The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 01, 1931, Page 6, Image 6

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Th OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. C Oregon, Wednesday Morning. July 11931
Rebekah Lodge
Has Interesting
Members of the Salem Rebekah
lodge .were happily entertained
Monday evening by the Salem and
Kewberg cantons and Ladies'
Reading, musical bombers and
a mock wedding were Included In
the program, which was followed
bv light refreshment. Including
the wedding" cake. The' New-
berg Tlsitors also put on a drill.
Those participating-In the wed
ding ceremony, performed under
Urge wedding bell, were:
Louise King, groom: Ella
Smith, bride; Grace Weber, fath
er; Ina Siegmund, mother; Re
becca Ehusterwlck and Alma Hen
derson.' flower girls; Ida Tragllo
and Victoria Stiffler, ring bear
ers; Mrs. Harris, tralnbearer; El-
ale - Townsend. minister; Luella
Engstrom best man; Hattle Cam-
erson, maid of honor. - ; .
The wedding march.-- up an
aisle formed by the cantons, was
played by Lizzie- Waters. Myrta
Terrlll sang.
The Salem Rebekah lodge is
planning to visit Tryphena Re
bekah lodge at. Silverton tomor
row evening, July 2.
Mrs. Emil Hoffman
Swegle Mis. Emll Hoffman
celebrated her 63 rd birthday
Sunday. Her many friends and
children helped to make It a
pleasant occasion. .
Among those present were Mr.
and Mrs. Fleming, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Labahn and children, Mr.
and Mrs. A. Hehrberger, Mr. and
Mrs. ' Robert Hlaz, Mr. and Mrs.
Job Hoeneke. Mr. and Mrs. John
Bond. Mr. and-Mrs. Fox, Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Hins and daughter. Mr.
and Mrs. A. Oehler, Mr. and Mrs.
August Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
hide ana aaugnier. nr. ana 3rs.
Charles Soos, Mrs. A. Koehn and
children, MA. A. Werges of Ta
coma. Washington. Mr. and Mrs.
Um.iv llkara Vf r- mnA XI rm 11
Zamiow, Mrs. Fred Aufderheide,
Mrs. Bert Cook and children. Mrs.
M. Ballelion, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Siebens. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pepper
and son, Robert of Portland, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Hirsekorn, Mr. and
Mrs. Car! Hoffman.
A delicious cafeteria supper was
Valsetz Mrs. Henry Hobson,
was hostess for a very delightful
Bridge luncheon Thursday after
noon. Those , present were Mrs.
Frank Heyden, Mrs. Bert Thomas,
Mrs. Walter Raymond. Mrs. M. E.
Raymond, Mrs. Hugh Bartrom,
Mrs. D. A. Grout, Mrs. Martin
Rudy. Mrs. Bert Babb.
Frocks that resemble jackets
are very popular, and ' the - one
shown adds a soft feminine grace
to Its smart jacket effect that is
delightful. The back bodice Is In
one, but the front opens, crosses
and ties on the side. It's very at
tractive! There are long sleeves
with the pattern, but you'll love
love these little capelet affairs
for warm weather. The skirt flare
Is added well below a snu hlp
llne. Pattern 2154 is lovely of
printed silk crepe, georgette or
one of the new cottons.
' Obtainable only In sizes 1C, 18,
20, 34, 3 8. 38. 40 and 42. Size IS
requires 3 3-4 ' yards of 39 Inch
fabric Yardage for every s!sce and
simple, exact instructions are giv
en.. No dressmaking experience is
necessary to make this model
with our pattern.
rakBf sprrfeftr U aacas
wr? 1 auk this model w It k aar
patter. Yardca for avar hh and
mpla. aiaet iaatrartiona ara gi.aa.
Sand ftfteaa caats far aab
Writ plainly yoor nasi a. addreaa aad
tyla namtcr. Ba aara La ataia aisa
ranted. .
