The OXUSGON STATESMAN, Salem, Oregon, gatnrfay Morntnr. Jcne & 1S31 PAGE Till! Ghurchi Items of Interest to Folic of Salem laid Vicihity 1 V . , s . 3 YUUItl LtAUtHb ran FISHES I POniip Children's Day Programs And Ford M. E. Churches R iLEE FOR YEAR ELECTED Complete programs for O- the I Ruth Maers and Reba Clarke; M.. Uanru Proconfc tatP.r- Children's dav events at the En-1 exercise: "What Children Can Mild. . .v,v,,uV ..., TTul nrothron rhnreh Do" br esting History of Ear lier Meet irlewood United Brethren church and the "West Salem community church hare been announced. At the Englewood church the program will H held at 8 o'clock ! Sunday evening, and will he as j tttma . Jnne B The last meeting of the Spring Valley Mia- j follows slonary society, which will a-i Song, "The Banner of the 1ourn until September, was heid-l cross", cob gregatlon: scripture. at the home of Mrs. Charles Mc-l.Chiaren, Day", by Irene Mc-clse: "Our Own Carter of Brush College Wednes- Ciain: prayers. Rev. L. W. ; Bid- Clarke's class; day, June 3. Assistant nosiesscs dle pastor; 1 welcome, Eleanor Children's Means: "Origin of I Day". Junior Grant: recitations: "A Wish" Betty Mae Hill. "Chil dren's Day -Welcome", Virginia DeLetts, "Children's Day" Betty Schaefer. and "Our Day". Jack Woodfleld. 1 Exercise,; "A Little Bird": pi ano solo. I "Sins KODin bins , Bernlce Stroud; recitations, "Big Enough". Teddy Chrlstensen, "A afternoon were Mrs. A. I. Klnton and Mrs. W. N. Crawford. The business meeting was con ducted by the president. Mrs. S. D Crawford. Devotlonals were in charge of Mrs. W. N. Crawford. Arrangements were made- at this time to bave the annual sum mer picnic of the members and their famlllta at Brush College -lei- vrnve. Saturday. July -11. tTfn was extended to the I Speaker". Helen Collard; "Chll- tpni the nlchlc to be I dren's Day Resolution". Walter rT. vederatton of Rural Martin: exercise, "Feed My ftf Polk county at Lambs'. Mabel and Kay Mc- -ti ,.rv Saturday. June 18. Gulrei reciUtion. "My Garden' o n read Interest- I by Dorothy Basse tt; vocal solo, r missionaries of "Children's Day". Louise Yar- Persia and Mexico. The secretary. Miss Irene Windsor was instructed to send a letter of thanks to Judge Hawkins for the part he took in securing the services of the county health nurse for an additional month. Mrs. W. D. Henry and Mrs. L. T. Matthews provided the pro- - mi-a Tipnrv rim a history of the ure or oaoii Vr- ,vV Chrlstensen; recitations: "uoais Do" br Mrs. Groves class; song: Rose Time We Lore Thee" by entire school ; : recitation : i "The Difference by Alice Rose. ;M Playlet: "Summer1! Guest by Miss Grant's class; exercise: "The Men of Tomorrow by Hus tler's class; aong: "Where Lore Abides" by Junior choir; xer- Day" by Ada song: "Happy Days" by entire school; baptism of babies and children. Election of officers m inei -ttrst vttthodist episcopal tfcroa rnnnr nennle'a trronPS at I At.t. .nd rhareh street. B. Earlo " - - . . 1 . j . r A -A Jason Lee church resulted m ine minister. : fXwing selections: For the In- Tro t.rmiitlaU rrniiiL Winston TM1-1 1. K.Urli 1 rt.m. Three Young M I rathr1nA Bovle. I Foopla'a mee tines. University -, leacae ,;rM-r. f;. ot .u.i. . iua ijnrjiiwi"iv., " IfCMOr S1H1 MT. 1. B. KUDCIU. . V Mj in the Churches LB SEVERAL CHURCHES nell; recitation, "The Friendly Trail", Paul Rae Prultt Motion exercise, "Daisies", Ethel and Garnet Lansing; reci tation, "Tw.o Friends", Wallace Witwer: piano solo, "Airy Fair ies", Dorothy Welsh; recitation, "The Sunday School Trail" Phil ip Jackson; recitation, "A Square Deal". Ramona Huddleston; solo, Just for You and Me", Teddy pioneers, Clayborne vaiaer, Loye" Billy Rrae Pettit, and for 10 o'clock, with reciUtlons, which briefly summarized reaas. ,.For G6t Me NotS", Charlotte short akits and mnsie to be the rihnm Walker with A. nA.o. I rniin4nr h ny.