j WUete ly Meets i(De a X Statesman Classified Ads Call Classified AOrertialm Single lTOrtfoa lla.l Three- lasertloae per line .....i.........S0 tlx Insertions per line.. 30c On month per llne..S1.0tl Minimum charge' . . . . .254 Copy tor this page ac cepted until tha eyea-. lng before publication for classification. C o p y re cetved after thl time Hl be na Hier the headta Too Late to classify. The SUteaman im" HELP WANTED mm0000mm0mm0mmmmm mm mm mm, Berry pickere wanted., Can arter 7 O'clock, 14&fil axi.i-iiiiiuiJXri.ruii'i"i"i"i a - - - Want aooieoBe te drive car one way to western Canada.' : Box ii, Car Statesman Frea apartznnt te couple for overaeelng middle aged apart- meat bouse. 47 State. WANTED Berry ' pickers 7 , mL South oa Sllvsrton ri Elwla Heir. HELP WANTED MALE Automobile mechanic apace to rent In Moras garsge. Must bare own tools. I am sending repair work out. $17 N. Church. .n.n.ruuTM-i--i-i-i- : A sell Ins; organisation of 25 men Is required following the openlnc Of direct factory branch In Salem. Men without aeMing experience . will be given preference. If you are not afraid of hard work yoa can saafee rood money from start. Report ready for work Thnrshr 14 a. m. sharp. utte 11. 11 N. Commercial St. WANTEDS man aaechanicany in clined. Start work at once; apply at 147 N. Commercial St. Room 2U T fx m. today.-- I - T SITUATIONS WANTED Job 1J7F2. cuttiaa- II Tel. iWjVMTXBO Hoor work. Tei. 41S. IbeWeaaaaawssaeaaaaAsaM WANTED PosUlwn br practical nurse, geed cook. Win car for inva lids or small child ran. . Re tare aces a-lven. Pbone 4t. A ftirl, high school graduate wants work aa office cirt, clerk In or aim liar work. Will work for low waea for errertTw. TH. B148. FOR SALE MlsceDaneoua FOR SALE: shaft Ins, pulleys, Dane era Statesman Publiahlns Co. FOR SALE Old papera Ite a bun dle Statesman office. Trnaarrltera all jnakea. new and sed. Adders and typewriters for rent. Typewriter Bacaaase. . 121 Court -St. Kale' plants 1 thousand. 221S & Cottsge. PIANOS: $J. $4, . !.!. Kew pianos reduced to 19S and up. Also our new . stock of beautiful Srands reduced In proportloa. - See these wonderful buys at once. Terms $4 per month and up. Tallman Piano Store. South 12th at MlU St, Salem. . Oresoa. i - Marshall strawberrtee 4e la. Tou rick them. Take third road to left off Wallace road. Follow elna V. I Olhaon. - - ' WANTED filLscellaneoua WANTED Used ptaaoa ta x cbnnre oa radios, phonosrapba. or far altura H L Stiff Furalrara Csmatay Marine moved back ta alam I am quipped to do pa tot Ins, ttatanc aad Cum sralnlns. Contract ar day work reasonable ratea Drop card or call at 1C7S Tew St. Was. Vaaby. WANTED Old fir srnmpage. TeL 137F3. - Jhsnaesbj0ha WANTED AT ONCB XI yards dirt, top aotL opposite Salem Heights rhool R L. - Forster. Route 4, BoT tt. ; - MISCELLANEOUS Films developed and prints, ISc Silver Skew!. Bt. 1M. Slm, Ore. ! ROOM and BOARD T4tJnjJLrhrtrVwsfBf as a. si VM awft anlito lha Wsava. 1 rMWlA MbfilT A W W 4U THJV a ww mm . -mm mm Ins well Balanced eneala, also cool try sleeping rooms Cloae la. 151 N. 11th. TeL 22T. I I n n nn nnnrrii . . . - - - Room and board.- sarasa, modem pom. 9849 FtR RENT APARTMENTS -a M rtiun-h S and 1 reom furn. ant Llrhta, wattr. garara. VeeMnanasJheaaae Furnished apt. furnace, fireplace, tlS. TeL st. - Nice fur. apt. 490 Unlaw. ViriAjifYrrri'i'r . i . m mnm FIMB. Hew overstuffed furniture. aa. rights -I and Water, sarasa iree. jrieaaani ladr. 1 blocks north of Buucka mar' ket. between Liberty an uommercia street 344 Dlvlalon. , skjxrijxrxjxrtri Viivinrr"- .,. m avata Oawaaaif at farfth fM.Vta bath, nicely fornlshed. Located ta business district. CaU Patton's Book Store. . 