The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 16, 1931, Page 10, Image 10

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    Tht OREGON STATESMAN; Salcn. I Oresron. Thnrsiay Mornlrr. July 16, 1S31
i O
vrns r n
t -
Dolp, Egan, Seaver, Hogan
-Eliminated Wednesday
In Close Matches
i.n4 nr. JnlT 15 CAP) The
riAfendlnr champion and only
middle westerner In the- tourna
tnent Johnny Lehman of Chica
go pvt on Httle surprise party
today in the first and second 18
hole rounds of the western ama
teur golf ehamplonshlps, and he
made a lot of the ioys su up ana
take- notice.
Lehman pranced through his
two matches, trouncing Lloyd By-
erly. Portland, I and 6. in ine
morning, and conquering Chuck
Hunter, Tacoma, 4 and 2, In the
Before the tournament started
It was common talk around the
club house that Lehman was "off
his game" and he would be "lucky
to get through the first round.
He refrained from competing in
the quslifylnr round, privilege
-. allowed the defending titllst, and
today was the first time the ex
perts had an opportunity to study
his game under fire. And there
.was nothing wrong with It.
Quarter Finale
Today's Program --
Others advancing to the quarter-finals
were Harold Thompson,
and Jack Gaines, Glendale. Calif.;
Fay Coleman. Los Angeles; Dr.
O. F. Willing. Don Moe. Rudie
Wllhelm and Ma'colm MacNaugh
ton, Portland. -v.
.Results of the afternoon match
'" es were:
Lehman defeated Hunter 4
and i.
Harold Thompson defeated his
brother Russell, 5 and 4.
I Coleman defeated Johnny Rob
, (bins, Portland. 4 and 3.
Moe defeated Francis H. J.
Brown, Honolulu, at the 23 rd.
Gaines defeated : Frank Dolp.
Portland at the 19th hole.
Willing defeated George Mead.
Portland. 2 and 1.
MaeNaugh ton defeated. H.
Chandler Egan, Medford, Ore., 4
and 2.
Wllhelm defeated Johnny
Shields. Seattle 1 up. 1 .
. The draw for the 3 S-hole quarter-finals
tomorrow la Lehman rs.
II." Thompson. Coleman rs Moe,
Galhes vs Willing and MacXaugh
ton ts . Wllhelm.
Two Ex-Champions - -
Flounder on 1 locks
Two former western champions.
Frank Dolp and Chandler Egan.
and. two other favorites, fCharles
H. Seaver, Los Angeles, and Ed
die Hogan, Portland, medalist in
the qualifying round, fell by the
wayside in the - sudden-death
. matches.' ,
I Dolph-was nosed out at an ex
' tra hole by Gaines when he put
' his second shot over the green.
Gaines hung on the lip of the cup
and his third 'and Dolp's ball
knocked him down for a birdie.
It was the Portlander's fifth
stroke and Gaines would have
won anyhow with a four. -
Hogan, 1930 Pacific northwest
champion, was two. down to
vtJeorge Mead at the ninth in the
first ronnd, squared the match at
the 14th and then lost at the p ax
fire 18th when he hacked all orer
the fairway to take a seven. .
Moe Beats Brown
In Battle Royal ;
Moe and Brown put on a battle
royal with the former winning
out with a 20-foot putt at the
fifth extra hole: Moe held a one
hole advantage goingto the ISth
but . a dead-stymie by Brown
forced him to take a six and fall
into a tie. They parred the first
four extra , boles and ..then the
Portland youth and former Walk
er cop team member rammed
down the spectacular putt to cap-
tare the match with a birdie at
the 23rd.
. Morning, results were:
Chuck Hunter. Tacoma. defeat
ed John de Paolo, 3 and 2.
Fay Coleman, Los Angeles, de
feated Ralph Wahley, Seattle 1
..up. . ... .
Johnny Bobbins, Portland, de
. feated Forest -Watson, Spokane,
4 and t.
