The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 01, 1931, Page 8, Image 8

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    The OREGON STATESMAN. Saltra, 'Oregon, Wednesday Horning, Jnly 1, 1931
Sitriblind, S,
Takes Respite From Grind
.Of Training; Both are
- Now Tapering off
" .- " 1 ' -. .
, CLEVELAND, June 30. (AP)
Bill Stribling broke loose from
lila training camp in a borrowed
airplane today to inject a thrill
' Into the heavyweight champion
ship prize tight . picture that
comes to a climax in the new mu
nlcipal stadium here Friday night.
The southern challenger for
- Max, Schmellng's . crown slipped
away' from camp with a New York
newspaperman and took off from
Akron at 2:05 p. m. (E. S. T.) In
a plane borrowed from a friend.
; He flew back over his own camp
; at Geauga Lake, then zoomed
. -over the German's training camp
Tt Conneaut Lake. . Pa., while
V Schmellng was boxlnsr with his
1N sparring partners. The plane
otavnot iiy low and there was no
excitement in . the champion's
camp. It was not until the work-
'- out, next to the last for Schmel
ing, was orer that the champion
knew he had been visited by the
, -challenger during the day.
-Against Orders of
Gardes Corporation
Although' Stribling had been or
dered not to fly by the Madison
. Square Garden corporation of
Ohio, promoting the IS round tl
tie match, .Dick Dunn, promoter.
. took the matter philosophically.
"That's not so good." he said
"I guess Strlbllng's stealing some
or Tunney's stuff. But I suppose
It will be all right if he comes
. down without getting- hurt."
Stribling is a transport pilot
an officer in the reserre air corps
and a crack flier. He has flown
many hundreds of miles and owns
several planes, although he was
not allowed to bring any of these
north with him from Macon. En
viously he haU been watching his
friends fly from a small field
, near the camp for several weeks
and "Pa: Stribling. his father
manager, decided that a short
turn In the air would do Bill good
fnd relieve the nervous tension of
the final days of training. He was
In the air almost three hours.
There were two other Interest
ing developments today. -It was
announced officially that the title
match would be broadcast Friday
night through the two networks
of the National Broadcasting Co.
with Graham McNamee and Floyd
Gibbons at the microphones. The
main bout will start some time
between 9 and 10 p. m; (E. s: T.)
Cheaper Seats Are
Bet Down to 3
The Garden also broke the news
that the faithful who think 15.49
too much for the cheapest priced
seats In the stadium that will hold
294.000 can now.ri as little as
$3 to see the championship em
brogllo. Ten thousand S3 seats In
the bleachers will be placed on
ale Friday - afternoon. Top prlee
for the seats is $25.
..It seemed as though Jack
Dempsey's record of having his
name brought up in some connec
tion with every present-d a y
heavyweight fight .would be brok
en untn a Cleveland newsnaner
today offered the former - cham
pion a mateh with the winner.
Dempsey promptly announced he
had- turned down an offer of
2750.000 and the ballyhoo wheels
for this mateh. and lor Demp
seys bout between Max Baerand
Paulino' Uzcudun in Reno July 4
promptly ground a bit faster.
Stribling had the final workout
of the training campaign sched
uled for. tonight He will exer
cise lightly but will do no more
boxing; between . tomorrow and
Friday night. Schmellng will spar
with his partners for the last
time tomorrow. Botb-are in per
fect condition. -
Licenses Total
Is Behind Mark
For Last Year
Records in the state motor ve
hide department show that 51,-
4iz maw applications for automo
bile licenses had been Issued up
xo m on a ay nignt, as against 40.-
085 oa the corresponding date In
1930. '
Receipts of the department no
. to Monday night aggregated 2-
uzs,33i, as compared with tl,
192,145 on the same date last
year. The latter figure did not
Include money received from ap
plicants who appeared at the Sa
lem and Portland counters. " .
Improvement of
Y. M. C.A. Camp
Is Talked Here
The summer boys camp com
mittee, met yesterday to opnslder
plans for the improving tot the
Oceanside campgrounds. R. C.