-n-nlnr Doke crossed the plains and reach- I Beclut!ona, "When Jesus viMnr. Noemoer 1 . loll- m....j v. rvtitm" riArAiti Coming directly to thla aectlon oi Smtliey, and My Wish", Russell the country uey.wox . Jv ,? Zik; solo. "Blossom Bells , claims and were two of the iz I Helen Chrlstensen; recitations: who first took out 40 acres ecu. Some Goo1 AdTlce", Polyanna Clayborne Walker married Lou" ghinkle: "A Hopeful Thought", Purrine, daughter of Jonn rur-1 Margaret Campbell; "What the Tine, July 4, 1850. Beed Said", Bernlce Stroud"; pi- Tbey began lire in a caom ano net,! "Military March section of land two miles long ana Maxlne woodfleld and Frances a half mile wide. This property Chrlstensen; exercise. "Little Is now owned by C. M. furvine. i Wayslaft Flowers", Doria Hill, They were a prosperous couple, i Margaret Hughlett and Mary Lou setting out orcnarasu Reeves; reciUtion, "Tne Kea and farming. Being childless the 80n.. Harold stetUer; song couple todk C. M. Purvme ana ..children's Day", Junior girls; raised him as their son. recitations, i "Don't Be Late1 "Clayborne Walker helped to i RoDert Eckley; "Progression' build the first steamboat to py Irene Krattebot: and "Sharon's the WHlamette river. He serrea Rose'. Elizabeth Grant. Vocal solo, "Living in the sun shine". Marian Chase; recitations "Wild Flowers." Mary Alice iShinkle: "Trust in Him", Mary annette Courtnier: solo. "If I a Sunbeam", Dorothy reciUtion, "Forgotten WILL OBSERVE: DAY Children's day will be observed in a number of Salem eharches tomorrow, when either the morn ing or evening service will be set aside for the older folk to witness how the youth of the ehurch are learning of the church's Ideals. Complete programs For the Englewood United Brethren and the West Salem community At the First Presbyterian young people of the church Join, church the 9:20 o'clock hour Willi honoring the officers who served bw riven over entirely to the children, with a special program to be held In the main auditori um. ' -1 Th sneclal program at the First Church of God will begin at . mm . a. 4-e nen. second vice-presiaeni; rep aid Fargo, third . Tiee-presldent; Harold Duncan, fourth vice-president: Gerald Newton, secretary- treasurer, and, Eugene" BealU- song-leaden . The high school of ficers are Esther Black, presi dent! Paul Tennant. first vice- d resident: Gerald Mlnton. second vlce-nresident: Mary Lois Drlggs, third vice-president; DeWayne Duncan, fourth vice-president; Hallie Chamberlalnr seCreUry, and Victor Barth, treasurer. The older group, consisting- of college and business young people chose John Adlard. president; Helen Nev. first vice-president: Isabel Lee per, second - vice-president; Barbara Barham. third vice-pres ident: Beulah Graham, fourth vice-president: Luclle Flanary, secretary; Harold Erlls, treas urer; Laverne Hewitt, church school chairman and Frances Graham, Institute booster. These officers will be installed at the service Sunday evening at 8 o'clock, following the annual alumni dinner In which all the dnrlnr the nast Tear, and - the graduates of the three depart ments of the church., school. SHOUT BIBLE CLASS TO BEGIII MONDAY ETcninr Urotioaal Mrviea. S Tbmrs- mid-week rrie xyr mai miT chtoch or on " Hood mnd Korth CotUr atTMt. C W. Hatch, pMtor. SMJ envoi iy m.m. John V rdfTf. Snpt. Ohilra'a dy procrsn. Jlorainr sarric u m tT" ton j pMUr. Tof Popl' Mtig S-30 p n. "Tfc Good SftaanUa," m pUy.. Gniv Kami, ladr. Kveaiac errie I :v p.m. Prayar aarriaa Wadneaday, T:0 fja. i CHBXSTLUT JCaSIOKXXT AIXIAKCB m. U. &J-JUtwiller. Supt. Mornins aarrie 10 aJ- Haaaasa by mm aiua Jonea, BiaaioaiT Chl,r Innf popla'a avia mt : pja. a Tasa Draw, iaadar. Sveniac aamea T :45 p nT Haanga by Miaa Nallia Jonea. Taea iar aTenUii pryar meetlaf a Ynu Paopla'a Cottafa prayar ineatiaf Thursday, 7 a 6 art m' TTEST cmSISTIAW Bisa and Cmttr atraata. D. J. Hwwa, Mator. Morniaf sarviea u inbieet: "Taa Carlitiaa'a Walk.". 