CIRCULATION Average - mm mm mm Distribution ; V f f May. 31 j; f Net paid, dally, Sunday G831 , MEMBEtt A. B. C. . w i f. . TIIE WEATHER Partly- cloudy today and Sunday, unsettled at times, mild ; max. temp. . Friday 72, min. 40; rain .13 inch; river .4 feet. . ft B Cr u FOUNDED iaSI EIGHTY. FIRST YEAR Salem, Oregon, Saturday Morning; June 20, 1931 No, 7i 1 1 ft 1 m : t r-i 1 i.m v . i-j v. A I II II II i I r i I i ill i it ill I ill - xi I tvs yz cr v ji vi v. y . t j w v j u v t i 1 . PBI1TI1IEIM OCCUPIED il riSflOTHIST Gypsum Cave, Overlooking Site ' of Hooverv dam, How Explained : Was Home of Sloth, Camel Earlier; Artifical Dts : . covery Told PASADENA, Cal.. Jan 19 (AP) PrlmitlT man occupied a flra room ; dwelling OTerlookIng the site ot Hoorer dam. on the Colorado rlrer, ten thousand years or more ago, the American association lor advancement ot science iras told today. And he could look 'upon gla ciers where today there is but an arid desert. The dwelling was not his own, however, he being Just a visitor, lor It was the home ot '. the ground sloth and ancient amel. animals which long ago left the earth, and exist today only in picture books or inanimate exhibits In museums. M. E. Harrington, of the Southwest museum, Los Angeles, told about these early Americans before a session of the anthropo logical division, on explaining the meaning of Gypsum care, near Las Vegas, Nevada. Articles Made by (Man are 'Unearthed This cave is a limestone cav ern 300 by 120 feet, divided Into five principal rooms, of which the floor is very rough and ir regular, said Harrington. It is eight miles east ot Las Vegas, and 15 miles from the Colorado river in plain sight of the mouth of Black Canyon, where construc tion work for Hoover dam Is un :' derxway. - ' ' . " Harrington told of the discov ery there this year and last of several hundred articles of hu- man manufacture, buried beneath deposits of a hundred centuries together with bones, claws, hair and ren skin of the ground sloth, two species of extinct horses, and the bones of two or three species of camels, one of which, a very slender type, he said, may be new to science, j PORTLAND, Ore;, June 19. ; AP) Thirteen' hundred dairy men, attending a meeting of the Dairy Cooperative association here today, decided to distribute their own milk to Portland patrons if tbey cannot reach a satisfactory agreement with distributors. Paul V. Marls; director of ex tension for Oregon State college, told the gathering "This Is not a declaration ot war by the dairy men against the distributors of milk. The intention is that there shall be fair bargaining with equal bargaining power on-both sides Of the questions." ' The association authorized Its board of directors; to Institute suit under the Oregon cooperative law for alleged attempts to persuade members to commit breach ot con tract with the association and to present to th department of Jus tice evidence of seeming combina tion in restraint of trade, should the board deem such action ad visable. ' Portland Price For Gas Varies PORTLAND, Ore.. June 19 (AP) Wholesale gasoline prices were advanced 5 cents a gallon by five of the leading oil com panies here today. At some fill ing stations retail prices advanc ed accordingly i ;whiie v at others there was no change in price, i W, Placards at setvlce stations to night proclaimed1 prices ranging from 9M to 18 cents, retail. DIIEII PUN TO Doowiiiiine Varied Prices Paid for Gasoline at Local Pumps Retail "prices - on gasoline in Salem at 1 a." m. this morning ranged from seven gallons fr 95 cents to 19 cents a gallon The v majority of the smaller dealers "had already advanced the prie to conform to coastwide advances in wholesale price. Several of ...the larger? stations, however, kept the low prices which have been pre vailing for more than two months and would issue no statements on when their prices would be ad vanced. They said they did not expect to keep thet existing retail price of 13 cents a gallon In effect for any length of time. SAN FRANCISCO, June 19. (AP) As other major companies followed the lead of Standard Oil company, the price of gasoline to motorists was L 4 cents a gal lon in most ' service stations throughout the San Francisco bay area today. The five and one-half cent in crease in retail prices followed an increase