Francis H. I. Brown, Honolulu,
defeated Vincent Dolp," Portland,
1 up.; - , :
Con .Moe,. Portlandf defeated
Howard Tustin, Spokane 5 and A:
Frank Dolp, Portland, defeated
- -Dick Near, Eugene, & and 4. '
Jack Gaines. Glendale, defeated
. Jlmmie Bushong, -Portland, r 2
.and' 1. ' - , . : .
Or. CF. Willing, .Portland, de
feated. Arloo Kyle, Portland. 2
and 1. . . ,
H. 'Chandler Egan,
feated Lloyd Mead, Portland, 7
and 5: ' i , -
Malcom MacNaughton, ' Port
land, defeated J. H. Crowellwn,
Portland, 7 and C. .
Johnnie Shields. Seattle. . de
feated Tab Boy er, Portland. 2
' and 1. .
Rudie Wllhelm,': Portland, de
feated IL B. We3tbrook, Pasade
na 1 up.
Madison Keeps
Century Title;
Sets Mile Mark
NEW YORK. July 15 (AP)
Miss Helen Madison, lg year old
schoolgirl wonder from Seattle.
Wash., successfully defended her
senior National A. A. U. outdder
swim titles at 100 meters and the
mil here tonight. . ;
In the latter event 'she broke
the four-year old world mark for
1500 meters by more than 27
seconds, setting a new standard
of 22 minutes, 17 and one fifth
seconds. She thus acquired ' her
' fourteenth world record of the
sixteen recognised standards.
Steele and Singh Ready
For Mat Match Tonight
Four grapplers who know their
mat tricks without any prompting
will engage in two bouts schedul
ed as fno-llmlt' at the armory
tonight. ' and the results should
be highly pleasing to the custo
mers. ! It; ' '
Basanta Singh, he' of the turban
and the ancestry parallel to that
of the renowned Mahatma Gandhi,
was delayed in getting Into town
yesterday so the sight of his un
sual headdress on Salem's broad
thoroughfares is delayed until to
day. . t : 1
Bob Steele, whose real name Is
something I more Scandinavian
than that and who has been
aroand the world Just as far as
Singh has, t announces that he's
ready for the Hindu, but at the
Pet. W. I. rrx.
BU U -5S 81 .6241
BotUta S SS .SSI
PUtts. .14 4S .425
Philsd. v 80 .405
Ciocia. 8S JS7
K. T. 44 14 .5441
Chiesrs 43 18 5
BrokL 48 T 54
- J 1 - ',
ST. LOUIS. July 15 (AP)
Watson Clark held the national
league champions in check in ev
ery, inning except the seventh as
the Brooklyn Robins evened the
series with jthe St. Louis Cardin
als 10 to- 3 today. '
:. - ih .1 R H E
Brooklyn J -'10 1 1
St. Louis 2 7 2
Clark and Lombard!; Derrin
ger, Stout and Mancuso.
Kikl Cnyler Here
CHICAGO. July 15 (AP)
Kikl Cuyler's single in the 9 th
Inning scored may with the run
that gave the Chicago Cnbs a S to
4 decision over the New York Gi
ants today.
New York J 4 8 1
Chicago 5 14 0
HnbbelL Heting, Baecht and
Hogan, O'Farrell; Teachout, May
and Hartnett.
Ogden Wine Duel
J o h n n y Ogden bested Ed
Brandt, i Braves .star southpaw in
a pitchers' battle today, the Reds
winning to 0 to even the series.
Ogden gave five hits,. Brandt
four. I
;'!, R H E
Boston i ; 0 5 0
Cincinnati ! - ..l 4 0
Brandt and Spohrer; Ogden and
Ashy. !
Removal of three deputies In
the office of State Purchasing
Agent Elnzig yesterday was ac
companied by the appointment of
H. J. Morrison of Portland as a
member of the department. Mor
rison was formerly United States
lighthouse inspector.