Tha m (prior d eamnwf pat
Ura analog featarra aa aa-.
tortntant af afternoon, .porta aad
. hoo.a dra.aev litra. paiaiaia anal
kiddiaa' elothaa. IM dalirhi.'ul -.
ary patter a. friea af eatatac fifa
"i. Catal rwiib pattern, iwnl;
lira casta. Aduraaa all aaail aad ar
dera ta Stataamaa Pattani lieoart
neat. 343 Waat lit atraat. N'aw tark
ews and Club
i :' i
Olive M. Doak,
r I- , . . :? : - . !
! Wednesday, July 1 ' r
I Piano and violin recital presented by Joy Turner;
Moses, at Woman 'a club, Wednesday erenlng, 1 p. m. :
Open to public . -j ; ? '
i Ladies Aid of Leslie. Memorial church, will 4 meet ;
i Wednesday. July lst, at home of Mrs. E. E. Dent. Fair
field district, for all day picnic Lunch served at noon,
followed by business meeting, at 2 o'clock. Cars will
leave church at 11 a. m. f
Leslie Memorial Aid society, Mrs. E. X. Beat, picnic '
lunch; cars will leave church at 11 o'clock. Business
meeting, t o'clock. '
St. Paul's Episcopal Guild. Mrs. N. C. Kafoury. 2:30 ;
1 "! Maccabee Social club will meet with Mrs. Ed Bud
long. (M S. 17th street at z p. m. :
! Amaranth club will meet with Mrs. F. E. Mercer.
1485 North 19th street at S p. m.
I Friday, July S . r
i Auxiliary of the United Spanish War Veterans will .
meet for regular business session at armory at 2:30
'.o'clock. , . i , . . .
o'clock. '
Hubbard -Woman
Made State Officer
Hubbard. Mrs. Julius Stauffer
was appointed department Insti
tuting and installing officer of the
Woman's; Relief corps at the con
vention held in Portland June 22
to 264;,
Mri Stauffer Is a member of
General Rusk chapter No. 39,
Woman's Relief cors, Hubbard,
and has held the position of trees-'
nrr fn th local corns for many
years.l She represented her corps
as a 'delegate at the convention
here where she was second color
bearer throughout the sessions.
Mrs. Stauffer reports a delight
ful a well as lnssiratlonal con
vention, mentioning particularly
th hanauftta at which more than
a thousand persons were present.
Friends Surprise
arid Mrs, Moses
Mr. i and Mrs. William E. Moses
were jenjoyably surrlsed Sunday
by a group of their friends who
-athered at the Moses home In ob
servance of their sixth wedding
A notlnck dinner was served.
anii tha afternoon scent In nlavlng
cards.! High honors went to. Mr.
and Mrs. R. C. Kriesel and second
honors to Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Besides the honor guests, Mr.
and Mrs. Mosea. present were: Mr.
and Mrs. ' E. A. Prultt, Mr. and
Mrs. Ivan G. Martin, Mr. and Mrs.
R. C. iKrlesel, Mr. and Mrs. Wal
ter Barham, Mr. and Mrs. O. L.
Dencer,' Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Wil
liamson, Mr. and Mrs. George J.
Strang, and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
- f :-., '
I Former Salem Girl.
Mrs. Elmer Daue has received
word;announcing the coming mar
riage of her niece. Miss Viola Viv
ian . Marrs, daughter of Mrs. V.
M. Marrs, formerly of Salem, but
now residing in Beverly Hills.
California, to George Dean Love
of San Bernardino.
Mis Marrs graduated with the
Salem high school class of '29 and
has since made her home In Bev
erly HlllsL
' Mr, Love is connected with the
American Telephone and - Tele
graph company, of San Bernar
dino.! The ceremony is scheduled for
July jor August in the Hollywood
Christian church. After a month's
honeymoon through the ' south,
the young couple will be at home
In Sah Bernardino.
j i , . '
Turner The women's mission
ary society of the Christian
chureh met Thursday at (he home
of Mrs. George Brower. The devo
tions j were conducted by Mrfc.
Anna: Farrls.