in tank wagon prices to dealers. During the 110-day price war," dealer paid approximate EOPLEi . . .wno are news By COLIN S. HEUSHEY , (Copyright 1931.: by Associated . : Press) DENVER, June 19 (AP A rather! short, heavy-set man in clerical garb sat in the ante-room of the executive cham bers of the governor of Colorado. From time to time he reached un der his wrinkled black overcoat, which he had neglected to re move, and pulled out a ma si ire watch attached to an equally large chain. He looked up. , "Hello, young man. Got any tobacco t" s . The tobacco produced, the man extracted a small, black pipe from somewhere in his clothes. He loaded the pipe, - his large hand concealing the short stem, lighted it and blew a cloud of smoke toward the high ceiling. HE was the Rt. Rev. ' Irving Peake Johnson, Episcopal bishop of Colorado, in the governor's i office to attend a meeting of the state board of cor rections, governing body of Colo rado's penal Institutions. I don't want the Job. Nobody does, but somebody's got to do it." the bishop remarked when GotW. II. Adams named him to ' Turn to page 10, col. 1) E CITIES W1IJT TO BEAT BOSEBURB Lower Columbia District is Active now; Seeking Consideration ILWACO, Ttfash., June 19. (AP) A resolution calling upon the federal government to include the lower i Columbia district in considering a site for the pro posed northwest branch of the na tional soldiers home was adopted by the lower Columbia associated chambers of commerce here today. More than 200 delegates from southwestern Washington and northwestern Oregon attended the quarterly session of the associated chambers. George W. Ford, Long- view, president, presided. Another resolution called upon Governor Hartley to ask the fed eral government to deed the prop erties at Fort Columbia, Wash., to the state for use as a charitable institution to house mentally de fective persons. A third! resolution urged the federal government to Improve dikes and banks of the Columbia river which have been damaged by erosion, while another asked the state of Washington to complete the road between Skamokawa and Grays Harbor. v - - The delegates were entertained at a dinner and musical program tonight. ! ! PORTLAND, Ore.. June 19 (AP) The board of directors of the Portland chamber of com merce todsy decided to present a formal request to Governor Meier that the state highway commis sion hold its future meetings in Portland Instead of at Salem. The next meeting of the com mission has been set for Thursday In Salem. ; . . The chamber will argue that continuance- of the Portland meetings will be in the Interest of convenience to the public, to bidding contractors and to upstate delegations. Grai Lands on Lake Constance :l. U; FRIEDRICHS H A FEN, Ger many, June 19 (AP) The dir igible Graf Zeppelin settled on the surface of Lake Constance today, 1 thus demonstrating for the first time she could alight on water without outside aid.; P IB HIM BOD S MOVE IS DISLIKED ly eight cents the gallon. Dealers are now paying 13 cents a gal lon and maintaining the usual three-cent differential. Standard Oil, which announced the price increase yesterday af ternoon, was followed in its price raise by Shell Oil company. Union Oil company, Richfield Oil com pany, the Texas company and Gen eral Petroleum corporation. Sim ilar price increases were report ed throughout California, Oregon and Washington. The price raise, If continued, was hoped by company executives to increase revenues about $14, 000,000 monthly, and to result in reopening of several refineries. It was predicted that the in crease will be "solid" within a few days, as soon as gasoline stock bought by independents at low prices are disposed of. The Serv ice Station Owners' association. Garage and property Owners' as sociation and Retail Service Sta tion Dealers' association all an nounced here the increase in price was welcome and as aid to busi ness. .