PAG2 KIND Where iSp-Jem The OREGON 8TATES3IAN, Saleia, Oregon; Saturday ITornlag, JcTy II, ISSl and Statesman Classified Ads h Call 9101 : V Classified AdtertlsUg " Stagla insertion per llne.lse 1 Three Insertion per j line 80o ; Six Insertions per llnctOc v ; One month per line.. $1.00, - Minimum chars .....23c . Copy for tbla pare ee cepted until : 30 the even- , i lng 'before publication tor I - classttlcatlon. C o p J to- - celved alter this time will be - ran under the heading ; Too Lata to Classify. Toe Statesman assume HELP WANTED MALE I will hire one jwinlt man wno aci urilly needs work. Suit fee honest ana : Roora 204. tl State Street SITUATIONS WANTED VMvitinn. ii hone-keeper. Call for lira. Nelson. 14 4 w. ire-it. uwn xmtlmm . a hraiHk1. er for employed or elderly couple or comp-intoa to . aeml-tn valid. Refereo O.. Call 37g. SALESMEN WANTED "jji-i'iru-i.nnririi'i 1 ...-. -..,.. Ileal Silk Hoeiery jnille wuiti rep resentative fur SaUra. also can use arm crew manager; nwirt have car. Apply 31 Ptnte Strwt, FOR SALE-j-MtaceHaneous FOR 8 ALE: .hafttnc ptftr hans- FOR SALE Old rat-era lee a bun dle. Statesman office. T-uvt-IUr. m 11 mal'M UhW eld used. Adders and trpewrttere fev rent Typewriter bxenange. i - -Yri-rutryur---i i - - .------- . Used ranges tSOO and up. Oregon Trad teg I'Q't. 2tS N. -Coea'L Kord Roadster. excellent condition, Sr.d Uc-tiae. Oieap. lat t7. TRADE Miscellaneous Tun nnnnnnrrri'cr .......... . Trailer to trade for 2nd growtli fir -rood. 8ST H. iTd. -- WANTED filiscellaneous WANTED Used pianos. In es ehanfre en radios, ptiooo-rraphs, r fur- itura. H L Stltf Foc-alr-are Co in pa nr Cash paid for used furniture and tools. Oregon Trading foot. 332 N. Com'l - BIISCELLANEOUS' Home cleaalng. repalrleg. pralns. Cults ll.te. overcoats 1.. pants SOc. dresses tic IX Martaa. 16 24. Cap- ir-.l. ; - ROOM and BOARD Room and looard, (araee, modern noma. sssw. ' Board and room reasonaDie. excel lent food. Near P. O. TeL titZ. VifTwvwrri'rA .- Pleasant room, private bath, lots of hot water. $15. mo, also li.E rm. One Wock from state MAs. Hard if a lrd. HI X.- Hth. TeL tiT. T(R RENT APARTMENTS Ambassador aad S rooms. Well furnished. AH modern conreniencea - - - AimUh IMrtfllMt. lASe In. coot rooms and large porch.. Call t N. Cottage. raciest l(ruiNnu pn. ' tiath, eilcelr furnished, Located In usinese district. Call ration's Book toro. S rson fkunlshed eowa stairs apt. Iivate bath. 1209 Court. UT-i i 'i.i'Lrux.rxiiiivi "" """ WSLX. fumlataed rooms ana apie. for rent at :! -dlaxel Ave. TeL 7l. Attractive three-room famished anirtmeet for two adults. Reasonable. 7i North CapUoU fitration ..".-cjj "- m. apts Uodera enutpment. Fiim. VinsTUoer apt .la Oak Villa Court. Adults. S47 MM. TeL S. 1st floor apt. PHvate bath. S Mar lon. ru-irxru'Ln.ri.rij"i.-i-i-i-i- r - . mm Nice fur. apt. Of Union. Jin.rLruvta.ririrurii " - Kumlshed laixe I voora apt. ever tuffed furnlmre, full bedreoTn and fa race, Stta Apt a. S7S K. ,tHrT S. invwee 4S. FOR RENT UOUSfiS FOa RENT rut far aduits, 4 to f. rooma It te . Alee hesea, eta BECKS A HEN PRICKS . IU dffto ma Seven rra. house at 9T 8. lt. Tout bedrooms, bath, lJ-5 nev G. Morcao. tl N. lth er SUtesraan office. mi i iix.w-ri.ixririrfcririii -"---"-"- RENTALJt r. L WOOD Sll 8tate 8treet jri i-qnjui-ruriri T Modern elcht room house : -sell-ie-rsrrd ; araire;.two bathreoma C. A. ftoratnie. 14 Court at, er O. E. Vrfca. Xn.r iwirifvrrfir ."-- - CWan lvwiet Tel WH. l-XJR REST C room raodern Iteqae tike pew. tie N.