8pe- aial mnie. mmhi "rTw -Tj"LT J Sunday aehoot :5 a-m. OrriUa J. HuH. aiday. Yanar Peopto'a saeattofa K. W. Bobaon. CAX.VABY APTIBT . ' Xodtera baiWior. Big .. W. T. Janka. pt. Jr. ekonh l-50j'-; Horainr worahip 10:50 a.m. Sf"0"' "I.k-a Kak, paator.Thraa B T 'a 6 :4S p.m. Eraainr - aarrtea 7 :4 p.m. Sermaa: Bo: FBXS METHODIST X. Winter itreets. J. B. Stewart, paator. Snsday acheol 9:45 a.aui Morainr woramp 11 a'cloea; euDe: "God Kaiaed op Oat af Hia Holy Hbi- tatiaa." Evaning1 waratip S cloak: aubjaet: "Gad's Lisa of Demonstration.'' Tanng. Paople's maatiag 7 a'elock. . TTXKJTXB OHXISTIAW XL " J. Gilstrap. - pastor. Frad Bataa, Blbl icaool, Kupi. Saaday aekoal 10 a.m. communion IX a.m. Mora lag aar moa or O. ff. Svandar. Chriftiaa En deavor T p.m. Bveaing sermon by CV. Hwander. -. . a a iTaoiema , . i . . ..I. . C.rUti.a.' ' Moaoay t-s. t: order. Following the morning service the congregation will go to Hager's grove, where a Sunday school and church plcnle will be held. ' s Sunday school and church First Congregational church to- open at the Jason Lee Memorial aarvua. mawaw inA,nln, an tha t ! m A 1UVI J V T .V. " I . s, lor two wee.s, .xuuiiius mvm week dav exceot Saturday from s a A H:00 a. m. The school is ."rr: V.i .n.t w tha KiWlEamaaM meatiaf. Tharaday 4V- aaiac anptr raaaaraa i n&8T ETAWGEZJOaX. Kortk Summer and Marioa atreeta. C. C. Poliaff, D. X.( paator. Sunday achool 9:45 lb. Uorninf worship 11 a'elock; (object : "The God Planned Ufa." Ev ening worahip 8 o'clock: aubject: "The Palace ef Urht." Yonng People meeting 7 'clock; rubject: 'lf Not School WhatT" Text Pror. 4:1-8. Itid-Wrfk aerriea Thursday oTening for rallowahip and Study of "The Word." - COTTOT STREET OHBXSTIAaT Ooart and 17th atreau. - B. 9. Shoe maker, pastor. Soaday school 9:45 a.m. Mrs. Edward Waller, fiupt. Morning worship 11 a'elock; aubject: "The Grace of Appreciation." Sreniag worchia 7:45 ereloek; anbjeot: "la 1 Worth while to Stand by Our Convictions I " Young- People's meeting 7 o'clock r ub Jeet: "The Need for Christina Thought folaets and kindness." Aid society meetings Wednesday and Friday. Kid week meeting Wednesday, , 7 :45. ZHGZfWOOS TOTTED BBETHBEV Korth 17th and Nebraska, streets. L. W. Bid die, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Morning worahip 11 o'clock. Com bined aerriea. Junior . choir will oing. Misaienary news. Sermonet. Evening worship S a'elock; Annual Children Day Program. Young People's meeting 7 a'elock; subject: "The Need of Chris tian Though tfulnese and Kindness." ' SOUTH 8AXJSM FRIENDS South Commercial at Washington sireeta. una, fj. Hawortk. oast or. sun- day, 10 a-m. Children's day azereises ay ui aunaay aeaooi. in is will bo a Joint aervice with the morning meeting for worahip la which the paator will give aaors aemoa ia ui animea: Xfeora ' J HTGHUUrD TBXEK18 CoraoT Higamad end Church. aUeets. Edgar T. Bma. paator. T S.- 11 a.sai B. x. marwM, . b a TTt.Ti tA anaak. A vacation church achool - win ie. Special jif-r b A- eh. Isn Ta -Memorial I service. The Bible school at 10 a.m ef the Evening Junior C E. a term as master, or. a. so. j grange, wun ni who . shiped in the Presbyterian church at Zena. He was noted as a strong nrnhihitionist." Mrs. Matthews part of the pro- Were gram consisted of a a1?:0' J Jays; will be given over to a pageant. numbers bv the alrls choir ana readings, all In honor of emi-1 dren's day. The South Salem Frienas ehurch will also hold special ob servances in honor of Children s day tomorrow morning, begin- nine at 10 o'clock. - The First Evangelical enure n is making preparations for Its annual Children's day event. which will be held Sunday, June 14. Senior and Intermediate C. E. T .. Mid week prayar moating Thursday P-m. TOST BAPTIST will aa prayer meeting Thursday as it Is the time af aux yearly mooting at newoarg. - T. PAUX'S EPISCOPAX. Church and Chameketa atreeta. Rev. Geo. H. Swift, rector. Church and Bee- wry, i-nene Slua. Holy Communioa ia the Chapel T:0 a.m. Holy Eueharist and sermon at 10 a.m. Sunday achool ia connection wna 10 a.m. aerviea. AMEBZOAaT X,T7TEEEAaT under the -auspices of the church but is for the children of the community and all are cordially invited to attend. ."STATn;. .ad Marion.! - dure street net weea Chemeketa and loner oi "VT'. - u I Center. Rev. p. W. Eriksen. minister. a.m. "What Shall a Maa Give in Ez- tiam H. Robins, pastor.. Bi- 9:45. Morning worship at 11 ! Tha Bomaaco of Mia- I atreeta. Willi VI hMI at ! . V."""