Those taking part in the pro
gram! were Mrs. Anna Farrls, Mrs.'
Lois Denhem, Mrs.' W. H. Gower,
Miss iMargaret Robertson, LaVer
na' Whitehead, Katherlne Sparks.
Mildred Bones. Mrs. Susan GIrar
din, Mrs. 1W. H. Harris, and Mrs.
E7. S. I Prather. Refreshments were
served by, the hostess who was as
sisted by .Ruth and Margaret Gil
strap Twenty women were pres
ent. As a delightful closing event
for the afternoon a gift 'shower
was given Mrs. O. A.. McKay, a
Tormer president of the society.
who Is moving to Salem In a short
time, j I
West Salem -Lyle Thomas, was
married Thursday evening to Miss
Ruth ;Rees of Salem. Mr. Thomas
was principal last year : of the
West iSalem schools and will fill
the same position the coming
year. Mrs. Thomas is choir accom
panist; at ; Ford 1 Memorial church.
Mr. and Mrs. ;Tnomas drove to
Portland Thursday evening where
they Were joined Sunday by Mr.
nd Mrs. I. W. Thomas, parents of
the groom. Miss Ruth Thomas and
Bill Thomas and the party started
by motor for Kansas. There they
will visit relatives of the Thomas
family for about six weeks. - - ,
r i : - - l
Silverton Comln as a -surprise
!to their school friends In
this community was news of; the
marriage ; Saturday in Vancouver
of Miss Esther Kloster, daughter
of Mr; and Mrs. John Kloster, and
Elbert DeGulre. son of Mr. and
Mrs. M. I E. DeGulre. After a
short IweSdlng trip to the beacher.
they will make their home in Sil
vertop, where Mr. DeGulre Is In
the employ of his father at 'the
Golden Glow dairy.
- Valseta . Mrs. Dorris Cand
strom. entertained with one table
of bridge Saturday afternoon.
Present were Mrs. Lott Gardner.
Mrs. jHildlng Grot, Mrs. Maude
BulliS. A dainty lunch brought
the art- t; rioe late in the after-
Society Editor
Pupils Will Give 1
Violin, Piano Recital
.,'' . - - . r
Pupils of Joy Turner Moses
who will participate In the violin
and piano recital to be held in
the Woman's lub building - on
North Cottage street tonight at 8
o'clock were announced yesterday.
Assisting will "be Jessie Wlms of
Woodburn, who will give a read
ing, and Laurence Lloyd, who will
play , cornet In & trio with violin
and piano. The' public Is invited.
The pupils who will appear are:
Sophia Hughes, Wanda Messinger,
Sybil Beckett. Billie'Juae Smith.
Marjorie Wunder,. Arthur Boyce,
Juanlta Stoekhoss. Beatrice
boss, Milton .Beckett, Marjorie
Ann Bergs vlk, Grace Marie Pick
ens, Ruth Seeley, Esther Callison,
Maxine Ross.
Marguerite Donaldson. Maxine
Case, Irene Wltham,. Margaret
Mochel, Beatrice Donaldson, Irene
B. Seelev. Jessie Sims. Jen nri
Marian Blew, Stewart Donaldson,
Mary Alderson, LaVerne and
Glenerva Harnsberger, , Wallace
Beckett, Eileen and Maxine Good
enough. Marraret Rums. Tom
Senba, Ruth Shewey and Edith
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Breithannt
and Miss Irene Breithaupt will
spend July 4 at the Breithaupt
cottage at Cutler Cltv. Miss T-orat-
ta Varley will go over on Sunday
to spend a week as the guest of
Mlsa Breithaupt.
-. e
Valsetz Mrs. William
was hostess at an attractive
luncheon . Friday. . Guests were
Mrs. Chauncey Ferguson, Mrs.
