The OREGON STATESMAN. Salen. breon. Thursday Mornin-, June 11; 1&31 I'AUE SIX Society News and Cub Aff airs Olive M. Doxk. Society Editor Committees , A r e Being Named For Year Mrs. W. P. Fargo." regent ' of Cheraeketa chapter of the Daugh ters of the American ReTOlatlon is making rapid progress, with the naming of committee and heads foritne coming year's work for the organization. . . Wednetidar nlrht Mrs. " Fargo named Mrs. L. W. Potter, " chair man of the board of directors which 1 made up of Mrs.,1 R. T. il orris on. of Dallas, Mrs. A. A. Un derbill and Ur. Potter, The board of directors together with the chapter officers will make up the board of management for the Tear.. - ' The membershlD work will be ttkM ear of br Mrs. W. W. Al lan In Mill City; Miss Marguerite Looney In Jefferson; Mrs. C. L- rA. nIUa. ifni T ; f? ! A (ten a Salem; Mrs. Katherine M. Pow- - ell In Woodbnrn; and urs. . Kimball in Indenendence, ! Mrs. w. H. Brrd will hare Charge of the reterans hospital committee work in Salem; Mrs. Karl Stelwer in Jefferson; Mrs. J. B. Eakln In Polk county; Mrs. Frank Settlemeir in Woodburn vend northern part of county. - Mrs. U. O. Shipley will head the Tisitlng committee which will be made up of Mrs. C. C. Best, Hiss Lillian Applegate, and Mrs. Rnssell Catlin. Mrs. U. O. Borer. Mrs. H. T. V m.. A n 4 f kan will errejon the finance committee for the new chapter year. In the important program committee will be Mrs. V. EL New comb, Mrs. M. P. Adams, Mrs. Claude Ellison and Mrs. F. E. Sherwln. Mrs. -Claude Ellison, will head the large social committee, ner committee members will be Mrs. V V. Mmrmmh. Mrs. C ' A. Sprague. Mrs. Darid , Looney and Mrs. Marlon Looney of Jefferson, Mrs. Z. C. Kimball of Indepen dence. Mrs. Jsmes Beck, Mrs. Os car Hayrer and Mrs. J. E. Sibley of Dallas, Mrs. John- W. Orr of Portland. Mrs. W. H. Byrd Mrs. 8. L. Mlnard, Mrs. D. O. Shipley, Mrs.-Seymour Jones. Mrs. Homer Coaley, and Mrs. A.. E. Austin of Woodburn. ; SOCIAL CALENDAR j Thursday, June 11 Operetta to be gi-ren by state institution for feeble minded. 8 o'clock; annual exhibit open to public from 19 o'clock In morning to 16 o'clock at night. North Salem W. C. T. U.. 2 o'clock, Jason Lee church, i - Willing Workers class of First Christian , church, with Mrs. W.;H. Gardner at her home, end of lZth street. -x - "'V "-" - : r' - - i Brush College Helpers, picnic at community picnic grounds; last meeting of spring season. I . -... . '. Auxiliary to Capitol Post No. 1 1," Patriarchs M11I taat, regular meeting, 8 o'clock; I. O. O. F. hall, Woman's Relief Corps, all-day meeting at fair grounds;! potluck. dinner at noon.' Merry Mlnglers meet with Mrs. Wilson at Belcrest. . 2 o'clock. ' - " . . .. . ; Salem Zonta .club, luncheon at Marlon hotel. Knights and Ladies of Maccabees, fraternal temple, 8 o'clock; election of officers. . Brush College Helpers, last meeting of year, picnic in community grore. Miss Cummings f Complimented Guest How many thrllK there are for the bride-elect with all; the par ties and surprises planned for her! Miss Etelyn Cummings, whose'marriago to William Hese man will be an erent of June 14 at 8:30 o'clock in the Jason Lee church., has been t much feted in the last few weeks. ; Among the most recent things was the dinner party and shower glren by Miss Frances Custer at the borne of Mr.: and Mrs. George rnrVntr TnMdav night. A de lightful erening of informal con- rersatlon preceaea tne presenw tion of shower gifts to Miss Cum mings. ; " - ,rL -The presentation of the gifts came in a unique manner when a m-w.