1 Furnished apartaaent. rooms and bath and larso acre porch. One block from peatocnoa, sxa. or ran at ses r. uki To rent a boose, flat or apartment, SEE BECHTEL or THOatASON 111 Atata Street Room 4. They specialise In rentals. WELL furnished raoma and asta. for nreat at 2241 Basel Ave. - Tet t4l steassasasiaaasaab i sak a a a 4 tt sr4ft4b KT f"aai1 Fur. apta 1SI4 Center. TeL 424. POLLY AND HER PALS ; X VH lXyH rtXJ HAgrT HAPPENE.D IJ If I WAS JESS SONMA ASk) i TJ, vm t , r i ACROSS A PAIR OF T SyQU IF -VD SAW A ft J- W ' ' ------ III. a -- i mmmmmmmmmm ami I mmmmwmmmmm - 9101 i : bo Caamdal responsibility for errors which may ap pear la advertisements pub llsbed la its columns, and In cans where this paper is at fault wtti reprint that part or aa advertisement ta which tba typographical mistake occurs. The '. Statesman ' reserves tba right to reject objee tloaal advertising. It fur ther ' reserves tbo right to classify all advertising va der tba proper- classifica tion, i i FOR RENT APARTMENTS aaJXfbln-Jain.lnrlrlrr'lJ'l' " " a Ambassador 1 and 3 rooms. Well furnished. AH modern conveniences. - Attrac. tat floor apt. 114 N. 14th. eaeasaaaseaa'assaSesaa I-rm. turn. apt. 114. 255 N. 14th. FOR RENT HOUSES xrxfx-u-bruJsbT"l"ls Mod. fur. cottage far two. Tel. si4s. 39 N. CefamercaU. i i RENTALS ' ' F. L. WOOD 141 State Street 1 Six room fur. bouse, ttll Cheaaeketa. S room house, lilt aaarton. 114. Seven rm. bouse at -447 8. 14th. Foui bedrooms, bath. I12.S4 mo. O. Morgan. 145 N. 14th or Stateamaa office. H ' nirtifiil new flea ream bowse, bard wood floors Uamugkoot. tOe draaaaad bath : strictly modern. Teiepnone Emma Marphy Browc. 4111 or 4752. FOR RENT FTaia for adults, t to T room a f 39 to $44. Also houses, ate. BECKS HENUKWIUt . 129 North Mis Suae Five-room bouse, half acre subur ban. 14 month. Abrams Ellis, 411 Mason le mas. 4 rornnt lnoutre 1T74 N. Cwti'l. WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT A aeneral purpose farm f about ! acres. Have stock and equipment. David Heidln e-er, ar Bt, wewaerc. rwa mlm Urn FOR SALE REAL ESTATE eaSaesaaMaeaaSWssSaaas EXTRA GOOD BARGAINS - Nice nod era ft room bungalow on Court St. Large lot. fine lawn, aarab berr and flowera Oarage, choice lo cation, only 11(04). 404 down, baL 10 via. IT dealrea ax nice one a. auourwan noma cioae m. new ft K. buaKOtow, outbids., base ment, water system, electricity, I2, 190, ftee oown. bat. easy Terms. 212 Justice Court Bids. HOME AND INVESTMENT 7 room seml-modeni home, nrepiace. basement and aiz desirable bulidlns lots 1a rapidly. Improving district. All lots have large choice fruit and nut trees, cherrtes, pears and apples, grape arbor, two sa rages, garden, poultry bouse. On paved street near three schools. Nice view. WCQ sell all or part, terra See owner. T4S Rural avenue, rnone ess, rncta o aeu quick. i I acres and 4 rm. boeeev elec, barn, chicken house. famMy orchard. I acrea strawberries. $2244. . Cosv a-araew house and good lot ear Leslie Jr. high, Very -easy terms. i W1NNTB raTTTJOHK. Realtor 174 South High Stree . SUBURBAN HOMES PRICED , TO ELL 14754. 1H acres all plow land near pavea raaa ana scneoi omy iw miles) from cUy limits, best of soil, good plastered .heme with water avstam and electricity, two srood barn a, garase. chicken house, buiidlngs alone worth t m-fce. Must be casta. (Uld. New modern 4 room homo, has cement basement, furnace, fire- siaee. carage. paved read. I ami af sjood - land, about O mile from lty Itmrta . A veal home at the right price. 12244. cash. had. terms. 12254. One acre dose in with three , room plastered house, drilled well, e-arare and woodshed, electricity. 454. down. 424. per mo. ACT NOW. W. H. GRABENHOR8T CO., REALTORS 124 8. Liberty SU Phone lilt. NEW HOUR: Just completed. - five , nlee reams. hardwood floors throughout. gum wood in two rooms, fireplace. full cement basement, furnace, tile' bath and drain Dears, pavea k. b achoola Price 14454.. terms. Let us show yea this bargaia. W. H, ORABENHORST CO. ! U4 8. Liberty Street A. K mL of Salem on macadam road. II 44. Reasonable terma 11 A 1 mL east of Salem, fine 4 room aungalow, basement, bath, family ercnaro. aara, oa pavea roma. 