- ISth. near Court. - nw Vn.Urn a room bnn- e-alew, nook, .furnace, ata. lauadry trays, garage. tJ. Other houeee and ant a It to Jl. . mihd. oaf, neat S room bun galow, fireplace, light nd water fur nished. Rent reduced te 5. For beet BVFHTEr. or TIIOMASOM S4l Btate Street - Room 4. POLLY AND HER PALS ME MAW, TLL CURE DONTCHA GCLP CHATTER. WAJMMA SHOW HIM HEAR REELS TBE SORED IABOJT SOMETHIN' MY HOLE iNTERE IN ONJE? no financial responsibility : for errors which may ap ' pear la advertisement-) pub lished la its columns, and la cases where this paper Is at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement in which the - typographical mistake occurs. They tat earn aa reserves the j right to reject obj ac tional advertising- It fur ther reserves the right to Classify all advertising un der i the proper classifies tlouT !.- FOR RENT HOUSES JLovely Yard; Good j ' Home Partly famlslted. S room bouse, i. cell t eoaditioa. at ' reaaon&bte rate of S2S.S moath. S3S No. Summer Suauner borne for renti brand-new. lovelr Caacadia. cottage boroe over haaging . liver, " available at comple ting July ii. $1S week, Mra fred Thetnpsvn. faaratHa. Ore. . FOR SALE REAL ESTATE MMeSeiAAArVAArVwVwwVVsVwVwVVwVe HOMES AND INVESTMENT 7 room aeml-enodern home, fireplace, basement and atx desirable building lota In .rapidly Improving district. All lots bare large choice fruit and not trees, cherries, pears aad apples, grape arbor, two garage, garden, poultry house. On pared street near three schools! Nice view. WU1 seU all or part, terms. Bee owner. Its Rural avenue,, Chooe tISt. Priced to seU quick. ! . One acre and new modern - house, f32Sr and very easy terms. Excellent soil and on paving. Strictly modern new home In ex cellent location, lot ef shrubbery and bearing , irut, SZZbS, terms. Winnie petttjohn. Realtor i 176 South High Street -J FOR SALE OK RENT room tteuae at ltl B. 14th St. with S bedrooma. Newly painted and decorated. Partly furnirhed. J. L. VULLI Phoete SI7S or St74 i SPECIAL. A coed tione for tf.e down. ttO month, eaclude Interest, price 11300. Buyer assume SIS street asamt rotiea Stouae -eeotpletely furnlslted. Why Vnr rent Hurry and see -j iUWUitXJwL. or TU(flUSON 341' Stabs Street Room 4. RET HOT IN HOMES down, price SZ550.00. good 6-K. plastered hem a. basement fur nace, fireplaoe. Ceroer lot. both streets paved. sz&e.os down, once srtse.oo. - roost hevse, basement, good corner lot a good uy. IlOrO OS down, price S4IS8.00: this la the Iwnt bay offered. 7-R. house. 4 nice betsrooms. large Uvmsr room with flreplaoa. dining room, built in kitch en, v basement, fnraace. sawdust burn er, 't full sets lumbing upstairs and down, f Dse tot with laws, flowers and shrabbery. pteed etreet and good lo cation, prion at about 4 of Its value. NS HSAKS St TUUKKK ISi South Commercial St. Pine suburban beens with . city oon- t venleawea, Ve. S rfn. Aeuae m Ne. Halem. Will trade ifer aaere valuable bouse. Si A. 4 mi. freru tew a, m fruit and t i gram. 4 rm. bouse, barn, chicken ! Ihousn. sssee. Zl A- It In eree aad orchard, timber. i runs log water, ralr btdga. Crop, j & stock, tmpiemetsta . all go with I vpiao. at ttsse. E rm. plastered house No. Stuem. -large comer Set. frutt treea Clear r. of eacwabruca Value I000. .::Tra4e for sraaU. acreage. Loveiy strictly modern T room bouse i: r Apekaaa. Waab to trade for .: Salem residence. . SmSU aprtsnast booae proposition. ; S4&S eaafc. Investigate thla one. wb vtrittb kirk and auto i 1 INSURANCE 1 J. T. TJUUCH COMPANT its' State Street Phone 8C7J beoae aad lot $1456.00. with Call t Market Pt. EXCHANGE Real Estate Te trade a . five room house m North Seleaa for small acreage eloee la wHh gesd bulldlnss. See Harold WbSte, Statesman. t INVESTIOATK