The OREGpft STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, Satartfay Morning, July 4. 1C31 PACD FIVE S ety OGl Miss Marie Waldorf Tells Wedding Date Hiss Marie Waldorf announced July 18 as the date of her mar riage to Ralph Eggstat t. of Eugene at aa attractive bridge evening in tho home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. WaldoTf, Thursday eve ning. ; ; The announcement was made by means of small cards bearing; the names and date and tacked into dainty corsage farors. Bridge was In play during: the early evening bours, and winning scores were held by Miss Mildred Jadson. Miss Kvelyn Rutherford, Miss. ' Ethel Milburn. and a guest prize to Miss Marian Eggstaff. v. Miss Winona Williams, Miss Edith Btarrett, Mrs. T. E. Wal dorf and Mrs. M. Pearce assisted In serrlng a late supper. ; Guests in compliment to Miss Waldorf were Isobel Miekle. Edith fltarrett, Winona Williams, Doro thy. Franks, Carol Reynolds, Mil dred Jadson. Ruth Reynolds, Ma bel Curry. Gladys Miller, Gertrude Chamberlain. Evelyn Rutherford. Lola Schultz. Ethel Milburn, Le tha Pelley, Mrs. W. A. Ilaielwood, Mrs. Berle Fruit and' Mrs. Albert Mefferd, all of Salem; Miss Mar Ian. Eggstaft of Detroit. Mich., and Miss Norma Green of Portland. s . a .. . Mrs. CaVern Winkler Is Hostess A aerTice club meeting, which proved a delightful social success way that of the Zonta club Tburs- ' day evenTng at the home of Mrs. La Vera Winkler with Miss Hazel Cook andi Miss Katherlne Gun cell as assistant hostesses.-A din ner preceded the program meet teg. A charming center piece arrangement was a low bowl In which had been arranged a dain ty grouping of garden flowers in pastel shades and on either side 'of which! were blue tspers In crystal holders. Following the dinner hour Mlns Helen Louise Crosby addressed the group on the genera! subject f "July 4- and this was followed with Informal musical numbers. .Covers were placed for Dorothy Pearce. Helen Pearce.- Nellie Schwab. Helen Louise Crosby. Ella Wilson. Belle Brown, Elene Phillips. Wlnafred Herrick, Ora Mclntiro and the hostesses, Mrs. La Tern Winkler Kathjyn Gunnell and Hasel Cook. Among those from Fidelity Lodge Nor 54 A. F. & A. M. of : Gerrals - attending the Masonic j picnic and dance at Hasel Green : park Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. j Ernest Kattzger and family, Mr. j and Mrs. T. Dltmars, Mr. and i Mrs. Harold Asplnwall. Mr. and ! Mrs. W. L. Fuller and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Asplnwall. ; Mr. and Mrs. Romeo Goulet and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Sturgis. . By ANNE ADAM3 Am etfectire one-piece washable frock with smartly styled yokes, and flared skirt. Celorf ul bow and 'belt prerldo contrast which may Je further carried out with hat nd shoes to match. - Shantung, tinea ' or crepe in pastel green, aquamarine blue or apricot will , fee delightful trimmed with black or brown; or white with red or nary. Design 19 21 Is equally mart in a colorful print, a plaid ' or a pin-stripe silk shirting. Obtainable only ia sizes 14, 1C, It, 29, 12, Si. St. It. 49 and 42. ' Size If requires three yards of 29 lnch fabric Yardage for every else, and simple, exact instructions i nre given. No dressmaking ax- perlence Is necessary to make this tnodel with oat patters. Ks trat making aiparlaaca la ttaeaa aary Mk taia aaaaal with . mr aattara. Vaxdara tor avarr ilia, aae aiagaaa. sat taatraetiaaa ara- tlvca. Haal Cftaaa