i ENJOYS PEPETItJG "Children and Pure Water" Declared Town's Best Assets SCIO," Jalr 2.wChlIdren and an adequate supply of par water these are two leading' assets of a town. Dr. H. C. Epley of Salem told a pep meeting in 8clo Mon day evening.' Asa Eastburn. man ager of tn Associated store, pre sided in the absence of P. W, Schrunr, who called the meeting but who was called oat of the city on business. The purpose of the meeting, which was held at the Sclo con fectionery. , was to consider the proposal to commemorate In an appropriate- manner the s access of the town council in providing a new water supply for Sclo the drilling and' equipping of a well 205 feet In depths -The business houses of the city were well represented and enthu siasm was manifest from the onnding of the gavel to the mo tion to adjourn. "Invite the may ors of the neighboring towns, dec orate the town, arrange for . the governor to press the button that will start the celebration, put on a contest for a queen of the fes tival, get up a parade, floats, have a band during the day and In the evening," Dr. Epley suggested. A general committee consisting of P. v7. Schruak. Earl Phillips vand George Patrny was appointed by the chair, with Instructions to Investigate the feasibility of the plan and to report at the earlist practicable moment. A committee comp.sed of W. H. Dennlson and C. P. Bryan was Instructed to take np ' with In terested "business men .the matter of a night watch for the. city and make report , at 'nee. ' It was brought out at the . Jieeting that salary for two months is now due the night watch. Mr. Bryan has since reported that a majority of the business men favor the 'reten tion of the night waU. Ott Bll yeu. wbQ has served since last November. A decorating committee com posed of R. M. McCain and R. T. Carleson was named by the chair.- Most. of the merchants present Indicated Intention of closing their places of business on Saturday, July 4. Fire Destroys J. J. Crabb Barn RICKEY. July 2. The barn on the J. J. Crabb farm was com pletely destroyed by fire Thurs day morning., The stock were moved but qnlte a quantity of hay as lost. The origin of the fire is not known. There was some Insurance but ft will be a heavy loss to :be Crabb family. . I PARTY KXJOYEI I " GERVAIS, July 2. The older girls' troop of Girl Scouts gave a party and weiner roast for the f Vyounger girts troop - Thursday evenlng at the home of Miss Cath- X7 ft or Rnrh t rnnrva ar Ql 1UO Avail a. active and progressing rapidly un r der the leadership of -Mrs. A. B, dkisson. Troop 1 has received I Its official registration, which en- titles the members to attend and I be recognlied by any other tropp I in th iTnitMf stnt or England. Four new members have recently been added: Georgia Cole to the older girls troop and Dorothy. "Ruth and Mary Ferguson to the younger girls' troop. ' . GUESTS FROM.feOrTII BETHANY. July 2 Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Sketch and two chil- ' dren of Hollywood. California, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Wolf of San Francisco were guests at the Os car Satern home last week. Mrs. , Sketch and Mrs. Wolf will be re membered as the Misses Josephine nA rmmi Jnhnson of McKee. Oregon. The party visited at thej home of an uncle, Mr. Hans Han eon, of Sllverton also. They planned to see a number of other relatives at Jefferson, McKee and Portland before their return to California. - GUESTS