Elnzig announced the resigna
tion of C. M. Clifford, assistant in
the purchasing department for
two years, of F. W. Poorman and
of Frank Meredith. The latter is
a relative of Rufus C. Holman.
state treasurer, and was expected
to be continued in the office.
Meredith , was head of the state
auditing department which has
been eliminated by Elnzig. Sev
eral girls employed In the depart
ment have also been released since
Elnzig followed. Carle Abrams as
purchasing agent. -
Morrison - i was graduated in
electrical . chemical engineering
from the University of Wisconsin.
During the world war he was
west coast purchasing officer for
the United States shipping board.
For eight years he was purchasing
agent for the Portland: Lumber
company. He will have charge of
machinery and allied purchasing.
-- r ; ...... , .-.-...
Family Almost .
Starving; Word
To County Court
"My hasband has tried his very
best to get something to do and
is ready to take on anything to
make a living writes a distressed
Marlon county woman to the
county court i in a letter received
yesterday. "I have nothing to eat
or cook and have had nothing all
last week but a little canned
sauerkraut. I put up last fall and
some scrap meat that we got at a
butcher's 'Shop - that they threw
into a box for dog's scrap.
The writer appeals to the coun
ty court for aid. She says her hus
band Is at a point now where he
must! go to: the poorhouse or
starve to death.-
Soup or Salad - - Ueat or Fish ' Potatoes
j .Vegetables " Bread and Butter or Rolls
! Pie or Pudding and Drink
Brentano Ditto
same time isn't making any rash
predictions. He has heard that
Singh is a tough number. , WJ
Knowing a rreat deal of wrest
ling lore himself, Steele mention
ed yesterday that wrestling was
Invented in India and that the
Hindu has that advantage over
him, of knowing the game from
its historic beginnings.
No aspirants tor the two ring
side seats awaiting the fan who
figures out who Steele really Is,
had presented themselves up to
Wednesday night.
The contestants In the opening
"no-limit" match are Jack Bren
tano of McMlnnvllle and "Prof
Newton of Oregon City. They
wrestled a lightning fast draw a
week ago go the fans know wat
to expect. . :
w. u Pet. - - w. i
Pktua. as .7t2
8L U S7 4S ,431
Wild, .tS S3 .619
K. T. 4J II.. 512
ClevL -41 41 JOO
Detroit .13 82 411
Caiesf 10 49 .880
Bota Jt SO .it 7
NEW YORK, July 15 (AP)
The New York Yankees rallied in
the eighth Inning, scoring four
runs to defeat the Cleveland In
dians, 5 to 4, today. - -
Cleveland 4 8 1
New York 5 11 1
Hudlin and Sew ell; Johnson,
Pipgras, Wells and Dickey.
Red Sox, Browns Split
BOSTON. July 15. (AP) Al
ter the Red Sox had taken the
first game of a double header to
day I to 4, in 11 innings, the St.
Louis Browns came back to win
the nightcap, 6 to i. behind the
seven-hit pitching of George Blae
holder. R E
St- Louis 4 2
Boston .- 5 13 2
Stewart and Crouch; MacFay
den. Morris. Mdore, Lisenbee,
Lurham and Berry. !
St. Louis 8 11 2
Boston 2 7 1
Blaeholder and Young; Russell,
Moore and Connolly.
Athletics Win Two I
(AP) The Philadelphia Athletics
took two games from the Detroit
Tigers today, the first 5 to 3, and
the second 11 to 0.
Detroit 3 8 1
Philadelphia 5 5 0
Bridges and Grabowskl; Hoyt
and Cochrane.
Detroit .... 0 2 2
Philadelphia 11 15 0
Whltehill. Sullivan and Hay
worth; McDonald and Palmisano.
Chicago at Washington.' post
poned, rain.
Frank Mack. 44. died yesterday
afternoon at his home on Mack's
Landing, on the Sllets river, ac
cording ta word received by his
daughter-in-law. Mrs. Forest
Mack, 395 North High street. He
was stricken by paralysis July 2
and never recovered conscious
ness. Funeral services will be held
in Toledo's t 10 a. jn. Friday and
at the Selo cemetery at 2:30 p. m.