John March,- Mrs. Charlie -Berg,
Mrs. Ruben Elliott, Mrs. Ole
' ; ? I ' ' ,; ' ; " - " '
' ;'!.- i
. iiiiiimi ii in mil mmacsMmMKaMmsmsmmunmsBBaBnmauBBsasammaiB , 11 mm1 iinT 1 n - -
. " ' ' 1 . '
Silverton Wedding . : :
Celebrated Sunday "
Silverton St. Paul'a chureh
was the icana of a pretty wedding
Thursday morning .t 7 o'clock:,
when M 1st Amelia Ehli, daughter
of Mr. andlfrs. J Ehli. and Henry
Deggeller, son of Mr. and Mm
William Deggeller. of Marauam,
were united In marriage. The Rer.
J. "Scher bring read the services.
Mis Mary. Ehli and Jacob EhlL
sister end - brother of the bride,
were' the attendants. A' email
group' of friends and immediate
relatives were In attendance. ..
. The bride vrore a frock of pink
crepe de chine, with hat to match,
and the maid of honor orchid
voile, with a .white hat. M
Following the ceremony, a wed
ding breakfast was served at the
home-of the bride's parents, north
of Silverton. , M
Mrs. Degeller attended St."
Paul's school In Silverton and has
recently been employed In Wood-
burn. Mr. Deggeller. who - attend
ed the silverton schools, , is em
ployed here and he and Mrs. Deg
geller will, live In the Thnmberg
house on North Water street.
Dinner in Honor of
Daugherty Guests
Lablsh Center Complimenting
house guests from Kelso and Leb
anon, Mrs. : W. R. Daugherty was
hostess for a group dinner at the
Daugherty home on Sunday. j 1
The group Included . Mr. and.
Mrs.' Ed Voegelein and" children
Lucille. Paul, and Esther of Kel
so; Mrs. Voegeleln'simaU niece;
Verle of .Centralia: Mrs.. E J;
Voegeleln and Miles Doyle of Leb
anon; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wein
ert and son Harry.-Walter Wein
ert and Mr. and Mrs. W. R.
Daugherty 'and daughter Berna-
deen. , . - i j
Ed Voegeleln returned to Kelso
Sunday evening but the other
members of the family remained
for a two weeks visit with the
Daugherty's and Weinert's. . , j
Independence Miss . Helen Eur-
etta Watts and Clar-ace Jackson
were married Wednesday noon, at
the home of the bride's parentsr
Mr. and Mrs. H. Watts. Rev. Vie
tor Morris of the Monmouth
Christian church officiated. The
bride carried a bouquet of sweet
peaa and carnations. Mr. and
Mrs. Jackson left for the coast to
spend their honeymoon. They will
make their home -on the McKee
ranch,, south of Independence. ; j
Mrs. C. P. Bishop, Mrs. Martha
Schmuck and Mrs. C A. Sprague
motored to Stayton yesterday to
attend a bridge tea given by Mrs.
David John'ln honor of her moth
er, Mrs. D. M. John of Cprvallls.
who is visiting at the home of her
daughter in Stayton.
Following this date, The Bonesteele Motor Co.,
Dodge Brothers dealers, operated by H. F.
Bonesteele and Sons, and The Marion Garage
Co., general garage, operated by Wallace H.
Bonesteele, will entsr into a
4 . -
New CooperatiyeWprking Arrangement where-
by they will offer their combined service tacil
ities to their respective customers at the present
location of the Marion Garage, under the super
vision of Wallace H. Bonesteele.
The entire Dodge parts and service organization
will be found intact iii their new location.
'. i- - -
: 1 - -. . - -! ' . V. ' . ; -
. 1 . .
A Display and Sales Room for new Dodge Cars
and Trucks and the new Ply moiith Cars together
with a modern up-to-date Used Car Store will be
maintained exclusively at the Bonesteele Motor
Co. location, 474 S. Commercial Street J-
-Bonesteele Motor Co.
Dodje Brothers Motor Vehicles j
; . Plsoriouth Can '-'
Dial 4444 for Sales' 474 S. Com'l St.i
Birthday Surprise ; '
Honors Velma May
Mlas Velma May. waa the Inspir
ation for', a charming birthday
surprise party Monday evening at
the E. K. Cramer home.
