Tha OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Wednesday Morning-. Jcly l3, 1931 PAGD tiVJU 'W :M3eis. - - . " . . . r- . , " - . - - ; ' " and Ma : t, I i ... Statesman Classified Ads : ; Call 9101 i: Otaasifled Advertising; Single Insertion per llne,lQ Threw Insertion! per - line , : Six Insertlona per line. .10 One month per line.. 21.0 Uialmnm charge ,..e.25a Copy for M P0 eepted until :20 the eYen lar before publication tor Classification. Copy re ceived alter this time will be run under the heading Too Late to Classify. The Statesman assumes HELP- Y ANTED SIALE we Iis-sj"$i7 "to'-l'tiee VradViorkV iWoFTlCE CLERKS MAIL . CARRIERS. Osmmon - du-caUooeut-lnL Paid vacation. IS FREE. rka toy sur for tSl particulars. Bo 8. ft fetUee-: SITUATIONS WANTED . College woman of 1 wlshea employ ment. Anything respectaMe, ompan ftott. tutor. governess. . office or clrl- eai. owwkum. WANTED Work en fkrm'bfthor- ucHy experienced man. iwiwenw tonx 4 It. Statesman, j T FOIT SALE MlsceEaneoos VOSALJE : Yfcaftin g puiwyx. bns- WiiiLimiii Pubilsaioa: Ca. y.---j L II ' I .- eW FOR SALE Old pavers, la Statesman office. 10c a boa Typewriters, all mw, now m Mei Addn and typewriters for rent. wMwritr Encnanae. 411 Court 8t Used ranges $3.00 an up. Oregon Trading Post. SJ1 14. CoaVL mm gtTf Oita ana retcn nr. P w. Woeike, R. . Boa XU Saletn. ili4kamm" "l " "l" erate Nice tmbwtSUrrlee Se Ihw at Fanner'a Siarket oo N. Llbertr. i KOIt 8A.LE Modern plana In CoJ MfvAttin. Reaaooable. Tel. 42. t Baapbeni Tou pick tfaeoa. J. WANTED Miscellaneous jJJ-.-J-L-L ...--. . - WANTED Uied PwoV dfcace cm radios, phoaoerapba. or rar atlture. H. X- Stiff Firralrare Company. J..L- .'l - -- -- -- I Caab paid for , need furniture and tola. Oresoa Tradlosr io. S31. N. : Com'k ' : iiLii-ixn-rvir - - H.4.RUAIH U RebaCt Maytag- waafier, Ulse new, mw , machine -uarant!. Electric er fit fUH or terma 1585 Trart. Tem. 3IISCELLANEOUS , t ' Ifm r4ninr, rpa!rln. preasiaa. ulta ILML. rercoata ILje. . tfresse ISc a Martin. It9 X. Can etaL From- tWe date I am aot teponeio far oar debt Incurred by anye-ne ex- BOOM and BOARD , PI ra mant room, private bath, lots of fcet water. me4 alae llSOrm. One Wock from atate bldja Board If e4reV 1tH N. 13th. T1. ST. sas FOR REN T APARTMENTS Ambassador t end S rooma. WH furnished. Ail anadern convenlencea eath. . nteely furnished. Ideated la Sntalneaa district. Call Pattoa Book : fHtm. ' yvr n.n irr - -- -- tM t roetn fuinl sited dowa stairs apt Private batli. i:0 Court. WELL, furnished rooma and arta. tvr real at s:l Haacl Ar xafc IAiixi"LrLan.nririri - Attractire , threorroom iumisn-d. apartment for two adaltx Reasonable, 76 North CapltoL BtraAton Apta Nicely fur. t and i cm. apt. aXoJern QulpmeiU. 619 c Winter . ai'Lii-T-TLru'i n ru'i rnijc im' uwmriiWii t Nn f ir. "art. -e TTplon. '' FOR KENT HOUSES rOR EKXT naia for adulta, to t rOOOik ISO to Also houses, etc T W BECKE HENDRICK3 . 18 North High Street Xru--nj-L-i-ii-ii'i m,iMi Seres rm. house at .5T .a lith. Foot bedrooms, bath. 11.5 mo. U. JlVJUfc 145 N. 14ii or Statesman tn.-jL-.''.-L' --' we . Modern rlrnt room nouse; w-t- m ted : c&rare : two -oauirowiua. - . . m a li;t Court at er CX E, ft Prague, L Prlua. --in -.nriiiric-i-i-M-i- - mmm f FOR RENT I2S modern 4 R, un gahm, Iti Columbia St. Has nook, built rns; furnace, garage, also 4 K. around corner at tU 4th for lla. Oth ers -Si to " ' -iFURNISHED BTJNOAIiOW S R., fireplace, bath, built lna, gmr Sr. Hollywood district, $5t.8. UghU and water paid. 8KK BECHTEL-THOMASON ' f 41 State Street. , : ' f"' S room fur.-house. Call 7 Court TeL .' . I,,..- Virui,il-ruT'J 1 "J am m mmm aa t FOR RENT Five room bouse, m 8. lJth. Furnace, full basements fire fvlace, bath. TeL tS4. An attractive furnisUed bungalow f0r "MELNTN JOHNSON Mwwwe FOR LEASE Mo-lera borne, six rooms and bath.