Survivors 'include his widow.
Mrs. Ella May Mack, and three
sons. They are Forest Mack, Sa
lem; Wallace Mack. Portland, and
Nello Mack, Port Angeles, Wash.
Mr. Mack was born in Scio In
1867. For many years he resided
in Stayton, going from there to
the Sllets River country about 10
years, ago. He conducted a sum
mer resort at the coasts :
Appeal Planned I
IrrDamageCasel 1
Against Salem
Mrs. J. F. Molten cop will ap-'
peal her $5000 damage case
against the-City of Salem to the
state supreme-court,-her counsel
announced yesterday when notice
of appeal was filed here. May IS
her case was thrown out of cir
cuit eourt when Judge L. H. Me
Mahan ruled the city was acting
in its corporate capacity in con
ducting the . airport and was not
liable for damages exceeding
$100. ,
Mrs. Mollencop alleges she re
ceived serious injuries at a - cele
bration at the airport when she
fell over a carelessly placed' wire.
Missions win 3 to 2 Even
: Though Seal- aca has H
" Unusual Control ! :
(AP) The Missions broke Gib
son's winning streak tonight by I
ueieaung, me . eeais. 10 . , oe
hind the steady pitching of
George Caster. Caster helped
win his own game in. the eighth,
when he singled, and then scored
the winning run on . Telly's hit
to right field. i ij
Gibson, trying to win his eigh
teenth victory, had almost perfect
control throughout the game.' The
umpire called only eleven of his
pitches balls, : "
, - ' R H E
San Francisco ...... 2 10 0
Missions ...... ....3 t 1
Gibson and Baldwin; Caster
and Brensel. - . . .
Ducks Even Series
OAKLAND. CaL, - July 15
(AP) The Portland Ducks even
ed the. series with, the Oaks to
night when they scored a-5 .to 4
Ylctory. Fuztj Hufft tripled to
score two Oaks In the eighth inn
ing with no outs to make himself
a tying run on third when Or
well replaced Bowman - on f the
mound for Portland and turned
the Oaks back hitless. -i
Portland 5 7 0
Oakland 4 9 1
Bowman. Orwall and Woodall;
Thomas, Ludolph and McMullen.
Stars Stop Rally
(AP) Despite a ninth Inning
rally which saw the bases filled,
the Seattle Indians went down, to
defeat before the Hollywood
Stars tonight, 7-5. So tense; was
the situation that Page, who' had
hurled - the greater part of nine
frames for the Stars, was re
placed by Angle Johns. He, how.
ever, fanned Lawrence, a pinch
hitter, to defeat the. Indians. '- i
Dave Barbee pounded his 27tn
home run of the season In the
second Inning. Hank Sever ein
also clouted a home run In the
fourth. . t i
Seattle 5 0
Hollywood 7 10s 1
Turpin.' Hartwick. Freltas and
Cox; Page, Johns and Severeid. I
(AP) Night game:
Los Angeles .1 11
Sacramento 3
Ballou and Schulte; Gllllck
VInll and Rlcci.
like this.. I
These tickets are good in
coaches or reclining chair
cars on fast trains, provid
ing trtin comfort at th
lowest possible cost.
. Through service to
Francisco and Los Ang
eles. Roundtrips have a re
turn limit of 16 days. Fifty
pounds of baggage . is
- i.
checked tree.
3 itf tiektts m Si
Tmttriu SUtprt, wpiAcb bw
(fate, t0mj0ruAU brtbt
wash rm smd porttr ttrv
k0. Tin fit 0f s tourist
StJiLrd Pmilmrn htrtb. '.
aty Ticket Office, i
184 N. Liberty, Tel. 4042
" IasseBirer Depot - f
13th and Oak, TeL 440flj
i i ii r-i
The Marion Jsmiors and Ore
jgosi Oty . jMnlors will ply oa
Se rodeo growads at Oregon
ty this afternoon ml S o'clock.
