The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 23, 1931, Page 10, Image 10

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State Treasurer Speaks at
Chamber of Commerce
Luncheon Monday
Rnfus C. Holman, state treas
urer, wandered orer a Yariety of
state government topics In ads
minute address yesterday noon at
the Salem chamber of commerce,
an address -which Holman left a
1 board of control meeting to , de-5
liver. 7 :--':" j',--
:4That government functions
itTi mTrni iftast." Hol
man .declared, and. he proceeded
to say that tne staie neecea tow
er, laws. On the other hand he
tMrii nrTllfred .classes which
were guaranteed profits by the
- - . i .11
state and said irus situation was
contrary to the fundamental dem
urtfv nt thA nloneers. : He said
the situation when one and two-
tenths per cent of the population
of Portland had 75 per cent of its
wealth. f. ;
Consolidation to
Effect Saving !
A consolidated state, printing
plant at Salem, uniform grading
i nartAv naftd hv the state and a
standard requisition form to! re
place. 50 auierent xorms now m
use were cited by Holman as
economies he is effecting in state
administration. He pointed to an
- 9110 insurance rebate ' on flax
coverage and a savings or $3000
in the purchase of oiL. Holman
paraphrased a Bible phrase. In
compliment to his administration
of-affairs by saying: "He who is
careful in the least of things is
careful of s the greatest." i
Holman touched on the prob
lems of the state Institutions by
saying he did not favor building
more structures to house more
inmates at the expense of the
state. Such action Is in no sense
a solution of the problems of the
dependents op the state but is
simply an expedient. Holman said.
He said he favored paroling a
number of inmates of the feeble
minded school to their homes.
: The speaker - urged one state
. purchasing bureau for all state
supplies and said such a bureau
had the approval of Highway
Commissioner Spaulding, who was
present at the meeting.
Malheur Power
Probe Launched
C M. Thomas, public utilities
commissioner, Monday ordered an
investigation of the rates, eharges
mm :
Eg.: - l-.-j
Also complete showing of PRINCESS PEGGY pajunaWor women
f '
The United States Army was getting several hun
dred new spic-and-span second lieutenants as this
nictur was snanned at rraduation of the 1931
class at the U. S. Military Academy
Tnis picturesque view snows tne
'ull-dreaa uniform, advancing to
and practices of the Idaho Power
company, in connection with its
per at Ions, ia the state of Oregon.
The company operates In Malheur
county. j -The
date of the hearing will not
be fixed until such time as C. R.
Lester, chief engineer for the com
missioner, has completed his
study. ,
Cancellation of the annual T.
M. C. A.-T. W. C. A. picnic for
this season was decided upon
late yesterday afternoon when
threatening weather made pros
pects of holding i the picnic this
afternoon appear unlikely. Post
poned from last Friday until to
day, the picnic has been sched
uled to start this afternoon Mat
4:30 p. m.
Robert Boardman and Dwight
Adams of the T. M. C. A. said
that cold water; for swimming
would make it very difficult to
hold the water events and the
damp ground would make pic
nicking unpleasant. -
B. E. Slsson was. general chair
man of arrangements for the
picnic. . . j
200 Eight o'Glock wash dresses arrived last night and
will go on sale today at 98c. Salem women who wear
Eight o Clocks will attend this sale early . . . because
the smartest fashions aways sell first.
! ; - ,
Such values! Voiles . . . lawns . . . prints in new ways.
Pretty pastels such as peach, nile, sky, rose, orchid, tea
rose, black on white, red on white, etc. Little jacket ef
fects ... boleros . . . organdie trims in just the niftiest
.wash frock styles imaginable. ;
Come Early Today andGet
i 1
diplomas and commissions from Assistant Secre
tary ef War Frederick Payne at the historic battle
monument on the academy's campus. The Hud
son and Its overhanging mountains may be seen
In the background. t
at West Point. ,
graauaies. in
receive their
The many friends here of Mrs.