Davis reported the ground had
been cleared in sufficient space
to provide a playground and sites
for tents. t
It was decided to go ahead with
the construction of a cookhouse
to be ready for camp, which starts
July 20 and continues into Aug
ust.. A large attendance Is expects
ed and the boys are. growing in
terested in the plans as the time
for opening draws near, "
The, ralue of. manufactured
goods of Nebraska. : an agricul
tural state was only 812,000,000
behind that of agricultural prod
nets U 1929.
I A granite block has been placed
; to mark the old home near Hous
; ton of David O. Burnet, first pro
visional president of the Texas re
public. . -. -
v It's made the old world dlssy,
watching those , boys Post and
Catty go circling roand it.
. President Hoover Is offering a
moratorium -on international
debts 1 Julius says automobile
ownersj don't have to buy their 11
censes and you, Mayor Gregory!
When are you coming to the re
lief of the overtime parkers?
That McCann-Jones combin
ation is like morphine; there's
no acceptable substitute . and
when one dose wears off, the
victims are miserable antn they
get another. .
There was a four-Inch aperture
In the 'door screen at the Midget
market and Harry Levy asked the
ponce to watch It for fear some
body might reach In and take
away one of his meat blocks. Ah
ha. So that's the size of th en-
bones Harry sells.
I akxxxcav uAatrz
iW.. L. Pet W T. -
nils, j.48 1 .116181. U JS ST .4
W..K. i49 14 .457! Rnatni. 41 in AIM
ClmL 14 .S00.' Chiesff. IS 4J .154
- r-r - ...... -v.m j - mm .o i i
DETROIT. June 30 fAPl
The Tigers rallied for three runs
off Henry Johnson in the eleventh
inning today and defeated the
New York Yankees, 8 to 7. Lou
Gehrig's 19th home run of the
season! gave the Yanks a tie In
the ninth and they scored two
more in the eleventh.
! - - HUE
N Y. 2003 001 001 02-7 IS a
Det. .1202 100 000 03-8 11 2
(11 Innings).
Pipgras, Johnson. Ruffinr and
Jorgens, Rickey; Sorrell and Hay
werth. !
S Rally Falls Short
A ninth inning rally-by the In
dians fell short today and they
dropped the first game of the ser
ies to Jthe Afhletlcs 11 to 7 The
Tribe got -three counters in the
final frame Including a home run
by Earl Averill with one man on
base. 1 . '
I n it R
Phila. 003 040 31011 17 o
Cleve. 010 100 023 7 is l
Earhshaw and Cochrane:
Browri, Lawson and Sewell, Berg.
t !
(Red Sox Beat White
CHICAGO. June 30 (AP)
Danny! MacFayden held the White
Sox to six hits today and the Red
Sox won 7 to 1, pounding three
Chicago pitchers.
Boston -620 100 4007 18 0
Chicago t00 100 000-1 8 2
- MaeFayden and Berry; Cara
way, Faber, Braxton and Tate.
. ' ! ? .
ABowe Only Two Hits
8T,E LOUIS, June 30 (AP)
George Blaeholder held the Wash
ington Senators to two hits and
the St. Louis Browns took the
first game ef the series here to
day 7-0.-1
f J R H E
Wash. ..000 800 000-8 2 0
St. Louis 400 802 01x-7 IS 2
Fischer, Burke and Spencer.
Ha r grave; Blaeholder and Fer
rell. 1 i
- rf i ,n?"y lTen U,mt Put to an order of the Coun
ty Court of Marion County, Oregon, the following warrants out-
t .
