The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 29, 1931, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OREGON STATESMAN, Salasw Oreron, Friday Mornfar. May 29, 1931 ..
paci: riv::
Local News Briefs
T t 4-Vt. A - I A. - .
the elections yesterday- noon, the
follow Ins; officers were elected
for the, Salem Lions club: Leland
Smith, president; Clare vibbert,
first viee-president; O. D. Olson,
second vice-president; Lloyd A,
Lee, third- Tice-preeldent; Newell
"Williams, district council repre-i
sentative; Dr. Vernon A. Dong-;
las and M. Clifford Moynihan, di
rectors. There was no contest In
any of the - posts' after HoTlls
nanungton wunarew xrom me
list of nominees for directors.
Holdover directors are Frank
Lynch and George Lewis. The
directors will meet at the Gray
Belle Tuesday.
Short time Investments. C, 9. er
It months to yield 1.3 per cent.
Hawkins & Roberts.
Car Turns Over Ralph Ennor
of Route t and Dan Pattan of
10 8ft North 15th street were in
volved in an accident oh South
Commercial - street Wednesday.
Ennor reported to the police that
the other driver cut in front of
.him and Ennor did not see the
signal. Pattan cut back to the
right and Ennor had to"CTamp to
left to avoid a euih; Something
happened to turn Ennor's car oa
its aide. Ennor elalirj that his
brakes would not hold. There
w yt v w iuj a
"vVeeleyan Election Members
nf the Willamette university Wes
ley an group elected officers for
h first semester of the 1931-3
achnal TBr at the meeting of the
organisation Thursday noon. They
are as follows: president, Jonn
nutln vIas nriu (fant. ( TnariM lil-
annlt tr.anrer. Rufus Prans:
reaarter aeeretarr. Carl Cording:
student volunteer chairman, Ruth
Barnes; devotions. Hayes ueau;
tnn nmmlttw Rials Gehrke:
faculty advisors, iroiessors
Schulze, Matthews and Clark
Peonies Select your plants for
fall planting while In bloom. Over
SO varieties to choose from. Jay
Morris' Peony Garden. Liberty
Road A Ewald Ave.. Phone 8637."
Child Injured Charles Jack
nn tr 4. rrandson of Mrs. East
land- who lives at 1110 Madison
street, was bruised on his left leg
Sand has a bumped forehead as a
result of the truck driven by Arthur-
TWiT&i of sis South Winter
street running Into him on Mad
ison street. Tnursaay. uevat
claim that he was backing from
a driveway. "The boy must have
been standing In back 01 truca
where I could not see him."
-Baddlnr nlan'ts. eut flowers and
potted plants of all kinds for,
Memorial day. ureennouses open
evenings. Capitol Florists,. 15th
and Market streets. Phone 4819.
. Y. Portland Volleyball First
place in a tournament on the local
Y. M. C. A. courts in voueynau
was taken by the Portland Gas
ana voas cumyauj iwu wc.
Portland Y. If. C. A- second team.
" and Salem T. M. C. A. second
team; the latter worn third place.
Salem's team was maae up 01 u
following C. Page, captain; Bob
Elf strom, Schnelle. Boise, Mason.
Hull. C. Page, jr.
Daughter Honored Mr. and
i Mrs. Frank Hrubets were nappy
this week to receive news that
Miss Florlon Hrubets, their
daughter, had won an award as
th beat student In nharmacv at
' Oregon State college. Another
, daughter. v- Caroline Hruoets, .is
ari ihrnnrh with her work for
' rfrwtnr'a derree at Columbia
university. New York, where the
has held a fellowship ior a num
ber of rears.
American Legion dance Stayton
every 8at-night, park Pavilion.
1mm SnMVMwProf. William
C Jones of WlUameUe university
ha been speaking at nign ecaoois
i. ik, interest of Willamette for
the past two months. Ho address
mA rtnlkiti at Lincoln hiarh In
Portland and at Albany high re
ceatlv. and was at Perrydal and
Scio this week. He will speak at
Carlton high school toaay.