Flora Davis were shocked to hear
of her death Thursday at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. W. R.
Edwards. :
Mrs. Davis made her home In
this community when she and
her family moved from Idaho. Af
ter her husband's death she lived
in West Salem where she married
George Davis. Mrs. Davis had
been 111 for over a year and had
been at the home of her daugh
ter for several months. Mrs. Da
vis is survived by two children,
Mrs. W. R. Edwards and C. A.
Durham; four grandchildren, El
nora and Kenneth Edwards and
Evelyn and Lowell Durham.
Rain of Aid to
Sheep Industry
" Says D. Graham
Recent rains In eastern Oregon
have been of great assistance to
sheep raisers, Don Graham, at
torney from Prineviiie, reported
I -98g.
SIZES 14 TO 50
I fL ; M :
The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Tuesday Morning, Jnn 23, 1931 -
-'V "-ju
t '
, - - - "V
yesterday when in the city to
meet with the reclamation com
mission regarding refunding of
Ochoco Irrigation district obliga
tions. Feed had dried up badly
before the rain came, but the
grass Is being revived by the
downpour. Many wheat fields
had been burned so badly before
the precipitation that the crop is
severely ; cut down, Graham
With him was W. Glen Cox,
secretary of the district, and W.
F.King, J. O. Powell and Anton
Carlson, all of Prineviiie.
Averett Finds
No Depression
At Deer Lodge
Residents in the vicinity of
Deer Lodge, Mont., are not com
plaining of any depression, re
ports George W. Avarett, city
councilman, who with his family
has Just returned from a vaca
tion spent at Deer Lodge. His
father, R. W. Averett of Deer
Lodge, returned with them to
spend several months here.
Mr. Averett stated that common
labor was being paid 1 4 a day on
highway work in that vicinity. It
is an agricultural and stock rais
ing community, 10 per cent Ir
rigated, with market outlets
principally at Anaconda and
Best Choice !
and children, 98c
. . --; - ' - -
Matter lip Before Board of
Control; State School
I ; Accountants Here
Bookkeeping . deparments of
Oregon's higher educational Insti
tutions will be concentrated in
Salem under the state board ef
higher education after July 1, ac
cording to announcement made at
Monday's meeting of the state
board ef control. The bookkeep
ing department will be located on
the third floor of the statehouse.
The matter! of providing addl
tional space for the bookkeeping
departments was' referred , to VI1
liam Binzig, 1 secretary - of the
board of control. Jle said he
would confer with Dr. E. E. Lind
say, secretary of the higher board
of ' education, to determine , how
much additional space will be ne
cessary. ,-, ) "x - i---
. The board authorised a surrey
of Champoeg : park to determine
the advisability of permitting
boating, and : other concessions
there. Rufus C. Holman, state
treasurer, was authorised to con
duct the surrey. ' Sereral applica
tions for concesBionrights at .the
park hare been received by the
board. ' t -
- A resolution I . was . adopted
changing the name of the "State
building," now occupied by the
state printing plant, to the "Agri
cultural bulding.!' The change
was made because of the similar
ity In the names of buildings now
included in the,capitol group.
-- - i
"Reach for a
LUCECY instead"
Touch your Adam's Appl with your
linger. You are actually touching your
larynx -this Is your voice box-It con
tains your vocal chords. When you
consider your Adam's Apple, you are
considering your throat your vocal
' Profit by the statements of 20,679
American physicians that LUCKIES are
less irritating than other cigarettes.
Don't overlook that periodic health
examination they recommend.
ING " Process expels certain - harsh
Irritants present In all raw tobaccos.
That Is your throat protection against
Irritation against cough. And so we
say "Consider your Adam's Apple".
