PAGE SIX The OREGON STATESMAN, Saksu Oregoiy Tnesday HornksT, Jcae 53, 1931 r-L a ouyb M. Doak Socirfy tfdtfor V . "' Bssssl SOCIAL CALENDAR l . t I f t 1 Tnlv Fourth Plans- Under Way ' : The noisy Fourth, of July, which from it orlslri to the pres ent -day has been 24 hours of sputtering explosives, is centering attention upon itself for this year. , It has now for its great est attraction 24 hours of holiday from the labor for many thou sand mortals and plana are be ins rapidly arranged for a happy expenditure of these hours Many are ' not yet sure Just what they will do. One of the largest and most Interesting par ties, one which has become very nearly traditional, is that given hy Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hofer at their home on the banks of !ke Oswego. Among the Salem peo- tii who will enjoy with the Hor- ers hoatlng, swimming, picnic meals, and a ' very happy time this Fonrth will be Mr. , and Mrs. Donald Younic, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hendricks. Mr. and Mrs. John Carson. Mr. and Mrs. P. D Qui- enberrr Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Callaghan wlU entertain Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Laldlaw for the, Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. Lloy Simmons - will spend the Fourth of July weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Frits Slade at the Slade beach home at Ante Beach. Add this is only the beginning of those Plans which will relieve thn monotony" of the . days of business and social routine. Merry Minglers Hold Last Meeting Hollywood This week mem bers tfUhe Merry Miaglers club held their meeting Thursday eve ning at the home of Mrs. J. H. ' Dorman at which time the ladies entertained their husbands. The main feature of the evening was the awarding of the club uilt to Mrs. McMaines of Portland. Mrs, - Wilson and Mrs. Fletcher assist ed the hostess in serving refresh ments. This was the last meeting of the reason. Those present were Mrs. J. J. Ackerman, Mrs. Fred McClIntock, Mr, and Mrs. A. W. Fletcher, Mr. and Mrs. George Thorp, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Col well. Miss Fern Col well. Mrs. Boyd L. Wilkinson. Mrs. J. P. Smith, Miss Eloise Smith, Mr. and Mrs. F. Wilson. Mrs. L. B. Malm, Mrs. Mable Cbttonware, Mr. and Mrs. Allen McCain, Mrs. H. McCain, Chester McCain. Har old Woodburn and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dorman. . Wednesday, July 1 : vi.a And violin recital resented by Joy 'Turner Moses, at Woman's club, Wednesday evening, 8 p. m. OpenpubUc ju Memorial church, will meet Wednesday. July 1st, at home of Mrs. E. E. Dentt Fair field district, for all day picnic Lunch served at noon, followed, by business meeting at 2 o'clock. Cars will leave church at 11 a. m. .. . I t Leslie Memorial Aid society, Mrs. E. E. Bent, plcnle lunch; cart will leave church at 11 o'clock. Business "StSraursplscopal Guild, Mrs. N. C. Kafoury, 2:J0 o'clock ! ' -, V ' - Marks-Van Loam Nuptials Told f " King's Valley One of the most beautiful weddings to take place In this community for some time, was that of Miss Clara Belle Marks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Marks of Summit, Oregon, to Eldon Hugh VanLoam of Mon mouth Wednesday at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Chester Chambers. j The wedding vows were read by Reverend Fogg of King's Valley. The bridal group stood before the fireplace in the living room which had been banked with wild orange blossoms, ocean spray. Madonna lilies, and fox gloves, with a large bouquet of Regal lilies as the keynote of the beautiful floral display. j The bride was beautiful In an orchid georgette gown of ankle length. She carried an arm bou quet, of bride's roses, orchid sweetpeas and maidenhair fern. A buffet luncheon was served after the ceremony, Mrs. David Ayers presiding at the coffee urn. The dining room was decorated with canterberry bells, marigolds, ocean spray and blue hells to har monize with the blue and gold of the table service and lunch cloth. Mrs. Van Loam graduated from the Oregon state normal after which she taught for several years in surrounding communi ties and last year in the Lincoln school at Corvallis. Mr. Van Loam attended Oregon state col lege, and is now employed in Mon mouth. ' i Only immediate families of the bridal couple were present for the ceremony. Among these were Mr. and Mrs, Van Loam, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Chambers and small daughter Marrfvene, George A. Marks, Mrs. David Ayers, and Reverend and Mrs. Fogg. .