eaats far ak pattara. Write plainly yaar aaata, 4iraaa aaa trie amabaE. Be lara m stata sis waaaae. t r- . f Tae ar ayriDf'sti taaaar pt tara cataJaf faatara axoeilaat as aartaieat ! attaraaee, aparta sad fcaaaa araasaa, tiararia. aajaaaas aaa1 ktaaaaa alotsaa. aUa aalifWtJ -aorj aattaras. Prie at aatalax tifkeaa casts. CataJe rwlth aattara. t treaty lira aaa. Aliraaa U aaQ a4 ar Sara Stateaaaaa rattara Depart ml, til Waat 17U atreet. Sear Taxk Ota. , . Pattern N ews an j ' - Olive M. Doak, j j ROYALTY TAKES TO "BENCH'? ; ... 1 - . s - i C 1 V .V,., . y -- !.:,.. . , Htltjj ''C- m. ai' 1 J I ' The "beach on tha aldelines ts not too lowly a seat for the royal family of Great Britain, as this picture shows. The Duchess of Yorkj wife of the second lua of Kin? George and Queen Mary, u shown at right! with Helen Jacobs, California tennia rtar (cenUr), and Bett Nuthall. England's ace of the courts (left) while the players take a rt batweea rnstrhas at London. t Mter Jimmie Phillips Celebrates Birthday A JolIr birthday party long to be remembered by the coming Sa lem leaders was that which ob serred the fifth birthday of Mas ter Jimmie Phillips and for which his mother, Mrs. W. L. Phillips, was hostess Friday afternoon. Games i and a ; Jolly time was spent -on the lawn of the Phil lips home and then tea was serr ed at small tables, each table cen tered with flowers and bearing fa rors for the young guests. Mrs. Charles Olson assisted Mrs. Phil lips at the tea hour; . Guests la compliment to Master Jimmie were Sally-Ann Barr, Sara-Ann I Ahllag, Marylou Mc Kay. : Madeiiene ' Keene, Nancy Wallace, Marjeria, Watklns. Danny Fry, Ernest Miller, Keith Olson, Wendell Macklin, Wallace Bone steele.! Richard Page and Blllle and Donnle Phillips. . ' m Annual Reunion is Event of Today -1 :i .. -The . J. O. - Russell home on South Liberty street will be the scene of the fourth annual re union! of the Corbett clan today, A picnic dinner on the lawn will be enjoyed at aoon and the after noon Will be spent la conrersa tion and an Informal social time. Guests expected for this reunion are Professor and Mrs. Joseph E. Corbett and daughter Clarissa of Roseburg; Mr. and Mrs; Hiram W. Corbett and eon . Allan of Amity. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Corbett and son Darld of Albany, Mr. and Mrs. Jaoseph E. Warner and son Le Roy of Albany, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam N. Ash of alem, Mr. and Mrs. Wren C. Crews of Salem and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mr. J. D.: Russell. v . Mrs. Arthur Pickering has re turned 'to her place in the city li brary; after spending the past month motoring to the - rarieua Oregon beaches and then to Mt. Adams, Wash. They were accom panied by their three year old son, Jlm.t i-i - Word has been receired that Mr. an dMrs. C. D. Hulings of Ta coma; are recelring congratula tions upon the birth of a son who has been ' christened Charles Dwight, Jr. Mrs. Hulings will be remembered as Hasel Pro. i j . j.; a Miss Beryl Marsters will leare Monday for Dayrille, Oregon, where ahe avill spend a month with Mr. and Mrs. Orland Shelda II n, Mrs. Sheldalin was Miss Marlon Wyatt before her -marriage and attended Willamette uni Tersltjr. 