His OREGON STATESMAN. Zzlz. Ore-cn, Ycdnesday Moraiag; Jcr.s 21, 1S31 PAGE Tinri: 1 V' I STOCK INSPECTORS LliED BY GEIILI1 Tele type's Use r r Jn Catching of - Crooks : Eyed Teletypes, suca as are used by soma, of .tha larger tt&tM n itm V. G. Morehouse to Serve ppr6liewlon of criminals, were . . I nionsiraiea 'mesa ay at tne re in Man on uuuniy; lisi Is Announced ' - i -' -'! County stock Inspectors who will operate under the new state agricultural department created by the, 1931 legislature, were an nounced Tuesday by Max Gehl har, director of the new state ac tlTity.. . . , . . , , . ., - The stock inspectors jwiU serve , for a term of two years -and will receive salaries ranging from $25 per year in counties in the Wil lamette valley to $800 a year in counties in eastern Oregon. The salaries will be paid by the coun ties - In which the inspectors op erate.' ; It is the duty of these Inspect ors to enforce all livestock Quar antine regulations, and - - inspect lltestoek shipped In and out of the -various counties. A 'list of the inspectors fol- lows:-.----- - - Baker county,' Charles "Wendt, Baker; Benton, C. R." Briggs. Cor- Tallis; ' Clackamas.' q. R. Sea- gro vet Oregon- City : Clatsop, J. F. Ranklln, Astoria; : Columbia, Ray Rankin, St. Helens; Coos, W. V. Olaisyer, Coqullle; Crook," B. I Kldwell. Prinevillef Curry; Will T. White, Jr., Port Orford; Deschutes. Claud. Christ, Red- ; znond; ,- Douglas,' B. F..; Ntenolsi Riddle;- Gilliam, :Ister Wade; Condon; Grant, B. C. Herburger, Canyon - City; Harney. O.- ;D. - Hotehkiss, Burns; -Hood Rlrer. J. M.- Creamer, 1 Hood River; ' Jack- son, : A. Gltzen, Medf ord. . ' r Jefferson, H.-1. "Friday, Gate way; Josephine, Charles O. Gor don, G rah ts Pass; Klamath, A. T. Langell. Klamath - Falls; Lake. 8. P. Dicks. Paisley; Lane, W. D. Roberts, Eugene. Lincoln, Tr O. Kenney. Toledo; Linn, J. W. Goln, Albany; Malheur, Tom Lo gan. Brogan; Marion, W. G. Morehouse, Salem; Morrow, C. W. McNamer, Heppner; 'Multnomah, C. L. Jamison. North Portland; Pelk, W. J. Stockholm. Portland; Sherman, James Stewart, Moro; Tillamook, Walter Ferguson, Til lamook; Umatilla, E. L Wright, Pilot Rock. Wallowa, Tom Johnson, Cove; Union, Sam Litch, Enterprise; Wasco, W. H. Harris, The Dalles: Washington, W. B. Coon. Forest Grove; Wheeler, R. J. Carsner Spray; Yamhill, O." F.- Turner; Dajton.- . ! Brownlee Death Word Received; Formerly Here ' Robert Brownlee.' formerly a resident of this city, died Monday in TTaattara ' Kebraska- after a short Illness. He had been a resi dent of Hastings for the last three years. Previous to his residence in the east Brownlee lived on a farm in the Rosedale district. He was a very active worker .in j the Leslie Methodist" church while in Salem and leaves a large circle of friends here. . - Survivors of Mr. Brownlee are his widow, Mrs. Bertha Brownlee, and the following children:. Harry PrnwnlM. Wilson Brownie of Hastings. Nebraska. Albert Brownlee of Salem. Mrs. E. F. Me Dole of Eugene. Death Claims I George 01 sen SILVERTON. June 23 George rtla... tll bar Hf his home OB vnnn itrut Tuesdav, morninr at a A.in.v t thtt i of 88 ' The Olsens came here from Washing ton 12 years ago. jrunerai ar rangements have not been com-i pleted but will likely be" from , Trinity church Thursday laf ter noon. - Larsoa & Son have charge Mr. Olsen is surviveSTby his wi- dow, Christine Olsen, rand four daughters, Mrs. Agnes Leonhardt and Mrs. Gertrude Baker, both of Saiem, Mrs.Donald Hutton and Olga Olsen of Silverton. . - '"SOCXATj ENJOYED ' mrwVAIS. June 23 The Christian Endeavor ' societies of I Fairfield and Gervais held a so- eial the home or M". virsu i XJUUDld ' i the early part of the evening, and 1 indoors later. Miss - Catherine ' icftcrer - the : president. led a v...l... .tlnn after whlr-h Urt. VuaiuHS " v 9 Booster, Mrs. Graf ious and Miss NafUger served refreshments. " - - Th Supreme Authority" EiTEiiriATio: Dicnor.ARY quest of Governor Meier and Charles Pray, , superintendent of the new state - police department created by the 1931 legislature. " The teletypes in operating here were ; connected with police de partments at Seattle, Portland. San Francisco and other larger cities on the Pacific coast. - Governor Meier expressed him self as pleased with their opera tion.