- ' - ' i - - - CLERIC ADITS HIEING STORY WAS FALSIFIED Trussed Himself up Admits ' Brown; Wanted to die In Church Served No Abductors, he Confesses When Confronted With ?: Members, Police DALLAS, Tex., June 19 (AP) B. P. Brown, supply pastor of the North Dallas Baptist church. went before members ot his con gregation tonight and confessed he had trussed himself from ' an electric fan in the : church early Thursday. ; Brown previously had told of ficers Tour , masked men had ab ducted him, stripped him of his clothes and hanged him to a church chandelier as a result of factional strife in the congrega tion. He was only slightly injured- ; ; Confronted by city detectives. Brown readily agreed to accom pany them to the church where members of the congregation were gathered, and make his confes sion. ' ' : f A j-'"-.' i : ' The alleged hanging had caused heads of the police department to detail men to patrol the streets about Brown's home, and also that of the Rev. Homer L. Marler. regular pastor of the church. Brown said his only motive was his desire to die in tho church where he preached an occasional sermon. - ' ; ,-V; t ' AID TO INDUSTRIES IS OUTLINE Salem Ad club members receiv ed new Inspiration 'for patronising Oregon Industry and Salem indus try through the talks wt six mem bers of the Women's Greater Ore gon association yesterday noon. The speakers were Mrgr W. Carl ton Smith, Mrs. Victor R. Griggs, Miss Helen Louise Crosby, - Mrs. Arthur Rahn, Mrs. Leon Gleason and Mrs. E. F. Slade. The ladies are endeavoring to do their part toward building up demand - for locally, produced goods by encouraging women to demand them: at the stores they patronize. They have begun on bread and butter and will ! go through other brands of goods and Insist on use of local or Ore gon brands. Mrs. Slade mentioned one of the great assets of Oregon in her scenery, land urged advertising it to the world as a principal attrac tion. Mrs. Rann told of how by watching purchases. It would be possible to see that one's kitchen shelves had goods on them which are made here. End unemploy ment by giving local men's chance to work in home industries, was what the women urged. An exhibit at the public mar ket is planned for June 27th where Salem products will be dis played, j This meeting of the club la the last until September. . ' y BUBHIED SERIOUSLY ROSEBURG, Ore., June 19. (AP) Two state highway em ployes were bnrned seriously, one probably fatally, when a heating machine with which they were working on the Pacific highway near Toncalla exploded today, w E. V. Kauff man of Souther land suffered several deeu burns and. all the skin was bunted off his body. He was not expected to live. j.- - Ernest Guggisberg, also of Sou therland, , was burned seriously about the face, chest and arms but saved himself from farther injury by stepping into a mud puddle be side the highway. 5 He was expect ed to recover. s - The two men were brought to a Roseburg hospital. s - Kauffman and Guggisberg were engaged In work Incidental to re surfacing a section of the high way. Kauffman, in operating the machine, which used kerosene as fuel, turned In too much fuel with the result the heater exploded and enveloped both men In flames. Heavier Income Tax Payment is Asked of Aimee ii i fL WASHIN30N, June 19 (AP) A difference of opinion over in come taxes has brought Aimee Semple McPherson, Los Angeles evangelist, into legal conflict with the government. ;-. , i The Internal revenue; bureau has notified her she owes the gov ernment 921,339 on lnco te for 1926, 192? and 1928 for which it says she failed to make a report. Mrs. McPherson has carried to the board of tax appeals her con tention she had reported all her Income which was taxable. A hearing will be held Wednesday., M HOI 1 KB Dry s Huddle,. Plan Attack In Campaign ; WASHINGTON. June 19 (AP) New and old-line drr orranlza- tions were Joined today In a com bined "hoard ot strategy" design ed to coordinate dry ef f orj; In the 113J presidential campaign. In the series ot drr conferences the capital has seen during the last six months, some of the younger leaders publicly have ad vocated stronger methods than those approved by the older groups. - Two weeka ago the Allied Forces, recently created by some of the dissenting leaders, an nounced plans for a whirlwind barnstorming campaign to arouse prohibition sentiment for the po litical conventions ot next sum mer. As the partial list of strategy board members appeared today, however, the names of Dr. Dan iel A. Poling, Cristian Endeavor leader, and Dr. Oliver W. Stewart, head of the Flying Squadron foun dation, who promoted the allied forces, were placed together with the names of those, prominent in the