A -number of local fans will
snake the trrp, '
This Oregon' City team looks
tough from here. . It beat Astoria
20 to 1 "and 10 to 1. One of Its
pitchers is Lien. Canby southpaw
who played with the - Marion
county team In a couple of Inde
pendent games before It was def
initely decided where he belonged.
The team has scored 48 runs to
opponents' six, an average , of
lttt to 1H Pr game. . It Is
coached by Ray Imbler.
Spec Keene, state chalrmaa
of Janior baseball, was over at
Barns for the eastern district
toaraament, won by Ontario..
He reports there is much senti
ment la that regioa for a sew
anaaceaaeat which, womld pat
three teams la the state final,
one from Portland, one. from
the rest of western Oregon and
oao from eastern Oregon.
' Portland Is now- listed in" the
eastern Oregon dlvislonand up to
date has ruled the show, placing
its champion In the state finals
each year. Spec says that is not
certain to be repeated this year
as Ontario, at least,- has a strong
team. Heppner and The. Dalles
are the other survivors ' in : that
CLEAR LAKE, July 15 The
late rains were much appreciated
by the berry growers of this
neighborhood and all growers re
port a very good yield. One of
the largest yields per acre was
that from the Ray Lick yard. Mr.
Lick has harvested more than
nine and a half tons of lo ;-.
berries from an acre and a . half
patch and has lots of berries on
the vines yet. .
n. ..i -
IRESTONE Tires are the safest tires in
world, because of inbbilt patented construction fea
tures -Gum-Dipped Cords, Patented Double Cord
Breaker, and Tough,
3 Am (o longer fl.xing life in. every cord
&9c stronger bond between tread and cord body,.
20 greater protection egaintt pnncturci link
25: longer non
ZC&70. to 40 longer tire life ..- '
Firestone saves millions of dollars annually
through economies in buying, manufacturing and
distributing to give these extra values at lowest prices
In the history of tire building. We have a complete
line of Firestone Gum-Dipped Tires for you to
choose from. Every Firestone Tire bears the name
"Firestone", and is doubly guaranteed by Firestone
'anclby nj, .
Come in TODAY we will make full allowance
for the unused mileage in your old tires. Let us show
you how little it will cost you to equip with Firestone
High Speed Tires- and eliminate the danger oi
worn tires.5? f
Strong Threat Coming'up in
Portland; Valley : TO;
, - CooYert i$ Hurler
... v " .
. -s . . . ... . .. ... .
The Vancouver Soldiers. - re-i
garded " as . the ' strongest team in
the Portland Valley league with
the possible exception of the Sa
lem Senators, will be here Sunday
to determine .which is which in
that little argument. ;-
v The Soldiers, with "Chinky
Coevert as-their regular mounds
man, were leading the league for
the second halt up to Sunday,
when they dropped a 7-to-C con
test to the Merchants from the
same town. This defeat was some-'
thing of a flake., as the Soldiers
were leading 6 to 2 when the final
inning started. Then Coorert lost
control, was relieved by Gallant
who did little and the Merchants
shoved" across five runs, . just
enough to win. The Soldiers out
hit the Merchants 11 to 1. . j
Lost to Senators
By One Run Earlier -
In the' first half the Barracks
team. lost. to. the Senators in al
most the same Identical fashion,!
out-hitting the Solons by the same
figures hot losing because of Coo-,
vert's wildness. He Is a hard man'
to beat when he can get the
horsehlde across the rubber, and
has had good control In most of
his recent games, as is evidenced
by the fact that the Soldiers won
three games in a row at the start
of the second half.