-- : : . h ; ; Teletypes may : be adopted permanent equipment of the new state , police ' department, officials said. ; . as , A Wichita' Falls, Tex, fisher man invented a raft with sails for running- out his trout line. DU sr CiTED BY Z1EFLE Oregonr Profuse in Medicinal Herbs; Development of J i Foxglove is Urged Tersely, Dean Adolph Ziefle told Kiwanians yesterday about the'Evolution of Drugs." Ho packed In 20 minutes an interest ing variety of facts about phar macists, their work and their pro duets, and won hearty applause from his audience. , . ' Every tribe, no matter its state of civilisation, had developed a "materia medlca" Ziefle : said. Nature in the tegetable and miner al kingdom has been lavish in providing preparations which are specifics for many illnesses. Of late, the- animal kingdom" has been 'yielding an Increasing num ber of medicines for the curs of human ailments, - Oregon has a number of pro duct which have high - - eurative value, the" speaker declared. He mentioned cascara bark, found on ly In this region and once very profitable until substitutes were perfected. Digatalis .or .foxglove, a specific for heart ailments, grows profusely here and should be deveioped as a product of the state Ziefle, said, in competition with ' large - importations from England. Golden seal and peper mint are two other curative plants native to Oregon. Necessity has been the mother of many valuable discoveries In medicine,' Zifle said. He pointed to insulin discovered, recently by Banting of Toronto, to the devel opment of chloroform a, century ago. to ether's use in It 42, to anthrax-treatment developed -.'by Pasteur in 1883 and to diphtheria antitoxin perfected In 1889. i -'Oregon at thetate college has a "Well-equipped -and nigh -rated pharmacists school Ziefle said. He pointed with, pride to th mod el drug store there installed and said all student must master a rigid four-year course in order to be pharmacists in this state. The druggist Is bound, by law to keep his drugs pure and fresh and to compound them with skill. - . Ziefle said he considered the stock phrase "try your dniggist first" extremely . foolish and he also criticized the - expression, "Your druggist is . more than a merchant." J He termed a model drug store one without "cigars, candy, soda fountains and sandwiches."..- t i. ; :- , Two well-played violin numbers were furnished by Nathan Steln boch, accompanied at the piano by Margaret Hogg. ; , ; , - r . ' i , G rover Cleveland ; Alexander, former big leaguer, is pitching a few Innings each week-end Tor the House of David team he is managing. , - EGO;iOr.llGSGlUB: OF HEY MEETS MACLEAY, June 23 The Ec onomics club of the grange will meet Thursday afternoon June 2S at the grange halL . The Quilt has been finished and new work will be taken up. The proceeds -of the quilt when sold will be used for interior decorat ing of the hall. The quilt was do nated by Mrs. W. Welch and Mrs. O. Baker and the quilting done by the member of the Economic club. . - .' I . ' v : Mrs. O. Baker, Mrs. Charles Ba ker and Mrs. W.'Frink will have charge of the refreshment Thurs day afternoon. i MOVE TO ALBANY ; SILVERTON, June . 23 Mrs. W. N. Arbuthnot will leave for her new home at Albany Monday. Mr. Arbuthnot, who nag been mana ger of th SHverton J. C. Penney store was mad manager - of the Albany company Store last week and assumed his new duties at once. Several Informal dinners and little parties are being plan ned for Mrs. Arbuthnot for this week. Mrs. Arbuthnot bas been very active In social and club cir cle during her four years at Sil verton., During the past year she has been president of the Parent Teachers' association. ,;-,' RETURNS TO .DETROIT. SILVERTON, June 23 Miss Freda TJphof f. who - arrived here two weeks ago, called because of her father's, George Uphoff, ser ious illness, left Tuesday morning for her work at Detroit, Michigan. Miss Uphoff arrived here four days before her father's death. She is private secretary to the of ficial of a large holding company at Detroit. - Fruit Delivery At Hubbard Heavy - .. -,- - , -j ! -V.