- $4e.e worth $.. See at ! North 17th. My modern five room bungalow for rent furnlshod. Tel. ?6- - ' - POLLY AND. HER PALS r ! . waa . - . . , . t : pwsl? mi " 1- ' 1 ' ' ' ' yt -: -- i ir t s' c h JZLrL -- --t3l) mas F-OisC -7-15 ' I (f i-w't I HrT, as-."' - f--. ' ' - - - ' V;,-:- ' -' ;.-i"'.' : ' ' . .- ;. . - :;'-!.:f - :. - ' - ' ' - " : " .... "; S . : ' : - -' -t - - ' ; : : . -'.'.' ? - A , . v : - ' - ' -. . : i no financial responsibility Cor error which may ap pear la ftdTertlsementa pub lished ta Its column, and la cases where this paper Is at f salt will reprint that part of aa advertisement ta which . the typographical mlitake occurs. I The Statesman reserref the right to reject ob J ac tional advertising. It far ther reserree the right to classify all advertising un der the proper classifica tion, i 1 ; FOR RENT Furnished apartmeata at Klwaada Beach (iPactflo City). One or two roorna, .per day Including vood. light and water. See Mra. Call In at Statesman offico. , . FOR SALE REAL ESTATE IIOMH AND INVESTMENT T- room a4 moderai tiorae. flreplaea, basomant aad ala destrable buildlnc lota la rapidly Unprortnf district. All lota hara larce cboloe fruit aad nut trrea, cherrlea, poars and apples; grape arbor, two car ares, garden, poultry house. On paved etreot near three schools. Nlc WU1 seU all er part, tersna. v6ee owner, TS Rural arenue. i Phona tlil. Priced te sail quick.' " - T . . . Oaa acre - and new modern house. 22e aat Tory easy terms. Excellent soil and oa paving. . , , i i y' Strictly "modern new Home In x eeBent tocatloo, lota of ahrubbery and bearing fruit, fttl, terms, WINNIE 'PETTYJOHN; Realtor . 17 Soutb Hiatr 8treet - Five room house aad lot, with terms, CaU IIS Market St. II IXKJK LOOK " -1 FOR SALE OR TRADE Never suck value offered before and never again will yen have a chance like this. Xwner aoa-rqetdentj has a rood ' f R. plastered bouse,- fireplace, bath, electricity, aome buMt ina, gar ase, pa Wag raid, owaor paid f 89 for this home, has llStf mortga;e at . Will aell equity for 5G. Would cooslder a good car and some cash. Sbowa by appointment. Phone 9S or 8S BECHTEI, r, TH0MA8ON S41 State Street Room 4. HOME BARGAIN t . Practically new ', .- snedern 4 room home with two bedreoma. basement, furnace, fire place, laundry , trays, hardwood floor m living reom, corner lot on paved at. Price 17S. II0t cash. balance lance tie. per Dins Int. W. U. ORA BENHORST s CO. REALTORS 114 South Liberty Street ACRH HOME ; Three room plastered house with electricity, drilled, well, ; garaga and woodshed. - Price 1, lr. cash, bal. :. per mo. to, taclude tut. - , - W. H. GRABENHOR3T A CO. 114 etouth Liberty St. f. SPBC1AI BAROAIN IN SUBURBAN : . .HOME: - Practically new modern semi Eng lish, i five alee roeena with large attic, has tile drain, board, breakfast room, dining room, hardwood floor thrdugh out, : eawdust burner, etctrlc water heater, full oeftenf basement, laundry trays., garage, full -acre - set td"young fruit tres. located rloae to rlty lim lta Prlee for QUICK SALH $80. Reason U1 terms. : INVESTIUATE THIS NOW. W. H. QBABEXHOR3T A' CO.. - 1 REALTORi-, -114 a Liberty Sc. Phone C4CI. ''The Chambers home at 111- Court 8c for sale, house S rUaii, 2 hatha, lot 8ilS fu No finer location In Salem ho'jn in exceTrep.t condition cherry, apple, pears and peach trees In rear. If you want a nice comfort able .nomey home. this place hot water, heat, hardwood .- and Jaspe floors. For sale by owner. CaU or phone. Ilia,' . . 1 NO JOB? Then capitalise your Idle 4tmar by furnishing e S room, house located - la S.