-- A hoir aeloetioaa, Toung P?w,l.'. rStJjfri Song service in Bnblect: oc- Rev. Hurh B. Fouke. Jr.. will ..rvlce at S:00. be in charge and ?mtoMMM. by three teachers in tne tnree i ae- r"d".. -n,,,!,, , ovoning prayer, 1 tli, linl Mm. . .vi. V..I..U meeting r Buoselllrm ao 9:80. ehango tor His Life I" Special muaie. A communioa aerviee. 7:30 evening wor ahip. Hong aerviea. Topic: "Those Call od Out. Saaday achool at 9:45. Max Gahlhar, fiupt. liuther league devotions x strumental numbers by Oiaays rrwfnrd. Msrjorie Matthews, Alice and Wilma Crawford. The hostesses were assisted by AUce, Wilma and Gladys Crawford. Special guests were Mrs. W. D. Staplln and daughters, Nadine mw.A tTflvAi of Raymond, wash; Mary Teager. "The Square Leonard Odem, and "Needed' Victor Martlon: vocal solo, "Come With Blooming Roses Frances Chrlstensen; exercise. "What the Flowers Said", six Junior rlrls: pantomime, "That Sweet Story of Old". Dorothy SPECIAL SERVICES PLAN FOR MOTJDAY nartments of the school; Mrs. Fred Lanr. kindergarten; Mrs. Sadie Grant, primary; and Mrs. F. P. PhioDs. Junior. The school is non-denominational, seeking simply to teach the great common truths of the Christian religion through a pro gram of worship, ' story-hour, hand work and supervised play, th nastor announces. Children from the axes of four to twelve wieetinr and at 8:00. rnoay study classes. evening Unitfn Bible TTEST BEBSBTTEBIAX 1 . Corner of winter and Ohemaketa atreeta. Grover U. "f. tor. Chare aenooi a ? ' 2'Z, ipr. - ... " wn m. eeneral I Uhrlsfs -Other B&eep ana How Childrea'. daj r and thera "i;- Brings Them Homfc" Choir song assembly of the school ".f1". Xk. orchestra. Regular milt TTEST OEEJCAH BAPTIST Korth Cottage and D atreeta. O. W. Butaeh, minister. Sunday achool 9:45 Bam ecoirman. Bupt. rierviea li a.m. Sermon topic: "What Alleth Thee I" B. Y. P. U. at 7 P.m. before the evening aerviea. Mrs. Ed lAeaa president, ev eninr aerviea at S p.m. Sermon topio C'hrUt' s ther Bbeep and How u and weak Ft . .afrij I inmtniiM trmOm Eiermvn, a. r. j - en... herd" iJanniaga). ,C at 6:80 o'clock. Evening - - 7.30 .'clock:. Thia wUl ha are proviaea ior, ''".. . la which wo eon so nMimm Tor tne t- v..v. Corger Hasel and Academy Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Deut. "22. Preaching at 11 a.i XHVAinrEX. BAPTIST streets. Lee son m. and Cant. G-i It. Hall will bo hero and preach for ua. f Evening aerviea at 7: SO ia chargoj Of Miss Both Tib bits. Mid-week prayeti and testimony meeting Thursday eveaiDf ret 7:45.. EVAVGEUSTXO tabernacle Thiiiteenth and Parrr atreeta. O. G. Westoa. I paator. Sunday achool at 1:45 p.m. & C. Perguaon, Sitpt. Church aer viea at 3. Avaageusue service at :a p.m. fTuesday busiaeaa meeting at 7:45 pjsu Wedneaday at 9:80,. Womea'a prayer meeting. Thar ad ay ovoning church prayer! meeting at 7:45 PeoyleTs service at 7:4 5. Baturday, Xoung 45. UkBlSH MISSION BVANGEUOAXj LABISH CENTKB Charek achool 10 m. W. A. Starker. Supt. Worahip at 11. Subject. "The Vineyard Laborers." O. E. j at 7 p.m. Pre-prayer ' service at 8:50. Mid-week service Thursday evea- lsV I t CLEAB LAKE ' Church school 10 Collard, Supt. Jr. E. U. G. a.m. W. P. k. ii i a.m. js. ju v. . at i:io p Evening worship at 8. Subject: "Help For the. Needy." Childrea and young eopiei specially invited. ttiDie atudy 'ueedayi evening. MIDDLB flHOVE Chnreh achool lO a.m. TJ P. Walker, Bnpt. Junior at 11. latermeiato IS. U. O. JS. at 7 p.m. sub ject: 'fit Not School Whatl" Society meeting next Wednesday evening at the ehnrchi i H. BL Scheuerman. pastor. 1101 Union street,j Salem. ( .1 KNIGHT MEXOETAZ. H. O.i Stover, minister. Morning wor ship at 11. Bermoa "Keeping Up One's Courage." Inot "Coma Uato Ha and Rest" (Campane).- Evening aer viea at S. Sermon "Spiritual handed ness." Anthem '"Remember Now Thy Creator" (Robinson). The church achool at 10. 