-w noAAimr knocked at the door and brought in a pack of bathroom accessories for. the new homo of Miss Cummings. Guests were Miss Cummings, tr uiumin Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Forkner, Miss Marlon, Brlggs, Miss Sarah Dark. Miss Adeline Seymour, Miss Beulah Graham, Miaa TniiMi Graham. Miss Grace Rose. Mrs, Joha Ellis, Mrs. Ed Perrln, Mrs. W A. cummings, H urry, M'Lady Mack's For just such 1j - : Sport Frocks and Suits as you would like for your vacation (or for campus wear next fall) are on Sale at Mack's at ridiculously low prices. i ! And lovely light. -.weight coats in a variety of colors and styles are now"only. $19 75 S93 N. High The entire stock of Summer Millinery on sale . . at your price! Mrs. I. O. Lear, Mrs. J. M. Scharff. , ' - A second large affair glren recently for Miss Cummings was the shower and social erening for which Mrs. E. B. Heseman and Mrs. O. Neelands was host ess at the Neelands home. Music and informal amusements were enjoyed until a late hour, when the arrival of a small bride and groom carrying a large basket of gifts brought attention to the bride. ' J... ;. r; Presentation of the gifts was followed by a refreshment hour. Guests were Miss Cummings, Mr. Heseman, Mr. and Mrs., W. A. Cummings, ; Mr. and MrsJ - E. B. Heseman, Mr. and Mrs. O. Neelands, Mrs. C. L. McAllister, Miss Emma .McAllister, Mr. and Mrs. Henry, Esau, R S. McVey, L. D. McAllister, Miss . Hazel Qulnn, Miss Sylria Mats on, Mr. and Mrs. Harrey McLaughlin, Mrs. Ted Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Hill, Miss Verla Hill, Mrs. Margaret Muellhaupt, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Cummings, A. T. Cum mings, George" Heseman, , Carroll Cummings, Oran Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. P. "IL Anderson, .Miss Marie Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Perrin, Mrs. - Kate Smith, Lloyd Cummings. . , Waldo Hills Honoring Max Scriber, who for the past year has been their director, and who plans to spend the summer in Alaska.' members of the junior choir of the Silrerton Methodist church re cently motored to his home tor a surprise- farewell. Fearing' ho might not be at borne, the young people had Mr. and Mrs, F. E. Sylrester precede them and talk business. Games were enjoyed until . a late hour when refresh ments were served. Choir mem bers present were Grace Folsome, Mable and Etta Catron, Jeanette Mount, Catherine Morrison, Orma Day. Dwight Foote, Kenneth Isaackson. , Ralph Langley, Bert Christensen. Virginia Scriber, Max Scriberand I Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Gordon. - - I Kthel Poline Pheloa will pre- t TCathM-ine Scharm. 14 rear old piano student, in a recital Fri day night in the First Erangeucai church at 8 o'clock.' Miss Kath iMiia PhelDS. contralto, will as sist on the program. Tho public is inrited to attend this program. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Rose observ ed their golden wedding Thursday afternoon at their home on North Winter street. An anniversary dinner was served for which were present three of their six children and four of their grandchildren. t A reunion of the family and de scendants of Andrew Jackson Pur vine was observed Sunday at the home of J. Fred Purvlne. ,. A bas ket dinner at noon and an after noon of visiting was enjoyed by those gathered. Miss Alma Fanning sails from Seattle. June 18 on the S. S. Northwestern for two weeks trip to Alaska, We Must Charge For : Delivery -Terms Blay Be Arranged . Sales At 10 A. L, 2 P. SI. and 7:30 P. M. IAJI IS Slanr of our old customers win take advantage of this Anction Sale to se- cure tremendous savings on their needs. .' ' - of SATURDAY, JUNE 13 550,000 Stock New, Used & Repossessed Furniture, House wares, Ruj Linoleum . . ALL TO GO TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER At the Market, ComT & Marion Sts. This is a sale to get 1000 new accounts on our books, and to cut down our ex traordinary stock. the Thousands of Items: Tables I Porch Furniture Davenports Overstuffed Chairs Rockers Occasional .Chairs ' Tables Radios Washing Blachines Phonographs and - Records Pianos and Organs Player Pianos and Rolls Lamps Rugs ; Brie-a-Brae Only Here are Scatter Russ Carpet Samples Matting Remnants Smoking Stands and - Cabinets Musical Instruments Lcggage Lace Curtains Rag Rugs Carpet Remnants Linoleum Remnants Laundry Supplies Lawn Mowers Lawn Rakes Garden Tools Mirrors ' . . Ccstl cisii Marioa a Few Regs Ferneries Settees Chairs v Rockers Stands $100 in PRIZES FREE PLENTY OF FREE PARKTNO SPACE FOR TOUR CAR it Travelers Leave For Europe - Mrs. John, F. Mielke and her daughter lliss Cecilia. Mielke are , leaving Calem today on an ex- tenaea trip tarougn the oast and in jsurop. . - They plan to visit relatives In Minnesota and : Philadelphia and also spend some time in Chicago and Washington. D. C. ' Joly 7, they will sail from New York, on - tan 8. S. Eurona for Bremen, Germany. , From there uey wiu go to Mrs. Mlelke's old home in Wnrttemberg. . Later in the summer Miss Mielke will spend some time tour ing th continent, nns expects to visit several countries before re turning to her duties here in the Salem . schools . froju which she has a leave of absence until late fall. i ' ; - - ; Eilvertoa Mrs. Gertrude Cam eron presented her younger stu dents in recital at the Christian church Monday evening. The au dience was enthusiastic over the ability displayed by many of the very youngest group. Those tak ing part in the recital included Ilene Rahn, Harold Frisble, Bet ty Francis, Clarine Reed, Joyco Simmons, Elizabeth Newell, Eva Sawyer, Jeraldyne Dicks man, Barbara Jean Palmer, JeanTom ison, Ellen Lerfald, Florence Ja cobsen, Lois Gay, Janet Comstock, Mable Lanxsdorf. Vlrrln fa. Prnwn June and. Jean Bowman. Mm Jane Kofsker, Maurice Davis and nanan Anaerson. . , . ! ' '; 1 ' Mrs. Rose Hagedorn will be IS Asif &wiasi rn m atm Kam a a V a wxn.. club at bar home, 140S Fir street. 4 Bienuir ior a pouuck sup- A fit V M .A . a A . fleers for the Knights and -Lady Maccabees Thursday night la Fra ternal temple at I o'clock. Encinitis Club Plans Weekend -- ; The Encinitis club found that depending on the weather is not a safe thing and as a result the picnic planned for Tuesday night had to be an 'indoor" affair at the T. W. C. A. , This was fol lowed by a Una party at one of tne theatres. " At the business meeting the eiu ueciaed to spend the week' end in Camp Santaly. Mrs. Helen Hamilton will o with the rrono. About 11 girls plan to make the trip. . , There were 25 present for the Tuesday night meeting. Special guests were Miss Anna Peters. Miss Gertrude Reaversbeek : ol Taeoma, Mrs: Carroll Wait of Al bany end Miss June Jackson. ., ' T ... ti-.; Independence Garden Glub Makes Plans : ,- Independence Garden club members and prospective mem bers gathered en the lawn at the home of . Mrs. P. M. Walker Monday evening for a T o'clock dinner and a business meeting. . Two long tables were set for about 2S who were present. Cof fee- was made on tne open fire plaea on the lawn. : . A large number of new mem bers were added to the rolL It was planned at this meeting to appoint a committee later to make plans to beautify the city park. Attractive programs for the comings year's work were distrib uted at this meeting. -' Brooks People Busy . ; ; ( , Brooks The Brooks Commun ity club held an all-day meeting Thursday at the home of Mrs. Virgil Loo mis in the Silverton Hills district i Mrs. Chris Otto, vice president of the club con ducted tho business meeting. A pot luck, luncheon was served at noon te the following- guests; Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Ramp, Mrs. Ja uet and daughters Misses Vivian and Lucille Jaquet. Mrs. Art Ban- yard, Mrs. Maude Timm, Mrs. James Riggf, Mrs. Willard Ramp and daughter Cleo Ramp, Mrs. liJget MmM Originators Of Low Prices 351 State St. DONT TAKE CHANCES On setting something for nothing. The prices we quote are as low as good meats can be sold for. ' ; Regular Price Not Special Milk Fed Veal Steak 15c lb. Milk Fed VealBreast 8c lb. Milk Fed Veal Roasts 1214c lb. JUST THINK you can secure a choice roast of the finest veal at 12 Vic lb. Not so long: ago it Mould hare cost yoa twice as much. Of coarse we could buy veal to sell for less, but we do not handle that kind. Milk Fed Leg of Veal 18c lb. f What we said about veal also applies to. beef. We could bur cattle to sell cheaper, but that isn't the1 kind our customers' want. Choice Sirloin I Prime Steak 17c lb. Beef Roasts 1214c lb. Choice Boiling Beef 8c lb. Beef Pot Roasts 10c lb. Small Fancy, T-Bones 20c lb. Freshly Ground Beef I212C lb. Home Rendered Pure Lard 3 lbs. 25c Highest I Grade ;-: ;anne 10c lb. Marg It win be worth your while' to drop in and see for yourself thai we sell what we advertise. . - Young Pig Pork Roast 1214c lb. . Choice -Cuts no waste. Dainty Lean Chops 18c Jb. Finest quality. Young Pig. . Pork Stealc 15c lb. Delicious Pork Tenders 35c lb. Fancy Sliced Bacon 20c lb. " Sugar Cured i Bacon Back 16c! lb. This smoked meat is from grain fed youn porkers. Cured hers la Salea the cli fashioned way (Natural Wood smoke). That's why we receire so many com pliments est it. Oat of consideration ef our employes we eiose Saturdays at 7 p. m. s HARRY IL HUEVY, llgr. i I Chris Otto, Mrs. Cecil Y. Ash haugh, Mrs. - Mary Martin, . Mrs. A. II. Sears, Delphtne, Bertha aad LeRoy Loom Is, and the hostess. Mrs. Virgil Loo mis. June 13 another all-day meet lag will bo hell la the dab house and pot luck luncheoa will bo serred at noon. The day will bo spent working on oullt blocks - Monday afternoon the com munity club " entertained the Brooks. Ladies Aid society, hon oring Miss GUdya Otto with a miscellaneous shower. Late In the afternoon refreshments were serred to the following guests: Mrs. A. 13. Harris, Mrs, D. George jpie, mrs. u. jr. Kamp, Mrs. Art Banyard, Urs.