-Salem, and be ready for a resale. Price, as U, only $l0d, terma ,$2S down, bai fit per month. Will accept good ear as first paypieut. . L0 N. CU1U CO. Realtors - MR. HOME BITTER . Ton wUl be pleased with this cory a room mooern ounraiow it you SLppre I elate larre lot and beautlfulrreea es pecially fine location, near school and street paved. ' Prioe, over all 11750. Will accept good lot aa 1st payment. SES Mra, 'Kills with LKO N. CHILDS CO, Realtors Jie .state Street . Phone !. i : SUBURBAN HOME X acres with garden in, not far out on good ro.M. telephone,1 electric light and gas servlco available, good drove well, neat t room' bouse, garage and woodshed, chicken coops, immediate poseessioo. Price lee, cash 1 25, bal. 1 15 per meettb, ( iateresc LKO N. CHILDS- CO Realtore ISO State Street i Phono 4701. I5. ! down. nMstered bungalow, nice living ' room, kitchen, bath, gar-are-, etc. $1S. 13. ' down. $30 per cm, ' Interest lo- eluded, Tingllsk type borne, large llvtng room, oak floor, 1 1 bed- roo(Ba: dinette, kitchen, basement, fume.-, flreplac?, wrred for elec -trie etove and heater, garage and paving je. $re. a barqaxn. M V.ISTIH JOHXSON -tSS tj. S. MatX Bank Bidg.' Ph. 7I(. FOR SALK New four room house. fireplace j aad furnace. 42100. Four room tioase, Ilko new, ptce lot, trait end i shade trees. - East Salem $2eee. Strictly nodera s4k room new house, corner lot North' Sslem, MI6e. . I' r . U WOOD 141 Rtste Rtrewt EXCHANGE Real Estate mneeMiMw To rrxde a . fire room house ta North Salem for smell acreage close In with good bulldlagav 4ee Harold - j i INVESTIGATE THIS -. Large? room semi-modern bunga low nearly aw on t fine- lota, fruit, tterrtoev inwn, ahrubbery and flowers. Ntae location. Paved si.", cement walks, extra good home clear of Incumbrance, litve. want erreare to same value. SEE PKRR1NK A MARSTERS J12 Justice Court Bids. 1 - s . - t. 11 ... . - EXCHANGED Real Estate IS ac tmproved, for bus! nose up Box (12, Sta teaman. ta liooo.o OFFER! NO FARM EXCHANGES Sit A. Clear near Staytoo, Ore lor larger farm. . le a. clear near M1V Ota, for Salent residence. lllNA. aouUweat' for. California property. 11 A. North on Westelde dor amaO- 104 A. South a.Paclfle hlwy-. for Salem residence. ' i 104 A. east ae&r SUrerton for Sa lem residence. He, north clear for Salem income, (t A. north weatalde for larger farm. ' "' ,- IT AIM mL east for clear Salem residence. .... 44 A, west for Salem residence. 14 A. north, well -improved tor Cal ifornia. " i : If yon do not see what you want here we have a 100 other bargains. - McGILCHBAsT PENNINGTON lot U. S. Bank Bidg. Trade Restaurant at Newport for Salem property. Good location, good business, - : . r. i wood ' , 111 State Street ? eWMe)WMMeWWiiMWMMWI 19 acres near SUverton, 4 room house, -electricity, hen house and other bldga .WUl take good bouse In Salem for part. Price 50. tS acres in Howell Prairie, S room house, barn and other blags. Price T, 800. Trade for Salem. r A. F. Homyer with ' ' W. O. KRITKGER ': - " . 111 N. Com L i ' ' ; . STOP READ THEN ACT 14-Acre a, all new land, new 7-R. house, not quite ' finished, barn and double garage, poultry bouse. : 11-A. nultivaUon, 140 ft. 4. la casing well. A dandy piece of land. One I-naQea east of city limits. If sold at once., price reduced to 14000.00 or will take 1-to ti-A. tract as part payment.' . . 