i r ... ......... 1 ' I CmCULATTON I J" ysj? .-f - " I . a, iinn Vrr i a V 4 D .vvy, ,-vS--V the" weather, EIGHTTCFIRST YEAR ; : , Salem, Oregon, Snnday Morning, June 21, 1931 : . : - ' ! . M - No u KERR PROPOSES SAUIHY CUT AT SITE COLLEGE Recommendation is to be Made at Higher Board v Meeting Monday Only Hope of Needed Saying President Asserts in Announcement . CORVALLJS, Or., Jon 20 (AP) Dr. W. J. Kerr, president of Oregon SUt college, announc ed today n would make a definite recommendation for a uniform re-? d action of salaries of lntr actors at Oregon tat college when the state board ' of -Algher edncatlon meets In Portland Monday. The decision to"" make such- a recommendation. President Kerr said, was reached after a rerlew of all other possible sarlngs re tealed that It was Impossible oth erwise to meet the necessary re dactions In expenditures without stripping Instructional work of Its major functions and discontinu ing Tltal serrlces In the experi ment station and extension aer- rice. - - -' : " : -. 4 Faced with this alternatlro. President Kerr said, faculty mem bers had expressed a willingness to take a salary cut rather than to throw out whole departments or cripple the state serrice by try ing to meet redactions made ne cessary by the referendum on the legislative appropriation for the institutions of higher education. All Eliminations Possible Are Made Redactions had already been made wherever possible by elimin ation of courses. Increasing teach ing loads, combining classes, dis elntlnuing new faculty - appoint ments and eliminating virtually all equipment and improvement budgets.: . , "The college administration has regarded salary reductions as a last resort as the faculty of a col lege Is Its greatest asset." Presi dent Kerr said In commenting en (Turn to page 3, col. 3) ; . SECOND VICTIM OF TRUCK CRASH DIES George D. Bnrdlck, who was Injured in an automobile colli sion at Tangent last Tuesday in which Frank B. Ferguson of Sa lem was killed, died in the Al bany hospital Saturday from the Injuries received In the accident. The body will be brought to the dogh-BairIek parlors here and held awaiting word' from rela tives In tho east. i- . Burdlck was a passenger with Ferguson who was driving from Salem to Shedd, taking Burdlck back borne. Their car was slde s wiped by a truck driven by J. D. Leslie of Eugene. Ferguson was killed Instantly: and now Burdlck Is the second victim of the tragic accident. - Mr. Bnrdlck was a native or New York and was about 75 years old. He had liver in Salem for a great many years, being in the livestock business. Hl "if died several years ago. They had no children- He had a sis ter; Mrs. Nettie M. Frier, War saw, N. Y.. and two brothers, A. S. Bnrdlck, 'Kent,-"Ohio,: and W. H. Bnrdlck, Smlthport, Penn. . 3 KIWIUIA'V"' - ' ' PORTLAND, Ore., June 20 - (AP) Unable to agree after 53 hours of deliberation the Jury which heard the testimony In the case of Albert D. Glibert, - 58, charged with first Afr-mvrdor In connection with the death of John W. Bevls. superintendent of the Inman-Poulsen mill, was dis charged tonight. ' The deadlock stood 11 for con Tiction on the first degree charge but one juror wavered between possible verdict of not guilty by reason of Insanity and guilty of second degree murder. . George Mowry. chief criminal deputy district attorney, said the case would be set for retrial on the July calendar. Bevls died of a pistol bullet wound last February 28. Gilbert admitted the shooting i EXPLORE BATTLEFIELD CAMP CLATSOP, Ore., June 20 (AP) Several children nar rowly escaped serious' injury or death here today la the belated explosion of a mine. A group of boys remained on the field until virtually all the spectators had been removed then they began exploring the sand dunes over which the attacking Infantry had swept' earlier In the afternoon. - - - Suddenly there was a terrific roar and those who had remained behind saw the children disappear In a cloud of smoke and sand. Guards and spectators rushed to the scone but their assistance was not needed. None of the children was hurt. v.. . .... . ' . Rose burg Hotl Answer to Claim Advanced 'Misrepresentation and Misstatement of Facts Asserted; Site "Never Rejected Says. : Former Legion Commander "O OSEBTJRG, Ore., June 20 AV ber of commerce, in mass meeting here last night took vigorous exception to alleged "misrepresentation and mis statement of facts" by T. O. Russell, Eugene engineer, in connection; with tne nortnwest controversy. m '.,' .