Dsmce at Basel Green Friday.
. iAtersMUloaal auk Members
ot . the -new International . ciuo
a kMu at Willamette
vatvaraitv next year. The lb la
' made up of a maximum of f 0 perl
ceat foreign students ana per
cent Americans. Its purpose, la to
Mmait International rood will
bv bringing about closer friend
ships and a Better unaersianamg
among the students.
WlldeaUhMc -Claimed-Ludwlg
Wallln of 8an Francisco, was ar
rested Thursday py state xraiiie
rtf riav Th Am non for the alleged
operation of a "wildcat" stage.
Thero were seven men In Wal-
iin'a larre ear when thev were
taken Into custody, wauin put up
ball of 150 and promised to get a
Vraah frAm tha field. CUt flow-
an fnr rwwnration dav.. 2 miles
from Salem on S. 12th St. extenf
,. aion. Visitors welcome.1 Infer's
Perennial Gardens, phone
. Law School Leaders Newly
alacted officers of the Willamette
law school student organization
are president. Joe Lne: Tice
.president. Eugene Ferguson; secretary.-
Walter Bell; treasurer.
Paul Ackerman.
' mmiu. PMmnwThi Pioneer
boys' dab of the ' Presbyterian
church under the. leadership of
Carl Cording .presented a program
of mnsie. sneaking, and demon
stration at tho church Thursday
CmirA TlnfLMn Vliit MOm-
bers of the fourth, grade
Yew Park scnool wita r.yi-
iirad wnu mjia an. xeraic
Skeen visited the atate - capitol
building Thursday arteraoou.
Cat finwuM far Memorial fltr at
the Jay Morris Greenhouse, Lib
erty road and Kwaid avbxj rnone
8637. . -
t uuim RuDMidM w Th li
cense to drive of Gordon Whit
tlngton of 914 North Cottage
street was forfeited for 10 days
in police court, Thursday for fail
ing to stop.
Program Outlined Mrs. Her-
ma Pf ister will have charge of the
Memorial day program at McKin
ley school and Mrs. Gladys Mills
will have charge at Lincoln school.
The programs will be held out
doors If the weather Is favorable.
and will be at 3 o'clock this after
noon. Each will consist, of salute
to the flag, recitation of th
American Creed, Gettysburg Ad
drees and remarks by the speaker
designated to each school by the
patriotic orders.' Both will begin
at 2 o'clock.' - Following them
schood will be dismissed.
Program Held Mrs. Carolyn
Carroll's 5 A and 6B pupils at
Highland school presented a pro
gram yesterday afternoon as the
culmination of a study of Mexico.
The entire study was recounted in
poetry, various pupils In the class
having written the verse. Besides
this phase of the program, a pirate
dance was executed, and -two
songs, sailor's song .and school
song, were sang. As a part ;of the
Mexico project, the students con
structed in the-rear of .the room
a sixeable hacienda. - .
' Short time investments, 9. or
11 months to yield 8.3 per cent.
Hawkins & Roberts.
Gets Results -A news story
carried in The Statesman asking
boys and girls to bring food and
vegetables to the carnival on
State street brought splendid re
sults, accoiding to Mrs. Mae
Young Carson, secretary' of the
Associated Charities to which the
products were turned over
through courtesy of Bill Brown
ing of the amusement company.
Mrs. Carson wishes to. express
thanks to tho hearty cooperation
with which her call for assistance
met. ! i . . ' ' '
Miss Blgelow Coming - Miss
Alida J. Bigelow, newly appoint
ed American Red Cross field rep
resentative for the state of Ore
gon, will arrive in Salem today
to confer , with 'members of tne
local chapter board and with
Mis Thora V. Boesen. executive
secretary. Previous to her trans
fer to this territory Miss Bigelow
was Red Cross field representa
tive for the state of Indiana.