10 -4 ACRE 12440.00 With GHmoca Gaa Station 4-R. house, ' automatic .water sys-' tern, electric lights, barn, and poultry house, all la cultivation. A real buy. 1440.00 will handle thla. - ; 14a ACRES ltSOO.04 ' R. house, good barn, electrlcit running water, a-a. ore tiara, - all crop. Trade ror city property., , . lfeACRKS 42500.0S 1 4-R. house with ' electricity, barn, garage, poultry housea . All la cul Uration. close to Salem. Will . give terms. SEE . - . . SEARS A TUCKER. Realtors 144 S. Commercial Street : ACREAGE "rigr-rvsJsi,Jlra SACRIFICE SALE: t04 acres of ooen land, level, ready for plow, loca ted It miles from "Salem wit R aad Market road. Price if sold at once fte. per cash. No buUdiBrs." SEE W. H, ORABENRORST CO. REALTORS i - : 114 a Liberty Street' MeeeeeAeeeeMieMieAei'MMMMi 4 A. all tn cult. IK acres wheat. about I -A. clover, strawberrlesv rasp bertiea, potatoes, garden. I rm, bouse, garage, a mL to Salem, i near pave ment. Price lodi 1X60 down, bai. easy. ' SHIELDS- A BLAKB '' Oregon Bldg. (-'.. i TeL StOt. WANTED REAL ESTATE WANT Farm 40 to SO acres, must be bargain for cash. - - . , . V F. L WOOD' - - j 141 State Street -si WAlHiCiU t. - - -i Good I or S room bouse tn east or north Salem, not to exceed $200, that owner will accef a second mortgage. Ford truck and two vacant lots as part payment. Value for all. 11400. ', LEO N. CHILDS CO, Realtors 110 State Street- Phone ST0I. Basinesai Opportunities . WANTED TO BUT SO or 40 ecrea. part euHtvated. balance woods or pas ture, with house and barn, not over S or miles from Salem, west of Salem preferred. 0 First NatX Bank Bidg. Good, dean grocery stock and fix tares, fin oeighborhood," cash bus iness. Reasonable rent. Priced right at 4450.00. Box 742. Slatesmaa.. SHOE SHOP SNAP SALE $100 : A 1 shoe shop la operation with full line of naitnery aad equlpowat. rent 412.00 per mo.-Owner going oast. "' H. P. GRANT . . " H N. Com'l. Ro.wn 15 Phene SS10. MONEY TO LOAN - 'Bells of Harmony' Heard ever EOIN daQy ring out a loan service that la really, really, different. NO DEDUCTIONS NO FEES- t NO OTHER CHARGES ' ONLY .LAWFUL INTEREST - STRICT PRrvACT QUI CSC AND COURTEOUS SERVICE ON LOAN 3 10 to f 100 Beneficial Loan Society Cw OREGON Room 111. New Bltsh BJdg. 'ia Ploer Sit Bute St . Tel. l-t-4-0. - r- LICENSED BT STATE -WANTED to loan wa irve stock and personal property - Terms to salt your convenience. National Lena and Finance Co, 410 Bank of .Coza. Bids; Licensed by state. - i - BALART AND FURNITURE LOANS SSta $10: 1 to t months to pay. Quick eerrice, fair treatment. State Loan. Company, 112 Oregon Bid., 2nd floor. Off. hours 10 a. ta. to 4:20 p. m. Telephone tI8J. Licensed by state. . - PERSONAL LOANS - MADE on furniture, cars, aalartea er other good security. ' Repayable monthly. When tn financial need see ca before) closing a loan. GENERAL, INVESTMENT CORPORATION . First National Bank Bidg. Phone. MS I MONEf LOANED ON AUTOS Contracts Refinanced Arraage to reduce your paymenta Ton keep the car.. ' P. A. FIKER . . . Phone 4721 . Salem. Ore. 'A Convincing; Ladjrw. BIONEY TO LOAN Oil AND. FARM loaaa at lowest rates. Beat . terms obtainable. Our mauraneo nepartmont offara yon ex pert ad vlr and-aervfre in all lines. IlAeTKINe RORERT3 (Inc.) Tel. l ! Orftm B'1. LOANS WANTED MAMMMeMMAMefl0. WANTED Prl vats money tar loan. on real astate. t . W. H, ORABENUORSX CTX" ' RRALTOR3 - ' 114 ST. IJoerty St. TeT. 4441. LIVE STOCK aad POtJLTRY For Immediata sale on aeoount of movlag--rabaHa 'and . hutdiea, mlik cow. S year heifer - coming fresh, laying bens. Rocks, Giants and Reds. Sevea swarma of " bees u and extra hi rea. Rt. , Box 104, TeL 110F12, H, C. Huwna. - ' ; " FOR SALE WOOD GUARANTEED DRT Wood coeL TeL SOffO Salem Fuel Co. TS Trade. MwwewAeeoeeweAHeAwUiMww All klada, any length. CaU 1 1721. .' DRT fir and oak wood,- coal and fuel oil. Cat! en us Zor prices. ; We give good nieaaare, good quaJtty and good eerrice. LARMF.R TRATfSFCR STORAOB Taloohona Slit j Best wood for the money at Tracy's Fuel Tard. TeL 114. - ' n 12 and IS' rood, also. .. planet wood- li.SO per cord load : delivered from car. 45.50 from yard. Cobba MHohell Oo-14f . rsth. Tll. - FOR SALE USED CARS viee(wwwwiwwewwwwieaei Salem Used Car Center " " - ... r CONSOLIDATED i 1420 'Austin Coupe .