-Q METHODISTS WILL ? - - i !- ' OPffl COMEIICE Only one Pastorate Change Here Likely as Bishop Shifts Ministers But one cLange In the -four Methodist pastorates . here, is known to . be at hand with 'con vening of tho annual conference of that church in Eugene next Tuesday, and lasting through Sun day when appointments will be read. - i By entirely friendly agreement on the part of both congregation and pastor, Rer. Meredith Groves will terminate his three-year serv ice at the Ford Memorial Com munity M. XL church In West Sa lem Sunday; Rer. B. Earle Parker of the First church and Rer. Hugh B. Fouke Jr. of Jason Lee are each finishing the first year's pastorate here, and it is considered highly unlikely thai any change will be made for them. l . The only other possible change would be at ; the Leslie Memorial church, where Rev. S. Darlow Johnson has been pastor for about four years. There are no indica tions from that church of any desire for t change, despite the fact that Rer. Johnson is one of the oldest pastors In the city In point of service. .. Besides , conference appoint ments, the ministers are said to be developing considerable Interest in naming of delegates to the na tional conference in Atlantic City In May. Oregon wjll send four pastor and four lay delegates. No Salem minister or member has put- In a strong bid for this hon or, so tar as Is now evident. Fall Leaves to v Enter Hospital " V.J " ."--' EL PASO. Tex.. June 10 (AP) Albert BJ Fall, former seere- tarr of the Interior.- left his home here at 4 p. m., today to enter the William Beaumont, government hospital to be examined by army doctors. He was accompanied by his daughters. Mrs. C. C. Chase and Mrs. Jouett Elliott and his shyslelan. Dr. H. T. Stafford. Mrs. Fall was dear collapse. She was ' treated at her home before Mr. Fall left. She did not accom pany him. f n . LIGHTNING KILLS THREE HUNTINGTON, W. Vs., June 20 (AP) -Three persons were killed and one injured by light nine at Ona. near here, tonight. The dead: Charles Porter, 50. his son Earl, 22, and Lyle Casey, 15. Shock and burns were suxierea by Gladys Porter, 9. : "i j Glibert Jury j Dismissed Mine Blast Perils Boys Kosehtrre Still Backed a Grain Center is Moved HA WLET COMMENTS ASTORIA; .Ore., June 20 (AP) Congressman W. C Haw ley, who visited Astoria today, had no definite comment to make on a resolution, adopted at Ilwaco Friday night by the lower Colum bia Associated Chambers of Com merce In. which the federal gov ernment was called npon to con sider the entire area within a ra dius of 200 miles of Portland In selecting a site for the proposed branch of the national soldiers' home.. 't v- j ; Hawley did say, however," that he had taken, a stand for Rose burg In the beginning of the con troversy and that he Intended to defend his original stand. NOW IN PORTLAND PORTLAND. Ore.; June 20 (AP) Headquarters of the Farmers' National Grain corpora tion Pacific coast division, were moved from; Pendleton to Port land today, i : . i -.i . ; -i" r The corporation is composed of grain co-operatiTea in all section! of the county. It was founded by the federal farm boarJ nnder au thority of the agricultural, mar keting acti It maintains Its own elevators and warehouses and la the Pacific northwest alone has facilities for handling at least 10,000.000 bushels of grain at one time. f- ; . - , - Henry W.! Collins, rice presi dent of the corporation, is mana ger of the Pacific coast division. Edgar W. Smith la assistant man ager and Lyman G. Rice, treasur- . . . . - - : " ..., i : i - t - "' - ' -. .... " Ready' with by Eugene (AP)The, Roseburg cnam- JMational Soldiers home site The chamber particularly critl- cuea sutements credited to Rus sell to the effect Roseburg sites had been rejected three times by the federal hospitalization board;. that Roseburg lacked