" inon uouncy. uregon, issued more than seven
VLV?J?TJ1 Il.nt ?7 ?f July- 1931 ""1 be cancelled and the
in.iiuurr wim me provisions of Sec
tions: 323S, and 8240 of Oregon Laws-
X umber of
Warrant Date
81517 1 July 10, 1923
, 84119 Sept. 10, 1923
8491 Oct. 8, 1923
nr989 Oct. 8. 1923
85843 Nov. 8, 1923
281)4 1 March 8, 1924
88218 j March 8, 1S24
89120 May 9. 1924
89859 ! Jane 9, 1924 '
i " ; : GENERAL
July 12, 1923
July 12. 1923
August 8. 1923
August 8.-1923
August 8, 1923
August 8, 1923
October 9, 1923
October 9, 1923
October 9. 1923
October 9. 1923
October 9, 1923
October 9. 1923
October 9, 1923 -Dec.
-10, 1923
Jan. 9, 1924
Jan. 9, 1924
Jan. 9, 1924
Jan. 9, 1924
Jan., 9. 1924
Feb. 9, 1924
! Feb. 9,' 1924 "
i May 10, 1924
' May 10, 1924
May. 10, 1924
! May 10, 1924
May 10, 1924
j May 101924
May 10, 1924
June 10, 1924
June 10, 1924 -
! , Jane 10, 1924
June 10, 1924
J June 10, 1924
June 10. 1924
I June 10. 1924
f June 10. 1924
Also all other warrant rinwn
, . , . sw v eaij abs a 4i St a4s auj
at this time be outstanding and unpaid. : j -
c A l iaiem. Oregon, this
(Seal), i
Indians Turned Back When
Assault on Second
Place is Tried
Im Pet, W.
U Pet;
Hollr. II .611
Lh A. 41 41 .494
Port 1' 4 45 S8 .5561
Bam r. 43 40 .518
Miniea S2 4S .494
S10 19 41 .48S
8e'f .SS 4S .4S9
Oaki. 39 49 .873
SEATTLE. June 80 (AP)
The Portland Beavers put four
singles and a double together to
score four runs in the sixth Inning
tonight and won the series open
er from the Indians, 4 to 1.
Bowman held Seattle s seven
hits well scattered and the home
team couldn't . put a run across
till the ninth. : page and Freltas
were touched for 9 blows by the
visitors, with Page allowing only
two hits till the fatal sixth.
Portland 4 9 1
Seattle 1' 7 0
Bowman and Wood all; Page,
Freltas and Cox.
Store Are Blanked
(AP) Hollywood lost the open
ing' game of the series with the
Missions tonight 3-9. It was one
of the few games of the season
that the heavy hitting Stars have
been held scoreless. The Stars
were able to collect only five hits
off the offerings of Cole.
Brenzel, in addition to backing
up the home plate In good style,
clouted two two-baggers for the
Missions 2 7 2
Hollywood 0 8 2
Cole and Brenzel; Bray and
Angels Win Opener
(AP) Jess Potty's southpaw
slants proved too much for the
San Francisco Seals tonight and
Los Angeles won the series open
er 7 to 2.
The Seals got to Petty for ten
hits but only In the first and
eighth were they able to put them
together for scores. The Angeles
bunched hits in the fourth, sev
enth and eighth Innings to score
lx of their seven runs.
Los Angeles 7 16 i 0
San Francisco 2 10 1"!0
Petty and Schulte: McDougal.
uelaney and Penbsky.
(AP) Night game:
Oakland 2 9 8
Sacramento 7 8 1
Craghead and McMIUen; Flynn
and wins.
TORONTO, Ont. June 20
(AP) Prlmo Camera, Italian
heavyweight, knocked out Bad
Gorman of Kenosha, Wis., In the
nrst round or their tea round
bout here tonight. Camera
weighed 272 pounds: Gorman
NEW YORK. June 20 (AP)
unnstopner (Bat) Battallne, slug
ging featherweight tltleholder of
Hartford, Conn.r will put his
crown at stage for the third time
in six months when he meets Irish
Bobby Brady of Jersey City, In
Ue Jersey city ball park tomor
row nignt in a ten round bout.