0. C. Harris, Supt. Christian Ea deavorj rocletiea at 7:15. . I EXEST TJNITABX4W . North Cottare and Chemeketa. Rev. Fred 4Jbaa Wail, minister. Sunday morning aerviea at 11 a'elock. Subject The iKlngdom of God." Soloist. Mrs. Trumai Huaton. Organist, Mre. Waiter A. Denton. fAXEM BAPTIST TE1CPLB Center street between High and Liber ty. Robert L. Parne. minister. Bibla achool 45. Preaching- aerviea 11 o etocht.'i Toung People a meetings o:o. veninr areaehing service 8 a clock, paa tor prelching at both services. Epeeial musie a both services. Prayer meeting Thursday ovoning, 8 a clock. . . J! vwavrw, inntttRlAX, Si nAMMAil Utm atreeta. M Darlow . Johnson,' pastor. S48 E. My era street, h Phono 8687. Services 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Sermon topics: "Under Ob 11 ration V a.m. Sermon by Stearns Oosh fag, p n. "Our Best at all Times.' Epe eial msisie. Sander school 8:45 a.m. 8 teams Cushiag, Supt. Epworth leagued at 7 p.m. Mid-week meeting at 7:80 Thursday evening. Choir rehearsal at 8:15 Thursday evening, J. William Bel char.' director. HEVACA1I1 SCHOOL OPEL'S SOOil : vrv... .... ! ; Classes Will Continue two Weeks; Rev. Fletcher Galloway In Charge j A dally vacation Bible school is to open Monday morning at the Church of the Nazarene with Rev. Fletcher Galloway, pastor ' in charge. The sessions ; are to be held from 9 a.m. to 12, every week day except Saturday j and the school will continue j for two weeks. " I The school will be open to all children of the community be tween the ages of four and 14, and no tuition will be charged. Tnere will be three departments Pri mary, Junior, , and Intermediate and courses-will be given In Bible memory work, character study, drills, music, hard work and re creation. I . The teaching staff win inciuae: Mrs. F. A. Rledesel. Miss Louise . Plnnell, Miss Geneva Jayes, Mrs. Elizabeth Baxter, MnsJ Fletcher Galloway, and Clyde Hoffer. The school will be bold in the old building of the church which 1 is located one block south of Cen ter on Hth street. Any parenis desiring additional information may call Rev. Galloway, telephone 9(30. , -j Pearl Medal Competition Monday Eve A matron's pearl medal mis sionary contest will be held at the First Evangelical ehurch Monday evening, June 8, beginning at 8 o'clock. - i Mrs. F. E. Fisher, branch ora torical contest secretary will have charge. There will be four contestants and these have already received the silver and gold medals, i The diamond medal contest t will be given at Jennlng'a Lodge during the session of the Oregon branch woman's missionary so ciety, i ' The public is invited to attend the contest Monday night. rnnstmctive urogram for the va cation mornings during the two vmii. There is no tuition . or Miss Dorothy Kirkwood and Mrs. Urelsh and Helen Chrlstensen; Ed McDonald botrrj oi biu. Members present Included Mrs Roy Barker, Mrs. L. F. Matthews. Mrs. James A. French, Mrs.. W. W. Henry, Mrs. C M. Purvlne. Mrs. V. L. Gibson, Mrs. S. -D. Crawford, Mrs. W. D. iienry, ana. Mysta Hendricks, Miss Irene Windsor, and young guests, Mar porle Matthews, Alice and Wilma and Gladys Crawford. Sermon, v. tk tml." Mid-week prayer aseeting at 7.80 a'elock. Thursday. CHRIST LUTHERAN t a : V ttanm Svnodl tati. ..A fitata street. Bev. Amos E. SETOBMES Corner Canltoi and Marion streets. W. O. Idenkaemper, pastor. Sunday school 10 ajn. tierman worship 10 a eloeK; sua-; tjecti "Jesua Crucified." English wor-5 I ship 11 o'clock; subject: "LetJJs Walk; Ueeoaungiy," Bpeeial music GLAD TT2HNOS MTSSIOV J58 Court street. C 8. Johnson, pas tor. Sunday cehool at a p.m. Services at S and 8 p.m. roll Gospel teaching. irv. .mlu. a Mi HMrtt PrHt- byterlan church will be of special I fee, the school being a Project of ' a 1 I . . w a A. A,'r warn M w 1 4B Interest next Sunday. Tne cnurcn i tne cnurcn ior mo vuumiumvj. v j-l ill ..v-jm. olilllran'i Hi P,rna ara onrdiallv invited to ic.""ui z"i ""r..r. xtk .r ;,r,r DM i& mtorma. Min-.m.