(MOOS . TOS.00 .0745 0 . 10.0 . S. If Bulok SpL. Coupe 12I Buick Spt, Coup 12T Bulok Spt. Coupe 1T Buick Touring lia Biaick Touriag ' 124 Buick- Sedan J- 1SI7 Chevrolet Coach sties. over nauiea ' . IliS bevrolet Coach ,'22 JI5.00 lt'soe 144.00 lttS Chevrolet Sedan 1)1$ Chevrolet Touring IVH 74.00 110.00 110.00 1021 Chalmers Coach 124 Dadro Couoe ' 1S Dodge Roadster 124 Dodgo eaclooed touring; . 121 Dodge Touring, fine shape 10.00 12S Essex Coach 150,00 124 Essex Coach ' .,,i ,,,-40.00 12 Ford Coach , 484. lSO Ford Spt. Coupe , , . 4. 12 Ford Standard Coupe - 44. lit Ford Standard Coupe . 154.00 124 Ford Panel ' DeUvery 171 00 ltl Ford Sedan . ; , IfO.OO 124 Ford Coupe ... i.. 114.00 14 Ford Coupe 'II license.-- OO.frO 14 Ford Coach 40.0 OS. 4$ 00 25.00 ss.o 1124 Ford Sedan- 124 Ford Touring 111 Foro. -Bug les I Hudson Coach 1024 Overland Touring Packard enclosed tourlne; 1!S Roo 4 Sedan , , ; . 1 145.00 192 Nash Sedan ; - ; , 484.00 1130 Studebaker S Sedan 084.00 12 Studebaker Sedan 75.00 Salem Used Car Center - Marion and Liberty-" Open Kveninga and Sunday Phone J L0 f Used; Fords 110 Tudor Jm . 4$476.0O 120 Roadster rumble seat f. 414.00 1PSS Standard Coupe, new pami 2? 50 15. its. 2S0.00 124.00 12 Standard Coupe 124 Tudor Sedan 114 Fordor sedan . 124 Panel Delivery . 1S4 Pick. Up Other Makes ; j 1121. Lt. S Naah Sedai' new 'aaiat : 4SS. 124 Buick ' Coach L. IS. TERMSTRADES VALLEY MOTOR COMPANY ! i Plion list. Center and Liberty ' MKATS FXH 'USED - CATCH - - WITH AH O. K..THAT COUNTS III Chevrolet Boaaa. ran aeee . mile . $425.00 1IS0 ClieTrelet . Sport Roadster 44S.00 120 Dodge Sedan .,',,-.. ... 724.00 12 Poatiao. Cowoe ... 124.0 127 Paige Coach" ' ;, t5 0 117 Velio Sedan , , I7S.0 120 Durant Coupe . 124.00 11 Chevrotot Conn. 415.00 17 Chrysler. Coudo ' - 145.0 12 (Jriryaler eoan . . 1.0S DOUuLAl alcKAT CHEV. XX -111 Cuatr Invet . . . . - Tl - lit Oood-Wlil Used, Cajrs i. i ! JOLD Wmi A' OTJARANTT J lltS-Poatlae Coupe -, ,.7...:. ..$150 00 l2S-Pontiae Cabriolet , . ' 400.0U il27-Oakiand Se4aa ' ' "- ' 42S.M Jl-Buick. Coupe ,, . . SSS.e l2S-Kssek Bedaa - 115.00 l2-Ford- " eaeaa 1020 Ford Business Ooupe L jiiiHtar a juoe zts.v? l2-OherroIet Sodaar Dot -u 16,0 l2Ford Cottpe. : i a27-PontkvoX4Adaia Sedan 285.0 Wood -Wheatbh Motor Company H Oakland . Phone-- 51 f - 1 Poottac Open Evenlnga and minday. i . . Used Car DeparUueQt 444 CheraeseU. NKW PASTOR AT PRATTJM . i i . PRATTJM. July 14 Rev. and Mn. Rounds' who arrlTed here from Harrlsburg' Just .'before the 4 th baa, by coaseat of the board. attended what la called- a holiness camp meeting at Portland most of the time since arriving here al though he has been here both Sundays. Jleli pastor of the ileth dist church There since confer ence. HsTwas pastor at Harrtsbur; dXlOTe - COmlnf here. soncK - OP FISAl, ! sCTTXEMfarr -:. . Notice Is hereby, ri rea that the uhderslgrned hare filed . la the Count- Court of the State ot Ore go. -.for the -County of Marion, their duly verified final account. as executrixes of the last will and testament and estate or James 8. Byrne, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Tuesday, the 2Sth day of July. 1911. at the hour of tea O'clock A M. of said day, as the time, and the County: Court Boom fa the County Court House at saiem. la uarioa County, Ore gon, as the place ror, hearing; said final account and an objections thereto.. - '. Dated .at . Salem.. Oregon, this 24th day of June. 1S1. ADA B. POWERS . ELLA -R. MCALLISTER Executrixes of the last wlH and testament and estate of: James 3. Byrne, deceased. J-2-Jly-l- ROXALD