The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 09, 1931, Page 5, Image 5

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    The QUEGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Tuesday Morning, Jan 9, 1931
pag:: i iv :
Local New s Briefs
Joint picnic Elaborate plans
are taking: shape for the annual
Joint T. M. C. A--Y. W. C. A. pic
nic to be held Friday erenlng,
Jane 19. at Hager's grore. In ad
dition to a full program of sports
and . entertainment about the
campflre, there will be swimming
races and exhibitions by the life
Barings corps sponsored by the
Red Cross. All boys and girls who
participate In programs of the
two associations are Inrited, and
are urged to bring their parents.
The plans are in charge of offi
cials of the two groups.
May Participate The Salem
Y."M. C. A. may send a group of
swimmers to participate In the
northwest swimming matches to
be held at Jantsen beach Thurs
day, June 25. Both boys" and
men will compose , the swimmers
from yarious associations which
will enter teams. ' It will possibly
be a week or 10 days before It is
definitely known whether a Salem
eroUD -will compete, howerer ser-
ers.1 men and Joys are , already
practicing for the erent.
Tor Sale A limited amount of
Oregon Pulp Paper, 8 First
Preferred. Hawkins Roberts.
Nana rlsvUhln; Joseph Hunn
of Salem, son of Mr. and Mrs.
J. J. Nunn. $40 N. lth street.
will be among the students who
receive their degrees from Cor
nell university June 15. accord
ing to word received here. He has
majored la the course tor me
chanical engineers and Is a mem
ber of Tau Beta Pi, honorary
scholastic society In engineering.
and of Telluride association, fra
ternal order. T .
Plan Drum Corps Scoats of
Troop 12, sponsored ! by Jason Lee
church, considered organization pr
a drura and bugle corps, at their
regular meeting in 1 the church
basement last nignt. it was an
nounced W. C. Black, 1340 North
Summer street, troop commKtee-
,man, would treat the troop to an
ice cream "feed" next Monday
night, in honor of their capturing
meet last Saturday.
See Russ Smith, Center
Church, for tire bargains.
' Present Charter O. P. West.
scout executlre, last night pre
sented to Mayor P. Mf Gregory
as president of. the Hollywood
community club' charter for troop
six. Boy Scouts. The troon la
sponsored by the Hollywood club.
Gregory in turn presented tne
charter to the troop committee.
who presented it to the scoutmas
' ter, Albert E. Page.
Appraisers Named D. B. Hill,
Harrr .vi axnn ana j. r - sniua
M - -9 V 1 l&k.
have been named appraisers of
Marion county land belonging to
estate of H. A. Sharpies, incom
petent. George R. Duncan
guardian of the estate, valued at I
ii i
: 12150. Appraisers for Linn coun
ty property are L. A. Eada. Frank
Caraway and S. O. Hlggins-
Snes For" Divorce Complaint
for divorce was filed in circuit
court here vesterdav bv Theodore
C, Amend against Marie Amend.
He charges that she deserted him
in March. 192$. They were mar
ried in October, 1$ 14. There are
three children, whose custody he
t seeks.
Have you cash that MUST be
sale; we nave Brrerai iiouse, iui
and land buys that MUST be sold.
We specialize on selling estate
properties and property that
must be sold.-The safest invest-!
ment on earth is the earth itseit.
Becks & Hendricks, 1 189 N. High
street. .
Frona Oak Grove Jake R is ley
' of Oak Grove was a business vis
itor In town yesterday. " Rlsley
came in to confer with the coun-
A ma m as vafeHwa
tion of three rock crushers which
he will handle for the county this
Mrs. Emmons Here Mrs. Su
sie Emmons, principal at Park
school here last year but now as
sistant county school supervisor
in Multnomah county, is in town
from Portland. Mrs. Emmons has
charge of 183 teachers In her
present position.
Rotary Program - James U.
Campbell, justice of the Oregon
supreme court, will ! address, the
Rotarians at the regular luncheon
meeting Wednesday. A ballot will
be taken on future course for pay
ment of luncheons, whether It be
f weekly or quarterly.
Return Filed Jn connection
with suit for wages of W. W. Pat
terson vs. Northwest canning com
pany, return on execution has
been made showing that personal
property sold for $19 3 5. John
Fressen bid In $615 ! worth of the
goods and office equipment sold. ;
niwnlnc Xurserv Mrs. Helen
Parker has announced that she
will open a nursery at 475 North
High street. She has severed con
nections wuh former assistants,
.a 1 1 knaMftil 9r9 ia nroaonf
by Mrs. May belle Scis an.