CAMDEN. N. J., June 20
CAP) Nick Lutxe. former Notre
uame university football star took
To Whom Issued
Lars Stevens
Webb McGinnis
John Lambrecht
Tom Echo
M. W. Barber
Ed. Xoesler
Hlldagard Bartcs
E. E. Trask '
Morris Hall
Vernoa Rennwanz
, E. M. McCallen
Denna MeC.ery
Mrs. Fred Lawry
Ernest Palmer
Hans Johnson
P. W. Reyelt
C. S. Shaftue
E. E. Wyatt
E. W. Marquette
L. C. Mills
. Victor M. Houston
Stockton Paulsen
James Smid .
F. E. Fitzgerald
Gladys Hawley .
Harry Quinlwan
John Nearness
C. ' F. Bates
. S. C. Robinson :
Thos Peterson
Herman Countryman
,' Mrs. Louise Johnson
E. A. Johnson
Mrs. E. A. Johnson
Mrs Jos. Foley.
- Walter Johnson
J. F. Sonnen
Alma Brendon
Ida Brendon .
Clarence Schoenenun
Bruce Wilson
G. E. I'nruh Estate
Clarence Schoeneman
J. B. Millrr
Peoples Cash Store
nri t.i. . i ai m..
80th day of June, 1921.
CO. BOYKB fnnnl ClrV " '
two straight falls, from Kivan
GrandoTich, of Russia in the feat
ure bout of an outdoor wrestling
show tonight. TP first fall took
19 minutes, the second 5 minutes.
f o seconds.
Kola KwarianL Russian heavy-
I weight wrestler, tonight threw
Dick Daviscourt of Calif ornla in
22 minutes with, a body slam. The
i bout was. held la an open arena
and the attendance was 2.200.
Signed Up on
Fourth Card
Bud Beetle. -Vancouver. Wash.
middleweight scrapper, who will
meet George Becker of Tillamook
in the semi-final bout on the
Fourth of July card at the fair
grounds here. Is a lad who will
bear watching along with Georgia
Dixon and Frankle Warn eke, the
main e venters.
Beetle Is a young fellow with
only 20 fights behind him. but has
the unique record of having won
every right he entered In the Port
land arena, and all but one of
them byknockouts. jj
young Johnson of Euverton is
another lad who has made a fly
ing start in the fistic game, hav
ing lost only, one fight out ef ll
He meets Norman Parka,
one of the Tillamook contingent.
Dalles Juniors
Win Over Bend
THE DALLES, Ore.. June 8
(AP) The Dalles American Le
gion Junior baseball team defeat
ed Bend, 11 to 7. and captured
the central Oregon district cham
pionship here today. j
Bend outhlt The Dalles, 7 to ,
but were weaker In the field.
The Dalles team will play the
winner of the Portland league
. j
Four building permits were Is
sued at the city hall yesterday,
marking the close of the first six
months of construction In the city.
Steusloff brothers were granted
a permit to alter an office build
ing at 241 North Liberty street at
a cost estimated at 3175.
W. P. Cheslre, 2060 Trade
street, received a permit to erect
a garage valued at 3100. it
- E. A.ytle will alter a store at
120 North Commercial at a cost of
2100 and Mrs. Jl. E. Vaughn, 598
South 15 th street, will erect a
wooasnea at a cost of 840.
O 1931. bGGCTT ft Mvm TOtACCO ox
Junior Baseball, Golf and
fowling on Program of
State Convention
CORVALLIS. - (Special.) Ar
rangements are under way for i
big program of athletics for mem-
Ders of the American Legion who
will meet in convention here Au
gust 8, 7 and 8. Members Of the
local post who are heading up the
athletic activities are Ralph Cole
man, Al Keeney, Cec Blakely and
Ray DeMoss. j
Ralph Coleman, who Is baseball
coach at the state college. Is in
charge of the finals of the junior
baseball tournament to be played
on the college diamond. Prelimin
aries are being played in all sec
tions of the state at present and
more Interest than ever Is being
shown in the state finals, accord
ing to Coleman. The college base
ball diamond, one of the best In
the state. Is .being kept In first
class condition for the big tour
nament. . j .