'Price 44444. , 114 A 1 t from R. R. and school. 124 cultivates, 40 pasture, dark oil, 4 wetts, sprtag aad creek. familr ere hard. 7 room sou dairy bara - 44x14. 4 chicken bouses. 1 room borne, $14,444. Will trade for Salem or Corvallis property. $2444 to loan at t. MELV1N JOHNSON 224 U. a NafL Bank Bldg. -. Pbone 4744 LOT BARGAIN " 1 4 blocks from, 1st NafL Bank Bids, 42x144. owner called from Portlaad, must raise money, price only f iv. SOCOLOFSKT SON " First National Bask Bids. PROPERTY WITH A FUTURE A well located South Salem, aeml modern home of 7 nice rooms, choice lot 44x144 ft. some beautiful fruK aad shade tree a Price only $1444. casti $540, baL term to suit. If you want a real buy In a home, let us shew you this. i.rit xi mrrr.DS CO ' Realtors 224 State Street Phone 474$. FOR SALE Real EsUU - ACRE BNXr Located east of Salem Bear garden road no bettor soil in valley, lot of fruit of all kinds, ft K. modern bun galow plastered. Has else, light aad water system, bath, sewer, jgsrage. bara and nen novae, uwnw -as re iimI nrie to 42644 from 84644 for ulck deal. Payment ftowa, toat Ume Da pejawe. rw aa.iv oiuj bj" BECHTKL-THOMASON $11 SUte St. Roam 4 Phone (lit. (or a appointment, immeaiaia USTSN --; tat yoor rent buy yoa a alee little room boose aa extra fine lot In South Sslaoa. aaat front, pared atreet. ate ox nowers ana snruoa opaeuu rlca of aite far few days, fit down, li per smooth. LEO N. CHILDS COL. Realtor 12 State Street Phone 474$. RICH PROIXJCTrVK. SOIL -t acrea mm SOverton -Salem blshway. family orchard, some strawberrlea, good tMrtMina-s aaa creeK. prtoe f aea ; terms 3b 24 ACRES Close to Siiverton-Salem highway. rich prairie soil planted to t acres bearlaa- cherries, family orchard, clo ver and corn, awod set bldga. aleetrtc- tty. ITor short tune -offered at 14744. SEE Gelser with- ANDERSON R.TJPKRT 119 South Hish A REAL BARGAIN 4 room bouse N. E. part of Salem, hardwood floor in living room, full basement and rurnace. garage. 4jooa location, and price is only 42754. $494 down, easg; terms on balance. C J. Jackson, with W. O. KRUXGKR ; i 1 . 147 N. Commercial t s IWK THESE OVER THEN GET BUSY! LETS TRADE! S-afraa. aood soil. I -A. beannsr cnar- ries. new English type house cioae to Salem, paved road ; wants a place for aairy ,. . . . .... r. - ... . . : Good 4-R. house with hath aad elec tric lights and water system, garage and poultry house, claas to aalam on paved road. Trade for farm around 49-A. ..... -i 24-ACRES jsg. Good 4-R. house, good barn, sorne Umber, exceptional good dark aoU, electrio lights in iiouso aad bara. New drilled and cased well en paved road Between Salem and Jefferson Will trade for Salem property or sell for $540.44. down-payment. ? A9-mn.Pmn !. 7.Mlla Kalem. Paved Road ' t5A cultivation. 4 R. home. barn. larae poultry and hog bouse, potatoes. bouse, water ajuiem, runnmsr wtuir, some alfalfa, most all good bottom soli. .Trade for bouse in feaiem i part. &iAKS at -ruwajn. jxemtora : 184 South Commercial St. EXCHANGE Real Estate To trade a five room house In MMh slm fae asnall acrease -claas in with good bnfldinga Sea Harold White. Statesmaa. . Will trade my $1404.04 equity is t good houses for a clear farm of earns valae or WiU aeu at sac ru ice. rnum 4003 after 4 p. m. We bave a fine stock ranch of 444 acres, I room bouse, I Darns, water nioed to house and bara. 44 acres til labia. Da lance gooa pasture aua ui fenced, and owner will take Income la Salem or Portland. A anlendid Salem modern I home worth $5604? to trade for small farm. . ft well rm proved acres wortn siosv and owner wants good iarm. f snrmfrr a penntnoton 204-14 U. S. Bank. Bldg. Phone 4824. FOR EXCHANGE 84 acre timber tract la Clackamas cosnrv valued at 82044 and a neat ft room eotlaaa In S. Salem, value $2.