IX STAYTOX STATTOX, July 2 Mrs. Susan Marking .and daughter. LaVene, who have been In California sev eral months for Mrs. Marking's health are here at the home , of her brother, Chas.' Streff. As aoon as there is room Mrs. Mark ing will enter the state tubercular AOsprtaL Mrs. Marking has been a resident of Stayton nearly all her life, and 1 has many friends liero who-regret to learn of her all health, the result of an attack of Influenxa. ' ' i '' ; . ATTEND POWELL. RITES ' JEFFER30X, July 2 Out of toint folks who attended the fu neral services for tbe late Henry Powell Wednesday afiernoon are: Mr. and Mrs. J. Wv Merrltt, Mr. and Mrs. John Meritt, Mr. and Mrs. Eld red Long, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Long. Mr. and Mrs. B. I. Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Arn old, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Long. Mr. and Mrs. Porter Long, all of Sclo; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Long, and Mrs. Cora Miller of Eugene. OFFICERS INSTALLED MILL CITT. Jaly 2. Inatalla tion of the new officers in the Mill City Rebekah lodge were held Wednesday evening. July 1, in the I. O. O. F. hall, with Mrs. L. A. Kaineo tavklng the chair avs aoble grand, Mrs. -John Swaa, warden; Mn. riojd Fleetwood, conda K. G.: Frank Taylor. L. S. N. O.: treaa; Mm. Losrise Kennedy, R. 8. Charles Wilson, outer guardian. Miss Sylvia Gooch.is tha retiring noble grand. i ; . ' ;: i BACK FROM VACATIOJf . WALLACE ROAD, Jalj 2 Mr. tad Mm. W. F.IcCall of War lace Read who have bee spending thplr mmmer! raeatfos at their CA1NADIAN WHEAT: CROP : IS SHORT EgIgS STEAJDY AFTER TWO GAMS Little More Than Half Crop Expected and r', Prices Advance . - J.: i . " CHICAGO, July Z (AP) Sensationally - adverse - Canadian crop reports lifted wheat today, notwithstanding primary receipts in the jCnited States totaled more than twice as much as a year ago. One Canadian authority said that allowing for any future Improve ment, this season's wheat crop would jnoti exceed 200.900.000 bushels.! compared with 174, 000.000 last year. ' . Premier Bennett of Canada was quoted! as i saying Una dominion faced its greatest national disas ter, j : ! : Wheat closed unsettled 1-8-1 cent higher, corn 2-8 oft to 1-8 up, oats atj -H advance. 1 1 i PORTLAND, Ore,, Jnly 3 UP) Pr4ace ! exchaarej act priest : bitMr, extra 34; staadarda 33; prima first 22; tint 1. E(p, Irnk extras 20; (rasa Mediant 17. Portland Grain ponrijixo; Wheat Intares: Ore, ; July 2 (AP) Open Hit-h Lew C1M 64 Jul. - , i aH 44 , Sen. .... j ,- ,-U.V M4 4 Cuk markets: wheat: big Head blue st em .58; eeft white, western white .66: hard winter, aertharm spring, western red .53. - ! " Oats: ka, 3 white $11.50. Corn: Be. S J. T. S'iS.&O. Millraa standard 913.60. I Portland Livestock POBTtAXD. Ore, Jnly 3 ( AP) Cattle 60, ca've 10. azaaad steady. Steers j 60O-9O0 Ins.. goad Q S.65; senium T.75fifS.5; eoiw S.Stf fa 7.74; 4a VOO-llOw Ion-, coed 8.00 t.SO; aedinna 7.25 8.00; eaaiiaea S.UO 47.25; Sa 1109-lSuo lbs, f-oed 7.00 Q 7.25; medians e.OOfrT.OO. Hetfere 55o 850 lbaj M '. 