Ray. Sammy
GabrUll Jean Rlchter. Muriel
Jackson, Marion . Ritchie, "Ritch
ie'' Earl. Gordon Kruger. -
Tom King. Bob French, Junior
Johnson, Douglas McKay. Jr..
Gerald Arslanian, Jr., ' Richard
Arslanian, Luclle Arslanian. Em
my Lou East. Deb. Anderson,
Harry. Tucker.; Richard French.
Jim mle Cooper. Carl Waddle,
Catherine East,- Mary Pemberton,
Anna Mary Prorolia, '- Geraidlne
Wolf. Elaine Murry, Mary Slsson.
Ruby Wilson, Haael Wilson. ,
Elda - Harmon, - Carol Cooper,
Betty Baker, Betty Scott. Billie
Scott, Cora Edgell, Joann Don
aldson, Flaria1 Downs; William
Johnson, Warren r Wolf, Arthur
Kline, Hazel Strang, Nellie Den-
eleay, . Donald Cronemiller, . Jim
McNeil. Bob McNeil. Charles
Randall, Robert King. Robert
French, Ray Elliott, Billy Butte,
Marlon Ritchie, Dorothy ' Butte.
Jim mle Butte, Bud- LeBoeuf.
Robert Herr. Pauline Miller. Llla
Murray, Elaine 'Murray. Margaret
Dpjohn, Rowena Upjohn. ;
Mary Clendenlng. Erelyn Mey
eys, Nona Faschlng. Beatrice Ot
Jen; Daryl Otjen, Elizabeth Ot
Jen; Bernice Wilcox, Margaret
Wilcox, -Maxlne Blakely. t Billy
Blake. Bill Phillips. . Barbara
Bates, -Zlnona Ames, Archie
Breneman, . Robert East, Mabel
Heyland, Bettie Brant. Georgia
Hull. Shirley Cronemiller. . Llla
Heyland; Lawrence - Herberter,
Dickey Wynn, Jack Nelson, i
To curb reckless drtring- la Ha
waii, which is the major traffic
problem there, : a , comprehenslre
safety 'campaign .is. being , con
ducted' by the Honolulu-Automobile
club, secordlng to John F.
Stone, president. of the board of
goremors, .who made a short ria
it . In ' Salem . Thursday. - That the
campaign is a fruitful one. is
demonstrated- by the -fact - that
traffic deaths there this year will
be I almost' two-thirds under the
number last year,; If the present
trend continues. .
-On his way to attend the na
tional T. , M. C. A. council at
Clereland, O., August 10 and 11.
Stone Is stopping en rout to risit
local automobile clubs. In Salem
he l rlslted bis cousin.- Stephen
Stone, local newspaper man, snd
unclee, E. B. Fletcher . snd Dr.
S. C-6 tone. With bis wife snd
their son, Harold, he plans to
stop at Yellowstone national park
on his automobile drire to the
east. -.,".-"..-
Piano Sale
Buy Good piano Cheap
$49 $65 $75 $100
Ternn - SI Per Week
I Sbermaa Clay & Co..
I Closing All Ore. Stores '
557 Court St. - Phone 4939
i- - Opea Krenings '
1 heatre
; V- coming- .
1 'i (gfr. imi
S 1 w I
Summer 7
iy' tK wmL 4"a .
i w : ... ar - k. w - ww - "m m m r ..
Stock of
Plain Tailored ancLFur Trimmed!
- ".l
Here's good news for tne racaiionist! A awsnsuer coat at hlf price! Erery Summer
Coat lnciuaca ifguwcM oi ihohhi or iaonc.
Chle Polo coats la tne popular maize or yellow and the fuchla reds. Ssnart tweedn
ta mlxtares that go perfectly.' Basket and other norelrjr wearee with the latest of
leere aad collar treajtoemta.'" . :- - -.,-J ;- .
Come to ifflrs today asd choose a "good quality coat and pay' much less for ft
than a cheap ordinary one ... you hare the. choice of color j . fabric . . style
far or plaia.