DuBoia' Barber shop, basement
Masonle Bldg.. will keep open
til 8 p.m. tonight. Closed Satur
day. - ! r
Seeks Settlement Thomas
Barnes and wife have filed suit
in. circuit court against Allen Mc-
Cants and wife In which they ask
the Judge to declare 15000 the
amount due on contract to pur
chase property. ' They ask that
defendant be given 15 days In
rhleh to pay that sum.- and that
in case no settlement Is made
then the plaintiff be declared
owner In 'fee simple.
In Seattle Supt. George Hug
of the Salem schools Is In Seattle
to attend a meeting of the execu
tive committee of the northwest
secondary and higher schools as
sociation.! of .which he is presi
dent. He will also take In some
of the meetings of the western
branch, American Publie Health
association, now in session tnere.
Decoration day specials, Thurs
day and j Friday: Salvia, asters.
snapdragons, 15e per do. Potted
plants 6c and 10c. Salem's Pet
T9 Stafa
Student Assembly First of
the publie school Memorial day
programs was held at tho senior
high school yesterday during the
assembly hour with Irl McSherry
addressing the pupils. Appropri
ate music formed part of the pro
gram. Programs in the other pub
lie schools will be held at z:eo
o'clock this afternoon.
Memorial Day pot - plants.
eut flowers and Everlasting
Wreaths, t Oscar D. "Frosty" Ol
son, Court and High streets.
Iarrited Judge
George Rossman of tho state an
preme court and member of the
Salem Lion elub. has been invit
ed to deliver the address at the
Lions club "charter night at
Waldport June 20. . Effort is be
ing made to aena a delegation
from the local club.
- i
SoowU Help Decorate Boy
scouts of troop 19. sponsored by
Jasoa Lee Methodist church, will
go at S o'clock this evening to
City View cemetery, "whCr they
will assist members of Daughters
of the Revolution In decorating
graves for Memorial day.'
Dollar dinner every night, 5:41
to 8 at the Marion Hotel.
i ' "
Disease Reported Seventy-two
ease of contagious, diseases were
reprted in ' Marion county last
week, according to figures com
piled by i the state r board of
health. The total included 44
cases of measles, 15 tuberculosis,
seven chick enpox and six mumps.
Pursley Funeral Today Funer
al for John R. Pursley, 82. who
died at a local hospital Wednes
day, will be held today at 1:30
o. m. from the Rlgdon cnapei. un
der auspices of Salem B. P. O.
Elks No. 338. Interment will be
in City View' cemetery.
RaU rvinf lrmed The- probate
t -
court has i connrmed saie oi reai
nrnTwtrtv in tha state for 315-0 U
conn action wltn tne cuaraiansnin
of Lyle B. Carter, minor. Myrtle
E. carter is guardian.
i?TanInailona Semi-annual
state teachers examinations will
he conducted at the eourtnouse
hra Jnna 10. 11. It and IS bV
the county school superintendent.
Mrs. Mary I jraiaerson,
'$cl st nauc&ms aTzarwaaar
Dr. Chan Lam
Chinese Medicine)
180 N. Commercial
SL, SsJra
Office hours
Tuesday and Satur
day a to d:so
. I A . . "V TTitie isjeB
I ! L.Uil FlLLJLtoMnm
mm t m
Returns to Chic Mrs. G. F.
Smith, graduate nurse, who has
spent several weeks . with her
brother, Peter Hendry of North
21st street, attending his wife
daring her late illness, has re
turned to her - home at ' Chlco,
Calif. During their sojourn here.
Mr. Smith died suddenly or neart
failure while speaking at prayer
meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
both' natives . of Wisconsin, had
several intimate friends in the
Salem Wisconsin elub. and a wide
circle of friends in this city and
at Ashland, where they lived for
several years before locating at
Chico. . . : ; ' l V ' ' - -
- "
See Ross Smith.' Center and
Church, for tire bargain. ; :4
CLrAm rinli to Meet - " Mrs.
Myron Van Eaton will address
members of the Salem Garden
rlnh Mondav night on the subject
of roses. Mrs. Van Eaton is an
authority on r roses, having de
veloped several of her own varie
ties. She will show some of her
choice roses at the chamber of
commerce rooms Monday night.