1 :!: Mr and Mrs. James Smith and a party of about 20 will spend the glorious Fourth at Netarts. In the company will be Mrs. Mae' Lindsay and Miss Helen Smith, .visitors from Kansas-at th Smith homei I !' ' Miss Mildred Starrett who has bean attending school in Berkeley, CaL, has returned to tho home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Starrett. where aha will spend the summer vacation. - '' ' Mr i and Mrs. H. L. Marsters are spending the weekend of July 4 at Roseburg. a family reunion will celebrate the Fourth. Radio tarns XOtK-aia Xe. TottUat :00 KOWfl Klock. V T:SO-a)aa Kraat, rfaaiat. 7:3-Ba Whita. . . . . - tha Winaaw. :0-Aa4r aa4 Virgtaia, . :lS-rtUaaB4'a arcaaatra. IO;e-JeU Teaaa. 11:1S -Iterttiacal Kitchta. lt:0O -Mat4iaa. l:0O--Haataaa af tha Air. S:ee--Hal7wa Cacka alK . S:ee-f-TBS OMtarca. S:0-CaHaia Jak. ! - i i. XOW e X. rorttaa 9 :S0 laraiaakaU. . 1 -Maraiaa Apaatjaara. T:4S Taa aat Ifm. HBO. . S:O0 'Caatiar sekavL . :ft-i-rarai a4 Hataay KBO. p ; HUa aw a. . . 1:0 O. AL maauaar. ' JJ:15i-Iorie Afal tMUt,'lTB0. 1:0 Ma.el. . S:lS--TraU BUaars. S:4S Orga. 4.SO awS f&aU. :15- BaTarau, Paaaant Uil. S:IO-Maaia OartW KEO. T:00 Aaiaa a Aa4. HBO. -8:S-i-Dcaaaa. Proa Society Editor 4 -ltM, -' ma Birthday Party at Old People's Home An unique birthday party was that which celebrated the anniver sary of 12 members of ! the Old People's Home Thursday. The birthdays which came jla May, June and 'July were- Included. An Informal program was en Joyed with special songs sung by T. H. Harris and Mrs. Littler pre sented a group of reminiscences. Following the program 1 tea was served In the dining room, which had been made ' very attractive through the use of many flowers and flags la compliment to July Fourth. :, ', MICKEY MOUSE IK i rv' i k.v- l MV UTOO! ' QO &1U. wl i I TOP I 1 M KIDNAPED. U ! V 1 '-2-1 -aSa P vx m rs? -awn ssr-4r ""tvsaBi i mm .u w ioli THIMBLE THEATREtairirig Pbpcye i HERE'S THS DOPE . "chief gemeralbohio Hf U)5T MUCH PREVna, SltACE POPEVE UCKED WM IN HIS PRWWTC OFFICE. SUMTtO WPA ALL SET TO EXECUTE THE SAIVjOR -WHEf H suooenLV . REfMJLED TVVST THRASH ING HlMJN PU6UCUXXJU) 65 BETTER i ; TMB POPULATIOH OP HfSlUfK WILL TURta cxjt to see theirs GEfAERfSU TlP OVER THE OLO SfVLT t a i i; v am. . a i mi t r w i m v... i sv nht "v iti nun kv wa-- - - r- . i .it i i j-m i fj f l I. KIM rum rm ria laa LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY - '-'" am-- , ' a . -m .-9- - - -" -LU J -1 1-- 1- . . IVE SMPPCD ACCEW OF CEAC1 famiJvtLwyETME FiS5 WTMlSlSMICEwTyBurSrCSATaC YOvCAWlTGRANrT53lril SAXiOfZ MOJ-VwOJ-UAjyECTHE: LADV TAME'CreHAUlED ttEXDV ROC SEA BEPOGEVOU. CAN 5 JACK! E09NSOM POLLY AND HER PALS an Added Attraction- she adds Jr. -rSv: CLL100t- X"iy 1 f ! - ZJzllv ten is PLQry i jfe f r ' . , ' .. .1 j .i .i . .-i -V" l . " - I . . . . . ... ...... . .. - t : ( - - - " Savage-Patrick Reunion Enjoyed The fifth annual reunion of the Sarage-Patrlek clan, detcendaaU of Towner garage who crossed the plains In 124 and -his broth er, John Savage of Michigan was held at Silverton park, Sunday, June 28. A plcnle dinner was served at noon, after which, the business meeting was held with Fred Gib son, the president, presiding. Miss Ethel Fletcher was elected. presi dent for the ensuing year and Walter L. Fuller, aecretary, suc ceeding Charles Ramp. After tha business was trans acted an interesting program fol lowed. Those .giving number were little Miss Clarita Fuller, Bobby Bridges, Elynor Fuller, Mrs. Eliza Kepplnger, and a read ing of the early history of the Savaga family from the Sarah Hunt Stevens book, and early day Incident were given by several members and all enjoyed singing old time songs. Plana