At . Jack's Bridgs F r a n-k
; Johnson, county, roadmaster, and
Jim Smith, county commissioner,
were at Jack's bridge yesterday
'afternoon to watch the winding
up of work there, j .
Blarriage License-Henry Deg-
gene, 23, and Ameua jsnu, is.
both of Sllverton,;wTre granted
license to marry whe-n they ap
peared before the i county clerk
here yesterday. j
-. . i"
Her Tomorrow Judge Gale
S. Hill . of circuit court depart
ment two will be here Wednesday
in connection with habeas corpus
proceedings Drougm oy-Marine
lieljic. - v
. Hake Entry On petition.
amendment has been made to en
.try In probate journal in connec
tion with the estate or James u
Phelps, of whkh Arabella Phelps
has been executrix, j j
Application In case of J. W.
Barnes ys. M. D. Mayfield and
others, application to place on
trial docket has been filed with
the county clerk. i -.
Released From Jail Otto II ea
sing, held in the county jail here
the past! week, was returned to
ML Angel yesterday morning for
hearing before Justice of . the
Peace Frank MeldL H easing was
charged with attempting to com
mit murder on person of his
brother-in-law. Alphonse Stupfel.
after the two men disagreed at
Hessing'a home, j H easing alleged
that he used the gun only after
Stupfel refused to leave his home
after Hessing had ordered him to
do so. ; Hessing was allowed to
go free on his own recognizance
and pending good behaviour.
-Time Schedale changed The
Y. M. C, A. operated for the first
time yesterday on the new sum
mer swimming schedule, which
will be In effect until September
15. Classes for both men and
women are on the new, time, with
the girls and women to meet
Wednesday and Thursday after
noons; and the men's and Boys
classes to be held during the oth
er days of the week.
- ii - :
Meeting Wednesday The exe
cutive board of Willamette chap
ter. American Red Cross, will
meet Wednesday noon at the
Gray Belle. Several matters of
imnortance will b considered, In
eluding the yearly budget, plans
for roll! call time and move to
ward taking over full financial re
sponsibility of the local chapter.
Judge George Roasman is chapter
Baby i chicks bargain started
and day old Reds. Rocks. Han
son White Leghorn. Short time
only. 810.00- per hundred. Sa
lem's Petland. Tel. 8767.
Sending Team The Salem T
M. C. A. is planning to send a
men's volley ball team to-Port
land Tuesday, July 16, to enter
competition with the Y. "M. and
industrial plant teams there. A
tournament has been arranged
there for that date as part of a
plan to keep interest in volleyball
alive during the summer months
Citation Issued In connection
with petition of Eena company.
for removal of W. A. Liston as
administrator of the estate of Ju
lia A. Liston, Liston has been
cited to appear in probate court
June 22 to show cause for alleged
failure to mark return on apprais
al within required time.
To Award Letters Life say
ing emblems will be awarded
Thursday night at 7:30 o'clock
at the Y. M. C. A. to the mem
bers who passed the junior and
senior Red Cross life saving ex
aminations conducted recently.
Judge George Rossman will make
the presentation.
For Sale A limited amount or
Oregon pulp & Paper. 8 First
jj-UBjeferreJ. Hawkins & Roberts.
' . ... . .
amena vompuunt iioDert C
Paulas has filed amended com
plaint in his case against Charles
T. Parker. The suit arises out of
injuries sustained in ah accident
which occurred out from Port
land on the Portland-Salem high
way September 26, 1929. Paulus
seeks total of $2972.56 damages.
Appraisal Frieda M. Oehler,
A. E. Schirman and Martin Fer
eshetlan have appraised estate of
George fV. Plank at $2,788.48,
according to papers filed yester
day with the probate court. '
In Hospital Mrs. Flora Thom
as has entered the Emanuel hos
pital in ! Portland to undergo a
major operation. She went down
Saturday In company with her
daughter, Mrs. E. J. Scellars, who
returned Sunday.
Home i; From School David
Eyre, Edwin Cross and Reynolds
Alien are among those expected
home from college and university
this week. Eyre will arrive Wed
nesday, ij
Worth 17351 Report of
appraisers in connection with es
tate of Anna Hopfer shows the
estate worth $17,851.45. Ap
praisers were N. M. Lauby, C. J.
Terhaar and Paul Fuchs.
- :
Report Featured Hal Powell
of Tillamook will give a report on
the international Kiwanls club
luncheon at Miami. Fla., at the
regular meeting of the Salem
club this noon.
Examinations Willamette un
iversity students are winding up
the year's work this week, the en
tire time of which is being devo-
tea to examinations.
Come For Summer Frank and
John Parker are here from "Van
couver, wash., to spend the
month with their mother, Mrs
Helen Parker.