- - . - i -- -
$390 Coats now : ;
145.00 Coats now $220
$49.50 Coat now -
$25.00 Coat. now
$23.50 Coals now
$35X0 Coata now
Stylish Luggage for your Vacation
YouH need a Gladstone case for toot rscaUon. We feature a
rery good one this week at $193, It by 30 Inches. J qr '
Black or brown. Fancy rayon pockets snd lining...... tjrccJ
ot brown.
- -- - " ' ! " "
i !
Women's all leather Gladstone m
23-mcn ess with novelty linings -
and pockets
sal grain' Black or
Women's Gladstone of exceptionally fine leather ia both black
and dark brown. Luxuriously lined. Padded bottom. . Q QK
A splendid ease to long time wear iVUU
1,000 Yards of -
Wasli Fabrics
Wt offer one thousand .yards of our finer
lawns. bstUtes and dimities In the dainty
summer prints all 38o yard. These are all
fast color, of course. There's erery color
scheme under the sun. Regularly they sell
at 39c-yard. 1IAZN FLOOR.
- Blouse
' Today
rAdd one of
Blouses to one of
these skirts. I .re-
Bult: a smart casual
Today and Saturday Sre Blouse
days at Miller's. ! And the
blouses sell at fl.5. And
here's what yon get for tbat
little .'sum. -' Tour 'choice of
. linen ' genuine Honan silk
. pare silk crepe '.' . '. to lie :
... batiste . . all in j the
. smartest fashions Imaginable.
From eyelet to Swiss dots
from plain! tailored,', to 7 Pas
sion, Eggshell and otberjpas
tels. .Main floor.' i - k ' '
Group Clearance
Children's Hats
. Values to $3.50
Just 39 bats In -this special group clear
ance beginning todsy at 48c. - Summer
straws In poke or bonnet and sailor
.shapes. Vslues to 13.50 In the group.
We adrise early shopping tor these . .
in the forenoon If possible. . Balcony.
A Special Group
Clearance of
Beginning today we of
fer you your choice .of
our blonde ; footwear
(Enna -Jettick excepted)
at 20 off. As the sum
mer is not half gone you
will sare by-buying your
summer shoes during
this clearance! This. In
cludes pumps, ties,
straps, sport oxfords and
erery day shoes. Main
floor. .
20 OFF
Values to
Fifty summer straw hats go-Into this clearance today at 1.00
tiuci m uigu as - .......( - i
Hero are raiues-that are irresistible!,. All are this season's
fashions . . . all are good quality straw,. . .-horse hair braids,
lace straws, rough , straws, etc. - Watteau . . -. silhouette . . .
profile . . . ,and-beret shapes. Come early for besti choice.
Summer Hsp
your choice
New ! Roman Striped
Beach Sandals $1-75 1!
i Just receired a special purchase of Roman striped beach j
sandals. Bright yellow ; i . red green mixed to per- ji
; fectlon. .Tle-strsps of coarse, . Crepe rubber soles and
heels. AH sizes. Main floor.
New! Ratine Weave
laS $1.98
Here's a new beach pajama. Uade of colorful ratine to
five It the appearance of fins wool. It offers something
new snd novel In way of beach wear. One piece with ex
tra wide trouser leg. Main floor. -
New! Two-Some
; t
Swim Suits
.Another shipment,'
of Webfoot Two" - -"
Some -swim suits
' arrlred' and ready
'. for those whom we .
"disappointed In our'
Webfoot sale.
Choose your Two- -Some
today -and be
In style.
Vacation Togs
v n - -. -
, Group of boys wash g-f -j Q
suits priced each.... wl.l
Boys' rayon shorts . and shirts
garment .r50c
Oroup boys linen golf knickers.
atfr.; S1.95
Oroup boys white duck trous
Oroup boys fancy ,- web sua-
. -j -
Sale of Silk Crepe
j Values to $5.95
Plain tailored and lace
trimmed combinations of
fered In this clearance are
truly .the' best raiues we
hare offered-: for many
months. Pastel shades.
Thoroughly good In Qual
ity. Talues to 15JS.
-Save on your
vacation needs.
Buy , good Iqual-
-. -
Li Li