c. glover. Salem. Oregon. (; Attorney tor Executrlees. ?' ' S XOTICK OF FTXAIJ J SFTTLEMENT ' '. . . ;N otlee-la hereby given 'that the undersigned has . filed her Final Account as Administratrix of the Estate ot George -r. Rodgera. de ceased In tha County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marlon, and said Court has est the hearing of aame, and. of any and all objections thereto And the settlement ot ' said Estate ' for Thursday, Angu&t C. 19SL, at ten o'clock la the forenoon ot said date la the Court Room, of eald Court at' Salem. Oregon. '- Date ot first publication here of; July t.,l21.. ' .. . BLANCHE A. RODOBRS. admin istratrix. . BRUCE SPATJLDrNO... Attorney for Estate. Jly. S-15-2-2l-Ar5 i- GUESTS FROM. SOUTH KEIZER. July 14 Mr. aad Mrs, Leo Green and children Jan lor and Era Mary, motored from Hollywood; California, aad . are TlilUng at the Frank E. Erans T Busmeai A5IUSE31ENTS Sataea Oolf- Course S miles south on River Drive. IS hole watered fair way, large greens. Feed Tee. Sundays and hoitdara, IL00.. , . -. Plcnle and swim at Haret Green JiJsoovsnjiiean-iBMBB BATTERY ELECTRICIAN R Dl i Bartou-NatlonaT. Batter! Starter aad generator work. Texace station. come tjourt awq umirfq BICYCLE. REPAIRING TJOTTJ . B. RAMSDEN CoIumbU Bieycles and repairing. SST Court. Tha best m bieycles and repeJrtna H. W. Scott. 74T a ComT TeL 4S14. CHIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 44 SO. R. Northness'- CHIROPRACTORS Dr. Oilbert, Ore. Bidg. Tet ' tlSL Dr. Ot. L. SCOTT. PSG. CMrooTactor. 2S4 N. High. .TeL Rea, S37A - ' DRS. BCOFIELD. Palmer Chlronrae- tora. X-ray "and H. C M, New Bash CLEANING SERVICE Center SL Valeterla. TeL flit, EIXCTRICIANS HALTS ELECTRIC CO. New loca tion, $17. Court 4U. TeL 4044. E. L Welch . electrlo ehao. Wkteg. fictnroa and supplloe, Oet ouS prteea. & Com'L. TL S14X j. . . . FLORISTS FLOWERS FOR ALL' eccaeiena Olsoa'a. Court and High St. TeL. 110. ALL kinds of a era! work, lUrta Flor ist. ISrh dt Market. TeL 051, CUT ' ribwara, wedding . bouahetSH Stiaoral erreatha. - dectrat!oiia -C F. BreJthaaot. CariaC SIS - Stale Street. tn. . " - - - . CHUNG TiEXDLEWOSS. h .Margaret's, iTaon, 414 court. f . ; GARBAGE Salem Scavcngec. TaL 412 ee TlOa, INSURANCE BBC STB' A' 110 X, Igh ' HENDRICKS . TeL 4f NCT- WILLAMETTE INS.- AG EX - wm. silvan, atgr. - -Exelaalve Buttevde Ajreat 211 Masonlo Bidg. - - TeL TIOI LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LATJNDRY THTC ICWirtE-a : LAUNDRY 2SS & High , Z TeL 111 CAPITAL CITT LAUNDRY Wa Wash Everything In Lux" Telephone 214S .12(4 Broadway I O- HINT MUimm Charred almost beyond recognition, the body of Mrs. Marion Day Berrien, former Jollies beauty,; was discovered In the fire-swept ruins . of her home ta one of the most exclusive sections of. Forest Hills, L. L, smart New York residential suburb. With the rinding ot the body, authorities were presented with a mystery that may equal the Snyder.-. -Gray case. Although the beauty, 20 years old and widow of a naval .officer, might hare met her death accidentally, murder was hinted In the preliminary investigation. The partly destroyed home of Mrs. ' Berrien is shown with the ex-stage star in insert. home. Mr. Green' is aT cousin of Mr. RHUrs. He Is engaged as eltm- Hnatlng ''engineer -'. for "Warner Brothers First National in Holly wood. ' . . f " - ..-: DAUGHTER IS BORN -KEIZER, Jiily 14 Mr. and Mrs. Fred McCaH are rejoicing over .the arrival df an '8 pound girl bora July 10. She has been named Dorothy May. . " . Directory BUTTRESSES Mattresses from factory to homo. Ask about our wool' matt re seek Renovat ors and fumlgatora. Capital City Bed ding Co. Tel. 4c. ses North Can MUSIC STORES I!" GEO. C WILX. Pianos, psono- grapba. sewing machines, sheet music, and piano etudlea, Repairing phono. grapns ana sewing tnactuaea, 432 State Street: rfalem. - ' PLUMBING and HEATING PLUMBING and -general repair work. Graber Bros- 144, So. Liberty. Tel S4. PAPER HANGING Paper hanging and painting. Neo man'a Paint Store. 