Board Sleeting-r-The last meet-
lag of the Y. W. C. A. official
board until fall will be held at the
association club rooms this morn
ing. .;;...-:
For Sale A limited amount of
Oregon Pulp & Paper. 8 First
Preferred. . Hawkins 4t Roberts.
Birth Reported Mr. and Mrs.
Tom .Webb of Turner are parents
of a S ',6-pound . daughter, born
Sunday at the Jackson maternity
home here. The baby has been
named Barbara Jean, :
Wltaeas eseratleB r loss sf tLne,
StOtcoa Bldg. Paos S50S
' ' - i -' -'---
Call PfllO, Used Furniture
: &?portini ...
151 W. Bign
- j i j
Kirks Leaving East Prof . and
Mrs. William E. Kirk cj Willam
ette university, who have been
at New York City where Prof.
Kirk has been studying while on
year's leave of absence, will
leave there about the middle 'of
this month on their return trip
but will visit friends and rela
tives in Delaware, Maryland,
Washington, D. C, Nebraska and
California before returning and
will not be here until about Sep
tember 1. Prof. Kirk who has
been on the Willamette faculty
for 23 years, will resume his du
ties in the falL.
To Meet Teachers Further
plans for the summer session in
the grade schools will be discuss
ed at a meeting called for 9:15
o'clock this morning by Miss Car
lotta Crowley, who will direct the
schools, to be held at the Park and
Grant buildings. Salem teachers
who will be on the summer
school faculty will attend the
meeting this morning.
It ran km of Classes A reunion
of confirmation classes of 1928,
1929 and 1930. at which time
the class of 1931 will be re
ceived, will be held at the Ameri
can Lutheran church Thursday
evening. The event vlll take
the form of a banquet, arrange
ments for which are in charge of
Miss Wilms Horn. Rev. P. W.
Eriksen, pastor of the church,
will preside. ;
Board Meeting The regular
session of the school board for
the Salem . district will be , held
this evening in the city superin
tendent's office. Several matters
will come before the board rela
tive to work at the end of the
year. :, , , : -
Allen' Arrested A. A. Bonney
pleaded not guilty to a charge of
securing an angler's license with
out first having in his posses
sion a gun license. Bonney is an
alien and thus required to have
both. He will be given a hearing
June 17. !
Draws Jail Sentence George
J. Volkman plead guilty to a
charge of driving while drunk
when he appeared in justice court
on Monday.' He was sentenced to
0 days in jail, a fine of $100
and his driver's license was re
voked for one year.
Dollar dinner every night,' 5:45
to 8 at the Marion hotel. ; ,
In Portland Mrs. Winnie Pet
tyjohn and daughter Miss Helen
motored to Portland Monday to
attend the funeral of Mr3. Ada
Crump Sauvle, who died at a
Portland hospital at midnight
Outing Committee to Meet
The annual outing committee of
the Chemeketans will hold a. meet
ing tonight at Y. M. C. A., when
plans for the outing which will be
taken in Rainier national park
will be discussed.
Meeting Tonight Commander
L. C. McShane of the Sons of
Union Veterans of the Civil War
urges full attendance at the meet
ing this evening, the last prior to
the state convention in ; Portland
June 22, 23 and 24.
Pleads Guilty J. H. Beck en
tered a plea of guilty to . charge
of reckless driving and was fined
$15 and costs by Justice of tne
Peace Miller B. Hayden.
Visitor in City M. J.' Mahony,
resident of the Mahony district
In this county, was a business
caller in the-city Monday.
Returns From Seattle - Miss
Helen Louise Crosby, local attor
ney, has returned from a business
trip to Seattle.
At Coast Mr. and Mrs. N. A.
Lawrence, 1578 Ferry, and daugh
ters were Sunday vacationists at
iirnnnt innmTNl Final or
der approving executrix' reports
has been fuea in estate or. u. a.
Annratjwra ' Renort Henry
Fatland, Z. Nerness and Nels Es-
trein hare appraised estate of J.
L. Larson at $2,339.80. I
Fram Hnbbard Waldo F.
Brown of Hubbard was & Salem
business visitor Monday,
Estate Closed The probate
court has confirmed final account
In estate of Elepha Starns White.
Kaper To Mr. and Mrs. Tony
Peter Kabser. Salem route 9. a
girl, Ann Louise, born June 2.
Sim To Mr. and Mrs. James
L. Sim2346 Hazel avenue, a girl,
Barbara Ann. born June 2.
Dotton To Mr. and Mrs. L. S.
C. Dotton, 485 North Winter, a
girl, Louise Marlene, born June 3.