Mr, Van ITaton lias . also Set
apart Sunday as "Open Garden"
day for the public. At thia time
all interested are mvuea 10 u
and see. the roses in "her large
garden. - - - ; : " '
: PassM Dividend The Ameri
can Fidelity Investment company,
formerly located here but " with
h--dquarters at present in Port
land, will pay ho dividend June
1 as due, according, to announce
ment made yesterday. ; Business
conditions, past and future, were na tha TPftSOtl for the OD1-
mission of the dividend. Elmo
S. White Is president of tne, com
pany. -. . ' ' -; ' ' , . j -;
unrdi rtav Pot plants.
UlUIUVt " aW-af mr w
cut flowers and Everlasting
Wreaths. ? Oscar D. "Frosty", Ol
son, Court and High streets, j "
nM R,wun Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest later will hold "open
garden" at their home on Jeffer
son road Saturday afternoon and
all day Sunday. The garden are
located on the South 12th street
extension. The public is Invit
ed to visit these interesting gar
dens. : ? . ; i :s;
-piUy for Rale Elizabeth
Barham and Violet Hatter, guar
dians of Gilbert Ernest Happe,
minor, have filed second petition
seeking sale of real property be
lnnrin, ta the estate. Hearing
to ahow cause why petition should
not be allowed has been set for
Friday, July 3. ' ?
For Immediate delivery: 5
loads 12" by 16" inside mill
wood, 817.50; 5 loads old growtn
cordwood cut -If, 120.00; planer
trims. 1 4. 00 per load. Order now.
Spaulding Logging Co.. Phone
4118. i , ! i -i :i .". !
MutUm licensee Vera Dell
Mathis, 25. route nine, and Emma
May Varley, 20, 1096 South Com-merrfal-
vera rrsnted licenses to
marry here yesterday. Marriage
license was aiso issued yesieraaj
to Raymond C. Feikert, 29, Cor
vallis, and Catherine E. Patton,
26. 1080 North 15th, Salem.
Wvlie to be Speaker - Hugh
Wylle, advertising and promotion
manager of ' tho iron Fireman
Manufacturing company of Port
land, is to address the Salem Ad
clnb today. -Election of oincera
is also acheduled for the meeting,
Capital Beauty . Shop , closed
Speeding An est Charles Green
of 1805- South Church street was
a r r e a t ed ' Wednesday night
charged with speeding and failing
to stop. i - " - '
Died at a local hosplUl May
27. John R. Pursley, 6 2."Funeral
servieee Friday. May 29 at i:io
p. m. from the chapel of W. T.
Rlgdon and Son. .under auspices
of Salem B. P. O. K. No. 336. In
terment City View cemetery.
" Crowther' 1
Died in this city May 27, Bella
S. Crow t her, 59. recently of 570
North Winter street. Survived by
tho following children: Chris and
Paul of Seattle, Was a., Oliver or
Fossil, Mrs. Mary E.- Speneo of
Cedar Rapids, la., . Mrs. Ruth
Barnes of Sleepy Eye, Minn.. Mrs.
Ellen Nelson of Salem and Mrs.
Hope Thaden f California. Re
mains to bo forwarded by W. T.
Rlgdon and Son today at 8:29 p.
m. to Boise, Idaho, for services
and interments ;
Established 1803 TeL S52
Conveniently Accessible '
'Perpetual ear provided -for;
Prices Reasonable '
JL ' ITTWUXAX smcroM :
Oas SiTlce le T
Oet rricee Arm
Oar H Is M4m
XJeeaseA 1Ay XasslsMS'
Moderately :
Priced i
A Park Cemetery J
With Perpetual Care
Just ten nainutea from the
heart of town -
: Clonjj-Barrick: Co I ;
. Phone 5151
Church at Ferry St. -
M. Clough - '
Dr. It. E. Barrlck :
V. T. Golden
r mi"
Play Adapted by Youngsters
Highlight of Closing
i Exercises of Year
An i interesting program mark-
Ing end .of the year's work was
given at Highland school this
week by pupils' of tho 1A and SB
grades, taught by Grace Allen. la
connection with - studies of tho
past weeks the children have
built a dwarf house, six by eight
feet, and also made a dwarf gar
den, with plants and flowers and
also a gold fish, baby frog and
other animals.