THIS Large T room semi-modern bunga lean nearly aw on S fine lota, fruit berries. laara, ah rubbery and flowers. Nice eooatten. saved at. cement wanes. extra good beeae dear of incumbrance. see. went acreage to same value. BEE P SHRINK A MARSTERS t tit Jvatloe Cenrt Hklg. 4 FOR EXCHANGE A choice It sere tract close to smalt town, tee hswsia, one S rooms and other S rosea s good barn, running water asMt part In alfalfa. Value tesv Wei 4tree clear and assume er pay difference up to fSiOO for a 10 to 4 acre farm located between Salem and Oregeej City. UU tt. CHIUDS CO., Realtors -St Stare Street Phone t7t. i ! EXCHANGE Cheap bouse on eatra fine lot In a Salem for sale at $1500 with tt down save fit per month, or will trade Tor larger House ana assume up . to tltee. . X.KO N. CHTUS CO.. Realtors XtS Mate fWreet Phone 470S. ACREAGE We have to acres of good unim proved land well located 14 miles north all vader cultivation, price tl00 per acre aner owner wanta income property and wUl assume. S good acres, fruit. S room house, bam. envken bouse, in edge of Salem tor fZ2S. One et the best farms In the valley, tO -acres well Improved. S mllea Sa iem. owner wanta Salem home for down payment easy terms on balance. A good 40 acre farm near Salem, well improved for ffOOO and owner wilt take Salem been. McGILCHRTST A PENNINGTON I0-10 U. a Bank Bldg. Phone 4S3t. PAW OP HIS TWO CUPS SUGAH, FO' HOW i rr AIGS AN' PINCH OP VAINT :STED N ACREAGE SUBURBAN HOME: IS seres with rood aeven room Plastered nouaa. - out bulldlaaa. practically all to bearing fruK and berrieA Prloe S7o. iocatea mne out, ciear of debt owner will sell oa reas ons bie terms or will accept small house up to tt00t dear of debt as part pavmenc hgk V. a ORA6ENHOR3TA CO' -REALTORS 114 & Liberty St Thone fill A. 1 ml. east of Salens en paved road, all la erpp and fine oil, 12000. S A. 4U ml from Court bouse, t room plastered house, water piped la house, I A. prunes. 4fc A. black rape, atrawberries and bearing fUberti, fine well, gasoline pump. $1000. Easy payments. . 7H A. S mi. from Salem, tit A- or chard, 1 A. timber, S room botise, barn. excellent lorn. Oon. , Will trade fer house In Salem, price I4SS0.00. MEL.VIN JOHNSON SZO 17. a Nat I. Bank Bldg. Ph. ?! "... . nii ru" ii.itjio IS acres near Salem, era a. all In bearing walnuts snd cherries, about SH acres in logams and strawberries, set between yeeutg trees, large plas tered house, electricity available, fine road. Cash price ttOOO. or will trade for larger piaoe. C. J. Jackson wfth " W. O. KRCEGER 147 North Commercial - -,,-,I v"yr, wTMrrt fin. acres with 7 A. cult, on Dsjre- sient t ml from small town. 4 A. com and potatoes, US Filberts, full bearing, tote grapes, applea .straw berries, raspberries and cherries, good 4 rm. bouse, electric lights. 3 rood weUs, barn, chicken house. Clear. Price S27S9. PHIELD3 A BLAKE Oregon Bldg. TeL St 02. - COMR ON NOW THIS IS THE TIME TO BUT Property Tax Will Be Lower 6-Acres. rood 2-R. house with sinn ing porch, rood well, fins location. Price $2100.00; give terms. T 3-4 A., good house. Isrre noultrv house, light aad water system. 47S laying bens, good cow. price te sell. Better hurry. Joins Salem, a. real bar gain. . SO-Acres S-R. house, bara. noultrv house, black soil, all ta cultivation, price $2000.00, y down. 40-Acre a stocked and emilnned. rood Improvements. S mllea of Salem, fine location. t7S0.O0. 80-Arrea S-R. plastered home, barn 20x42, poultry bouse. A bargain for $3500.00. 177-A crea. A modern o-to-date ranch. A money maker oa paved road. House naa aaaement rurnace and etc. If you want a real farm don't paaa thla up, only $S3.0 per acre. SSO-Acres. price reduced to 17400.