Plans are nnder way for Legion
members to participate In golf and
bowling tournaments. Cecil Grant
Blakely is chairman of the golf
committee, and Ray DeMoss Is in
charge of the bowling contest.
CorvalUs 0 1 to
Hold Golf Crown
The golf tournament, onen to
all members of the Legion, will be
Played on the Corrallis Country
club course on Friday, the second
day of the convention. A Clip will
be presented the winning four-
man team and another cup to the
individual medalist. Posts wishing
to enter are asked to com
municate with Blakely as soon as
The Corral lis post won the last
golf tournament at Salem in 1929
and will- be ont to defend the
championship this year. The
championship team was composed
of Dr. Erney Qaeslnberry. Carl
Lodell. Bla ely and Bill Moyer.
Lodell won the Individual honors.
All these divot diggers are eligible
for the team this year., i
Pin Tournament
Is New Feature
This Is the first year a bowllnr
tournament has been on the list
of events. Considerable interest is
shown in the contest, according to
Kay ueMoss. who is In charre of
the affair. Several posts have al
ready sent in word they will enter
Something that nrobablv fs
causing more talk than anything
else in connection with the ath
letic program is the proposed box
ing and wrestling tournament
which Is being nromoted hv Al
Keeney. Keeney is endeavoring to
procure a colorful card with Jack
Keynolds and Robin Reed as the
head liners on the wrestling pro
gram. ShouIdKeeney's plans ma
o o
terialize the 'bouts will be held on
the football- stadium at Oregon
State college. . :: , L
Par Smashed!
To Bits Upon'
Eve of Open
- -
TOLEDO.: O., June .30. (AP)
Tough old Inverness, with Its
yawning traps and tightly button
ed fairways; absorbed a pair of
clean eut knockouts today as,most
of the sharpshooters of the na
tional open golf championship
field settled to serious drills. . j
The staggering wallops were
riffled off the I clubs of Leonard
Schmutte, Lima, O.; professional.
and Harold' Samson of Burlln-
game, CaL, who beat par by a good
margin, despite the sweltering.
sultry heat. ;
Schmutte -breezed over the
course with a brilliant 88, three
shots nnder par, while Samson,
one of the longest long shots In
the big push which starts Thurs
day, came back, to the clubhouse
with a 9 and a confident grin.
Schmutte went out in 33 and came
back in 35 for his round, which
was one under the competitive
course record. .. .,.
Several others litterelly toyed
with the course today. Including
Wild Bill Melhorn of New York,
who clicked pff four straight bird
ies, and quit after nine holes with
a 24, two nnder par, on the back
ward stretch, i i
Helen Jacobs
Winner Over
Miss Nuthall
LONDON. June 20 (AP)
With as versatile a brand of ten
nis as she has ever shown at Wim
bledon, Helen Jacobs of Berkeley,
Cal., today eliminated Betty Nut-
hall from the women's tennis sin
gles championship and placed
herself in' the favorite's position
to win the title racated by Mrs.
Helen Wills Moody.
Miss Jacobs defeated Miss Nut-
hall 6-2. 6-3. at the start of an
afternoon of play which saw the
elimination of all three British
women in the semi-finals and the
progression of Frank Shields and
Sidney B. Wood Jr.. to the semi
finals of men's doubles.
The three semi-finalist nlaces
already decided in women's sin
gles are held by Miss Jacobs,
Rene Mathleii of France and H.
Krahwinkel, Germany's third
ranking woman player. The Ger
man girl will meet Jacobs in the
upper half of the draw, and Mme.
Mathleu will play the winner of
the last quarter-final match be
tween Aussem of Germany and
Mile. Payot of Switzerland.
the combination .:fhdfWin5-Vpuj
Made to smoke? milder. And o taste better,
fliats Chesterfield ! . Ripe mild tobaccos and
pure French ; paper. Every Chesterfield is well
filled and burns evenly. Milder and tastes bet
ter what more could you ask?
Jones': leg and hip Badly
; Hurt In; Getting . out
Of Boston Crab . .