- 404. Will exchange both for a c roam- house of even value ana preier aorta or east Salem, LEO N. CHILDS CO, Realtors S?4 State Street Phone 4748. FOR SALE FARMS 59 ACRE FARM SNAP All atockad and equipped. Creo all In and ready ta aarvest. Ail nca doi tom land. 4 acres alfalfa. It A. clo ver, horse a sows, heifers. - lot . of chickens, hogs. pigs. Practical It new K. pouae. nas Data room, mubimbl bara. aaraae. poultry houses aad 42 A. under plow, 4 A. fine timber and pasture, sprtng water piped to bldgs. Owner is forced to sell on acct, ax age and ill health. Cut price from $11. 404 to $9409. His loss your gala. For particulars, bek BECHTKL or THOMASON No information given over phone. Office 241 Stats Street . Room 4. Three good going farms 83 acres 149 acres 1X9 acres, stocked ana quipped; for sale at bargain prices or win exchange for small close-in acreage or good city property. Have t room house, t tots, f rait, garden, etc, chicken house: bargain at $2,404 of1 WiU trade for ft cloae in. ; smrrxis a blasts; . Oreron BMt. TeL 84l. ACREAGE SNAP: One acre home dose la with new small bouse, plastered, elec tricity, garage and woodshed. Price 82254. 2S4 down.- 424 per. mo. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. W. H. QRABENHORST a CO. 124 & Liberty Street - SMALL ACREAGE CLOSE IN Choice t acre trofct with erne fil bert and walnut trees, most alt plaat ed to corn. Price $460, cash $25. baL fie per momn, int. Another S acre tract with t bouse, electric . lights, good welL chicken bourn for 309 heaa H planted to garden. Price $1244, cash 25. bat ill per monto. int. A acre tract with 4 room house. chicken coops, rabbit bu tehee aad gar age, race flies, casa fe. montniy. LRO N. CHILDS CO.. Realtors 224 State Street Phone 74t. WANTED REAL ESTATu Have buyer for good small farm In Howell Prairie, must be good soli. good bldgs. and on good road; V499S caan, aaa wiu C J. Jackson with W. O. KRUEGER 147 North Commercial "Lost Business Opportunities Qiocerv Mora, aood nels-hhsrhnod. stock and fixtures, $444. Beat reas- onabla 411 Stataamaa. OAS 8TATI0N dt v REPAIR SHOP BTORAGH WHl Invoice about 4(44. ,Ti good opportuntty. 8ocoLorsm7r a ooff First National Rank Bid. ' MONET TO LOAN fsaoessM9aasjq SALARY . AND rtTRNITHRH LOANS $1 ta $3441 1 to $4 months te pay. . uutck mmca, fair treatment State Loaa Cemeaay, Jit Oregoa BlSg-, tad floor. Off. hours 14 a. m. ta 4:14 p. aa. Telephoao 124$. Lleeasaj by state. laaaey loaned on diamonds, watch es, suns, pistols, suits, musical lav timensa sosara xieid ats mtia tjpe writersj bcyoiea. aalt casta - trowks. etc. star Jtecttanga, Ml N. Com L TeL B94S. acaama pawnoroaar: , MONBF LOANED ON AUTOS Coatrscta Refinanced Arrange to reduce your payments. Too keep the car. P. A. EIKXR Cor. Lfbertv SL and Ferrs . Pboae 4732 Salem, Ore. 'Bells of Harmony Heard aver KOIN daOy ring put a loaa service thaS la raxUy, really, different. NO DEDUCTIONS . i NO FEES NO OTHER CHARGES ONLT LAWFUL INTEREST STRICT PRTVACT QTJIC2C AND eOTTRTEOUa ERYICX VN JAJtANS 41' tO 4S . Beneficial Loan Society ' OF OREGON Room 114 New Bflgh Bldg. tad Fleer 414 Stabs St. TeL 1-7-4-0. LICENSED BT STATE CITT AND FARM leaae at lowest ratasv Beat -cerma- obtainable, oar Insurance department offers jroa ex pert advice aaa service in ail linea, RinrrrMa a rarrrts lns.t TeL 410$ 15 Oregon Bids. PERSONAL LOANS MADE aw furniture, cars, , salaries sr other .good security. Repayable monthly. When la nnanciai ased us before closing a loan. qgmekal rr v r.T? i sauifi r nriRPORATION First National Bank Bldg. Phone $58$ wanted a loan on live stack and personal property Terms to suit your convenience. National Lean and Finance Co. 4i Bans ex (jem, suag, L tees sed by state. LOANS WANTED WANTED Private money to oa real estate. . , RrALTOBS 124 8. Liberty St. TeL 441. Wanted to borrow $2404.44 private money. Good -security. inc. Chemelreta, Salem. - ' FOR SALE WOOD ir and if wood, also Planer wood, $5.54 per cord load delivered rrom car. 9.v irom vara, v-oom si MitebeU Co. 444 SL 12th. 744. 