- ; Mr. and Mrs. Van Loam will spend a short time at the Oregon beaches and then be "at home" to their maay friends at the Van Loam farm near Monmouth, Independence Woman Given District Office Independence Mrs. Dole Pom eroy was elected district magi clan, at a state convention of the Neighbors of Woodcraft which was held In New berg. Mrs. Pomeroy will serve for two years, and It will be her duty to visit at least once each of the lodges in her district, reviewing the work and giving Instructions as deemed advisable. Dr. and Mrs." Vern Miller of San Francisco, are expected to arrive In Salem about July 5 to be guests of Mrs. S. Breitenstein and Mrs. P. D. Quisenberry, mother and sister of Mrs. Miller who will be remembered in Sa lem as Margaret Breitenstein. i . . Mrs. John Carson will enter tain in compliment to the birth day of her young daughter, Jan ey, Wednesday. A Jolly party of small people, will celebrate the grand experience of a birthday in youth and a bad omen In age.' Mrs. Edwin Reinhart of Los Angeles !s a . guest at the home of Mrs.. C. E. Reinhart. Mrs. Reinhart, who. will be remem bered In Salem as Luclle Staley, G. D. Marks, Mr. and Mrs.- J. L. will leave this weekend for her Van Loam. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. home in California. j Former Salem People Visit Here ;. Mr. and . Mrs. Arthur Wilson and Miss "Marjorie Wilson of Ft. Defiance, Arizona, were the Sun day guests of Mr. and Mrs. A.-L. Lindbeck. Mr. Wilson will be re membered . In Salem as having been connected "with ; the Che- mawa Indian school two years ago. Since leaving, here Mr. and Mrs. Wilson have been at the Ft Defiance school for Indians and are now ' on their way to the Coeur d'Alene Indian reservation where Mr. Wilson has been trans ferred as superintendent of the school there. : ; Additional guests at the Llnd beck home for . Sunday dinner were . Prof. Cameron - Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. L. Covert,. Grace and Virginia Covert, and Verne Wilson, son of Mr. and. Mrs. Ar thur Wilson, who has been a stu dent in Willamette university this year. An Informal dinner dance was a week end event Saturday night at the Gray Belle at which time a group of girls who will enter col lege this fall were complimented by members of the Alpha Delta Gamma sorority of Oregon State college campus. Honor guests In cluded Miss Constance Krebs, Miss Velma May, Miss Fern Harris, Miss Ruth Chapman, Miss Marie Whitelaw, Miss Dolly Morgall, Miss Fern Shelton, Miss Helen Larson, Miss Gwendolyn Hunt. Miss Katherine Sheldon, Miss Georgia Nash, Miss Alta Johnson, Miss Cora Lyons, Miss -Jeanne Wilson and Miss Zelpha White, JANTZEN SWIMMING SUITS HERE ! twosome: There is something so dashingly smart-about the Jantzen Twosome. .With its trim knitted belt and smart trunks it looks for all the world like a two piece suit. Yet it has all the comfort, freedom and perfect fit of the one piece outfit. -You'll like tne smart color contrasts. y SHOULDAIRE..;. The Shouldaire is really THE Jantzen to choose this summer. It is both the per fect swimming and sun suit. In the water, it fits like a glovesmoothly, and snugly while the deep deeolletage gives glorious swimming freedom. On the beach, you'll have no trouble slipping the shoulder straps off for an even tan the ex clusive Jantzen Shouldaire tie holds your suit securely in place. SUNAIRE f Fashion says "The briefer the suit' the better.1 By far the smartest is the Jantzen Sunaire a two piece swimming 'suit that affords a maximum exposure to the healthful sun rays with perfect modesty. -.The rage of Palm Beach; the Sunaire is the first choice of those who set the pace at every beach and pool. Heighten ing its chic are its striking color contrasts. . Mrsv Madeline Nash" Receives State Honor Mrs. , Madeline Rawlinr. Nash of rsalem has been made depart ment inspector for Oregon of the Daughter ot Union Veterans of the ClYil war. Mrs. Nash's elec tion was an added honor In that it was unanimous by the state body. For the past' year. Mrs. Nash has been department president of the state- organisation and the group has enjoyed . one of -the most successful years In its his tory. ' Her election as inspector came as a recognition for her work as president. . The new office will cause Mrs Nash : to Tislt each ot the 22 tents' of Daughters of Veterans In the statet during' the eomlng year. . . r . Agate Beach Forms Summer Haven Agate each has a