old-line group." Among the latter were F. Scott McBride, superintendent of the Anti-Saloon league. Dr. Clarence True Wilson, head of the board of temperance ' of the Methodist Episcopal church; Mrs. Ella A. Boole, president of the W.C.T.U., and Dr. Ernest H. Cherrlngton, chairman of the national confer ence ot organizations supporting the eighteenth amendment. . AUDITION CONTEST DRAWSJBie CROWD Margaret Simms. Earl Pot ter Winners out of Large Entry List Here Miss Margaret Simms and Earl V. Potter were winners In Sa lem's annual Atwater-Kent audi tion contest, held at the Knight Memorial church Friday night un der -the auspices of the Salem chamber of commerce. A capacity audience attended. ' Thirteen youthful musicians sarticinated and all exhibited ex ceptional talent as was indicated both by the applause wnicn eaen received and by the difficulty the 1 ad res. Mrs. J. 8. Landers of Mon mouth, Miss Dorothy Pearce and Rev. W. Earl Cochran ot Salem, found in selecting the winning voices. The Judges were curtained in a compartment of the balcony so that they could only hear the voices and not see the singers. (Turn to page 10; col. 3). PORTLAND, Ore., June 19. fAPl Circuit Judge Hall S. Lusk today rescinded his order of a few days ago in which he va cated a former order appointing J. P. - Kavanaugh, Portland at torney, receiver for the Guaraian group of Savings and Loan asso ciations. Br virtue of Judge Lust's la test order Kavanaugh will remain as receiver for the associations but only until such a time as he can make his -report and carry out certain matters that must be cared for before he can turn the afffalrs of the associations over to James W. Mott, state corpor ation commissioner. "The order has no, particular significance," said Judge Lusk, except that Judge .Kavanaugn will remain on duty as receiver until his report is filed and until he carries out certain matters of policy that only, he has the power to carry out." Punishment For Improper Flying Handed to Five WASHINGTON. June 19 (AP) Punishment or aerial mis behavior was meted out " by the commerce department . today to the distinguished girl aviator, Amelia Earhart, and the four pi lots who disturbed the dedication of the Harding memorial at Mar lon, Ohio, Tuesday. Miss Earhart received a repri mand for her crash in an autogiro at Abilene, Texas, two weeks ago, on the ground she was careless and used bad Judgment. The license of Frank Byerley of Detroit was suspended for 60 days and penalties of fines were determined upon for John C. Cor rodl, Joseph Mackey, Harold Dis telhorst and Grant C Melvln of Cleveland The amount of the fines has not been fixed. : CUT ORCHARD PAY OLYMPIA, June 19. (AP) A reduction of 10 per cent from the 1930 wage scale for orchard help was recommended today by the labor committee of the. cen tral Washington Growers associa tion. A survey has shown all help needed can be gotten for 25 cents an hour, .r . ; ..- ORDER IS AMENDED III GUARD! CASE SALARY CUT IW OFFICE rj 0 W DE1JDED Fifteen per Cent Reduction !rt Every Department . Sought by Group v Purchasing Power of Dollar Increased, Is Claim; Letter Addressed PORTLAND, Ore., June 19. (AP) The Manufacturers and Merchants association of Oregon today addressed to a group of state, county and city officials a letter urging "a reduction of at least IB per cent" in the salaries or wages of all employes "of each and every department." The letter, signed by Paul C. Bates, president, and W. C. Fran cis, secretary, said such a cut was necessary as a tax relief measure. It contended the purchasing power of the dollar has increased 25 to 22 per cent during the past two years, that industries of the state1 generally are making salary reductions of from 10 to 26 per cent, that failure to adjust the wage scale will retard the return of prosperity and that the present wage scale cannot be de fended on the ground that It will help solve the economic depres sion. The letter was forwarded to Governor Julius L. Meier, Secre tary ot State Hal E. Hoss, State Treasurer Rut us C. Holman, H. B. Van DurerT chairman of the state highway commission, Charles T. Early, chairman ot the industrial accident 1 commission: George Weatherly chairman of the state tax conservation commission, and to several others. BRUTAL TREATMENT OF WITNESS DENIED NEW YORK, June 