4V4s4ksMavW4sasssssassassls nriMiANTEED DRT Weed coaL TeL 1404 Salem Fuel Co. 118 Trade. 14 In. old fir 14.44. 2nd growth 4 ft. $4.75. TeL 4474 evenmsa nuT fir and aak - wood, coal and fuel oIL Can oa us f or prices, we givs good measure, good quality aad ma4 MrvlA. - LAKUiktt TrtaxisriUt ' St BiVAUIS Tewpnone siu Best sreod for the money at Tracy's Fuel Tard. TeL 8944. Dry fir.- Baggie's Fuel Tard. TeL 17 xs. LOST and FOUND sasSBsakaShssasaaeajSsaSesaasSayssj LOST Pair ladies light taa kid sjorea TeL 882. FOR SALE USED CARS sbsanaKpssjpBaeasSaSvaaaaaSsa Salem Used Car Center 1924 Austin Coupe ' 1924 Buick Spt. Coupe 1917 Buick Coacn 1924 Bolck 4 Pass. Coupe 1924 Buick coacn 1924 Chevrolet Sedan 1927 Chevrolet Coach 1929 Essex - Coach 1929 Ford Sedaa 1924 Ford Coup 1924 Ford Coupe 1924 Ford Roadster 1924 Ford. Coupe 1916 Ford Coupe 1924 Ford Sedaa 1914 Ford Cos De 1924 Ford Roadster 1424 Ford Tearing 1924 .Ford Touring 1911 Ford Uoooe 1929 Graham-Paige Sedaa 1927 Paige Cabriolet Coupe I92f Ret s seoaa 1424 Stearns Knight Coups 1924 studebaker sedan 112$ Studebaker LL 6 1124. Overland Coach . - make: us an offer on cars 1924 Willys-Knight Roadster 1924 Essex Coach 1926 Oldsmobtle Touring 1124 Otdsmoblle Touring 1924 Hudson Couoe 1928 Franklin Roadster, balloon tires lsix r rankun Koaaster 1926 Star Touring 1914 Ford Couoe Make us en after on the above cars. We may take it and we may not 1 Trucks 1921 Ford long wheel base 426 499 1929 Ford short wheel base 1928 Ford short wheel 875 1929 Chevrolet with wood body 276 1924 Chevrolet, no body , , 254 1924 Crnrvrotet everhauled 424 1928 Ford panel delivery 876 1927 Ford. Watford sear box $5 1426 Ford long wheel base 91 Salem Used Car Center . Marion and Liberty ' Open Eveniags and Sundays Phone 7114 and Found $226 , 715 -, - $54 $46 its . $46 226 isa .. 425 426 - $54 . 45 ss - 54 - 40 44 . $5 . ' ' $5 . ;$s , , , - $4 . "67 $45 , .,- n 276 244 1SS Sedan 45 145 FOU S ALC USED CAES Used Cars and Trucks Valley Motor Company MM Tudor iOts aew . ... t$.44 Stsadtr Ooupa $ ply 1224 tiros . 441.44 1424 Madard Ceupe Saes Ford si cetoaOlttoasa, -. - new paia .., - 4W.44 Roadster, rum Me seat . 444.44 Roadstarv rumble see . 125.11 Pordor- sales ajTssad - toad tired ,. ltO.04 Tudar salt cevars 144.04 Coupe, leather sgdtolstsry Roadater - , , 116.04 W have 25 others- under 144.44 AA track spaed trans, trailer it feet body 418.44 xatevreftst f ayL truck . 876.44 TT track aasltlary ' .. trass. . J ,. ' i ' 86.44 Panel r. , $75.44 OTHER MiKTCS 1414 1424 1421 lit! 1424 1444 1$$T 1424 1424 llf till 1414 Graham-Paige Jiita Koctawest xaa.es unaer manual. XTC AS 192T Type Hupmotma Sedaa - $24.44 L424- Chevrolet Sedan , $44.94 112 Essex Coach 1st series $44.44 TERMS TRADES Valley Motor Company Phone 21S Center s4 Liberty ATTENTIOXl pAXNTXNO X3NTRACTOm . Bibs WILL fil AJCCtPT-D for tbo labor - at cWaala; And palntlns only, tbo Yarious blld-4 -L-4 at tno Oracoa Stata Hoaplt- aL Saiom, Oregon, up to 10:09 in., Saturday. J ana IS, 1$ 31. Spoclflcatlong tor this work may obtained at tha orxleo of tbo Secretary of taa Orogoa Stata Board of Control, Salem, Oregon, Co-tractors aro to conform to taa eil8tln$; law of trio Stato ot Oragon. ' -r- . -. h William ZMnaig. Temporary Secy. Orogroa. tata Board of Control, Saio-a, Orogtm, : - J.