proper fa cilities and that Roseburg did not have' sufficient churches for the welfare of the veterans, and could not provide entertainment and di version for the tetersns. , r "Rosebury never has been re jected as a site for the northwest branch of the national soldiers' home and, la fact, la the leading contender with the only other site being offered as second choice.' Dr. E. B. Stewart; formerly state commander of the American Le gion, told the chamber. Dr. Stewart said it was known definitely, even before the matter came before congress, that should "such a home be designated for - '(Turn to page 3, coL 2) s Parade, Dining and Dancing Mark Gathering Here Of Al Kader Host One hundred and fifty Shrlners from Portland with as many from Salem and - surrounding cities, made Salem (their headquarters last night and had a Jolly good time of it before midnight mark ed' the time of the departure for the special 'train-which brought the Portland members of Al Ka der temple to the capital city. Fun, parades, dining and danc ing featured the visit but the hu manitarian work of the organis ation was not forgotten. Instruct ive pictures of eases of boys and girls successfully treated at the Shrine hospital in Portland Were shown to an Interested audience at the armory preceding the danc ing to which all members of the Masonic orders In Salem were In vited guests. , ; ; ?, Two hundred and seventy-five Shrlners and their wires attend ed the dinner at the Marion ho tel, Rajah Harry Levy of the Sa lem Shrlners having charge of ar rangements. Ha Introduced Illus trious Potentate E. N. Strong of the Portland temple. Strong call ed upon Salem members of the . (Turn to page 3, Col. S) EPLEY TAKES OVER STATE PRESIDENCY PORTLAND, Ore.. June 20 (AP) Dr. H. C. Epley, Salem, named president-elect of the Ore gon State Dental association last year, advanced to the office of president at the close of the an nual convention of the associa tion here today, r e succeeded Dr. Alfred. P. Watson, Portland. Dr. J. Q. Toung, Portland, was named president-elect and will become president next year. Oth er officers chosen Included: Dr. G. rC. - FInlay, Roseburg, Tice presldent; Dr. F. W. Hollister, Portland,' secretary-tree sorer: and Dr. A. F. Weeks,- Portland, editor. -. - - i Dr. Willard, A. Fleming, assist ant professor of dentistry at the University of' California, . said kissing was the most common way of spreading Vincent's an gina, or trench mouth. Next in line, he said, was the family toothpaste tube. EY III Oil WILD PARTY YAKIMA. .Wash., June 20. (AP) Rev. Charles McCaughey, Tacoma, charged at a meeting of ministers of the northwest Metho dist conference today that Gover nor Hartley had participated in. a parly at Olympla daring the legis lature which led to the arrest of several men on liquor charges, f Rev. McCaughey addressed a group of Tacoma, Seattle and Spo kane clergymen who were prepar ing a resolution condemning the governor for not removing Roseoe Balch. Spokane, from the Univer sity of . Washington board of regents.- V- - V:,-w'- ; ; z.. ' The resolution,. which also de manded Balch's Immediate remov al, was unanimously adopted lat er by 1100 pastors, lay delegates and members of the conference. , SHRirOS VISITORS HERE ON SATURDAY TS I1TI I ... ' - ' 1111 II H -WHM f GANGSTERS 10 T IS Machine Guns, Trucks and Boats all on Hand, P.-l. Declares I Trying to Muscle In Upon Liquor Business Says One Bootlegger SEATTLE, June 20 (AP) The Post Intelligencer says an in vestigation by Sheriff Claude G Bannick. made by his assistants, has revealed -. that the "Bugs' Moran gang- of Chicago 1s now organised along the Pacific coast in an attempt to gain control of the Illicit liquor: business. - With the -organisation begin ning operations, the paper says. they are facing their first oppo sition from a Canadian liquor ring that has previously been the ruling outfit. ' The Information came from Sheriff Bannick himself, the pa per says, who admitted today that a local bootlegger claimed to have been "put on the spot" by invading gunmen , and bad ap pealed to tne autnorities zor pro tection. The investigation was reported to have been