- 00. email house, lanre stock bam. about S M ft timber, good stock ranch. Don't fomt we are farm spe cialists and appraiaera. SEARS a TUCKER 114 a Coral Street TODAY'S SPECIAL C acre tract close to citr limits, fair house, 8 acres prunes, V . acre cher rlea. t acres atrawberries, 1-4 acre raspberries, has running water con venient for trrhrating gardea. Price ttOOO. Owner will, accept Salem. home In exchange. SKK Sire. Kills with LKO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 3?0 Pt.ite Street Phone 7t Business Opportunities FOR RENT Store building. Good grocery and confectionery location. 698 N. Com'L -------------- - -,-iriii--iAru-t.rajujKinji FOR SALE Bst located restaur ant in' Medford. Write Pearl Wheeler, HOT MONEY TO LOAN ie M(iweeiMwwwMwNw 8ALART AND FURNITURE LOANS $5 to t20: 1 to 20 months to pay. Qulek service, fair treatment. State Loan Company, 21 J Oregon Bldg, Snd floor. Off. hours 10 a. m. to C:30 p. m. TeleDhone .3113. Licensed by state. jrisasMM''ij"Mjatnji rfsr i " n n n rpjxruxjxn-aT PERSONAL LOANS MADE en furniture, cars, salaries sr Other rood eecurltv. Referable moctMy. When In financial need see us perore closing a loan. UE.Nfc.KAi- I SV KTM BiNT CORPORATION First National Bank Bldg. Phone 155! CITT AND FARM loans at lowest rates. Best terms obtainable. Our Insurance department offers you ex pert advice and service In all Unsa. - HAWKINS a ROBERTS I1nt Tel. 4109 ;oi Orernn Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN MONET LOANED ON AUTOS , Contracts Refinanced Arras ge te reduce your paymeata, Ten keep trie car. - P. A. EIKER Car. Liberty St and Ferry Phone 473S Salem. Ore. 'Bells of Harmony Heard ever KOIN dally ring out a loan service that Is really, really, . different. . ' NO DEDUCTIONS " NO FEES ' NO OTHER CHAHOE3 ONLT LAWFUTi INTEREST- ' STRICT PRIVACT -QUICK AND COURTEOUS ITER VICE , . ON LOANS I0 U flOl Beneficial Loan Society; OF OREGON Room lis New Bllgb Bldg. fad Flose tit State 8t . Irel. 1-1-4-0. UgKNBED BI STATE . - -- - , iii i ri n n i i WANTED to lean vei live stock and personarproDertr Terms la suit your convenience. Nstloasl Leas and Finance Co. 410 Bank sf Com. Bldg licensed tty state. LOANS WANTED WANTED Private money to loan oa real estate. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. REALTORS t ft' LTherty Pt Tel. S4 tt. FOR SALE WOOD -GUARANTEED DRT Wood coaL Tel. SOOO Salem Fuel Co. 753 Trade. Of- ONE " ! " " . Tline to tee off 1 I ' " . - ' ..... S-.ll m ' r 1 . '"vij. t 1 N---M-jte m. ' ' MMMIM mmmM M -k I MA'AM, BUT L AH oUl I I M - ra-a---------sB--a-S-----a---rf-a-a- m -ataW- - m. . m -aMStaW Sk U i &mmP WE LL TURN IO . "."T7.s ? ' S CUm 2fE FOR 8 ALE WOOD An kinds, any length. CaU ST3S, "wasesesasajgsaiptapssasasssassj DRT rle m-rA mm m,.,m ,t mmm . mm fuel etL Call oa as for pricee. We clrs. tTsod sseesisra, good quality and good an rice. lAHMtB . TRAKSFER eV ,'STOTJLaOZ Telenhene tlSli Beat arood fer tttm at. Tracy's - niWin uu IF .snd it" weed, also planer wood, per cord load deireered from ear. $S.te freea yaed. Cobba 4t Mttehell Ca 340 a 11th. T44I. WOOD SAWDvG wtvtTtwtTvTT Rtttv. Calf LOST and FOUND ' Finder ef beswn leather. pwrse. -coo-taioiag money, glasses, pea, card of Mm Douglas McKay, will be paid reward for Its retarn with contents other than the money. TeL Ills. . - - - ------ -- 'irri-i-mrfyni"AQ. LOST 140 1 SIS bills. Wf-Mlee beep $20. Return 2t to Statesman effloa.. . . I - - - - - --..