lure for Sa lem p' e and this summer It would -vpear that the Salem so cial capitol be mored there for the hot weather season. - Mrs. Frits Slade and children hare already taken up their sum mer home In Agate Beach. Mrs. P. D." Quisenberry and son will leaye the weekend of July 12 for this beach where they will spend the remainder ot the summer. Mrs. Gus Hixson and son will " leave this weekend' for the remainder of the summer. Mrs. J. H. Callaghan and Mrs. W. E. Scandling will spend the month of July at Agate Beach. Mrs Walter Kirk has already taken , up her. home at this beach and has been hostess for one weekend party. Last weekend she entertained Mr. and Mrs. Ed gar Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. T. A, Roberts, and Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Edwards. Jefferson Miss Merrine Thurs ton taxlted a number or aer friends to her horn rrway mgni for a slumber party, the occasion fcftln her fifteenth, birthday an- nlTersary. uancing was enjoyou liar' k&C effect! ::' !.!.:' !' nutll a late hour, when refresh ments were enjoyed.- baiuruay morning a three coarse breakfast was serred to the honor guest. unnia Thnrston. ana iuciaio r..t ' tUIl iTsrt. Jean UcICe. Sylvia Vasek, Klethel Smith and Lorraine Hixson. Merrine was the recipient of many beautiful gifts. Get a do for vour old a .. . r . while this offer is in Brina It In . . . regardless ef what kind or In what condition It may be . " er let us send for It, and we will allow you one dollar. Pay only 5e down, and the balance In convenient payments with your llflht bin, tor tnis spisnaia, new, inn,f adjustable automatic electric iron ; The best iron made j Sueh ease; such speed; such comfort In Ironing never was possible until this Iron was developed. J . Its cost soon will be repaid In the time and labor saved. v ; ' '- ; . ; ' ; ' ' " ! ' I. ' - ; ' ; ;' : PORTLAND GENE RAL ELE CTRIC COMPANY 1 DENE) Iff: ISM 4 JMKB 41 Our stock will be rearranged. We will place hundreds of pairs of shoes on sale in one final clean-up of all ladies' children's, boys' and men's odd lots and broken lines. . . l nousanaa or pairs or tne ruiesi snoes in America go on saie at uuc Regular Prices $7.00 to $15.00 Ladles' Archpreserrcrs, J. & K7 Johansen, lllcs O'Neill, Hanan, and many other high grade inakea. All odd pairs, most all sizes. JC nil S 10.00 to ?15.00 Tallies at aPU.UU . Girls' and Women's Sport Shoes, a dozen different broken lines. White, brown, smoked elk, wonderful shoes regularly sold at $7.00 to S12.00. ( Af Get a pair at . Bar Sandals for Women and Girls, black patent, white kid and biege kid. Most all sizes. tfr A( A wonderful value at $7.00. To close out $Q)V Genuine Deauville Sandals, our complete stock of a hundred pair or more all to go in on big flfl sale at one price, 7.00 to 10.00 values, atP J V U ChUdren's Edwards Shoes, Oxfords and Strap Pumps, tan, patent and smoked elk. 0 QC Regular $4.00 go at $2.95; Regular $5.00 $dVO Boy Scout Shoes and dress oxfords, tan or black. sold from $5.00 to $8.00 Q OC 5 KA Qk , ; :- .... . i Pae7a and iTXsea HOSIERY BIG SPECIAL All Our Grenadine and RoU Twist $2.00 and $20 Hose Are the Very New Colors. Every Pair Guaranteed. All Sizes Go at One Price. $-0.65 - mm JL per pair pair In box $4.50 Men's Dress Shoes, Golf Shoes, White Buckskin Ox fords, odd pairs all through our line, gr n A few small pairs Hanans. AH go at ... )3UU Five Hundred Pairs Women's Pumps and Ties all Styles, short runs.' All $10.00 and up. All sizes in the lot but not in each style, j j r An While they last 1 U . ... .... )JvU Two Hundred Pairs Women's Black Kid Pumps and Ties, nlnin or snake trims. $10.00 to S12.00 values. Get a pair while they last j v r Af at --------A $5.00 Women's Sandals, blue, black and light colored kid, , Cuban heels, most all sizes. Regularly sold at $10.00. Close the entire lot j one price : 7-i ..L: .L J Men's Munson Last Army Shoe, the finest elk stocV made in widths, a wonderful shoe j . Qf QC for rough wear, $7.00 value at ,.J . QDVD Men's Dress Sox. All the best patterns, over a hun dren dozen to select from, regular 50c to 76c values, while they last at iy7 CI flfl 2. pairs for CL... vitvv Men's AU Wool Golf Sox, Plain Colors Other Stores $2 to $2.50. Our Price, 31.00 Ladies9 Hand Bag Sale,; Bags Regularly Sold at $2.95-35.95, to Close Out, $1 & S2.9S Dr. L. J. Williams Chiropodist and Foot Special- j -SS&L09 r C O. Ross V Expert repair man in charge 1st will give you foot relief 1 of ; our repair : shop ; IIH, 4