made by Chief of County Detectives R- A. J. Al lingham and his assistant, Wil liam H. Sears. Their work revealed among other things, .the paper adds, that the Moran men. well equipped with trucks, ships and machine guns, hare been running their stuff north from San Francisco to Portland and Seattle in sUges which are duplicates of ones en gaged In regular passenger busi ness. . E OF CAMP SUCCESS CAMP CLASTOP. Ore.. June 20 (AP) The 1 2d Infantry. sn4 cessiuuy aetenaea vamp viuv against an Imaginary enemy In the annual battle demonstration of the Oregon National Guard to day. ' Rifles, machine guns, trench mortars, and howitzers were used by the lC2d and the 118th Field Artillery to put the -enemy- to route. '.I . Nine army planes served as tne eyes of the defending army. THnr to the demonstration the National Guard passed In review KAfnr Malor-General Georre A. White : and Governor : Julius L. Meier. Other prominent men at tndinr the demonstration Includ ed Senator Stelwer, Congressman Hawley. General Paul Wolf, Gen eral Rllea, A. W. Noroiaa. com mander George Hemingway of the riu, Rnini cottar Redwlnr. rvtinnctl T.lncnln. renresentlna Gen eral Craig, of San Francisco; cap tain Elmer Hall, Marine corps, and Lieutenant-Colonel T. Walter GiUard. No accidents were reported. Annroxlmatelv S 0.0 00 people saw the demonstration. Silverton Will Send Searchers For Gruntmann SILVERTON. Jnne 20. Silver- ton citizens were organising a posse today to start searcn eun day for Hermann Gruntmann, 22, who" disanoeared two weeks ago from his uncle's ranch near here. The youth was said to have been despondent over prospects on th farm, which he had contracted to buy, and It was feared he may have killed himself. Orion Nebulae Is Not Exactly Close Neighbor PASADENA, Cel.," June 20. (AP) Robert " J. Trumpler of Lick observatory, Cal., told -" the astronomical society of the Pa cific today that the Orion Neb ulae Is three times' as far from the earth as textbooks say. His measurements show It to be 10. 200.000,000,000.000 miles- dis tant, that Is 1.800 light years. On the basis of this newly de termined distance. Astronomer Trumpler estimates the size of the Nebulae to be 156,000,000, 000,000 miles across; just one of the smaller of the diffuse Neb ulae of the milky way. Des Anderson is Beaten by Reed VICTORIA, B. C, June 20 (AP) After applying a contin uous series of rabbit 'punches, head butts and other punishing holds Robin Reed, Portland, pin ned Des .Anderson, Seattle, with a terrific body slam after seven minutes and 40 seconds of fast grappling in the seventh round to win the main event on tonight's wrestling card. here. 1115 Y ffi ... :. ..'.!. i I! ! I - . , ' . i . - t '. ; j -'' TV 77 77 TT . - yl J&ii inter FflTH s i mmm ewoP PCPirnAi TQDinuVeii? Birth ULIiLllnL I IILUU rro AJ nrnnnfPTnwnp tiooveri sis riiiiii i s si ihiii i .. Wl llWWhil I IHIWka Move Viewed as Tonic for Economic Ailments of The .Entire World Stock Markets, Exchange go Up, Markets for More V Produce Forecast By EDWARD J. DUFFY WASHINGTON, June 20. (AP) -The United States propo sal tor a year's suspension of Inter-governmental payments went forth tonight to a world already made joyful by the prospect of a tonle for Its economic ailments from this aide of the Atlantic Ever since word yesterday that President Hoover was conferring with prominent republicans and democrats In congress on the del icate situation of International fi nance, the announcement of his plan had been awaited eagerly. After the. first surge of enthus iasm. It was soon apparent that a new confidence was threading Its way into the restlessness which of late has been a disturbing fac tor In International affairs. Not for many a day has there been such a distinct change in the diplomatic and financial atmos phere overnight. Where early yes terday the doubts and questions that had seemingly become taken for granted persisted, 1 a fresn hope now is discernible. Germany's Buying "( Power Increased There Is yet no telling, of course, as to the full effect of the president's forthcoming plan (Turn to page 3, coL f ) r Ruth Deluged With Offers To Go Along NEW YORK, June 10 (AP) If Ruth Nichols