- iH i"lj-fl LOST Ladles tan coat at Turner coaventioa July tth. TeL S4X0. i - f m 1 1 asjwiATs-j yaesa-s ju w ww I e and taU Itrht Call 1143 Rural Ave. 7tV,eJ7W''r r 3--. m.tmx S. tfIS Ski S FOR SALE USED CARS . e-istj-afra4aaa Salem Used Car Center CONSOLIDATED l2t Bulck Bpt Coupe fvtr 137 Bulck Spt Coupe 3 1027 Bulck Standard Coach 3S0 1024-Buick Sedan ; 250 1!4 Bulck Touring 123 HIT Chevrolet Coach t 22S 1023 C halm era Coac , JTS 12 Ford Coach . 400 l2t Ford Coupe - r K 350 ltt Ford Bedaa , 40 l2t Dodge Coupe - , 150 1024 Hup 4 Sedaa 100 n BM Sedan i - - " 12S Oldsmoblle Coach . . . . , gs 114 Overland Coach, '33 license 178 124 Overland Coach , I ' : 143 123 Overland Toartn - , , r, .;- SS i: ftuuebaiter coach 100 127 Paige Spt Coupe- . Hi Trucks 1030 Ford. long wheel base 102S Ford L S7S 4 00 37 42t 2SS na 100 1028 Ferd 1020 Chevrolet over ha tiled ills (Chevrolet 12S Ford, panel delivery itzs Jfwrd. long wheel base . Salem Used Car Center Marlon and Liberty Open Evenings and Sundays Phooe 710 t "1s-'btaa'ee-i-?e-ste SEB THESE CARS BEFORE TCM7 BUT . ' 31 8TUDEBAKER JMCTATOR S 4- ar. aedan. run leas than SOOO mllea This Is one ef the latent Free Wheel ing type. New car service. Will sell at tlr dJanoa-rt- 31 ESSEX 4 -OR. SEDAN. I Trunk Snd many other extras. New car service. tS25. . i 30 HUDSON RUMBLE COUPS. This car has - run only a few thousand mllea and cam hardly be: told from new. The beet coup buy la Salem. New car eeielce L S12S '31 DeSOTO 4-DR. SEDAN. 1 Karl-Keen trunk. New tires, reconditioned as needed. 30-day service $728 28 OAKLAND LANOAH 1 SEDAN. New six ply ttrea. Car is perfect la appearance. 100 mechanically, 20 day aervloe . S4SS '27 CHRYSLER FINER 70 SEDAN. One of the best Chryslers ever built Sold new for over 12000: now ..tSSS 2t 8TUDEBAKER COMMANDER 4- dr. Sedan ,.i S52S 'SS 1st SERIES ESSEX SEDAN. New six Ply Urea. 10-dar service I42S '24 NASH Special coupe ' j , -Z7U01XJH sport touring j 16 '28DODGJS touring r OS rORU eedan , , , , , ,, 2t 8TUDEBAKER touring 43 STATE MOTORS, INC Hudson Fsser Studebaker Dealers Marlon A Polk Counties St Cbemeketa. Open evenings. AA)m0mim)mmmAmmim4mm Used Fords 130 1! Tudor Sedaa. ,. Town Bedar Standard Coupe . Standard Coupe . .$473.00 . 490.00 . 465.00 130 102 i: ,i ,, l.00 Tudor Sedan 0000 mllea. Karl-Keen trunk , , 400.00 Roadster j SI 0.00 Standard Coupe , .,. ,. $28.00 Coupe ;,. S5.00 Tuder Sedaa 100.00 it; 102t 12C 124 120 Fordor Sedaa - ' . , 160.00 1S2S Panel Delivery r 138.00 Other Makes Austin Coupe 127 Bulck Pbaetoa 1S2T Bulck Coach - J 323.00 300.00 -j 380.00 VALLEY MOTOR COMPANY Phone 31SI Center snd Liberty mmlmtm9mmmm0m0im)m0jk J aood-WHl - Used Cars : '' ' " I SOLD WfTH A OUARANTr l2t-Pontts Coups , t-.eas fl02t-Pontlae Cabrleiet 400.00 42&.oe 8S5.00 1027-Oakland Sedan Ita-Bj4c4r Ceepe lIS-Eseex Sedaa- 335.00 390.00 326A0 24S.OO 34S.0O lI-Ford COach 130 Ford' Bneineea Ceusa iiT-star a coupe 193-CbevTo1et Sedaa DeL l3-Ford Coupe l27-Pontlsc 'Landau Sedaa lit. 00 Wood -WheatonjMotor Company Oakland Pheoe SSCt Pontine Ones EveoJfaa and Srmdav. Used Car Department' 840 Cbemeketa FOR SALE Brand new Ford Cetroe driven but few miles. Owner will seU tilt, eonity for tltt and 'take vour old car aa part Above car' Is In per fect eondltJo-a sad there ta as joker la thin offer. Phone S383. i -----------" - 'ri'rrMVirrrMVMinftftn MAKE OFFER Late 'It fonr-doer Jr. Hudaoa sedan.. In fine condition. Owner. 413 N. 24th. TeL 4042. - . SCUSH MB. lm? L3 - i FOR SALE USED CARS - - i - - - iimfiiuwl MCKJtra FOR ' USED CARS ' "tfrlTH AN 1XK. THAT COUNTS J0 Chserolet 0eds $f(.00 130 Cherretet Beert Roadster Stt.00 mwtw uierTeiec coaca It 30 Essex Coseb 3f Dodg Sedan 42S.00 $ 128.00 irt.oe It 8.00 S48.00 28.0t ti aa ills lMixant Covpe 120 Chrysler ft Sedan 1937 Caryatec Coups mm. lttf Pentlsa Coupe mm. hit veirs waaa ItS Center Street rreL 14 tt. w .... mm, m,mm,mmim&m0sm&mm. Chevrolet truck lilt medel, tea. new body, good -rubber, coed runamg order. A bargain. 