7.0O; snedinaa S.SO feS.50; common 4,505.50. Cewa, feed 5.Z5&M3; common aad laediam d.XSft 5.25; law cutter aad eatter L.1S14..i. Balls (yenrliera esc laded) . (and. aad ehoaea beef .t(4.50; antler, ciaaii aad medians S.OO . Veal.rs, milk fed. food and ehaiea T.50.50; ma diaaa 5.75 C 7.25; call aad eommea 4-O0 QS.OO. )Cales 230-300 lea-, od aad caeice .2 J a 7.75. , Hoga lOO. stead. Light iiigut leu-ISO loa, faod aad choice aOOiJS.75. Light weight ISO ISO las4 rood and caeiea 8.A0B.T; da 180-200 lba.. good aad nneiea. S.Oft S.7S. Median weight 20O-220 ihk. good aad cheica T.Tiwa.TS; da 330-250 lb., good aad choice S.75f7.7S. Ueavy weight 250 2 OO lbs., good aad choice S.25 7.7$r da laa goad aad choice .007.0v. Packiag aowa 275-500 Ibc, aediuaa land i good 5.008.00. reader aad atoeker pige 70-130 lbt good aad choice 7.SO & 8.50. , Shoep asd laaha. SOS; ajaotahly ateady. Laaiba- 90 ioa. dewa. good wad choice 3.2Jttf.t5: BtediDBi 4.25 t 5 .IS; ell weiffBta jeeaiaMm SJ04.5O. Tearliag wethera to-lla ib4 aiediam to choice 2.00 r 3.50. Kwm SO-120 Ibi.. Mediam to choice 1.75612.25: do 120-150 lbt. medinai to choiee 1.50 ($2.00; all weight! emu aaj Monti WOll. FriiitSe Vegetables POBfTLAXD. Ore, July S (AP) Uraagaa- pack4, aleacia, S2.75&5; grapefruit florid. Sl.SOfee; Caltformia, 3.75U5; liatca. 5-da(. cartoa, 92.50; bananas. I 5c lb. Lcatooi California, aa.TSfa, 7 caae. (Mrawtarn-iea Oregna. MarahaU. $20 2.50. Kaapberriea local. $1.25 crate. Wateratellona Kloadikes, 2e lb. Canta loupe California jam bo. $2.50(g2.75; BtandardJ : S2.25&3.70; pony, $1.85 6 2 crate. i Heneydew me loo California jwmbe. SU.73(8; atandard. $2.50 & 2.75 crate, - t 4 abba go lecal, new. S0(g75e half crate. Onions selling price to retailers: Oregon, 1 1.50 1.75 ttL; CsL sew crop Beraindas.i $1.75 crate; yellow, $2.25 2.50 cental: red.. $1.75 cental. Seed po tatoea Ural lalae lk. Rhubarb local, balk, 2 He in. Artichoke! GO 9 80 do.J ; ' I Spistcl Iocs, 75 orsnfe box. Celery Labiahj 7ic(a$1.25 per doien. Muih reeome hbthoaM. S5ia40. Peppers bell, green, 8 rf 10c. . Kweet ' potatoea altera. $3.75 hamper. Canliilower aorthwest. $lftl.-i per crate. - t Besot Th lalle, k8c .Tomatoes Ssa Pedra, $2.15 & 2.25 lur. repacked. Texas. $S.75Q3.25: hothoase. 12 9 14c Lottnco IncaC $UJfel.7S crate. Aspar ru b t, St. 25. ' Cherriea Bings, ;7fSe Jh.; Roral Anne. 50e lb. Portland Produce POBTLAXD. Ore, Jaly 2 (AP) Milk boriaf price: grade B $1.60(9 1.S0 cental, with "surplus' Si Q 1.60 Portland 'delivery aad iaspecttoa. Nate Oregoa walants, li(25e: pea nuia. 12c lb.: Eraxila. 18y20e; abnoads, lttlSc lb.; filberts. 2tt2c; pecan. 20c. . f - ' ' Hope neaiUal, 1929 crop, 10 lie; 1930. 1&17. . . Lira poultry e ' baring , prices: heavy beta, colored. 4M lbs. a p. 17 le !V; do H-4 Iba.. 12 (if 13c; aader 3'4 lbs.. illlc; broilara, whit. 17e; colored l$20e lb.; So. 2 Tfteiekeas. e lb.; aid roosters. 7; dacks, Pekia, HQ 15e: geesa lSc- , Potataea Orogon. Desekates, $L3S& 1.50; Bakers.-$1.75; local, 70I0; Ta kima. 2i(3l.li. Kew poutoea local, lc lb.; east, west 14 lb. Ha bnying prlea for prodnear; al falfa. $14fel5; cloeor, ieil2; oau aad Telch. $10(4 11 tea. Dreesod ponhry aelling price to re tailors: tarkeya, poor to good. J dncka. 25c: geeso. lie; capons. $1 . 4 Trlday, Jnly S ' XQW 420 St rrtla4 :$ DvoUsl. ' T: 43 Van aad Dts, KBC. 9 :H Cooking aehool. :30 The eatertaiaere. 10:30 Woman 'a Magasina of the Air. 11:30 Julia Hsyes. 11:15 Orrsn enert. 12:15 U'estem Vam Bad Heme near. 2:35 Aircraft talk. 2:45 NBC matinee. ' - S:45 Organ. ' : r -r"-' f- : Panl Whlteaeaa, VBO. . T:00 Ames 'a' Andy, NBC. 7:45 Aldeann Smith, soprano. $:! tfellawed Mtlodit, B0. 