- Chris Otto, Mrs. uecu v. Ashbaugh, Mrs. Fred Er as and daughter Lorraine Er ana, Mrs. - O. L. Bailey, Mrs. Maude Tlmm. Mrs. WUlard Rerun and daughter Cleo . Samp, Miss Taronne Harris, Mrs. J. S. Dun- lary, miss .. BeuUh Otto. Miss Gladys Otto, Kreta J"ae Asb- oaugh. . Bethel Club Changes Meeting Date - . BetheU-Mr. J. ' M. Klrhol. president of the Bethel Dorcas ctub, announces that the, June meetlnsr whih tn ha,, ilmm held at the home of Mrs. M. R. Gunter Is postponed and the meeting place changed because of Illness. , - i The meetlnr will ha with t Carmsllte WeddlA in . n.tAm Thursday. June IS. This win probably be the last meeting of .uw viuw dr. : Mrs. JB. E. Gilbert ha ri.twA WOrd Of the hlrth of a. mnn A l.r and Mrs. Ted Cellar of Vancouver) Wash. The- young man has beea named Brue r?ii-r nn K.n Jane 8. His mother will be re- mem oerea as Ereiyn Hartung. Both Mr. end Mn riia wii lamette nnlrerslty graduates. NJ O'Kelley Complimented ' . ' i 1 . - Independence- Mr. and Mrs Le O'Kelley entertained with a dinner party Sunday, In honor of Mr.f O'Ktlley's father. W. N. O'Kelley's eightieth birthday. The long f table was centered with A bowl of beautiful sweet peas and pink tapers. Covers were laid for 18 guests. Mr. OTBTelley was. bora la Mis souri In 1811. and earns out west at the age of II. He has lired at Lewisrllle and near Independence erer since. ! . Those present for the occasion were Mr. land Mrs. W. N. O'Kel- Iey.f Mrs. pell Bush, Bomno Mor- First ifi the dough. The to &e OYtn. You can be sere of perfect bskinjs in eln3 T7r wr t2S ounces Icr 25c rls, Lottie Race and Ve'.aa T.ha len all of Portland; Mr., and Mrs. Link Allen and Mr. and Mrs. Richard O'Kelley of Kin? Val ley; Mr. and Mrs. Nick Verst&eg, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Williams. Miss ; Gladys Murph, Mr. 8lm Bush and Mr. and MrsL&o O'Kel ley of This city. , Tb Merry jMluglers jtelub of Hollywood will meet wlta Mrs. Wilson of Belcreet this afternoon. pnESHiuE umi rtEFIa'ED Gl!! Cane Sugar Insures Ideal Results in All Kinds of "Canninar 71ti" sugar at aa unusually low price, and since bargains a fruit and regetables are always to be had ererybody can count ea aar inr money by putting up al rarlety of fruit. Jellies, jams and sweet relishes. . - , ' J . Countless are the housewtres who choose refined cane sugar for pre serving fruits and Tegetables of all kinds. Preeerres fiQ an Importar.t place In the diet. Canned fruits are fine for breakfasts, also as desserts or for use la salads. Jellies end rel ishes are nice accompaniments for beef. Iamb, pork and fowll Sand wiches made ef jam are always appropriate for children's; school uncheons. Pretrrv with f rtjlnti mm migar. The Sugar Institute. -Adr. S unnrmiiEiQcBiPi CGiicdiidd .S.sSJ tsrragg Pcsir jpiric&a caret c vjaru ZTocs SerriceSheer Ko. 446! SOk to the top. Full fashioned. Mercerized inter lined welt: silk-ptaited foot Summer shades. QCCair Smart Daytime nd two-picee modeU V." . of citmi imot? OflnEi D2i?occ3b r. Rfvl'ao smifi- w AA11 T .T . " iDortaldrcssM with tical street dresses and I suit types engaging o.4va bTUllUg U CdSCS ... Ill 3,11 1.1. J : -.. i. . . i, 1 wo new coiors ana printed designs. At this pride you can puy a complete new wardrobe now. HIatSo by "Dctty Co-Ed" A smart answer to the erobleat of "what to wear with my sports clotiiea. In pastel shades to match your cos tume ... or m a dark color to con trast with It ExdeptkMoSy low priced. G22f?oyei? Cvcdtlco Cay colors and new styles Its wear with a su2r-or a separate sports skirt Sizes 23-34. facTpenslTe. H3 mi Raywa Alpaca eint-fittktf, perfectly tailored eSps with 10-Jnch thadow-prool kesa, except black which baa e IK faeh bees. Of? jTixmmed Rayon Vests bloomers paroles w3 contrasting or harmonizing tai lored trnmiof. JewelrrI In aew. deilfftv Id single, doaUe and trVl euawtaa. zmecy catch, qDo UfC D C P A Q 5? ICO N. liberty EL, 8ska 0o o v o n c" I i tv r h