-. a m., p.., -r; -iiT: Th-.v .Dd rotation, t "Children'a Dav at I w "u -,"-" :.ri" I" v" u;(; kv nhBniBr '.:,-.B")rr pi .Jtn. - 1,7, 7, .. mw A T O ClOCK. An interesting iuio l English aervieea Sprlngvllle Lola Rae; and Let dlspUy in the foyer of the 7107. Preacher of Righteousn Your Money Talk". Normal , , Cndwork done bv the .oi : Mn M, Hinges; offertory, 'Star of Hope d deoart- Tr. jw .1 crornernooa ST UMBO MITBE E HECTOR, XCHK Ray Stumbo. manager of the Hollywood theatre, was elected to the board of directors of the Al lied Theatre Exchange of the Northwest and Walter Tibbets of the OrlenUl theatre in Portland was elected president at the two day session held" Monday and Tuesday in Portland. Productions and Individual problems of the independent theatre men were the topics for discussion at ; the. ses- l0About 80 members of the Ex change from Oregon and Wash ington were present. - Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Stum bo attended the Social Cinema club of tbe Northwest which met for Its annual meeting at the Os wego Country club tor the day meeting and at the Multnomah hotel for a banquet and j enter tainment In the evening. Mrs. L. WJ Blddle: and benedic tion. I The program for the Ford Memorial community ehnrch will be given at 9:45 o'clock and In cludes: ..'.: Recitation: A Boy'e Welcome' hv Bobbv i Wallace: reciUtion: "Welcome to the Cradle kou" Dy Naomt Alsop; vocal duet: -My Heart Breathes a Welcome", by Junior Ghoir Of Silverton Sings Sunday SILVERTON, June 5 As a Dleasant conclusion for home coming at the Methodist Episco pal church June 7 the junior choir under the directorship of ! Max Scrlber assisted by Miss Jo sephine Albert of Salem, guest artist, will give a concert con sisting of I the following num bers: r March by orchestra; invoca tion Dr. W. S. Gordon; duet j "At Jesus Feet". Kathryn Morris on ' and Max Scriber; chorus "Beautiful tOhlo". Junior choir; instrumental number Harboj Ethyl church of handwork done by the beginners and primary depart- i ments of the school. An interest ing program entitled "Following Jesus" has been arrangea, ana will be participated in by all de- i nartments of the scnooi. The Junior department is pre senting a missionary dramatiza tion. "At the End of the Rain bow". Music for the service la to be furnished by the recently or ganized orchestra. The evening worsnip service ai 7:30 o'clock, will be largely one of music New song books have been secured and will be used ror the first time Sunday evening. There will be special musie by the choir, and the orchestra .will nlav. This will Institute a series I of evening meetings of particular interest to the young people. Subject: "Paul, ims." Sunday lianeman, supt. I Special musie. at services. TORT! MEMORIAL X. E. C0MMU1TX Garth avenue wa in , dith A. Grevee, pastor. Suaday school , . . m - . a . ihnrt 1&fte aesslona. a i apleadid Cnlldren'B JLay rn;. r ! given. Evening worship 8 a'elock ; vuh All." Several special musical V. n.mlxva tit IiOalia M. .1 v. TTi.i. MyhMt LDVsni ieain, v.- n..JtL who taak firat place in High achool AudHioa contest at Porest Grove recently will sing. Young People s meetings 7 p.m. enae nnwa-nrEaATIOXAl, v;n.j untra at 10:30 a.m. af Sunday school and church, at which tuna, observance of Children a aay. "I" ins? service. w. m"""! - . tor. ETRST CHURCH OP THE SAIAREEE V. vi-.v ..h f Center on lth . .. . it,. I . . D wi.iv Oallowav. paaior. Unurcn - in proepeci s- v- o"- iVtk .ii. Phone 8630. TT.' Ptor will apeah Buaday front the f l ' , -- r' ' ' -V' r v v - V 1 1 N CALVARY . BAPTIST CHURCH Bodgers Building High aft Ferry Ste. Graced Churchy School S:40 a. m., Jr. Church 10:50 tu m., 3 B. T.'s 6:45 p. m. 10:50 A. M. Sermon: "Askn-Seek Knock Pastor Solo: "Come Unto Me" sung by Kenneth Abbott 7:45 P. M. Sermon: "Some ProbleinW of The Christian" Pastor ' Popular Gospel Song Service, Special Music, selected - 1 j WELCOME, W. EARL COCHRAN,! Pastor To End Year On Tuesday The Jason Lee Brotherhood meeting at the church. Winter and Jefferson, will hold