-Il. q Business AMUSEMENTS Saiam Golf Cenrse t mites south oa River Drive, It bote watered fair ya. large green a Fees Tea, awnoays ad heUdajta. U.44. BATTERY 1LECTRIC1AN R. D. Barton National Batteries Startes and senerator work. Tex ace station! corner Court and Choreh. BICYCLE REPAIRING r.Tr-rr ramsden Columbls Blcyclea and repairing. 847 Court. The b4st m bicycles and repairing. H. W. IBcott, 147 w. uwat m eta. HIMNEY SWEEP Telephone 4484. R. & Nerthness CHIROPRACTORS Dr. OUbert, Ore, Bldg.- TeL $442. Dr. O. 25$ N. L, SCOTT, PSC Chlrepractor. High, TeL Rea $672. DBS. 8COFIELD. Palmer Chiroprac tora X-ray and N. C M. New Bank Bldg, 1 1 CLEANING SERVICE Center St. Vslererla. Tet 4442. ELECTRICIANS HA LIE ELECTS ITJ CO. New ttoo. 82T Court St. TsL 4444. E. L Welch electrle shop. Wiring. fixtures and Mppues. uec, 1411 8. ComL TeL 8238. FLORISTS rUlVKM FOR ALL Olson's, Court aad High Bt, TeL T 144. ALL kinds of floral work. Lots Flor ist. 14th 4t Market. TeL 7X. CUT Flowers, wi I wreaths. 4 apt. Cor 1st. wedding bouquets funeral decorafioaa. u. w. Brelthaapt, 61$ sute street. TeL 6994. GARBAGE Salem Scavenger. TeL 4614 or T404, HEMSTITCHING NEEDLEWORK. 41$ Court Margaret's Shop, INSURANCE - BECKS I8t N. Htgb HENDRICKS . TsL . 4$4T W1LLAMETTB INS. AGENCT Wn BHveo, Mgr.' , ITrnlusm trnOat11 Asa St ' 211 Masonlo Bldg. . TeL Till LAUNDRIES THE NEW BAIXM LA UN DRT THW WS1DER LAONDRT 2ft & High . . TeL 911$ CAPITAL CITT LAUNDRY "We Wash Everything ta Lux" Telephone 8148 1244 Broadway MATTRESSES Martrassee rrom facte ta home. Ask about our' wool mattrrssia Ranovat- era and fumlgatere Capital City Bed ding Co. TeL. 4044. $424 North Cap. FOR SALE USED CAC3 Qood-Will Used Cars BOLD WITH A GUARANTY 1919-Oaklaad Eight Jedsa 1428-Oakl d Sedan 435-44- 14S4-ChesTlst Sedaa' Delivery 4(5.44 1428-Chevrolet Coach sit.ee 836.44 126.64 . $54.44 . M8.04 . 148.04 1924-Eaass: Sedaa 1929-Ferd Ceach 1914 rontiao Coupe l17-Chevrolet -Coach 1124-Cbevroiet -Coupe $5 Down As maay as $4 months -to pay for say ar taa unavst ears: 1924- 4-Hi 46.44 44.44 -46.44 46.44 1924-Essea Ooacb 1924-Star Tourtam chMmrs 1424-Ford Delivery: gtasa 14t4-FOrd Tourimr 46.44 A few others to choose frees. WOOD -.Wff EATON 4 JVLOTOR CO. Oakland Phone 4558 Peotlae USED CAR DEPARTMENT . J- 645 "Chemelreta NOTICE OF YVKAJ " SETTLKM NT Notlco la boreby giren taat the nndsttrjued bAi .filed ta tbo County Court of tbo 8tnto ot Ora gon. Cor tbo Coaaty of Martoa, bor daly verified, final aceouat, as adxalnlstratrlx of tbo ostata of Cbarlei Cieslsk, deceased, aad that said Court baa fixed Taoaday, tbo ICtk day of Jnno. 1911, at tho hour of ten o'ctock A. M. of said day as tbo tlmo, and tba County Court Room In tbo County Court bouse at Salem, la Marlon County, Orogon, as tbo place for hoaxing; said final account and all objoctloas thereto. Dated at Salem Oregon, this 14th day of May. 1911. HATTIE CIESLAK, AdmlnLfo tratrtx ot the esUto of Charles Closlak, Deeeaaed. RONALD 42. GLOVER. Salem, Oregon. Attorney for AdminUtra- trlx, M-l 4-2 1-2 8-J-4-1 1. Directory MUSIC STORES GEO. - - C. WILL Pianos. Phone-grsp-s, sewing machines, sheet music. sad puma stuaies. wepairns; po- ftal ohs and sewing -. machines. . 4iz tats Street. Salem. - OFFICE SUPPLIES Ererythieg ia office suppliea Cam- merclal Book Store. 113 N. Com'L Tel. 4B34, PLUMBING and HEATING PT.TTURIVfi end aeneral repair work. Graber Broa, 144 so. Liberty. Tel 4R94. PAPER HANGING WallBaner cleaned like now work guaranteed. Call 3754. J. EL Johnson. Paper hanging and painting. Nou mea's Paint Store. 