The . room s were attractively
decorated with large baskets of
Dorothy - Perkins roses and tall
pink tapers. The birthday table
centered with the festival . cake
waa arranged on the lawn. Mr.
Inez Cramer was assisted In serv
ing by -Miss Evelyn Roth nd Miss
Fern Harris. - . i
Tha guest list Included .'Beatrice
Johnston of Vaneonver, Washing
ton, Fern Harris, Betty Mae Har
tung. Betty Vaughn, Evelyn Roth,
the honor guest. Velma May,: Rob
ert. Eyre.' Ed win - Cross, . Hank
Cross,. .Ronald Hudklns, - Paul
Wagner and Virgil Harrison. .
Alma Philippi is
June Bride
- Sclo A pretty home wedding
took place at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Silas Philippi Saturday aft
ernoon at 2 o'clock, when, their
daughter. Miss Alma became the
bride of Joseph 'Haller.
Miss Hazel Philippi played the
wedding march as the bridal par
ty took their places under an arch
of wedding bells and peach and
white streamers where the cere
mony was performed by Rev. Er
nest Ralston.
The bride wore a peach colored
georgette . dress. Eleanor Miller
waa bridesmaid and Glen Philippi
best man.
Mrs. Haller was "a member of
the. 1931 graduating class of the
Sclo high school and Mr. Haller a
teacher at Foster last year. !
The happy couple lftamid a
shower of rice for a honeymoon
at the coast.
Mrs. E. M. Pound and two
daughters, Mrs. L. P. Gilbert of
Portland and Mrs. M. P. Hdlcomb
of Salem with Miss Elizabeth Hol-
comb and Miss Frances Gilbert
are going to Breltenbush. springs
for a week's sojourn. -
'Can't 'Officials
Asked to Resign
ATLANTA, June 3D. (AP)-
Prohibition advocates in a mass
meeting here tonight adopted
resolutions demanding immediate
resignation every officer holder
who says the' prohibition laws
cannot be enforced.
. The resolutions were passed af
ter several speakers scored May
or James L. Key of Atlanta, for
his criticisms of prohibition. 1 j
Mr. and Mrs. Louie
Sehaecber have sold their ranch
to M. A.' Bielenberg of Los An
geles. California, who, with bis
family and brother-in-law, Frank
Winter, have already' taken pos
session. Mr. and Mrs. Schaecher
have moved near Mt. AngeL
; Marion Garage Co.
- General Garage
24-Hour Super Service
Dial 5937 : Towing 235 S. ComT.
Under the
TODAY new license 'plates are
supposed to appear on all au
tomobiles .driven in the state
of .Oregon. Agitation has been
rampant tha past two days In an
attempt to secure a respite In the
enforcement of the law . lor i a
month. Tha act specifically states
licenses are due on July 1, and
the secretary of state's office Is
able to handle the business. . '
. Governor Meier has Interest
ed himself la the situation, and
in addition to asking; for a re- '
spite, has declared that be
.'would Issue smcoadltioaal par
dons to any arrested ;dnrtns
July for not bavins; new license
plates on their, cars. Secretary
Hoes was expected to make . a
statement oa this situation last
might. ; I
. ' ' ' j'
But the licenses hare 'to be
purchased sometime, so aa soon
as the money can be scraped up.
they might Just as - well be . se
cured the first, of the month as
the last, and thus avoid any or
all complications. The scribes are
among the many who would like
to avoid such payments, but,, If
one drives a car. there is no other
out. i'
About half of the licenses to be
used naa oeen - usuea uonaay
night. The total was 101.87S.The
mall receipts ' show a decrease.
with, 51,412 as compared to CO.-
085 last year. -The counter "sales
at Salem and -Portland were not
compiled daily last year and
therefore no comparisons 'have.
been made. The total money re
ceived to date for licenses was
12.025.331. .