10:45 Hot Owls. ; t - . xonr . :oo KOIN'a Klock. T:o Heronadera. - . : v 0:O0 Tarwagh tho window. :0O Andy aad Yira-i-ia. p :1S Peedinaadoe rehMtra, CBS. 11:15 International kitchen. X:09 Th$ Hoiteti $( th$ Air. r i j..0 Hllrwod Carkse tlb. t:Oe Teeaialnn Paaeiaa. DLEB. :SO Adventnraa. CBS, S :45 Srampfcamle cotttgtJ at Wwt Uti wlU rttarn home the latter part of thai week. Mr. McCatt who- ti bwen ewsnl inralld tor a number of years fladr his kealta mvca IrajrortdL Mrs McCall is ttate grt& lee tnnr.. - General Markets ; Radio Progtams Salem Markets Grade B raw 4 milk, delivered la Sale as, Sjl.lO tm flJJO crwt. Butterfat at. (arm 19t. Salem 20c. . rBtrrr ajtd tscktabubs i ! Prion paid to growers or SaJaai bayera, Jnly 1. 1931 , , ' TBQITASLU . , Radishes, doa. - - , , On tone. doa. : Asparagat Asparagns Carrota 4 Hpiaach, crate Lettaca, crate Cabbage, crate .60 .90 -SO ZOOS Buying Priooa Extra Mediums .IS .11 1 POOXTRT Buying Prlooa Roosters, o'd Jtroilers . ,. ,. Hcaries. hens Medium beat as to 20 Light hens il GBAXir AVD BAT Buying Prices Wheat, western red , .41 White, bo. 44 .22.00 M SS.0Q 28 Barley, toa Oats. grey. pa. White, bn. Hay: baying ! Or U nnd retch, ton S.00-9.OO ' .9.00-9.00 (. over Alfalfa. Taller, lad cutting 13.00-15.00 Eastern Oregea , ' nn Cor-jnon - , t na hop Too (rsde Old stock .o$-.ie MXAT Baylag PrlMS Tj.abs. lop nA- Hoga. top 74 Hoga. 100 tba. np 0H-Q7, steer r - , " to jn Cows .os to jut -04-.05 ., 19 i 11 , Helfera Dressed real . Dressed hoga WOOI. Coarso hfedlnsa .11' J$ OIL IS STOLEN ! GERVAIS, July 2 Thieves en tered the barn and storeroom of Henry Picket Sunday . sight and took a 30-gilloa tank of motor oiL several milk cans and tools and drained another oil can of Its contents and took. all away with them. Mr. Flckel and family MICKEY MOUSE ! jf "Winning; by n Keck. 4 , i ; J J ' -I ' !' THIMBLE THEATREteiring Popeye I rAU5T TE5T MV PUNCH - OROEKWt, go tell PETE TO C0tM. ' LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY fS 7THE POUCeTWNK AMWE f7 ID MEET THE 6WABS ft- LET" VJ ri& AMT I . I X 1 K WTMOTVvOaCCS.VE5rEI If ME6ETwyTrsOKANOSONTHEP?ATESl- I f STER s w nr nx. - w snn m m u - . -mw- saw1 v m m m . a ill Lry & wi vnud. otxzGam Mstn tr i to that tzz n t-trri waotsr 7 a w m t -j -----r? r r ii v i k "s. m a. ii aiac w I I w im- .iv ' . r m m . a nii v i I m r t-w t -r a POLLY AND HER PALS l . "Paw Takes a cue- : , , ONCE THE DUFFER HAS ABSORBED) ( WUTS THE IDEAI T-T VTT THE ESSENTIALS, HE SHOULD T-rT ( OP THAT OUT- SMA FELLER ( -!M HIS OWN ) - DEVELOP HIS OWN)wts' I FIT UNK? Jy HAS A. OZ S WAY J &5h hiT SAYS SO S GAME. IN HlSljr- sz. f!p r'f. RIGHT TO c?- v. , - rW A S ,NI "mE Twr (C. 3 :r'' The OREGON STATESMAN, Salem. Butter' is Weaker With Receipts Heavy; ! Lambs Lower PORTLAND. July J-L(APJ- The egg and butter markeu were resting today. Eggs were holding the two adances ef the week, apt pareotly without effort. Batter, however, was resorted none too strong with receipts about as heavy as the trafflo coald bear. Prices for country killed" lambs were reduced here today. The new market Is 11-Utt cenU. with very little moving to the trade at the higher price. Hogs are ateady at IX cents; medium to poor calves and heavy Teal is draggy, but there Is n good call for choice light stuff. There will be mo nurtwT along Front street Sat urday. . watermelons were advanced a quarter of a cent a pound to 2 He this advance, coming in - cool weather with large . supplies la the hands of retailers, surprised many. - f Seedless grapes are arriving In larger quantity now and the price was marked