took the ad vice her mall box aires her, she never would fly to Europe alone. In fact, with the added -weight of all the passengers who want to ride to fame with her ever the Lindbergh route, she'd never get there at all. Whatever the steamship com panies may say, there are a lot of women' who want to go to Eur ope this summer, but their travel eyee are turned, sky-ward. One of them writing to Miss Nichols, ask ing a ride across the Atlantic, ar gues that if It would be a novelty for one woman to make such a flight, how much more notable for two. Nor are the men holding back. A lot of them want to go too. But Miss Nichols won't consider' tak ing a companion. If she Is suc cessful and Colonel Clarence Chamberlin, who knows a thing or two about . trans-Atlantic flights, says she has a 95 percent chance she'll put on women's side of the aviation ledger the same shining mark Lindbergh wrote for the men. Three Longest Days Are Here; " Sun Does Best PORTLAND, Ore., June 20 (AP) Although June 21 Is gen erally regarded j as the longest day of the year, the total possi ble sunshine for western Oregon for Friday, today and Sunday is equal, the government weather bureau here announced. . - The sun will not stop Its southward i movement until 1.28 a. m Monday and the sunshine period for June 19, 20 and 21 Is 15 hours and 48 minutes, tables worked out over long period of time showed. t In most parts of Oregon the sun look advantage of the full 15 hours and 48 minutes today. Deserts Spouse While She's in Dentisfs Chair LOS. ANGELES. June 10 (AP) "And. Judge,- Mrs. Fran cis L. Keen told Judge O. P. Bush In divorce court today, "he de serted me at the dentist's chair." She asked a divorce from Wal ter F. Keen on grounds of cruelty. 1 "He promised to come back and get me,' Mrs. Keen charged, "but he didn't. And after I had four teeth pulled I had to ride home on a street ear." The Keens are now divorced. Official Commentj Lacking but General peeling One of Approval Both in German and Creditor Nations Abroad LONDON, June 20m-(AP) President' Hoover announce xhent that-' America -,air considering stretching" a help ing hand to Europe! in her ewrwmic extremity was looked upon by England tonight a4. having much of the significance of the entry of the -United States into the war. Officially the British government had "absolutely noth- " .rut. nr approves HOB'S Itll - - --m - Was In Communication With President Saturday; would not uancei Si i --. Senator Charles - L. reached last night at IMcNary, hi" sum- mer heme, Indicated years moratorium on Europe's! 'debts to us accompanied by al ' similar moratorium on German y' repara tion debts to the allies.; met with his approval. He said' he bad been In communication; with the president at Washington (during the day in regard to the matter. "I'm distinctly against cancella tion of the war debts.'! the sena tor declared. "The forgiveness of the debts tor a year's period would be a good thing, especially In aiding Germany to get back on her feet and to revive! her spirits. It would also help in the spirit of unify ln world affairs; which President Hoover la wisely spon soring. - 4 d' j " : I The senator addedj that the united States had been -very lib eral in the reduction i of j! the war debts of the allies to ks and any further reduction. . would I simply fall on American taxpayers. He suggested that reduction of arma ments in Europe would; be of material assistance In permitting those nations to meet their, finan cial responsibilities. IflDEPELMCEM MS TIKE SIIAFE Arrangements for July cele bration at the state fair i grounds which the American Legion post Is preparing are fast! being com pleted. Tom Delaney is general chairman and promises a line of amusing and sensational, events to Interest the public from all over the countryside. Good; response has been received by the commit tees who are working, 1 1 and a good erowd Is expected, j proceeds of the show are to provide uni forms for the drum corps.) One of the novelties jlS a "12 hour walkathon" which! will be staged In agricultural :hallj Fred Jeannet, -who presents jthls .feat ure, put It on at the' redent dis trict convention