Tho play "Snow White and the
Seven Dwarfs", was composed by
several pupils: Marjorle McFee,
Lyle White, Marion Horn, Law
rence . Moorman, Richard TJtting.
and Russell Fisher.-.
Participating were: the wick
ed queen Marjoarle . McFee;
snow, white -Dorothy Hoar; sev
en dwarfs Dalphin Burns; - Don
ald Hyland, Rudolph Lockhart,
Darrell Wooldrldge, Howard
Weese, Lawrence Moorman, Dor-
ane Humphrey; prince Russell
Fisher; huntsman Bobby Klme;
the witch Marion Horn; queen's
maids, Syble Sutton, Marjorle
Young, Pearl - Newman, Dorothy
Brlggs. Eileen Teel and Ruby
Schulta. ; - .
Flower fairies. Ruby Dancer,
Warren Buckman, Donald Ed
wards. Dorothy Hill, Marjoarle
Toung. Syble Sutton, Ruby
Sennits and Peggy Myers; prop
erty men, Richard Utting and
Gerald Davis; mirror's voice
Harry Albers; announcer Lyle
White; curtain girls D oris
Bales and Lois Iverson; ticket
boy Floyd DeLapp.
In Probate Estate of Charles
E. Scott ha been entered In pro
bate, with Allie Scott as adminis
tratrix. Appraisers are Charles E.
Reynolds. George W. Hubbs and
Bert F. Terry.
Washbnrne's in City In , Sa
lem yesterday on business were
Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. Washburne
of Eugene. Mr. Washburne is a
prominent merchant there.
Short time Investments, 6. 9. or
12 months to yield 6.3 per cent.
Hawkins eV Roberts.
Application In suit of Dollie
Ramp and others vs. Merle Ramp
and others, application has been
made to have case placed on the
motion docket. .
Pitney Appointed Tho coun
ty court has appointed S. A. Pit
ney constable of the Sllverton jus
tice of the peace district to suc
ceed A. R. Purvis, resigned.
Automobile Recovered An
automobile was recovered in Cot
tage Grove,' the car was stolen re
cently from A. L. Cole, 485 South
Commercial street. -
Here From CoqmRle'" Mrs.
Blanche Davis, former resident of
Salem, now of CoQuille, spent a
day 'hex this week enroute to
Portland. .
Account Approved Account
of Mrs. Mary. J. Murphy as guar
dian of Lais Glean Pefley, minor,
has been approved by the probate
court.- - -
Memorial Day Pot plants.
cut flowers and : Everlasting
Wreaths. Oscar D. "Frosty" Ol
son, Court and High streets.
Silvertea Visitor Frank Al
fred attorney of Sllverton was a
business visitor in Salem Thurs
day. .v .; (.,;
U.V.Imw VTrrn Wiltnr li.
McWaters, manager of the Zeller
bach. Paper company, waa In, Sa
lem on business yesterday.
Driving: Flae f A reckless
driving conviction tine of 86 was
paid la police court Thursday by
George E. Tandy of West Salem.
- Speeding Vlmm Lawrence
Barr paid ft It speeding sine
police court Thursday.
Juat received. Christ has been
on earth in person.' Just pub
lished in book form. For sale
II per copy. Address
W. Martms, 4404 lata St. SJC
PertUad, Ore.
Wo have aecmred freah
lot of last season's most pop
ular eaady
Chicken Bones "
These are made from a pea
nut butter base, toasted and
rolled in pure cocoanut. These
are all pur candy, very
healthful and are sure to be
enjoyed by young and old
Duo to the depression in the
candy business, we were able
to secure these at, an actual
loss to the manufacturer.;
25c per lbV ;
: 2 lbs. for 45c x
' .' only at
Dial 5107 133 N. Com! St.