- .. ' HUBBARD, June 23 The berry-house received 2044 crates of loganberries, 221 lags of Mont morency and Royal Anne cherries. 100 crates of blackcaps and about SO crate of red raspberries Monday, i . ! The strawberry season Is over here and the cherry season Is al most at an end. - Royal Annes are being1 turned down by the Hubbard Cooperative Fruit Grow ers' association due to the damage caused by the sting of the cherry tlT. ' - : ! I PICXIC SCHEDULED SILVERTON, June 23 The Old-timers picnic which is always one of the big events of the sum mer at Silverton, will not be held until August.- The third! Sunday in August Is the probable -date. Mrs. P. U Brown of Silverton is president. ; ' i j EVIDENCE Cm Jmimn eocu to Wicbart prmM Om wock iiifiiit Hawte i all fatf OHm at W hiton tiood u tn KMdard t)critT.HikOici.Ulii tvnvbdaWr to lor 4 WabMC m mamduA MHKUtioe to t to mtitm aubmltwa by h Ckicas Wmui Ctob. A I: Library fa one , Vclniae Eqaivaltrnt totrPCMMttr tea U-velaa S.700 482.000atiic, I tododias thcotuii oi NEW WORDS; L i - J 33j000CMfMAr to Mb i cm tmt tJKQ AicaCnat Get ruz Hcsl Alitor BoakMlAar ' T i W O D A S H I; I G : N E W IN THE toast few months, the Ford Motor Company has introduced three new five-passenger ho dies the Town Sedan, De Luxe Sedan , and Standard Sedan. To this distinguished group are now added the Convertihle Sedan and Cabriolet, j These latest Ford Codies are of particular importance at this season not only because of their, distinctive style and beauty, but because; of the convertible feature. Each is realty two cars in one Oxf bright, clear days and moonlit nights, you may; enjoy the exhilarating dash and freedom of an open car. When skies are overcast, or winter, comes, the substantial attractive top gives you the snug comfort and protection of a closed car. Tho change is made quickly and easily. See these new Ford cars at the showrooms of Ford dealers and make special note of their careful finish, rich upholstery and beautiful colors. You will fake pride in their striking appearance and their satisfactory performance over; many thousands of miles. 1- THE NEW FOR D CONVERTIBLE SEDAN -if J AN ENTIRELY new Ford body of Impressive grace and style. Great care has been taken to make the top sturdy and sub stantial. Only four clamp are needed to hold it secnrely In rtlncertro at the windshield frame and one on each oil the rear-quarter aide frame. Snap fasten the non-ehrink MtL faat-color ton material to the sides. The solid frame; for window and door rapport Is a distinctive feature. Seat cushion and backs are genuine leather, witb arm rests tor; rear eat . passengers. Driver' scat is adjustable, cuae jfender-well for spare tire is stand jard equipment. There is a choice of de luxe body colors. Most ex posed bright metal parts are made r Bustles Steel. The slanting windshield is made of Triplex safety polished plate glass. 640 t. O. B. lytntt, flmm fntgk mmA dill fry, fnifiri mm (Sqety gloss is optional In mil door and usindoxct at small additional cor.) S3IABT STYLE and utility are combined in the beautiful new Ford Cabriolet with the slanting windshield and sloping top. lit is really two cars in one so easily can yon change it from a roadster to a coupe. The enduring body finish 1st offered in a variety of rich, attractive colors. Radiator shell, headlamps and other exposed bright metal parts are made of Rustless SteeL Upholstery of driver's seat is available In either a fine quality Bedford Cord or genuine crushed Sn UniW.' 5Mt is adlnstable. The slantinc windshield is made of Triplex safety polished plate glass. Attractive top material is fast color, nonhrinking, with a sliding seam fastener for the wide, rear' window. Wide, comfortable rumble seat Is standard equipment on the new Ford Cabriolet. - 595 f.O.. AW. frtigM i UUrj. Bwmf amd 1 ! , (Safety glass U optional in R door and teindows mt i . ' small additional eost.) ., THE. NEW F O R D C A B R I O L E T - - -t- Of- Mum. .&e.atssttsi Mrf