at Rock a Way and its success there led to its being engaged for the Salem! celebra tion. Jeanet also : la jj bringing three trained horses I which will perform outside the hau. j Walkathon ' entrants - may sign the necessary - blanks jfj at The Statesman office. A i good many have alreadr sirned no.! I t Fixed; Definite Policy Need of Flax Industry Editor's Kott rail mw th urtat a Oniei'i fUi jistfattrv o- cms ehif ly tfc md of 1 4ef uilts coals nc followed ta iBpoMaoitj decision reutiTo to tso tnsnstry, -'Hit! By SHELDON F. flACKETT The need of fixed, definite pol icies tor the flax Industry jn Ore gon was never more apparent than today. At the crossroads of its advance, it is clear) jtbe flax business must be directed Into wisely selected channels! or else flounder on reefs of politics. In ternal dissension, conflic : between farmers, taxpayers and aill own ers. ':-'- ' - j I I j The first policy which must be determined Is this: f does the flax Industry Port whom exist? Is It (1) primarily to afford jiteeded employment for prisoners? Is It (2) to develop m new, profitable crop for Oregon farmers? 1(3) Is flax to be the basis primarily for adding Industrie to? 1 tbje! state? (4) Or ia it to do all these things insofar a practicable bet above all else, la the industry jtojbe self supporting and Its future entire ly dependent om keeping; red ink off the state's ledgers 7 j 1 1 I . Thus far the Industry has found cover behind taU; four of rnimenit . DeM i i - - e Ha s eas of Hop Move is Told -Olng" to say but la authorlta- tire quarters the comparison was drawn between America's advent into the war at a critical junc ture and the possibility of her Jumping In now to help bridge the economic crisis. BERLIN, June 20 (AP) President Hoover's moves to "strengthen the situation" In Germany monopolised the atten tion of the governments today. The cabinet had a special meet ing with. Chancellor Bruenlng and Foreign Minister Curtius, who had come to thele desk early in the morning. Matters of domestic policy were shelved at the cabinet ses sion which. devoted itself entirely to consideration of this new ele ment in the critical economic sit uation." r Official comment was reserved and the government appeared to be preserving an attitude ot cau (Turn to page S, col. 1) HEAT DEATHS ID -COLLAPSES MAW By The Associated Press Spring, with only two days to go, launched a double barrelled attack on high temperatures and abnormal humidity yesterday, the second If Its siege ot the United States, exacting heavy toll In prostrations and a number of lives. i . The midwest had 24 deaths In the two-day wave, 12 by drown ing, the rest directly due to the excessive heat. - New York City had two deaths, both in i Brooklyn, and 21 pros trations. Three heat deaths were reported In New England, and nine drownings. Three deaths and" five, ptostra tlona were attributed to ' the 100 degree temperatures la Washing ton, D. C Baltimore reported lee de gree of heat, ontvdeath and three prostrations .... One death occurred in Phila delphia where the temperature was 85. Ministers Ask " Pay of Bishops Reduced $1500 YAKIMA, Wash., June 20 (AP) Ministerial delegates to the Pacific Northwest conference of Methodist ' churches today adopted a resolution recommend ing that the salaries of bishops be reduced from '.7500 to 16000. The delegates also gave ap proval to a proposal by the lay men delegates that bishops upon retirement return to their dis trict and to the same status as pastors in receiving a pension. Such a plan would give them 1 8 00 annually. Instead ot $2500. these alternatives. ' When fibre price v were high three years ago and apparently the Industry was making money. Cot W.'B. Bar tram talked of the time vahen flax would support the peniten tiary, making it unnecessary for the state to appropriate anything for the . care ot recalcitrants. When the market flopped and the auditors got busy,, the late Tom Kay pointed to the fact that hundreds of prisoners had been kept busy and out of mischief working with flax. Similarly the high-acre returns to farmers were pointed out In Justification of flax losses as well as the development of new