132 N. ComL t . PHONS OLENN ADAMS for bouee dectaratlng, paper tiaarlnc tlntlnr. otir Rellahle workman. PRINTING FOR STATIONERY. ' card a oamob- lata, programs,, books 'or' any kind of rmtlng, call Tbe Statesman CTtat ng. Department. 'IIS S. CrmmerctaL Tejerhorte 0101.- ' - ' RADIO It FOSt owry parpoee, for every purse ah utanaaru etee or. itaiio Tunes. EOFK ELECTRrCAL 8UOP. Ill rCourt St. TeL 11. i Foe. n-oaraateed radio . reoaizlnc phono or call at t i. SALEM RADIO IKKVIUK ' Tel. 44 - S$ FerryiSt. STOYES STOVES' and stove renatrtneL Steves for sale.-- rebuitc and repaired, i All kinds of eroa-en wtro fence,- fancy and plain, hop baekels. hooks, loraa hooka saiem -nce and store rvorka. 242 Chemeketa: TeL . 47?4. R R. Flemlne lTailors; IX n. M03HER Tarter for men and women. 474 Court m. - - TRANSFER CAPITAL. .CITY Transfer Ce. 22 State St. TeL - T7TS- DtstTibutlna. for- warding ' and atorega our : aoeclalty. uet -oar raws -7 . ,- ( FOR laral or distant transfer atdr eceh call 1 1 1 L Laraaer Transfer .Co. Trucks, to Sortlaad daily. .ECKa, If I K. High HENDRICKS TeL 447 8e M, 124 N. High St. CARLE TeL S47S J. LINCOLN ELLjS- J 411 State TeL 47 SOUOLOFSKT a SON 104-S First Nat Bk. Bidg. TeL TS07 J.. P.. tTLRICH I ! F. L WOOD 441 State St. TeL flS4 HOMER D. FDSTER SiOVe State 8u REALTY CO TeL till I W. Hy GRABE H GRABENHORST CO. 114 a Liberty St. TeL 044 By CLIFF STCRRETT Real Estate - Directory c : ' IN FIRE DEATH o TV t .lit -- y FUNERAL HELD FOR 'II Fnneral serrlces were held yes terday la En rone . for F. ' S. Steele, who .was secretary, and manager of the Eugene chamber of commerce. Steele died Saturday after an operation. .The remains are to be Interred in the Portland crematorium. Steele was. fairly well known in Salem where he came often on buainesa for the Eugene chamber. . :, Honorary- pallbearers included members of the board ot directors of the chamber of commerce. Earl M. Pallett. L. C. Scharpf, Josoph- U. Koke. Robert F. -Callahan. Al ton F. Baker and F. M. Hathaway. The active pallbearers were- a group of membera from the, Eu gene Klwauls .club, of which Mr. Steele was a. member,' Seth Lara-' way. C. L Collins, A. A. Bernard. 1 c ross - w Bj EUGENE HORIZONTAL. Kex to Flad. what eoaatryl - ; bat aaore ' lakoa aad rivers tkaa . any ether coaatry ef v EarepeT. ? ; : . 7 Soft, white fibrous substance. S3 Wkaft Boagali seat is a wea ' a or af tha NeWal award for " Uteratare? 14V-e-maII area. ' 15 rUnit of energy, if What voice aif aaaaataia la . - ICyashu, Jsaaa, has a crater ; 12 aaOoa wiaeT M : IS Contraction for I am. 19 Suffix denoting the compar- ative degree. v SO Makes lace. ?1 Hail! ' ' 22 What Aaaaricaa General Le- came ' preaideat af. Washiag- to Collero after the UvU We? . - 24 .Member of a warlike Moham medan tribe. 25 Declare. . -: v ' - 26 Make beloved, i , ' 28 Bodies of water. . SO Sick . , 31 Correlative ef acitoer. . . " 82 Binds again. -. 85 Faculties of sensation. . s.8 Plane surface. . 3$) What city ie the capital af the Departaaeat ot ivioeotiof 41 Night before, a holiday; i 42 Vulgar pcrada, . V 1 " 43 Express conceefn.' " -. 44 Thorouslifarcj Abbr-). 45 Exists.. . . ; 4 C Hardly. . . ;, . 48 Type of poem. ' 49 Most rsemt. -' 51 One wno jumps clear of the trround. ' . . ' , Er-Wcars away. 4 C4 Behind a vesseL VERTICAL v - 1 What English eseayUt was the collaborator af AddUaa? ' 2 What was the first name of - : the . U. S. Proaadoat apoa whose death CooUdge became - Prosideat? , S Urge oa. " V 1 f 4 Note of the musical scale. . - 6 Period at time. . . r T 6 What saiaaa ir af tha Creak . axaodiaioa aga'iaat Trey was " V3. atotod as a eraat coaaseiorT 1 V7 1 2 3 m 1 5 6 1 8 ? TT 26 27 p2S 2? 