Be careful In your choice of cigarettes
Don't rasp your throat with harsh Ir
ritants. Reach for a LUCKY Instead
mmd Smrmy
Crcoli.-Catchinff Devices
Studied for Writing
rv; 'Mystery
Anthony .'Abbot, before he sat
down to write "The Mystery of
Oeraldlne,' which has become an
outstanding, serial detective story
success of the season, deroted
patient months to the study of
the amaxlng new . ' and little
known devices modern police of
ficials are using. - -- -
. , Abbott wanted to write, a de
tective story In which the police
department - Itself, ." rather than
fantastic private amateurs, re
ceived Its proper . credit : for run-,
ning -down- a crime' solution. He
believed, In the ability of that
arm :of the lawr through long
newspaper -, association with - it,
and' when -he came to describe
the scientific' methods currently
applied by wide-awake police
chiefs, he found himself confront
ed with an array '. of strtkinjg
modern devices he had little sus-
Einxig was authorised to pur
chase the next six months supply
of groceries and dry goods for the
various, state institutions. AP
proxlmately15.000 items are in
cluded. Bids already hare been
received, according' to announce
ment made by Einzig. '
Gorernor Meier announced at
the outset of Monday's meeting
of the board that labor costs at
the state flax plant hare been re
duced SO per cent, and that more
work was being done at the insti
tution. The payroll report was present
ed by Leo DyMytr, who has been
placed in charge of the state flax
'ex mem
Da(oFghl OFFDC'foltrDfl'S
Includmg tho uso of Ultra Violet Rays
: , Sunshine Mellows Meat Purifies
Your Throat Protection- analns Irritation -anclnst ccurli
peeted were actually used. -
The further he went into his
subject, the more Interested - he
became. : Of eourse he had heard
of the penumocardio-sp h y g o
meter," ' or lie-detector, but. he
did not know until he began his
researches that this weird ma
chine, :whlch. is able" ot tell by
subtle responses of blood-pressure,-heart
and lungs, whether
the suspect is telling the truth,
has actually been, employed suc
cessfully in crime inrestigations.
"Further, 'he saw the oppor
tunities which -await Just such a
matt as "Thatcher Colt," the po
lice "' commissioner "he drew - so
convincingly in . his story. ' Colt,
who has been identified by peo
ple with a bent for guessing, with
this and that actual commission
er of the past, is : really a com
posite figure. Abbott has com
bined in him notable qualities
and colorful characteristics from
a number of real police: heads ot
the . past. He made him scrap?
ulously tailored and sartorlally
elegant, like Crorer Wbalen, the
commissioner who was known for
his i erer-present gardenia and
suarity. He made him a great
disciplinarian, like Theodore
Roosevelt,- who was police com
missioner before he became gov
ernor of New York, then presi
dent. - - .
"The Mystery of Gealdtne, j
one ot the most fascinating mys
tery stories in years, ending In a
solution as amaxing as the crime
itself, . will begin soon in The
Statesman. ' ,h
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P'H RTnirn rqir dlLLLii l.uiU
: FOiu), oova -chi
Quick recorery of a 19 JO Ford
touring car belonging to Glea R.
Brice, 1211 South Liberty street,
Salem, was made yesterday by
State Officer; Art Pratt iwho
picked up the car at 4 p. m. at
Toledo, Oregon, after It had been
stolen here about o'clock ! yes
terday morning, -
Two you iig : men were inl the
car and' they will be returned
here this morning to face charges
of theft. Pratt -U. not report
their names, in informing local
pollee of the recorery ot, the car.
License numbers on the car
had been changed and this fact
coupled, with the ' suspicious ; ap
pearance I of ' the occupants led
Pratt ,to; make the arrest. ' He
had not been Informed of the
theft of the car here. J
The two young men are
thought to hare stolen and aban
doned a Star 1 car which was
found on the road between Hope
well and Amity , yesterday. They
evidently came on Into Salem land
picked up the Brice car here!
:1 . i " j -
Two Oklahoma City university
athletes, Ernie1 Webb and Ace
Gutowsky, were also honored as
outstanding members of the sen
ior class. -"r
fou T naucam rrxarwiA
A I f
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