Rafns C. Belman Is opposed
- to reduction ,- of wages or in
creasing; hours of labor. How
ever tho state treasurer did fa
vor standardization of wages.
Holman made this statement to :
representatives of labor unions
yesterday. He beliered Chat to
bring . prosperity - back, . it was ,
necessary to maintain wage
standards, as it is the wage
earners who spend- the money.
-Representatives of labor, who!
called at tha state . house ; yester
day were Ed J. Pelkey, Seattle, of
tho '. International Typographical
union; Ben T. Osborne of Port
land, secretary of the state feder
ation of labor; William F. Otto,
president of the Portland print
ers' union and Harry Listman, Se
attle, of the pressmen's union, j
Nine bids were entered for the
new hospital building for the
state tubercular hospital at Sa
lem. The contract is expeeted to
be let today. The low bid was giv
en by the Anderson construction
company. for 165,311. J. A. Ber-
nardl & Son of Salem was low
bidder for the heating, contract
at 15309.
Occurrence and Gossip -'.
at tha center of Oregon'
state government .
Dr. W. H. LyUe was appoint
ed to nead . the animal industry
division of the new. department
of agriculture. Ho has been
state veterinarian for the past'
IS years, and was slatT)for re
appointment to tbo ivrvr divi-
sion which Includes (he work
he has been doing. ' The new
' department of agricnltnre be
comes effective today.
John Schroeder,.for many years
clerk of the legislative ways and
means committee,. was a visitor at
the state capitol yesterday. An
other, visitor was R. R. Turner of
Dallas, superintendent of schools
there, and also a member, of the
state textbook commission. Sen
ator Charles L. MeNary of Salem
also visited the' statehouse.
: A carapafma has been start
- ed around the state house to
see who can raise the best mus
tache. Jerry Owen' came here
. Coz&cat prices in ijcezrsl
CBaittDQflnDcnj Sonfi&s
for the tvlzotc fomiljj
Ona Caltto
Cute ... and heahbf ull Zephyt
rara . ..jtrap and njesj top
Cpeed Model
Fine guare, sepbyr ribbed,
bathing suits in op-to-tbe-nunutc
one- and two-piece
stvles. Striped tope, solid
colors and combinaLtona
X snuihing low price for a bag .
mat's strong and good looking.
?- Thrown nbre leather.
. Cool, comfortable knickers that are practical for all Summer
use as well as for golf and other sports. Fancy plaids and
plain shades are featured, -
Be sure that you visit the new lVlaxIcet on.
Nortli Liberty street sometime .this week
and view the display of. Salem r- made
:: . This display is being sponsored by the
: i Women's Greater Oregon Association .
0 B P Jin T U S M T CtT-0,PC
1 160 N. Liberty, Salem . U
with one he called -a mustache,
and now Charles Howard, su- :
. perintradent of schools, has'
started a real one. Howard says
that may last only until Sirs.
Howard cames back from a vis
it. William Hammond got dis
gusted with his efforts. last
week. .
MACLEAT, June 30. The an-
was held at Silverton Sunday with
a good crowd, oln attendance.
Dinner was served at noon and
swimming and a general good
time enjoyed during
PRATDM, . June SO Farmer
are predicUng very hot weather
within the next few days which
is expected to dry the hay shocks
proper by the first of next week
when a lot of baling will be
x v ... atitnT raln arsln.
but that is seemingly out of the
question as' overybody Is of the
opinion that .wo nave had enough
rain for the time, being.
1 f
Voracn'c x-pieco
This Is bathing suit value year! 11 -mis
troop are suits with striped
Ss and solid color- trunks, solid 1
r suits, and smartJy . trimmed
suits. Fins gauge jrorsteds and
scphyrs. ....-" -
Girls Worsted
Uothln Cults
Contrajtlpg, color shirt and
trunks ... some with stripes,
ethers novelty trimmed. YVithy
wbits web belt Smart I
f I.
i -
Pure Zcptyr
Owcatcrfl .
All-over neat Jacquard pUHras,
assorted sijlea'and color cora
buutiona ,