38" WH0Wr hi Mm5IZ EZiiiZZ!!!!!!! 5H 111 1 H0H1 1 1 11" ironcss to coxTUACTon3 Separate sealed proposals for furnishing labor and materials re quired for the full completion of (1) General work for dining t wing addition to mala hos pital building At) General work for open air air paruioa building IX) Plumbing and heating for , miBg wing addition to . mala hospital building and -1 . 2.?ea Jr PTUIoa ballding (4) Electrical work for dining wing addition to mala hos pital building and epwi a!r - pavilion building for the dining wing addition to ' the main hospital building and an open air pavilion banding te be constructed at the Eastern Oregon. Tubereuloela Hospital. The Dalles, Oregon, will be opened by the un dersigned at the Capitol Building. 21 T92?re50a' 4111 V M ' Jb1' A certified check or bidder's bond is to be filed with each pro posal to ee.aal 1,0 of the amount of bid and drawn to the order of Wm. Elnrlg. Temporary Secretary Oregon State Board of Control, te -guarantee that the bidder will en ter into a contract and execute the required bond; same shall bo forfeited to the Oregon State Board of Control if awgrd xt con tract is made to bidder and hp or they shall fail to enter into a con tract and furnish the required bond within ten days from the award of contract. Contractor will accept the terms of the Workmen's Compensation -Act. caress other arrangements are- mad with the Board. Plans and specifications mav'h obtained from Claussen 4 Clans sen, Architects, r 1102 Gusrdlau Building, Portland. Oregon. f Contractors will be required te deposit 225.09 for each set ot plans and specifications to insure the return of same. The right is reserved to accept or reject any or all bids or to waive any Infor malities in bids. ' . WILLIAM EINZIQ, - Capitol Building, - - Temporary Secretary, Salem, Oregon. . ' , j 4-r-n-is Arthur Hendershott, Al H. Buck and F; L. Beard. . , . -ON. VACATION ! SILYERTON, July 14 Mr. apd Mrs. Almon Balch and family of Portland ; are here Tisitihg Mr. Balch'a parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Balch. -- Mr. Balch is employed la the radio department of Meier and Frank's. At the end of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Balch will go to Medford to risit Mrs. Balch'a parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hartley, former residents here. i rv l ora ruzzie SHEr'FER - : 7 PeHax U oae af the twsn aictarael la taw ceasteUateeei '' 1 -CeoMaii what U tha other T 8 Anglo-Saxon coins. - 9 Decade. It Prepoiitioa. 11 What U tha atae el the bo aa - a- aevei ay etna a -mmm-aakad for more? 12 Nomina tor. - 17 Rowing implement 21 Reluctant. ? 23 Headed a newspaper. 24 One of the genders. 25 Oa what river in Eaglaad U , the town where Shakespeare . wa bora? 27 What was tha aaa-aasso of the EagUah aeaajrtat who : collaborated with lus sitter oa Tales From Shakespeare-1 29 fJirl's name. 32 What city ia S. E. Wiacoaela is oa Lake MUhigaa? 33 Implement for removing pea-- marks. 34 Feels sharp pain. 35 By what aaaae did Jena tkaa l ' Swift call the lady, ta wheat -be. wrote hia fasaous tetter? SC One who eludes. 37 What river ia Eaglaad fiowa rm from North Wales to the Bris tol Chaaaal? 40 Before. 43 Instance ef the kind. 46 Article of furniture. 47 Affirmative reply. 48-Opea (poet). 50 War Office (abbr.) 2 By.' Heretrith is the solution to res- terdav's putrle. .pt iSiTiA c?ri m a. n 1 tl ir i m rv t a a. l ' AlSSt "iTiQN ITEiN-T U LTrsiTOlTiwrr B a UCL Slag reKarsj Ejraiala, La