wera mad a and a com mittee appointed to choose the time and place tor the 1931 an nual picnic. . Li Among those la attendance wero Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. G. T. -Evans and family of Eugene, Mrs. Elliot M. Savage, Miss Ethel M. Fletcher, Mr. and Mrs. O. Kmse Of Oregon City; Mr. and -'Mrs. Georga 8av age, Mr., and Mrs. F. .Crawford, Mrs. Eliza Kepplnger. Mrs. Stella Bridges and Bobby Bridges, Mrs. Sarah Patrick, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gibson., Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ramp, Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Fuller and family, : Miss Yerna Kepplnger and Mr. and Mrs. A, W. Kepplnger and family of Qer vals. : r ..' j ' :j Mr. and Mrs. F.'Rlnehart, win have as their guests for the .'com ing two weeks Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rinehart and son Frank,- Jr.. of Eugene. Mrs. Rinehart' was Miss Mary West, before her marriage, a a a Mrs. Clifford Farmer" 'will have as her week-end guest, her sister, Mrs. Louise Josle of Seattle. : RtMEMQtRJF tW DO rAOT LWE UP TO OUR rGREEMEfiT4 YOUll BE SHOT KT 5UrARl5- CLL STfXNO FOR NO MONKEY BUSINESS AMD Mr. ..W bbt 'M SBI BT 1 :..-:( a? Il aaaaaa-Tt-- ll II m a- Ml m raw j - Ml J agaaaaaaa - - - ' Infill aw Jm mm avaain t v - a Ui aa mm w m ............ m m - m- s a E saa' aa. . - - - I r mm W i A w " 1 W nV . m Ja. ra Vanaw'T aj a-Warl Ullll Ija mi "at V ---aS-eL I - sT-v.:t.T'. W Y7V. af I I 1 TW - aV M . V-V M ir'"-l M " fT r -M. 7 CCEAr4.rra AVJRJCMJCE tX! B!JH iffis club uons I MONMOUTH. Jalf . I Mrs. Marietta Johnson was guest speaker at the Lions club lunch eon this week. giving- a talk, on her school of organic education at Fairhbpe.'Ale. This school- is upported by voluntary contri butions, and Is free to all children Just lika a publie Institution. . SL O. Cole, retiring aecretary of the Lions, submitted his annual report. ? At nert weekli meeting tho incoming officers will be in stalled, Ira O. PowelL preeidant and Dr. Lloyd L Hockett, seer urr. Pupils Enjoy MuseumVisit MONMOUTH, July 2 Summer session at the training depart ment of the Oregon Normal school is tha time for numerous excur sions out of town in the interest of education. Thursday afternoon Miss Catherine Gentle, fifth and sixth grade supervisor, -and tha children attending her classes were guests of Dr. J. B. Horner of Oregon State college at an In teresting lecture and visit In the college museum. Later, the young folk enjoyed an opportunity to swim in tha college natatoriuma, Mra. F. E. Murdock, Mrs. r, B. Chamber! and Mra. A. H. Craven accompanied the group, contrib uting the -use of their cars to transport the children. Cyrus Ur mey accompanied the boys' group of swimmers; and- June Craven accompanied the girl swimmers, aa life-guards. Mr. and Mrs. Morris McKlnney of Hood River will be guests in Salem over the week end. They will divide their time between tha O. F. Victor and W. Neimeyer homes. . Mr. and Mrs. John Shlpphave as their house guests Mr. and Mrs. Richard Newman of Corvallls. Mrs. Newman was Jean Shlpp be fore her marriage. . . ' . Miss Beatrice Olln Is spending the July 4 weekend in Seattle. "Not on QUO HO woita ufe? wefrrAlFT, we bus n JAWAeo WiTU PEOPLE UAlTt.V& fOQ THE STA PERFORMANCE AND NO BASE-BACK fciDEQ Now Showing X CERTrMNLf WfttiT THE FlGHT TO LOOK REAL-TOO CPA HIT ME NOW fSTiO TVEU- BUT 60 EfSV- TrtEH O EXPOSE-VDOR CHIN SO I Crtt KNOCK YOU 1 3 pllll