down to f 3.25 to the trade. A. shipment of Bartlett pears was received from California. They are going to the trade at 11.25. New potatoea are moving slowly In trade circles. The supply Is large and continues to Increase at shipments come In from virtually all sections of the Pacific north west. Kennewlck offerings are moving at , . cents and Califor nia's are a quarter lower. . Receipt of Chinook 1 salmon are Increasing, the Oregon Fish company reports. Prices are un changed, but the market . has sT weak undertone and a recession may be foreed next week. There seems to be no demand for rhubarb. ' The Quality of Gresham offerings Is very good, but buyers do not seem Interested. moved to this place during last week, add It surely does not give them a good opinion of the com munity to hare this happen ts a new comer. I rsTcVAD sttu. kow. i r : 1 nV PETE-1 UKW T0i f-j j Oregon, Friday 'Morning, Jalr 3, 0 picidfie keeps r.i'.rjy BUSY BRUSH CREEK. July 2 Dur ing tne absence of the Cattron family from their farm in the Brush Creek district the place Is being cared for by Mrs. Cattron's parents. Mr. and Urs. J. 1. Tan Camp, whose home is la North 8U vert on. At present Harold Cattron Is working on a farm near Salem, whll his mother and sis ters, lfabel and Ethel, went to Greaharn at the beginning of the raspberry season. - They are ex perienced pickers and found work at a berry yard la. which they had formerly been employed. : Another daughter of Ur. and Mrs. Tan Camp came from Wash tngton recently for a few dayaAe companted by her two children Urs. Davis drove- back ' to her some near Seattle Sunday. i G. A. Spellbrink - Is Mourned MACLEAY, July 2. This com munity Is deeply grieved over the death of O. A. Spellbrink. Mr. Spellbrink underwent an opera tion two years-ago and tor some time seemed to be In natter health, but tor the past few months has been rery 111 and suffered a great deal. ; He was a kind father anc. a good neighbor, and . was actively In terested In his home community. ) Though having no .children In the horns school ha has been a member of the school board for a number of years, t He . leaves, besides his widow, one daughter. Mrs. V. L. Maatea: two sons. Arthur and Perry, and two grandchildren, DeLora and Donald Spellbrink, all of Macleay, and many friends. TO ATTEND BTJCKEROO ' ! GERVAIS, July 2. City "Mar shal William Bowley plans to at tend the Molalla Buckeroo Satur day and to meet some -old friends who are a part ef the company putting on the show. Mr. . Bowley says he has not been eft duty on this holiday in the 17 years he has held this position. L. R. Qlea soa will act as marshal during Mr. Bowleys absence. Tl4l$ "DH'i IT 6 " Now Showing "The Coming Event A Pair of 1931 TEE OFF. ON MARITAL FAIRWAY In a beautiful outdoor wedding ceremony, Glenna CoCett, five times U. 8. women's golf champion, and Edwin H. Vare, Jr., of Philadel-, phla, nephew of former Senator Vare of Pennsylvania, were started dewa the fairway ef marital bliss at Greenwich, Conn! br the Rev. Frederick C. Budlonc The bride and groom are shown being united. GUESTS AT BRUSH CREEK ' BRUSH CREEK. July 2 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Chlttlck of Metis ma spent Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Jorgensen. parents of Mrs. Chlttlck. Mr. Chlttlck is employed In a sawmill near Me- hama. For a Tear the mill was shut down during which time the Chlttlcks lived in Salemv When