152 N. Com'L PHONE GLENN ADAMS for house d act ova ting, paper hanging, tinting. etc- Reliable workman. PRINTING FOR STATIONER T. earda pamph- lets, wregrama books or any kind of printing, call The Statesmaa Print ing Department. $1$ S. CommerciaL Telephone 414L RADIO FOR every Purpose, tor every pui All staaaard arses or ttsaie -ruoea EOFF ELECTRICAL SHOP. 247 Court St. TeL 4114. RADIO SERVICE LABORATORT Guaranteed eereice on sll seta 1216 N. 12th. $116. Wm. SechteL WHEN TOO WANT A REAL EN GINEKR CALL , . RADIO H-ADQUARTERS 1T5 8a. High - Phone 1264. STOVES STOVES and stove repairing. Stoves for sale, rebuilt aad repaired. All kinds of wavea wire fence, fancy and plain, bop baskets, hooks, loran hooka Salem Fence and Stove Works, 242 Chemeketa. TeL 4774. R. B. Fleming. TAILORS D. H. MOSHER Tailor for men aad women. 474 Court St TRANSFER CAPITAL CITT Transfer Ca 224 Stato 81 TeL TTT8. Distributing, for warding and storage our specialty. Get our ratea. For local or distant transfer stor age, can 3121. Lsrmer Transfer Co. Trucks to , Portland dally. Real Estate Directory o BECK 189 N. High HENDRICKS TeL 444T . S. M. KARLB 224 A. Htgb St. TeL 947$ Jj LINCOLN ELLIS 41$ State TeL $171 . SOCOLOFSKT A BON v 214-6 First Nat, Bk. Bldg. TeL 7247 1. T. ULRICH . F. L, WOOD State SU 441 TeL Tl$4 HOMER D. 87414- State FOSTER BBAI.TT CO. TeL T43S W R. ORABENHORST 4VCO, 124 B. Liberty SL - TeL 441$. By CLIFF STERRETT Story Is Verified McCOT. Jane 14 EnnU D. W-U aad Elton (Slim) Raa hari returned from an extended f lshln trlp at East lake where they demonstrated the fact that they art there when It comes to hook in tat fspeckled beautlet.M They bronfht back S2 with aothlnr un der II Inches, llm taugkt the largest trout whlchj relghed"4 pounds and measured 2f incnes. EaoU caaxbf a beautiful full flusbed ssnbsra, and patronised every beauty shop, oa tho lake. . slim Rao detnoustrated tho fact that be Is aomo sailor, because ho waatbered a aerero lake storm and brought tbo smaU boat safely ta 4ort,i IacldentaQy SHm can not awlm nor can ho float aad all tba lake might hare gone down Ma throat. i , Tnoogn a xi ear and a bear cross ed about E0 feet la front of tha oar, kicked up their heels and ran late the) brush, Ryder Finn. and Waldo Finn, also members of the crowd, wore able to bold Slim aad Enaig '.la: the car aad' bring them ear eiy, name. , V- 1 : PASTOR TO BE HONORED SILFERTON, June 10 Im manuet congregation at SUverton Is plannibc a dinner and after noon program in honor of Its pas tor. KjsTi J. If.' Jensen, who wtu then Obaerro the 25th annlrerr sary of his ordrartton. Rev. Mr. Jensenf was ordained at fit, Paul. Minnesota, oa June 17, 14 Of. He NOTICE OF rrOLNTMEKT OF i AmiNlSTRATRII i Notice la herehy given that .the Hnoerstgaed aas been duly ap pointed by the County Court -of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion, as Administratrix of the estate of W. E. Ingalls, de ceased, and that ghe has " duly qaallfled as such Administratrix; all perfoaa having elaimi against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified . to present the tune, duly verified, to me. at tbo Office of Ronald C. Glover, my at- torner, j20J Oregon Building, Sa lem, Oregon, within six months from the! date of this notice. J Dated fat Salem, Oregon, this 4th day of May. 1931. f UORTENSE M. INGALLS. Ad ministratrix of tne Estate oi v. E. Iagajbi. Deceased. I RONALD C. GLOVER, Attor ney for Administratrix, Salem, Oregon.i-rM-1 4-2 1-2 8-J-4-1 1. MECTJTOR'S NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That thai undersigned, by an or der of the County -Court of the SUte oi Oregon, for the County Qf Marion, duly maae ana enierea On the Ibth day of June, 1931, was appointee xecutor oi tne Estate Of ADA F. GARDINER, DECEASED, and that he has duly Qualified las such Executor. All persons j .having claims against said Estate are hereby notified to present Ithe same, duly verified. as required by law, to him at tne law offices ot JAS. G. heltzel. in the CUy ot Salem. In Marlon County. Oregon, witnin six months Of the date of this notice. Dated this 1 1th day of June 1131. EARL GARDINER, Executor of the Estate of ADA F, GARDINER, Deceased. Date lot First . Publication: June lllfltll. Date pt Last Publication: July i. itii.ii - ' - I! Cross -Word Puzzle Br EUGENE SUEFFER jl' p 3 14 5 16 7 JO j? 140 Ui 112 I TrT M " "" Wit M& I II I l 1 I " . ' ' ' t ftsbsssMssssslftsVssssPssasssssssssSBBBBBsssaBBm 5 HORIZONTAL. SS ergreea tree 88 personal pronoun 19 hunting dogs 42 symbol for tantalum 4J-. -possessive 1 1 footjlerer 7 detieiency 13 UUsmaa 1 14V -one "who i avoids by stratagem 15 -fail to Sir . 