Its last meeting for the year Tuesday, June 9. at :30 o'clock. There will be no outside speaker, but every member will be asked to contribute to a forum discussion f "Men in the Life of the o o o the watchword of nation we are not Vacation Bible School to Open Monday Morning-t nd rram develoned for next year. A feature of the meeting will be the presence of the James Benner family, a talented quar tet whose entertainment includes readings, vocal and Instrumental music, and orchestral numbers. ThA members include mother. Thompson; S vocal solo. nVrhlAlSmltb; reading, Mae Cpffey. n fnrmerlT of the Capitol tne-1 ... . ,. A.. u... atre in Salem and now elMearora, wnliam Sw,ft and Beryl otto. vas imoir wose offertory, orchestra; chor- The West Salem community dally vacation bible school will be gin Monday. June 8 ana continue five days each week from 9:00 to 11:45 a.m. until June 13. Classes will be offered begin ning with the kindergarten ana through the elgntn graae. .every boy and girl in the community la invited to attend. The school will be held in tbe old school building. and Is sponsored by the i Ford Memorial Methodist Episcopal church. ; . : - later meeting. us "jjotner uear junior cuoir, i - vocal solo.! Miss Albert; coronet StjOlSCOpal VjTOUP f Will meez az iv During Vacation Women Will Program Sunday 5 The la- L Dean Tate;! vocal solo Max Scrl ber; vocal; solo Diana Moore march' orchestra. ; ROSEDALE. June dies' Missionary society will give tpU1irnU9t: A nnual their nubile nrogram Sunday eve- I 11111 Lfl i IXliUUdt Ring. June 7, at 8 o'clock. Every- QhlllU one Is invited to auentu i a luiit j,am., aaaw For Next Tuesday i ': The annual picnic of the En- The second service on Sundays In St. Paul s Episcopal churcn will V.A at 10:00 a. m. instead of 11:00 a. nu during the months or the Portland New Irrigation Well Will be , Demonstrated Irrigation by means of a leep well turbine pump will e demonstrated on the A. E. Bouefler farm In Orckanl aelghta on Sunday. Tbe eystetn has Jaist been xmpleted and will be In op raUon all day Sunday for the benefit of those who wish to see it la operation, rho pump sends out 40O gal lons of water a minute. It U planned to Irrigate acres of blackberrlea at first sad later to eeiid tbe scope of the project. - To reach the Bouefler farm drive ont Wallace road and torn to tbe left toward Shlndlcr's halL The farm Is at the right of the road at the first hill. " June. July, : and August, the pas- tnr. Rev. Georice H. fawirt, an nounces, i This plan met' with the nearty community are lnvltea. uinner will be served at 6:30. Election of officers will be one item of the business session. Music at Church To be in Charge Of Thelma Davis Msnv friends and admirers of Miss Thelma Davis will be inter ested in the announcement that she is to be soloist and in charge r musical nroxram of the Jason Lee Methodist church. Win ter and Jefferson streets, uunng the summer months. r . students have received tba recognition and distinction that Miss Davis has received dar ing the past year while at the Oregon State college studying mtiir Selected as soloist with svmpnony orcnes- glewooJ ued"Brethren' chuTch approval of the congregation , last Siomivii ..... , . . .mrnAv nt h heen reauestea in m oeia oa ui"i - and Sunday school Tuesdav. June 9. at Hagar's Grove. Cars will leave the church at 10 a. m. i rii. a-nman'i aid society will meet on Wednesday and the mid wk service of prayer and per sonal work, will be Thursday at 8 p. m. f j again for thiaT year. r aololat ror tne commence ment exercises, and many other special occasions, her voice has hrouarht flattering comment by mne1r rritira of the State Mlse Davis will begin her wnrv Snrrdav. June 14. She Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R a Davis, 220 South 24th street, Salem. followinn auhlocu: ".a.