1118 NT Cottage . 's1stsaesst-i ictlcaUy new. Ford, truck, Mra. Et.Var-le, Ite Ferry. 1 - . . GERTRUDE DEUTSCH ins snip MONMOUTH, July 19 MIsa Gertrude' Dentseh who haa served aa health nurse ' at the Oragon Normal school for the past four years, hag received notification of a tcheiarship award, la the de partment of biology' and puhUe health at the Massachusetts In stitute of technology. . - r -. Miss JJentsch Is a daagbter ef Mr. ahd Mrs. Rudolf Deutsch of Portland. She Jt a graduate - of Lincoln high school, Portlasd; an ez-atadent of the Unirersity of Oregon; and received her nurses' training at Xmmanuel hospital in Portland. , . - Bhe will be with the Qregon Normal achool for the remainder of the gammer session; and will ge east early In September. - Stolen Car is Found at Aurora AURORA, July; 1--Karly Thursday morning a Ford aedan found, parked -on Main street had every ear marks of a stolen ear. I: Easiness AMUSEMENTS Salem Oo!f Ceuree t mCes south on River Drive. IS hole watered fair- wars, large sreena Fees Isc Sundays tad holidays. $L00. Ptcnlc and serlm at Hasel Green -jarirrsooajile-j BATTERY ELECTRICIAN R. D. Barton National ' Batteries Starter and genecator work. Texaco station, comer Court and Chttrch. BICYCLE REPAIRING LLOTD E. RAM3DEN CotumbU Bicycles knd repairing. 3 $7 Court. The best m blereles and repairing. Tel. 4tia H. W. Bcott. I IT 8. Cxtn I. Te' CHDINEY SWEEP Telephone 448. R JL Northness CHIROPRACTORS Dr. QUbert Ore. Bidg. TeL S45S. Dr. O. SCOTT, PSC Chiropractor. 26 1 N. High. TeL Rea S873. DR3. SCO FIELD, Palmer Chiroprac tors. X-ray and K. -4X U. New Bunk Bldg. ; . CLEANING SERVICE Center St Valeter-. TeL S6SS. EICTRICIANS HA UK ELECTRIC CO. New loca tion, trt Court St TeL 4034. . K L. Welch oleetrlo ehoa. Wtaing. fixtures snd suppHsv & our prices. 1018 & Com L Tat Ilia. . FLORISTS WATJtni-Da TCVTS ATT. S7 mfmW WAVmV A WSW -s- -mmmw.rm- Olson's, Court and High St TeL 7 Its, ALL kinds of Oeral work. LnU Flor ist, ltth A Market TeL $52. CUT Flowers, wedding bouraets funeral wreaths, decora tlona C. F. Brelthaopt. CorLrt. tit State Street TeL 8904. " liEMSTillJUlNG . NEEDLEWORK, 41S Court. Mar-raret's ftbop. GARBAGE Saiem Scsvenger. TeL 430 or TtOO. INSURANCE BECKS 4ft HENDRICKS ltt-N. High . - TeL 4147 WILLAMETTE INSL AQENCT Wm. BTIvea, Mgr. Exetaervo Butte vCle Agent SIS Maaonie Bldg. TeL TtOS LAUNDRIES THE NEW SALEM LAUNDRT THE WEIDER LA UN DRT ttt S. High i TeL . lit! CAPITAL CTTX LAUNDRT - "Wi Wash Everything la Lua" TeVephone tltt . . 1344 Broad-ray Tt LEADS SCHOOL MA'aAJiIS The new and the eld order ef livings went their way. aa in most cases at the annaal ceaven-tion of the National Education Association held ai Los Angeles. Here Dr. Willis A, Sutton, retirinj; president, is shows D resent mr the ravel of tba teacaerrr or-raaizsuon to tne mcomins nreaident. Miss Floreace City: marshall Dewey Miller found the name of a -finance corporation In one of the pockets and communicated . with G. K Wyman, 755 East 47th St oam er who telalzabd the car had Te-ea stolen Wednesday night on San dy Boulevard where he had left It parked. . j With the exception of. a miss ing spare tire, the car was unin- IT Directory MATTRESSES Mattresses from factory to heme. Ask about our wool tnattreeeea Reno-rat-era and ftrmlgatera. Capital City Bed ding Co. Tel. eS9. 