Dr. Chan Lam
" Chinese Medicine
" yI80 N. Commercial
$ .4 ; Office lsurs t
j Tuesday and Satnr-
Corn Remover
: 1 ' I -' ; '
We believe that ! Schae
fer's Corn Remover is an
improvement on any other
corn remover on the mar
ket. It relieves the pain in
stantly and removes the
corn safely and comforta
bly. Also for warts, and
just .as effective for cal
louses, too.
Druff Store J H
185 N. Commercial St.
Dial MOT
The Original Yellow Front and
Candy Special Store of Salem
Penslar Agency '
QaaUty Plas Courtesy
Willamette Grads to Meet
V In Connection With
Arrangements are being com
pleted for the annual events for
alumni of Willamette university,
who will gather here Saturday
afternoon In connection1 with the
closing events of the college year.
The alumni association, of
which Robert C. Notson of Port-t
land is president, will hold its
business meeting in Waller hall
Saturday afternoon at 4 . o'clock.
Officers for the new year will be
elected at this time.
The alumni banquet will be
held at the First Methodist
church parlors Saturday' evening,
beginning at 5:30 o'clock. This
event will honor the classes of 50
and -2 5 years ago. Mr. Notson will
preside and talks will be given by
members of the two classes, hon
ored. - Following the banquet, the
president's annua) reception will
be held at Lausanne hall. The re
ception of President and Mrs.
Doney will be for all alumni, sen
iors and their guests, trustees,
faculty and friends.
The senior class breakfast will
be held on the campus at 8:30
o'clock Saturday morning, and
the annual meeting of the trus
tees will be held, in Eaton hall at
10 o'clock that morning.
The bacealaareate service will
be held at the First Methodist
church Sunday morning, June 14.
at 11 o'clock, with President Carl
Gregg Doney delivering the ser
mon. Reunion and farewell service
will be held at the university cha
pel Sunday afternoon at 4:30
o'clock and the Christian associa
tions' sermon will be- preached at
the First Methodist church at 8
o'clock that night by Wllbert
Dowson. ,
Charles S. Cutting will deliver
the commencement address at
the exercises at 10 o'clock Mon
day morning. The graduates pro
gram will also be held at the
First Methodist church. The trus
tees, faculty and seniors will
march from Eaton hall, where
they are requested to assemble at
9:30 o'clock.
The Greater Oregon association
met in the chamber or commerce
rooms Monday night and took up
the discussion of bread. A large
exhibit was on display and much
material of value to housewives
was obtained from the study.
F. G. Deckebach addressed the
association : on the subject ' of
Clement v
Margaret J. Clement died at the
residence, 950 South 12th street,
June 8, age 71; mother of Elora
Clement of Eola and Frank of
Wapinitia; sister of James Far
mer of Tennessee; aunt of Grorer
Farmer of Salem, Oral Malllcoat
of Portland and Lloyd Malllcoat of
Pleasant Home. Notice of funeral
later by W." T. Rlgdon and Son.
George A. Scott died at the resi
dence, 1534 South Commercial
street, June 8. age 52. Survived
by. widow, Olive; four, daughters,
Mrs. Dorris Hutchlns of Albany
and Mr 8. Ruth Windom, Inez and
Vera, all of Salem. Funeral serv
ices Wednesday, June 10, at 2
p. m. from the chapel ' of the
Clough-Barrick company, Rev. W.
Earl Cochran officiating. Inter
ment Belcrest Memorial park.
Mrs. Ada F. Gardiner died at
her home in Ada, Ore., June 8.
age 73; mother of Mrs. E. A. Lew
is. Mrs. Mae Pollock and Earl Gar
diner, all of Ada; sister of Mrs.
Effie Wright of Petersburg, Neb.,
and E. Sol Worden of Salem. No
tice of funeral later by W. T. Rig-
don and Son.
Established 1893 TeL 8652
. i Conveniently Accessible
.Perpetual care provided for
Prices Reasonable
On Serrics ta Ferssiud
Om Prlcss Arc BsssoaaUa
Oat Hm Is Modem
XitcsnMS X4? Embalm
'A Park Cemetery: !
With Perpetual Care
Jnst tern minutes from the
heart of town ;
CIougli-Barrick Co.
- - Phone 6151
Chnrcn at Ferry St,
A, U. Clougb. -
Dr. L. E. Barrfck i
V. T. Golden
dairy products and stressed the
fact that If the housewives would
patronize home products It would
materially increase the demand,
and thus the output and employ
ment, ';,!! ,-, , . .... '
Reports of committees were
made and Mrs. Leon Oleason,
chairman of the Industries 'com
mittee, announced thst a building
was being obtained In which to
hold an exhibit, the purpose of
which would be to Induce house
wives to use home products.