the mill opened for work again this spring they returned to Ma nama. Mr. and Mrs. T. Jorgensea and son drove over from their home near Salem to enjoy Sunday with Mr. Jorgensen's parents, also. ' TEACHER CHOSEX i BETHANT. Jnly 2 Mrs. Ep- rol Ross of Sllverton has been elected teacher of the - uppeer grades In Bethany school for the coming, school term. During the past year Mrs. Roes has been sub stitute teacher la the Sllverton FlrAt VlNV.. nN!TVWT RKT.POPE. COUVDNtT STcVO UP AFTER. A SOCK URETHfT. OF fAV PUNCH Wteh - Dogs - ; VIE SOTTA WCTCH 7 nut, . ZERO MSS. AiBOeT i THEM TVJO PUkNNsNS SOrVQ. ..'f.:V "1. r schools. Mrs. Caspar Towe, who taught the upper classes, la Beth any for two years, has taken a position in a school nearer her home In the Sllverton hills. Mrs. Stewart McClure, teacher for the past-several years In the lower -grades In Bethany, has been re elected. :'i GUESTS FROM EAST BRUSH1 COLLEGE. July 2 Mr. and Mm. Merlo E. Eaton and children Elizabeth Ann and Ro bert of Minneapolis, arrived Mon day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. "William n. Stoddard of Brush College where they will make an Indefinite visit. Mrs. Eaton and Mrs. Stoddard are es Liters. Mr. Eaton Is connected with the Min neapolis and St. Louis railroad company and Is here on a month's vacation. The Eaton family In tend to make a tour ef tire- beaches while here. OROtHV. GO TfCK UP ft THOUSAND tAROS fovrvrisir4Ci iwz fight tfeUJttN tU- r4t) popere, O0w comee.r AfcE. HAS GOTTA II PAGE SEVEN LODEIlllESfl HiciiFit pmm Fm IIIUIiL.ll I UIIIU...J PORTLAND. -"July 2 (AP) Loganberries had a stronger, tone on the East Side Farmers market today. Buying was good at $1.35 a crate tor good staff. This ad vance may not. hold, but if the supply continues to- be reduced by cannery buying, the trade expects to see this price carry over Into next week. There was a good supply ef al most everything on the market i growers came In prepared to do all the business possible before the long weekend. . Although, loganberries were higher, raspberries failed to do mors than ' rally tomoorarllr. Early aalee were a fraction high er, but before the session was aa hour old prices reverted to the 0e-tl.l that ruled the orerlous day. Concessions from this level wag expected before the end of the day. The advance of loganberries to a point well above raspberries es- -tablishee a precedent for the sea son. The same thinr riannanod one day last season, but It was not as marked as the premium estab- ES FOR CELEBRATION MOLALLA. July 2 The judges for the Molalla Buckeroo which will be held July 3, 4 and S are on the- grounds. Guy Ray of Salem.-famous trick rider: Leo Caldwell, stockman of Pendleton and former world champion all around cowboy: Tom Delanr. well known stockman of UTkevlew. ' 1 The first day of the show tS children's day and the Fischers Boys JuTenll band of Portland will be guests of the association and win appear la the parade and play la the grandstand during the show.- Kirks Buckeroo band la full cowboy regalia will appear each day is the parades. There will be no reserved seats July 2 and children under 14 will be ad mitted for half price. Reserved seats will be sold for July 4 and f. By WALT DISNEY By SEGAR 810 FiOvT ' FREE StfcGENERrL ERrOlCfT POPY& TrE SAlVAft. AT THt L ARetVt By BRANDON WALSH DONT kmcw what -neveE i 30wVADOTOUS- BOrVCUAM-ME. KEEP (Xll? EYES OPEM AM STWCrTK2r Dr DO IT!! J-k By CUFF a5TERRETT