19 (AP) A-pietr -of "third -degree" in which rubber hose was wielded and lighted cigraettes used as in struments of torture on a star wit ness, was sketched today by the defense In the Vivian Gordon mur der trial and then vigorously dis puted by the state. The police detention and treat ment of Harry Schlitten, Newark, N. J., chauffeur, regarded as the key man in the prosecution's case against Harry Btein and Samuel Greenberg was the focal point in the seventh day of thetrlal In a Bronx court room. . "I never: saw a piece of rubber hose in a police office in my ex perience as an officer,' responded Detective Patrick J. Walsh, during cross examination on his conduct after taking: Schlitten into custo dy. Steadfastly Walsh denied that Schlitten had been bruised, hand cuffed or otherwise mistreated. Previously the prosecution had begun laying the foundation for its story that Schlitten drove Stein and Greenberg on a midnight ride last February during which Miss Gordon was strangled and tossed from the automobile, but the pro gress of the case was tedious. Roseburg's New Airport Will be Dedicated Soon ROSEBURG. Ore., Jtne 19 'AP) An air circus will be pre sented here Sunday at the' dedi cation of Roseburg's municipal airport. ; A number ot Oregon pilots will participate. The program will Include a parachute Jump by Miss Dorothy King, Portland. A squadron of . army pursuit planes from San Francisco also is ex pected to participate. The field has three runways, each more than 2000 feet long. There are several diagonal run ways each 1200 feet long. A new 70 by 85-foot hangar was recent ly completed. Initial Dash in ! Denmark Flight Made by Hillig ST. JOHN. N. B., June 19. (AP) Otto Hillig and Holger Hoiriis, flying from Hasbrouck Heights, N. J., to Newfoundland on their way to Denmark, brought their plane down here tonight at 7:20 o'clock. E. S. T. The Liberty; N. V., flying pho tographer and his pilot grounded the "Liberty" gracefully at the St. John airport. They said they would refuel and take off, weath er permitting. In the morning for the point from which they will try to hop the Atlantic MT8IG CLtJBS MEET SAN FRANCISCO, June -19 (AP) The 17th biennial -? con vention of the National Federa tion of Music clubs will be usher ed 1n here tomorrow with a eon cert In the civie auditorium by the San Francisco symphony or chestra and notable choral societies. PUBLIC Rev iewi arid Battle Dentoristrati m uraw Fair. Weather J Reported From Clatsop, Salem , People Going in Great Numbers; Over 40,000; Attendance Expected i r:-A Hi ' , 1 mmjLTii skies dearinsr yesterday and reports from the ," f f coast Inicatino; fair weather there; many Salem peo ple were goino; arid preparing go to Camp Clatsop for the annual review of i Oregon's own troops, and the spectac ular combat demonstration which follows. The event starts at 1:30 o'clock th a afternoon. nessed the events. . The battle scene "depicts - as nearly as possible real , war, even to bloodshed though Sot course the latter is make-believ. . And why should tit not seem like war, with 50,060 rounds of rifle and machine gen1 ammuni tion shooting over I head, with heavy artillery sending forth 100 high explosive shells,' one-pound cannons roaring forth' 100 shells and trench mortars f adding 300 shells to the foray. tVAi - Twenty-five airplanes! will whir overhead, - according t; to plans. These will include 10 from the 4lBt division air squadron from (Turn to page l& coL 2) ; GV PLAHE SlCESS Head Winds Encountered on Return .Trip; Back Last lEyerly light m Thirteen hours flying time were needed br Le h Eyerlv on his return trip from i! Denver to Salem after he had made the trip to that city In 12 hours, Eyerly reported lastSrnigLt upon his return here. He said stiff headwinds,, encountered on the return from Salt Lake ; where he stayed Thursday night;, delayed him. hI; Eyerly said the trip had dem onstrated the feasibility ot de livering fresh . fruit to eastern markets by alrplafie since the cherries he took south arrived in excellent shape and were eagerly purchased on the Denver market at 55 cents a pound. j To make the hauling profitable,! the load would need to be larger for the reason Eyerly said a larger plane man me one ne uses, wouia need to be utilized if the hauling were a steady commercial: proposition. He