Hitting luminaries on the Sol
diers team Include McGahn, Gar
vey and Delsenxo, the outfielders';
Goodwin, first base, and Worces
ter, shortstop. Shay, third base,
and Hunter, - second, were here
recently with the flying corps
team which played, the Legion
Juniors, and showed on that oc
casion that they are top notch
fielders and Hunter distinguished
himself by getting four hits
against the youthful twlrlers who
held his mates in check much
..vYjVw v
Y- sM - e i
Thick Non-Skid Tread, which
- thid teemr
Fitrcotono Cesvicc Dealers ami Cervicc
CaVo Ton Money end
The SUtioa wltk a Clock
Jirn'M "Dill"
InviU Us to J Your Next Blowout
Junior King
BAKER BOWL. Philadelphia.
July 15 (AP)Kid : Chocolate,
the flashing ebony stick from
Cuba, came into his own tonight,
a champion by right of conquest
of stubborn little Benny Bass of
Philadelphia. : ; .. .. f
It was only the Junior light
weight championship, a synthetic
title, bat it marked the top of
the trail for the white-toothed
grinning negro after many bitter
disappointments. - .' Referee Leo
Houck, boxing instructor at Penn
State college, awarded . him the
championship- on a technical
knockout with only, two- seconds
of the seventh ronnd of the tea
round title duel remaining, be
cause of a deep gash over Bass'
left eye. j
Realising all his great natural
ability, his fleet boxing skill and
deadly punching powers against
the charging . courageous cham
pion. Chocolate hammered Bass
throorh six rounds - enttinr him
steadily and methodically down.
ripping open a cut la tne-lext
eyebrow, smashing, at the wound
until the eye closed, splitting bti
lips and tearing his face. r
Bass took it " all like, a true
champion and never 'stopped
charging In. flinging a sweeping
left, hook that bounced off . the
Cuban's slender body. He stung
cnocolate . at times, . .made him
hold, but could not keep away
from the rifle volley of rights
and lefts that rioned at his fea
tures and buried into his body.1
Having beaten ihe Silverton
Country club golfers on the Sit-
more effectively. Dorreen Is the
regular catcher. i
4 V"j
Ebony Fl
I I yTuTrK ;
i . T -J .:
:The Gold Standard
efTlrcValucs .
GcrVc Yoa Dcttcri
verton course this season for the.
first' time in history, it falls to
the lot of the Illahee - 10-man
team to defend that advantage
on the home lot Sonday when
Silverton invades with an an
nounced determination to remove
the blot. -
Illahee's victory was by the de
cisive score of 12 to 17, but
Silverton is reported to be bring
ing a number of Dlavera whn
rwere not on hand for the first
Play will start at 8:30 a. m.
The following players will repre
sent Illahee:
R. K. Miller. Ike Kafoury.
Frank l Shafer, - Harold dinger,
Dr. H. H. Ollnrer, F. C. Cone,
Chan. Hndkins. Dr. A. D. Wood
mansee. - Max Flannery, B. G.
Thomson. H. Schmahl, J. Nash,
E. -A. Skelley, Ralph Jackson.
William Stacey, J. Varley. Bob
Bishop. B. C. Small, R. D Day,
OT L. Fisher, Gordon Wilson. O.
F. Franklin, Carl Gabrielson,
Jim McClelland, Dr. R. Lee Wood
and Don Roberts. .
Children at Uncojn summer
playgrounds will be busy as bees
today, laying out the lines for the
track meet which will be held Fri
day, with opportunity for boys and
girls I of all ages to participate,
and In some events, to win prizes.
' Mrs. Margaret Ellen Nelson,
director, has outlined 20 features
for the meet. They are as follows :
100-yard race boys 12 years- of
age and over; girls over 12. priza
for both by Atlas Book store; boys
under 12. and girls under 12.
prize by Commercial Book store;
50-yard race boys under 9 years,
prize by Patton's Book store.
Two three-legged races, boys
and girls; broad, jump, one each
for girls and boys over 12. one
each for boys and girls under 12?
running Jump, girls and boys over
12, gfrls and boys under 12; back
ward race, children unMer 7: re
lay races for boys-anfr-vgirls; bi
cycle race; aerobatics on rings.
- X