The original yellow front Can
' dy Special store of Salem
Call vOlO, Used Furniture
Department '
151 K. High
Under tho
fTHREE members of the recent
state legislature, and of sev
eral prior to that time, are
new partners in a law firm in
Portland. Ralph S. Hamilton, of
Bend, former speaker of tho
house; Allan Bynon and Earl
Bronough, members of tho house.
joined - with Bronough senior in
establishing a new firm. ,
HamlltOB has been a resident
of Bend for some time and waa
prominent .in eastern Oregon.'
Hi moving to Portland came
a n surprise to many, at least
so state John B. McCourt, also
a; member of the last legisla
ture.. McCourt wa ' In Salem
.yesterday on, business for bis
own law firm in Portland.
Jerry Owen, secretary of ' the
World War VeteranaStat Aid
commission, ... left last night .' for
Roaeburg-and Marshfleld on busi
ness for. the commission. Owen
expects to be back here tonight, at
which time he win go to Portland
to spend tho Memorial day holi
day. ' . . . .. .j - , ,-
'Saturday, Memorial day, win
be m holiday in official Oregon.
All state offices will be closed
New officers were elected for
tho sophomore and Junior classes
of Willamette university Wednes
day. , Nominations were made by
the frosh. The seniors will elect
their five year officers later this
school year. - - -
Hayes Beall will lead the senior
class next semester. Other offi
cers are Lila Cation, Tice presi
dent; Marjorle Moser. secretary,
and Glen Huston, treasurer.
Sophomore officers are presi
dent, Ous Moore; rice president,
Louisa Sidwell and treasurer,
Fred PauL Neither Helen Board
man nor Virginia received a ma
jority for the position of secretary
and the election win be later.
Nominations for the frosh are
president Piercy Sweet, Ross
Knotts. Eugene Smith; vice presi
dent Betty Boylan. Pauline
Lockhart; i secretary Verdella
Mueller, Ruth Gillette, Amelia
Schrack, Florence Long: treasurer
Arthur Erickson, William
Oahlsdorf; sergeant at arms
Ray Griffith, David Drager; inter
class rivalry manager Louis,
MeCall who has been quite ill for
somo weeks Is able to bo up and
aoout again but has not been able
to return to his work at tha sil
ver Falla timber company mill.
ear. st cvtu suizered -from after
enacts or inflnensa
h Tho Car
Invite Us to
Your Next
Oceorrences and Gossi?
at th cent? of Oregon'!
. statt soyernment
om that day. Officials who are'
not leaving for Portland or for,
some of tho nearby beacbe
over the two-day holiday, will
participate in the Memorial day,
exercise in Salem.
',-"--r- " ' 1 - . "m-
Governor Julius L. Meier left
yesterday noon for Portland on
"state business. so he announced
at tho board of control meeting.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday he
is expected to spend most of his
time at his home on the Columbia
river highway, entertaining his
two grandchildren, who are visit
ing the Meiers from Baa Fran
cisco. ...... i
.Hal E. Hoes, who is on sv
short vacation at ; the, beach, .
was the object of open criticism r
by tho governor for, not being,
present at the meeting of th.
' state board of control. The gov
' ernor .. declared be announced
sereral month ago he would
b present in Salem the first
f onr. day of. every week for af
fairs of state, and desired tho
othe two members to definitely
, state when they would be on
, the job, ! r w - ,y .
Hoss has been termed the
minority, member of the board
of control since the appointment
of Rufus C. Holman. Hoss has
toted against some of the recom
mendations of the governor in re
cent board meetings, while Hol
man voted with the executive,
thus assuring their adoptions.
' '
The Incident at the meeting
reminds that Hoss will be wp for -reelection
as secretary of state.5
If he desires that post, and that
since he has opposed the execu
tive in some moves, it is believ
ed an administration candidate
will be brought out against him.
CapitoTOboervers interpreted tho
governor's criticism yesterday
as making way for opposition
to Hoes reelection. j
Two members of the board of
control will be elected at the next
general election. In addition to
Hoss, Holman Is up for reelection.