Mrs. Arthur Rahn presided at
this meeting In the absence of
Mrs. Carlton Smith. The next
meeting will be June 29.
WILLAMINA. June 8. Virgil
Morrison, 15, of this city, heroic
ally rescued Donald Wilcox, 9.
from drowning and performed re
suscitation to revive the yoUng
swimmer here Saturday af ternoon.
Morrison Is tne son of Mrs. H. M.
Bonney; Wilcox is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. H. EV Wilcox.
When Donald Wilcox, who with
other boys was swimming at the
unction of the WUlamina . and
Yamhill rivers, the "forks." at
tempted to recover a stick from
the deeper, swift water, he either
was attacked with a cramp or
tired, and could not swim back to
shore. .
Young Morrison, hearing WIU
eox' ery for help, swam for a dis
tance to recover the drowning boy
after he had sunk two times, and
tow him to safety. There he re
vived him.
ismmmmmm, mm v y
---'--' - if V- ..,.vV.-Vj-.-j-.----.-.-..VjVjV-'.- . .Usj-.--U iJf.-lJ I
II I I I V A . ' II It f I I - 111 1 , I - . - . .
Sunshine Mellows Heat Purifies
Your Threat Protection against irritation analnst counh
Pupils of Highland school who
had perfect attendance records
throughout the school year closed
last Friday - numbered 33, -reports
the principal. Miss Mabel
Murray. They were: j:
Alta McKee, Glendora Mitchell,
Charles Harvey, Ernest- Jang
Sing, Robert Prince, Darrell
Woolridge Dorothy Hin, Francis
Shisler. Ella May Slottler, Caro
line Ward, Harlan . Moorman.
Robert Wlnkenwender, v Frances
Bergen, Ruby Harvey Lewis Coe,
Harold Prince, Ada Collar, Mar
garet Soraban, Lyle Lee, Frank
Newlon, Robert Red fern, Sybil
Beckett, Marjorie Wlnkenwend
er, Dollie Woodell, Donald
Driggs, Juanita Klinger, Vera
Llndenan, Robert Cameron, Vir
gil Sebern, William Cross, Clif
ford Redtern. Hazel Schaf for and
Wlllard Croker. .
I tun M II w
If you suffer from ttchtmr. blind.
protruding- or bUedlnr Piles you are
likely to & tintMd at the soothing-,
bealiBs; power oC the rare, imported
Chinese Herb, which fortifies Pr.
Nixon's Chinaroid. It's the newest
and fastest acting treatment eat.
Brings ease and comfort in a few
mlnates so that you can work and
njoy Ufa While it continues j its
soothing; healing; action. Don't -delay.
Act in time' to avoid a danger
ous and costly operation. Try Dr.
Nixon's Chinaroid under our guar
antee to satisfy completely andj be
worth 10 times the; small cost or
your money back, ... . 1
Perry's Drug &tore,
115 S. Commercial St. p
" . ff
Dun rra
the uso of Ultra Violet j
Airplane Ride
Get a free ticket good for a regular $2.50
ride over the city of Salem by trading: with
any of the following merchants, j
Present the ticket at the Eyerlyj airport
and buy one additional ticket for $2.50
and yourself and partner will both get air
plane rides.
SMOKE SHOP, the Home
r mercial .
and Front
and South Commercial i
SALEM CLEANERS & DYERS, 1073 So.X6mmercial
PARRISH GARAGE, Barney Kropp, 660 N. Capitol..
i i: '
pi i
"Reach for a
LUCKY instead"
Adam and Evo In tho Garden of
1 j
Eden A story we ha vo all hoard sinco
childhood Consider your Adam's
Apple-tho possession of each ono
of us, man or woman your voico
box containing your vocal chords
your larynx Don't rasp your
throat with harsh irritants-Reach
for a LUCKY instead Do careful in
your choice of cigarettes.
Remember, LUCKY STRIKE ii tho
only cigarette in America that
through its oxclusivo "TOASTING"
process expels certain harsh irritants
present in all raw tobaccos. Theso
expelled irritants are sold tojmanu
facturers of chemical compounds.
They aro not present in your LUCKY
STRIKE. And so we say "Considor
our Adam's Apple1
1 - IB I"
. '
182 S. High
of Good Eats, 366
410 State
MARKET, 185 N.
337 Court
N. Com-
170 S. 12th
The Lucky Str&e
Danes OrcHes
tri evry Tues
day Thursday
d Saturday
evening ever
N. B. C. met