Industries In Salem. As long as no fixed policy for the flax Industry exists, the man ager of the industry, the state board of control and the gover nor can take refuge behind any one of these four goals. If one year reveals a: profit, objective number four may be cited, but In a bad year the value ot flax ia providing work for . prisoners can be talked about. r Quite obviously, such a situa tion makes It difficult to assign blame and to direct an Industry, (Turn to page J, col. 4) . Iff n ow PBSTPflfJEIfJT: FOR ONE IS SUGGESTED U. S. Action Contingent on Similar Move by all ; . Creditor Nations ; Expected to aid Debtors in ' Restoration, Build up World Good Will By F. M. STEPHENSON WASHINGTON. June 20 (AP) President Hoover tonight an- 1 nouneed an offer to the world for a one year's suspension of all Inter-governmental debts. "The American government pro poses,"1 announced the president, "the postponement daring one . year of all payments on Intergor ernmental debts, reparations and relief debts, both principal and Interest, of course not i Inelndinr obligations of governments held by private parties." The announcement was given at the White House after receipt of informal recoils from thm Eu ropean governments and there is . a commence at the capital that France. Great Britain and the oth er allies will join in the move and forego collection of their repara tions from Germany. Unless that occurs congressional approval of the proposal is not expected. Hopes Move Will , Aid Disarmament Mr. Hoover coupled with his announcement a hope that by this expression of "desire to assist." America will have contributed to the success of the forthcoming . land , disarmament conference in Europe. He reiterated j" The bur den of competitive armaments has contributed to bring about this depression." . - ' The step to aid in atolding an European financial crisis was tak en only after the president bad consulted with all congressional leaders whom he could reach. He announced that 21 senators and 18 representatives. Including both republicans and) democrats, had approved the proposal. ; By -this action, America will forego collection nextj year of (Turn to page I, cel. 4) rninnr riwnninir I III1UUL niKUHilDLL TO DEBT MB ' -if.- j PARIS.! Jane 20. (AP) 'The new position taken by President Hoover in regard to the world economic situation, which is In terpreted here as meaning a pos .11.1. . i. . . . . . biujv cuui( iu American policy on war debts and reparations, dominates the news tonight. . Cables from Washington and American comment are promin ently displayed in all the newspa pers. . i . a Discussion of the president's move has thus far been reserved, especially In official circles pend ing arrival of more explicit infor mation from Washington, but the Step Mr. Hoover has taken is gen erally looked upon as a courag eous departure, j It is taken for granted that the American president acted on In formation i regarding Germany's financial condition which he con sidered sufficiently, serious to merit a change in attitude by the United States. . j 'This Is believed to be a most natural consequence of the visit of Chancellor Bruenlng and For eign Minister Curtius of Germany to London. Little criticism is of fered because the United States apparently has singled out Ger many's troubles as a reason for its changed viewpoint. The newspa per l'lnformation, however, ex presses the belief that! American i action will not hare a psychologi cal effect on the economic depres sion. . .' !..' I Hoover's Plan To Help World CHICAGO, June 20 (AP) Ambassador Charles Gi Dawes to night Issued the following state ment on President Hoover's plan for a one-year's suspension of all inter-governmental debts: ! "President. Hoover's proposal, made as It was In consultation with leaders of both political par ties, represents a united Ameri can position. It Is an I augury of . Improved conditions j here and . abroad I deem It wise and help ful In every way." - , j TRUCK CRASH FATAL ' - TJTICA,;N. Y.yJunei 20 -(APV.. Eighteen UUca boys were In jured, one fatally, whem a T. M. C. A. truck, carrying a group of camuers crashed Into a tree near here today. rain