'u-ESS ronoua i s -Dooular place 46 brawl 47 expand I name for a yiolin 17 100 'square . meters .. ;i8-prepared fori conflict 1 20 wifigUke seed 21 detigram ,- (abbr. ' 22 guided 24 near 25 ghpstly 27 aspires 29 antient I citydrt -'. S Chaldca ' 30 bulky ,1 Chinese - mile Jl angler's Y . baeket Herewita Is the solution to yes terday's puzrle. o-u MX OWIIUslL sW-M IsMww ssy $IBaX l4at 1 - ! " s erred a number of years la North Dakota and 16 years In Iowa, He came to S'Irertoa three rears ago last October. Ml Hil da Olson Is la charge ot arrange ments for Sundays affair. Rickey Girl Wins Honors RICKEY. June If J Mist Yea- eta LaBraache, the! daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. La Branch, is among- those who graduatel from ffaiem.high school this year. Miss LaBraache - received her grammar school caseation and first two years of high school at the Saeret Heart academy. She entered- Salem high I; about two years ago. Hiss LaBraache was an honor roll- pwplt during, hot third year aad a member ot the county typ ing team this year, 18 he is also an accomplished violinist and pianist, . Saie Robberies w " i. a- Arouses J enKins PORTLAND, Ore.. June 10 - (AP) As a result of five aafe robberies In wbkh ' yeggs have taken about $79 00 here during the last two nights. Chief of Police Leon V. Jenklas Tuesday instruct- sd all officers to "give strict at- -teaUoa to all safes In their dls- trlcts,- "Get those fellewi. If poss! Me," the order read. Insanity Claim Wins Acquittal ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. June 19 t (AP) Michael Burke, Iff, was acultted late Tuesday j by a' lory here of charges that he fatally wouaded John Isher, a mechanic, during an attempted holdup last January 11. Burkes defease was that he suffered from paranoial! a form of Insanity. Woman to Face ElectricChair JEFFERSON, O-, June 10 (AP) The verdict of ja jurjr of 12 men Tuesday doomed Mrt. Ju lia Maude Lowther, 23-year-old West Virginia hill girlj to death in the electric chair foil the mur der of Mrs. Clara Smith;! it. moth er of two children, and wife of her paramour, on May; 29. 1930. - .: : CHILD IS BURKED , PERRYDALE, Junal 10 Ger aldine Brlxey. the small sister of Mrs. Levi McKee iii suffering, from severe burns received Tues day night as abo was climbing the stairs on .her way to bed. - She was carrying a candle and stooped to pick up something on the stair and her nightdress be came ignited, burning her cheat and ' neck and arm quite badly. She Is being cared for by Dr. Bollman of Dallas. , ORANGE TO MEET TURNER, Jane 10 - Surprise grange will meet in their first evening meeting Saturday even ing. June 13. After business and initiation work, they Invited friends to come about 9 o'clock to enjoy a set ot moTing pictures on The Roto Lactor (milking ma chine) of the Walker-Gordon lo boratorlos. .1 4Pcity ia Wtseonsin SI obliterates It members of aa Indian tribe ES austere 64 meal - VERTICAL, 1 show off voy 6 cubie meter 7 adjourn ! 9. nullifies P aroolea waste 10 Icelandle literature 11 basement 12 negotiate 19 interpose 22 male f - ancestors 23 gifts of charity 28 repent 28 as nist 82 rebukes 83 withdraw 84 epistle 85 wrinkle 86 expiates 87 crudest '40 plural ot this 41 bluender ' 44-r-bne of Elavonls group 40 seaport oi Latvia 48 mother oi Peer Gyra 10 head area 8 sand hill 4 beer