He was appointed state treasurer
nita tha nnexnlred term of
the late Thomas B. Kay. Th pro-
dieted campaign for complete con
trol of the board by the governor
is exnected to furnish Interesting
election material. - 1
Will Buy
Up to
1000 Snares
' Meyers .Valve
Address Box 22, care
In O Cb S 5
ILeti Smith & Vaihma Qq&vMG
Firestone Tires
' Brake Testing
' i ..-"!' -
Battery Service
Car Washing
Alemite- Lubrication
Tire Repairing
Shell Gasoline
"jam" ' v: lDilflIlff r
Open 8760 Ilours Each! Tear
. i
of Boys' Work Told
Lions by Hayward,
Regional Chief
boy problem will not be
funless men who have vi
sion of; boyhood get behind" such
movements as the Boy Scouts, in
effect declared W. L. Hayward of
Seattlej deputy regional scout exe
cutive in addressing the Lions
elub yesterday noon.
Mr. Hayward presented to New
ell Williams, as Lions president,
charter for the Sea scout troop
sponsored by the club,
t Ray Miller, Lion, is chief skip
per! foil; the troop, members of
which were present at the lunch
eoni yesterday: Paul West,! Jr.,
second mate; Vernon McQuald
and Ed Shoremaker, coxswains;
Lewis Melson, Lawrence Baum
gartneri Byron Peyton, Willis
Pearcy.l- Bob Ross, - Irvln TTlver,
Gordon! Graber, De Wayne Dun
can; and! Clifford Gleason, appren
tice seamen.
The active boy must have an
outlet for his energies and recog
nising this the scout movement
capitalised the gang, eliminating
thelruthlessness and bad features,
audi brought together boys under
organized, challenging activity,
the visitor told the Lions.
- lie characterized scouting- as a
program .of education, which helps
Rich in Protein,
and Economical
Tne Ideal Meat
Rabbit Shop
j 190 S. Commercial
Opln etery week day
except Monday
your smooth or cut tires for
new, safe Firestone Gum
Dipped Tires. Special allow
ance for
3 '"
1! !
boys to find their place la ; Uf
through teaching them to play.
general Industry, sociability and
ZENA, May 28. The Zena
cemetery has been tboroaghly
cleaned as to . brush land weeds;
the space between lots has , been
spaded and sown tb clover which
is now up and the soft carpet of
green will present a lovely back
ground for the flowers which
will decorate graves Memorial
day. This cemetery is one of,
the oldest in Polk county and is'
directly north of the, "church on
the hilltop", oldest Protestant
church on the west 'side of the
Willamette river, the history of
which will be read Memorial day.
poshed: foh n
r-' 1
Much of the suffering from so-called -"indigestion"
or acid-dyspepsia could
Toe avoided if everyone could know
what thousands likei Mrs. I Rosa
Carver have learned. This popular
Kansas City, Kansas, woman, -who
lives at 3201 Cleveland Ave., says:
I suffered from gas and heartburn
every time I ate pastries or cabbsge.
I became bilious, dizzy, constipated;
had no appetite. t ; ' T
"For three years I tried different
things until I got a sample of Pape's
Diapcpsin through a friend. I have
used a number of packages now; have'
gained twelve pounds and feel fine. I
eat pastry, cabbage, radishes; any
thing I please. At the first sign of
discomfort I chew a tablet of Pape's
Diapcpsin and the trouble is gone in
a moment. I recommend it to anyone
with stomach trouble."! i
. If you, too. suffer from sourness.
faa kAlVtinrt mail KaHarhM.
dizziness, or pain after eating ither
regularly or just at times get a box.
of Pape s Diapcpsin from your drug
store. Then you never need worry
again about what you eat. These
tablets are like candy and just as
1 1 Tf ...... t;lrm ts Ira
. I r . . i w . ... i ii j
theto before buying, write "Pape s
Diapepsin. Wheeling. W. Vs., and
you will receive a sample box. FREE.
Qukk Itelief tor Stomach Ills
G For The Trip
your old tires.