3034 Norte Can. MUSIC STORES GEO. C WILL Planoa, Phono graphs, Bowleg machines, aheet music, and plaao atudlea. Repairing phono graphs and sewing tnachinea -433 State Street Sslem. PLUMBING and HEATING PLUMBING and general repair work. Graber Bros, ltl So. Liberty. Tel. CS94. PAPER HANGING Paper hanging and painting. - Neu man's Paint Store, lii M. ComX . - PHONE .GLENN ADAMS for bouse dectorattng. paper hanging; Hating, ete. Reltuhle werkmsn. 1 PRINTING FOR STATIONERT. cards, patapb leta, programs, books or say fctnd of printing, call The Stateemasv Print rag Department, tlS 8. CarnmerdaL Telepbowe 0101. RADIO FOB every rurooee. for every pu AH ataadard arses of. Rsdlo Tubes. EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP. . I4t Court St. TeL tilt. . I For guaranteed radio repairing, phone Or call at 8.VLEM RADIO SERTTCB ? Tel. 494 41 rry Kt STORES STOVES snd stove repatrtng. Stoves fer sale, rebuilt and repaired. AH kinds ef woven wire fence, fancy snd plain, boo baskets, hooka, logan hooka Salem Fence and Stove Works, i ICS Cbemeketa. TeL 4774. R. a Fremfn-r. TAILORS D. H. MOSHER Tailor Cor women. 474 Court St and TRANSFER CAPITAL CITT Transfer Co. ttt State St TeL T173. DistrlbnUng. fer wardtng. and storage our specialty. Get our rates . FOR local er distant transfer stor age, call I1SL Larmer Transfer, Co. Trucks to Portland dailr. Real Estate Directory- 8ECKa 4k rrENDRICKS ij IS N. High . . TeL 4I4T LU. TCARL9 224 M. High? St TeL ttTI J. LINCOLN ELLIS 4SI State - TeL 8471, 80COLOFSKT SON S04-S First Nat. Bk. Bldg. TeL 787 J. F. tTLRICH F. U WOOD 441 State St TeL Tilt HOMER XX FOSTER REALTT ' CO. tTttt Stats 8t TeL ttlt W. H. GRABENHORST ACO. 134 S. Liberty 84. TeL S4SS. By pLIFF STERRETT I 3; Hale, of J Augusta, alame. Jurerand was returned te Port land y W. H. Kelly. T NOTICE FOB BIDS Bids trill be received by the un dersigned Clerk of School District No. 24, Marion County, Oregon. up te five o'clock, p. m, Jcly 14 tor painting the exterior of the Washington School Bunding, The surface of the balding to be wire brushed and scraped before paint- tag. Two coats et paint te be ap plied nstng Dutch Boy er its e-aaal White Lead, and pure Unseed Oil. same to be mixed on the premises under the supervialoa of . an In spector furnished by this Board. Work to be done la a goad aad workmanlike manner. All window glass te be cleaned of paint The work to bo done to the satisfac tion and approval of an inspector f uratshed by this Board. . The right is reserved to reject any ahd all bids. A certified check or bid der's bond for ten per cent of the bid to accompsny all bids. 8Igned W. H. BTJRGHARDT. Clerk. School District No. 21, Marlon County, Oregon. Jly-4-11-14 AURORA, July 19 Mrs. Jlor ace -Marrl-i of Kansas City. Mis souri, arrived in Aurora Sunday to visit her daughter. "Mrs. Arthur Kell and her sister. Mrs. Frank K fmmm lit Cross j - Word Puzzle -r Br EUliKNI SHEFKEK I I 3 H I 5 gj)1 a l lf""P" TotTZTZ M33 Ms l--pl-Wl-13i-I ST 37 58 a1? mo :iziiji- " I mmm V mm mmmm ' ' MOIUZOrfTAl. 1 -a breast work T -gratify te the utmost 11 imtlrats 4t either '- If part of te 5eetlo name fer one of thi Britisti Isles 54 yen . 