expects to go f east oie or two additional times ii this sum mer, hauling other kinds ot fresh fruit to the markets t On the way down! h Eyerly flew from 8000 to 10,000 feet in the air, keeping his load Cool at all times. His gas and: Oil bill for the round trip was ' $ 65. Dale Smith, student at the a rport, ac- companied him on his alight. in Jones KeepkHis Belt; Troubles Come in Bunches Troubles - crowded! around the head of Henry Jozies, veteran wrestler, prior to his bqut at Eu gene with Wildcat Pee Friday night, but Jones Ht&lned the world's Junior middleweight belt nevertheless. He won! the first fall with a whip wristlock and the last, with a bod? pjress after Pete was injured byaot accident al kick. Jones won the second with a surfboard. m: i Just before the bout Jones re ceived a telegram from5 his home In Utah that his daughter was badly hurt' In an automobile ac cident and that- some of his farm buildings had burned! down, Sa lem fans attending tDe bout re ported. Jones planned to fly back home at j CHERRY MARKETING History mt Flax, Linen Industry is Lengthy One Editor's K Tfcia e-ond article is tha aerUs daseriblns thevflsx sad linaa itutioa la Oregon. del i principally wita. U history ot tho f ndattry. IN v ' Flax growing and processing Is as oldas recorded civilization, the growth of flax and falng carried on in Egypt long before the time of Christ. As civilisation spread to the west, flax growing became prevalent In Europe Sand later, in Great Britain and jfceiand. The latter country along;? with France and Belgium, ranks jtodar among the greatest flax growing and lin en making centers of . the world. In early colony days ! In Amer ica, flax was raised la small quan tities and the housewife made clothing and linen; si household goods from the fibres but the pro cess a hand one -was arduous and boresome. With ! the improve ments of the spinning ijenny in troduced into the cotton business, cotton woods Tepidly J Itook t the place of linen.;- -. IfH H - Only four states in the United States are known to have a favor ite growing condition for flax, the Willamette valley 14 Oregon be ing known to product as fine fibre flax as Is grown in ;the world. A Mrs. Klrkwood, whoi lived near Will on Large Crowds Last year 35,000 people wit- Directs Mimic War at Clatsop GEORGE A. WHITE CAUTION RULES liM E MEXICO CITY, June 19 (AP) Officials of the Catholic church, gathered in Mexico City to contest the new Vera Crux law which limits the number of priests and bishops for the entire state to 11, resolved today to pro ceed cautiously. Archbishop Ruls Flores, papal nuncio to Mexico, has- protested vigorously to President Ortlx Ru blo and has asked that the pres ident Intervene. The president Is ill at his home and it was expected today he would not reply for. several days. Although the church officials who have gathered here agreed on a policy of caution, they did not tamper with Instructions ' to priests in Vera Crux that they Ig nore the new law. It was expect ed these instructions would re sult in the virtual vacating" of the churches by the priests. ' Governor Tejeda of Vera Crux, who was summoned to Mexico City last night to confer with fed eral officials about the situation resulting from enforcement of the new law, attended conferen ces today, but did not make a public statement. Vanderbilt to Seek Divorce; Wife to Fight RENO. Nov.. June 19. (AP) - The Cornelius Vanderbllt-Peter Arno affair came to a sudden cli max here' today when Vanderbilt filed suit for divorce from the former Mary Davidson Weir Lo gan and she Quickly announced she would fight the case to a finish. "If there is to be any divorce In this case it is going to be grant ed to Mrs. Vanderbilt. We will fight every inch of the way," Wil liam Woodburn, her attorney, said. - Tualatin in Washington county. is said to have grown the first flax in this state in 1844. Here in Marion county flax was grown near Jefferson In 1875 and sam ples of this flax were exhibited at the Centennial exposition In Phil adelphia, Pa. A bronze medal was awarded for the exhibit, the cer tificate of award stating that the lint was (Of extraordinary length with a superior gloss and a silky finish. One of Oregon's mos. staunch boosters of flax was Mrs. William P. Lord, widow of the late Gov ernor Lord. She organized a