Living up to advance notices, In
contrast to recent matches' here,
the Wildcat McCann-Henry Jones
wrestling bout Tuesday night at
the armory was saturated with
action, MCCann winning when
Jones was unable to come back
for the third round.
'Jones won the first fall in 17
minutes with -a whip wrlstlock al
ter McCann had withstood a num
ber of previous applications ' of
this punisber and also some terri
fic shoulder butts. '
It took " McCann half a min
ute more than 17 minutes to over
come Jones' for the tying falL The
Wildcat had applied a crab 'hold
and In twisting out of it, Jones
wrenched - his back and his hip
and leg were paralyed. -
The crowd also . was . pleased
with the showing made by Bob
Steele, 180 pound - Los - Angeles
veteran, who won from Bob Leh
man of San Diego in 15 minutes
with a body . press following a
series of headlocks. The arrange
ment 'was that one fall should
terminate the. boat. It was one
of the cleanest matches seen here
in many months,. but fall of thrills
nevertheless. -- .
W.. U Pet. W. 1. et.
SU U -43 24 .3 Eoto 35 S3 .515
N. T. .8 37 .585PhilL .29 S6 .44
Chicago SS 29 .554i Pittsb. 25 40 .885
BrookU 88 82 .529iCincia. .25 45 .357
NEW YORK, June 30-(AP)
The St. Lous Cardinals made it
two straight over the Giants with
an 11 to 10 victory in a battle f
home runs today. , Adams, Blades
and Frlsch of St. Louis and Ver
ges and Allen of New York hit
homers. " -
St Louis .203 120 300 11 14 2
New York 030 140 02010 18 0
Derringer, Stout, Johnson and
Wilson; Mitchell,. Morrell, Hev-
ng, cnapiin andHogan.
Frankhouse in Form
BOSTON. June 30 :fAP)
Fred Frankhouse held the Pitts-burgh-Pirates
to five singles today
to give the Braves a 5 to 1 victory
and himself his fourth straight
win. Randy Moore hit a-home
run in the first. .
Pittsburgh .000 100 000 1 5 1
Boston ....300 000 021 5 10
Brame and Grace; Frankhouse
and spohrer.
Reds Kven a? Seriee
BROOKLYN. June 30 (AP)
The Cincinnati Reds evened the
series with the Robins by win
ning the second game today, 4 to
3. Benny Frey held Brooklyn to
five hits in seven innings but
weakened and was replaced with
Benton. . .-
Cincinnati .210 100 00.0 4 14
Brooklyn ..010 000 1103 8 3
Frey, Benton and Sukeforth;?
Thurston and Lopez.
- Cabs Boat Quakers
(AP) The Chicago Cubs Dound-
ed three Phillies pitchers for 19
hits and defeated the Quakers 14
to 3 today, - Hornsby hit two hom
ers and drove in eight runs for the
winners. -
Chicago ..300 041 D24 14 19 0
PhiladeL .000 012 00 J 11 3
Malone and Hkrtnett: Dudler.
Fallenstein, Schealer and Davis.
It took 30 minutes for the Kay
Woolen Mills and Salem Iron
Works baseball teams to play the -
first inning of their Industrial
league game at Sweetland field
Tuesday night, the iron puddlers
scoring seven runs and the wool
combers eight.
F. Lehman stopped the iron
workers from then on except for
a run in the fourth, and his team
mates piled up three more runs In
the second and six in the third so
Kay Woolen Mills won 17 to 2.
McLaughlin pitched part of the
first inning for the iron men and .
Hays finished up.
Reed, of Kay Woolen Mills hit
a heme run with the bases empty,
and Mintzer of the same team
tripled but got no benefit out of
It as he was caught off the bag
on the hidden ball trick.
The Elks and Tucker's Realtors -
will meet in a Commercial league
game tonight
IVe Welcomeyott
to Portland. JOO comtortxl roonc,
- eacfc with bath. Brworihl, MMb
Convenient down-town location.
oie i?Ss