-." f. Chnreh Oranixatlon" T:45 p.ta. The Man Who Urove xiaro. . - . . . "Wen Who Missed the Way." Sunday achool a.m. . tw V nil UK. X. ' " Boeiety 6:45 p.m. Prayer tneetinj Wed nesday, 7:45 p.m. EIRST CHTJRCH OF CHRIST, , arri!iffVTST ml v... i.ikortv atreeta. Sunday aervirev at 11 a.m. ana o p.. "7";; t A I In lv llflsa lull v - ""vi la o-as .nd 11. Testimo- nial wetins every Wedneaday evenine at S. Reading Room at 40 Maaonle Tem il, oW irons 11 to 5:30 exrept Sundays and holidays. vaaiw iTK lreifOEIAX. Winter and Jef fertoa atreeta. Blf. Eouk Jr. miftr. ?S Iove." Eveninr woranip o;. vfee of installation for the? of ficers of tbe three loians v7'.. rSi achool I 8:45 a.m. , H. B 'V. f P- . M . X IllHatt l?rillfrtaiv:. a. 1 Learues at B:30. The Opea rorum a 7:00. As expenenee -5 Jeaoa Loo Brotherhood, 1 Tuesday, June 8, 8:80 p.m. x iu a,.-, . nI lfarinn streets. U. kjuii"" 1 , , r t.i;. Ti n nastor. Dioio sit m Morn in r wornip ji o""-i n--. . rk. CmA Planned Life. -.1. J.. TniuTnr at T P.m. Babjectt ,A . . ' H.kjUtl..W Bill DUIl""," Prov. 4:1-8. i Eventns; worauipi Palaea of Light." The miat-week aerviee la especially for Fellowship Thursday ( 'Z-.lZ ...v. .v at fl r.m. Prepar- 1 a : - . . 1 itian are beiaa? maae ior vm" - Tv Mrviea Sunday eveninr. Juno 14. Lutheran Guild Swander to Talk Before imiszian rp.nrnrniin Church at Turner Enjoys Gathering At Silver Falls Rev" C T. Swander. secretary of the state board of the Christian mm -' rrr J J. church will speaic morning ana Meet Wednesday evening at the Turner Christian churcn. The - Ladies' Guild of the American Lutheran ehurcn win meet Wednesday afternoon at 2:- io oVlock. with -Mrs. ciauae a. ftlenn, Mrs. C W. ACSUn ana v n Peters, nostesses: me GERVAIS, June 5 rive car loads of vonng people of the The members of the church are Christian Endeavor society with nlaanintr a basket dinner ioiiow in g the morning service. will be special music. There Annnal ! renorta submitted i to W"w S-t rtlPri. . llUZa&srnBaVVJO a "- w . mission study will be i a charge the .eonU . -. sr 4 Ifexl . TarWlt. I ITJilTIlK 1TI D U iL A L taVi 1 V V"mvv or Aira. m. r-. in:i T, tit eel ISA dnrlnr will' be cfesurtrian -tne 1 1 .,--., Rudie 'meetlnc il3. their hanerones. Rer. ana Mrs. w v. nrsTftous. Mrs. A. B. Ad- viMon, Mrs. D. B. DuRettfe. Mrs. Sumner Stevens, Mrs. Virginia nnnater and Mrs. I. V. McAdoo, spent last Friday at Stiver Creek Valla. ' ' V - ' D'nriar the forenoon two of the ' a a. a vrx f upper falls were.v:sueu. BETTERlElNtjT. That is awv..- c or . . 1 content to starid still. We want better rooas, we want heweV and better ways of doing things, labor-sktving devices, short-cuts. We want more comforts and luxuries for our homes. We want better automobiles at lower costs. We S want better houses, better stores, better means of transportation. We want to dress better and to play and enjoy ourselves more. Progresi is reflected by the advertising found in the newspapers. It is through adver- srvthine. ar 1 1 Am and often the source or it. f Read the advertisements in this newspaper. Study them: Profit by them. They will help you secure what you need and want ior less money than you often expect to pay. Keep up with the advertising and advertising will help you keep abreast of the times, tor advertising waa surtpn In the nark at the 1 ennth vails, and a tine spread it was with everything one could ask for to eat. In the afternoon the party drove to one of the other falls and from there walked to another one. Both forenoon and afternoon were spent exploring the falls and from there walk rh a falls.. The evening lunch was eaten Just before starting on the j drive for home. . Mission Meeting To be Wednesday new me s, and new a eimn iaq n f-aat inris. inspirations tcf ja work-a-day world. Adver : 4f nnlv tVi sicm of nroizress- adver- liolllg ao w!r ; - - o a - tising is progress. R nrnminue . . . keen in tonch I O - . r icith the advertisements in this newspaper it w'dl be well worth your while ThA Women's Missionary so- ftetw of ; the , . ford Memorial i ehurch will meet at the home of Mrs. t.- R. : Wallace,' 101 Thira trtsL Wednesday af ternoen. Mr..'' J. R, Brown .-will have Dinner charge of the lesson. i