55 vaunt eas self 14 4a a state of activity 66 a weapon SS 4rander from the truth SS the after soar 62 a alight tab. strip. ' etc. form ing a pen - dsat to to some . ". .thing 68 a condf- tion of " ' tiistress- -" : Ing nar M rewaess er restriction it aspraiser Is alendor lT--eerded fabris llp4cks eat 20 singie ' tla pro-' fkfcrt tl penart - 24 a bail bat ted er thrown, . with farce " 25 to let 2 S angry , 50 observe t makes an . -equal . core with 51 piece ef - - glass -ased hi optical . instru-. . - . ments ' ti have ex- , ' istence ? X5- a shads ; tree - J IT act ef -V , with drawicg , SS marry 35 to stop -.? eS . ' .struct 10 elongated fiao . . - 41 fun da- 1 mental color ' 42 a pretee- - ties or place ot proteo : tion 4a-,,rs-an-t . n ere with Is the solution te yes terday's puzzle. ; t-11 ' rrrr-lTlEirTlnRO A1 ft NOTICE TO COXTRACTOIU" Separate sealed proposals tor famishing labor and materials re quired for the fall completion ef (IT General work for dining -ring addition to ma!a hos pital building (IJ General work for pea air . ir pavtUoa building - (J) Plumbing aad heatinx for dining , -ring addition to TOMtn hospital bunding and , . . ?- air pavlltea building (4) Electrfeal work for dhirag . wing addition te mala hos , ' pltal building aad open air Da vilion bnitrff- for the dining wing addition to mo maia Hospital building aad aa open air pavilion bnllding to be constructed at the Eastern Oregon uuercuioeu HospIUL The Dslies. Oregon, wiU be opened by the an derslsned at the rtant-ni Tni Salem. Oregon, at 11 A. M., July Acertified check or bidder's bond is to be- filed with each pro posal to (Miaal lft of the amount of bid and drawn to the order of Wto. Einzig, Temporary Secretary Oregon State. Board of Control, to guarantee that the bidder will en ter. Into a contract and execute the required bond; same shall be forfeited to the Oregon State Board of Control if award of con tract is made- to bidder and he or they shall tall to enter Into aon tract .and furnish the required bond within -.ten days from the award, of contract- Contractor will accept- the terms .of the Workmen's Compensation Act, unless other arrangements are mad with the Board. Plans and specifications may be obtained from Claussen A Clans men. Architects, lioa Guardian Building, Portland, Oregon. , Contractors will be required te deposit f2S.0v .for each set -or plans and specifications to insure the return of tame. The right Is reserved to accept or reject any or all bids or to waive any in for ma lit le-! la bids. i WILLIAM EINZIO, Capitol Bunding. t Temporary Secretsry. ' ) - Sslem. Oregon. J 4-7-11-1 S f NOTICE STOCK ef Drugs snd Sundries Located at S3 3 State St. Salem, Oregon. wUl be offered for sale by sealed : bids. Bids win be opened at 11 A. XL o'clock on Tuesday. July 14. This stock la-" veutories S304S.Se, Fixtures $1145.70. Certified . check- for ten per cent of amount of bid must accompany rid. Stock may be inspected Aiytime oa Prem ises. Right reserved to reject any or all bids. All Bids subject to approval of Referee, la. Bank ruptcy. ' - G. W. INGRAM. Receiver. 471 Plttock Block. Portland," Oregon. , - Jlyl0-1 1-1 2-14 Miller. Mr. and Mra. Kell and children drove . to Portland te meet their guest. 66V--oaunani - ST ardor Fr.. 69 Aaiastlc thorny shrub TS la this -i- place 71 -sirnifie J 72 luori eated VERTICAL 1 a sheet re ligious allegory 2 U bed S drive back 4 near ' prior te t highest 7 capable ef betng cut 5 knack P exists IS exclu sively 11 prong 12 came into Tiew 15 a golf ntouad IS a step of f aeries for aseeadirig er de- . scendiag 19 incline front a -right line ; er level 22 cherished one 25 belonging to that thing 27 -boils 29 harvesters ' SI more as cient St make fast, as rope by wind ing arounj a cleat S 6 insane SS a textile i 1 fabric 41 dried and parched . under the action of ' heat 42 scorches 43 pene- . t rated 44 lacerating 4 cere monies 47 withdrew 4 large ser pent 51 pinch 55 com menced SS clothes . S7 -wan. 69 hastened 61 fearful 64 definite article 65 black liquid. CS a ae?Atrvt 79 -exciaxri"-tiern W5,St .erhta 1 9 O.N M EmD mm wmm