group in 1894 known as the Oregon Women's Flax Fiber association, and sent an exhibit to an exposi tion held at Omaha, Nebraska. This same - association In 190 J sent a ton of flax to Belgium, where it was woven and spun In to napkins, some of which are still treasured by Salem townspeople. The state of Oregon became ac tive in flax In 1915 when 850,000 was appropriated fpr a state flax Industry, which was placed under the direction of the state board of control. At the same time fur niture and brick manufacture was (Turn to pafe 10, col. 1 CHURCH SQUABBL ID HELP-EEBlfJF OUT OF CRISIS Details not Arrived at yet But Moratorium Eyed As Most Probable European Nations Asked to Aid Alsor Speculation Is Warned Against . By F. M. STEPHENSON , WASHINGTON1. Ti,ti i . (AP) President Hoover is pre pared to propose steps to avert an economic crisis In Europe. He is particularly concerned over Germany's situation and her recent declaration of inability to continue her war reparations payments. A White House statement to night said no conclusions had been reached in a round of con ferences the president had today with congressional leaders, bat the speculation persisted that the move would be either a morator ium on war debts and repara tions or a loan to Germany, Mr. Hoover, In disclosing the nature ot his conferences with members ot both parties in con gress, expressed gratification at their response to his plans but he warned against speculation on it. It was learned, however, thai revision of America's war debt: is not now 'Contemplated. To that reason credence was glvei to the moratorium suggestion and the discussion of a loan, par ticularly; to the former. Secretary Mellon, who Is no in London, is believed to be ii. communication with the White House on the negotiations, plan ned by the president. Similar provisions are Incorpo rated in the war debt settle ments and in the lerman repars tions agreement for moratoS turns. Under these, payment) could be suspended for te years. It is believed by those close te the situation that Mr. Hoover la prepared to assure the European nations this country will consid er a moratorium on their : war . (Turn to page 10, col. 1) . . j BY HOOVER'S SUED LONDON, June 19 (AP) A sensation was caused in newspa per, circles in Fleet street tonight by the brief report of President Hoover's statement in Washing ton regarding American efforts te "strengthen the situation in Ger many." 1 ,'' Word that the president had called congressional leaders into conference about the eeonomle situation In Europe arrived toe late for official comment from leaders of the British government who, with a weekend recess of parliament, had begun to scatter from London to the country.- Close observers of tbe swift moving events in Europe, how ever, said1 the far-reaching effect of President Hoover's statement was apparent. It was declared that America by taking steps to aid Germany, would at the same time indirectly strengthen all Europe and the world at large. This action was said by some to be an "epochal development.'.' Large Portland Hotel is Leased To Chain Outfit riL PORTLAND, Ore., June 19 (AP) Eric V. Hauser, Jr., pre sident of the Multnomah hotel, Portland, announced today the hotel had been leased by the Erie V. Hauser estate to the Western Hotels, Inc., for a period of 15 years beginning July 1. , H i The hotel, second largest hostel ry in the Pacific northwest, will be operated as a unit of the West ern Hotels. Inc.. chain, the- an nouncement said. Rentals-over the 15-year period will approximate $1,230,000, Hauser said. The hotel Is valued, by the Hauser estate at 12.000 - 000. 1 i . i i Glider Crosses English Channel For First Time BOULOGNE SUR MER, France. June 19. (AP) A Canadian airman and opera singer, Lt; Lis sant Bea.imore of Toronto, made the first glider flight across the English channel today. He took off from Lympne airdrome and landed perfectly at Stlnglevcrt airdrome near Calais. His glld-r , was towed by a light airplane te ' a height of 12,000 feet and the released.; - -x The powerless plane made 6 3 miles an hour across the channel flying smoothly all the way. The flight was made on tie eve of a 85000 competition for the first glider to cross the channel and back In one day which had been organized 1 a London newspatr4 HOOVER Ml TI ED i i