t-jv-w fjt-a IDU1 ttD7- TttfcrLl PT" L?'nitrHITY TO .If I , 1, iwnrM wr rwuu i in BB mm v T aaa . a saak. a - - al aaiaaii a. aav A - - B - V 9 I I I SK 1 rvr ATM a. r. a. V. a. Sb-Sl I W M S A I icXPObEVDOK CHlri SO I l vgwwji . ; 1 irJ rfS) j The House-Boat- By BRANDON WALSH TSIANINA, CHEROICEE PRINCESS n !. Tslantna, Cherokee Indian' princess (shown In above photo), is one of the colorful fl&mree attending the National Federation of Music, clnba oeaventloai In San fVanciaco. The beautiful Indian girl was tho inspiration for Charles Wakefield Cadmaa's opera, "Shanewis,' aad aha aang tho leading role In tho Hollywood Bowl production la-l(KM. - ... ';-.:. i . . y . - ' : Turner Group F On Auto Tour , TURNER, July 2 Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Gunning who are ac companied by Rev. and Mrs. W. 8. Burgoyne and their small daugh ter Ruth, left Thursday morn ing for Montana, where Mr. Bur goyne will visit an aged grand- the Program Viaim of AmneslA." f r IM TH1 CORfAER - THE GREW CHIEF aENERW- p&ixry to . . Fyprrt ( goodgoju! i IxrfH. mother at Missoula. They will then' go on to Drummond to visit Mrs. Burgoyne's parents, ' broth ers and sisters whom she has not seen for aeven years. j j - Mr. and Mrs. Gunning ar mak ing th trip to visit the Yellow stone National park. The party, expect to be gone about threo weeks. Ivan Hadley who is substitute mall carrier on Route 2 will carry the mall In Mr. Gunning's , absence. " . I XirTTJ AiSTk 1HTHPJT CORKER OJER I CHIIDS W ITIIIBEUFH NORTH HOWELL, July t. Of Interest to many is the news of a recent real estate transfer con cerning the Fletcher farm, whioh, has been In the E. B. Fletcher family for manjr yeara. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Matye re cently of California, have purch ased that part of the Fletcher ' farm on which the old home stands, consisting of 50 acres, and expect to take possession In Sep tember. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Davis are present, renting the farm. Miss Bertha Wlesner left Thurs day morning for a ten days vaca tion trip north. She plans to visit relatives in Portland and Seattle and drive to Rainier National Park during her absence. Kingtvood o : -o r KING WOOD. July 3 Mrs. Ed Flnley spent Sunday and Monday In Portland and Oregon City -as the guest of relatives and friends and also visited her two grand nieces, Dorothy - and Marjory Thomas and their brother Bud.' allot whom liTe at the Knights of Pythlaa homo at Vancouver. The three ara children of Mrs. Chester" Thomas, lonnely Mise Ethel Fla ky, who spent her youth ia this neighborhood. Guests at the Robert Hall homo ara Mr. and ' Mra. Glenn Jacob of New London, la., who expect to remain In Oregon during the sum mer; -,. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Applewhite and daughter Catherina motored, to Neskowin Thursday where they will spend the weekend at 1 their summer cottage. Mr.-and Mrs. J. P. Jensen of Saskatchewan, Can., ara house guests of Mr, and Mrs. Dan Frle sen. Mrs. Jensen is a sister of her hostess. i RKCOVER& RAPIDLY NORTH HOWELL, July 2 ? Mrs. Homer Davis was taken te the Silverton hospital over a week ago where she underwent an op eration for appendicitis. She is re covering nicely and expects te be at home again soon.- By WALT DISNEYj By SEGAIJ g?WWTE IT INTO 1 TH ACT rgF BLOW MEOOUJrV,GQAERcA- GOT cPOtK MEMBERV tTHKS lUHV IVE FORdtfT OUR fVGKEtMBtT By CUFF STERRETX a-. jo -t n uti ti!3&